
FACEBOOK How to create a successful Facebook Fan Page

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Post on 13-Jan-2015




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How to create a successful Facebook Fan Page

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Facebook Facts:

Facebook is the number one Social Networking site with more than 300 million active users

The fastest growing demographic are those 35 years old and older

Average user has 130 friends on the site There are more than 45 million status updates

each day More than 10 million users become fans of

Pages each day More than 45 million active user groups exist

on the site

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Facebook basics

When you connect with a Fan Page, you are referred to as a fan.

When you connect to a personal profile, you are referred to as a friend.

When you connect with a group, you are referred to as a member.

You must create a personal profile before you become a friend of a person, a fan of Fan Page, or a member of a Group.

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Facebook Fan Page info

When you become a fan of a labor union Fan Page, that info is posted on your wall, where your “friends” can see it.

The Fan Pages you are fans of can be found by clicking on the “Info” tab on your profile.

Facebook Fan Pages are more similar to a personal profile Fan Pages have the ability to have friends, add pictures,

and they have a wall that fans can post/comment on. Fan Pages communicate by “updates” which show

on a person’s wall if they’re a fan of your page. Fan Pages can have applications (which we will

discuss in depth at the next meeting).

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Facebook Fan Pages vs. GroupsPersonal vs. Organization: Connections:

Personal profiles – friends Groups – members Fan Pages - fans

Due to their security features, and size limitations (only groups under 5,000 members can send email blasts), Facebook Groups are set up for more personal interaction.

Groups are directly connected to the people who administer them, meaning that actions the administrator does on the group page are reflected on their personal account as well. Privacy - a big reason I prefer Fan Pages over Groups This also impacts branding. Instead of the Union Plus logo posting it

will be Scott Triana (me), which is not as powerful

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Facebook Fan Page screenshots

Application tabs only available to Fan Pages

An example of a Facebook Fan Page ad

Branded icon thatappears when I post

Pages that weDesignated as favorites

Example of fan’s posts

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Fan Pages can create content that comes from the Page itself, so that content doesn’t have to be linked to you personally.

Fan Pages don’t list the names of administrators.

Fan Pages are indexed by external search engines such as Google while Groups are not.

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Email vs. Updates:

As long as a group is under 5,000 members, group administrators can send messages to their members.

Fan Page administrators can send updates to fans through the Fan Page and there is no limit on how many fans you can send an update to, or how many total fans a Page can have.

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Facebook Fan Page email screenshot

You can choose to send a targeted message by location,gender, or age

Or send to all fans

You can attach a video, link, or application (in this case, a Union Plus Gift)

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User Control: Groups offer far more control over who gets

to participate. Permissions settings make it possible for

group admins to restrict access to a group, so that new members have to be approved.

Access to a Fan Page, however, can only be restricted by certain ages and locations. You do have the ability to block people AFTER

they become a fan of your page.

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Fan Pages can host applications, which allow you to create a more personalized page with more content.

Groups can NOT

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If someone posts spam on your Group or your Fan Page, you have to remove it manually

You can also remove specific members.

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How to delete comments

If someone posts an inappropriatecomment, hover your pointer to the right of their post till the remove icon appears. Click to delete.

Great posts from our great fans!!

To comment on someone’s post,click the comment button.

Below each post will be the number of peoplewho clicked that they like the post

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Ability to create events:

Both Groups and Fan Pages allow you to create EVENTS

Upcoming events will be displayed on the sidebar of everyone’s personal page that is attending the event

Neither Groups nor pages have any added functionality

We will discuss events in greater detail next meeting

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Ads can be purchased to promote either Groups or Fan Pages, but Fan Pages can benefit from social ads that publicize the fan connection between a Fan Page and a specific user.

The ad will display the name or the number of your friends who are a fan of that page

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Bottom Line:

Groups are great for organizing on a personal level and for smaller scale interaction around a cause.

Fan Pages are better for brands, businesses, or labor unions who want to interact with their fans or customers without having them connected to a personal account

Fan Pages allow you to exceed Facebook’s 5,000 friend cap

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Before creating your Facebook Fan Page:

To increase your chance of success, it is wise to have a predetermined campaign that you can integrate with the launch of your Facebook Fan Page.

Also, take the time to ask yourself the following questions…

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What are we trying to accomplish?

Leads – new members

Awareness about union and its issues

Conversions – take action on something

Engagement & community – surveys, contests, polling, etc.

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Why social media? 

Audience is already there

Build stronger relationships with members/prospects

Tap into word-of-mouth

Reach a new audience

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What kind of social media will help us best achieve our goals? Blogs Media-sharing sites Review/directory sites Display ads on social media sites Networking & gaming Bookmarking & news Rating & reviews Social knowledge

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Are we prepared to let go of control of our brand, at least a little?

What will we do to encourage participation? And do we have the resources to do it?

Who will maintain the social media presence?

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Do we have the resources to keep this up or will this be a short campaign? Budgeted for this?

How does engaging users via social media integrate into our overall marketing/communications strategy?

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How do we measure success?  What constitutes failure? Views, followers, comments,

subscribers? What happens if you don’t meet


What will we do less of if we’re spending too many resources on social media?

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Creating a Facebook Fan Page:

To create a Facebook Fan Page you first need to create a personal profile.

A personal profile allows you to search for and connect with friends, family, and fellow union members. 

After you connect to others, you can share videos and pictures, leave comments, create events and sent messages. 

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How to create a Facebook profile:

Go to www.facebook.com. Enter your name, email, birthday, and an

original password. Click “Sign Up” In the blank box at the bottom of the screen,

type the text that it is printed above. A confirmation email will be sent to the email

you provided. Click the attached link in the email. Your Facebook account is now activated!!

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Page to create a personal profile

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There will be a tutorial to teach you how to find friends and make connections with (union) groups. 

You can enter your email to find friends already in your address book. To find friends in your union’s network, type the name of your union in the search box.

Once connected, friends are notified of your posts, uploads, events and comments. Now you are ready to add photos, videos, a profile, and friends, by clicking on the labeled icons on the left and top portions of the screen.

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To create a Fan Page: go to facebook.com/pages/create.php

and create a new page. Under category choose Brand,

Product, or Organization. Then choose Non-profit from the pull

down arrow Name your page Click create page

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Screenshot of the page creator

You will probably wantto choose non-profit

You do not have to publish the page Immediately

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