facebook dynamic product ads setup & strategy

How To Set Up & Promote Facebook’s Dynamic Product Ads Strategies For Retailers to Engage in Facebook’s New Marketing Program Facebook Advertiser Course

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Post on 30-Jul-2015




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How To Set Up & Promote Facebook’s Dynamic Product AdsStrategies For Retailers to Engage in Facebook’s New Marketing Program

Facebook Advertiser Course

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Logistics Speakers

Rick BackusCEOCPC Strategy

Stephen KernerSenior Retail Search ManagerCPC Strategy

•Founded in 2007

•Over +300 active retail clients

•Top 50 fastest growing companies in San


•Recognized as an Official Google Shopping


•Exclusive focus on retail


Retail-focused Paid

Search (PPC)

Google Shopping


Shopping Channel


Amazon Sales




Do you have active Facebook Dynamic ProductAd campaigns live already?

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Retail Search Expert

Stephen KernerSenior Retail Search Manager

Lead Senior Retail Search Manager

In-House Social Media Expert

Google AdWords Qualified Professional

Google Analytics Qualified Professional

5+ Years Experience In Social Media

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Course Overview

What are Facebook Dynamic Product Ads?

How to Set Up Facebook Business Manager

How to Set Up & Link a Product Catalog to Business Manager

Installing the Facebook Conversion Pixel

Implementing a Custom Audience Pixel with a Dynamic Element

How to Create a Facebook Dynamic Product Advertisement

Best Practices for Facebook Targeting

Live Q&A

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Help businesses promote their entire product catalog across all consumer


Provide elevated targeting capabilities based off of user-data

Provide access to multiple image ad campaigns

What Are Facebook Dynamic Product Ads?

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How to Set Up Facebook Business Manager

Requirements to Set Up Facebook Business Manager:

A personal Facebook account

Ad account to move to Business Manager

Facebook Page to move to Business Manager

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How to Set Up Facebook Business Manager

Go to business.facebook.com

Click Get Started

Click Next

Enter Business Name

Select Primary Page > enter Work Email

Click Create Business

* If retailer’s opt to have an agency manage their account – the set up process is a little different. For more information on how to manage your Facebook advertising account email [email protected].

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How to Set Up Facebook Business Manager

Next Steps

Add & Assign People to the page

Claim Ad Account

Create Product Catalog

Upload the feed

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How to Set Up Facebook Business Manager

Adding A New Person To The Business Manager:

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How to Set Up Facebook Business Manager

How To Add An Ad Account:

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How to Set Up Facebook Business Manager

Enter Ad Account ID (Found by logging onto Facebook & selecting Ads Manager on left)




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How to Set Up & Link a Product Catalog to Business Manager

Assigning an Asset to Someone


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How to Set Up & Link a Product Catalog to Business Manager

Go to Settings > Product Catalog > Add New


Click Create New Catalog

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How to Set Up & Link a Product Catalog to Business Manager

Name The Product Catalog After Your Site:

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How to Set Up & Link a Product Catalog to Business Manager

Assigning the Product Catalog:

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How to Set Up & Link a Product Catalog to Business Manager

Creating and Scheduling a Feed:

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How to Set Up & Link a Product Catalog to Business Manager

Feed specs

*Pro Tip:

You can use your

Google Shopping feed

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Installing the Facebook Conversion Pixel

In the Ad Manager, select Conversion Tracking

Select Create Pixel in the upper right corner

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Installing the Facebook Conversion Pixel

Select the pixel you will be tracking

Typically you will want to choose Checkouts

Name the pixel something that reflects what it is tracking (ex: Shopping Conversions)

Why? So you can track different types of conversions and tell them apart.

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Installing the Facebook Conversion Pixel

Click Create Pixel to generate the code


For the conversion pixel - businesses


update the value with the revenue variable


their cart.

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Installing the Facebook Conversion Pixel

Verify the pixel by going to the right side of the ad manager & selecting Conversion Tracking.

Here you can see if the pixel is working (if it says active).

It is important to note it won’t say active until you get a conversion.

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Implementing a Custom Audience Pixel with Dynamic Element

Click Audiences on right side of Ads Manager

Choose the type of audience you want to create on Facebook

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Implementing a Custom Audience Pixel with Dynamic Element

Create the tag that will be placed on every page of the site that you want to collect traffic from.

Installing the Dynamic portion of the Custom Audience Pixel Install the following codes within the <body> of their respective pages:

Product Pages:

window._fbq.push(['track', 'ViewContent', { content_ids: ['<product_id>'], content_type: 'product' product_catalog_id: '<catalog_id>'}]);

Sale Confirmation Page:

window._fbq.push(["track", "Purchase", { content_ids: ['<product_id1>', '<product_id2>'], content_type: 'product' product_catalog_id: '<catalog_id>'}]);

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Implementing a Custom Audience Pixel with Dynamic Element

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Implementing a Custom Audience Pixel with Dynamic Element

Installing the Dynamic Portion of the Custom Audience Pixel Cont.

Install the following codes within the <body> of their respective pages:

Add-to-cart Page:

window._fbq.push(['track', 'AddToCart', { content_ids: ['<product_id>'], content_type: 'product' product_catalog_id: '<catalog_id>'}]);

Add-to-cart Button:

<button onclick='window._fbq.push(["track", "AddToCart", { content_ids: ["<product_id>"], content_type: "product"}])'>Add to Cart</button>

Additional Resources:

FB DRM Pixel Integration/Set Up:https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/dynamic-product-ads/product-audiences/v2.3#setuppixel

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Implementing a Custom Audience Pixel with Dynamic Element

Identify Your Audiences & Set The Rules:

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Implementing a Custom Audience Pixel with Dynamic Element


To get more granular with your

targeting - include certain

pages BUT exclude others,


past purchasers.

Also, target people who have

viewed a page within a select

number of days- we have

found that 3 days is a good

starting point, but you will

want to test it.

Once complete, you can see

the Audience under Audience

Section in Ads Manager.

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Setting Up Dynamic Product Ads

Only available in Power Editor, which is only available in a Chrome


Create new campaign > Name it > Automatic > Product Catalog Sales

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Setting Up Dynamic Product Ads

Create Ad Set > Name it:

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Setting Up Dynamic Product Ads

Create Ad Template

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Setting Up Dynamic Product Ads

Create Ad Template Cont.

✓ Select the page you are creating an ad for

✓ Select either Single or Multiple Image Ad Unit. TIP – With standard product

images, the multiple ad unit looks better.

✓ Type in the website you are advertising for (this should be the homepage)

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Setting Up Dynamic Product Ads

Select the text you want to display at the top of the ad.

This is where you will want to relate to your audience.* Remember to create an ad

copy that your audience wants to see and read.

You can put in your own text, or use fields from the feed such as Brand, Name,

Price, Ect or you can use a combination of both.

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Setting Up Dynamic Product Ads

The last part of the ad copy is where you will select the product information and set the


The Headline is on top and the description is below; you can also choose different fields

from the feed to populate this section.

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Setting Up Dynamic Product Ads

First you will select your product set. Your product

set are the products that will be shown in this ad

group. For your first Ad set, you should create an

All Products group, and then select the All

Products ad set ( with no filters). This will make

sure you are covering your entire product catalog.

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Setting Up Dynamic Product Ads

Next,you might want to focus on your flagship products. If you are doing this, you will


to create a new product set and filter the product set to contain only those products.

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Best Practices for Facebook Targeting

Different Ad Set Based on Targeting

Product Viewers 3, 5, 10, 30

Cart Abandoners 3, 5, 10, 30

Past Purchasers 15, 30, 60

One thing to remember is to exclude past purchasers from the first two lists. This

will ensure sure that you are not serving ads to people who may have just purchased one of

your products.

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Best Practices for Facebook Targeting

Start off with Product Sets targeting the audiences that Facebook automatically

create, and test different date ranges.

*Pro Tip: If you have audiences with different date ranges, don’t forget to exclude

the shorter list to avoid overlap. For example, if you are creating a 10 day product

viewer, make sure you exclude your 5 day product viewer audience if you have one.

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1. First create Business Manager, Product Catalog, and send feed

2. Create your first DPA ( Dynamic Product Ad) Campaign

3. Create your ad set based on different date ranges of, Product Viewers, Cart

Abandoners, and Past Purchasers.

4. Create separate Ad Sets based on Flagship Products and don’t forget to only

target those products. Remember, you will only serve products in this product

set .

How much of your marketing budget is spent on Facebook advertising?

Poll for The Audience


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Maximize Your Return on Facebook

Questions for Stephen or Rick?Submit your questions in the chat box on the right


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