facebook 101

FACEBOOK 101 By Holly Solomon, Expand Socially

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Post on 21-Nov-2014




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Here's an overview of Facebook. This training includes: -What is Facebook -Setting up your profile & settings -Search, Groups, Pages/Places, & Friends -Setting up & managing your page


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By Holly Solomon, Expand Socially

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•  What  is  Facebook?  •  Se0ng  Up  Your  Profile/Se0ngs  •  Search,  Groups,  Pages/Places,  Friends  •  Se0ng  Up  &  Managing  Your  Page  

OUR  AGENDA  –  FACEBOOK  101  @expandsocially  #socialmediawithholly  

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•  Social networking site launched in 2004 with one billion users- $5B IPO in 2012

•  Facebook hosts more than 1,310,000 monthly active users, with over 640 million minutes spent on FB/month with over 55M pages

•  56% of consumers are more likely to recommend a brand to a friend after “liking” the brand on Facebook

•  The fastest growing demographic of Facebook users are those 25 years old and older

•  Facebook Profile- also known as Timeline is your personal profile

•  Share photos, videos, links, comments, follow favorite brands & causes


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•  Facebook.com-­‐  Set  up  basic  informaJon  about  yourself  

•  Connect  with  people  you  know  •  Add  profile  pic  •  Verify  your  email  address  •  You  can  hide  profile  details  aNer  you  sign  up  (bday,  phone,  etc)  

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General  Se0ngs:  Change  password  once  a  month  Security:  1)  Enable  Secure  browsing,  2)  Consider  enabling  login    noJficaJons,  login  approvals,  app  passwords      3)  Delete  old  sessions  under  “AcJve  Sessions”  *Privacy,  Timeline  &  Tagging  and  Blocking-­‐  we’ll  talk  about  in  next  slides  NoJficaJons:  Update  your  noJficaJons  appropriately  Mobile:  If  you  list  your  cell  you  can  register  for  text  messaging  for  updates.  You  can  make  mobile  number  hidden  on  profile  later.  Followers:  Do  not  check  this  box  or  the  public  (not  friends)  can  have  access  to  posts  Apps:  You  can  clean  this  up  regularly  and  delete  things  not  being  used.  Edit  apps  listed  to  protect  them  from  giving  away  other  people’s  info.  Facebook  Ads:  Under  “Third  Party  Sites”  &  “Ads  &  Friends”,  choose  “Only  my  friends”  Payments:  Under  “Payment  Method”,  make  sure  you  do  not  have  a  payment  method  stored.  Consider  browsing  “Purchase  History”.      

Drop  down  

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Disable  Instant  PersonalizaIon  

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Home:  •  See  a  feed  of  updates  on  the  people  you  are  friends  with  and  pages  you  like  

 Profile=  Your  Name:  •  See  your  acJvity  on  your  profile  

Menu  OpJons:  •  Set  up  favorites  on  your  home  menu  bar  

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• People,  Pages,  Places  &  Groups  • See  more  results  area  • Find  Friends-­‐  Invite  friends-­‐  Import  friends  • People  You  May  Know  • Sending  a  Friend  Request  • Liking  a  Page  or  Place  • Joining  a  Group  • Interest  Lists  

Let Me Show You!

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•  Click  Find  Friends-­‐  search  or  review  an  imported  list  of  your  contacts  •  Review  People  You  May  Know  •  Invite  friends  •  Se0ngs-­‐  Who  can  send  you  friend  requests  

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Groups: closed space for small groups. Groups can be created by anyone. •  Privacy: In addition to an open setting, more privacy settings are available for groups. In secret

and closed groups, posts are only visible to group members. •  Audience: Group members must be approved or added by other members. When a group

reaches a certain size, some features are limited. The most useful groups tend to be the ones you create with small groups of people you know.

•  Communication: In groups, members receive notifications by default when any member posts in the group. Group members can participate in chats, upload photos to shared albums, collaborate on group docs and invite members who are friends to group events.

Pages: created by real organizations/businesses, celebrities & brands. Pages may only be created and managed by official representatives. •  Audience: Anyone can like a Page to become connected with it and get news feed updates.

There is no limit to how many people can like a Page. •  Communication: Page admins can share posts under the Page’s name. Page posts appear in

the news feeds of people who like the Page. Page admins can also create customized apps for their Pages and check Page Insights to track the Page’s growth and activity.

Groups are close circles of people & can be private

Pages allow companies to share info to followers


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•  Get  creaJve  with  your  updates:  Photos  &  videos  result  in  2x  more  engagement  than  text-­‐based  posts  

•  Check  in  on  company  pages/places  when  you  go  places  

•  Tag  friends  or  pages  you  like  in  your  post    





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•  Post 1-2 updates/week to stay top-of-mind & relevant to the people who like your Page.

•  Tag pages or places when talking about other businesses. You should like those pages first, but it should come up either way if you list their name correctly.

•  Schedule status posts •  Like other pages/places as your page- Edit

Page- Use Facebook as NAME OF YOUR PAGE

•  Build Audience via button on your admin panel.

•  Invite your Facebook friends •  Click on 'Invite Email Contacts' to upload your your email list and send a message asking people to like your page.

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Holly  Solomon  Expand  Socially  (614)440-­‐7988  [email protected]  www.expandsocially.com    Twiner  &  Instagram  @expandsocially    Facebook:  hnps://www.facebook.com/ExpandSociallyLLC      

