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  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    Atlanta Heights Charter School

    3712 Martin Luther King Drive

    Atlanta, Georgia 30331

  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    A Charter SchoolCharter schools are public schools run byindependent entities sponsored by a state

    approved organization.Atlanta Heights Charter School is run by NationalHeritage Academies and is sponsored by The

    Georgia Charter Schools Commission.

    It is governed by an all-volunteer board of directorscompromised of local community and businessleaders.

  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    ACHS Mission and VisionTo create a safe, vibrant and orderly educational

    environment that is focused on student learning.

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    National Heritage Academies

    Mission and PurposeMission

    To better educate more children.


    Challenging each child to achieve.

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    National Heritage Academies

    BeliefsA quality education is the foundation for a successful

    life. Every child is capable of excelling academically.

    Firmly committed to providing support and resourcesto help students understand and realize their

    potential.At NHA schools, dreams are formed, inspiration is

    fostered and each child is challenged to achieve.

  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    Media Center MissionThe mission of the Atlanta Heights Charter

    School Media Center is to provide and

    support students and staff with informationservices to foster learning by providinginstruction and access to a range of resourceswhile promoting an enjoyment of literature

    in an educational environment.

  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    AHCS Student DataAtlanta Heights Charter School opened in August

    2010. It is a tuition-free charter school in SouthwestAtlanta that allows any student in the Atlanta Public

    Schools to enroll. It is projected to serve approximately 700 children by

    2013 with the addition of a new grade each year up to8th grade.

    97.3% of students are enrolled in the free/reducedlunch program.

    The K-5 school has approximately 385 students with20 certified teachers.

  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    AHCS Facility Data The facility is 44,000-square feet with 31 classrooms,art and music classrooms, a gym/cafeteria, mediacenter, and parent room.

    The media center is located at the very front of theschool centrally next to the office and across from thegym.

    We have 1,033 books in the library. Currently, we haveone set of World Books.

    The library has a mobile lab and one desktop for mediaspecialist use. The computer lab consists of 30 thinclients and one desktop with an InteractiveWhiteboard and Elmo document camera.

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    Media Center

    Facility Use Book check-in/check-out

    Mobile lab availability

    Computer Lab

    Internet Searching

    School and faculty meetings

    Book Fairs

  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    Media Center Scheduling The media center has a fixed schedule where classes visit the

    media center daily for a lesson. The media specialist iscurrently a part-time position, therefore teachers are able to

    use the media center when it is not in use by classes. A sign-up sheet is located on the media specialists desk for teachersto sign-up.

    The computer lab is available at all times for teachers to sign-

    up. There is a sign-up sheet placed outside of the computerlab.

    Hours are from 7:45 a.m. until 3:45 p.m. Students beginarriving at 7:30 a.m.; students are dismissed at 3:15 p.m.

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  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    AHCS Check-Out PolicyAt this time there is not a fine charged for overdue books or

    materials. However, a student will not be allowed to checkout any other books until the overdue books are returned.Students and their parents/guardians are responsible to pay

    for the replacement cost of damaged or lost books andmaterials. Students who have overdue/missing books fromthe previous year will not be allowed to check out books untilthey have settled their outstanding accounts.



    grade may check out 2 books. 2nd-3rd grade may check out 1 book.

    Kindergarten-1st grade may check out 10 collectively as a classto keep in classrooms.

    Library books are currently kept at school for all grades.

  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    AHCS Technology Policy Each student has a personal log-in name and password

    that gives them access to the school server.

    The server provides the entire Microsoft Office

    package under the Microsoft XP operating system. Lessons are focused on training and instilling

    computer technology for effective use andunderstanding to all students. Students learn how to

    read, research, and produce documents usingcomputer resources.

  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    Reading Programs A book fair is hosted twice a yearone in the fall and one in

    the spring during parent conferences. All proceeds go to themedia center for more books. Each book fair has a

    teacher preview party and a teacher wish list that helpsteachers build their classroom libraries.

    Students will be participating in the Six for Six Flagsprogram as a reading incentive. Students will read 6 hours

    outside their designated reading logs to obtain a ticket for theamusement park.

    The students will participate in Read Across America Weekand do activities to get them excited about reading.

  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    Current Facility


  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


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  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    Entrance of SchoolMedia CenterMainEntrance

    Main Office



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    Media Center Entrances

    Main EntranceTech Lab


    Back DoorEntrance

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    View from Entrances

    View from

    main entrance

    View from

    back door entrance

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    Technology Lab

    View from

    library side

    View from

    lab entrance

  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    Circulation Desk/Instructional Area





    PuzzleTableMeeting Area/

    Carpet Time

  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    Views from Circulation Desk

    Viewing the

    tech labViewing the


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    Nonfiction Shelf

    Fiction Shelf

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    Reference Shelf

    Everybody Shelf

  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    Empty Space

    Empty shelf space

    used for supplies

    Empty magazine


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  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    Feedback from Library PatronsI compiled feedback from all parties including students and

    teachers and conducted a survey based upon originalcomments. The following were the original comments:

    3rdGrade Teacher: I am looking for specific books that are

    classics that we are lacking. 4thGrade Student: I want to see more books like 39 Clues.

    Kindergarten Student: These headphones hurt my ears.

    Paraprofessional: The wires are constantly left in a mess by

    classes. Im also having trouble walking down the rowswithout knocking off headphones.

    Special education teacher: I would like to see a readingprogram that can help with the kids love of reading.

    5thGrade Student: When can I take an A.R. quiz?

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    Suggestions Survey

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  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    Additions to Collection More books will be purchased through a program at Mackin.

    Mackin will analyze your collection and do a custom analysis(spending approximately $5,000 of grant money).

    Books will be purchased from Scholastic from Book Fairfundraiser (spending approximately $2,000).

    Donations will be gathered through local volunteer groups.

    Magazine subscriptions will be purchased at Acclaim

    Subscriptions. They also do complimentary consultation. Purchase 25 dictionaries (Scholastic Childrens Dictionary

    2010-$12.37) and 15 thesauruses (Scholastic ChildrensThesaurus 2010-$7.35)

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  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    Circulation/Media Storage Issue: The circulation desk is the media specialists desk too.

    It doesnt make much room for the media specialist to workwhile tending to the needs of students. The location of thecirculation desk must provide a clear view of the entire

    library (the view is not clear over the everybody shelf). Issue: With the media specialist having little space, there is

    nowhere to store media materials besides a storage cabinet.Little space=little resources.

    Solutions: Revamp the media center adding a media storageroom, media specialist office, centered circulation desk withhalf oval shape

  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    Student Instructional Space

    Issue: There is not enough space for upper grades to be seated on the carpet andtables are spread too far apart for management. There arent areas for studentsto work individually and in small groups concurrently with whole-classinstruction.

    Issue: After adding A.R. program, there is not an area for testing.

    Solution: Implantation of an area designed for whole-class instruction, plusareas for individual and small group activity, arranged so all areas can beconcurrently utilized by expanding the facility. A large carpet area by the bay

    window can be utilized for the group meetings. For activities, the work tableswould still be available in an area away from the carpet as well as an area

    designated to an in-house classroom (consisting of an interactive board andlong tables).

    Solution: Additional thin client computers and an extra computer table can bebrought in to create a space near the circulation desk for A.R. testing.

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    Workroom/Conference Area Issue: No workroom or conference area


    Add a teacher workroom for dispensation of print materials

    and other library management tasks. Including large work table

    Be large enough to permit the use of multiple bookcases andas much storage as possible

    Include equipment (copier) for use by building faculty whichwill encourage interaction between teachers and library staff.

    Include a conference area for possible meetings (faculty orboard meetings) with enough room as well as an interactive


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  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    Wireless Headphones with Storage

    Issues: Current headphones are pulledapart and the metal snaps and breaks.Other media specialists in our area havehad the same issue. Also the wiresconstantly tangle by students.

    Solution: Wireless computer accessories.

    The Sennheiser RS 130 WirelessHeadphones are lightweight and have longlasting comfort since some studentscomplain that our headphones hurt. Wealso have nowhere to store the headphones

    when theyre not in use. We have tried to

    set them on the back of the thin client, butstudents will accidently knock them off asthey walk by. The Sennheiser RS 130

    Wireless Headphones come with a chargingstation that would be perfect to set theheadphones on when not in use.

    Sennheiser RS 130 WirelessHeadphone-$99.99

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  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves




  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    Purchasing Programs Purchase Accelerated Reader Program for the entire

    school ($1499) per teachers and students request.

    Purchase a researched math program peradministrative request--FASTT Math Enterprise

    Edition: Unlimited School Plan ($9,000).

  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    Library Dcor Target Areas

    Issue: Being a brand new library, our area is very bareand needs some ways to make it more comfortable andinviting for library patrons.


    Add a kindergarten area

    Add a library rug

    Paint Murals Comfortable Seating

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    Library Dcor

    Dewey Decimal Rugfor story time gathering


    Wild Animal Pillows


    Puzzle Piece OttomanHighsmith-$65.00

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    Library Dcor- Murals

    With the height of our bookcases, it would be most befitting to havemurals painted above them. Our art teacher is very talented and haspainted murals for our school previously. This would be a greataddition with the quote, Everybody who is honest is interesting. Ourschool focuses on moral virtues and having murals with that focus

    would reiterate to the students.

  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    Kindergarten Corner Dcor

    Library Cart for Kindergarten ChoicesGuidecraft-$166.00

    Childrens chair pad

    IKEA-$3.99 each

    Childrens chair

    IKEA- $12.99

    Literacy RugKaplan-$259.95

  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    Policy Improvements

    Library hours will be extended. Opening at 7:30 a.m. andclosing at 4:00 p.m. (same hours as the parent resourceroom). The hours will be extended on Tuesdays andThursdays until 5:00 p.m.

    Book policy should allow 5th grade to check-out 4 books2for recreational reading (A.R. book and choice book) and 2for current research for classroom studies. 4th grade and 3rdgrade should be able to check-out 2 books while

    kindergarten and 1st grade should be able to check-out theirown books. All 1st-5th grades should be able to take homebooks.

  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    New Facility Layout(with different space)

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  • 7/28/2019 Facilities Plan-Angela Reaves


    What a schoolthinks

    about its libraryis a

    measure of what it thinks

    about education.

    -Harold Howe, former U.S.

    Commissioner ofEducation