facilitators guide; workshop sustainable fab lab goals; workshop on fab labs and sustainable...

1 Facilitators Guide for the bilingual Workshop "Sustainable Fab Lab Goals" / Taller "Objetivos de Fab Labs Sostenibles" Pieter van der Hijden ([email protected]) - 25 July 2017 1 Metadata 1.1 Context Context - FAB13 International Fab Lab Conference, Santiago de Chile, 31 July - 6 August 2017 Date, time, location - Wednesday August 2, 2017 14:30 - 16:30; Hosting Lab: FabHaus, El Comendador 1916, Providencia, Santiago de Chile Facilitators - Pieter van der Hijden, chair (The Netherlands, Suriname, [email protected]) with Enrico Bassi (Italy, [email protected]), Vaneza Caycho Ñuflo (Peru, [email protected]), Neville Govender (South Africa, [email protected]), Yogesh Kulkarni (India, [email protected]), Wendy Neale (New Zealand, [email protected])

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Facilitators Guide for the bilingual Workshop "Sustainable Fab Lab Goals" / Taller "Objetivos de Fab Labs Sostenibles"

Pieter van der Hijden ([email protected]) - 25 July 2017

1 Metadata

1.1 Context

Context - FAB13 International Fab Lab Conference, Santiago de Chile, 31 July - 6 August 2017

Date, time, location - Wednesday August 2, 2017 14:30 - 16:30; Hosting Lab: FabHaus, El Comendador 1916, Providencia, Santiago de Chile

Facilitators - Pieter van der Hijden, chair (The Netherlands, Suriname, [email protected]) with Enrico Bassi (Italy, [email protected]), Vaneza Caycho Ñuflo (Peru, [email protected]), Neville Govender (South Africa, [email protected]), Yogesh Kulkarni (India, [email protected]), Wendy Neale (New Zealand, [email protected])


1.2 Workshop

Title - Sustainable Fab Lab Goals / Objetivos de Fab Labs Sostenibles

Author(s) - Pieter van der Hijden - The Netherlands & Suriname ([email protected])

Intended audience - Volunteers, staff, management and board members of fab labs / maker spaces; minimum 10, maximum 35 people

Purpose - Explore the 17 United Nations sustainable development goals for 2030, identify where fab labs can contribute, at local, regional and global level and improve our sustainability as fab labs as well!

Facilitator - Required, preferable six (one chairperson and group facilitators); 2 hours preparation time for new facilitator:

Study the Facilitators Manual for this workshop and the slides (http://bit.ly/2tFXYNe)

Explore the UN website on sustainable development goals: http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/

Refer to the "The Fab Lab Life Cycle" report; http://bit.ly/fablablifecycle.

Time - Set-up time 15 minutes; run-time 2 hours

Requirements - See below.

Keywords - united nations, un, sustainable development goals, sdg's, sdg, global goals, fab lab, maker movement, future, policy, vision, mission


Documentation on the UN Sustainable Development Goals / Objetivos de Desarollo Sostenible; http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/

The Fab Lab (FABrication LABoratory) concept was developed by Neil Gershenfeld, director of the Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Rights – 2017 Pieter van der Hijden (The Netherlands, Suriname) with Enrico Bassi (Italy), Vaneza Caycho Ñuflo (Peru), Neville Govender (South Africa), Yogesh Kulkarni (India), Wendy Neale (New Zealand) - 2017 - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


1.3 Requirements

Room - Quiet room with cabaret setting for five breakout groups and one presentation wall.

Equipment - 5 tables (8 chairs each) in cabaret setting, computer plus projector


For each participant: Badge/sticker, Activity matrix form, Stickers small (2x1.5 inch), Evaluation form, ...

For each group/table: Markers and pencils, Attendance list, given name, family name, fab lab, country, email (P R I N T), Big sign indicating group (A-E) and the SDG's the group will deal with plus flyer on these topics (EN and SP): Group A: SDG 1, 6, 11, Group B: SDG 2, 7, 12, Group C; SDG 3, 8, 13, Group D: SDG 4, 9, 14, Group E: SDG 5, 10, 15, Stickers large (3x3 inch), Laminated card with overview of 17 SDG's (EN and SP), ...

Other: Summary poster, Powerpoint slides, Facilitator manual, ...

2 Background

After "Fab Lab Life Cycle" workshops on setting-up and running a fablab at four FAB-conferences and Fab Lab Safety Game sessions during two, it is time for the next level: the Sustainable Fab Lab Goals.*

Countries of the world agreed on 17 Sustainable Development Goals to be completed by all in 2030. Fab labs of the world could use them as a global framework to identify where we could make a difference. This helps clarify our potential impact on local, regional or global scale. It helps us to align our social activities and makes our labs and the whole more sustainable itself as well. Where sustainable development goals and sustainable fab lab goals coincide, new opportunities for structural cooperation and sustainable funding emerge. Come and join us in this bilingual workshop! * Fab Lab Life Cycle and Fab Lab Safety Game documentation is free to download via http://bit.ly/fablabonline. Results of the new workshop will follow.

Further reading:

The best entry point on the SDG's is the website http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/; available in various languages. When you click on "Goals" you reach an overview page from where you can drill down to each of the Sustainable Development Goals:

you find some facts and figures illustrating why the goal is important

you find the official list of targets for a certain sdg

you find a link to a PDF "why it matters?", a 2-page flyer (included into the list of workshop requirements).


3 Preparation Set up the room: cabaret setting for five breakout groups and one presentation wall.

Computer plus projector plus presentation slides.

On each table:

Big signs: Group A, B, C, D or E.


Attendance list

Laminated card with overview of 17 SDG's (EN and SP)

Badges/stickers for facilitator and participants

On the presentation wall:

Summary poster

4 Process

4.1 Check-in Each facilitator takes a seat at a different table.

The facilitators welcome the participants and ask them to take a seat at one of the five tables. Most materials will be bilingual (English and Spanish). If appropriate we could concentrate participants with little practice in English in a single Spanish group (with a spanish speaking facilitator).

The facilitators ask the participants to fill the attendance list and to prepare a badge/sticker with their name and affiliation.

4.2 [15'] - Briefing [plenary]

Guided by the powerpoint presentation, the chairperson invites the facilitators to introduce themselves very shortly, explains the background of this workshop and its agenda and gives a short overview of the sustainable development goals.

4.3 [30'] - Cycle 1 - Fab labs today - Setting our baseline [5 groups]

The first cycle "Fab labs today - Setting our baseline" takes 30 minutes and is based on group work.

Materials: activity matrix form for each participant, markers, small stickers.


Example of activity matrix filled with data from a single fab lab

During the first cycle, the facilitators stimulate that group members learn to know each other, develop a view on today's fab labs (as represented in your group), and especially their external activities (services and clients). They check whether the activities relate to any sdg or not and ask the participants to save their results by filling an activity matrix form. Use little stickers for easy updating.

4.4 [30'] - Cycle 2 - Fab labs tomorrow - Identifying fab lab options [5 groups]

The second cycle "Fab labs tomorrow - Identifying fab lab options" also takes 30 minutes and is based on group work.

Materials: Sign indicating the three sdg's the group will try to cover, flyers in English and Spanish on the three sdg's, stickers 3x3 inch and markers, white sheets of paper for temporary storage of the stickers.


Overview of the Sustainable Development Goals plus Fab Lab logo

Each of the five groups will focus on three SDG's only (as indicated on the group sign):

Group A: SDG 1, 6, 11

Group B: SDG 2, 7, 12

Group C; SDG 3, 8, 13

Group D: SDG 4, 9, 14

Group E: SDG 5, 10, 15

Note: SDG 16 and 17 will be covered during cycle 3.

The chairperson starts with a short plenary presentation on the 17 sdg's and an instruction for this cycle. Then, in their groups, the facilitators appoint a spokesperson for each of the (3) sdg's.

Now that the group developed a view on actual fab lab activities (services, clients), during the second cycle, the facilitator asks the participants to review the available documentation on the three sdg's, to brainstorm on the potential contributions of fab labs to the fulfilment of these goals, to assess the outcomes of the brainstorm and to identify the most promising ideas.

The facilitators asks the spokespersons to describe each of the promising ideas on a separate large sticker (proposed activity, service it requires from fab lab, intended audience/clients and sdg-number). The facilitator stimulates the group to come with 1-3 ideas for each sdg.

The facilitator checks whether the intended audience/client fits in one of the following categories: general public, interested individuals (tinkerers, students), civil society, companies, government agencies, other fablabs (abroad), or proposes a new category.


4.5 [30'] - Cycle 3 - Fab labs together - Assessing global fab lab goals [plenary]

The third cycle "Fab labs together - Assessing global fab lab goals" also takes 30 minutes and is a plenary.

Materials: summary poster, large stickers.

Target group ?


SDG 11

SDG 12

SDG 13

SDG 14

SDG 15

SDG 16

SDG 17



General public

2 Individuals (tinkerers, students)

3 Education and research institutes


Civil society



6Government agencies

7Other fab labs (abroad)

Prototype of the summary poster

The chairperson starts with a short plenary presentation on the financing of the 17 sdg's and an instruction for this cycle.

The chairperson asks the spokespersons (sdg 1 -15) to report their outcomes and to place a sticker on the corresponding cell of the summary poster. Then the chairperson summarizes sdg 16 and sdg 17 and asks the facilitators for their suggestions. Next the chairperson asks the facilitators for the consequences the proposed ideas might have for the fab lab community at regional and/or global level. Any additions are written on large stickers and added to the summary poster.

4.6 [15'] - Debriefing [plenary]

During the debriefing, the chairperson organises a short discussion round on the participants' experience of the workshop, asks what they learned and which commitments they want to share and/or to take up in their fab lab at home.

The chairperson summarizes the follow-up activities:

Networking during this conference

Staying in touch after this conference (attendance list!)

Access to online environment

4.7 Check-out The chairperson summarizes thanks the participants and the facilitators.


To conclude, the chairperson asks the participants to fill the evaluation form on the spot:

What was ok?

What could be better?

Other suggestions?

Full name (optional)

The chairperson collects all materials.

5 Follow-up The facilitator distributes mailing list, evaluation forms, references to pictures / results, etc.