facts you must know about the relationship · 2014-07-03 · so the controversy surrounding the...


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Page 1: FACTS YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT THE RELATIONSHIP · 2014-07-03 · So the controversy surrounding the "Copernican revolution" was NOT "the Bible vs. science" - it was Aristotelian science


Page 2: FACTS YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT THE RELATIONSHIP · 2014-07-03 · So the controversy surrounding the "Copernican revolution" was NOT "the Bible vs. science" - it was Aristotelian science




Science and the Bible

Does modern-day science prove the Bible is false? Many today seem to think so. But an

even a more pertinent question is, "CAN science prove the Bible is false?" A study of the

history and nature of science is needed to answer these questions.

The Copernican Revolution

Throughout the Middle Ages, it was generally believed the earth was the center of the

universe (geocentricism). But then Copernicus (1473-1564) theorized the sun was the

center of our solar system (heliocentricism). Later, Galileo (1564-1642) utilized the newly

invented telescope to verify Copernicus' theory.

But, in 1632, Galileo was tried by the Inquisition and forced to recant this view. Galileo's

and Copernicus' writings were placed on the Index of forbidden books by the Roman

Catholic Church (Moyer, pp.102, 155). Thus the Bible was standing in the way of scientific

progress. Right? Well, not exactly.

A debate between geocentrists and heliocentrists occurred throughout ancient times. Plato

(427-347 BC) initially believed in geocentricism but in old age changed to the heliocentric

theory. "But then common sense and the authority of Aristotle (384-322 BC) convinced the

majority the sun circles around the earth."

Later, Egyptian astronomer Ptolemy (c. 150 AD) worked out a complex system of "cycles,

epicycles and excentrics" which rather accurately predicted the movements of the planets

based on the geocentric theory. Geocentricism thus became the accepted scientific theory of

the Middle Ages (Clark, Thales, pp. 305,306).

In the 1200s, the writings of Aristotle became available to the "schoolman" (Catholic

theologians). The most notable of these was Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274).

Aquinas attempted to merge the theology of the Roman Catholic Church with the ideas of

Aristotle. As a result, "By some schoolman, Aristotle was considered as of almost equal

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authority with the church Fathers" (Moyer, pp.16,17). Francis Schaeffer explains the result

of this synthesis:

When the Roman Church attacked Copernicus and Galileo, it was not because

their teaching actually contained anything contrary to the Bible. The church

authorities thought it did, but that was because Aristotelian elements had become

part of church orthodoxy, and Galileo's notions clearly conflicted with them. In

fact, Galileo defended the compatibility of Copernicus and the Bible, and this was

one of the factors which brought the trial (Schaeffer, p.156).

Historian Herbert Butterfield similarly writes,

"... the Aristotelian view of the universe had become entangled with Christianity

more closely than necessity dictated." And he attributes Galileo's condemnation to

the "anti-Aristotelian argument" in Galileo's book, The Two Principal World-

Systems (Butterfield, pp.56,68).

So the controversy surrounding the "Copernican revolution" was NOT "the Bible vs.

science" - it was Aristotelian science (which had been merged with the Bible) vs. the "new"

science. The real culprit was the changing nature of medieval science.

But modern-day science is more stable and reliable. Right? Well ....

Which Evolution?

Biologist Francis Hitching opens his book The Neck of the Giraffe by writing, "Evolution of

life over a very long period of time is a fact.... the probability that evolution has occurred

approaches certainty in scientific terms" (p.4).

The cry, "Evolution is a fact!" is heard from many other quarters today. But when someone

makes such a claim, the first question that needs to be asked is, "Which evolution is it that

you are declaring to be a fact?"

There are many different evolutionary theories. The one that is most commonly known is

"Darwinism." This is the form of evolution proposed by Charles Darwin in his book The

Origin of Species, first published in 1859.

Darwin put forth the hypothesis that the various species and varieties of animals and plants

seen today evolved gradually over eons of time. Minor changes over time gradually

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changed one species or type of organism into another. "Natural selection" determined the

course of the changes.

But many scientists today do not agree with Darwin. In fact, the above mentioned book

spends the first four chapters demonstrating the impossibility of Darwin's theories. Hitching

then defends a new version of evolution known as "punctuated equilibria" (p.136). This

new theory proposes the change of one species to another did not occur gradually but very

rapidly. The last paragraph of Hitching's book sums up the situation well:

The new biology is looking afresh at living things - at their patterns, their

dynamics and their relationships. If, after more than a century, natural selection

has been tested and FOUND WANTING, and if we are left once again with A

SENSE OF IGNORANCE about origins, Darwin would not have minded. Science

is a voyage of discovery, and BEYOND EACH HORIZON THERE IS


What Killed the Dinosaurs?

On September 17, 1993, this writer's local newspaper contained an article titled,


based on the discovery that a crater on the Yucatan peninsula (in Mexico) is larger than

previously thought. This crater is believed to have resulted from an asteroid impact.

The article reported, "The theory holds that the violence of the impact 65 million years ago

lifted dust and chemicals into the atmosphere, blocked the sun for months, allowing the

Earth to cool and dooming the dinosaurs" (Valley News Dispatch, 9/17/93, p.A1).

However, the same newspaper, the very next month, ran another article titled, "NEW


study claims, "Dinosaurs were already on their way out by the time the meteor purportedly


The new theory is based on "A new analysis of air trapped in 120 million year old fossils

...." Due to this analysis, "They found that the proportion of oxygen in the atmosphere fell

from a high of 35 percent to a low of 28 percent within the relatively short period of time."

This research is said to show, "... worldwide atmospheric changes can occur 10 to 20 times

faster than previously thought." But no explanation is given as to what caused the oxygen

levels to fall so rapidly (Valley News Dispatch, 10/27/93, p.A2).

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These contradictory theories, both proclaimed with such confidence, are only two of many

such theories scientist have proposed for what killed the dinosaurs. Astronomer Jay M.

Pasachoff lists several other proposals (Pasachoff, p.204).

Notably missing from his list is the possibility a worldwide flood led to the demise of the

dinosaurs. But is it not possible the proposed lack of oxygen (which is now supposed by

some to have killed the dinosaurs) resulted from changed environmental conditions which

would have existed after such a flood?

An Interesting Poker Game

The 1993 Season Finale of Star Trek: The Next Generation opened with an interesting

poker game. Commander Data was on the "holodeck" playing poker with three scientists.

They included Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), Albert Einstein (1879-1955) and Stephen

Hawking (a present-day astrophysicist).

As the scene opened, Hawking was telling a story. When he finished, Einstein chuckled and

Data said it was, "quite amusing" - but Newton just stared. Apparently, to understand why

the story was "quite amusing" required a knowledge of the interrelationship of time, space,

matter and energy.

When Data tried to explain this to Newton, Newton replied, "Do not patronize me; I

invented physics." But the physics Newton "invented" did not include any ideas about such

interrelationships. But then came Einstein, "He had set for himself the task of linking time

and space, matter and energy" (Phillips, p.244).

Pasachoff writes about this situation:

The intuitive notion we have of gravity corresponds to the theory of gravity

advanced by Isaac Newton in 1687. We now know, however, that Newton's theory

and our intuitive ideas are NOT SUFFICIENT TO EXPLAIN THE UNIVERSE in

detail. Theories advanced by Albert Einstein in the first decades of this century

now provide us with a more accurate understanding (Pasachoff, p.251).

The differences between Newton's conception of physics and Einstein's are subtle, but have

far reaching implications. For instance, "... it was Einstein's 'Special Theory of Relativity'

that provided the basis for the development of atomic energy" (Phillips, p.241).

However, to his dying day, "Einstein believed his theory was 'highly convincing,' but


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Further, Einstein's "theory of relativity" was doubted by some scientists in his time, such as

Albert Michelson (the first American to win the Nobel Prize in physics), and it is still being

doubted by some scientists today. Among these are Pert Beckmann (Ph.D. in electrical

engineering) and Howard Hayden (professor of physics at the University of Colorado).

Beckmann claims his experiments, "... definitely refutes Einstein." Hayden concurs with

this conclusion, "Without any equivocation." Beckmann even declares, "EINSTEIN IS

DEAD. But it will take decades to bury him" (Bethell, pp.16,17).

(For those of you who are not Star Trek fans, a "holodeck" is a recreational center on the

Star Ship Enterprise. It converts energy into matter in order to form very life like

reproductions of people or things. The computer is able to instill into these "people" the

personalities and knowledge of a real person).

Astronomical "Facts"

Science and science fiction writer, Isaac Asimov, wrote an article titled, "NEW FACTS

CAN RESURRECT DISCARDED THEORIES." In this article, Asimov discusses how an

abandoned theory on the limit of the size of stars by Arthur S. Eddington from the 1920's is

now accepted again.

Eddington had proposed that, due to gravitational forces, it is impossible for a star to be

greater than 60 times as large as our sun. But in the early 1980's a star was discovered

which was hundreds as times as large as the sun. So Eddington's theory was discarded.

But then, in 1988, the star was looked at with a more powerful telescope. This showed the

star was actually a cluster of at least SIX stars. So Eddington's theory is once again


Asimov said in regard to this flip-flop, "Does this have any importance aside from

vindicating Eddington's theory? Yes. For one thing, it once again demonstrates that

scientists must be constantly probing and testing their conclusions, and their FINDINGS


And further, what were thought to be single stars elsewhere in the universe could also

actually be clusters of stars. This would mean they are much farther away than originally


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Asimov wrote about this possibility, "In that case, the universe is much larger and much

older than we thought, and that would SEND ASTRONOMERS BACK TO THEIR

DRAWING BOARDS" ("The Rocky Mountain News" 11/13/88).

A similar situation occurred with reference to the planet Mercury. At one time astronomers,

"... thought that one side always faced the Sun and the other side always faced away from

the Sun. This led to the fascinating conclusion that Mercury could be both the hottest planet

and the coldest planet in the solar system."

But later studies of Mercury's radio radiation revealed, "The dark side of Mercury was too

hot for a surface that was always in the shade." Eventually it was determined, "... the planet

rotates three times for each two times it revolves."

Pasachoff writes in his college textbook in regard to this change:

No harm was done by the scientist's original misconception of Mercury's rotational

period, but the story teaches all of us a lesson: we should not be too sure of SO-

CALLED FACTS. Don't believe everything you read in this book, either. It would

be fun for you to look back in twenty years and see how much of what we think

we know about astronomy actually turns out to be true (Pasachoff, pp.167, 168).

The Nature of Science

So in the fields of biology, physics, and astronomy, theories and "facts" which were once

accepted as true had to be modified or replaced by new ones.

Karl Popper, a leading philosopher of science, sums up the situation:

First, although in science we do our best to find the truth, we are conscious of the

fact that we can NEVER be sure we have got it.... We know that our scientific

theories ALWAYS remain hypotheses....

In science there is NO "knowledge" in the sense in which Plato and Aristotle

understood the word, in the sense which implies finality; in science, we NEVER

have sufficient reason for the belief that we have attained the truth....

Our attempts to see and to find the truth are not final, but open to improvement; ...

our knowledge, our doctrine is conjectural; ... it consists of guesses, of hypotheses,

rather than of final and certain truths (quoted in Robbins, p.3; all emphases in


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Even Dr. Paul Kurtz (drafter of Humanist Manifesto II) states, "The change of a theory is to


It's an open method of investigation" (quoted in Ankerberg, p.14).

Theologian John Robbins explains why science is of such a nature:

One of the insuperable problems of science is THE FALLACY OF INDUCTION;

indeed, induction is an insuperable problem for all forms of empiricism [attempts

to attain knowledge by the senses]. The problem is simply this: Induction, arguing

from the particular to the general, is ALWAYS A FALLACY. No matter how

many white swans one observes, one never has sufficient reason to say all swans

are white (Robbins, p.2).

Conclusion and Implications

So science is, "always learning and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth" (see

2Tim 3:7). As such, the second question posed at the beginning of this article can now be

answered, science CANNOT prove the Bible is false. A discipline which is always

changing, and which can never be sure it has actually arrived at truth, cannot be used as a

standard for determining truth

Of what use is science then? Theologian Gordon Clark writes:

The bare assertion that science leaves us in ignorance of the workings of nature is

not a sufficient philosophy of science. Something must be said of the nature and

use of science. Therefore, OPERATIONALISM is offered, not as a general

epistemology [way of acquiring knowledge], but as the best available philosophy

of science. It is a better statement of what science is, what science actually does,

and what science can do....

Science then must not be regarded as cognitive, but rather as AN ATTEMPT TO


Moreover, science is unable to tell us what "our needs and wants" should be. In other

words, even if science is able to do something, that doesn't necessarily mean it SHOULD be

done. A good case in point is the recent cloning of a human embryo.

Needless to say, this event raises many ethical questions. And in reference to the potential

capabilities of this scientific research, Cynthia Cohen (executive director of the National

Advisory Board on Ethics in Reproduction) states,

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"We need to develop guidelines before these questions become live possibilities"

("Valley News Dispatch" 10/27/93, A3).

But what standard does one turn to when trying to develop such "guidelines?" And how can

"truth" itself be determined. Given the changing and fallible nature of science, it cannot

provide the answers.

To determine issues of truth and falsehood, and right and wrong, we need an unchanging

and infallible standard. And this standard is found only in the Bible.

The Bible is God's unchanging revelation of truth. Only it presents a reliable, logically

consistent, and coherent explanation of reality (Acts 17:22-31). As such, the Bible is the

standard by which all claims to truth, including those of science, are to be judged. It is also

the starting point for discussing all ethical issues.


1. Only in recent years has science discovered that everything we see is composed of

invisible atoms. Here, Scripture tells us that the "things which are seen were not made of

things which do appear."

2. Medical science has only recently discovered that blood-clotting in a newborn reaches its

peak on the eighth day, then drops. The Bible consistently says that a baby must be

circumcised on the eighth day.

3. At a time when it was believed that the earth sat on a large animal or a giant (1500 B.C.),

the Bible spoke of the earth‘s free float in space: "He...hangs the earth upon nothing" (Job


4. The prophet Isaiah also tells us that the earth is round: "It is he that sits upon the circle of

the earth" (Isaiah 40:22). This is not a reference to a flat disk, as some skeptic maintain, but

to a sphere. Secular man discovered this 2,400 years later. At a time when science believed

that the earth was flat, is was the Scriptures that inspired Christopher Columbus to sail

around the world (see Proverbs 3:6 footnote).

5. God told Job in 1500 B.C.: "Can you send lightnings, that they may go, and say to you,

Here we are?" (Job 38:35). The Bible here is making what appears to be a scientifically

ludicrous statement—that light can be sent, and then manifest itself in speech. But did you

know that radio waves travel at the speed of light? This is why you can have instantaneous

wireless communication with someone on the other side of the earth. Science didn‘t

discover this until 1864 when "British scientist James Clerk Maxwell suggested that

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electricity and light waves were two forms of the same thing" (Modern Century Illustrated


6. Job 38:19 asks, "Where is the way where light dwells?" Modern man has only recently

discovered that light (electromagnetic radiation) has a "way," traveling at 186,000 miles per


7. Science has discovered that stars emit radio waves, which are received on earth as a high

pitch. God mentioned this in Job 38:7: "When the morning stars sang together..."

8. "Most cosmologists (scientists who study the structures and evolution of the universe)

agree that the Genesis account of creation, in imagining an initial void, may be uncannily

close to the truth" (Time, Dec. 1976).

9. Solomon described a "cycle" of air currents two thousand years before scientists

"discovered" them. "The wind goes toward the south, and turns about unto the north; it

whirls about continually, and the wind returns again according to his circuits" (Ecclesiastes


10. Science expresses the universe in five terms: time, space, matter, power, and motion.

Genesis 1:1,2 revealed such truths to the Hebrews in 1450 B.C.: "In the beginning [time]

God created [power] the heaven [space] and the earth [matter] . . . And the Spirit of God

moved [motion] upon the face of the waters." The first thing God tells man is that He

controls of all aspects of the universe.

11. The great biological truth concerning the importance of blood in our body‘s mechanism

has been fully comprehended only in recent years. Up until 120 years ago, sick people were

"bled," and many died because of the practice. If you lose your blood, you lose your life.

Yet Leviticus 17:11, written 3,000 years ago, declared that blood is the source of life: "For

the life of the flesh is in the blood."

12. All things were made by Him (see John 1:3), including dinosaurs. Why then did the

dinosaur disappear? The answer may be in Job 40:15–24. In this passage, God speaks about

a great creature called "behemoth." Some commentators think this was a hippopotamus.

However, the hippo‘s tail isn‘t like a large tree, but a small twig. Following are the

characteristics of this huge animal: It was the largest of all the creatures God made; was

plant-eating (herbivorous); had its strength in its hips and a tail like a large tree. It had very

strong bones, lived among the trees, drank massive amounts of water, and was not disturbed

by a raging river. He appears impervious to attack because his nose could pierce through

snares, but Scripture says, "He that made him can make his sword to approach unto him." In

other words, God caused this, the largest of all the creatures He had made, to become


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13. Encyclopedia Britannica documents that in 1845, a young doctor in Vienna named Dr.

Ignaz Semmelweis was horrified at the terrible death rate of women who gave birth in

hospitals. As many as 30 percent died after giving birth. Semmelweis noted that doctors

would examine the bodies of patients who died, then, without washing their hands, go

straight to the next ward and examine expectant mothers. This was their normal practice,

because the presence of microscopic diseases was unknown. Semmelweis insisted that

doctors wash their hands before examinations, and the death rate immediately dropped to 2

percent. Look at the specific instructions God gave His people for when they encounter

disease: "And when he that has an issue is cleansed of his issue; then he shall number to

himself even days for his cleansing, and wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in running

water, and shall be clean" (Leviticus 15:13). Until recent years, doctors washed their hands

in a bowl of water, leaving invisible germs on their hands. However, the Bible says

specifically to wash hands under "running water."

14. Luke 17:34–36 says the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will occur while some are

asleep at night and others are working at daytime activities in the field. This is a clear

indication of a revolving earth, with day and night at the same time.

15. "During the devastating Black Death of the fourteenth century, patients who were sick

or dead were kept in the same rooms as the rest of the family. People often wondered why

the disease was affecting so many people at one time. They attributed these epidemics to

‗bad air‘ or ‗evil spirits.‘ However, careful attention to the medical commands of God as

revealed in Leviticus would have saved untold millions of lives. Arturo Castiglione wrote

about the overwhelming importance of this biblical medical law: ‗The laws against

leprosyin Leviticus 13 may be regarded as the first model of sanitary legislation‘ (A History

of Medicine)." Grant R. Jeffery, The Signature of God With all these truths revealed in

Scripture,how could a thinking person deny that the Bible is supernatural in origin? There is

no other book in any of the world‘s religions (Vedas, Bhagavad-Gita, Koran, Book of

Mormon, etc.) that contains scientific truth. In fact, they contain statements that are clearly

unscientific. Hank Hanegraaff said, "Faith in Christ is not some blind leap into a dark

chasm, but a faith based on established evidence." (11:3 continued)

What Experiment Would You Use To Examine God?

If you want to test the temperature of water you use a thermometer; if you want to examine

sound you use a microphone; but what experiment does one set up in order to examine

God? Therein lies the key problem for the atheistic scientist who seeks to dismiss God's

existence from examining nature alone. There is absolutely nothing in testable science that

has disproved God's existence. Might I also add that there is nothing in testable science that

conclusively proves God's existence either! (there, I beat you to it!). Yet everything that is

portrayed in classrooms, universities and the television today gives the distinct impression

that science has indeed disproved God's existence and of course it never will. Why?

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Primarily because science deals with the examination of matter, atoms, molecules and

electrons, but the Bible states that 'God is Spirit' (John 4:24), so what experiment does one

use to examine non-matter? Indeed, can you examine non-matter? If we can't then how can

any scientist operating at the natural level make an absolute statement regarding the

supernatural level? The answer is that no scientist can! As Michael Poole, lecturer in

science education at King's College, London says, 'Science is the study of the physical

world. Therefore questions about God's existence lie outside its terms of reference.'

(Michael Poole A Guide to Science and Belief, Lion Publications, p.28). Perhaps this is

why God himself says,

'For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares

the LORD. 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than

your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts' (Isaiah 55:8,9)

Has Science Disproved The Existence Of God?

The simple answer to this question is no, because science can neither be used to prove nor

disprove the existence of God. The main reason why science cannot prove or disprove the

existence of God is primarily because God is a infinitely more superior being than we are,

indeed the immense amounts of knowledge that we currently poses is still miniscule

compared with the vastness and complexity of the God in whose universe we live. It would

be rather like a snail trying to comprehend a human in whose garden it happens to be in.

The snail simply does not possess the intelligence to discover or adequately explain what a

human is. Likewise man can never fully explain, or for that matter, explain away God,

simply because he is a greater being.

This is why God says: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your

ways my ways," declares the LORD: "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so

are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah

55:8-9) (NIV)

It is therefore down to the superior being to reveal himself to the inferior being. It is down

to God to reveal himself to us and that is precisely what he has done…

…Its amazing to think that millions of pounds are ploughed into developing satellites that

listen out for possible signs of superior life forms on other planets that may be trying to

contact us- yet at the same time the atheist cannot bring themselves to accept that THE most

superior life form of all has already been in touch with us - but many chose to ignore him! I

trust that you won't ignore him. [Has Science Disproved The Existence Of God? By Colin


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Scientific Facts In The Bible

In Romans 5 Paul seemed to be saying that something happened to all humanity because of

Adam‘s sin. That the entire race was affected—not by sinning themselves, but rather

through the sin of Adam. These statements are very intriguing especially since they fly in

the face of innumerable other verses that say exactly the opposite. However the emerging

field of Epigenetics makes it not so hard to believe that Paul was more on target than even

he could have realized. The ‗something‘ that Paul referred to, could very well have been a

physical change in Adam and Eve‘s epigenome, which was then inherited by future

generations. For what might be the most astounding scientific fact in the Bible

Scientists are now finding that the universe in which we live is like a diamond studded

Rolex, except the universe is even more precisely designed than the watch. In fact, the

universe is specifically tweaked to enable life on earth. Anthropic Principles

Contrast the information on this page with the scientific knowledge of The Qur‘an. For

example Sura 18:86 states "Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it set in

a spring of murky water: See Errors in The Qur’an, which Contradict Secular and

Scientific Data.

―When studying the science of the ancient world, one is more apt to be impressed with its

ignorance than to admire its accuracy. However, the Bible offers a definite exception to this

rule. The scriptures are replete with statements suggesting scientific knowledge which

predates the corresponding discoveries of secular science. Given that Bible writers were not

scientists, and given that the scientific information at their disposal was generally

misleading, the accuracy of the Bible can only be attributed to the inspiration of God.‖ [1]

Examples of the more striking scientific accuracy in the Bible include

The Universe Time and Space

The Beginning

An Initial Void

An Expanding Universe

Space is Empty

That Hole In The North

Air Has Weight

Those Singing Stars

And There are Quite a Few of Them

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The Earth Atoms

The Earth is a Sphere

The Rotation Of The Earth

The Orbit of The Sun

Gravitational Properties of Constellations

Pangaea and Peleg

First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics

Talking Lightning?

The Treasures of The Snow

The Hydrologic Cycle

Measuring The Waters

Air Currents

The Oceans The Paths Of The Seas

Mountains Under The Seas

Springs Under The Seas

Misc The Dinosaur

Precise Dimensions of Noah's Ark


Man Man from Dust

Adam And Eve

The Seed of Life

All Humanity is One Blood

Life is in the Blood

Blood Clotting in Infants

Medical Knowledge in Ancient Times..

The Egyptians


Sanitary Practices in the 19th


Sanitary Practices in Moses‘ Time

The Minoans and The Romans

Leprosy and Plague.. Hansen‘s Disease or a Variety of Infectious Sicknesses

Those Old Time Dietary Guidelines

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The End Times

The Second Coming Takes Place During The Day AND Night

The Universe

Time and Space:

Most people read the very first verse in the Bible, without giving it another though.

However a closer examination of this verse reveals that the author of Genesis verbalized

exactly the same sophisticated principle that scientists would use thousands of years later.

Science expresses the universe in five terms: time, space, matter, power and motion. So

does Genesis 1.

"In the beginning (time) God created (power) the Heaven (space) and the Earth

(matter)... And the Spirit of God moved (motion) upon the face of the waters."

[Genesis 1:1,3 … written some 3450 years ago].

The Beginning:

The word "beginning" refers specifically to the beginning of time. However for many years

scientists were convinced that the universe was infinite (without end), and that time had

always existed. The COsmic Background Explorer (COBE), also referred to as Explorer 66,

was a NASA space mission designed to test the Big Bang theory of the origin of the

universe and apparently provided evidence that supported the idea that the universe had a


Note: The Big Bang theory, initially proposed in 1946 by George Gamow, a

Russian-born scientist who believed that a primeval fireball, or an intense

concentration of pure energy at some finite time in the past was the source of all

the matter that now exists in the universe.

I wonder how many billions of dollars Explorer 66 cost. Yet someone only had to open the

first page of a $10.00 Bible to know the universe had a beginning, before which there was

An Initial Void:

A Time Magazine article dated Dec. 1976 said

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―Most cosmologists… scientists who study the structure and evolution of the

universe, agree that the biblical account of creation, in imagining an initial void,

may be uncannily close to the truth.‖ [Emphasis Added]


―… in 1929, when Astronomer Edwin Hubble used shifts in the spectral lines of

light emanating from distant galaxies to calculate that the islands of stars are

moving at tremendous speeds away from the earth−and from each other−like dots

painted on the surface of an expanding balloon. To some scientists, this outward

rush of the galaxies suggested an original cosmic explosion‖. [2]

Edwin Hubble showed that distant galaxies were, receding from the earth, and the further

away they were, the faster they were moving, which leads to an interesting conclusion.. the

earth is the center of God's attention in the universe. Surprise! Surprise! However not only

are the galaxies rushing outward, but

An Expanding Universe:

The prophet Isaiah who lived almost 3,000 years ago stated

"It is He that . . . stretches out the heavens as a curtain, and spreads them out as a

tent to dwell in." [40:22]

Scientists are beginning to understand that the universe is expanding, or stretching out.

Scripture clearly tells us At least seven times that God stretches out the heavens like a


Space is Empty:

In ancient times it was variously believed that the earth sat on a large animal or a giant or

even that a mythical Atlas supported the pillars that held heaven and earth apart, and/or

carried the earth around on his shoulders (Where he stood while doing so presents an

interesting conundrum). However in what is probably the oldest book of the Bible, Job,

living in an ancient culture that knew nothing about space or planets, asserted that God

hung the earth on nothing (1500 B.C.) or, in other words, the earth free floats in space.

"He stretches out the north over empty space; he hangs the earth on nothing [Job


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A fascinating tidbit from scientific history makes the first part of this verse even more

telling. Until very recently scientists believed space consisted of a hypothetical substance

called Ether. Note the following from Eric Weisstein's World of Science [All Emphasis


Ether, or luminiferous Ether, was the hypothetical substance through which

electromagnetic waves travel. It was proposed by the greek philosopher Aristotle

and used by several optical theories as a way to allow propagation of light, which

was believed to be impossible in "empty" space.

It was supposed that the ether filled the whole universe and was a stationary frame

of reference, which was rigid to electromagnetic waves but completely permeable

to matter. Hooke endorsed the idea of the existence of the ether in his work

Micrographia (1665), and other several philosophers of the 17th century, including

Huygens, did the same. At the time of Maxwell's mathematical studies of

electromagnetism (in the 1860‘s), ether was still assumed to be the propagation

medium and was imbued with physics properties such as permeability and


In 1887, a crucial experiment was performed by Michelson and Edward Morley

in an attempt to detect the existence of the ether. The experiment, named the

Michelson-Morley experiment in honor of its authors, shocked the scientific

community by yielding results which implied the non-existence of ether. This

result was later on used by Einstein to refute the existence of the ether and allowed

him to develop special relativity without this artificial (and non-existent)

constraint. [3]

Which bring us to the second half of Job 26:7…

That Hole In The North

Another interesting tidbit that illuminates the divine origin of Scripture is the recent

discovery of a huge hole in space… in the direction of the northern hemisphere

The universe has a huge hole in it that dwarfs anything else of its kind. The

discovery caught astronomers by surprise. The hole is nearly a billion light-years

across. It is not a black hole, which is a small sphere of densely packed matter.

Rather, this one is mostly devoid of stars, gas and other normal matter, and it's also

strangely empty of the mysterious "dark matter" that permeates the cosmos. Other

space voids have been found before, but nothing on this scale. [4]

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This "gap" is in the Northern Hemisphere, lying in the general direction of the constellation

Bootes. This "hole in space" is a 300 million light year gap in the distribution of galaxies,

has taken cosmologists by surprise, not because it exists, but because it is so big.

Indeed, He stretches out the north over the empty place.

Air Has Weight:

The fact that air has weight was proven scientifically only about 300 years ago. The relative

weights of air and water are needed for the efficient functioning of the world‘s hydrologic

cycle, which in turn sustains life on the earth.

When He imparted weight to the wind and meted out the waters by measure [Job

28:25] [Emphasis Added]

Those Singing Stars...

Science has discovered that stars emit radio waves, which are received on earth as a high

pitch. God mentioned this in Job 38:7: "When the morning stars sang together..." In fact…

The galaxy is full of objects that emit radio waves, including black holes and stars

of various kinds [5]

... And There are Quite a Few of Them:

The first star catalogue was compiled by the Egyptian astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd

century ad. Called the Almagest, it listed the names and locations of 1,028 stars. However,

because of telescopes such as the Hubble, we now know that...

Stars are not spread uniformly across the universe, but are normally grouped into

galaxies along with interstellar gas and dust. A typical galaxy contains hundreds of

billions of stars, and there are more than 100 billion (1011) galaxies in the

observable universe. While it is often believed that stars only exist within galaxies,

intergalactic stars have been discovered. Astronomers estimate that there are at

least 70 sextillion (7×1022) stars in the observable universe. [Wikipedia].

But didn‘t God already say that?? [All Emphasis Added]

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God said to Abraham 'Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are

able to number them.' And He said to him, 'So shall your descendants be.'(Genesis


'As the host of heaven (stars) cannot be numbered, nor the sand of the sea

measured, so will I multiply the descendants of David My servant (Jeremiah


"Therefore from one man, ...were born as many as the stars of the sky in

multitude-- innumerable as the sand which is by the seashore. (Hebrews 11:12)"

―The Bible asserts that the stars are innumerable (Genesis 15:5, Genesis 17:7, Hebrews

11:12). This does not necessarily mean that we are incapable of mathematically expressing

their number. It means that no human has the ability to count them individually so as to

achieve their sum. It is claimed that there are 100 billion stars in our galaxy alone. If stars

were counted around the clock at one star per second, then it would take over 3000 years

just to count these. Add to this the fact that there are as many as 100 billion galaxies.

However, there were many scholars prior to Galileo who believed that the stars could be

counted, and several attempts were made to do so. Many of these counts arrived at around

1000 stars.‖ [1]

Which brings Psalm 8: 3-4 to mind

When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars,

which You have ordained; What is man that You take thought of him, And the son

of man that You care for him?

The Earth


All matter is composed of atoms. Only in recent years has science discovered that

everything we see is composed of things that we cannot see- tiny invisible particles called

atoms, made up of electrons and protons, which are really not solids, but positive and

negative charges of electricity. The author of the books of Hebrews wrote about atomic

structure, whether he specifically understood it or not, nearly 2000 years before it was

discovered by scientists.

By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that

what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. [Hebrews 11:3]

[Emphasis Added]

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Interestingly the atom has a dense center called the nucleus, inside which are neutrons,

which have no electrical charge and are therefore neutral and protons, which have positive

charges. One law of electricity is that like charges repel one another. Therefore, since the

protons inside the nucleus are all positive charges, they should repel one another and

scatter, but for some reason they do not. There is a binding force, not yet understood,

holding them together. Hmmm!

"For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and

invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created

by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together."

(Colossians 1:16-17).

The Earth is a Sphere:

The following statement was made some 2800 years ago (some 750 years before Christ) by

a divinely inspired Isaiah.

"He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like

grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out

like a tent to live in." (Isaiah 40:22)

Although Aristotle provided observational evidence for the spherical Earth around 330 BC,

most pre-Socratic philosophers, including Leucippus (c. 440 BC) and Democritus (c. 460-

370 BC) believed in a flat earth. However, by the time of Christopher Columbus he and

most other educated person of their time) knew that the earth was round. In fact, the Greek

mathematician Eratostenes had accurately calculated the earth's circumference in the third

century before Christ.

―Other statements in the Bible also indicate that God revealed this truth long ago.

For example, David said that God has removed our transgression from us as far as

the east is from the west (Ps 103:12). On a spherical surface, east and west are

infinitely separated in the sense that one can travel indefinitely in either direction

without ever attaining the other. However, Solomon described the wind as blowing

in circuits, first towards the south and then turning toward the north. North and

south are not infinitely separated as east and west, because a southward traveler on

a spherical surface will be heading north after crossing the south pole‖. [1]

Also take a moment to really consider the next verse.. [Emphasis Added]

"He has inscribed a circle on the surface of the waters at the boundary of light and

darkness." (Job 26:10)

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Job 26:10 clearly refers to the line of demarcation between day and night. No other

interpretation is possible. Such a view of the curved horizon at sunrise or sunset can only be

seen from extremely high altitudes reached only by military jets and spacecraft. These

writers were given a view of the Earth as a sphere long before Eratosthenes--by measuring

shadows in Egyptian wells--determined that the earth was round in 240BC. Although there

is a specific Hebrew word for "sphere," the word used in these passages ("khug") can mean

both circle or sphere. It refers to the shape of an orange as it might be represented in a two-

dimensional picture. [6]

Please note that verses like Isaiah 11:12 that refer to "the four corners of the

earth", are a colloquialism that is still used today to portray the four compass

extremities of the earth. In fact the Strongs Greek/Hebrew dictionary defines the

word "corner" (gonia) as angle, or quadrant.

The Rotation Of The Earth:

was likely revealed in Job 38:12, where God asks of Job:

Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days; and caused the dayspring to

know his place; that it might take hold of the ends of the earth, that the wicked

might be shaken out of it? It is turned as clay to the seal; and they stand as a


―God asks Job if he has ever dictated the time of the morning or the location of the sunrise

(dayspring). As soon as the sun is risen, its light will take hold of the ends of the earth in the

sense that it touches all of the landscape, and the wicked are shaken out of it (the earth) in

the sense that thieves, drunkards, adulterers, and others who practice their sins in darkness

are forced to desist from these activities as they retreat from the light. Also, the beauties of

the earth are revealed by the light, and its coloration is made to appear as that of a beautiful

garment. Finally, the text asserts that God's command of the morning derives from His

control of the earth, which is turned as clay to the seal. Hence, the suggestion is that God

regulates the morning by rotating the earth as a potter rotates the clay. Yet ancient wisdom

would have asserted that God regulated the morning by control of the Sun, and indeed, this

is the perception of any uninformed mind‖. [1]

The Orbit of The Sun:

Scientists have long believed that the earth revolved around the sun, which was stationary.

This caused them to scoff at the following verses which, they said, taught the opposite…

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"In them has He set a tabernacle for the sun, which is as a bridegroom coming out

of his chamber, and rejoices as a strong man to run a race. His [the sun's] going

forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is

nothing hid from the heat thereof." [Psalm 19:4-6]

However it was later discovered that the sun is in fact moving through space at

approximately 600,000 miles per hour. It is traveling through the heavens and has a

"circuit" just as the Bible says. It is estimated that its circuit is so large, it would take 200

million years to complete one orbit.

Gravitational Properties of Constellations:

God asked Job

―Can you bind the cluster of the Pleiades, Or loose the belt of Orion?‖ (Job 38:31).

―In the last century astrophysicists have discovered that the stars of Pleiades move in unison

with each other, and are thus gravitationally bound. They have also discovered that the stars

of Orion are free agents that are not gravitationally bound! Interestingly, the three stars that

comprise Orion's belt appear to be closer together than the outer stars in the constellation,

but are actually farther apart! (they appear closer together because of the 2-D plane we see

them in)‖. [7a] All Emphasis Added

Pangaea and Peleg:

The Pangaea theory is the hypothesis that the continents once formed a single landmass

(called Pangaea which means 'all lands' in Greek) before breaking apart and drifting to their

present locations. Although the idea caused sharp disagreement among geologists, evidence

in favour of continental drift is now extensive. Geological similarities on matching

continental edges suggest that they were once joined. Also, the continents resemble pieces

of a huge jigsaw puzzle that fit together perfectly. For example the coastline of the West

Coast of Africa fits perfectly with the coastline of East Coast of South America

And what does the Bible say..

Genesis 10:25 speaks of a man, whose name Peleg means division. The text then

explains that he was so named because in his days the earth was divided.

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However in the interest of fairness, it has to be mentioned that there are those that believe

that a far more likely explanation for Genesis 10:25 is that it refers to the division of

humans into many diverse communities which started with the linguistic division at Babel.

However, this is hard to believe since only eight verses later the Bible states, 'Now the

whole earth had one language and one speech' (Genesis 11:1), and as a result of their

disobedience, 'the LORD confused the language of all the earth' (Genesis 11:9). .

First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics:

The 1st Law of Thermodynamics states that matter can be neither created nor destroyed,

and that the amount of matter in the universe remains constant. If the First Law is correct,

which every scientific measurement ever made has confirmed, then the universe could not

have created itself, it must have been created in the past, no further creating must be going

on, and no loss of creation is occurring. The Bible is the only religious book that correctly

portrays the First Law by 1) its description in Genesis of a Creator who is no longer

creating, and 2) a Creator who is "upholding all things by the word of his power (Hebrews

1:3)" .

Genesis 2:1 says (after creation):

"Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them."

The Hebrew word used here is the past definite tense for the verb "finished," indicating an

action completed in the past, never again to occur. The creation was "finished" -- once and

for all. That is what the First Law of Thermodynamics says. It states that neither matter nor

energy can be either created or destroyed. There is no "creation" ongoing today. It is

"finished" exactly as the Bible states.

The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, which states that all systems degenerate from order to

disorder, was regarded by Albert Einstein to be the premier Law in science. Again the Bible

is the only religious book to accurately describe this Law:

"For the heavens will vanish away like smoke, the earth will grow old like a

garment... (Isaiah 51:6)",

and also a New Testament rendering:

"You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are

the work of Your hands. They will perish, but You remain; and they will all grow

old like a garment; (Hebrews 1:10-11)" [7a]

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Also See The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics... A Law Against Evolution

Talking Lightning?:

When God said in Job 38:35 (written 3,500 years ago)…

"Can you send lightnings, that they may go and say unto you, Here we are?"

It certainly seemed to be a scientifically ludicrous statement -- that light can be sent, and

then manifest itself in speech. But did you know that radio waves move at the speed of

light? This is why you can have instantaneous wireless communication with someone on

the other side of the earth. Science didn't discover this until 1864 when "the British scientist

James Clerk Maxwell suggested that electricity and light waves were two forms of the same

thing". [8]

Similarly, Job 38:19 asks, "Where is the way where light dwells?" Modern man has only

recently discovered that light (electromagnetic radiation) has a "way," traveling at 186,000

miles per second.

The Treasures of The Snow:

In the book of Job (written some 3,500 years ago), God asks Job if he had entered into

―the treasures of the snow‖ [38:22].

I can just hear the critics of yesteryear … Huh! Did He mean that blanket of white stuff that

covers everything? What treasures could there possibly be in that? However with the advent

of the microscope man discovered that each and every single snowflake is uniquely a

symmetrical "treasure."

The Hydrologic Cycle:

The Mississippi River, which is just one of thousands of rivers all over this planet, dumps

over six million gallons of water per second into the Gulf of Mexico. The answer to where

all that water goes lies in the hydrologic cycle, or circulation of the earth's water…

something that was not fully accepted until the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries,

although the earliest literature indicating an understanding of this cycle was apparently

around the third or fourth century BC.. Aristotle demonstrated only a vague understanding

of this process… though he recognized that rain came from clouds, he incorrectly

postulated that air turned into water and vice versa.

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Either way the Bible accurately portrays of this cycle 2500 years before it was widely

accepted. Note the following passages:

For He draws up the drops of water, they distill rain from the mist, which the

clouds pour down, they drip upon man abundantly. [Job 36:27,28]

The One who builds His upper chambers in the heavens And has founded His

vaulted dome over the earth, He who calls for the waters of the sea and pours them

out on the face of the earth, The LORD is His name. [Amos 9:6]

It has only recently been learned that most clouds are formed by ocean evaporation, but

again the Bible had it right centuries ago:

"All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full; to the place from which the

rivers come, there they return again [Ecclesiastes 1:7]".

The complex nature of how water is supported in clouds despite being heavier than air is

clearly implied when God declared to Job [Emphasis Added]

"Do you know how the clouds are balanced, those wondrous works of Him who

is perfect in knowledge (Job 37:16). [7a]


Measuring The Waters:

Modern science has proved that the quantity of water on Earth is just enough for our needs.

If the sea became three meters deeper, the water would absorb all the carbon dioxide and

nitrogen, and no creature could live any longer.

Isaiah 40:12 (written 2800 years ago) "Who has measured the waters in the hollow

of His hand..."

We are told that God has measured the waters and set a proper amount of water on the


Air Currents:

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The wind goes toward the south, And turns around to the north; The wind whirls about

continually, And comes again on its circuit. [Ecclesiastes 1:6]

The Bible describes the circulation of the atmosphere.

The Bible includes some principles of fluid dynamics.

The Oceans

The Paths Of The Seas:

The Bible says

What is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest

him? For thou hast made him but little lower than God, And crownest him with

glory and honor. Thou makest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands;

Thou hast put all things under his feet: All sheep and oxen, Yea, and the beasts of

the field, The birds of the heavens, and the fish of the sea, Whatsoever passeth

through the paths of the seas. [Psalms 8:4-8] [Emphasis Added]

When the Bible speaks of ―the paths of the seas‖ it is more than likely that it is referring to

ocean currents, which was discovered by man only in the 1850‘s. The following history of

the discovery of these ―paths‖ has been excerpted from Answers in Genesis…

American naval officer and oceanographer Matthew Maury (1806-1873) who

wrote the first textbook on modern oceanography called The Physical Geography

of the Sea and Its Meteorology, was a Christian who had no doubts about the

accuracy of the Bible. After an accident partially disabled him ending his active

duty with the Navy, he was appointed superintendent of the US Naval Observatory

in Washington. ―In his Bible studies, the words of Psalm 8 stuck in his mind: ‗ ...

whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas‘. Maury determined that if God‘s

Word said there were ‗paths‘ in the seas, then there must be paths. So he set out to

find them.

He studied old ships‘ logs. From these he compiled charts of ocean-wind and sea

currents. To study the speed and direction of the ocean currents Maury set adrift

weighted bottles known as ‗drift bottles‘. These floated slightly below the surface

of the water, and thus were not affected by wind. Instructions were sealed in each

bottle directing anyone who found one washed ashore to return it. From the

location and date on which the bottles were found, Maury was able to develop his

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charts of the ocean currents—the ‗paths‘ of the seas—which greatly aided the

science of marine navigation‖. [9]

Mountains Under The Seas:

When Jonah, who lived some 2,800 years ago, was in the depths of the ocean, he spoke of

going down to the "bottoms of the mountains‖. [Emphasis Added]

"I went down to the bottoms of the mountains; the earth with her bars was about

me for ever: yet have you brought up my life from corruption, O LORD my God."

[Jonah 2:6]

Only in recent years has man discovered that there are mountains on the ocean floor. The

greatest ocean depth has been sounded in the Challenger Deep of the Mariana's Trench, a

distance of 35,798 feet below sea level. Mount Everest is 29,035 feet high.

Springs Under The Seas:

Hydrothermal vents are found in areas of the ocean floor that are spreading, such as at mid-

ocean ridges, where tectonic plates are being pulled apart. Molten magma then rises from

deep inside the Earth, superheating the cold ocean water around it. The average temperature

of deep-ocean water is only 2°C (36°F). The water coming directly from a hydrothermal

vent can reach up to 350°C (662°F) and is rich in dissolved chemicals. The hot spring water

forms a plume above the vent, somewhat like smoke rising from a chimney into the air.

The first underwater hot spring to be discovered was probably in 1977, when scientists

discovered hot springs at a depth of 2.5 km, on the Galapagos Rift (spreading ridge) off the

coast of Ecuador. Since then other hot springs have been found at a number of sites along

the mid-oceanic ridges, many on the East Pacific Rise. Giant tube worms, huge clams, and

mussels all thrive around the hot springs. [10]

Yet once again the Bible was slightly ahead of man‘s discovery..

Hast thou entered into the springs of the sea? Or hast thou walked in the recesses

of the deep? [Job 38:16] [Emphasis Added]

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The Dinosaur:

There is reasonable evidence that the scriptures speak of dinosaurs. As should be expected,

this evidence comes from Genesis, the book of origins, and from the book of Job, generally

believed to be the oldest book in the Bible.

First, Genesis 1:21 speaks of God creating whales on the fifth day of creation. The Hebrew

word translated here as whales is generally translated dragons. It is translated as monsters

once, whale(s) twice, serpent(s) thrice, and dragon(s) 21 times.

Second, Job's statements concerning the behemoth (Job 40:15-24) might be referring to

dinosaurs. Its tail is compared to a cedar tree. Its strength, and apparently its bulk, is in its

loins. It is said to be the chief of the ways of God, and is described as having the ability to

drink up a river. No modern animal meets this description in all points. Some commentators

think this was a hippopotamus. However, the hippo‘s tail isn‘t like a large tree, but a small

twig. This creature also appears impervious to attack because his nose could pierce through


"Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eats grass as an ox. Lo now,

his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly. He moves his

tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together. His bones are as

strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron. He is the chief of the ways of

God: he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him. Surely the

mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play. He lies

under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens. The shady trees cover

him with their shadow; the willows of the brook compass him about. Behold, he

drinks up a river, and hastens not: he trusts that he can draw up Jordan into his

mouth. He takes it with his eyes: his nose pierces through snares. (Job 40:15-24).

Third, Job's description of the leviathin (Job 41) very much resembles a dinosaur. Some

would dismiss this description as fictitious because the leviathin is described as breathing

fire; however, some creation scientists believe this could have happened. The creature

would merely need glands to produce a chemical which would combust when exposed to

air. The bombardier beetle does in fact have this ability. The fact that nearly every major

culture of the world has traditions about such dragons lends yet further credibility to the

possibility of their existence in the past. [1]

Apparently many scholars feel these descriptions refer to mythical or metaphorical animals,

or the accounts could have been based on fossil skeletons. Why? Because the simultaneous

existence of men and dinosaurs would turn their theories on their collective heads? Fossil

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Skeletons? Uh Huh! Somebody is going to have to explain to me how (and why) a man

living some 3500 years ago would be engaged in an archaeological excavation… leave

alone having the wherewithal to carry one out.

Why did the dinosaur disappear? This is something that has modern science mystified, but

then Scripture says,

. . . He that made him can make his sword approach to him. [Job 40:19]

In other words, God caused this, the largest of all the creatures He had made, to become


Most of humankind has been brainwashed (courtesy of National Geographic, Time

magazine, CNN and the Discovery channel) into believing that dinosaurs had walked

this Earth millions of years ago. While evolutionists continue to maintain that ‘no man

ever existed in the age of the reptiles’, the evidence documents exactly the opposite.

Precise dimensions of Noah's Ark

The dimensions of Noah's Ark as described in the Bible are ideal for stability. In fact, South

Korean architects who examined the dimensions found that the boat was virtually

impossible to capsize! Their modeling and analysis found that the ark could survive waves

higher than 30 meters! (note that a typical tsunami is only 10 meters high) [11]. Many other

cultures have flood legends similar to the account in the Bible, but their ark descriptions

were never palatable. For example, the Babylonian Gilgamesh Flood legend described an

ark that was shaped like a cube, which would be horrible for stability.


The Value of Pi...

In the verse of the Bible that contains a circumference and diameter (1 Kings

7:23), the Hebrew word for circumference contains an extra character at the end

that can only add value to the word by applying Gematria (each Hebrew letter also

represents a number). When taking the ratio of the added character to the value of

the original word, the value of Pi is achieved to within 4 decimal places! [A more

in-depth article by Chuck Missler can be found at http://ldolphin.org/pi/]. [7a]


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Man from Dust

Researchers at NASA's Ames Research Center confirmed that every element in man can be

found in the soil, prompting one of the scientists to say

"...the biblical scenario for the creation of life turns out to be not far off the mark".


Adam And Eve:

The Genesis account of creation asserts that all humans descended from the same parents,

Adam and Eve. There is now considerable debate in the scientific community over recent

genetic studies which indicate that all men have a common father and all women have a

common mother. In fact, the latter claim is sometimes called the Eve hypothesis. Some

scientists are skeptical about these studies, and even those who are supportive would not

generally accept the Genesis account; however, Bible believers should expect further

research to add yet more evidence supporting these hypotheses. [12]

The Seed of Life.

Genesis 3:15 says

"And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and

her seed; it shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel." [Emphasis


This verse reveals that the female possesses the "seed of life." This was not the common

knowledge until a few centuries ago. It was widely believed that the male only possessed

the "seed of life" and that the woman was nothing more than a glorified incubator

One Blood:

Until recent times, it was believed there was significant differences in the blood of various

human races. However statistical divisions of humanity based on different kinds of genetic

data do not group people consistently into races

―…most human variation falls within, not between populations. About 85% of all

genetic variation can, on average, be found within any local population, be they

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Swedes, Kikuyu, or Hmong. About 94% can be found within any continental

population… In fact, there are no characteristics, no traits, not even one gene that

turns up in all members of one so-called race yet is absent from others.

In fact, even disputing the belief that diseases like sickle cell anemia are race specific

diseases, it goes on to say

Doctors were long taught that sickle cell anemia was a genetic disease of Negroes,

a marker of their race. Yet sickle cell is found among peoples from central and

western Africa, but not southern Africa. It is also carried by Turks, Yemenis,

Indians, Greeks, and Sicilians. That's because sickle cell arose several thousand

years ago as a mutation in one of the genes that codes for hemoglobin. The

mutation soon spread to successive populations along the trade routes where

malaria was common. It turns out that inheriting one sickle cell allele confers

resistance to malaria and thus provides a selective advantage in malarial regions

(inheriting sickle cell alleles from both parents causes sickle-cell disease). In other

words, sickle cell … is a marker not of skin color or race but ancestry, or more

precisely, having ancestors from where malaria was common. [13]

Life is in the Blood:

Today it is well established that If you lose your blood, you lose your life, however

bloodletting or the withdrawal of often considerable quantities of blood from a patient to

cure or prevent illness and almost every disease was a most common medical practice

performed by doctors from antiquity up to the late 19th century. Today we know that not

only is bloodletting ineffective for most diseases, in the overwhelming majority of cases it

was extremely harmful to patients.

Leviticus 17:11, written 3,000 years ago, declared that blood is the source of life:

"For the life of the flesh is in the blood."

Blood Clotting in Infants:

Why does the Bible consistently says that a baby must be circumcised on the eighth day?

For example In Genesis 17:12, God specifically directed Abraham to circumcise newborn

males on the eighth day.

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Prothrombin a protein present in blood plasma plays a significant role in the clotting of

blood, its quantity in the body being directly affected by vitamin K, which is responsible for

the production (by the liver) of the element known as prothrombin. If vitamin K is

deficient, there will be a prothrombin deficiency and hemorrhaging may occur. A full-term

child is born with a relatively high level of prothrombin, however … [All Emphasis Added]

―During the last few years, numerous studies have been made of the prothrombin

level in the blood of the newborn infant. The results of six of these have been

critically reviewed by Smith and Warner. They consider the investigations fall into

two groups. Most studies report that in ―normal‖ infants the level of prothrombin

on the first day after birth is high, with a rapid fall on the second, to a lower

level on the third and fourth, followed by a recovery by the sixth day. Smith

and Warner accept the fact that the method of analysis may be a factor in the

production of these two types of curves, but are satisfied that the class of patient

and season of the year are also important items. These latter affect the diet of the

mother and, hence, the vitamin K intake‖. [14]

Note: In most countries infants are given vitamin K shortly after birth to prevent a rare but

potentially fatal condition called vitamin K deficiency bleeding in infancy.

Medical Knowledge in Ancient Times..

The Egyptians

The most complete information about the medicine and pharmacy of ancient Egypt is

contained in the famous Papyrus Ebers, a disorganized collection of more than 800

concoctions and magical spells to alleviate suffering. The papyrus dates back to about 1552

B. C. and was discovered by Georg Ebers in 1872-3. Some of the ‗cures‘ are…

To prevent the immoderate crying of children a mixture of the seeds of the plant

Sheben with some fly-dirt is recommended. (It is supposed that Sheben may have

been the poppy). …

.. To prevent the hair turning grey anoint it with the blood of a black calf which

has been boiled in oil; or with the fat of a rattlesnake. When it falls out one remedy

is to apply a mixture of six fats, namely those of the horse, the hippopotamus, the

crocodile, the cat, the snake, and the ibex. To strengthen it anoint with the tooth of

a donkey crushed in honey. …

The animal drugs included lizards' blood, swine's teeth, putrid meat, stinking fat,

moisture from pigs' ears, milk, goose grease, asses' hoofs, animal fats from various

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sources, excreta of various animals, including human beings, donkeys, antelopes,

dogs, cats, and even flies.


And, apart from the papyrus..

―The grave of several small children revealed that they had eaten skinned mice just

prior to their deaths. The Egyptians believed that the life-giving Nile created mice

because these animals emerged from cracks in the mud after the Nile receded each

year.‖ [16]


Acts 7:22 tells us that …―Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians…‖ Yet

scientific ignorance is conspicuous by its absence in the first five books of the Bible,

written by Moses approximately 1491-1451 B.C. In fact the Torah (or law of Moses) not

only reveals advanced principles and knowledge about hygiene, quarantine and sanitation

far superior to that possessed by the Egyptians and other ancient societies of that day, but

far exceeded medical standards practiced as recently as 100 years ago. Where did Moses

get this advanced information?

Sanitary Practices in The 19th


Our medical knowledge was abysmal right up to the beginning of the twentieth century. It

was not until this century that medical science had a full understanding of the fact that most

diseases are caused by infection of microscopic organisms. Accordingly, the medical value

of sterilization, sanitation, and quarantines were virtually unappreciated. Please note that

the following took place in the 19th


In the 1840s, puerperal or childbirth fever, a bacterial infection of the female

genital tract after childbirth, was taking the lives of up to 30% of women who gave

birth in hospitals. Women who gave birth at home remained relatively unaffected.

Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis (1818-65), a Hungarian obstetrician educated at the

universities of Pest and Vienna was an assistant professor on the maternity ward of

the Vienna General Hospital. He observed that women examined by student

doctors who had not washed their hands after leaving the autopsy room had very

high death rates. When a colleague who had received a scalpel cut died of

infection, Semmelweis concluded that puerperal fever was septic and contagious

and that he and the medical students carried "cadaverous particles" on their hands.

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He ordered students to wash their hands with chlorinated lime before examining

patients; as a result, the maternal death rate was reduced from 12% to 1% in 2

years. Nevertheless, Semmelweis encountered strong opposition from hospital

officials as some doctors were offended at the suggestion that they should wash

their hands; they felt that their social status as gentlemen was inconsistent with the

idea that their hands could be unclean.

The existence of germs was unknown until around A.D. 1890 when Louis Pasteur

demonstrated in his Germ Theory of Disease that most infectious diseases were caused by

microorganisms originating from outside the body. While Pasteur was not the first to

propose germ theory he developed it and conducted experiments that clearly indicated its

correctness and managed to convince most of Europe it was true. This new understanding

of germs and their means of transmission led to improved sanitary standards that resulted in

an enormous drop in the mortality rate.

Yet these core principles of sanitation were being practiced by the Israelites thousands of

years earlier.

Sanitary Practices in Moses’ Time

―The Israelites were instructed to wash themselves and their clothes in running water if they

had a bodily discharge, if they came in contact with another person's discharge, or if they

had touched a dead human or animal carcass. They were also instructed to wash any

uncovered vessels that were in the vicinity of a dead body, and if a dead carcass touched a

vessel it was to be destroyed. Items recovered during war were also to be purified through

either fire or running water. In addition, the Israelites were instructed to bury their human

waste outside of camp, and to burn the waste of their animals. (See Numbers 19, Leviticus

11 and 15, Deuteronomy 23:12). [7b]

This is the law, when a man dieth in a tent: all that come into the tent, and all that

is in the tent, shall be unclean seven days. And every open vessel, which hath no

covering bound upon it, is unclean. And whosoever toucheth one that is slain with

a sword in the open fields, or a dead body, or a bone of a man, or a grave, shall be

unclean seven days. [Numbers 19:14-16]

"You shall also have a place outside the camp and go out there, and you shall have

a spade among your tools, and it shall be when you sit down outside, you shall dig

with it and shall turn to cover up your excrement. [Deuteronomy 23:10,11]

Whatsoever shall touch the flesh thereof shall be holy: and when there is sprinkled

of the blood thereof upon any garment, thou shalt wash that whereon it was

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sprinkled in the holy place. But the earthen vessel wherein it is sodden shall be

broken: and if it be sodden in a brasen pot, it shall be both scoured, and rinsed in

water. [Leviticus 6:27,28].

The last is a clear commandment to discard used pottery that may be contaminated with

bacteria while metal pots should be disinfected by scouring and rinsing in water.

Until recent years, doctors washed their hands in a bowl of water, leaving invisible germs

on their hands. However, the Bible says specifically to wash hands under "running water."

"And when he that has an issue is cleansed of his issue; then he shall number to

himself even days for his cleansing, and wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in

running water, and shall be clean" (Leviticus 15:13).

The Romans and The Minoans:

I have read the arguments that even in ancient times people knew about and often

implemented good sanitation practices. The civilizations most often referenced being the

Minoans and the Romans.. with particular emphasis on the ancient city of Pompeii.

Leprosy and Plague:

is characterized by disfiguring skin sores, nerve damage, and progressive debilitation.

Throughout history, few diseases have provoked more stigma than leprosy, unique in its

ability to generate fear.

However it is well to note that when the Bible speaks of ―leprosy‖, it is unknown whether it

is referring to what we understand as leprosy (Hansen‘s disease) which, left untreated, has

debilitating and well known symptoms usually characterized by disfigured limbs, of which

Scripture says nothing. However it is quite possible that Biblical leprosy may have

included Hansen‘s disease.

Whereas leprosy in Scripture seemed to cover a wider range of infectious diseases (also

called plague), and could get quite complicated [See Leviticus 13 and 14]. The general rule

however being quarantine, sometimes for just seven days. Careful observation was then

made to see if the plague was healed and if it was, the person was declared clean after a

ceremony involving two birds and a further seven days of living outside the camp. Infected

garments were to be burned if the disease had spread after seven days, otherwise they could

be washed twice.

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However true leprosy was incurable before the advent of modern drugs and is not all that

infectious although according to the Diseases Health Channel by eMedTV, leprosy research

scientists still do not completely understand how leprosy spreads, although people who live

within the same household as a person with untreated leprosy have an eight-fold increased

risk of developing leprosy. [17] Emphasis Added]

Leviticus 13 and 14 mention the ‗marks‘ of leprosy on walls and on garments and the

priests were instructed to burn the garments of leprosy victims! (Leviticus 13:52), which

many thought was quite silly, however M. leprae is a hardy organism and can survive

outside the body for up to 45 days. However remember that we do not know if whether

Scripture is referring to leprosy as we know it or some other infectious disease. On the

other hand a paper published in the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

says the following [Emphasis Added]

Both nasal secretions and skin from untreated MB cases of leprosy are capable of

shedding M. leprae to the environment, which may be deposited on either or both

the nasal and skin epithelia of contacts with the potential for initiating infection.


Which is why there are very strict commands in the Bible about how to deal with leprosy

and other infectious diseases. During the devastating Black Death of the fourteenth century,

patients who were sick or dead were kept in the same rooms as the rest of the family.

People often wondered why the disease was affecting so many people at one time. They

attributed these epidemics to ‗bad air‘ or ‗evil spirits.‘ However, careful attention (and

earlier) to the medical commands of God as revealed in Leviticus would have saved untold

millions of lives.

In fact, the laws against leprosy in Leviticus 13 may be regarded as the first model of

sanitary legislation and quarantine

And the leper in whom the plague is, his clothes shall be rent, and his head bare,

and he shall put a covering upon his upper lip, and shall cry, Unclean, unclean. All

the days wherein the plague shall be in him he shall be defiled; he is unclean: he

shall dwell alone; without the camp shall his habitation be. [Leviticus 13:45,46].

Dietary Guidelines

―By the 1980s, all the health organizations of the United States had adopted low-fat, high

fiber dietary guidelines. This was the culmination of numerous scientific studies that had

demonstrated that diets high in vegetables, fruits, and grains reduced the risk of heart

disease, cancer, and many other diseases. Secular physicians generally agree that these

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dietary guidelines that were producing longer life spans were first developed by religious

movements founded in the 1800s, particularly by the Seventh-day Adventists. Where did

the Seventh-day Adventists get their guidelines? From a meticulous and careful study of

the Bible. It appears man has finally caught up to the dietary recommendations given by

God to the Israelites some 3500 years ago!‖

Additionally Leviticus 11:9-12 says

These you may eat, whatever is in the water: all that have fins and scales, those in

the water, in the seas or in the rivers, you may eat. But whatever is in the seas and

in the rivers that does not have fins and scales among all the teeming life of the

water, and among all the living creatures that are in the water, they are detestable

things to you, and they shall be abhorrent to you; you may not eat of their flesh,

and their carcasses you shall detest. 'Whatever in the water does not have fins and

scales is abhorrent to you.

Scripture states that we should avoid those sea creatures which do not have fins or scales.

We now know that bottom-feeders tend to consume waste and are likely to carry disease.

The End Times

Since Ernest Rutherford, who received the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1908, is credited

with splitting the atom only in 1917, it is quite impossible for people in the first century, to

have known anything about the Atom Bomb. However they certainly described it well,

speaking about the sky burning up and the earth itself melting. Peter certainly believed this

to be true, warning people about this phenomena in a verse quite startling in its clarity.

"But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a

roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will

be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people

ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the

day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the

heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat." (2 Peter 3:10-12)

The prophet Zechariah also gave us a chilling message…

"Now this will be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the peoples who

have gone to war against Jerusalem; their flesh will rot while they stand on their

feet, and their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongue will rot in their

mouth." [Zechariah 14:12]

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While the Apostle John described the sun becoming black as sack cloth and the moon

becoming like blood

And I saw when he opened the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake; and

the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the whole moon became as blood;

[Revelation 6:12]…

which describes the phenomena that would result from massive amounts of dust and debris

blown into the sky by multiple nuclear bursts. He went on to say…

"And the atmosphere was pushed apart like a scroll when it is rolled together"

(Revelation 6:14).

In a nuclear explosion the atmosphere rolls back on itself It's this tremendous rush of air

back into the vacuum that causes much of the destruction of a nuclear explosion. John's

words in this verse are a perfect picture of an all out nuclear exchange... The whole world

will be literally shaken apart!

While John did not use terms like "nuclear weapons, ICBM's, or fractional orbital bombs."

But "hail and fire," "a great mountain burning with fire," and "a great star... burning like a

torch." Exactly what we would expect of a First Century man, describing things he had no

knowledge of in the only terms he knew to use. Could it be that what John was really

witnessing in the Spirit, was an end of the age nuclear holocaust? The effects he describes

certainly seem to bear this out.

The poisoning of the waters (Revelation 8:11), the severe reduction in visibility (Revelation

8:12), the death of much of the earth's vegetation (Revelation 8:7), malignant sores

(Revelation 16:2), the end of ocean life (Revelation 16:3), and the inability of the

atmosphere to block out harmful ultraviolet rays, resulting in severe burns (Revelation

16:8) are all expected results of nuclear war.

However, please note that we are not saying that the world will end in a nuclear holocaust.

In fact there are three possible sources of the kind of devastation portrayed above. [19]

Also See The Effects Of Nuclear Weapons By Russell "Ace" Hoffman.


The Second Coming Takes Place in The Day AND Night:

In Luke 17:34–3 Jesus, speaking of His return to earth, makes the following statement.

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I tell you, on that night there will be two in one bed; one will be taken and the

other will be left. There will be two women grinding at the same place; one will be

taken and the other will be left. Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and

the other will be left."

Which is a clear indication of knowledge of a revolving earth, on which it is day on one

side, while it is yet night on the other.

Foot Note

The Minoan Civilization… a peaceful trade civilization which arose on the island of

Crete, and lasted from approximately 2700 to 1450 BC, and widely considered to be the

foundation of European civilization.

The Minoan Palace of Knossos on the isle of Crete featured four separate drainage

systems that emptied into the great sewers constructed of stone. Terra cotta pipe

was laid beneath the palace floor, hidden from view. … It provided water for

fountains and faucets of marble, gold and silver that jetted hot and cold running

water. Harbored in the palace latrine was the world's first flushing "water closet"

or toilet, with a wooden seat and a small reservoir of water. The device, however,

was lost for thousands of years amid the rubble of flood and decay. [The History

of Plumbing - Roman and English Legacy. http://www.theplumber.com/eng.html

However it has to be noted that these discoveries were made in the Palace of Knossos built

gradually between 1700 and 1400 BC. If they had the ability to build a palace with

Frescoes and a Throne Room and Aqueducts that brought fresh water from springs about 10

km away, why wouldn‘t they be able to fashion a toilet (a seat over drain flushed by

pouring water from a jug).

While I understand that the subject being discussed is ancient sanitary practices, I can not

resist the urge to bring up one other aspect of Minoan society..

Evidence that suggest the Minoans may have performed human sacrifice has been

found at three sites: including a young man, was found in an unusually contracted

position on a raised platform, suggesting that he had been trussed up for sacrifice...

the discoloration of the bones on one side of his body suggests he died of blood

loss. In another location fragments of a human skull were found in the same room

as a small hearth, cooking-hole, and cooking-equipment. In the "North House" at

Knossos, the bones of at least four children (who had been in good health) were

found which bore signs that "they were butchered in the same way the Minoans

slaughtered their sheep and goats, suggesting that they had been sacrificed and


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Pompeii, the ruined and partially buried Roman town-city near modern Naples was

destroyed, and completely buried, during a long catastrophic eruption of the volcano Mount

Vesuvius spanning two days in AD 79. Excavations reveal not only a large forum in the

center of the city, but public baths, a small theater, a large theater, temples, grand villas and

33 bakeries..

―Water closets were in vogue in Pompeii, and archaeologists have found ancient

closets in the back of one palace, including a cistern to flush water to the different

seats. Near the palace kitchen they also found an arched recess approximately

three feet deep. Although the actual wood had long disappeared, archaeologists say

they could still see outlines of hinges for the privy seats.‖ [The History of

Plumbing - Pompeii & Herculaneum. http://www.theplumber.com/pom.html]

Note however that while these snapshots of Roman life in the 1st century show a method of

disposing of waste it also depicted an abysmal lack of any form of separation of food and


―The kitchen's brick oven sat four feet from the privy. To the efficient Romans

who had no inkling of germs, the proximity allowed the easy disposal of both

scraps and excrete.‖ [The History of Plumbing - Pompeii & Herculaneum.


The Israelites, who did not live in palaces or towns, but in tents in the desert still had a

better system in which their excrement was kept far away from their food.

The Romans

Again while it is true that bathing was very important to the Romans and they built

numerous public bathhouses in the cities and towns throughout the empire which operated

like community centers, there is another aspect to these famous baths..

At first, the Roman baths opened only during the daylight hours, which allowed

for the emptying and refilling of the water at least once a day. This helped matters

somewhat, in that hundreds would use the same pools of stagnant, germ-

ridden, unfiltered, fetid water. The dawn of scientific discovery would not be for

hundreds more years. Even the best and brightest of the ancient Romans knew

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nothing about bacteria and the true causes of disease. [The History of Plumbing -

Roman and English Legacy.

"All major scientists support evolution." This is the Darwinist‘s response of choice to

anyone who dares question the notion that matter, time, and chance – not God – have

brought all things into existence. Darwinists assert there is neither scientific support nor

intellectual basis for the Biblical account of creation.

That Darwin diehards continue to promulgate this deception characterizes the dishonesty of

their entire debate. Scott M. Huse exposes this and other evolutionary fallacies in his fine

book, The Collapse of Evolution, in which he presents scientific evidence for biblical

creationism and shows why the theory of evolution and the scriptures are irreconcilable.

Written in plain language, documented with 39 pages of endnotes, appendices, and

bibliography, the book is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking the truth – including


Too many Christians, when confronted with the argument that real scientists support

Darwin‘s conclusions, throw in the towel for lack of knowledge. Huse‘s list of pioneering,

Bible-believing scientists comes to their aid. It‘s comprehensive, historically reliable, and

demands wide distribution.

Joseph Lister, Antiseptic Surgery

Louis Pasteur, Bacteriology

Sir Isaac Newton, Dynamics (discovered the laws of gravity, mathematics, co-

discovered calculus)

Johann Kepler, Celestial Mechanics, Physical Astronomy

Robert Boyle, Chemistry

Georges Cuvier, Comparative Anatomy, Vertebrate Palentology

Charles Babbage, Computer Science

James Clerk Maxwell, Electrodynamics, Statistical Thermodynamics

Michael Faraday, Electromagnetics, Field Theory

Ambrose Fleming, Electronics

Lord William Kelvin, Energetics, Thermodynamics

Henri Fabre, Entomology

George Stokes, Fluid Mechanics

William Herschel, Galactic Astronomy

Robert Boyle, Gas Dynamics

Gregor Mendel, Genetics

Louis Agassiz, Glacial Geology, Ichthyology

James Simpson, Gynecology

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Leonardo da Vinci, Hydraulics

Blaise Pascal, Hydrostatics

William Ramsay, Isotopic Chemistry

Matthew Maury, Oceanography

David Brewster, Optical Mineralogy

John Woodward, Paleontology

Rudolph Virchow, Pathology

James Joule, Reversible Thermodynamics

Sir Francis Bacon, Scientific Method

Nicholas Steno, Stratigraphy

Carolus Linnaeus, Systematic Biology

Humphrey Davy, Thermokinetics

These masters are not scientists Darwinists can dismiss. Many were contemporaries of

Charles Darwin, their contributions made during Darwin‘s lifetime or later. As for modern

scientists, Huse points out that today there are literally thousands of highly reputable

scientists representing every scientific discipline who completely dismiss the concept of

organic evolution in favor of biblical creationism.

Listing 100 creation-science organizations operating worldwide, 71 of which are in the

United States, Huse provides impressive examples of scientists who have outspokenly

rejected evolution, including John Grebe, director of basic and nuclear research for Dow

Chemical Company, who offered $1,000 to anyone who could produce just one clear proof

of evolution. Holder of over 100 patents, Dr. Grebe developed Styrofoam, synthetic rubber,

and Saran Wrap.

Sir Ernest Chain, co-holder of the 1945 Nobel Prize for developing penicillin, stated


"To postulate that the development and survival of the fittest is entirely a

consequence of chance mutations seems to me a hypothesis based on no evidence

and irreconcilable with the facts. These classical evolutionary theories are a gross

over-simplification of an immensely complex and intricate mass of facts, and it

amazes me that they are swallowed so uncritically and readily, and for such a long

time, by so many scientists without a murmur of protest."

P. Lemoine, president of the Geological Society of France, editor of the Encyclopedie

Francaise, and director of the Natural History Museum in Paris concluded:

"The theories of evolution, with which our studious youth have been deceived,

constitute actually a dogma that all the world continues to teach: but each, in his

specialty, the zoologist or the botanist, ascertains that none of the explanations

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furnished is adequate....It results from the summary, that the theory of evolution, is


Darwinists must be especially discomfited with the views expressed by Dr. Wernher von

Braun, father of America‘s space program, in a September 14, 1972 letter to the California

State Board of Education, part of which is printed here.

"In response to your inquiry about my personal views concerning the ‗Case for

DESIGN‘ as a viable scientific theory for the origin of the universe, life and man, I

am pleased to make the following observations.

For me, the idea of a creation is not conceivable without invoking the necessity of

design. One cannot be exposed to the law and order of the universe without

concluding that there must be design and purpose behind it all. In the world around

us, we can behold the obvious manifestations of an ordered, structured plan or

design. We can see the will of the species to live and propagate. And we are

humbled by the powerful forces at work on a galactic scale, and the purposeful

orderliness of nature that endows a tiny and ungainly seed with the ability to

develop into a beautiful flower. The better we understand the intricacies of the

universe and all it harbors, the more reason we have found to marvel at the

inherent design upon which it is based.

. . . Many men who are intelligent and of good faith say they cannot visualize a

Designer. Well, can a physicist visualize an electron? The electron is materially

inconceivable and yet it is so perfectly known through its effects that we use it to

illuminate our cities, guide our airlines through the night skies and take the most

accurate measurements. What strange rationale makes some physicists accept the

inconceivable electrons as real while refusing to accept the reality of a Designer on

the ground that they cannot conceive Him? I am afraid that, although they really

do not understand the electron either, they are ready to accept it because they

managed to produce a rather clumsy mechanical model of it borrowed from rather

limited experience in other fields, but they would not know how to begin building

a model of God......."

Decades later, with technological advances creating ever more dilemmas for Darwinists,

they perch precariously on their evolutionary "chair," as described by Scott Huse.

"As I was sitting in my chair, I knew it had no bottom there, No legs, or back, but I

just sat, Ignoring little things like that."

In a Darwinist‘s perfect world, opponents would shut up: Christians, creationists, and

intelligent design advocates would cower in silence; schools would indoctrinate without

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objection, and scientists would speak with one voice. Evolutionary theory would not only

reign, it would be preached without challenge.

Standing in the way of that "perfect world" are authors such as James Perloff who has

compiled a wealth of creation facts and evolutionary fables in his book, Tornado in a

Junkyard, The Relentless Myth of Darwinism. Perloff‘s presentation of what the world‘s

best known scientists have said and thought about the origins of man and earth makes clear

that Christians needn‘t apologize for a lack of real scientists in their ranks.

The Missouri-based Creation Research Society, for example, has over 600 voting members

with post-graduate science degrees. The entire faculty of California‘s Institute for Creation

Research holds advanced scientific degrees and, in 1997, Dr. Raymond Damadian, inventor

of the medical diagnostic device known as the MRI joined the Institute‘s Technical

Advisory Board

Perloff observes that even Newsweek magazine in a 1998 cover story entitled "Science

Finds God" noted:

"According to a study released last year, 40 percent of American scientists believe

in a personal God – not merely an ineffable power and presence in the world, but a

deity to whom they can pray."

Among the many modern-day scientists quoted by Perloff is rocket scientist Werner von

Braun, who oversaw the team of scientists that sent the first American into space and

masterminded the moon landing. An active Christian who prayed for the safety of those on

the missions he planned, Braun‘s declarations left no doubt about his beliefs.

In a letter to the California State Board of Education, von Braun stated:

"There are those who argue that the universe evolved out of a random process, but

what random process could produce the brain of man or the system of the human

eye? ...To be forced to believe one conclusion – that everything in the universe

happened by chance – would violate the very objectivity of science itself."

Von Braun also observed:

"Manned space flight is an amazing achievement, but it has opened for mankind

thus far only a tiny door for viewing the awesome reaches of space. An outlook

through this peephole at the vast mysteries of the universe should only confirm our

belief in the certainty of its Creator. "

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In 1959, Dr. T. N. Tahmisian, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, was even more blunt:

"Scientists who go about teaching that evolution is a fact of life are great con-men,

and the story they are telling may be the greatest hoax ever. In explaining

evolution, we do not have one iota of fact."

Louis Bounoure, director of the Strasbourg Zoological Museum, then director of research

at the French National Center of Scientific Research, stated in 1984:

"Evolutionism is a fairy tale for grown-ups. This theory has helped nothing in the

progress of science. It is useless. "

Dr. Wolfgang Smith, science writer and teacher at MIT and UCLA, said in 1988:

"And yet the fact remains that there exists to this day not a shred of bona fide

scientific evidence in support of the thesis that macroevolutionary transformation

have ever occurred."

Charles Townes, who shared the 1964 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on laser

principles said:

"As a religious person, I strongly sense . . . the presence and actions of a creative

being far beyond myself and yet always personal and close by."

It has ever been so. Considered by many to be the greatest scientist who ever lived,

Isaac Newton (1642-1727) discovered the law of gravity, formulated the three

laws of motion, developed calculus, and constructed the first reflecting telescope.

He wrote an estimated 1,400,000 words on religion, including papers refuting

atheism and defending the Bible. Newton believed in the Flood, a literal six-day

creation and a young earth:

"I have a fundamental belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by men who

were inspired. I study the Bible daily."

"All my discoveries have been made in answer to prayer."

Sir John William Dawson, who pioneered Canadian geology and served as president of

both Mc Gill University and the British Association for the Advancement of Science, stated

in 1887:

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"We thus see that evolution as an hypothesis has no basis in experience or in

scientific fact, and that its imagined series of transmutations has breaks which

cannot be filled."

Astronomer Sir William Herschel (1738-1822), who discovered Uranus and built the

greatest reflecting telescopes of his day, said.

"The undevout astronomer must be mad, " he said.

John Frederick Herschel (son of Sir William) discovered more than 500 stars and

nebulae, declaring:

"All human discoveries seem to be made only for the purpose of confirming more

and more strongly the truths that come from on high and are contained in the

sacred writings."

John Flamsteed (1646-1719) made the first great map of the stars, founded the famous

Greenwich Observatory, was first Astronomer Royal of England – and a clergyman.

John Ray (1627-1705), first to suggest classifying organisms by species and considered the

leading authority on zoology and botany in his day, also authored theological books,

including The Wisdom of God Manifested in the Works of the Creation.

The verdict is in, just ignored. Scientists have ever deliberated the origins of life and the

greatest among them, yesterday and today, have embraced biblical creationism. Yet the

myth of Darwinism persists, embraced by atheists and agnostics, enabled by timid,

apathetic, or misinformed Christians.

From 1859 -- when Charles Darwin‘s Origin of the Species was published -- to the present;

from Marx, Nietzche, and Huxley to Stalin, Hitler, and Mao, Darwinism has been used to

justify class struggle, racial purity, genocide, and the mass slaughter of innocents. Make no

mistake. If today‘s evolutionists get their perfect world, evil will occupy the throne.

A Scientist And A Christian?

"Scientists are anchored in the U. S. mainstream." It says that half participate in

religious activities regularly. Looking at the poll is that 43% of Ph.D. scientists are in

church on a typical Sunday. In the American public, 44% are in church on a typical

Sunday (Poll of the professional society Sigma Zi to which three thousand three

hundred responded)

Dr. "Fritz" Schaefer. "The significance and joy in my science comes in the occasional

moments of discovering something new and saying to myself, 'So that's how God did it!'

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My goal is to understand a little corner of God's plan." –U.S. News & World Report, Dec.

23, 1991. (Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry and the director of the Center for

Computational Quantum Chemistry at the University of Georgia. He has been nominated

for the Nobel Prize and was recently cited as the third most quoted chemist in the world).

Erwin Schrodinger. ―I'm very astonished that the scientific picture of the real world is

very deficient. It gives a lot of factual information, puts all our experience in a

magnificently consistent order, but it is ghastly silent about all and sundry that is really near

to our heart, that really matters to us. It cannot tell us a word about red and blue, bitter and

sweet, physical pain and physical delight, knows nothing of beautiful and ugly, good or

bad, God and eternity. Science sometimes pretends to answer questions in these domains,

but the answers are very often so silly that we are not inclined to take them seriously‖.

(Founder of wave mechanics and the originator of what is the most important equation in

science, Schrodinger's equation)

Richard Ferriman. "Many scientists do believe in both science and God, the God of

revelation, in a perfectly consistent way." (Nobel prizewinner in physics in 1965, quoted

some 9 years before receiving the Nobel prize).

Allen Lichtman. ―References to God continued in the scientific literature until the middle

to late 1800's. It seems likely that the lack of religious references after this time seem more

from a change in social and professional conventions among scientists rather than from any

change in underlying thought. Indeed, contrary to popular myth, scientists appear to have

the same range of attitudes about religious matters as does the general public‖. (Author of

Origins (Harvard University Press) and an M.I.T. professor.)

Michael Polony. ―I shall re-examine the suppositions underlying our belief in science and

propose to show that they are more extensive than is usually thought. They will appear to

coextend with the entire spiritual foundations of man and to go to the very root of his social

existence. Hence I will urge our belief in science should be regarded as a token of much

wider convictions‖ (Professor of chemistry and then philosophy at the University of

Manchester. His son, John Polony, won the Nobel prize in 1986.)

Francis Bacon. ―Let no one think or maintain that a person can search too far or be too

well studied in either the book of God's word or the book of God's works‖.

Johannes Kepler. ―I believe only and alone in the service of Jesus Christ. In him is all

refuge and solace.‖ ( Discoverer of the laws of planetary motion.)

…He also said that he desired in his scientific research ―to obtain a sample test of the

delight of the Divine Creator in his work and to partake of his joy‖. (In answer to the

question "Why do you do science?",

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Blaise Pascal. ―God makes people conscious of their inward wretchedness, which the Bible

calls ‗sin‘ and his infinite mercy. Unites himself to their inmost soul, fills it with humility

and joy, with confidence and love, renders them incapable of any other end than Himself.

Jesus Christ is the end of all and the center to which all tends.‖

AND ―At the center of every human being is a God–shaped vacuum, which can only be

filled by Jesus Christ‖. (Father of the mathematical theory of probability and combinatorial


Robert Boyle. Author of The Wisdom of God Manifested in the Works of Creation. He

personally endowed an annual lectureship promoted to the defense of Christianity against

indifferentism and atheism was a good friend of Richard Baxter, a great Puritan theologian

and governor of the Corporation for the Spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in New

England. Robert Boyle. (Developed the idea of atoms.. Boyle‘s law)

Isaac Newton. ―This most beautiful system of the sun, planets and comets could only

proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.‖

―One might assume from this statement that Newton was a Deist (system of natural religion

that affirms God's existence but denies revelation). However, quotes like this shows this is

not true:‖

―There are more sure marks of authenticity in the Bible than in any profane history.‖

―It must be expressed in the very form of sound words in which it was delivered by the

apostles. For men are apt to run into partings about deductions. All the old heresies lie in

deductions. The true faith was in the Biblical texts.‖ Isaac Newton. mathematician,

physicist, co–discoverer with Liebnitz of calculus, the founder of classical physics. Author

of Observations on the prophecy of Daniel and the Revelation of Saint John.

George Trevellian. ―Boyle, Newton and the early members of the Royal Society were

religious men who repudiated the skeptical doctrines of Thomas Hobbs. But they

familiarized the minds of their countrymen with the idea of law in the universe and with

scientific methods of inquiry to discover truth. It was believed that these methods would

never lead to any conclusions inconsistent with Biblical history and miraculous religion.

Newton lived and died in that faith‖. (A secular historian)

Michael Faraday. ―Speculations, man, I have none. I have certainties. I thank God that I

don't rest my dying head upon speculations for "I know whom I have believed and am

persuaded that he is able to keep that which I've committed unto him against that day."

(When a friend and well–wisher came by and said, "Sir Michael, what speculations have

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you now?‖ Faraday discovered benzene and electromagnetic radiation, invented the

generator and was the main architect of classical field theory).

James Clerk Maxwell. ―Think what God has determined to do to all those who submit

themselves to his righteousness and are willing to receive his gift [of eternal life in Jesus

Christ]. They are to be conformed to the image of his Son and when that is fulfilled and

God sees they are conformed to the image of Christ, there can be no more condemnation.‖

(The second of the three great theoretical physicists of all time.)

Maxwell and Charles Darwin were contemporaries. When Maxwell was invited to go to a

meeting on the Italian Riviera in February to discuss new developments in science and the

Bible. He turned down the invitation. He explained:

―The rate of change of scientific hypotheses is naturally much more rapid than that of

Biblical interpretation. So if an interpretation is founded on such a hypothesis it may help to

keep the hypothesis above ground long after it ought to be buried and forgotten.‖

Somebody who obviously not an admirer of Faraday and Maxwell. The religious

decisions of Faraday and Maxwell were inelegant, but effective evasions of social problems

that distracted and destroyed the qualities of the works of many of their ablest

contemporaries. (They did not become alcoholics nor womanizers nor social climbers as

their able colleagues appeared to do).

Organic Chemists

William Henry Perkins. ―Admit the existence of a personal God and the possibility of

miracles follows at once. If the laws of nature are carried out in accordance with his will, he

who willed them may will their suspension….‖ Discovered the first synthetic dye. The

Perkins transactions of the Royal Society of London is named after him), Perkins sold his

highly profitable business and retired to private research and church missionary ventures at

the age of 35 in the year 1873.

William Thompson. ―Do not be afraid to be free thinkers. If you think strongly enough,

you will be forced by science to the belief in God‖. (Leading physical scientist and the

greatest science teacher of his time. His early papers on electromagnetism and heat provide

enduring proof of his scientific genius)

J. J. Thompson. ―In the distance tower still higher [scientific] peaks which will yield to

those who ascend them still wider prospects and deepen the feeling whose truth is

emphasized by every advance in science, that great are the works of the Lord.‖ (Discoverer

of the electron in 1897. Cavendish professor of physics at Cambridge University. )

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(The old Cavendish laboratory sits in the middle of Cambridge campus. So much was

discovered there that it was turned into a museum. A total of fifteen Nobel Prizes resulted

from work done there. Inscribed over its door is a Latin phrase "The fear of the Lord is the

beginning of wisdom." [A new] Cavendish laboratory was rebuilt out in the country.

However, it also has this sentence from the book of Proverbs written over the door, but in

English rather than Latin.)

Theoretical Chemists

Charles Coulson. ―There were some ten of us and together we sought for God and together

we found Him. I learned for the first time in my life that God was my friend. God became

real to me, utterly real. I knew Him and could talk with Him as I never imagined it before

and these prayers were the most glorious moment of the day. Life had a purpose and that

purpose coloured everything.‖ (One of the three principal architects of the molecular orbital

theory. He disqualified himself from the Nobel prize by dying at the age of 64.)

Robert Griffith. ―If we need an atheist for a debate, I'd go to the philosophy department—

the physics department isn't much use.‖ (Member of The U.S. Academy of Sciences &

Otto Stern professor of physics at Carnegie Mellon University. He received one of the most

coveted awards of the American Physical Society in 1984 on his work in physical

mechanics and thermodynamics. Physics Today said he is an evangelical Christian who is

an amateur theologian and who helps teach a course on Christianity and science.

Richard Bube. ―There are proportionately as many atheistic truck drivers as there are

atheistic scientists.‖ (Chairman of the department of materials science at Stanford and

carried out foundational work on solid state physics concerning semiconductors)

John Suppee. ―Some non–scientist Christians, when they meet a Christian, will call on to

debate evolution. That is definitely the wrong thing to do. If you know what problems

scientists have in their lives—pride, selfish ambition, jealousy—that's exactly the kind of

thing Jesus Christ said that He came to resolve by His death on the cross. Science is full of

people with very strong egos who get into conflict with each other. The gospel is the same

for scientists as it is for anyone. Evolution is basically a red herring; if scientists are looking

for meaning in their lives, it won't be found in evolution. I have never met a non–Christian

who brought up evolution with me.‖ (Member of the U.S. Academy of Sciences and noted

professor of geology at Princeton.)

Charles H. Townes. You may well ask, "Where does God come into this," to me, that's

almost a pointless question. If you believe in God at all, there is no particular "where"—He

is always there, everywhere….To me, God is personal yet omnipresent. A great source of

strength, He has made an enormous difference to me. (Candidate for a second Nobel Prize

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for the first observation of an interstellar molecule. Still has a very active research program

at Berkeley.)

Arthur Schawlow. ―We are fortunate to have the Bible, and especially the New Testament,

which tells so much about God in widely accessible, human terms‖. (Nobel Prize winner in

physics, 1981, serves as physics professor at Stanford)

Alan Sandage. ―The nature of God is not to be found within any part of the findings of

science. For that, one must turn to the Scriptures‖. (The world's greatest observational

cosmologist, an astronomer at the Carnegie Institution. He was called the Grand Old Man

of cosmology by The New York Times when he won a $1 million prize from the Royal

Swedish Academy of Sciences. Sandage became a Christian at the age of fifty.)

―The world is too complicated in all its parts and interconnections to be due to chance…I

am convinced that the existence of life with all its order and each of its organisms is simply

too well put together‖. (When asked to explain how one can be a scientist and a Christian)

William Phillips. ―God has given us an incredibly fascinating world to live in and explore.

― (Nobel Prize winner for the development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser

light. According to The New York Times, Phillips "formed and sings in the gospel choir at

Fairhaven United Methodist Church, a multi–racial congregation of about 300 in

Gaithersburg, Maryland. He also teaches Sunday School and leads Bible studies.)

Why Are There So Few Atheists Among Physicists?

The present arrangement of matter indicates a very special choice of initial conditions. —

Paul Davies

In fact, if one considers the possible constants and laws that could have emerged, the odds

against a universe that produced life like ours are immense. —Stephen Hawking

A common sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a superintellect has monkeyed

with physics, as well as with chemistry and biology, and that there are no blind forces worth

speaking about in nature. —Fred Hoyle

And Finally

So is it possible to be a scientist and a Christian? C. P. Snow, who was certainly not a

Christian, said yes. He used to be very famous as the author of a book called The Two

Cultures and was a physical chemist at Oxford University.

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―You will understand that my atheism was inevitably based on what I believed to be the

findings of the sciences and those findings, not being a scientist, I had to take on trust, in

fact, on authority. C. S. Lewis

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[1] Examples of Scientific Accuracy in the Bible By David Pyles.


[2] http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,947769-3,00.html

[3] http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/physics/Ether.html

[4] Mitchell Waldrop, Delving the Hole in Space, Science Magazine, Nov. 27, 1981.


[5] http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/03/0302_050302_galactic_radio.html

[6] http://www.pytlik.com/observe/deliverus/signature-04.html

[7a] Fred Williams. Advanced Scientific Knowledge.


[7b] Fred Williams. Advanced Medical Knowledge..


[8] Modern Century Illustrated Encyclopedia, Vol. 12

[9] Matthew Maury‘s search for the secret of the seas. Answers in Genesis.


[10] Exploring The Deep Ocean Floor: Hot Springs And Strange Creatures…


and Hot Springs on the Ocean Floor… http://www.waterencyclopedia.com/Ge-Hy/Hot-


[11] Hong, S.W. et al., Safety investigation of Noah‘s Ark in a seaway, TJ 8(1):26–36,

1994. All the co-authors are on the staff of the Korea Research Institute of Ships and

Ocean Engineering.

[12] David Pyles. http://www.pb.org/pbdocs/bibleac.html

[13] Race and Gene Studies: What Differences Make a Difference? by Larry Adelman.


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[14] Vitamins and Hormones By Harris, Kenneth Vivian Thimann. Page 115

[15] S.E. Massengill. A Sketch of Medicine and Pharmacy.



[16] Daily life of the ancient Egyptians By Bob Brier, A. Hoyt Hobbs. Page 232

[17] http://diseases.emedtv.com/leprosy/how-leprosy-spreads.html

[18] Transmission of Leprosy: A Study of Skin and Nasal Secretions of Household

Contacts of Leprosy Patients Using PCR. Charles K. Job, Joseph Jayakumar, Michael

Kearney, AND Thomas P. Gillis. http://www.ajtmh.org/cgi/content/full/78/3/518

[19] This Section is adapted from Nuclear Weapons in the End Times… Does the Bible

predict a nuclear holocaust? by Dr. David R. Reagan.
