facebook kevin berry partial dialogue

Crystal Starheart shared her album . May 3 at 5:11pm · Edited Burglaries: This post is to advise that there has been a recent burglary in the Malo area. I have been targeted for ongoing burglaries. Some of the photos of stolen property are on my facebook album page at: https://www.facebook.com/crystal.starheart/media_set… If you know the people involved please contact the Sheriff Maycumber.... The burglaries at Malo started after windows were replaced by Beaver Built Construction and I know they have been able to open my locked windows as the doors have been barracaded at night when they have come in. There have been women as well as men involved and I know who some of them are. I have seen one man involved go into the building directly across from the front of the credit union. The burglaries have been politically targeted burglaries involving Homeland Security Task Force Agency personnel. I don't believe that any federal or state agency can be trusted anymore because they have been promoting and rewarding War Criminals from Military Special ops, and CIA and Military Black Sites / Torture, Detention and Murder Facilities. Residents of Ferry County are lucky to have a Home-Grown Sheriff. Some of my other photos include past gang stalkers pictures which are posted at: https://plus.google.com/…/112521…/albums/6143918374386328337

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Partial Dialogue (from May 3, 2015) from a Facebook Ferry County Discussion resulting from my posting Burglary Information."Kevin Berry" reveals specific detailed information in his comments, about the Pet Torture, burglaries, vandalisms and hate crimes which I have been targeted for. The crimes which I have been targeted for have similarities to the crimes which Kay Griggs has talked about, in her interviews, and was targeted for by Military Personnel involved in criminal activities.


Page 1: Facebook Kevin Berry Partial Dialogue

Crystal Starheart shared her album.

May 3 at 5:11pm · Edited

Burglaries:This post is to advise that there has been a recent burglary in the Malo area.

I have been targeted for ongoing burglaries.

Some of the photos of stolen property are on my facebook album page at: https://www.facebook.com/crystal.starheart/media_set…

If you know the people involved please contact the Sheriff Maycumber....

The burglaries at Malo started after windows were replaced by Beaver Built Construction and I know they have been able to open my locked windows as the doors have been barracaded at night when they have come in.

There have been women as well as men involved and I know who some of them are. I have seen one man involved go into the building directly across from the front of the credit union.

The burglaries have been politically targeted burglaries involving Homeland Security Task Force Agency personnel.

I don't believe that any federal or state agency can be trusted anymore because they have been promoting and rewarding War Criminals from Military Special ops, and CIA and Military Black Sites / Torture, Detention and Murder Facilities.

Residents of Ferry County are lucky to have a Home-Grown Sheriff.

Some of my other photos include past gang stalkers pictures which are posted at: https://plus.google.com/…/112521…/albums/6143918374386328337

Page 2: Facebook Kevin Berry Partial Dialogue
Page 3: Facebook Kevin Berry Partial Dialogue

You added 47 new photos to the album: Stolen, Used & Damaged Property, & PropertyReturnedToCrimeScenes.

Thousands and thousands of dollars OF PROPERTY STOLEN over the past several years in Homeland Security Agency burglaries ...... many items were NEW in BOXES, and in LIKE NEW CONDITION WHEN STOLEN from my Malo residence, and Seattle area Storage Facilities by Homeland Security Agency criminals, who hide behind the badges in Government and Homeland Security Agencies. Surveillance Technology has been used to track and monitor me and politically target me for surveillance burglaries, vandalism, as well as the torture and poisoning of my cat.

Some of my photos of my gang stalkers are on facebook in another photo album section and some are posted at: https://plus.google.com/…/112521…/albums/6143918374386328337

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Rob Erickson likes this.

Crystal Starheart FYI: My pet cat Jack was also tortured while I was away from him IN 2012, and My Safe Deposit Box was also Burglarized -- THERE IS NOTHING and NO ONE SAFE FROM HOMELAND SECURITY CRIMINAL AGENTS OR PERSONNEL.

Page 4: Facebook Kevin Berry Partial Dialogue

May 3 at 5:19pm · Edited · Like

Kevin Berry Wow..just WOW...May 3 at 7:49pm · Like · 5

Crystal Starheart YES and here is a different update: http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/.../govt-sponsored.../

Govt. Sponsored Terrorism On the CSS Tonight at 9pm (CT) - Dave Hodges -...thecommonsenseshow.com

May 3 at 8:39pm · Like · Remove Preview

Kevin Berry I wonder how much money our government spends to steal your perfume, use it up and then break back into your place just to return the empty bottle....what do they have against you to be so cruel?May 3 at 8:42pm · Like · 5

Crystal Starheart It's political targeting, like the IRS targeted audits.

I've shown lots videos at Public Libraries on 9/11 Truth, Secret Societies (including Skull & Bones), "Ghosts of Abu Gharib", "Invisible Ballots", "Votergate"(backdoors into the voting machines...See MoreMay 3 at 9:44pm · Edited · Like

Kevin Berry So what do you have for sale?May 3 at 9:28pm · Like · 1

Kevin Berry Why would i tell you ?

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May 3 at 9:55pm · Like

Crystal Starheart Why shouldn't you?May 3 at 10:03pm · Like

Kevin Berry Because it's a need to know kinda thing.May 3 at 10:05pm · Like

Kevin Berry And you can't keep secrets.May 3 at 10:06pm · Like

Trenton Wellman It's the lizard people lolMay 3 at 10:09pm · Like · 3

Crystal Starheart Classified?May 3 at 10:11pm · Like

Kevin Berry And then some.May 3 at 10:12pm · Like

Travis Wellman Maybe it was obfuscation gnomes?May 3 at 10:14pm · Like · 2

Kevin Berry Well time for bed. I sure hope nobody steals my shaving cream because i will need that in the morning...(and leave my underwear alone because i will be in them)May 3 at 10:15pm · Like · 5

Page 6: Facebook Kevin Berry Partial Dialogue

Crystal Starheart Kay Griggs videos on youtube explain the same things that happened to her by the Military that targeted her. Maybe some of the people invovled in the underground area close to the Border?May 3 at 10:27pm · Edited · Like

Kevin Berry Wouldn't it just be easier for "them" to have you disappear then to harass you and still let you spread their plans? Logically that would make more sense. I do notice that of all the car license plates you have pictures saying these are the guys follo...See MoreMay 3 at 10:27pm · Like · 2

Crystal Starheart One guy that attended Seattle 9/11 meetings in Seattle told me they had to keep an eye on their million dollar research subject. He was giving copies of videos out, including Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips videos.May 3 at 10:31pm · Like

Kevin Berry Guess you need to hide better then...May 3 at 10:32pm · Like · 1

Crystal Starheart There is no "hiding".May 3 at 10:44pm · Like

Travis Gorniky I really don't think DHS or any of the Feds have the time, money or patience to do this Crystal Starheart. My money is on aliens disguising themselves as the Feds...May 3 at 10:44pm · Like · 3

Kevin Berry Lots of hiding places in these hills but social media isn't one of them.May 3 at 10:54pm · Edited · Like

Kevin Berry Aliens would explain stealing only one glove per set, they think they are hats.May 3 at 10:47pm · Like · 4

Page 7: Facebook Kevin Berry Partial Dialogue

Kevin Berry Maybe the space ships use perfume for fuel?May 3 at 10:49pm · Like · 1

Travis Gorniky Well I was thinking with a long space flight, they probably have to eat a lot of beans....May 3 at 10:50pm · Like · 1

Kevin Berry So multi use perfume.May 3 at 10:50pm · Like

Kevin Berry Now i am to afraid to go to sleep.May 3 at 10:52pm · Like · 1

Crystal Starheart The government has a non-stop printing press for money to spend.May 3 at 10:52pm · Like

Kevin Berry So why would they worry about their "million dollar research subject" if they can just print more money? You are starting to sound silly now.May 3 at 10:56pm · Like · 1

Crystal Starheart Their Black Projects get funded no matter what else does.... and their black ops trafficking helps funding these projects too.May 3 at 10:56pm · Like

Travis Gorniky Aliens would just use a replicatorMay 3 at 10:56pm · Like · 2

Kevin Berry They dont need funding if they have a printing press for money..

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May 3 at 10:57pm · Like

Crystal Starheart There is a point at which all things will collapse with the economy and their "money" will be worthless. Things are almost to that point now. Then no one in this country will be safe, as everyone is disposeable that they use as well as the people they don't.May 3 at 10:59pm · Like

Kevin Berry One of us need to start selling something here or we will get booted because this is a selling site, not the "rant page".May 3 at 11:00pm · Like · 2

Micayla Lynn Metcalf Bobby Zerck. Haha.May 3 at 11:00pm · Like

Kevin Berry Crystal has lots of one non-pair socks she could sell.May 3 at 11:02pm · Like · 2

Crystal Starheart No - I throw them away.May 3 at 11:24pm · Like

Elissa Sullivan This could classify as "entertainment". Thanks for the laughs guys. Kevin, you are hilarious. Perfume spaceship fuel. Hahhahah.May 4 at 2:54am · Like · 5

Crystal Starheart There are all kinds of goverenment h*s & their gutter trash out there, especially when the US Government has become a Nazi run terrorist surveillance state.May 4 at 8:20am · Edited · Like

Chris Thew All of you need a show on SciFi! This is good stuff!May 4 at 8:24am · Like · 3

Page 9: Facebook Kevin Berry Partial Dialogue

Kevin Berry This makes me so mad. Somebody broke in last night stole all my hats, removed the tin foil then put them right back where they were....do you all know how much tin foil cost these days...mine was bought before god invented aliens.May 4 at 9:12am · Like · 2

Kevin Berry Thankfully i only have cheap cologne, they wont get far.May 4 at 9:14am · Like · 2

Chris Thew Amazing that all the things were then put back in the exact same place...it's as though it never really happened...

You would think if people (or aliens) were going to break in, they would at least take something (or anally probe someone) to make the mission cost effective. Advanced?? Hah!May 4 at 9:37am · Like · 4

Kevin Berry They are so mean...read her pictures..they even stole lamp parts so the shades wobble now....these aliens/government have no shame.May 4 at 9:40am · Like · 2

Chris Thew And to think that authorities in Ferry County are the ones letting it all happen...May 4 at 9:49am · Like · 1

Kevin Berry The shame of it all is upon us.May 4 at 9:53am · Like

Chris Thew What about Seattle? Didn't I read something about a storage unit in Seattle? They have more investigators to put on this. Why aren't they responsible ultimately (or the men in black)?May 4 at 10:00am · Like

Page 10: Facebook Kevin Berry Partial Dialogue

Kevin Berry Well since stuff leaves here and reappears there, they might send her a moving fee....Three aliens and a warp speed craft moving CoMay 4 at 10:03am · Like

Chris Thew Well...this is shocking.

May 4 at 10:12am · Like · 11

Kevin Berry Get those guys a Snickers bar.May 4 at 10:15am · Like · 1

Travis Wellman Sweet Zeus the threat is real!!! How did you make it out alive Chris?May 4 at 10:15am · Like · 1

Kevin Berry He traded perfume for his life.May 4 at 10:16am · Like · 3

Chris Thew Perfume. Lots and lots of perfume.May 4 at 10:16am · Like · 2

Kevin Berry I will save you, i have extra lamp parts.May 4 at 10:17am · Like

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Kevin Berry I have a lave lamp they can have for your life.May 4 at 10:18am · Like

Travis Wellman I don't have any perfume to barter with them... Hopefully when they reach me they would be willing to settle for some socks.May 4 at 10:19am · Edited · Like · 3

Chris Thew Don't worry too much, Travis! You'd probably just end up in a storage unit. Maybe they've moved a lamp there.May 4 at 10:31am · Like · 2

Kevin Berry Well hopefully at least enough parts and pieces of lamps to make one lamp.May 4 at 10:42am · Like · 1

Kevin Berry And some mis-matched gloves to keep warm plus start a new trend...i hope they didnt only take left hands.May 4 at 10:43am · Like

Kevin Berry Thank goodness there are no longer drugs crossing the border thanks to her....but i do dislike tattle tales.May 4 at 10:45am · Like · 2

Bo Keating

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May 4 at 12:42pm · Like · 4

Chris Thew Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think maybe the government was protecting us from the one eyed, diabetic cat...obviously, that was a smokescreen for something alien. Personally, i support torturing "cats" if it leads to capturing space overlords. Hell, maybe her "cat" led to the capture of Bin Laden. Why haven't they arrested her for harboring alien life??

God bless America!May 4 at 1:11pm · Like · 3

April McNamee

May 4 at 1:17pm · Like · 3

Chris Thew Some of us have way too much time on our handsMay 4 at 4:52pm · Like · 2

Page 13: Facebook Kevin Berry Partial Dialogue

Kevin Berry People will start to think WE are crazy.May 4 at 4:53pm · Like

Chris Thew We aren't?May 4 at 4:57pm · Like · 1

Chris Thew First sign of being crazy...May 4 at 4:58pm · Like

Kevin Berry Final sign....this post.May 4 at 5:34pm · Like · 3

Skyler Donihue You might want to check your home for black vans. I've heard that the government is harboring were-scorpions. The feds are watching you, because you know too much. You have the power to stop them. Don't let your brain be fed to space leprechauns.May 5 at 11:36pm · Like

Chris Thew Leprechauns?? So, you're saying that somewhere in a Seattle storage locker, there are likely some Lucky Charms in need of milk...May 5 at 11:38pm · Like · 2

Skyler Donihue Yes. Fear our cereal overlords.May 5 at 11:40pm · Like

Chris Thew Those inhuman bastards! They'll never get me Lucky Charms!May 5 at 11:40pm · Like · 1

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Skyler Donihue Protect your marshmallow goodness! It must be saved for the apocalypse. Stock up on your cereal, lest it be stolen from you. They take perfume. They must also be interested in your breakfast.May 5 at 11:44pm · Like · 1

Bo Keating

May 5 at 11:45pm · Like · 2

Skyler Donihue I wish that I were. This whole post would make more sense. Oh, hey, we finally have something to sell.May 5 at 11:48pm · Like · 1

Kevin Berry I think you guys are thinking of a different cereal..cookoo for coco puffs is more like it.May 6 at 6:18am · Like · 1

Chris Thew I think you're right...May 6 at 6:21am · Like

Crystal Starheart So ... Are People are saying that I have been targeted because I exposed a Drug Trafficking Group, who operate through Homeland Security Agencies and contractors involved with trucking heroin flow into a US base in Alaska?7 hrs · Edited · Like

Crystal Starheart I know my mother had always said if you want to get away with murder come to Ferry County.

Page 15: Facebook Kevin Berry Partial Dialogue

She didn't say anything about the drug smuggling.... but you can figure if this is the poorest county in the state, the politicians have been the cheapest to...See More7 hrs · Like

Crystal Starheart Or have I been targeted because I've mentioned the Governments' underground site near the Canadian Border that some of the people in Ferry County worked on??

Have all you guys who are commenting got your bunker place reserved there????7 hrs · Edited · Like

Kevin Berry I have lived here since 1976 and the crazies were spilling these same stupid stories back then. The UN troops that were hiding in caves on the border back then are probably real tired of the dark by now.6 hrs · Like

Kevin Berry The truth be told, i worry more about people like you then i do the government.6 hrs · Like

Crystal Starheart Is that because you are one of their contractors connected to the gutter trash whores involved in the burglaries?6 hrs · Like

Kevin Berry No..its because i am not needing medication for being crazy.6 hrs · Like

Crystal Starheart Neither am I.... because I'm not.. ha ha!6 hrs · Like

Kevin Berry If they are stealing your stuff and then returning it to make you think you are crazy....it is working.

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6 hrs · Like

Crystal Starheart No medication can cover up the truth and too many people know it.6 hrs · Like

Crystal Starheart Only the Criminals Involved Seek to Spread Disinformation to Cover Up their Crimes.6 hrs · Like

Kevin Berry Funny how people need to find something or someone to blame when they are really to blame.6 hrs · Edited · Like

Kevin Berry You are so worried about the people or government yet you still have internet? Thats one way to stop them from spying on you huh...lmao6 hrs · Like

Kevin Berry You know "they" are outside your house right now watching you?6 hrs · Like

Crystal Starheart There isn't any way to stop the government from spying on anyone in this country. The US Government is the Biggest Terrorist Organization and Organized Crime Syndicate on the Planet now.6 hrs · Like

Kevin Berry Then move to Russia.6 hrs · Like

Kevin Berry They have better meds over there.6 hrs · Like

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Kevin Berry Or put your tin foil hat back on.6 hrs · Like

Crystal Starheart You can't say that I'm to blame for being targeted because I grew up believing the lies and propaganda that we live in a free country. Unfortunately I found out the truth and the fact that the government lies and manipulates the population for corporate elites and their profits.6 hrs · Like

Kevin Berry You are not being targeted by your perfume being stolen, then being returned half used....that is you being scatter brained and blaming others....lol6 hrs · Like

Kevin Berry Even the government has a need for two gloves not one.6 hrs · Like

Crystal Starheart That is a crock of you know what and I think you're just protecting your whores.6 hrs · Like

Crystal Starheart or do you like young boys?6 hrs · Like

Kevin Berry Does the government lie? Yes...do rich get richer?..yes...do they care about lil o you?...no6 hrs · Like

Kevin Berry Yea thats it..you caught me.6 hrs · Like

Page 18: Facebook Kevin Berry Partial Dialogue

Crystal Starheart These are hate crimes for harassment and political purposes.

What kind of psychopaths torture animals -- other that a someone like Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer and these type of pathological criminals?

6 hrs · Like

Kevin Berry Did your daddy molest you? Is that why your not "all there upstairs"?6 hrs · Like

Kevin Berry Your cat probably committed suicide after living with you.6 hrs · Like

Crystal Starheart I'm not a disinformation agent like you.6 hrs · Like

Crystal Starheart I have his blanket that shows the claw and bite marks all over it and the body fluid stains from the torture by these criminal psychopaths and kleptomanics working for Homeland Security Agencies.6 hrs · Like


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Crystal Starheart Only the worst kind of Psychopaths Torture Animals and Children, like the Military Personnel that have been Raping and Sodomizing Children in Front of their Mothers and at Abu Gharib.

http://www.salon.com/2004/07/15/hersh_7/Hersh: Children sodomized at Abu Ghraib, on tapeHersh: Children sodomized at Abu Ghraib, on tapesalon.com|By Geraldine Sealey

6 hrs · Like · Remove Preview

Kevin Berry Which has nothing to do with your perfume.6 hrs · Like

Kevin Berry

6 hrs · Like

Crystal Starheart My oldest brother, Steven Elmes, who is a known theif in his own family was involved in the burglaries and with the personnel involved in the burglaries. My own mother told me she used to leave notes in her drawers telling him to stay out of them. He...See More5 hrs · Edited · Like

Crystal Starheart My oldest brother Steven had locksmith tools and training and Law Enforcement knew this. My mother and other brother even told the police about him.

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When I confronted Pete Warner he said that he couldn't do anything about another agencies personnel, that all he could do was ask his people to stay away from them.......and he knew who the people involved were and did nothing!5 hrs · Edited · Like



Kevin Berry L O L4 hrs · Like

Kevin Berry Ferry County EXCHANGE is great because i think you are trying to SELL us on the idea that you are crazy and i am BUYING it.41 mins · Edited · Like · 1

Crystal Starheart I think you are proving you are a Federal backed Disinformation agent and I'm buying it. Who is Tracy Palmier?5 mins · Like

Crystal Starheart I think you are exposing alot of people here too.5 mins · Like

Crystal Starheart How many of them are imported for the CIA?4 mins · Like