facial recipes

Facial Recipes Treat yourself and your skin to some TLC. Give yourself a facial. It's not only good for you, if feels great too. You can make a facial from ordinary kitchen goods. Here are some recipes which are inexpensive to make and you probably have the ingredients right in your kitchen. Honey Facial * (warning - do not use this if you are allergic to eggs!) 1 tablespoon honey 1 egg yoke 1 teaspoon olive oil Beat the egg yoke with a fork, add the oil and blend well. Add the honey using a spoon that you have rinsed with hot water and blend well again. Smear it all over your face with your fingers, except do not cover your eyes. Leave it on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse it off. Cucumber Facial 1 cucumber 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon witch hazel (you can buy this in any drug store) 1 egg white, beaten with an electric beater until fluffy. Peel the cucumber and run it through a blender or a food processor. Pour the cucumber pulp into a colander or strainer and force it through, catching the liquid that comes out in a bowl underneath. Combine the cucumber liquid with the lemon juice and the witch hazel. Stir it and add the beaten egg white gently. Put it on your face and leave it on for 15 to 25 minutes, then rinse off. Refreshing Fruit Facials PEACH TIGHTENING MASK 1 Peach, ripe, peeled, pitted

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Page 1: Facial Recipes

Facial RecipesTreat yourself and your skin to some TLC. Give yourself a facial. It's not only good for you, if feels great too. You can make a facial from ordinary kitchen goods. Here are some recipes which are inexpensive to make and you probably have the ingredients right in your kitchen.

Honey Facial  * (warning - do not use this if you are allergic to eggs!)1 tablespoon honey1 egg yoke1 teaspoon olive oil Beat the egg yoke with a fork, add the oil and blend well. Add the honey using a spoon that you have rinsed with hot water and blend well again. Smear it all over your face with your fingers, except do not cover your eyes. Leave it on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse it off.

Cucumber Facial1 cucumber1/2 teaspoon lemon juice1 teaspoon witch hazel (you can buy this in any drug store)1 egg white, beaten with an electric beater until fluffy.Peel the cucumber and run it through a blender or a food processor. Pour the cucumber pulp into a colander or strainer and force it through, catching the liquid that comes out in a bowl underneath. Combine the cucumber liquid with the lemon juice and the witch hazel. Stir it and add the beaten egg white gently. Put it on your face and leave it on for 15 to 25 minutes, then rinse off.

Refreshing Fruit Facials

PEACH TIGHTENING MASK1 Peach, ripe, peeled, pitted1 Egg whiteWhip the peach and egg white together in a blender until smooth. Gently pat the mixture all over your face. Relax for 30 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water.


APPLE MASK FOR NORMAL SKIN1 Apple, cored & quartered2 T HoneyDrop the apple pieces into a food processor and chop. Add honey and refrigerate for 10 minutes. Pat the mixture onto your face with a light

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tapping motion, tapping until the honey feels tacky. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse.


CUCUMBER MASK FOR OILY SKIN1/2 Cucumber1 Egg white1 T Lemon juice1 tsp mintPuree everything and refrigerate for 10 minutes. Apply the mixture to your

face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm, then cool water.


STRAWBERRY DRAWING MASK1/2 c Strawberries, very ripe1/4 c CornstarchMix strawberries and cornstarch together to make a paste and apply it to your face, avoiding the delicate area around your eyes. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse it off with cool water.


CITRUS FRESHNER2 cups boiling water1 vitamin C (a preservative)Lemon peel (zest) from 2 lemons Dissolve the vitamin in water. In a glass bowl put the lemon zest and pour the water over them. Let it sit over night. Remove the zest and put in a spray bottle. You can use any type of citrus peel.


BLEMISHED SKIN MASK1 Tomato, ripe, chopped1 tsp Lemon juice1 T Instant style oatmeal or old-fashioned rolled oatsBlend everything until just combined. Apply to skin, making sure the mixture is thick enough to stay on blemished areas: cheeks, forehead, or chin. If necessary, add a bit more oatmeal to thicken the mask. Leave it on

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for 10 minutes, then scrub it off with a clean washcloth dipped in warm water.


Yes it is, it cleans your pores so your face may breath, it also has minerals that will do you skin wonders, need anything else let me know, I do the natural baths and such all the time.

Apricot Cream MaskInstructions:Soak 1 cup dried apricots in water until softened. Puree in blender or food processor with 2 tablespoons skim milk powder. Apply to face and let set about 15 minutes. Gently wipe off with a damp wash cloth.

Grape Fruit MaskMaterials:1 Grapefruit1 Small pot plain yogurtInstructions:Peel the grapefruit, break the flesh into segments and remove the seeds and pith. Blend enough yogurt with the fruit to make a paste. Leave the mixture for 1 hour in the refridgerator. Apply the pack to your face and leave on for 10 minutes. Gently remove with cold water, then pat dry with a clean towel.

Fruit Facial SmoothieRecipe #109510

1 rating Did you know that pineapple contains enzymes to help remove dead skin cells. Melon moisturises and rehydrates your face. Seltzer water adds effervescence that speeds up the smoothie's action1 Melon, pineapple and seltzer water combine in this recipe and result in a great face smoothie that will tighten your pores and make you feel amazingly refresed! It is from the book "Ooh la la Perfect body" by Susie Galvez.by Charishma Ramchandani

Page 4: Facial Recipes

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Bottom of Form1/4 cup melon 1/4 cup fresh pineapple 1/2 cup seltzer water

Not the one? See other Fruit Facial Smoothie Recipes

Mix the melon, pineapple and seltzer water together in a blender.1. Blend until smooth.2. Apply onto your damp face and neck.3. Keep it on for 15 minutes.4. Rinse with cold water.5. Pat dry.6. Moisturise with your favourite moisturiser.7. Enjoy!

] Fruit Facial Mask (summer)Recipe #101443

1 rating Found this recipe at about.com. Papaya contains a strong enzyme called papain which dissolves oil and dead skin cells; it is one of the best non-abrasive masks that you can use. The strawberries also helps exfoliate those dead skin cells.by WaterMelon

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20 min 5 min prep

Bottom of Form2 large strawberries 2 tablespoons papayas, pulp 1 egg white 1/2 English cucumber

Not the one? See other Fruit Facial Mask (summer) Recipes

Puree all ingredients in a blender, apply to face and relax with a good book for 15 minutes.

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1. If there is any stinging sensation, remove the mask immediately (This reaction will alert you to the fact that you have a sensitivity to one of the ingredients).

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Aleya (Guest Post) (11/24/2007)

Mash up three big strawberries and leave for up to 20 mins then wash off with rose water.

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By fay (Guest Post) (11/23/2007)

i need a simple to make scrub or mask for my face thats works quickly. I have blotchy red cheeks, with little bumps, and a huge blackhead on my nose! Please give suggestions!

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By habren (Guest Post) (11/16/2007)

Mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil with a squeeze of lemon juice and then add about 2-3 tablespoons of sugar or enough to give it a scrub like consistency.

Apply to face, scrub gently for a couple of minutes. Wash off with warm water.

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs For Acne

Post By Kaira (Guest Post) (11/12/2007)

I have bad acne and I am tired of getting made fun of. Do you have anything for me?

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RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Bobby (Guest Post) (11/08/2007)

1/2 of baby powder1/4 of water and clears it all up i did it my face loocs better then Jessica simpson's on the T.V comercail

RE: Homemade Facial masks

Post By priya (Guest Post) (11/06/2007)

this is a great face mask.use3 tsp of multani mitti2 tsp o glycerine2 tsp of rose water njuice of 1 tamato

mix it up n apply on ur face.leave it 4 a few min n wash it.

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Ashley (Guest Post) (11/01/2007)

I just kind of guessed, but I used:

about a tbsp of honey (if you use this for face and hands together you might want a little more)A splash of milkenough sugar to make it desired thickness

I know that's a little vague, but that's what I did. My skin is super soft :)

A word of caution though, if you have sensitive skin, you should be really careful with home remedies because you don't know what will irritate already

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super sensitive skin.

Good luck :)

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Tbabe (Guest Post) (10/10/2007)

I love this one! Leaves skin soft and radiant!Mix half a teaspoon sea salt and half a teaspoon virgin olive oil! Apply to your face until the mixing bowl is empty. Scrub gently all over and then focus on problem areas! Skin and hands will be soft and smooth!

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Heidi (Guest Post) (10/06/2007)

I have a free website where I post recipes for natural facial scrubs, masks and other beauty treatments a lot like the ones posted here. One recipe I've used a lot with fantastic results is the yeast & lemon juice facial. You just mix a bit of active dry yeast and some fresh lemon juice, enough to make a paste. Spread the paste on your face and allow it to dry, then rinse with a warm washcloth. This recipe exfoliates, clears pores, and dries acne without drying out your skin. If you have pimples that are particularly stubborn, you can apply a bit of the yeast and lemon juice mixture to the problem area and leave it on overnight. It's worked great for me and my girlfriends! Check out my website for other ideas like these! http://www.fruitfacial.net

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RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Andrea (Guest Post) (10/06/2007)

Ok, These are simple solutions for Acne. I had really bad skin as a teenager and these tips changed my skin.1) Keep your hair off your face when you go to bed

2) Once or Twice a week beat an EGG WHITE into a foam and put on your face right away and let it dry and then wipe with a warm washcloth. It will pull out all of the impurities and you may have a few really little pimples the next day but that means they're going away. If you use the whole egg, the yellow part and all, it will be more of a moisturizing effect. The white pulls out the clogs gently.

3) If you get a breakout or you feel that you always have a few bumps, lightly rub Tea Tree Oil on the areas with a Q-tip or cotton. Be careful though. You just need enough to coat it. Your skin shouldn't look wet or it will make your eyes sting from the smell.

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4) Steaming your face with Tea Tree Oil is also amazing. I like doing it after I use the egg white mask.

I'm not an expert but I've tried tons and these work great. The miracle over the counter product is Clearasil Vanishing Treatment. It works better than all the expensive stuff.

I also wouldn't use Olive Oil on my skin if I had or tend to get breakouts because for people who have chronic acne it would make it worse.

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Becki (Guest Post) (10/03/2007)

i just made a scrub with sugar, honey and a squeeze of lemon juice, smoothed it on, and it worked really well. My face is so much smoother, and I put on some suda creme, anti bacterial moisturizer to make sure its not too dried out. Awesome, give it a go. xx

Warnings about Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Lissa (Guest Post) (09/24/2007)

This is just for anyone who is considering trying the recepies that involve mixing anything with a cleanser. TRY IT ON THE INSIDE OR YOUR FOREARM FIRST! These may work great, but the additional ingredients may not react well to the original cleanser. You should do this with any new product: it ensures that you aren't allergic to any of the ingredients. If you do get a rash, it's less embarrassing for it to be on your wrist than your arm!

Page 10: Facial Recipes

this is the best facial that i have ever had

Post By maegan (Guest Post) (09/23/2007)

Oh my gosh, I made the most wonderful facial scrub ever! You mix powdered sugar, a little bit of milk, and just a bit of tomato juice (this is used to add color it is optional). Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse it off with warm water. It left my skin so soft. To make it even better, make sure that it is cold when you apply it to your face. I hope that you like it!

RE: To get rid of darkness under eyes

Post By sarah (Guest Post) (09/22/2007)

I once was told that if you put damp tea bags on your eyes when they are closed it takes away some of the darkness, but I don't actually know it works.

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Ariena (Guest Post) (09/18/2007)

I'm 16, and I've always had horrible acne. Recently I made this facial scrub and I found that it helps a lot:

2 tbsp ground uncooked oatmeal1 tbsp olive oil (or another oil like jojoba, or even emu)1 tbsp lemon juice1 tbsp brown sugarLiberal drizzle of honey

Try wearing this one in a hot shower - the steam helps to open your pores while the honey moisturizes your face.

Another helpful 'mask':

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Grate a chunk of cucumber and leave the gratings in the fridge for a while. Later put the gratings/juice on your face and lay down for 10 minutes. The cucumber gratings help soothe inflamed pimples.

Hope these help!Ariena xo

RE: Homemade Facial ScrubsPost by Anonymous101 (28) | (09/01/2007)


This is a really quick and easy home-made scrub that works like a dream!

You'll need:* Honey (I use Manuka)* Plain white/brown sugar* A small bit of milk* Tiny drop of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1) Mix the ingredients in a small bowl2) Apply to cleansed, damp face.3) Scrub face gently in circular motions4) Rinse with warm water and splash with cool water to close pores.5) Moisturize (I use plain olive oil)

This 'routine' leaves my face so nice and smooth! Try it!

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Izjojen (Guest Post) (08/29/2007)

Page 12: Facial Recipes

Just get brown sugar, olive oil, and vanilla essence and mix together. Scrub it on you face/hands/wherever, rub in and then wash off. It tastes really good. YumGO VANOLIVE!

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Jill (Guest Post) (08/10/2007)

hi im 15. my friend and i love doing homemade spa night. its her birthday this weekend and i found a good recipe to "sloth off dead skin cells" its a fruit cleanser: 1 apricot, 1 avacado, 1/2 medium cucumber, 1 cup of red or green grapes, 1/2 papaya, 1 cup strawberries. wash your face with this. blend it all together to form a liquid. This is also for normal to oily skin and just rinse it off with warm water. it can last for about a week if you refrigerate it. hope this helps good luck!

re:dead skin cells

Post By faisal hayat (Guest Post) (08/01/2007)

any one who give a recipie how 2 get rid of dead skin cells

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By emily (Guest Post) (07/25/2007)

you should try mixing1/4 cup of brown sugarand 1 tablespoon of milk

and scrub away

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RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By (Guest Post) (07/24/2007)

For a facial scrub for acne, you need to start with a touch of clay. Rhassoul is the best, but bentonite is easily obtained. Add finely ground oatmeal, rosemary herb, and sea kelp. Then a couple of drops of rosemary essential oil. Add enough witch hazel or apple cider vinegar to make a paste, and scrub over face. Allow to set for a few minutes or until it feels dry, then apply a warm facial cloth to face then wipe off. Three times a week maximum use. Follow with a moisturizer.

teen party facial masks

Post By Cassey (Guest Post) (07/01/2007)

I want a facial mask that I can do with my friends

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Kennally (Guest Post) (06/15/2007)

Ok. To the poster that said Acutane is the only way to cure acne, I agree that it works, but I have a friend who used it and broke out in rashes almost everywhere on her body. Also, when you use it, you can't be in the sun and you have to change your diet a lot. You will probably lose like 10 pounds. My friend did. A simpler way to get rid of acne is to get your dermatologist to prescribe you some kind of cream or something.

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By DeAnna (Guest Post) (06/14/2007)

Page 14: Facial Recipes

Hi every1 i was doing a research paper in school to see which homemade face scrub works the best since there was soo many out there i was wondering what few ya'll could suggest to me that works the BEST.

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Ashley (Guest Post) (05/09/2007)

None of this will cure acne. There is only one answer to this pure and simple. ACUTANE

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By courtney (Guest Post) (05/09/2007)

INGREDIENTS1 slice ripe pineapple or 1 tablespoon fresh pineapple juiceRub the fruit or juice onto your face and allow to set until dry. Rinse with warm water.it works great !!

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Jessie (Guest Post) (04/29/2007)

Mix Baking soda with facial cleanser is a mild exfoliator. You can also put almond husk into blender and make them as fine as you wish and mix it with cleanser.

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By kate (Guest Post) (04/28/2007)

Page 15: Facial Recipes

i dont have acne or anything but i get pimples every so often and i cant get rid of them! Any suggestions to eliminate stubborn pimples???

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Nicole (Guest Post) (04/13/2007)

Hmmm. You could always try mixing sea salt with extra virgin olive oil then applying it to your face. I've never tried it, but I do know people who have and think it's great. :)


RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Yummers (Guest Post) (04/12/2007)

I recently went on a tropical vacation and the salt water cleared up everything on my back and my face was absolutely clear! Is there anything I could make similar to this?

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Kelly (Guest Post) (04/11/2007)

Hey everyone. I am 17 and I used to have very bad acne. Although my skin isn't perfect yet, let me just tell you about the 2 products that have made about a 90% improvement, and huge difference in my skin. The first product I used, and am still using, is St. Ives Apricot Face Wash (Blemish & Blackhead Control), which I use everyday. (It clears up blemishes and acne so fast you won't believe it). The second product is a scrub which I currently use about 3-4 times a week; it is called Clearasil Daily Acne Control

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Blackhead Clearing Scrub. (It will help exfoliate your skin, and therefore cure acne as well as prevent new acne blemishes from coming back)

Also, if your not completely satisfied with those, I recommend using Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque about once a week.

But remember, after you use any of these products, make sure you apply a good moisturizer, so that your skin doesn't become dry.

Please consider using some of these products, because trust me, you will see a difference in your skin, and your acne will be barely there in no time. Good luck! :)

RE: HELP! Homemade Facial Scrubs???

Post By Aika (Guest Post) (04/07/2007)

i have tried so many things to get rid of pimples...i mostly used natural things like honey, yogurt, etc. but instead my face became worse...i know that stomach problems are connected with your facial appearance. i am trying to get rid of my pimples (they are all over my face, but they are not that serious, tho, it is impossible to get rid of them). do you know any remedies which could work quickly on my face????!!! i have steamed my face, made scrubs, done many things which could help me but still nothing worked - i even tried Benzaknin anti-acne cream. HELP!

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By rachael (Guest Post) (04/06/2007)

Page 17: Facial Recipes

im 11 and i just got 3 pimples and 1 huge zit on my forehead! its 8:00 and i need something fast. any suggestions?

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Stephanie (Guest Post) (04/03/2007)

"Post By Blanka (Guest Post) (02/24/2006)

This is the best way to cure acne. You put 1 cup of sugar, 2 cups of olive oil, 1 tsp. of lemon juice, 1 cup of instant oatmeal and last but not least 1 cup of water. This cures so fast that when you wake up all your acne will be gone. Try it i swear you wont regret it! "

Hey, I am thinking of trying this. But can someone please tell me if you use cooked or uncooked oatmeal for this. It would really help. Thanks. Btw, anyone got anymore homemade facial recipes to get rid of acne? Thanks. :)

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs (and tips).Post by happy mikky (2) | (04/01/2007)


the best way to help keep your face soft, fresh and healthy is to take care by washing every morning and every night.

Gently rub sugar mixed with water onto face before going to bed remember to wash it off. you will get best results if you put on an aloe vera OR exfoliate cream on every morning. keep eating vegetables and a lot of iron and exercise regularly. take a hot bath to relieve stress because that can be one reason why your face is all dry or lumpy and not up to complete standards. hope this works. i've started and i'm sure

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it will help. ps try going for walks with friends socializing is a good way to reliave stress which can cause break outs or dry unmanageable skin. bye!

RE: Homemade Facial ScrubsPost by happy mikky (2) | (04/01/2007)


i have the perfect scrub to tighten pores and make skin smooth and soft.all you need to do is put half a teaspoon of dried rosmery in a bowl and mix with two teaspoons of sugar then add two table spoons of milk and then mix and wait about one minute to two minutes and it will turn to foam.put on face with circular motion all over keep it there for three minutes and then wash off with cold water and pat with towel till dry.it will work because i tried it.you will love it!

RE: Homemade Facial ScrubsPost by Munchkinsmom (3) | (03/27/2007)


I have been using this one for years........1 Tablespoon honey1 tablespoon lemon juice1 1/2 tsp sweet almond oilgranulated white sugar (how much depends on how "rough" you want the scrub to be)

I also add a couple of drops of lemon oil (food grade) for scent. This is great for blackheads (the almond oil is very light) and dry skin as well. Honestly, I don't even measure I just "eyeball" it.

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RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Nen (Guest Post) (03/03/2007)

I just used sugar and honey. Very nice.

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By kerrie (Guest Post) (01/27/2007)

try this for dry skin . . . 3 tablespoons of olive oil or baby oil, mix with 1 tablespoon of kosher saltit exfoliates and moisturizes really well!if you have normal/combo skin try beaten egg whites . . . spread on your face and wash off in about 25-30 minutes. tightens your face and pores!

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Elle (Guest Post) (09/18/2006)

If you want soft clean skin, try spreading a thin layer of mayo on your face. After 15 minutes, wash it off with warm water. The salt and oil in the mayo removes dirt and softens skin. But it doesn't overdry or make your face oily. Totally awesome!

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Ada (Guest Post) (09/12/2006)

I first went to ask.com to see if I could use cucumbers for anything facial but man never mind there is better stuff out there. Thanks Sister who know about natural beauty. Wanna email back u can at brookylnluv78 AT yahoo.com. Lets keep this up- PS note. For Dry hands

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after washing dishes. Use a lil' olive oil and the dryness goes away.

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Katt (Guest Post) (09/10/2006)

Hey people. I am 14 and have really bad skin. I have lots of black heads around my nose and my skin is really dry. I was wondering if anyone knew any simple recipes to help get rid of them.Thanks!Katherine Jean.

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Justine (Guest Post) (09/04/2006)

I need a cheap and easy to make at home facial mask please!!!thanxmuchlove;Justine...[L]

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By donaldo (Guest Post) (08/03/2006)

just plain sugar and olive oil works great!

Scrubs and facials for spots and clogged pores

Post By Mickey (Guest Post) (07/29/2006)

Hi, does anyone have a good way of taking away spots and unclogging pores??

send answer to marika_queen89 AT hotmail.com

Page 21: Facial Recipes


Bags under eyes

Post By Mo'neque (Guest Post) (07/19/2006)

Take half a banana and smush under both your eyes and let sit for 5 - 10 minutes then rinse with warm water then with cold water.= )

RE: Homemade Facial ScrubsPost by ness1up2 (4) | (07/13/2006)


my 12 year old daughter gets acne off and on.the doctor told her to use dove bar soap 2x daily.1 in the am.1 in the pm.do not use any more than that.within 2 days they were drying up.she looked so much better.now whenever she has a breakout she uses the dove bar and it clears right up

RE: Homemade Facial ScrubsPost by GRAPEfedGODDESS (7) | (07/13/2006)



If you wake up with huge pimple, try dabbing some toothpaste on it for about 15 minutes, then wipe it off. It will reduce the redness and swelling. If that doesn't help as much as you would like it to, try leaving a thin layer of it on the skin (layered under oil free make-up, of course) all day.

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RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Jane (Guest Post) (07/13/2006)

Try equal parts of honey and cornmeal, mixed thoroughly. Your face will feel very smooth and will radiate. For something faster, pour 1 to 2 tablespoons of sugar in hand and mix in some cetaphil. Massage gently in circular motion to create creamy foam on face, then rinse. These are my favorite recipes and I know they will work for you.

PuFfY eYe and darKL ciRcLe undEr eYe

Post By wally (Guest Post) (06/26/2006)

does anYonE kNoW hOw to gET riD of Eye bAg or puFFy eYe iN a NaturAl wAy??!

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Caitlin (Guest Post) (06/07/2006)

does anyone know of homemade lotions that help with dry skin?

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Brandi (Guest Post) (06/07/2006)

can anyone tell me how to make a mud mask and what is best for getting rid of dry skin?

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By jessica (Guest Post) (05/30/2006)

beat one egg until a little foamy the put in a little olive oil

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RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By kaitlyn (Guest Post) (04/08/2006)

does anyone know a proper way to get rid of acne..if anyone has advice please tell..i dont have major acne but i just want to prevent and stuff like that...

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Blanka (Guest Post) (02/24/2006)

This is the best way to cure acne. You put 1 cup of sugar, 2 cups of olive oil, 1 tsp. of lemon juice, 1 cup of instant oatmeal and last but not least 1 cup of water. This cures so fast that when you wake up all your acne will be gone. Try it i swear you wont regret it!

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By hugit (Guest Post) (02/22/2006)

a simple way 2 cleanse a girl'z face is mixing water, oatmeal (uncooked) and some honey. mix until thik smooth onto face for 15 mins and ''voila''! a smooth face!

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By face bob (Guest Post) (02/17/2006)

take brown sugar, baby oil, olive oil, mis together and scrubb on feet

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RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By luv2shop001 (Guest Post) (11/12/2005)

i heard if you mix coarse sea salt, baby oil and vanilla extract it will work. its for your body

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By suzy (Guest Post) (08/06/2005)

just love this site...Allows us broke women to stay beautiful and in the most natural way..

RE: Homemade Facial ScrubsPost by valery (95) | (08/05/2005)



I have used sugar and olive oil. Be careful, the sugar is really sharp. Don't rub to hard. This is also wonderful for hands and feet.

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By lizz (Guest Post) (07/17/2005)

can anyone tell me how to make a mud mask email me at sweettooth4life @ msn.com (remove spaces)


RE: Homemade Facial ScrubsPost by pooksa (14) | (06/13/2005)


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Hi Debbie--I use a site that is incredible. It is pioneer thinking. Just put it in the search box and you will get any kind of recipe you need--scrubs,cleansers,moisturizers, etc. Hope this helps--Carolyn

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By Melanie Lynn (Guest Post) (05/18/2005)


RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By nitopoly (Guest Post) (05/15/2005)

This works so good it made a big difference in my life.Now get oatmeal and cook it until it gets really soft then mix it with egg water lemonjuice toothpaste honey and your good to go make sure you stir it so its really soft

peace out holla hi lexus destiny keema ma dad kevin jameel wazup

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By susan (Guest Post) (03/11/2005)

a local spa told me to use plain white or brown sugar.it works great!

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RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By auntdarween (Guest Post) (02/28/2005)

Hi! Just plain old baking soda is perfect. It's the least expensive & works great. Just wet fingertips, dip them into a container of baking soda, then gently scrub face. I never use soap on my face anymore [gave me bad case of rosacea, even with real mild soap]. The baking soda is all I ever use now & my complexion is better than has ever been in my life. [Arm & Hammer has a good website, and this is one of the uses they have listed for the baking soda]

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By sunshine (Guest Post) (10/07/2004)

I need a face mask for bumps

RE: Homemade Facial ScrubsPost by FlaKathy (88) | (05/19/2004)


Here are the requested facial scrubs plus a few others.


2 cups sea salt -- finely ground1/2 cup baking soda1/2 cup cornstarch2 Tablespoons light oil1 teaspoon vitamin E oil2 eggs6 drops essential oil (scented quality oils)

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Mix all together and cut out with decorative cookie cutters. Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes. Do not overbake. Allow to cool completely and store in decorative containers. Place on tag: Use 1-2 "cookies" per bath. Turn lights low and relax.-------------------------------------------------------------BATH SALTS

1/2 c Epsom salt1/2 c Baking soda1/2 c Borax2 drops Food coloring40 drops Scented oil

Mix together and put in a pretty bottle.-------------------------------------------------------------SKIN SCRUBBING GRAINS & CREAMS

Grains1 c Dried orange and lemon peel1 c Cooked oatmeal1 c Blanched almonds

Cream1/2 c Uncooked oatmeal1 T Honey1 T Cider vinegar1 t Ground almonds

** Only for firm, young, resilient skin. If your skin feels especially fragile, use one of the gentle fruit masks such as APPLE MASK FOR NORMAL SKIN or STRAWBERRY FRUIT MASK instead.

Oatmeal Citrus Scrubbing Grains:

Place peels, oats, and almonds in food processor and whirl until mixture is a fine powder. Store in an

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attractive container near the bathroom sink and use a tiny portion as needed.

To Use: Place as bit in the palm of your hand and moisten with a few drops of warm water. Rub paste onto face with a gentle circular and upward motions. Rinse with tepid water and pat dry.

IDEA: Consider storing this scrub in one of the big shakers meant for the kitchen and keep it handy at the bathroom sink.

Oatmeal Honey Scrubbing Cream:

Combine all in a glass or enamel bowl.

To Use: Steam face or lay warm washcloth on face for 1 min. Apply mixture to your face being cardful to avoid the sensitive area around eyes. Let dry on skin completely. If your skin is young and firm, you can gently rub dried mixture off with a clean terry washcloth or towel. Lean over sink and rub face in brisk but gentle circles with the cloth. Rinse with warm water, pat dry and apply one of the FRESH FACIAL CREAMS.-------------------------------------------------------------TONING & SOOTHING MASKS

Avocado Honey Mask1 lg Avocado1 T Honey

Peel and slice avocade. Puree with honey. Pat it gently to the face and continue patting until the mask feels extremely tacky to the touch. Relax and leave the mask on 20-30 mins. Rinse with warm water.-------------------------------------------------------------Herbal Astringent for Oily Skin

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1 ounce Chamomile3 Tablespoons Witch hazel1/2 teaspoon Cider vinegar1 ounce Peppermint extract8 ounces WaterFew drops of peppermint extract1/4 teaspoon Boric acid -- optional

Boil chamomile, witch hazel, vinegar, peppermint and water. Cool and strain. Add remaining ingredients in a spray bottle and shake. Keep refrigerated.-------------------------------------------------------------Dissolving Bath Oil

1/4 c Sweet almond oil24 dr Fragrance oil concentrate2 T Gum arabic2 c Distilled water

The gum arabic acts to blend oil and water so it doesn't separate in the tub.-------------------------------------------------------------HERBAL BATHS

General info. and some Recipes

1 c OatmealTablespoon of Herbs1 Drop essential oil

Mix oatmeal, herbs and oil and fill bath bags with mixture. Oatmeal is used because it is a natural skin softener and cleanser.

STIMULATING BATHS: basil, bay, calendula, citronella, fennel horseradish roots, lavender, lemon verbena, lovage root, marjoram, mint, nettle, pine needles, queen of the meadow, sage, rosemary, savory,thyme, vetiver root.

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SOOTHING BATHS: catnip, chamomile, comfrey, elder, primrose, hyssop, jasmine, juniper berries, lemon balm, linden flowers, marshmallow root, melilot, mullein, passionflower flowers, roses, slippery elm inner bark, tansy, violet, valerian root, vervain (whole plant).-------------------------------------------------------------BODY SCRUB

2 oz Apricot kernel oil1 oz Sunflower oil1 oz Jojoba oil1 oz Rice bran or oat bran6 Drops essential oil of Lavender or rosemary

Heat plant oils together. Mix in bran and essential oils. Stand on a large towel and gently rub mixture into the skin in small, circular motions. Work from the toes to the neck, avoiding the face. Rinse in a lukewarm shower, without soap. Give a blast of cold water and towel dry.-------------------------------------------------------------Honey and Almond Scrub

1/2 Cold cream -- small jar1 Tablespoon HoneySlivered almonds

Whirl slivered almonds in a blender until they're as fine as freshly ground pepper. Mix with cold cream and add honey. Keep refrigerated.

RE: Homemade Facial Scrubs

Post By jessie (Guest Post) (05/11/2004)

Page 31: Facial Recipes

along with oatmeal, use honey instead of water and use a couple of teaspoons of granulated sugar... great for exfoliating and the honey makes your face smooth

RE: Homemade Facial ScrubsPost by ThriftyFun (3820) | (05/08/2004)




Egg and Honey face Mask

2 eggs2 squirts of honey4 pinches of flour

let sit for about 15 min. and get firm... makes your face feel soft and touchable

For smoother skin:To cleanse and exfoliate your skin, massage handfuls of Epsom Salt over your wet skin, starting with feet and continuing up towards the face. Then, pour two cups of Epsom Salt into a bath of warm water. Sit back and relax. The natural action will soften your skin while easing the kinks and stiffness in your muscles.

Homemade Mask:For normal to oily skin, mix 1 tablespoon of cognac, 1 egg, 1/4 cup of nonfat dry milk, the juice of 1 lemon, and a half-teaspoon of Epsom Salt.

For normal to dry skin mix 1/4 cup of grated carrot, 1 1/2 teaspoons of mayonnaise and a half-teaspoon of Epsom Salt.

Apply the mask in the shower, to your damp face, to lock in the moisture.

Hair-care Tips

Comb your hair regularly. Combing helps spread the natural oils through hair, making it look shinier and


Massage scalp regularly to increase oil secretion.

Always wash your brush and comb when you shampoo your hair. Avoid lending your brushes and combs to


Don't wash you hair in soaps or harsh shampoos. They are highly alkaline and will upset your hair's natural pH


Avoid sratching scalp with finger nails or fine combs, because damage to scalp causes damage to hair.

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Leave your hair untied for atlease four hours a day. This eases the pressure on your scalp and gets blood

circulation back.

Finally, follow a healthy and balanced diet. Nothing promotes hair growth better.

Basic Hair Care

We recommend that you follow the suggestions listed below to help you to get your hair into a good condition.

CleansingYour should wet your hair with warmish water and using only a little amount of shampoo get it into a lather in your hands and then apply it onto your hair.

The choice of shampoo should reflect you own type of hair and how you wish to present yourself.

ConditioningAfter you shampoo your hair it is important to use a conditioner on every occasion as a conditioner will help the hair cuticle cells and help to get them to lay flat. it will also allow the hair when dry to be more easily looked after.

The conditioner that you use is very important and there are different formulas for dry hair and for hair that is more greasy.

It is essential that you make regular trips to a hairdresser every six to eight weeks otherwise there is a danger of getting split ends in your hair.However, by keeping your hair clean and conditioned following the plan above you will be able to ensure that your hairdresser is able to really get the best look and shape to your hair.

Healthy Hair

Healthy hair responds to what you eat in the same way as your skin and the whole of the rest of your body.

Iron deficiency is the biggest problem for non genetic hair loss amongst women in Britain.

For iron to be absorbed in the body Vitamin C and Lysine acid needs to be taken. If you do not eat alot of red meat then it could be difficult to absorb enough iron, so it is advisable to consider using a supplement. It is very important to look after your digestion by eating vegetables and fruit on a daily basis. It is also important to eat the following foods on a regular basis.

Salads, Figs, Almonds, Dates, Peas, Beans, Lentils, Sesame seeds, Salmon, Tuna, Sardines.

It is also important to drink alot of water and keep your caffeine content down to a minimum by drinking very little tea or coffee, chocolate or any cola drinks.

Unlike your skin your hair cannot repair itself. That's why you need to care for it and protect it - for the state of your hair reflects your internal health. To revive your hair's natural health and shine, follow this:

Keep your scalp clean and cool.

Nutrients are the key to healthy hair, but to be effective, they must reach the roots. So, whatever you use, you must learn to massage it in well, using the pads of your fingers.

Tension in the scalp or fatty deposits block blood circulation, drying the sebum and thus starving the hair roots. So, message scalp with a god oil to improve circulation and free the hair roots of dry sebum.

Make a pre-shampoo conditioner with natural herbs like henna, 'shikakai', neem, sandalwood, 'amla' and 'brahmi' and add curd and eggs to it. Apply to scalp to beat dryness and lend bounce to otherwise limp and dull hair.

Follow a balanced diet rich in minerals, proteins and vitamins, the essentials for healthy hair. Especially good are iron, sulphur, zinc-B complex and vitamin C.

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Treat specific hair conditions the herbal way:

Dry hairMessage well with a herbal oil at least twice a week. Follow a diet rich in zinc. Use a mild herbal shampoo and avoid harsh ones since the chemicals in them can strip hair of its outer protein layer, further drying the scalp. Do not use electric curlers and hair drayers.

Oily hairWash hair every alternate day and rinse out with lemon. Use oils and shampoos rich in need and henna. A head massage with a herbal oil helps maintain the pH level of the scalp. Avoid oily foods and binge on green leafy veggies and fruits.

DandruffMessage scalp with essential oils like rosemary, cedar, lemon and eucalyptus to reduce flaking and itchiness of the scalp. 'Methi' seeds are also helpful in fighting dandruff. Soak them overnight, grind the next morning, mix in the juice of need leaves and apply on the scalp. Avoid fatty foods and red meat.

Hair fall A diet lacking in zinc, minerals, proteins, vitamins and B-complex. Excessive body hat, stress and tension, hormonal imbalance, thyroid imbalance, prolonged illness and excessive medication. The chemicals used in perming lotions and hair colourants. They are all responsible for hair loss. The remedy: Change your diet to include healthy food; massage hair with essential oils and treat hair to nourishing packs.

Greying With age, the middle layer of hair loses its pigment, resulting in grey hair. Besides, excessive body heat and the heat generated by constant mental activity can lead to premature greying. And, of course, perming, colouring and bleaching work to promote greying, too.

If you want to colour your hair, try doing it naturally. Use henna along with other herbs like 'amla', 'shikakai' and brahmi'. Add coffee for that dark brown colour. Those of you with no option but to use a dye, remember to keep the scalp nourished with vegetable juices.

Before applying any makeup, you should clean your face with water, which has a pinch of soda bicarbonate in it. Then apply ice cubes on the face. This enables the makeup to last longer.

Concealer is used to hide dark circles around the eyes, and is also used to cover blemishes and scars. A beige concealer is ideal for dark skins and one with natural tones for fairer skins. This should be spread evenly using a dry sponge or your fingers. Now, apply the foundation.

Foundation is used to enhance the colour of the complexion. Three basic types may be used, depending upon your skin type. For dry skin, liquid foundation works best whereas semi-liquid is best for combination skins. Foundation can be applied with a sponge and blended into the hairline and along the jaw for a natural finish.

Translucent powder is used to dust the face. This helps that the foundation to stay on longer. Excess powder should be brushed off. Blusher should be blended evenly along the cheekbones.

LipsThe lips should be outlined with a lip liner so that the lipstick does not bleed. Lipstick is then applied and blended with the lip liner. Then dust your lips with powder so that the lipstick lasts for a longer period of time, and then apply the last coat.

EyesEye shadow colours should be selected carefully, light shadow is applied on to the lids to create a base. Darker eye shadow is then used at the outer corners of the eyes, to enhance the eyes. A kajal or kohl stick can be used in the inner eyelid to make the eyes appear even more dramatic. Mascara applied to the lashes increases this effect. Eyebrows should be sharp and tidy and should be free of all traces of makeup.

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he first thing you ought to know is your skin type before applying any make up to your skin. Listed below is makeup tips for normal, dry, oily and combination skin.

Normal Skin

Normal Skin usually looks and feels smooth but can also react to changes in the environment: oilier in the summer and drier in the winter.

Makeup tips Choose a foundation for normal skin.

Apply a layer of moisturizer underneath for dry, winter conditions or whenever you enter a parched environment.

Keep a pressed powder on hand for oilier moments or more humid days.

Dry Skin

Dry Skin occurs naturally as you age and the oil glands decrease their output. Dryness may also reflect your skin's sensitivity to skin care products, cleansers, diet, or even emotions. The occasional blotchy patch can result from dryness, too.

Makeup tipsChoose a double-duty foundation that moisturizes while helping to smooth out skin tone.

Avoid alcohol-based products.

Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.

Oily Skin

Oily skin is shiny and uneven. It leaves the house feeling clean and fresh but by noon suffers from shine.

Makeup tipsStart with a gentle toner on your clean skin.

Use water-based formulas for all your make-up, especially foundation. · A concealer stick helps hide the effects of breakouts.

A powder is your best friend to help control your oily look throughout the day.

ombination Skin

Combination Skin usually expresses its unique qualities with oiliness in the T-zone and normal-to-dry skin everywhere else. Like other types, environmental factors and your body's chemistry may change your skin's balance. Use a flexible make-up routine to help cope with combination skin's many moods.

Makeup tipsExperiment with different foundations.

Choose an oil-managing powder for your T-zone (and other oily areas).

Applying Foundation

Foundation is the base of make-up. With the help of right selected and accurate applied foundation you can hide roughnesses, spots, pimples, irritated area of the skin. Light liquid foundation contains a lot of oil and moisture that is useful for dry and normal skin. Compact foundation is suitable for oily skin and hides skin imperfections excellently. There are foundations for combined skin and sensitive

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skin with calming effects. You should use only quality cosmetic of wide known firms, the products of which are indicated with release date and serviceable life.

Always apply foundation that suits your natural skin colour. If your face's natural colour is light, avoid any dark foundation colour. If you have any blemishes on your face, avoid any pink tints (pink colour emphasize a blemishes).

Steps 1. Cleanse your face, and apply moisture cream on the face and throat. Let the cream be absorb by the skin for 3 - 5 minute. If your skin is oily or combined (some areas oily, some dry) put the tissue on the oily areas of your face (for example nose, chin, forehead).

2. Apply the foundation: dot small amount of it on the forehead, blend evenly with fingertips, then do the same with the cheeks, nose and chin. Don't apply too much or too little of foundation (it looks untidy).

3. Cover small pimple and red spots with concealer or cream.

4. Follow with Your favourite loose or pressed powder (translucent loose powder for normal-to-oily skin and pressed powder for normal-to-dry skin). For better result use large powder brush. The powder must be the same tint that foundation is.


Blush is important part of make-up. With the help of an accurate applied blush you can refresh your face, make it looking much better and healthier and to model the form of your face. To do blush looking naturally, you should put it on enough, but not too much and please do not choice exotic colours.


The colour of blush must match the skin, hair colour, lipstick and nail polish colour also. Palette of beige and pink tints is appropriate almost to everybody. All tints of beige and pink are suitable to light skin, more dark tints (coppery and coral colours) are suitable to brown sunburned skin. Orange tints are suitable to red-haired women.

Types of blush

There are several types of a blush; most popular are powder blush and creamy blush. Creamy blush more suits for dry skin. It's better to apply with your fingertips. If you use powder blush, apply it after powder, but creamy blush, it's better to apply before powder.

How to applyIf you have an oval face put blush on the cheekbones

Round face seems to be longer if the blush is put on from temples to lip corners like triangle.

For others; put blush on the cheek like an oval at the nose level. If you put on too much blush, cover cheek with some quantity of light powder. The colour of blush becomes softened.


For Deep-Set Eyes: Rely on pale, shimmery shades to enhance your eyes. Sweep a light eye shadow shade across lid from inner corner to a small bit beyond the outer corner. Place a touch of a deeper shade in the eye crease. Blend.

For Wide-Set Eyes: Make them appear closer by applying a deeper eye shadow shade from inner corner to mid-lid. Apply a lighter shade from mid-lid to outer corner. Blend in the middle of lid where shades meet.

For Close-Set Eyes: Make them appear wider by applying a dot of concealer to the innermost corner of both eyes. Create a very thin pencil line near lash edge of top lid that thickens toward the outer

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corner. Create a very thin eye shadow in a pale shade from inner corner to mid-lid; apply a just-slightly deeper shade from mid-lid to outer corner; blend in the middle.

Proper hair care is also an important part of your makeup programme. Your hair should look healthy and lustrous for that perfect look.

Begin your hair care plan when you begin your skincare plan.

Condition each time you shampoo.

Limit the use of hair dryers or heat styling tools.

Consult with your hairstylist several weeks prior to your special day. Take along any accessories and

a picture of the dress so the stylist knows what they will be working with.

For great hair always eat a well balanced diet.

Hairstyles should be chosen according to your face structure, skin colour, colour of your eyes and lifestyle requirements.

While you select your style be sure to take into consideration the texture or your hair also.

Certain hairstyles and treatments can cause breakage or root damage. Avoid excessively tight braiding, buns, or ponytails. Do not roll your hair too tightly in curlers. Teasing and backcombing should be done gently or not at all.

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Lips are an integral part of makeup. Moist, smooth lips hold colour best. Look beautiful by following these basic tips for healthy and great looking lips.

Your lip colour should flatter and liven your complexion. Pale skins should avoid strong, vivid colours which may harden the look. Dark sin looks exotic with bright, punchy flame-like colours. Sallow skins should avoid yellow tones like oranges and some browns. Matte lipsticks are no longer in fashion. Glossy lip colours are in vogue.

Application of lipstick is an art in itself. You can achieve different kinds of look with different techniques of applying lip colour. You can create a sexy pout and make thin lips look full.


Procedure :With a lip brush, make a ‘v’ on the cut on the upper lip and outline either side to the out corners.

Follow the lip line down either side of the lower lip meeting at the centre.

Fill in with lipstick directly applied within the outline.

For a richer effect apply clear gloss to the centre of your lips.

Morning Give dry, flaky lips the brush-off; add "brushing your lips" to your morning ritual using a soft toothbrush or terry washcloth. Now add some lip balm to smooth the way for lipstick-worthy lips!

BedtimeApply moisturising cream before going to bed. Always give your lips a touch of clear, rich moisture at bedtime. Do it each night, and you'll wake up to softer lips in no time at all!

All day Avoid over-exposure to the sun, which can dry your lips the way it dries the rest of you. If you spend a lot of time outdoors, we suggest a 'triple' lipstick, with moisturizers and sunscreen built right in.

How to find more suitable colour Most important things for right colour choosing are skin colour, hair colour and shape of your lips.

For light skin and blonde hair: all shades of orange, pink, purple. For dark skin and dark hair: all shades of red, violet.For light skin and dark hair: all shades of brown and beige. For red hair women: coral-red, brown and bronze colours.

Try These Out

Shimmery Lips Beauty's latest crush is with shimmery lip colors in golden shades and iced pastels. Keep your lips looking sweet with moisturizing lipsticks or glosses in pearly nude, candy pink, lilac, silver and gold.

Party LipsParty season demands high profile lips! Treat him to flavor-filled kisses with fruit-flavored lip-glosses. For that techno, ultra-gloss look - apply a dash of metallic lip-gloss over lipstick in the center of your lips.

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Puckering Lips Pucker-proof lips are a sure thing when you use a lip pencil to fill in your entire lip area (not just the edges) and then top with gloss in a slightly lighter color.

Lip Color Red and wine colors rock on lips. Choose a sheer shade to be safe or if you're daring, try solid color. Reds with yellow or orange-bases suit darker skin tones whilst reds with blue-bases suit fairer skins.

Glossy lips Gloss is more fashionable than lipstick and you can get away with it at school. So think baby lips - hints of pink and a natural shine. We love Poppy Shine, Blistex Lip Conditioner and Clinique Glosswear.

Kissable LipsChapped lips don't look pretty and aren't nice to kiss, so make sure yours are always smooth and soft by applying lip balm every day. The best ones to soothe dry lips are Blistex, Bonne Bell, Body Shop and Carmex.

Luscious Lips For smooth, lush lips, smear a little lip balm underneath your lipstick or a dab of thick gloss in the center of your lips. We love pinks and berries for March.

Lipcolour Shades That Best For Your Skin Tone

Are you a fair skinned and want to wear a red lipstick? Or maybe, you're a medium olive skin tone, looking for a pink lipstick that will look right for you. Here's a guide for most skin tones to help you chose the correct shade of lipstick that is most suitable for you.

Fair skin Deep plum reds: Soft berry and wine reds with a blue undertone. Avoid reds with an orange undertone. These can make you look washed out and ashy. Sheer medium brown with pink undertones or beige lipsticks with a pink undertone flatter fair skins. Browns: Mocha browns, and darker brown/pink lipsticks are also flattering for an evening lip look. Extra pale browns with yellow undertones, make fair skin look washed out. Pinks: Pinks look fantastic on fair skin. sheer, light shiny pink lipsticks with blue undertones work well. Pink with a slight gold shimmer also enhance this skin tone very nicely. Dusty roses with or without shimmer are good ones. Stay away from hot pink lipstick as it overpowers fair skins.

Medium skinDeep reds are most flattering. Blue-reds brighten medium skin with a yellow undertone. Brown, warm reds will soften and look warm on medium skin. Browns: Browns that are very pale can make medium skins look ashy and washed out. Stick to rich caramel shades, medium brown with yellow or pink undertones, and creamy coffee colour browns. Sheer browns in these varying shades can also be very flattering. Pinks: Rich and deep pinks which tend to fall on warm look best on medium skin. Also pinks with brown undertones enhance and flatter medium skins very well. Sheers, creams, and mattes can all be tried and tested with much success using these shades of pink.

Olive/Yellowish skinRich, deep brown reds and deep, dark berry shades. Stay away from orange/reds and pink/reds. Browns: Browns with a red or auburn/mahogany undertone work well with this skin tone. Also, rich browns that resemble coffee, toffee, and chocolate colors work well. Pinks: Deep berries, rich rose, and soft to medium plums are very flattering to this skin tone which have very strong yellow undertones. Avoid pinks that are to cool and too light as these pinks can make complexion look draining.

Brown/Black skinTry red with a blue undertone, which are deep and rich. Also, mahogany, and deep plums, and wine reds are worth trying. Avoid orange and pink reds here. Browns: Almost any shade of brown suits black skin. Sheer and shimmery light browns to a rich, dark, coffee brown. Pinks: Medium and soft sheer pinks are very flattering. A hint of pink in glosses and sheers with a touch of beige can really enhance this skin tone. Berries, deep roses, and plums also flatter this skin tone.

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Nails no longer are they incidental, neglected extensions at the end of your digits. To finish your makeup programme the last step is nail makeup. Here all you have to do is be creative and as daring as you can.

The basic care of nail is very important and hence regularly manicure and pedicure for having healthy and beautiful nails. See Manicure and Pedicure on our related beauty topics.

Some useful tips

Slim the look of wide nail bases with an oval shape.

Pastels and neutrals go the distance on longer, rounder nails.

Darker polish looks best on short, squared nails.

Narrow nail beds appear stronger with a soft square shape.

Create a lighter side of bold: add drops of a dark, rich creme to a bottle of clear polish and shake.

Storing polish in a warm place may change its consistency. Keep nail shades in the refrigerator or a bathroom cabinet.

Experiment and you will come up with something very trendy and genuine.

Nails for different occasions

Interviews: Keep nails clean, simple and short. Use neutral shades.

Party/late night: Arrive dark and dramatic: Plum Fairy, Midnight Metal Cabernet, or Classic Red.

Naturally Casual: Pink Snow, Clear Ice, any other shade that is trendy, young and attractive.

Take the time to cultivate your nails

Stop biting them! Use a nail hardener to protect them from splitting and peeling. Vitamin E supplements keep nails growing long and strong.

IntroductionA proper skincare regime with cleansing, exfoliating and toning followed with fruit masks helps restore firmness and rejuvenate your skin. Regular use of facemasks made from fruits nourishes skin, reduces blemishes and keeps wrinkles at bay. Follow these steps for a home fruit facial.

InstructionsDifficulty: Moderate

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Skin Prep

Things You'll Need

Cold milk Cotton ball Orange peel Oatmeal Honey



Step OneCleanse your face with cold milk. Soak a cotton ball in cold milk and rub in a circular motion over face and neck. Wash with lukewarm water. Milk removes dirt from deep pores and gives an instant brightness to the skin. 2

Step TwoExfoliate your skin with orange peel and oatmeal to remove dead cells. Grate the skin of an orange and dry it in the sun. Mix 1 tsp. each of oatmeal and dried powder of the orange peel with enough water to make a paste. Rub gently over face and neck using your fingertips and wash off. 3

Step ThreeMoisturize your skin with honey, which also acts as a bleach to lighten blemishes and tiny facial hair. Apply carefully avoiding the eyebrows and hairline. Wash after 10 minutes. 4

Step FourGently steam your face over hot water to open up the pores. Boil a pot of water and let it simmer for 5

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minutes. Lean over with a towel over your head to keep the steam in but not too close to scald your skin.

Fruit Masks

Things You'll Need

Strawberries Lemon juice Yogurt Tomato Papaya or apricot Cream Banana Cinnamon



Step OneChop a handful of strawberries in the blender. Add the juice of 1 lemon and 1/2 cup yogurt. Store in refrigerator for 30 minutes and then apply on the face and neck. Leave it for 1/2 hour and then rinse with cold water. 2

Step TwoBlend 1 ripe tomato and add a few drops of lemon juice. Refrigerate for 20 minutes and then add one tbsp. of honey. Apply it thick over neck and face. Wait for it to dry and then wash. 3

Step ThreeDeseed 1/2 papaya or apricot and mash it well. Add a few tablespoons of cream and whip. Apply to the forehead, face and neck avoiding the eyes. Wash off in 1/2 hour. 4

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Step FourMash a ripe banana along with a pinch of cinnamon powder. Add a few drops of honey and lemon juice to make a paste. Apply liberally over the face and wash after 20 minutes.

Moisturizing Honey and Egg Mask 

This recipe is recommended for dry skin. 

1 tablespoon powdered milk 1 stiffly beaten egg white 1 egg yolk 1-teaspoon honey 

Mix together and apply to your face. Leave on for 10-15 min. Rinse thoroughly 

Honey of a Peach Mask 

There is nothing more revitalizing than a peach and honey mask, which will leave your skin feeling soft and silky. 

1 large peach or nectarine, skinned 3 teaspoons honey Lecithin powder or 2 tablespoons yogurt 

Mash the peach (or nectarine) and honey and apply to your face. Leave on 10-15 min. Rinse. 

This is mildly antiseptic. 

1 egg yolk 2 tablespoons honey 10 drops almond oil 

Whip until creamy. Store any extra in a jar in fridge. 

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Honey Oat Mask 

1 tablespoon honey 2 tablespoons finely crushed almonds 1 teaspoon powdered clay 4 tablespoons uncooked oatmeal or cornstarch 

Mix together, adding little water if mixture is too thick to spread. Apply to face. Gently massage face, using an upward, circular motion as you rinse for best results. 

Honey Nut Full Body Masque 

1 handful finely crushed almonds 5 tablespoons uncooked oatmeal 2 teaspoons brown sugar 2 tablespoons honey 1/4 cup hot water 

Mix all ingredients to form a paste. Slather on (especially on back and chest areas) and leave for 10 minutes. Massage in; rinse off. 

Heavenly Mask 

1 tablespoon yogurt 1 egg yolk 1 tablespoon honey 

Mix gently and let stand until paste is at room temperature. Smooth mask onto clean face, and lie down for 20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water. Apply astringent and moisturizer for best results.

Fruit is also a highly recommended ingredient to add to your facial mask. The smells and revitalizing essence of fruit is sure to rejuvenate your spirit. Here is a list of fruit based masks that you can make from

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the comfort of your home. 

Rejuvenating Avocado-Banana Masque 

Recommended for dry or sensitive skin. 

1/4 mashed ripe avocado 1/2 mashed ripe banana 2 tablespoons plain yogurt (not low-fat) 1 teaspoon wheat germ oil Mix all ingredients. Apply mixture to face. Leave on for 30 min. Rinse with warm water. 

Strawberry Mask 

1/2 cup ripe strawberries 1/4 cup cornstarch 

Mix strawberries and cornstarch together to make a paste and apply it to your face. Leave on for 30 minutes, and then rinse off with cool water.

Fruit Punch Refresher 

1/2 cup lemon yogurt 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon lime juice 1 teaspoon grapefruit juice 

Mix together; leave on face for 10 minutes. Rinse with cold club soda. Definitely refreshing!! 

Tropical Paradise Mask 1/4 cup chopped fresh pineapple1 tablespoon coconut milk lace ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until very smooth. Spread in a thin layer over skin. Leave on for 5 to 10 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Dry your

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skin by patting. This tropical mask gives complexions a healthy glow. Bromelian, an enzyme found in fresh pineapple, removes dead skin cells. 

Yummy Plum Mask 

Recommended for blemished, oily skin. 

6 plums 1 teaspoon almond oil 

Boil the plums; cool. Mash plums with almond oil. Apply to skin. Leave on for 10-15 min. 

Smoothing Peach Mask 

1 ripe peach, peeled and pitted 1 egg white 

Whip peach and egg white together in a blender until smooth. Gently pat the mixture on the face. Relax for 30 minutes, and then rinse off with cool water. Pat your face dry. 

Tangy Oatmeal-Tomato Mask

Recommended for blemished skin. 

1 ripe tomato, chopped 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon instant oatmeal or old-fashioned rolled oats 

Blend ingredients by blender until combined well. Apply to skin; making sure the mixture is thick enough to stay on blemished areas. Add a more oatmeal to thicken the mask, if necessary. Leave the mask on for 10 min-15 mins, and then scrub off with a

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clean washcloth dipped in warm water. 

Moisturizing Apricot Mask 

Recommended for dry skin. 

2 apricots 2 tablespoons plain yogurt Purée in a blender. Apply to face, avoiding eye area, and leave on for 10 to 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly

Sweet Apple Mask 

Recommended for normal skin. 

1 apple, cored and quartered 2 tablespoons honey 1/2 teaspoon sage 

Place the apple in a blender and chop. Add honey and sage and refrigerate for 10 minutes. Pat the mixture onto the face with a light tapping motion, tapping until the honey feels tacky. Leave mask on for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. 

Sensual Avocado-Banana Masque

Recommended for dry or sensitive skin. 

1/4 mashed ripe avocado 1/2 mashed ripe banana 2 tablespoons plain yogurt (not low-fat) 1 teaspoon wheat germ oil 

Mix all ingredients. Apply mixture to face and leave on for up to 20 min. Rinse with lukewarm water. Pat face dry. 

Spunky Vegetable Mask 

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Recommended for troubled skin. 

1 tablespoon cucumber 1 tablespoon parsley 1 tablespoon yogurt 

Mix in the blender until fluffy. Apply to clean skin. Leave on for up to 30 min. Rinse thoroughly. 

Skin Prep

Things You'll Need

Cold milk Cotton ball Orange peel Oatmeal Honey



Step OneCleanse your face with cold milk. Soak a cotton ball in cold milk and rub in a circular motion over face and neck. Wash with lukewarm water. Milk removes dirt from deep pores and gives an instant brightness to the skin. 2

Step TwoExfoliate your skin with orange peel and oatmeal to remove dead cells. Grate the skin of an orange and dry it in the sun. Mix 1 tsp. each of oatmeal and dried powder of the orange peel with enough water to make a paste. Rub gently over face and neck using your fingertips and wash off. 3

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Step ThreeMoisturize your skin with honey, which also acts as a bleach to lighten blemishes and tiny facial hair. Apply carefully avoiding the eyebrows and hairline. Wash after 10 minutes. 4

Step FourGently steam your face over hot water to open up the pores. Boil a pot of water and let it simmer for 5 minutes. Lean over with a towel over your head to keep the steam in but not too close to scald your skin.

Fruit Masks

Things You'll Need

Strawberries Lemon juice Yogurt Tomato Papaya or apricot Cream Banana Cinnamon



Step OneChop a handful of strawberries in the blender. Add the juice of 1 lemon and 1/2 cup yogurt. Store in refrigerator for 30 minutes and then apply on the face and neck. Leave it for 1/2 hour and then rinse with cold water. 2

Step TwoBlend 1 ripe tomato and add a few drops of lemon juice. Refrigerate for 20 minutes and then add one

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tbsp. of honey. Apply it thick over neck and face. Wait for it to dry and then wash. 3

Step ThreeDeseed 1/2 papaya or apricot and mash it well. Add a few tablespoons of cream and whip. Apply to the forehead, face and neck avoiding the eyes. Wash off in 1/2 hour. 4

Step FourMash a ripe banana along with a pinch of cinnamon powder. Add a few drops of honey and lemon juice to make a paste. Apply liberally over the face and wash after 20 minutes.

ave you ever thought about the amount of money that you spend each year to look good? $500? $1000? More? Staggering, isn't it? I, too, have spent hundreds of dollars on appearances. While we all know it's what's on the inside that counts, we also all know how great it feels to look your best. Looking great improves your mood and builds your self-esteem, but it doesn't have to cost a small fortune.

Here are some recipes for great facial masks that you can quickly and easily prepare in your own home for a fraction of the cost of most ready-made beauty treatments. All of these masks are made with ingredients that are easily obtained at your local supermarkets, some of them may even be in you kitchen right now. These masks are fast and easy to make and, most importantly, they really do work.

If you have dry skin, try this:


1 tsp. olive oil

1 egg yolk

1 tsp. honey

oatmeal, ground or you can also use infant oatmeal

Combine all ingredients in a small bowl, using enough oatmeal to make a paste. Smooth the paste all over your face. Leave on for 15 minutes and then rinse with tepid water. Pat dry. The honey locks in moisture from the egg and olive oil, and the oatmeal soothes and

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softens the skin. Your skin should look and feel softer and smoother and you should notice and nice healthy glow.

If you have normal skin, try this:


1/4 cup cooked peach

2 strawberries

1/4 cup mashed papaya

1 tsp. honey

Ground or intant oatmeal, enough to form a thin paste

Mash the fruit together and add oatmeal to make a paste. Apply to face and leave on for 10 minutes. The fruit acids will remove dead skin and leave you with a beautiful, hydrated glow. The oatmeal calms the skin.

If you have oily/acne-prone skin, try this:


1/2 apple, cooked to softness and mashed

1 tbsp. honey

ground or intant oatmeal

Combine all ingredients and apply to face. Leave on for 10 minutes and then rinse with tepid water.

The oatmeal soothes irritated skin and absorbs oil. The fruit acid in the apple removes dead skin and clears the pores, and the honey contains anti-microbial properties to cleanse and refine.

Here are some other tips for staying beautiful without spending a fortune:

- Olive oil can be used as a moisturizer for dry skin.

- To reduce the redness of blemishes, cut a slice of potato and apply it to the blemish as you would a compress--you'll be amazed at the difference!

- For an inexpensive astringent, try witch hazel.

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- For combination skin, try using two different masks. Use a mask for oily skin on the T-zone and a moisturizing mask on the cheeks and neck.

- Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day--this cleanses the body and skin, as well as keeping skin hydrated.

And most importantly, alIntroductionPut apples in your cheeks by using an apple facial. This common fruit, available throughout the year as fresh produce or as applesauce, can be used in a variety of facial masks. Apples are good for the skin because of their natural fruit acids, which help remove old skin cells, plus they contain Vitamin A, iron and calcium. Try these tips for making an apple facial mask.

InstructionsDifficulty: Easy

Things You'll Need

Applesauce Wheat germ Cucumber Egg white Lemon juice Lime juice Mint leaves, fresh or dried Lime essential oil Honey Ground sage Half-and-half Oatmeal



Step OneBlend 1 tbsp. applesauce with 1 tbsp. wheat germ in a small bowl. Mix to form a slightly gritty paste and apply to cleansed face and neck skin. Do not use

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around the eyes. Massage into skin and allow to dry for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove with tissues or a warm wash cloth, and splash face with warm, then cold water. 2

Step TwoPeel and chop 1/2 cucumber and 1/2 apple. Puree in a food processor or blender. Mix in one egg white, 1/2 tsp. lemon juice, 1/2 tsp. lime juice and 1/2 tsp. mint leaves, fresh or dried. Add one drop lime essential oil and mix all ingredients well to form a smooth paste. Let the mixture stand in the refrigerator for 10 minutes before applying to cleansed face and neck. Pat on with clean fingertips, keeping away from the eyes. Rinse off with warm water after 15 minutes. Discard the unused portion after one to two days. 3

Step ThreeGrate one medium-sized apple, without the peel, into a small bowl. Mix in 5 tbsp. honey to form a paste. Wash face and neck and smooth the mixture over the skin, staying away from the eyes. After 10 minutes, remove with a washcloth and rinse skin with cool water. 4

Step FourCore and peel one apple and puree in a food processor or blender. Add 2 tbsp. honey and 1/2 tsp. ground sage. Mix well. Pat onto cleansed face and neck with fingertips. Do not use around the eyes. Leave on for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. 5

Step FiveMix 1 tbsp. oatmeal with 1/2 tsp. half-and-half and 1 tsp. honey. Chop 1/4 apple into very small pieces and blend with oatmeal mixture. Stir together to form a

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paste. After washing face and neck, apply the mixture to the skin, but keeping away from the eyes. Leave on for 10 minutes before removing with a washcloth and warm water.

ways remember that you are a beautiful person--inside and out!

Lemon mask for every skin typeMix lemon juice, honey and cold milk and stir well. Apply on the face and leave it on for about 30 minutes. Rinse well with lukewarm water and apply moisturizing cream. The lemon mask refreshes the skin and lightens the skin color.

Lemon mask for tired, aging skin You will need one yolk of egg, 1 Tbs fresh lemon juice and olive oil. Squeeze the juice from the lemon in a blender and add the other ingredients. Mix them well and apply the mixture onto the face. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and rinse with cold water. The mask is recommended for blemished aging skin. It smooth and calm the skin.

Lemon mask for oily skin with enlarged pores and wrinklesYou will need fresh lemon juice, white of eggs, 2 Tbs flour. Beat the eggs whites stiff and then put the flour and the lemon juice and mix well. Apply to the entire face and the neck. Leave it on for 20 minutes and rinse well. Apply a moisturizing cream at the end. The mask will make your complexion clear and will tighten up the pores.

Lemon for stronger nailsMix 3 Tbs of lemon juice, 1 Tbs liquid soap and ¼ liter mineral water. Soak your hands in the mixture. Soak for about 10 minutes. The lemon juice will straighten the nails and the soap will soften the skin.

Kiwifruits contain huge amounts of acids and vitamins and are the richest fruit in Vitamin C. Its potassium content by weight is slightly less than that of a banana. It also contains vitamins A and vitamin E which are essential for a healthy body. The kiwi juice tightens up the enlarged pores, remove the sheen of the oily skin, cleanse the dark spots and the impurities and also peel the freckles.

A Kiwi mask for dry, worn and ill-nourished skinYou will need 1 Tbs kiwi juice, 1 Tbs olive oil and 1 yolk of egg. Mix the ingredients and apply on the face. Leave it on for about 15 minutes. Remove the mask using a sponge. The kiwi juice will stimulate the blood circulation and the mask will smooth, nourish and calm the skin.



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Tangerines are a good source of vitamin C, folate and beta-carotene. They also contain some potassium, magnesium and vitamins B1, B2 & B which nourish and rejuvenate every skin type.

Tangerine juice for rejuvenation of the skinAfter you have cleansed and dry your face, you can rub in a tangerine juice all over the face. Leave the juice till it becomes dry and rinse with cold water. Apply a moisturizer.

Tangerine mask for dry skin Mix the tangerine juice together with yolk of egg. Apply on the skin and leave it on for about 30 minutes. Rinse with cold water. The mask cleanse the skip deep and the skin becomes soft and with clear complexion.

Tangerine mask for oily skin with enlarged poresBeat the eggs whites until they become stiff, add 2 Tbs tangerine juice and mix well. Leave on for about 20 minutes and rinse with cold water. The mask is recommended for deep cleansing of the pores and helps remove the outer dead skin cells from the face.

The grapefruit is an excellent fruit as for losing weight as wells as for embellishment. It contains fructose, acids, minerals and many vitamins as vitamin A, C, D.

Grapefruit juice for unclean skin with dark spotsSqueeze the juice from a grapefruit and rub on the juice all over the face. Leave it on till it becomes dry. Wipe it off with rosewater or cleaning milk.

Grapefruit mask for tired skin with enlarged pores Mix the grapefruit juice and mineral water. Pour the mixture in a bottle. Spread it on the face both in the morning and in the evening. Leave it on till it becomes dry and rinse with hot water.

Grapefruit mask that protects from wrinkles and flabby skin You will need 1 Tbs grapefruit juice, yoghurt, 1 Tbs juice of carrot and ground rice. Mix the ingredients and apply the mixture onto the face, the neck, the neckline and the bust. Leave it to function 40/50 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. The mask stimulates the circulation, tightens the skin and diminishes the cellulite.

Oranges contain essential oil, vitamin A, B, C, D and PP. The orange juice stimulates the cellular metabolism and renovates the skin. The orange juice tightens up the enlarged and clogged pores, feed up the skin and protects it from wrinkles and fine lines.

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Orange mask against wrinkles, oily skin with enlarged and clogged pores Mix two level teaspoons of orange juice, carrot juice, yoghurt and ground rice. Leave on for about 30 minutes and rinse well.

Orange mask for every skin typesRub in the skin with fresh orange juice 2/3 times a day, leave it on the face till it becomes dry and rinse well with hot water. The orange juice is nourishing and has been known to be beneficial in helping to dry oils and clear the complexion.

Coffee exfoliation

You will need 2 tbs of fine coffee grounds and 1 tbs milk. Mix the ingredients well and apply to the whole body, including the face.

Massage for about 5 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water. The coffee grounds will gently firm and tone your skin. The exfoliation removes the dead skin cells, leaving your skin smooth and silky.

Anti-ageing mask of banana

You will need 1 small banana, 2 tbsp oat flour. Mash the banana, add the oat flour and 1 tbs water/or rose water/. Stir to mix well. Apply the mask to the face and neck and leave it to dry for about 20 minutes. Remove the mask using cotton pads and rinse with lukewarm water. The mask will leave your skin clean and smooth.

Tightening face mask

You will need: 1 white of egg, 1 tbs honey, 1tbsp flour. Mix the ingredients well and apply to the face using a cotton pad. Avoid the eyes area. Leave the mask to dry for about 15 minutes. Remove the mask with cold water and apply moisturizer. The mask will clean the clogged pores and will tighten them, leaving the skin fresh and tight.

Nourishing face mask

You will need: 1 yolk of egg, 1tbs honey, 1 tbs face cream / almond oil/, 1 tbs milk. Mix the ingredients well and apply to wet face. Leave the mask until it get dry/ usually 25 minutes/. Remove the mask with water and apply moisturizer.

The masks shouldn’t be applied if:

the skin infection is present the skin is sunburned if there are cuts, bites or small wounds if your skin is hypersensitive


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I have 2 ways which really work...1. Wash your face with luke warm water and use a mixture of juice of 1 lemon with juice of 2 tomatoes. Soak a facial mask in this solution and leave it on your fave about 30 mins or just apply them on with the mask. Rinse with luke warm water and dab dry.2. Another way you can use tumeric, pure one is the best. Use the toothpick to poke the juice out. Be careful it will leave stains on your clothes if it gets on. Dab the juice on the dark spots. This will take longer than the 1st way on bleaching the spots but its perfect on scar and blemishes.

If you have red, brown, raised or slightly indented pimple marks, dark marks or bumps on your face or other places, and you want to end the embarrassment they cause you, then you'll want to treat your pimple marks with our Miracle Cure™ Duo remedy.

This combination treatment contains both the blemish remover and the skin protector for ultimate pimple removal.

Your satisfaction is Guaranteed using your first bottle purchase of our guaranteed blemish remover.

What's more, our skin protector can be of special help when added to your pimple mark treatment, especially if you have sensitive skin, dry skin, older skin blemishes or colored skin blemishes.

If you have any questions during treatment of pimple marks, please e-mail us, as we provide free e-mail support for as long as you're using our New Skin™ products.

Page 57: Facial Recipes

Here's how to treat your unwanted pimple mark:

First, you'll want to start with one pimple mark blemish or a small patch of pimple marks no larger than 1-inch in diameter.

Use your first bottle of the blemish remover on that, by spreading the formula onto your blemished skin to moisten it.

If the skin protector is shown on this page, use that too, by coating your skin with the skin protector before applying the blemish remover.

Let it all dry on your skin, while your skin absorbs the skin-healing formula.

Once dried, usually 10-30 minutes later, the skin care application is complete.

At your convenience, you may rinse off the slight residue left on your skin.

You'll find more options for treatment in the instructions that are included with the blemish removal product.

For example, you can use one of our exclusive methods of application for ease of application on multiple pimple mark blemishes or to get results sooner.

You probably don't want to delay natural treatment.

Because your skin is likely to be very responsive to natural treatment when your pimple marks are fresh.

Plus you may be able to remove multiple pimple mark blemishes with only one purchase.

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So the sooner you treat your skin with New Skin™ - the sooner you should see results.

Get started with your blemish removal skin care treatment right away.

Then within 3 weeks to 90 days, you should be looking at new skin in the mirror, not just New Skin™ at the website.

Order today, and say good-bye to pimple marks for good!

Home Remedies for Acne [Try our Natural Acne Products - Neem and Turmeric Pack | Ask a Question ] Many a times, Conventional treatments do not work and worsen those scars & inflammations. Here is a list of many home remedies for acne that you can try conveniently any time without upsetting routine. To get rid of pimples and maintain a healthy skin, these home remedies are very useful.

Widely known, Hot wet towel compresses are the best treatment for localized infections, as heat dilates blood vessels, followed by a cold compress, which has the opposite effect.

Our body has its own self cleansing, self-purifying systems: keeping these systems working in perfect order is the best way of protecting yourself from toxicity. Drink 7-8 glasses of water a day. 10 glasses would be optimal, but if your anything like me its sometimes tough to get in the 8 glasses. Remember your skin is the largest organ of your body and is the first to lose moisture and become dehydrated.

Drink Herbal Water : It is made by boiling hair of 1 corn, with 1 to 2 fenugreek seeds in a glass full of water.

Almond Oil is good acne home remedy for dryness & inflammation of the skin. The outer cover (endocarp) of 2-3 can be ground with water & applied over the face daily. This is good for removing scars of old pimples.

Fresh juice of apricots applied on your face is very good for sunburn, itching, exzema and natural cystic acne treatment.

Application of Bengal Gram Powder (flour) mixed with curds is also a very effective treatment for pimples & other skin infections & allergies. Green Gram powder flour, mixed in water or glycerine is an excellent face wash in place of soap to remove dirt without skin irritation, and also a very effective bleach for a good complexion.

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Cucumber Juice alone or mixed with juices of carrot, lettuce or alfalfa when applied over the face is excellent home remedy for pimples. Grated cucumber can also serve the same purpose.

Curd or buttermilk is good for skin irritation. Curds along with wheat flour or bran is a good cleanser and beneficial for dry skin.

Fenugreek Leaves - A paste of fresh leaves applied over the face every night and washed with warm water prevents pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, dryness, wrinkles etc.

Fenugreek Seeds : A decoction made of 1 tsp. Methi seeds boiled in 1 ltr. of water for a couple of minutes and applied on the face is an ideal prevention for formation of blackheads, whiteheads, pimples etc. It also helps in dryness, wrinkles & is an excellent face wash & cleanser.

Acne or pimples are caused by hormonal changes, wrong food habits and improper skin care. A lot of home remedies do work but take time if you want results fast I would recommend Proactive Solution it is 100% proven to work can be pricey but if its causing you to not feel good about yourself & causing stress in your life money should not be an issue. If money is an issue then I recommend these home remedies.

Grind nutmeg with unboiled milk and apply on affected area. This works as a magic. Pimples should disappear without leaving a mark.

Make a paste by mixing 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. Repeat for two weeks, pimples will disappear forever.

Apply a mixture of 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder.

Make orange peel paste by grinding it in some water. Apply on and around pimples.

Rub fresh garlic on and around pimples. Pimples will disappear without a mark with regular applications.

Mix 1 tablespoon groundnut oil with 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice to prevent formation of blackheads and pimples .

Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night for the treatment of pimples, insect stings, eczema, scabies, & other skin infections.

Apply a paste of fresh fenugreek leaves over the face every night for 10-15 minutes and washed with warm water. This will prevent pimples, blackheads, and wrinkles.

Apply juice of raw papaya (including the skin and seed) on swelling pimples.

Apply fresh lime juice mixed to a glass of boiled milk as a face wash for pimples.

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Mix lime juice and rose water in equal portions. Apply on affected area. Wash it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.

Apply ripe tomatoes pulp on pimples and kept up to 1 hour, then wash.

How can I get rid of spot marks on my face? kinda have the same problem as you but they do go away eventually and you can get this rilly gr8 cream th@ works like magic! its called 'CLEAN&CLEAR deep cleansing cream wash' its in a blue-faded to green like big tube thing n seriously its amazin! just make sure you get the cleansing one not the exfoliating one. it can b found in most supermarkets I fink! n I promise it works rilly rilly well! well it does 4 both me and my best friend anyway! try it out!

Clean and Clear doesnt work for me that well either. I use Olay(face) and Bioré. It works well with me.

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Pimples and pigmentation marks appear on the face, which takes away the beauty and charm of the face. These can appear in summer or winter season. The main reasons are consumption of fat, controlling the urge to urinate, excessive labour and exposure of heat and Sun. The following home remedies should be used for this problem:

- Take the cream from fresh milk, add few drops of lemon and apply on the face to remove pimples and acne.

- Grind 30 gm of thymol seeds (ajwain) in 25 gm of curd and apply on pimples and acne. Wash the face the next morning. This remove pimples.

- Take equal quantities of holy basil leaves and lemon juice and apply on the pigmentation marks, dark circles or pimples. This is an effective medicine.

- Add glycerin four times the quantity of lemon juice and rub the face to get rid of pimples. Massage the whole body to get the silky and soft effect.

- Soak lentil dal in sufficient water so that the entire water is absorbed. Grind it and add it in milk. Apply this paste on the face twice daily. This removes pigmentation    marks    and pimples.

- Grind the dried orange peels in water and apply the paste on the face. This removes pigmentation marks and pimple.

- Rub Jaiphal in milk and apply on pimples   and  pigmentation marks. This gives glowing skin.

- Boil cumin seeds and wash the face with that water. This gets rid of pigmentation marks, dark circles etc and enhances the beauty.

- Grind Jaiphal and black pepper in raw milk and apply on the face at bedtime. This cures pimples and removes pigmentation marks and makes the face beautiful.

- Take one spoon lentil dal, half spoon rapeseeds and two almonds - grind it nicely and add lemon juice. Apply this paste on the face. Wash the face when dry.

- Take equal quantities of alum and black pepper and apply on pimples and acne.

- Grind guava and banana and apply the paste on face.

- Apply cucumber juice on face to remove pigmentation marks and pimples.

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- Add radish juice in curd and apply on face to get rid of pimples, acne and pigmentation marks.

- Add honey in onion juice and apply on the face, this cures both the problems

- Take enema of hot water with lemon juice.

- Take boiled gourd or torai in meals. Eat the chapattis made with whole wheat.

- Pat the face with water while taking bath.

- Apply multani mati on face and peel it when dry. Wash the face with cold water.

- Eat boiled vegetables or drink their juice.

- Add Triphala and Moolhati and take 3 to 4 gm daily to cure constipation and get rid of pimples and acne.

- Grind black pepper and apply on pimples.

- Add gram flour in castor oil and apply on face, this is very beneficial.

- Mix rapeseed and rock salt in lemon juice and apply on pimples.

- Grind almonds in goat milk and apply on pimples to get rid of pimples.

- Rub the seed of date palm in vinegar and apply on pimples. Wash the face after one hour with soap. Pimples disappear within three to four days.

- Take equal quantities of lemon juice, rogan badam and glycerin, mix thoroughly and store it in clean bottle. Apply this lotion on the face everyday, to make the skin soft and beautiful.

- Grind chironji and add butter, apply this pack on the face and rub it nicely. This cures all the skin related problems.

- People suffering with pimples and pigmentation marks should maintain a clean stomach. They should improve their digestive strength and keep the intestines clean. They should walk in open and fresh air and take proper diet.

- Add lemon juice and rose water in equal quantities and apply on face. Wash the face after half hour with fresh water. The pimples are cured within 10 to 15 days. This gets rid of pigmentation marks and dark spots.

- Rub the lemon peels on the body before taking bath and wash the face with lukewarm water, this is effective to get rid of pimples.

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- Never pinch the pimples and try to break them. This spreads the pimples faster and causes permanent scars on the face. Take hot steam before applying any, pack for immediate results.

- Apply olive oil regularly to cure different types of pimples and boils. This is also effective for curing pigmentation marks and spots.

- Rub the inner portion of neem bark in water like sandal and apply on pimples.

- Apply blue oil (pour oil in blue coloured bottle and keep under the Sun for one and half months) on pimples.

- Take Gulkand with 25- 30 gm of milk everyday at bedtime.

- Take avala marmalade to cure constipation    and   thereby pimples.

- Boil the neem leaves in water and sieve it. Wash the face with this water to remove pimples.

- Eat sprouted gram regularly according to the digestive capacity to cure pimples and pigmentation marks.

- Eat ripe neem fruit to get rid of pimples.

- Mix Triphala and Moolhati in equal quantities and take three grams powder with lukewarm water to cure constipation and thereby pimples and dark spots.

- Add onion juice, rock salt and honey and apply on the face.

- Take carrot, tomato, radish and other green salad along with meals everyday to remove  pimples.

- Avoid tea, coffee etc. This cures pimples and skin related problems.

- Do not eat ice cream, chocolate, toffees, pastries etc. in excess quantity. Avoid constipation.

- Do not eat food items made with spices, garam masala and acidic things.

- Avoid hot spicy, heavy, oily and fried food items like samosa, kachori etc.

- Do not eat things, made with horse bean, flour and do not use chemical based cosmetics on face.

- Add lemon juice in Giloy juice and apply on the face to get rid of pimples.

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- In case of severe constipation and pimples, soak 6-7 raisins in water, remove the seeds the next morning and eat.

- Grind Arjun Chaal, Mujith and Vasa Chaal, add honey and apply on the face to remove pimples.

- Regular consumption of radish is good for getting rid of spots, pimples and acne.

- Add black holy basil leaves powder in turmeric powder and apply the pack on the face before bath. This removes pimples.

- Grind coriander, Lodhra and Koot and apply on the face.

- Grind fenugreek leaves and apply the pack on the face, let it dry. Then wash the face, continue this for few days to remove pimples. This also makes the skin soft and smooth.

- Add grounded onion seeds powder in lemon juice and apply on face; this is effective in case of pimples.

- Make a fine paste of Amaltas Chaal, pomegranate Chaal, Lodhra,       turmeric       and Nagarmotha and add it in water. Apply the pack on the face. This works well in case of pimples.

- Apply sandal wood oil on the face to clean all the infection causing bacteria and pimples.

- Take equal quantities of Jaiphal, black pepper, red sandal, grind it nicely and add it in water. Apply this paste on the face to get rid of pimples.

- Take equal quantities of rapeseeds, Semar thorns, lentil dal, chironji and almonds. Grind all the things nicely and mix it in little bit of milk. Apply this paste on the face to remove pimples.

- Boil one cup milk and thicken it. Add lemon juice, remove from flame and let it be cool while stirring it continuously. Apply this paste on the face at bedtime. Wash the face after one hour and next morning. This removes pimples and gives a smooth and soft skin.

Some home remedies for acne cure -

1. Dried orange peel pounded well with water. Applied to affected acne areas like a face mask. Remove after 10 minutes.

2. Grated pieces of cucumber to be applied on the affected area.

3. Rub the pimple with a fresh clove of garlic.

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4. Drinking plenty of water to flush out toxins from body. It also imparts a healthy glow to the skin

5. A paste of Fenugreek (Methi) leaves applied overnight on acne and washed off next morning helps control the problem.

What works for one person may not work for another. What is an appropriate treatment for one person may not clear another’s acne. Do not get impatient! Get medical treatment if your condition gets worse.

Prevention: always better than cure

i. Though we cannot control our hormones, we can surely clean the built-up grime and sebum that cause oily and blocked pores.

Use gentle face cleansers daily. It is a must. Green Pears soap (Rs 18.50, available in grocery stores and with chemists), Clean & Clear face wash (Rs 25 for 40 ml, available in grocery stores and with chemists), Cetaphil cleanser (Rs 86, available at all chemists) are all good for oil control.

ii. Tone your skin after cleansing it. Toning restores the normal balance of the skin and thus prevents bacterial colonisation.

Try Garnier's Purifying Face Toner (Rs 125 for 125 ml, available at all cosmetic outlets).

iii. Moisturising is a tricky question for acne-prone skin.

Switch to moisturisers that are water-based and non-comodogenic (any substance that invites the formation of blackheads on the skin).

Emolene (Rs 45, available at all chemists) or Garnier Sun Protecting Moisturiser (Rs 85, available at all cosmetic outlets) are good bets.

Acne dos and don'ts

i. During an acute attack of acne, the skin is irritated and inflamed.

I do not recommend any herbal or home remedies during this period.

Too many overzealous grandmas have ruined a young girl's face with garlic paste and abrasive gramflour scrubs.

ii. Keep the garlic in the frying pan where it belongs. Consult a dermatologist immediately so you can be assessed and treated individually.

iii. All the so-called blood purifying tonics have no effect whatsoever. Avoid them.

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iv. Depending on your case, you may be prescribed benzolyl peroxide gels, retinoids, antibiotic gels or various combinations thereof by your dermatologist.

v. You must apply retinoids (a derivative of Vitamin A in the cream) at night, as they are sun-sensitising.

They may also cause some dryness but this is part of the treatment.

If your case is severe, you may need oral antibiotics. Please take the antibiotics regularly as prescribed. Build a good rapport with your doctor to find out which antibiotics suit you best.


Fortunately there are several simple steps you can adopt to help transform your frizzy locks into smooth and silky ones.

If you have curly hair, your best bet is to leave your hair curly. Many curly haired women try to straighten their hair... and straight haired women are constantly trying to curl theirs. If you want your hair to look smooth and silky, go with your natural hair type. Any curling or straightening will only contribute to frizziness.

Shampoo your hair minimally as frequent shampooing often dries hair out. This can lead to more frizinness. If you do have to wash your hair daily, use a mild shampoo or alternate shampoo with conditioner only on certain days.

Find a lightweight conditioner you can use daily. Allow the conditioner to sit on your hair for at least two minutes.

Find a deep conditioner formulated for your hair type and apply it at least once every week. This will help tame frizzies in the long run.

Consider using a silicon based hair product. There are many on the market today that help minimize frizz and create a smooth, shiny and silky appearance. Examples include 'frizz ease'.

If you blow-dry your hair, use a light heat setting. If you have curly hair always use a diffuser to help combat frizz. Try to avoid blow-drying every day.

Consider a leave in conditioning treatment. If you can afford it consider a salon conditioning treatment. Most salons offer

deep conditioning that instantly revives hair.

Of course, one of the easiest ways to tame fly aways is to simply put a small dollop of your favorite lotion in your hands, mix and then apply to your hair. You don't want to coat your hair, but a little moisturizer along the ends does help tame frizz and can make your hair smell nice too. Be careful however. If you do this too often your hair will become weighted down. A clarifying shampoo once every few weeks can help minimize product build up.

Products That Combat FrizzThere are a multitude of products that combat frizz. Some are shampoos, others

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conditioners, still others gels, mousses and silicone based defrizzers. Here are some products recommended by people who have successfully tamed even the frizziest of hair. Keep in mind not every product works for everyone. Depending on your hair type and texture, you may find one product works better than another.

Infusium - Infusium offers an entire product line to combat frizz from shampoo to conditioner to leave in treatment. They even have a spray you can use midday to help smooth hair. This product is good for finer hair as it is lighter than some silicone based treatments.

Frizz-ease - Silicone based hair serum that works especially well for combatting frizz associated with curly hair.

Clairol 5x - Inexpensive over-the-counter conditioning treatment that tames frizz. Aveda Brilliant Styling Cream - Used before blow-drying, can help keep your

hair smooth as you dry. Aveda Light Elements Smoothing Fluid - Use after styling or blow-drying to

tame fly aways. Potion 9 by Sebastian - This is a leave in conditioning treatment that helps create

a silky, lush head of hair. While on the expensive side, you need only a tiny bit each use.

Garnier Fructis - Shampoo and conditioner helps tame frizzies. Keratase Oleo-Relax line - Silicone based product that helps combat frizz. This

one is a popular one among many well-known celebrities. Slightly more expensive than most anti-frizz products.

Most importantly you should remember that frizzy or brittle hair is dry hair. Your hair needs water to remain silky and smooth. Constant coloring, blow-drying and treatments can all contribute to frizzy hair. Believe it or not, a bad hair cut can contribute to frizzy hair too. Be sure you let your stylist know you want to control frizz. This is especially the case if you have curly hair. Hair cut in the right direction will appear smoother than hair cut in the wrong direction. This is a case where it pays to find a good stylist.

Curly or frizzy hair can often be very hard to manage. Harder still is trying to turn your frizzy, curly hair into a smooth, straight and silky looking hairdo. One way of turning curly hair straight, is to get it professionally straightened; however this is fairly drastic option and not one for everybody. The easiest way to achieve straight and silky hair is to blow dry it this way yourself at home. It may take you a little longer than you would usually spend doing your hair and it may take a little practice before you get the results you desire, but the outcome will be well worth the effort.

To blow dry your hair straight yourself, start with wet clean hair. It is a good idea to use a good conditioning treatment or conditioning spray prior to straightening your hair. This will help assure the hair is in its best possible condition. Towel dry hair and apply a small amount of mouse or gel, working it through the hair and concentrating it on the ends of the hair. Blow dry your hair until it is almost dry and just slightly damp. This will not only save time during the straightening process, but also is better for the hair as it places less tension on the hair itself.

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Start by sectioning off your hair and pinning back the top bits. Always start with the underneath hair first and then work your way through the hair to the top and front sections. Each section of hair should be a manageable amount for you to handle straightening. This will depend on the thickness of your hair and what you can manage. It is best to start with a small amount and increase the size of the sections, as you become more experienced with the process.

Gather the hair in the section and using a large round brush, roll the hair round the brush and then pull it back out, holding the brush at the ends of the hair. Blow-dry the hair down towards the brush on low heat, while continuing to pull the brush through the hair. Once that section is dry and at the straightness you desire, continue the same process section by section with the rest of your hair, leaving the front bits around your face until last. As more and more hair gets straightened out, you may need to go back over a few sections to help them sit nicely in with the rest of the hair, but this shouldn’t take long. Pay special attention to the front sections of hair and style them the desired way you would like them, so that the hair fall to the side you want it to etc.

Once all the sections of hair are straightened out, get some kind of finishing wax or hair polish and rub it between your hands and then lightly rub your hands over your hair. You have to be careful not to apply too much as this could make you newly straight hair look greasy. Then brush, comb, or style your hair in the style you want and you’re ready to go with your new, very straight and non-frizzy hair!

Another way to straighten hair is to use the above process but instead of blow drying and using the round brush to straighten out the sections, you could use a straightening iron. Straightening irons work well, but on most occasions you will still need to blow-dry the hair at the end to achieve your desired style. Straighten irons can also be very harsh on the hair, so it is a good idea not to do it too often.

You could also use very large Velcro rollers and roll each section of hair up in them and then let it dry naturally. This method works well and is probably the least harsh to the hair but it takes longer. The rollers will also tend to curl up then ends of the hair slightly, but if that is not the look you desire you could use the round brush and blow dry them straight out. Once again finish off with a hair wax or polish to protect the hair and make it look shiny.

You've invested in blowdryers, curling irons, flat irons, and countless hair color sessions at your favorite salon. And now everything you've done to make your hair look so lush and gorgeous has accomplished the opposite: your hair is now dull and damaged. Fortunately, the damage is easy to remedy.

Get a trim

Most stylists recommend a trim every six weeks. A regular trim will help prevent or get rid of split ends. Often, it's not the entire head of hair that needs the fix - just the dried out ends. If you're trying to grow your hair out and are freaked by the prospect of a cut, just

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make sure you clearly advise your stylist to cut off only up to the line of damage. Plus, seeing your hairdresser on a consistent basis will allow him or her to assess your hair during each visit, and help you get your hair to its maximum beauty potential. Consider it a regular checkup.

Use a good shampoo

Shampooing daily isn't necessary; in fact, it's not even recommended. The detergents in most shampoos on the market will strip your hair of both color and moisture. It's a good idea to look for a sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) -free shampoo. This is a chemical often used in soaps and shampoos because it effectively causes a product to foam up, leaving the skin feeling invigorated and clean. However, it's been proven that SLS is greatly drying, and can also be very irritating. Hair tangled after washing? Blame sodium lauryl sulfate. Fortunately, shampoos that are SLS-free are becoming more and more available. Two industry favorites are Paves Professional's Flawless No Sulfates Allowed Repairing Shine Shampoo, and Alba Botanica's Plumeria Replenishing Hair Wash.

Use a conditioner daily

Find a conditioner that's specifically tailored for your hair type. If your hair is fine, use a lightweight conditioner, like Dove's Volumizing Color Care Conditioner, that won't weigh it down. If your hair is thick and coarse, a thicker formula, like Aussie's Moist Conditioner, will keep your strands luxurious and healthy. No matter what your hair type, distribute the product only at the ends, to prevent it from weighing your hair down. If, however, your whole head of hair is extremely fried and damaged, use a deep conditioning treatment all over, like L'Oreal Professionnel Intense Repair Masque, once a week.

Use the right tools

Do not use a brush on wet hair, because this is when hair is most vulnerable. Use a wide-toothed comb instead, and gently work out any tangles. Once hair is dry, a boar-bristle brush is best - this kind of brush smooths out the cuticle and helps distribute your hair's natural oils from your scalp to your ends, giving you shine.

Try to cut blowdrying, flat ironing, and curling down to a couple of times a week. But if you must use heated tools, use a protectant on the middle to the ends of hair beforehand to prevent further and future damage. One to try is Frederic Fekkai Glossing Cream with Olive Oil. A celebrity favorite, this leave-in not only protects the hair from heat styling, it tames fly-aways, helps guard against humidity, and leaves your hair looking strong and shiny.

Hairs are one of the greatest assets. It has now become a multi million dollar business and is still growing very rapidly. One who can't afford extra expenses can manage it through natural herbal ways as well as through some effective home remedies.

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Herbal Shampoo for Hairs

1. Shampoo of Multani Clay: Immerse 100 gm multani clay in water. After two hours make a paste and apply gently in the hair. Wash the hair after 5-10 minutes in winters with warm water and normal water in summers. If hair is very dirty do it twice a week; the hair becomes soft, silky and long. It brings a cool and light feeling.

2. Shampoo of flour of gram pulses: Apply paste of flour of gram pulse made with water on the hair twice a week and wash the hand after an hour. The hair becomes black, dense, clean, shining and soft. It also relieves itching or cures boils in the head.

Home Remedies for Hair Care

1. Add one-gram black pepper in 100 gm of curd and apply in the scalp. Now wash the hair with warm water once a week. The hair becomes black and beautiful and stops falling.

2. Mix eclipta alba, black sesame, dry emblica myrobalan and sugar candy in equal quantities (all in powdered form). Take six grams in the morning on an empty stomach daily and drink 250 gm of milk over it. Take this treatment from one years, along with it take vegetarian food, and do not indulge in sex.

3. For graying of hairs, add black sesame and eclipta alba in equal quantity, chew one teaspoonful of this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach and drink fresh water over it. Take daily for six months. It is successful for all persons up to 40.

4. To prevent hair fall, mash beetroot leaves in heena paste and apply on the head also cures dandruff.

5. Warm 300 gm coconut oil with 3 gm of black pepper added in it. When it starts boiling stop heating, sieve with a fine cloth and keep in a bottle. Massage with fingertips in the night gently.

Immerse peels of lemon in coconut oil for 8-10 days in sunshine. Now sieve and apply in the hair. Hair becomes black and shininSome solutions to your thinning hair:

If you think your thinning hair is caused by an illness or your medications, consult your doctor for some advice.

Be aware of your hair styles, make sure your hair is not pulled too tightly

Use products that are for “thin hair” or products that will add volume to your hair.

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If you wear weave in your hair, stop wearing it for a few months. When you sew and glue weave in your hair you are causing severe damage to your scalp and hair follicles that may make your hair irreversibly damaged.

Put some onion water or garlic water on your hair. Chop onion or garlic and put it in a little water. Put it on your hair scalp an hour before you wash your hair. Do this if you do not have chemicles in your hair.

Apply olive oil to your hair and put a plastic cap or bag on for an hour or so then shampoo and condition your hair.

Keep your hair clean and moisturized

Eat a well balanced diet with sufficient ‘good’ oil included to give your hair much needed nutrients.

100% shea butter used as a thinning hair treatment will give your hair strength and shine.

 If you want to know what is new for thinning hair on a female and a male check out the natural remedies for thinning hair listed below. Here are two of the best thinning hair products for you to try.


Dont go out and buy anything expensive. First: Purchase a mild Shampoo (To Clarify hair, I will explain why)

Second: TRIM your hair ends (May 1 1/2 to 2 inches)

Third: Here's the magic part: Mix olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil, avocado oil and a "little" honey, (honey u will have to heat so it can blend). Either leave on ALL day or all night (if all nite, DONT use honey)

Repeat this 3-4 times a week, your hair will grow like a weed & remove all frizz and make it straighter, I promise,..... and it will be super shiny!!!!

The clairifying shampoo will help take the oil off your hair when u shower

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You can find olive oil anywere, but the other oils you will have to buy at a local organics store, wholes foods or BJ's health corner.

The winter is so hard on your hair. When that cold wind hits it, it can dry out your hair, and damage it beyond repair. Then the only hope is to trim your hair to "cut off" the damaged ends. Wait! I don't want to cut my hair!

Here are some tips to get through the winter with the least possible damage to your hair. Maybe this year you won't have to cut it.

Shampoo every other day or less frequently, if possible, unless you exercise regularly or work outdoors. Excess shampooing strips natural oils from the hair.

Let your hair air dry whenever possible. Blow-drying can dry out the hair and damage it even more. When using hot rollers or a curling iron put thin strips of cotton fabric around them to lessen the damage done by them to your hair.

If you're in a rush and have to blow dry your hair, use the dryer on the lowest, coolest setting or stand in front of a fan and run your fingers gently through your hair as it dries.

Massage your head daily for 5-10 minutes to promote blood flow to the scalp and improve the quality of your hair. Start at your temples and work toward the back of your head, apply pressure in circular motions.

Turn your head upside down and give it a good brushing from the scalp to the ends, which stimulates the scalp and spreads natural oils through the hair.

Be sure to take your B vitamins. B6, B12, folic acid, pantothenic acid and biotin are associated with moisture rich hair. You can take a multivitamin or eat food's rich in B vitamins including soybeans, bananas, beans, yogurt, avocados, eggs and grains.

Be sure to eat enough protein. Your hair is composed of protein and if you don't get enough it could cause your hair to become dry and brittle. Make a protein shake twice a day just to be sure.

Protein Shake Recipe

2 Tbs. Soy protein Powder (your favorite kind)1 cup milk or juice1/4 cup fresh, canned or frozen fruitice

Mix in a blender until smooth and creamy.

Try this wonderful deep conditioning treatment once a week to rejuvenate dry damaged hair.

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Egg Shampoo

1 egg1 tsp. olive oil1 tsp. lemon juice1 Tbs. Castile soap1/2 cup water or herbal tea5 Drops of essential oil of your choice (optional)

Combine all in blender and whip until smooth. Shampoo with mixture using warm, not hot water for the shampoo and rinse. Store any remaining shampoo in the refrigerator for use the next day

How to Get Smooth LegsWhen you get that perfect new mini skirt or little black dress, the whole outfit is ruined by hairy legs. Do you want to shave your legs and get them as smooth and silky as possible? Follow these tips for super smooth, sexy, sleek legs that will have boys begging for your attention!

[edit] Steps1. Make sure the shower (or bath) is warm to open

pores, which will give you a closer shave.2. Use shaving foam to get a closer and smoother

shave.3. Use a loofa and run water over it to get a closer

shave by removing the dead skin cells. Once you have massaged in the exfoliation cream, use the loofa to wipe off any remaning residue.

4. Use a good shaver to shave your legs, making sure you do it carefully so that you don't cut yourself. Shave up towards you, not down

5. Rinse your legs, pat them dry with a warm towel.6. Put on some moisturizer and massage it in well.

[edit] Tips Be careful around ankles and knees. These areas

are uneven and difficult to shave. you may want to use cream for these areas.

If you don't have an shaving foam, use conditioner. It works just as well!

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Take your time, don't rush, or you could end up making a very bad job of it.

If you do nick yourself while shaving, try dabbing on some antiseptic cream or lotion to help heal the cut faster.

There are other methods of hair removal: waxing (it hurts a lot at first, but you will get used to it), using hair removal creams (there is a myth that all hair removal creams smell, but there are nice smelling creams out there!), and bleaching the hair on your legs. For first timers, try shaving, but since there are down-sides to shaving such as re-growth and stubbles, you may want to consider getting them waxed. Gather up your courage and get an appointment today - you won't regret it! You'll have silky smooth legs that last for four month! No more messing around with razors in the shower!

Try not shaving your legs for 2 weeks; it will be smoother when you shave.

Make sure your exfoliation lotion has solid beads in it, bursting beads and moisture beads won't really work.

If you're not that good with shaving your knees and you nick yourself a lot, try using something like nair so it will be smooth and nick-free and will not have as bad stubble!

If you have pretty dry legs you NEED to moisturize otherwise when the hair starts to grow back it will feel rough and unpleasnt.

Sunburn soothers

* Apply cod liver oil.

* Mix grated cucumber with milk and apply.

* Grate one fresh raw potato. Extract juice by squeezing in a muslin cloth. This treatment provides immediate relief.

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* Calamine lotion (available at most chemist shops) is a very effective remedy. Apply liberally on affected areas and leave to dry.

* To one raw egg white, add one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of hazel. Apply on affected areas. Leave it on for 5-10 minutes. Wash with tepid water.

Suntan removers

All sunburn aids - vinegar, milk, potato juice, cucumber juice are good for removing tan. Apply on the affected area; keep for 10-15 minutes and wash.

The above suntan removers have a drying effect on the skin; so, if you have a dry skin, make sure you use a moisturiser after this treatment.

Queries answered

* Taruna, like any other teenager, has a lot of blackheads around her nose and forehead and wants to know what to do. She also wants to know how to remove the tan on her hands?

You are already using the homemade pack of besan, lime and milk. You can continue to do this two times a week. I also suggest that you visit a professional beauty salon for a treatment that calls for a deep cleansing after blackheads removal. As for your tanned hands, use cucumber juice or potato juice as given above.

* Lavanya has pimples and some spots on her face. She wants to know how to get rid of them?

Wash your face 3-4 times a day with a medicated soap or a face wash like Johnson's Clean and Clear. Do not touch or squeeze pimples. Avoid too much make up as it will clog your pores. Have 8-10 glasses of water and a balanced diet. Include two bowls of vegetables and 2-3 citrus fruits. Avoid deep fried and spicy food and chocolates. At night, apply the chandan (sandalwood) paste with your fingertips on pimples and scars. Leave it on overnight and wash with cold water in the morning. You have to do this for 2-3 months to get good results.

* Praveen has dandruff problem for the last 10 years. He has tried a number of medicines and would like to know a home remedy.

A very effective home remedy is the boric acid treatment. Buy the boric acid from the chemist - the one used to wash your eyes.

Mix 1 tsp of boric acid in 2 tsp of natural oil such as coconut oil, olive oil and warm till boric acid dissolves. Apply on the scalp. Keep it on overnight.

Wash/shampoo in the morning. This treatment should be done two times a week for at least two months.

Try getting an exfoliator. This really helped me. Apply a good amount like you would soap, and rub it on your hand for about 5 minutes, in a back & forward motion.

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Take a cucumber, skin it and chop it finely and put it in a blender. Make a puree and add one tablespoon of chilled milk. Mix well and apply all over the face, neck, arms and areas scorched or burnt by the sun. Leave on for 15 minutes, and then rinse with cold water. Repeat this treatment twice or thrice during the course of the day. Its soothes the skin and helps in alleviating sunburn.


Take 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and 3 tablespoons of yoghurt. Mix and add one tablespoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of olive oil, Blend and whisk well together in a bowl. Wash your hands and then apply over infected area first, then all over the face. Leave on for 5-7 minutes and then rinse with cold water. Very effective for blackheads.


Take 2 tablespoons vinegar and add 2 tablespoons of water. This solution is an ideal cure for suntan. Dab on gently with cotton wool over sore areas. Leave it on for 10 minutes and wash off.


Take 2 onions, skin and chop them fine. Put then in a mixer and grind to a paste. Tie this in a muslin cloth and squeeze out the juice. Add to the juice a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of milk. Take cotton wool pads and dab over the sunburned or tanned areas. Leave to dry. Dab the juice again and repeat till the complete solution is used up. Let it dry on your skin. Rinse with cold water. It's best that you make it a routine after coming in from the hot sun.


Take 2 tomatoes, puree them. Take a cucumber, peel and puree them too. Mix the purees and add to it the juice of one lemon. Mix well. Apply this paste all over the suntanned and sunburnt skin. Let it dry. Dab the puree again. Repeat 3 times and let it dry thoroughly, then rinse off. Use this treatment for a week and see the difference. It not only helps to soothe the burnt area, it adds a glow to the skin too.


Take a handful of cabbage leaves, boil them and drain out the water. Mash the leaves and apply the pulp all over the tanned and sunburnt areas. Leave on for 15 minutes. Wash off with cold water. Repeat this treatment at least for a week. This acts like a protective and soothing balm. Use whenever you have been exposed to the hot sun.

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Cut green gourd into thin round slices. Rub quickly all over the affected areas. Repeat 3-4 times. Leave it on and wash off at bedtime. Soothes burnt skin.


The most natural and soothing cure for sunburn and tan. Just pluck a few leaves of the plant, mash or puree them. Add the juice of one lemon. Apply this jelly like solution all over the affected areas. It cleanses, clears and nourishes the skin.


Use ice cubes all over the sunburned skin when you come from the hot sun.


Take 2 tablespoons of honey and add to it the juice of one lime. Mix well apply over the sunburned or tanned skin areas. Helps to lighten and soothe the skin.


Take the juice of one lemon and add to it a few grains of sugar. Rub this lotion all over the sunburned or tanned areas. Keep rubbing in circular motions. Let it dry and then wash off. This not only helps to remove tan but exfoliates the skin very gently too.


Take 3 tablespoons of milk and add to it one tablespoon of turmeric powder. Apply all over the face or affected areas. Leave it to dry. Rub in circular motions and then rinse off. It not only helps to remove tan it also helps remove fine facial hair.

Learn How to Remove Self-Tanner

Maybe you've suddenly managed to achieve a less-than-enviable shade of Oompa Loompa-orange. Perhaps your feet look like a blotchy mess or your hands have streaks all over them. Even worse, maybe it's your entire body that's a streaky, half-tanned mess. What's a girl looking for a gorgeous glow to do? Remove the mess, of course.

Most of the time, these faux pas are easily solved. The only trick involves knowing how to remove self-tanner. If you're a serial at-home tanner, you already know the importance of proper maintenance. Those new to the world of tanning at home, though, will appreciate knowing how easy it is to correct those inevitable sunless tanning errors. Here's how to make the most of the lovely glow you desire.


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The most common method of tanner removal is exfoliation. Self-tanner is essentially a dye that deposits pigment onto the skin. When the skin is scrubbed, the skin cells slough off, taking with them the self-tanner. Follow these steps to successfully remove self-tanner from the body:

1. Apply a thin layer of baby oil to the body. 2. Allow it to soak in for 25-35 minutes. 3. Immerse yourself in warm bath water. 4. Gently exfoliate the skin, using either a sugar

scrub (which is less harsh than a salt scrub), a washcloth or a loofah.


Helpful Hints If you find that an at-home scrub doesn't do the

trick, search for a local spa that offers a full-body exfoliation treatment. Often, the vigorous nature of a professional treatment is enough to remove all traces of color.

Invest in a dry brush. Due to their large size, dry brushes are ideal for full-body exfoliation. They are also soft, yet surprisingly stimulating. Use of a dry brush encourages dead skin cell removal, increased lymph circulation and skin detoxification.


Lemon Fresh

It's good for a burst of tart flavor, but lemons also have their place in the beauty world. Removing the odd streak is a snap with the rub of a lemon wedge. Simply massage the wedge quickly over the area in question. This will usually lift the tanning lotion's unwanted color.


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Splish, Splash, Take a Bath

Summertime brings with it more than just blazing heat! The desire to jump into the pool is insatiable. One might expect an orangey or blotchy tan to destroy that dream pretty quickly, but pool water has actually proven to be helpful in matters of terrible tans. A long swim (or, conversely, a long soak in the tub) is usually enough to speed the natural fading process and eliminate color.

This method works because the skin cells soak up the water and increase in size. As they grow larger, the tan gets lighter until eventually the color fades completely.


Forget About It

Sunless tans naturally fade with time. While playing the waiting game is never fun, in this case it's quite simply the easiest way to solve the problem. If you plan on staying indoors for a few days, you can take advantage of this method. Additionally, it's the most efficient fix for a blotchy face or neck, usually fading within 24 hours.

Not only is it simple, it's also the healthiest approach to self-tanner removal for your skin. The cons, however, likely outweigh the pros in this case. When you need a quick fix, there are quicker methods that require just a little know-how.


Removal Products

Several products formulated to remove self-tanner are available. They include the following:

St. Tropez Self-Tan Remover : This 11 oz. bottle is more than enough to get you through the year. Use this unique product to quickly and easily remove self-tanning mistakes. It's ideal for the palms, feet and ankles. This product is also available in a convenient, 10-piece, pocket-sized package.

ModelCo Tan Remover Exfoliating Body Scrub : This gently exfoliating micro-salt scrub dissolves the self-tan while treating the skin to the pleasant scent of pink grapefruit.


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Avoiding Mistakes

No one is perfect, and self-tan application mistakes are some of the most common out there. There are ways, however, to avoid making the same mistake twice. Here are a few tips to help you achieve the best tan possible:

1. Keep skin thoroughly moisturized at all times. Dry skin is more susceptible to unevenness.

2. Get speedy. The best way to ensure a great finish is to apply the self-tanner as quickly and evenly as possible.

3. Apply the self-tanner at least three to four hours prior to taking a shower or bath. Many people prefer to apply the tanner at night for this reason.

4. Regular maintenance, including reapplication of tanner as needed, is necessary to keep your skin glowing.


Mix salt, cornmeal or sugar with baby oil or lotion and rub it all over your skin after your bath or shower. Then rinse well.

The abrasion will slough off the tanned skin and your beautiful soft(er) will be revealed]

Shehnaz hussains tips::

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Acne Treatment

The treatment is based on a highly effective and clinically proven procedure for the treatment of acne and pimples. It helps to decongest and purify the skin, curing and soothing eruptions. The

formulations used in the treatment have powerful healing properties and have a high success rate in controlling acne conditions and restoring health to the skin.

Products Required: Sharose, Shaclove, Shabase, Shasilk

Procedure: Cleanse face with Sharose, using cotton wool. Extract blackheads /whiteheads. Give high frequency ozone for 2 to 3 minutes, a little longer on pimples/acne. Apply Shaclove all over face for 15 minutes. Wipe off with moist cotton wool. Apply protective cover with

Shabase mixed with Shasilk.

Acne Treatment with Plant Protein Revitalizer

The treatment helps to control an acne condition and minimize blemishes and scars. The Plant Protein Revitalizing Mask helps to improve skin texture, toning and refining the pores.

Products Required: Sharose, Plant Protein Revitalizing Mask, Shazema, Shaclove, Shabase, Shataj.

Procedure: Cleanse face with Sharose, using cotton wool. Apply Plant Protein Revitalizing Mask. When it dries, wash off. Apply Shazema all over the face, avoiding eye area. Wipe off immediately with moist cotton wool. Extract blackheads /whiteheads. Give high frequency for 2 to 3 minutes all over the face. Apply Shaclove for 15 minutes and wipe off. Apply protective cover with Shabase mixed with Shataj.

Step by Step Aromatherapy Facial

In the Aromatherapy facial, essential oils are used. Essential oils have potent and specific curative properties that are of particular benefit to the skin. Most important of all, they are extremely effective for inducing relaxation of both body and mind, calming the nerves and reducing stress. The skin is massaged with herbalised oils that contain essential oil and herbal extracts. The elimination of toxins, the improvement in the skin’s normal functions, including cell regeneration and the calming effect on the mind, all combine to make it totally revitalizing for both body and mind.

Products Required: Aroma Cleansing Oil, Special Veg Peel Pack, Carrier Oil, Essential Oil, White Water Lily, Sharose / Lavender, Aroma Pack. Pink Lotus, White Water Lily or Floral Youth Oil.

Procedure: Apply Aroma Cleansing Oil. Massage with thumb pressure for 2 to 3 minutes. Remove with moist cotton wool. Then apply Special Veg Peel Pack. When it dries, dab with mil and rub gently with circular movements. Wash off. Mix 1 to 2 tablespoons Carrier Oil with 4 to 5 DROPS Essential Oil. Spread the oil on skin and massage, using effleurage movements, starting from the sternum for 10 to 15 minutes. Then apply White Water Lily and massage with light

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pressure for 5 minutes. Apply more oil if necessary. Next, put a gauze on the face and apply warm paraffin wax on the gauze, using a brush. Keep the nostrils free. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes or till it becomes cool. Lift the gauze. Extract blackheads / whiteheads, if required. Dip cotton in warm water and wipe the face. Give cold compress with Sharose or Lavender. Apply the

Aroma Pack for 10 minutes. Apply protective cover with Pink Lotus and White Water Lily + Floral Youth Oil.

Complimentary hand and foot massage may be provided with the facial.

Laser Treatment for Dry Skin

The laser helps to resurface the skin, removing ageing signs, making the skin smoother and more youthful. It helps to remove dark pigmented areas, blotches and blemishes, giving way to an even colour tone. The products helps to rehydrate the skin and improve its moisture retention ability.

Products Required: Shacleanse, Plant Protein Revitalizing Mask / Shatex (for sensitive skin), Shalife, Shawhite, Shaclove, Sharose, Shabase + Shamoist / Shataj

Procedure: Cleanse face with Shacleanse. Apply Plant Protein Revitalizing Mask or Shatex (for sensitive skin). When it dries, dab with milk and rub gently on the skin. Wash off. Extract blackheads / whiteheads, if required. Apply Shalife and massage for 15 to 20 minutes, using cold water to facilitate the massage. Wipe off cream completely with moist cotton wool. Provide high frequency laser for 4 to 5 minutes, concentrating on dark patches, if any. Apply Shawhite lotion on dark patches/blemishes/scars. Give full strength invisible laser on Shawhite for 4 to 5 minutes. Clean face with moist cotton wool and give cold compress with Sharose. Apply Shaclove on face and neck. Leave on for 10 minutes and wipe off with moist cotton wool. Apply protective cover with Shabase + Shamoist for normal to dry skin or Shabase + Shataj for normal to oily /combination skin

Complimentary hand and foot massage may be provided with the facial.

Normal Facial

The normal facial comprising of Cleansing, Toning, Massage (both manual and/or with gadgets), Mask and Protection (use of protective coverage) helps to maintain the youth and natural beauty of the skin. All areas of the face and neck are treated, according to specific needs. Different strokes, movements, directions and pressure are applied to different areas. It helps to improve blood circulation, induce relaxation and delay ageing. The products used for the normal facial have grown out of clinical usage over the last three decades and are ideal for protecting, preventing and enhancing beauty.

Products Required: Shacleanse, Shalife, Sharose, Plant Protein Revitalizing Mask, Shasmooth, Shaclove, Shabase, Shamoist

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Procedure: Cleanse face with Shacleanse, applying it on the face with a gentle massage and wiping off with moist cotton wool. Apply Shalife on face and neck and massage for 15 minutes,

using a little cold water to facilitate the massage. Give vibratory massage for 5 minutes. Extract blackheads / whiteheads, if required. Give cold compress with chilled Sharose. Apply Plant Protein Revitalizing Mask. When it dries, wash off with plain water. Apply Shaclove Mask for 10 minutes and wipe off with moist cotton wool. If the skin is sensitive, avoid Plant Protein Revitalizing Mask and only apply Shaclove. Apply protective cover with Shabase mixed with Shamoist.

Thermoherb Mask

The Thermoherb Mask is a mini face-lift, which deep cleanses, restores balances and tightens the skin. Based on an ancient thermal mask, it has been improved with herbal extracts. The mask hardens, generates heat and creates the ideal temperature between itself and the skin, at which skin absorption is highly efficient. As it hardens, it tightens the pores, sculpting the facial contours, minimizing wrinkles and improving skin elasticity. The Thermoherb mask itself contains extracts of rose, basil and mint.

Products Required: Shacleanse, Shalife, Thermoherb Mask, Sharose, Shaclove, Shabase, Shamoist.

Procedure: Cleanse face with Shacleanse, applying it and wiping off with moist cotton wool. Apply Shalife and massage for 10 minutes, using cold water to facilitate the massage. Remove cream with moist cotton wool. Apply a thick layer of Shalife all over the face. Then apply Thermoherb Mask and leave it on for 30 minutes. As the mask becomes warm, the pores open and the nourishing cream penetrates the skin. The mask hardens. Gently remove the mask and wipe off excess cream with moist cotton wool. Extract blackheads /whiteheads, if required. Give cold compress with chilled Sharose. Apply Shaclove all over the face and neck for 10 minutes and wipe off with moist cotton wool. Apply protective cover with Shabase + Shamoist.

Complimentary hand and foot massage may be provided with the facial.

Vegetable Peel

A powerful treatment for texturizing the skin, Vegetable Peel makes the skin clear, smooth and free from blemishes. It has been used in the treatment of scars and blemishes, restoring health and beauty to the skin. The herbal extracts not only help to heal and soothe the skin, but also aid the regeneration of new cells.

Products Required: Vegetable Peel Pack, Sharose, Shaclove, Shabase, Shataj /Shasilk.

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Procedure: Cleanse the skin with Sharose. Apply the Vegetable Peel Pack. When it dries, dab with mil and rub gently on the skin, first with clockwise and then with anti-clockwise movements. Wash face with water. Extract blackheads / whiteheads. Give high frequency ozone for 2 to 3 minutes, longer on pimples, if any. Give cold compress with chilled Sharose. Apply Shaclove on face and neck for 15 minutes. Wipe off with moist cotton wool. Apply protective cover with Shabase + Shataj or Shasilk.

Complimentary hand and foot massage may be provided with the facial.

Diamond Facial

The Diamond Facial, a powerful age-control treatment, is the latest in Shahnaz Husain’s repertoire of salon procedures. Centuries of practical applications have shown that the diamond influences the tissues of the human body in a way which facilitates decongestion and promotes the removal of toxins. This helps to oxygenate and purify the skin. The most potent effect of the

diamond is its exfoliating and gentle dermabrasing action, which helps to diminish fine lines and wrinkles. It awakens dormant cells and boosts the skin's metabolic functions. The cellular life of the skin and the regeneration of healthy new cells are enhanced. Based on Ayurveda, the diamond facial is like an elixir of youth for timeless eternal beauty.

Products Required: Diamond Exfoliator (scrub), Diamond Skin Nourishing Cream, Diamond Skin Rejuvenating Mask, Diamond Rehydrant Lotion, Shacleanse / Sharose, Plant Protein Revitalizing Mask or Shatex (for sensitive skin), Shasmooth, Shaweeds, Pink Lotus.

Procedure: Cleanse the skin with Shacleanse for normal to dry skin or Sharose for combination skin. Apply Plant Protein Revitalizing Mask or Shatex. When it dries, dab with milk, rub gently with circular movements and wash off. Then apply Diamond Scrub. When it dries, dab with milk, rub gently with circular movements and wash off. Apply Shasmooth around eyes and massage for 5 minutes. Apply the Diamond Skin Nourishing Cream on face and neck and massage for 15 to 20 minutes. Cold water or Sharose may be used to facilitate massage. Follow with vibratory massage for 5 minutes. Galvanic gadget may be used, with milk, for absorption of the cream. Extract blackheads/whiteheads, if required, followed by high frequency for

2 to 3 minutes. Give cold compress with Sharose, using cotton wool pads soaked in the chilled skin tonic. Apply Diamond Skin Rejuvenating Mask on face and neck, avoiding the lips and area around eyes. Apply Shaweeds around eyes. Wipe off with moist cotton wool after 15 minutes or when it dries. Apply protective cover with Pink Lotus and Diamond Rehydrant Lotion.

Complimentary hand and foot massage may be provided with the facial.

Gold Facial

The Gold Facial, based on Ayurveda, is a powerful anti-ageing treatment, with revitalizing and rejuvenating effects. Gold is one of the softest metals and is easily absorbed by the skin. It helps lymphatic drainage and facilitates the removal of toxins and wastes. It also stimulates blood circulation and improves skin elasticity, accelerating cell renewal and reversing oxidation damage.

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Products Required: 24 Carat Gold Skin Radiance Gel, 24 Carat Gold Skin Beautifying Mask, Shacleanse/Shamoon, Lavender Skin Tonic, Shaweeds Mask, Pink Lotus/White Water Lily/Morning Glory.

* The Gold Skin Radiance Gel is a dual complex, consisting of a Moisture Enhancer and Gold Gel.

Procedure: Apply Shacleanse for normal to dry skin, or Shamoon for combination skin and massage on face, shoulders and back for 5 minutes. Wipe off with moist cotton wool. Apply Vegetable Peel Pack on face and neck. When it dries, dab with milk and wash off. Then apply Moisture Enhancer and massage it on the face for 5 to 7 minutes, followed by lymphatic massage and normal massage. Wipe off cream with moist cotton wool. Extract blackheads / whiteheads, if necessary. Then give the skin cold compress with chilled Lavender skin tonic, using cotton wool pads. Apply Gold Gel on the face, neck and under the eyes. Massage it on the skin, using a little Lavender skin tonic, till gel is absorbed. Wipe face with moist cotton wool. Apply the mask on the neck and face. Apply Shaweeds mask under the eyes. Wipe off masks with moist cotton wool after 15 minutes. Apply protective cream according to skin texture, comprising of capsule + Pink

Lotus + White Water Lily or Morning Glory.

Complimentary hand and foot massage may be provided with the facial.

Gem Facial

The Gem Facial not only restores and maintains the ideal balances, but also counteracts harmful environmental effects and mental stress. These precious ingredients also act as moisture traps, rehydrating the skin and aiding moisture retention. Their active hydrating function helps the skin to preserve its youthful qualities, delaying the manifestation of ageing signs. Gems actually strengthen the physiology of the skin, stimulating blood circulation and removing toxins, thus rejuvenating the skin and enhancing its beauty. The skin appears soft, resilient, glowing and radiant.

Products Required: Gem Skin Nourishing Cream, Gem Rejuvenating Mask, Gem Rehydrant Lotion, Shacleanse/Sharose, Veg Peel Pack, Shasmooth, Shaweeds, Pink Lotus.

Procedure: Cleanse the skin with Shacleanse and Sharose. Apply Veg Peel Pack. When it dries, dab with milk and scrub gently, washing off with water. Apply Shasmooth around eyes and massage for 5 to 10 minutes. Then apply Gem Skin Nourishing Cream on face and neck and massage for 5 to 10 minutes, followed by vibratory massage for 5 minutes. Use Galvanic Gadget (+tive current) with milk for absorption of the cream. Extract blackheads/whiteheads, if required. ( For combination skin, give high frequency ozone for 2 to 3 minutes). Apply cold compress with Sharose, using cotton wool pads soaked in the chilled skin tonic. Apply Gem Skin Rejuvenating Mask on neck and face, avoiding the lips and area around eyes. Apply Shaweeds Mask around eyes. Wipe off with moist cotton wool after 15 minutes. Apply protective cover with Pink Lotus + Gem Rehydrant Lotion.

Complimentary hand and foot massage may be provided with the facial.

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Oxygen Facial Procedure

The Oxygen Facial provides instant revitalization, using the most powerful level of natural energy. It creates an enriched oxygen layer and helps to transport oxygen molecules directly into the skin. The antibacterial and germicidal action of Oxygen cream also inhibits bacteria and prevents skin problems. The facial infuses the skin with essential minerals and natural vitamins, providing ideal nourishment and bringing visible health, vitality and beauty to the skin.

Products Required: Oxygen Cream, Oxygen Mask, Plant Protein Revitalizing Mask, Shacleanse / Sharose, Shabase, Shamoist / Shataj.

Procedure: Cleanse face with Shacleanse for normal to dry skin and Sharose for oily and combination skin. Apply Plant Protein Revitalizing Mask on face and neck. When it dries, dab with milk, rub gently with circular movements and wash off. Give hot compress and extract blackheads/whiteheads, if required. Apply Oxygen Cream and massage for 10 to 15 minutes. Wipe off the cream with moist cotton wool. Give Oxi rays for 2 to 3 minutes. Apply cold compress with Sharose, using cotton wool pads soaked in chilled skin tonic. Apply Oxygen Mask on face and neck. Leave on for 15 minutes and wipe off with moist cotton wool. Apply protective cover with Shabase + Shamoist for normal to dry skin or Shabase + Shataj for normal to

oily/combination skin Shataj.

Complimentary hand and foot massage may be provided with the facial.

Ayurvedic Galvanic Facial & Eye Treatment

In the Ayurvedic Galvanic Facial, fruit and vegetable juices are used along with other formulations. These are rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes. The Galvanic gadget is used, by which a steady, direct galvanic current is utilized, to introduce these water soluble substances through the skin. It heightens the skin’s capacity to absorb and improves the penetration of the products. It has a powerful nourishing and hydrating action on the skin, leaving it radiant and youthful.

Products Required: Shacleanse, Veg Peel Pack, Moisture Plus, Potato Juice, Orange Juice, Apple Juice, Cucumber Juice, Shasmooth, Shalife, Honey Facial Gel, Even Tone Gel, Sharose, Shaclove. Shaweeds, Shabase, Shamoist / Shataj / Floral Youth Oil

Procedure: Cleanse with Shacleanse, applying it on the face and wiping off with moist cotton wool. Apply Veg Peel Pack on face and neck. When it dries, dab with milk and rub gently with circular movements. Wash off. Mix Potato Juice with Moisture Plus and apply, using Galvanic Gadget (- tive current). Give hot compress and extract blackheads, if required. Use Orange Juice and Apple Juice with Galvanic Gadget (+tive current). Apply Shasmooth around eyes and massage for 5 minutes. Apply Shalife on face and neck and massage for 10 to 15 minutes, using cold water to facilitate massage. Put Soothing Honey Facial Gel with Galvanic Gadget (+tive current). Then apply Even Tone Gel around eyes with Cucumber Juice (+tive current). Give cold compress with Sharose. Apply Shaclove on face and Shaweeds around eyes. Wipe off creams with moist cotton wool after 10 minutes. Apply protective cover with Shabase + Shamoist for normal to dry skin or Shabase + Shataj for normal to oily / combination skin, or Shabase + Floral Youth Oil for extremely dry skin.

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Complimentary hand and foot massage may be provided with the facial.

Pearl Facial

Based on Ayurveda, the Pearl Facial uses products which contain powder of pearls. Research has revealed that pearls influence the transfer of melanin (natural pigment) to the skin surface, filtering the sun’s rays and counteracting sun damage. Pearls also contain powerful nutritive elements, like amino acids, minerals and proteins, which strengthen the skin and improve its moisture retention ability. The facial gives way to a healthy radiant skin, with an even colour tone.

Products Required: Pearl Cream, Pearl Mask, Shatex, Shasmooth, Floral Youth Oil / Aroma Carrier Oil, Shacleanse, Sharose, Shaweeds, Shabase, Shamoist / Shataj

Procedure: Cleanse face with Shacleanse for normal to dry skin or Sharose for oily and combination skin. Apply Shatex on face and neck. When it dries, dab with milk and rub gently with circular movements. Wash off. Apply Shasmooth around eyes and massage for 5 minutes. Apply Floral Youth Oil or Aroma Carrier Oil on face and neck. Then, apply Pearl Cream and massage for 15 minutes. Wipe off the cream with moist cotton wool. Extract blackheads and give high frequency ozone, if required. Give cold compress with Sharose. Apply Pearl Mask on face and neck, avoiding lips and area around eyes. Apply Shaweeds Mask around eyes. When the masks

are dry, wash off. Apply protective cover with Shabase + Shamoist for normal to dry skin or Shabase + Shataj for normal to oily /combination skin

Complimentary hand and foot massage may be provided with the facial.

Scalp Treatment

The treatment has been clinically tested for the last three decades. It has been specially devised and reinforced for the treatment of hair problems like dandruff and hair loss. It helps to stimulate the follicles and create a germicidal environment, restoring health to the scalp and promoting healthy hair growth.

Products Required: Shatone, Henna (optional)

Procedure: Give high frequency ozone treatment for 2 to 3 minutes all over the scalp. Then apply Shatone on the scalp, using cotton wool. Give steam for 5 minutes or apply Henna for 45 minutes. Wash off.

Eye Treatment

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The treatment is based on products which have been specially formulated for the delicate skin around the eyes. They help to revitalize and nourish the skin, removing lines, wrinkles and dark circles.

Products Required: Shacleanse, Shasmooth, Sharose, Shaweeds.

Procedure: Apply Shacleanse around eyes and wipe off gently with moist cotton wool. Apply Shasmooth around eyes and massage for 5 minutes. Give high frequency ozone at the lowest speed. Wipe off excess cream and give eye vibrator massage for 2 minutes. Give cold compress with chilled Sharose. Apply Shaweed mask around the eyes, Leave on for 15 minutes and gently wipe off with moist cotton wool.

Facials for all

Apart from the cleansing, nourishing and toning, a variety of facials for different skin types has many advantages.

A FACIAL is a good way to soothe the nerves as the face goes through the cleansing, nourishing and toning regime. "Facials improve blood circulation, tightens up face muscles, detoxifies and tones up, removes dead cells and provides nourishment for the face," says cosmetologist Chetna Parikh at Chic Hair &Beauty Salon, Amrutha Mall(Ph: 3412239). And the effect is the visible glow.

Youthful teenage skin does not require a facial though. A deep cleansing regime is advised in order to avoid acne and pimples. In the case of regulars, the ideal frequency could be once a month facial, or twice, if one if one is undergoing treatment for pimples. Different facials are designed for various skin types and lifestyles, using a blend of creams, lotions, packs and oils.

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One of the regular and popular do is the herbal facial where exotic herbs, saffron and other ingredients are used.

Aroma facials use diverse oils such as peppermint, lemon, tea tree, and lavender. The facial helps in conditions of scars, pigmentation and dark circles around eyes.

Special facials - gold and pearl containing pure metal gels provide instant glow and are recommended for brides-to-be.

Non-surgical face-lift is one of the `look younger' facials that employ ayurvedic herbs and laser therapy to tone the facial muscles and sagging skin.

Oxy-facials are the detoxifying facials for people on the move coming face-to-face with dust and grime, or working on computers. This facial in essence gives oxygen to the skin.

Galvanic facial is a hi-tech treatment where electrodes help changing the dry or oily skin conditions to normal.

Vegetable peel for scars and pigmentation is a specialised facial. The top layer of the skin is gently peeled.

Home facials in a jiffy

Begin with a cleansing cream, leaving it for one or two minutes so that grime and oil gets dissolved. Wipe away with cotton wool.

Also you can use a little facial scrub to remove the dead skin cells. Oatmeal mixed with a few drops of rose water makes a great scrub.

Next, massage with a suitable nourishing cream for 15-20 minutes with upward outward strokes putting mild pressure on pulse points. Fresh cream with haldi makes an excellent cream.

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For steaming, fill a bowl with boiling water. Lean over, covering your head with the towel in order to take in the steam, face-on. Alternatively you can dip a face towel in hot water, squeeze dry and place it on the face for a few seconds and repeat.

Try to take out the blackheads very mildly. Usually, professional help is advisable.

Choose an appropriate face mask/pack available in the market. Leave it on till dry or as per instruction on the package. Any fruit pulp makes for an excellent pack. Papaya is good for oily skins. (There are several masks available over-the-shelves from leading cosmetic brands.

Moisturising masks: Suitable for dry skins, boost moisture levels in the skin

Clay and mud masks: Excellent for oily skins, ideal way to shrink open pores and clear blemishes.

Exfoliating masks: Remove dead cells and skin surface debris leaving behind a fresh looking skin

Peel-off masks: For all skin types, de-clog pores and nourish the skin)

Rinse off the face pack with preferably warm water.

Run ice cube over, essential since it tightens the pores.

Apply a skin toner using cotton wool. Rose water is an excellent toner and refresher.

The area around the eye area is very delicate. Post-facial you can smooth the under eye area with a nourishing eye cream that will help keep fine lines and wrinkles at bay.

"A home facial once a month is fine. Don't overdo it," cautions Chetana Parikh.

I WAS really overwhelmed with all the readers' response, e-mails, letters and telephone calls to my column. I want to assure you that slowly and steadily, I am trying to cover as many aspects of beauty and nutrition as I can. As promised, I am replying to some of the readers' questions this time. I have tried to pick those queries which are most frequently asked. Do hope you find your answers in them.

Dear Rajeshwari,

Here is what you should do for your dry skin and blackheads:

*You should use a face wash as it will not remove your natural oils and not make your skin more dry. Try Pond's Face wash or use glycerine soap like oil free Pears soap.

*Splash your face with water whenever you can.

*Drink 6 - 8 glasses of water daily. This provides the much needed moisture to the dry skin during the hot and humid weather.

Home treatments:

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Moisturiser for your dry skin: Mix ¾ cup rose water, ¼ cup of glycerine, 1 teaspoon of vinegar and ¼ tsp of honey and keep it in a bottle. Use regularly for cleansing.

Nourishing mask:

Mash a banana and beat a teaspoon of vegetable oil (Sundrop). Brush on to the face and leave it on for 20 minutes till it dries. Then rinse off. This nourishing mask should be used once a week.

Some tips for dry skin:

* Do not use an astringent or a toner containing alcohol.

* Avoid the sun, harsh winds and hot baths i.e do not wash your face with hot water.

* Do not use medicated soap; use creamy and soft beauty soaps.

For your blackheads around the nose:

*Take 1 tsp of beauty grains or oatmeal and mix with rosewater. Rub the mixture gently on the skin with special attention paid to your nose and problem areas. This will help to dislodge hardened sebum. Leave to dry for a few minutes and then wash with cold water.

*For your moles, you must see a skin specialist. He will advise you how to remove them. Do not try to get them removed any other way.

For the 15-year-old school girl from Chennai:

I am not going to disappoint you. Here are the answers to all your queries:

*For your dark knees and elbows:

-Every day take half a piece of lemon and rub on your knees and elbows. This will help to lighten them.

-To remove the dead skin which makes them look black, use the following beauty scrub once a week: Mix besan (gram flour) with curd and apply on your elbows and knees; let it dry. Scrub in a circular motion and wash with water.

-Mix ½ cup glycerine, ½ cup rosewater and store this in a bottle. Apply daily at night. This will soften your elbows and knees.

For your dark circles:

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Dark circles are due to 3 reasons: Heridity, Lack of sleep, stress and strain and Wrong diet.

Try the following to lighten the dark circles:

-Be sure you have 8 hours of your beauty sleep.

-Include a multivitamin with iron tablet in your diet. Eat at least one green leafy vegetable (keerai) a day.

-Make a powder of almonds in a mixie and store it in a bottle. Every morning, make a paste with milk and apply around your eye; let it dry and wash with cold water.

-An excellent and very simple remedy is to gently dab around your eyes with a pad of absorbent cotton soaked in warm tea.

(For the 25-year-old lady with dark circles, you can follow all the above treatments; but I do not recommend galvanic treatment on a regular basis. You can continue your yoga classes).

-To make your eyebrows and eyelashes grow well, apply warm olive oil on them at night at least once a week.

-For your broad, protruding forehead, your hairstyle recommended is as follows:

If you have short hair, get to full fringe or half a fringe cut in front. Even if you want to keep long hair, cut a fringe in front. This will make your forehead look smaller.

Subash Chandra and Manian:

Treatment for pigmentation:

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-You can use cosmetic creams, lotions available in the market - usually going by the name of fairness creams. They normally contain anti-melanin production agents and exfoliating agents.

-Visit a professional salon and undergo 10 sittings of the Shanaz Hussain Vegetable peel treatment - this is very effective.

Home remedies:

I have already mentioned in my earlier article. In case you have missed it, I am reproducing it again:

-Take two tablespoons of milk powder; add hydrogen peroxide (this is available with the Chemist) - use a 20-volume strength only). Add enough to make a paste and add a few drops of glycerine and apply to the dark spots; leave it for 20 minutes and then rinse it off. After rinsing, if the skin feels dry, use a moisturising lotion.

-Break a Vitamin E capsule and mix it with a few drops of castor oil and apply on deeply pigmented areas.

-Scrub for removing dead skin:

Crush 1 tsp of almonds and add 1 tsp of oatmeal. Mix this with 2 tsp of honey or milk; gently rub this granule paste in a circular motion on your face for a few minutes. This will help to remove the dead skin.

For Manian:

-Try all the above remedies at least for a month. You may be suffering from a sluggish liver; so take 1 capsule of Livogen and 1 capsule of B-Complex vitamins every morning. This also helps a lot of people. If your patches still increase, please see a skin specialist.

For Rema Sathish:

-You can use all the home remedies for pigmentation given above. They have no effect on any medication you are taking. Besides the Salza vitamin tablet, I do recommend that you take a Livogen capsule.