f523 – design, make and evaluate

F523 – DESIGN, MAKE AND EVALUATE Candidate Number: 2004 Centre Number: 16339 A2 Product Design Georgia Alliston

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F523 Design, Make and EvaluateCandidate Number: 2004Centre Number: 16339A2 Product DesignGeorgia Alliston


IntroductionFor my project, I have decided to design a suitable bathroom storage system that holds common items found in a bathroom cupboard, this would include toothbrushes, shower gel, razorblades and any other products that might be needed by the consumer for their bathroom. My plan is to design several compartments for the objects to fit inside of. The market of bathroom storage is not very innovative or competitive because most storage methods for a bathroom are standard boxes and cupboards. This will give me the opportunity to produce a more creative product in comparison to every other storage method on the market for bathrooms. Some of the existing issues are displayed on the right in comparison to similar, existing products. Some of these issues I have encountered when I have previously used a storage compartment that I have at home. Due to the gap in the market, I am aiming to produce something that can function differently in comparison to just standard drawers, this could include shape, colour or installing speakers. Design Brief

Plain, Boring Box shape, too standard. Hygiene risks if placed near sinks or toilets. Not a suitable scale for all users, storage compartments tooclose together so people can grab them. Toothbrushes can be easily mixed up and cluttered. You will also find that storing items in cupboards can cause unnecessary clutter and mess, especially bottles of shower gel, toothbrushes and makeup. Products can easily get mixed up and children may be going near unsafe items such as razors or bathroom cleaning facilities like bleach. Initial Design BriefThe bathroom storage system should be much more aesthetically pleasing with a high quality finish so that users and consumers will want to store all of their bathroom necessities into my storage compartment. I want the product to have a more interesting shape than a box, however there must be sufficient space to store all of the products inside. The overall height and shape depends on what size bathroom I am intending to store it in. Preferably, a full size bathroom would be the best place due to the amount of items I want to store inside. I am also using several compartments to store different types of bathroom items in them, such as a designated drawer/compartment for toothbrushes etc. This will solve the overall clutter issue. The materials to produce them should be highly durable so that it can free stand and hold all the items inside securely. It should also be able to hold the pressure of consumers leaning on it, touching it etc. Sharp edges must be kept to a minimum, especially on corners and compartments so that they dont cause harm to anyone using it, and reduces the risk of injury. The materials used must be waterproof and easy to clean due to some of the harsh chemicals or shower items that might be accidentally spilt in a bathroom such as bleach, toothpaste, shower gel etc.

Commercial OpportunitiesAlthough bathroom storage is a limited market and range, creating something different will allow me to have a wide range of commercial opportunities. For instance, different size storage units can be designed for different bathroom sizes. A smaller one could be produced for a simple downstairs bathroom to store hand gel, toilet paper etc. Or a larger one can be produced for anyone who made need it in a public bathroom at a restaurant so it can be used in a wide variety of areas. Alternatively, it can be multipurpose as the storage unit doesnt just have to store bathroom items. It could also be used in other areas around the house such as the kitchen, living room or bedroom to store necessities. The product can also be marketed over social media or the internet to make the product more accessible and available to all types of consumers. My idea could also be pitched to some larger furniture retail stores such as Ikea or more independent furniture stores like Habitat or Furnitureland so that it also becomes an availability in stores. Themes and aesthetics can also be adapted to make it suitable for a younger audience, such as using more familiar shapes or colours which would appeal to them. Decoration and patterns are also a consideration as having one singular colour may not suit the style of every bodies bathroom style. If I was to sell a singular white coloured storage unit and some people have dark brown as their furniture theme, I am not reaching out to a wide enough audience, having a more available colour and style range will suit the needs of the consumer significantly more than a singular range of the product,

Issues with Existing Bathroom StorageImportant/Relevant IssuesSafetyThis is one of the biggest issues when designing the product because if the consumer feels unsafe or feels like they are putting others at risk with my products, it doesnt make it marketable or meet adequate safety standards, therefore less likely to sell. Safety issues revolving around bathroom storage involve:Children having easy access to dangerous items and substances such as bleach, medicine or razor blades. Users who want to listen to music have to take electronic devices into the bathroom which is a major safety issue in regards to the mixture of water and electricity. Function/PurposeEvery product must have an ability to work and a purpose. The initial products purpose is to hold items found in a bathroom such as cleaning utensils and personal hygiene products such as soap, toothpaste and shower gel. Most bathroom storage products function using cupboards or drawers to store all of the items. The functionality problems that revolve around using cupboards and drawers are: Can easily become cluttered and messy as all the items inside can be jumbled up. There are no specific compartments except for the drawer itself. Cluttered mess can also lead to items getting easily mixed up so users might not be able to find the specific products they need in a particular situation.No innovation. Most bathroom storage compartments are just standard cupboards and drawers which users might not find particularly interesting or engaging. Using other techniques to store items that will be more interesting than having just drawer compartments. AestheticsAlthough it may seem aesthetics are not overly important, I want to give my product a Unique Selling Point meaning that considering the overall appearance is necessary. One of the main issues I have encountered is that drawers and compartments often appear bulky and simple which is what I am aiming to change. Using bolder colours and surface graphics will be important to consider so that they stand out to the consumer. Materials & ManufactureI need to decide on materials that are durable enough to survive human consumption, so it must not be fragile or break under any pressure, therefore being impact resistance. For instance, if a user opens a compartment with greater force, the handle should not fall off or break and the items inside can still remain there. Another consideration includes ensuring the materials that I am using are waterproof as this is the style of environment it will be placed in. Using materials that are not water resistance do not belong into a bathroom where there are a multiple number of plumbing systems installed in a bathroom. I would also aim to keep making costs relatively cheap so by user cheaper materials, this will keep manufacturing costs low. Furthermore, it can be retailed at an affordable price for customers. I will need to ensure that the product has a high quality finish so that product attracts those who want to consume it. I would like to make my materials recyclable so that it can improve the sustainability of my product as well as making it out of durable materials. I would most likely use some form of wood to construct the storage item. The amount of energy inputted for the manufacturing processes must also be considered and kept to a minimum as this increases cost and value. The products may need to be mass produced so a larger batch can be created whilst keeping costs low.

EnvironmentIn regards to the environment, I would like to use as many recyclable materials as possible so that if the systems wears over time, it can be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Since I am aiming to make my product out of some form of wood, I should ensure that the wood I chose came from a sustainable forest. MDF is a very environmentally friendly wood as it is produced from wood chippings from the production of other types of wood, which saves energy and trees. As well as this, I should try and aim to keep the different amounts of materials used to a minimum so the separate materials can be easily recycled as well as keeping manufacturing costs low. End UserMy main target audience for my product is very broad, as everybody can make use of bathroom storage in their own way. However, in articular, house wives or busy mothers may find that my product would be particularly useful to store items in a better, organised way. The end user will benefit from a reliable product that will be reasonably priced. Since the target audience is very broad, it can be hard to set a particular price range but if I aim to make it similar to the prices of Ikea, a huge furniture organisation, they keep prices particularly low. This means that users wont have to spend too much money on the storage system as well as the items inside.

Client InputPossible ConsumersIn terms of client input, I have spoken to members of my family who are busy housewives with children of their own and many of them have issues dealing with keeping bathroom cupboards organised and tidy. Many , including myself have also found issues with keeping the cupboard in a designated order so that it is easy to find things and it is a big issue we encounter. Furthermore, one of my family members doesnt particularly like keeping toothbrushes by the side of the sink due to the possible spread of germs and others have concerns about younger users at risk from dangerous substances such as bleach, window cleaner and razor blades. There are several cases over the years where children as young as three years old have been taken to hospital for ingesting harmful substances and in some instances, has lead them to have terminal complications. Parents class this as one of the biggest issues in storing items in a bathroom and that it should be addressed. Alternatively, I can go and speak to sales assistances in department stores such as Ikea at Lakeside Shopping Centre, Thurrock to see whether they think my bathroom storage compartment has potential and if it would sell well in regards to my target audience. Ikea is one of the biggest leading brands in the furniture industry that sells a wide range of different storage items such as chest of drawers, cupboards and wardrobes. These tend to all be the standard shape of a box shape, so by explaining my ideas of creating something more unique, they might take my unique selling point to their advantage. Video Feedback from Possible ConsumerFeedback Summary of Existing ProductThe existing product is a unit from Beta Bathrooms, a bathroom enterprise and supplier in the UK. It is placed under the sink of my bathroom at home and it is similarly installed to the storage unit in the picture below. The size of the product is roughly 1.5m x 1m in length and width and overall, the compartment fits well into the bathroom. However, given the feedback I was given in the video above with my client, Lana Alliston, there are some faults with the existing product. Firstly, lots of her products have divided into different bags, for instance, the toothbrushes dont have a designated area or holder to stand in, so they are scattered all around the cabinet which causes unnecessary clutter. As well as this, there are many items that her youngest child should not have access to, such as the razor blades or the bathroom cleaning items which could cause harm. Therefore it makes it much more of a safety risk to those making use if it. She also feels as if the storagemethods of the products are not particularly innovativeas her shampoo bottles are just placed into the product. This is one of the biggest storage issues that I will have to tackle in regards to keeping the cupboard neat and tidy. She would also like to see a more innovative shape or decoration rather than just a standard box cupboard. Needs of the Consumer/Manufacture

Consumer: An example of a consumer of my product is Lana Alliston. I have chosen her to be my client because she makes use of her bathroom storage system everyday due to her being at home most of the time as a house wife. She agrees with my opinion on the annoyance of storing items in a cluttered matter and the safety risk of children having access to dangerous chemicals. Everyday, she has to reorganise the cupboard in which has all of the issues and constantly has to ensure her youngest child doesnt get to the sharp razor blades. She would take lots of interest in helping me succeed to innovate an original bathroom storage method which differs from everything currently on the market. As a consumer, ways of making the product suitable for everyone would be having mechanisms pre assembled as furniture construction can take hours to do. Therefore, those who find it difficult to assemble furniture have it much easier for themselves. Another consumer need could be that everybody has a different themed bathroom, so producing one style with a singular decoration on it might not fit with the styles of other peoples bathroom. This can be solved by producing a range of different styles of the product in terms of colour and surface graphics to fit everybody's needs. Manufacturer: The product itself is from Beta Bathrooms, a supplier in the UK which receives all of its products from UK bathroom manufacturers. This means that the product hasnt been imported by other countries and it makes the manufacturing process cheaper, which is an important need of the manufacturer. Lots of bathroom products are constructed from wood which means that sharp tools such as saws are used to construct certain nets and shapes. This can make those using it at risk of having an accident which in some cases at workshops have resulted in life threatening injuries. As a manufacturer need, all employers should be trained how to use the equipment correctly to prevent injury.

Information, Inspirations and InfluencesThese are examples of some of the influences I have found based on the way I will store things for my product and examples of types of materials/items/shapes I would like to incorporate my design.


To give my product more of an innovative twist to it, I have considered using a Lazy Susan. This is a metal plate that rotates in a full 360 circle and slices of material can be fixed on top of it, allowing the full structure to spin. I could use this feature to my advantage, because the main structure could have a centre piece which holds all the products. Then, certain products may not be accessible unless you spin the main body around to get to certain compartments. I feel as if this adds a more interesting function to my product, making it differ from existing cabinets on the market. The video on the right shows myself testing a Lazy Susan provided by my sixth form.Click to Play

Something I find inspirational is Modular Furniture. This is where items of furniture can be broken up and put back together without any advanced assembly. For instance, the table and chairs are all made out of solid wood and they can be constructed back together to make one shape. This will be particularly helpful when deciding on how to make my products storage efficiency high.

All the images on the right and below are examples of interesting storage methods I can implement into my designs. Fabric drawers with a sliding mechanism with different compartments for certain items is one example and hanging items on pegs is another.

Cup Holders is something that inspires me in terms of organisation. One of my ideas of storing the bathroom essentials in the most efficient way possible was to use holders designed similar to the one above on the shelves. This will be a solution to one of the issues I have when storing items such as shower gel, shampoo and conditioners as they wont just be placed in a cluttered way on the shelves.

Analysis of how to use this, good and bad points, why I have looked at it5

Information, Inspirations and InfluencesInspirations

The surrounding images are pieces of modern and contemporary art that have acted as inspirations for the appearance and aesthetics of my bathroom cabinet. Marc Newsons Voronoi Shelf has an edgy, ellipses look using curved lines to portray an abstract honeycomb texture. These could act as storage compartments for my design. Dalis Melting Clocks is an example of an amorphous shape which has inspired me to take a more unique approach to shaping my product. Mondrians art of the cubes has not only given me a colour scheme influence, but also structuring storage compartments with different shaped cubes inside them to give it more of a modern, stylish look. Articulated Arms is the final design influence used which contributes to functionality ideas I have. These include using it to hold items in place (towels??) or having items attached to it (mirror??).

The image on the right shows an example of drawers which have been colour coded, which is an idea I would like to use in my product. It would make my design a bit more vibrant in comparison to existing cabinets on the market. The colours are also fairly neutral meaning that it would suit the target audience. These are some more images of aesthetics and shape inspirations for my cabinet. The sketch drawing shows some spherical shapes (similar to the Melting Clock), appearing amorphous. Using more adventurous shaping and finishes will allow me to achieve my unique selling point, which is designing a product with more of an abstract shape to attract clients to a different style of storage product. The other piece of art is called Boomerangs and Flying Saucers, which is a combination of both technological and traditional elements. The shapes in this also appear abstract which is what I want to base my products appearance around. I also like the colour combination of the neutral beiges, reds, whites and greens, which would make a good colour scheme.

Information, Inspirations and InfluencesCriteriaStorage System 1Storage System 2Storage System 3ProductLILLNGENMirror cabinet 2 doorWhite 600 x 210 x 640 mm(Ikea) 29.90Cooke and Lewis Over Door Storage Unit, Chrome680 x 465 x 230 mm(B&Q) 8.99Kartell 3-drawer componibili moduleWhite900 x 750 mm (abchome.com) 190

Function/PurposeThe product is fixed to the wall which has a hinge opening mechanism to get inside and items are placed on shelves. This is very similar to the existing product, the items inside are just shelves so there is no distinct organisation method. This product has two hooks at the top of the product that can fit around the top of the door. Saves lots of space as it is hangs behind the door. It will have a maximum capacity of weight to hold items as it is designed to hang behind a door. The product consists of three different compartments which have sliding doors that open. It would be easy to categorise items due to the quantity of storage areas. They are just shelves so there is no method of organisation.End UserThe product is fixed to the wall by the purchaser and it needs to be assembled. This makes it more difficult for the clients need constructing it themselves and it may be too high to reach items kept in the cupboards. The product arrives preassembled which means that users wont have to interact with construction. This is definitely a consumer need as one of the biggest issues is the time taken to assemble.Like storage system two, it arrives preassembled. This means that users wont have to interact with construction. This is definitely a consumer need as one of the biggest issues is the time taken to assemble.Suitability of MaterialsConstructed from ABS plastic, glass and particleboard. ABS is very strong and rigid which is durable enough to belong into a bathroom. It does cost twice as much to produce than polystyrene. The product is purely made from chrome. In terms of the material it provides colour, hardness and hygiene permanence which makes it suitable to place in a bathroom.This product is purely made from ABS plastic and its positive properties include being very strong and surviving human pressure. It is very expensive to manufacture unfortunately.Aesthetics The surface of the product is coated in white and is available in different colours as well as having a mirror on the surface. This makes the product multipurpose as well as having a range to meet consumers needs.Overall, the product has quite simple aesthetics , there isnt much colour or shape complexity to it which doesnt make it particularly innovative or unique. It does have a solid, durable finish to it which will keep it in good condition.The colours are neutral which is what I would need the product to look like aesthetically. The shape is also a cylinder and curvedwhich gives it more of a stylish,contemporary appearance.SafetySafety risks include broken glass and children accessing harmful items. However, the mirror comes with safety film on the back, which reduces the risk of injury if the glass is broken.Although chrome is a durable material, there is a chance that the hooks that secure the product in the door could wear overtime, which means that it could fall off the door and cause injury.All of the edges are roundedand curved so there is no riskof grazing skin on sharp edges.

Strength and Weaknesses TableWeakness


Information, Inspirations: 1th July Strengths/weakness table in existing productsDesign constraints in existing productsInspirations from existing products to incorporate in final designMaterial Information inc. School ConstraintsInfluences: 8th JulyErgonomics/anthropometric informationClient Information/market survey


CostSince the item is meant to have a long life in service, this will be a cost implication on the production of my product, so it will cost more. However, I dont want the product to be too expensive so that it puts users off purchasing my products in retail. The TYNGEN product is roughly 150 which is quite cost worthy considering the simplicity of the function. I want to keep my product between a 50 - 100 budget which means that it isnt too much for the client to purchase. Since the product I want to make will probably be constructed from wood, I want it to appear high quality so that it is good money value.Information, Inspirations and InfluencesConstraints in Existing Products Weakness


FunctionThe general function for my bathroom storage system is to keep items inside stored as efficient as possible, and there should be an efficient amount of storage space for these items. However, I dont want my cabinet to appear too bulky so that it doesnt take up too much space in the bathroom as a whole, so I need to consider the most efficient storage methods. A bulky cabinet could also reduce the aesthetics of the product as it may not appeal to the target audience if it doesnt look visually pleasing. This means I will have to look at more unique ways of storing items rather than just using a standard shelf. I could also consider using pull out mechanisms in my design so that items can be tucked away, rather than being on show. I could also use compartments in my design to increase the organisation of the items in my product. Like the TYNGEN bathroom cabinet from IKEA on the right, all that stands as a storage method is the shelves and cupboards which I believe is too simplistic in function, which is what I would want to change about my design.

ErgonomicsThe storage cabinet needs to be reasonably large so that all of the items can fit inside correctly, but the handles that are required to gain access to the drawers need to meet human anthropometrics otherwise it may be uncomfortable to grip when opening the cabinets. The TYNGEN cabinet doesnt have any handles to open the bottom cupboards which doesnt make it very ergonomically suitable for the users to open, and this could cause injury to the hands. This is a severe constraint in the existing cabinet which I would want to change. A solution to this issue would be moulding a handle around human hand measurements so that the curved grips can be gripped easily by those interacting with the product.

AestheticsI need to ensure my design stands out from competitors but most bathroom cabinets are the same as those that currently exist on the market. The cabinet above is the standard box shape which really doesnt show any innovative shape development. I want to try and avoid using dull colours such as the one above as it doesnt have a unique selling point, so I want to aim to use decorative colours but not ones that are too jarring as it may not match with anything else in the bathroom environment and it could make it look tacky. I want it to also have more of a contemporary, modern appearance as most bathrooms have been designed to look more modern than traditional. This will include using curves on the edges to give it the modern look. SafetyThe corners of the product should be smoothed out so that injury is avoided when users interact with it. If I was going to use wood as the final material to manufacture my product, I would need to insure the wood is sanded down so that it doesnt splinter. To meet the requirement of children not having access to the items inside, I will need to include a secure lock and key mechanism so that any dangerous items can be locked away so children dont have access to it. This is a flaw in the existing cabinet on the left as all of the cabinets are on show with the items exposed, which doesnt meet the safety requirement I want.

Information, Inspirations: 1th July Strengths/weakness table in existing productsDesign constraints in existing productsInspirations from existing products to incorporate in final designMaterial Information inc. School ConstraintsInfluences: 8th JulyErgonomics/anthropometric informationClient Information/market survey


Information, Inspirations and InfluencesMaterials & Manufacturing Weakness


Medium Density Fibreboard MDF is generally cheaper than plywood. The surface of MDF is very smooth which makes it great surface for painting. MDF is very consistent throughout, so cut edges appear smooth and wont have voids or splinters. Because of the smooth edges, you can use a router to create decorative edges. The consistency and smoothness of MDF allows for easy cutting of detailed designs (such as scrolled or scalloped designs) using a scroll saw, band saw or jigsaw. However, MDF will soak up water and other liquids like a sponge and swell unless its very well sealed on all sides and edges. Because it consists of such fine particles, MDF doesnt hold screws very well. MDF cant be stained. Not only does it soak up stain like a sponge but because theres no wood grain on MDF, it doesnt have a good appearance when stained. PlywoodPlywood is made from multiple layers of wood veneer, plywood is a very strong material to work with. It wont soak up water and liquids as quickly or easily as MDF does so its less susceptible to water damage. Because it carries a grain, plywood is stainable. Which makes it perfect for kitchen cabinets, table tops and other projects where you want a large stained wood surface. It holds screws very tightly since the varying grains of wood on each layer give the screws something to hold onto. Plywood is more expensive than MDF and of course, the higher the grade and depending on the species of wood, it can increase in price. Because of the layers that show on the edge, plywood needs finishing with iron-on edge banding, pieces of timber or decorative mouldings. Its harder to get a perfectly smooth cut with plywood than it is with MDF .

Privacy GlassMy original idea would have been to use this on the cabinet I wanted to keep locked and securefrom children to store thehigh risk items. However, due to the costimplication, this resourceisn't available to me.Oak WoodThis is another example of a high quality finish wood that would have been great to construct my product from. Oak furniture demands attention and can overwhelm other lighter, less visually impactful pieces of furniture, and lots of these are found in a common household bathroom.Wood Joining MethodsThere are three types of wood joining methods I am have looked into using for my storage cabinet. The Butt Joint (1), Corner Brackets (2) and Biscuit Joint (3). Joint 1 would probably be the least suitable as it is simply just two nails which have been fastened together. It is also the weakest because unless some form of reinforcement is used and it relies upon glue alone to hold it together. Joint 2 and 3 will probably be the most suitable for my product because they involve more studier and durable methods of connecting pieces of wood together, ensuring the products life cycle remains high and that it lasts through any bathroom pressures.


Information, Inspirations: 1th July Strengths/weakness table in existing productsDesign constraints in existing productsInspirations from existing products to incorporate in final designMaterial Information inc. School ConstraintsInfluences: 8th JulyErgonomics/anthropometric informationClient Information/market survey


Information, Inspirations and InfluencesErgonomics and Anthropometrics

This diagram shows the required anthropometrics of my target audience users that will make use of my product on a daily basis. When it comes to designing a product, I need to think about whether my product is going to be ergonomically suitable for everybody. Further research will be conducted to improve handheld items that will be found in my bathroom cabinet.

It is important for me consider different peoples height in comparison to the product I will be designing so that it is ergonomically suitable. For instance, toothbrushes are used by every member of a family household, so placing these on a high work surface will prevent children for accessing their essentials which doesnt make it user friendly at all. This is why I must ensure that sizes are based around all of my possible users so that I can develop a product suitable for all members of the target audience.

The most frequent way users will be accessing items is by pulling handles to reveal compartments where items will be stored. This is why I have displayed two different types of handles I could use on my bathroom cabinet. The first image is a standard stainless steel handle. There are several reasons why this may not be the best handle option for my product:Firstly, it has been designed to remain flat, so there are no hand grips to provide any comfortability when opening a drawer or cupboard. The gap between the metal bar and where it will be attached may not be big enough for everybody's hand to fit around, which means that it isnt meeting the correct anthropometric standards I want it to be meeting. After some further research, I found these handles which would be a much more suitable choice to use as handles for my product. This is because the handles have been bent so that the load applied to the handle is aligned with the arm, rather than at a straight angle which will reduce muscle fatigue when opening the compartments. It has also been shaped so that it is comfortable and easy to use without any problems. There are several grips on the surface of the handle which are made to fit the human fingers in. This increases the hand tool ergonomically as it will prevent and reduce any existing strains on the hand that could result in a long term problem, if excessively used to put items inside. It should also be easy to open and close and the simple pull mechanism allows this which further reduces any repetitive straining injury.

Information, Inspirations: 1th July Strengths/weakness table in existing productsDesign constraints in existing productsInspirations from existing products to incorporate in final designMaterial Information inc. School ConstraintsInfluences: 8th JulyErgonomics/anthropometric informationClient Information/market survey


Information, Inspirations and InfluencesClient and Market SurveyClients InfluencesInfluences TakenInfluences MergedAdded Cost and Work RequiredWhen I buy/look for a bathroom cabinet, I want a high quality, durable material that ensures there is a long life in service.When selecting what materials I want for my product, I must make sure I only consider high impact materials such as wood and plastic. I could merge the influence into my design by choosing materials appropriate for the task such as making sure the compartments are wooden so they dont break or smash. Different materials cost more than others, so depending on the thickness of the wood or plastic, the cost will increase, eg: high impact polystyrene costs more than polypropylene. For me, I like to see storage cabinets that dont have bright colours so that it is fairly neutral with other furniture, and has a modern appearance.I must make sure that I do not use a mix of bright colours that may be too jarring and dramatic and use more neutral, nude colours such as browns. Since most bathroom furniture colours are the same, I will need to merge this idea with my final product so that it matches items in the bathroom. This could add extra price as the wood may need to be painted to the colour I want. I want the cabinet drawers and compartments to be easy to use and function so that I can access the items easily.I need to use storage methods that are commonly used in industry so it is not too difficult for my audience to use such as drawers and grooves. I could use rails as well as drawers and grooves to hold items such as towels and toothbrushes so that it can be functioned with easily. This will add some additional work and cost as the bathroom drawers and grooves will need to be manually attached to the product. When I am buying a cabinet to store my bathroom items, I want something unique that differs from cabinets on the existing market.I have to make sure that the design is eye catching and I have to make sure that the storage method is aesthetically pleasing.I will merge this influence into my product by carrying out research on interesting ways of holding items in a cabinet.No added costs will be required because I do not have to change anything as I still need to create the storage method. I want the product to be durable and resistant and that does not have to be replaced for several years.I will have to make sure that the product is durable and resistant enough to last under bathroom pressures (eg. moisture)I will use this influence to make sure I give my product a high quality varnish finish so that it remains in good condition.This may add a price as the varnish will be an added cost to the product design.

The table above shows some of the client input received from some of the students in my class. They stated what influencesthem when looking for the cabinet they want, and I was able to use these influences as key points in my designing process as the best way to design is asking members of the target audience what they like to see in a bathroom cabinet. Using the same audience, I asked a few basic questions about the bathroom cabinet and graphed what responses they gave me after asking the questions. These are the results:

Information, Inspirations: 1th July Strengths/weakness table in existing productsDesign constraints in existing productsInspirations from existing products to incorporate in final designMaterial Information inc. School ConstraintsInfluences: 8th JulyErgonomics/anthropometric informationClient Information/market survey


Conclusion of ResearchInspirationsMost of my influences have been based on designers originals work and their aesthetic appearance. This is what I want to take further when incorporating some of these influences into my design. Since most of my inspiration research was based off of models or paintings, they will only serve as an appearance and shape inspiration. I will also take forward the idea of making my product modular. Materials and School ConstraintsMy conclusion showed both the advantages and disadvantages of two woods that are common in this particular industry, and I have decided to use MDF over plywood. This is because it is reasonably cheaper than plywood, so I can ensure I have plenty without having to worry about any financial implications. It has also proven to work better with varnish, which is what my product will have to be coated in so that it doesnt get water damaged. I also looked at the types of wood joinings that would be required to keep my product together and as a result of my research, I have concluded that the corner brackets and biscuit joints would be most suitable for my project as they are guaranteed to be more durable. Strengths and Weaknesses TableSince I compared three products which were similar to the existing cabinet, I will use the weaknesses as guidelines and problems that need to be solved. I felt as if the third cabinet was going to be the most useful to use as an influence for my final product as it has the most unique selling point with the sliding doors. It also has the most strengths as a cabinet in comparison to the rest of the items on the table. The storage system that is least useful is the mirrored cabinet that hangs on the wall because there are more safety risks with this cabinet such as it falling off the wall and the glass smashing. Ergonomics and AnthropometricsFrom this slide, I was able to collect some basic people measurements as these are required when deciding on the dimensions of my product. My target audience is very broad as different ages will need to store items in the cabinet. I will have to take an average measurement based on the male, female and children hand dimensions into consideration as all of these users will be in my target audience. As well as this, I have discovered that using curved handles make a much better solution than straight edge handles as they have more ergonomic support for the users Constraints in Existing ProductsI studied an existing cabinet on the market and pointed out some of the flaws it has. The different aspects I focused on included safety, aesthetics, function, ergonomics and cost. I took into consideration these existing constraints and made sure that I wouldnt include any of these in my final design. I also came to conclusion with some of the design solutions I had for these issues which I am planning to use in my final design. I will need to ensure I implement and incorporate these into my design ideas. Client and Market SurveyI was able to collect a wide range of influences for my cabinet by asking an audience on what they look for in this particular design industry. The key point I found from this research was that the materials must be durable and the functioning must be simple enough for my audience to understand.

Information, Inspirations: 1th July Strengths/weakness table in existing productsDesign constraints in existing productsInspirations from existing products to incorporate in final designMaterial Information inc. School ConstraintsInfluences: 8th JulyErgonomics/anthropometric informationClient Information/market survey


Design SpecificationAesthetics: The overall design needs to differ from existing cabinets on the market, meaning that I need to move away from the standard box shape style. I also want some of the drawers or storage devices to be colour co ordinated so that cabinet items can be distinguished easily. The colours need to be fairly neutral so that it can suit the style of the majority of bathrooms, using colours too bright may not be aesthetically pleasing. The product should also have a smooth finish to make it look more appealing and high quality. Ergonomics: For the drawer compartments, I want to design a suitable shaped handle, similar to the ones in my ergonomics research. They should have a curved integrated grip so that it is more comfortable to hold. Having more curved, bent handles will align better with the arm rather than tilting the arm when opening the drawers which will reduce the strain and injury.Size: As I discovered in my strengths and weaknesses table, I found out that the average, freestanding cabinet is 600mm x 400 mm so I will use these measurements as guidelines for my bathroom cabinet. This is also much bigger in comparison to the items that will be stored inside such as storage bottles for shower gel, toothbrushes etc. so the size of the cabinet must be bigger than these items. I also dont want the product to be too bulky and square as it may not be able to fit in everybodys bathroom if it is too bulky. For the storage methods, they must match the size of the items I want to store. For example, any toothbrushes, shampoo bottles.Materials: To increase the durability of my product, I want to use Medium Density Fibreboard for the main body of the product, it needs to have quite a large thickness so that there is enough durability to have a long life in service. The product needs to be reasonably strong with a smooth varnish finish so that the MDF is resistant to the moisture in the bathroom. Any other mechanisms required such as hinges for the cabinet doors and metal sliders for the drawers will be made from brass hopefully so that it doesnt rust and lasts longer. I may also construct some of the drawers or compartments from a high impact plastic, as these can be easily moulded to create different size compartments. The handles should also be slightly padded so that it is comfortable for the user to grip the handles when opening any compartments. Manufacturing: To attach the base of the product to the sides of the cabinet, I am aiming to use a range of joints to ensure the product remains strong enough to last as long as intended. The hinges and metal sliders will need to be attached using screws, the handle will also need to be screwed into place. Since I want the bottom of my product to spin in a certain way, a Lazy Susan will also be fixed to the wood using screws. Any plastic moulding required to create the product will be vacuum formed. Cost: The product will need to be reasonably cheap but not so it drops value and puts people off buying a product that appears tacky. It will need to be a suitable price that will ensure it lasts as long as I want it to. The materials involved in the manufacturing of the product are quite expensive so the product value will be quite expensive so a decent profit will be needed. If it appears cheap, then it may look unreliable and not appeal to the target market. I want to sell my product between the 50-100 budget so that it is an affordable storage method. Having it at this price also means that it will appear to be good quality. Target Market: The target audience for my product is primarily busy house wives/mothers or house husbands/fathers, as I feel they are primarily keeping bathroom items organised and tidy. To make it suitable for this target audience, I need to ensure that it has a unique selling point so that the client has a chance to purchase something more unique and innovative to have in their bathroom. I will also make it affordable for the audience to buy which can be achieved by lowering manufacturing costs and by making the functioning of it simple enough for everybody to understand. Function / Purpose: The main function of the product is to store a reasonable range of bathroom essentials such as toothbrushes, shampoo bottles and cleaning chemicals. To achieve this I will need to have different sized storage compartments to suit certain items (such as having a large compartment for shower gel bottles). I would preferably like to hold the toothbrushes in a groove with holes in to act as a stand. It should also be effective in its function so that it isnt too fiddly or complicated to use, and I want the capacity of storage to be quite large so that all of the items can fit inside.Safety: The product should be rounded off on the corners to give it a smooth finish, so that there isnt a risk of the consumer causing injury to themselves. Any compartments edges should also be smoothed. To decrease the risk of splintering, I will need to make sure that any wood compartments need to be sanded down properly and varnished. I should also limit the amount of components in my final design as these could pose as a chocking hazard to children if there are multiple small pieces used. To keep children away from any dangerous chemicals used in my final product, I should also consider keeping a compartment locked only for parental access so that they dont have access to dangerous chemicals that could be consumed.

Information, Inspirations: 1th July Strengths/weakness table in existing productsDesign constraints in existing productsInspirations from existing products to incorporate in final designMaterial Information inc. School ConstraintsInfluences: 8th JulyErgonomics/anthropometric informationClient Information/market survey


Design, Development and MakingInitial Ideas

My first design is the one on the left, it involves having three levels of storage in the cubular format. There are lots of storage methods used in this product such as the revolving pillar which will match the sizes of the shampoo bottles I want to store. There are also grooves which have been placed on the outside, middle shelf which is how I would like the toothbrushes to be stored. Although it is an innovative idea, it follows the basic box shape which is what I am trying to move away from. There are also lots of complex functions which may cause confusion with the target audience on where to put certain items. My second design is more modular, and the product can be disassembled to open different compartments. This makes the aesthetics and function much more innovative than the standard storage method. One of the biggest difficulties would be that the modular furniture is more prone to damage, since the items can be moved about, meaning that they can be dropped. This design has a lot more aesthetic appeal in comparison to the other two, and I would like to implement the top half of this design into my final idea. The fourth design idea below has some clever storage methods however I feel as if it doesnt meet the innovative standard in comparison to the rest of my ideas. The appearance is too bulky and square like which is what I am moving away from.

Information, Inspirations: 1th July Strengths/weakness table in existing productsDesign constraints in existing productsInspirations from existing products to incorporate in final designMaterial Information inc. School ConstraintsInfluences: 8th JulyErgonomics/anthropometric informationClient Information/market survey


Design, Development and MakingInitial Ideas

Design FiveI had the idea of using a tray that opens from the inside which can store all of the items properly. The drawer opens towards the user with a metal sliding mechanism to remain durable. I also placed an additional storage drawer at the bottom. The aesthetics on the box structure was based on the amorphous appearance used in my inspirations which gives it the unique selling point I want. This will differ from lots of different cabinets already on the market. Design SixThe idea behind this product was to implement the storage into a ceiling, and using a handle, you could access all of the items inside by pulling the rectangular item down towards the floor. There would be several storage compartments such as smaller cut holes which will fit items depending on their size and drawers will also keep the items in place. This would be a really good idea however, I would have to build a modular room for this to work which is very time consuming and some of the mechanisms involved would be far too complex to produce and manufacture in a school environment. As well as this, it wouldnt be very suitable for people in the younger target audience as they wouldnt be able to reach the top of the ceiling to open it. Design SevenThe final design idea is a collection of cylinders which have the ability to rotate, allowing different access to different objects. Some of them have drawers whereas others have hole compartments again to store items such as shampoo bottles, deodorant etc. The idea of making the pillars moveable is possible, although it may include some complicated mechanisms, I will need to look into this in more depth. In terms of aesthetics and shape, I really like the idea of using rounded shapes rather than cubular. I feel as if I can take this design further for the modelling process.

Information, Inspirations: 1th July Strengths/weakness table in existing productsDesign constraints in existing productsInspirations from existing products to incorporate in final designMaterial Information inc. School ConstraintsInfluences: 8th JulyErgonomics/anthropometric informationClient Information/market survey


Design, Development and MakingDevelopment of Ideas

Model OneModel TwoThe BaseI want the base to act as a storage compartment as well as the top half so I added some modular drawers which can store a few other items other than bottles of items and toothbrushes. The bottom of this model was made using Styrofoam which was cut out in the circular shape. This idea was taken from design idea 3, except I moved the top half of the product towards the bottom. This gives it a much more sturdier base in comparison to the original design with the rectangular style. I also want these three items to rotate to reveal different storage compartments, which I can use the Lazy Susan for. The CabinetThis prototype was made using card, it acts as a single storage method with a shelf that opens up towards the user. A curved handle will be placed on the outside of the product to enable more ergonomic support. I would like the cabinet shape to be amorphous to give it more of a contemporary, modern appearance. I used the influence of Dalis melting clocks to help me with this design. As a development, I added little holders on the shelf which will match the diameter of the bottles I want to store in the cabinet. The PillarsThey have been slightly altered in terms of design, rather than having the cylinders longer and one pillar on each end, they have been designed to stand side by side so that they provide more support to the cabinets above. There are also storage holes shown which meets the requirement of storing as many items as possible and using up all of the space. I used the influence of Mondrians design with the rectangles to come up with the design of the storage compartments in this pillar. I constructed it using foam board as it was an easy representation of what my idea will look like.The Spherical CabinetsI decided to use card to construct these pillars and as a simple development to the product, I made them shorter in length and taller in height so that more could be stored. I also added a range of adjustable shelves which will store items. Yet again, I feel as if the aesthetics are more appealing and do not look the same as most other cabinets that appear on the market. The amount of storage available on the shelves is also quite large. However, this model doesnt particularly demonstrate storage methods well or have anything interesting or innovative as they are just standard shelves. The cabinets are also open which means that there isnt any ergonomic improvements to the design which is part of my specification.After looking at all of my designs, I decided to take a few of them forward, and experiment with different elements from each design. After the process, I came up with two ideas which I was then able to model based on my sketches. Model One is a combination of designs 1 and 3. Model Two is a development of design 7.


Design, Development and MakingEvaluation of Ideas

Click to Play

Click to PlayUser FeedbackMy test user for the bathroom cabinet is Amy Bradley. She gave me some feedback based on both of the ideas I produced in a model form. She stated that she preferred my first model in comparison to the second model. She believed that the amorphous cabinet had much more storage room to offer in comparison to the other one, and that it will be much more achievable for me to produce in school. She also stated as a weakness that both of the ideas lack in ergonomic support which is what she would like to see as a development in my further work.

StrengthsWeaknessesThe cabinets on the top are aesthetically innovative.Many more materials will be needed in order to construct it. Rotating cabinets at the top makes it innovative.More materials needed means a higher cost. Not ergonomically suitable, no curved handles, opening functions.The cubular pillars are commonly used, not innovative enough.Makes the items higher, not everyone can reach the cabinets.

StrengthsWeaknessesDemonstrates efficient storage methods in the shelf. No ergonomic information or curved handles shown. Amorphous shape gives it a modern, innovative appearance. Suitable size and height, ideal for all my target audience. Less materials required so much more cost efficient. Rotating cabinets at the bottom have no constraints to construct.

Information, Inspirations: 1th July Strengths/weakness table in existing productsDesign constraints in existing productsInspirations from existing products to incorporate in final designMaterial Information inc. School ConstraintsInfluences: 8th JulyErgonomics/anthropometric informationClient Information/market survey


Design, Development and MakingFurther DevelopmentAfter evaluating both models and listening to the feedback I received from Amy, I decided that my first model is the best idea to take further because of the strengths outweighing the weaknesses massively. Below is some further development carried out into achieving the final product I will be making.

Information, Inspirations: 1th July Strengths/weakness table in existing productsDesign constraints in existing productsInspirations from existing products to incorporate in final designMaterial Information inc. School ConstraintsInfluences: 8th JulyErgonomics/anthropometric informationClient Information/market survey