f5 t1 hsb p1 2010-2011

ASJA BOYS’ COLLEGE CHARLIEVILLE END OF TERM EXAMINATION TERM 1 /FORM 5FK HUMAN AND SOCIAL BIOLOGY December 2010 Paper 01 - General proficiency 75 minutes READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY 1. Candidates MUST attempt ALL questions on this paper 2. There are 60 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 corresponding answers. Choose only ONE answer and shade in the corresponding letter on the answer sheet provided.

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December 2010

Paper 01 - General proficiency

75 minutes

NAME: ________________________________________

DATE: _____________________________ FORM: _____________



1. Candidates MUST attempt ALL questions on this paper

2. There are 60 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 corresponding answers.

Choose only ONE answer and shade in the corresponding letter on the answer sheet


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1. Which activity is essential for all others to take place?

a.excretionb. growth c.movementd. respiration

2. Which of the following lists shows three activities of all living organisms?

a.Movement, decay, synthesisb. Respiration, nutrition,

preservationc.Exercise, irritability, metabolismd. Reproduction, excretion, growth

3. The bush pig which has been observed to feed on a diet of plant roots as well as birds’ eggs, is

a.A herbivoreb. A carnivorec.An omnivored. A detritivore

4. Which of the following is NOT indicated by the direction of arrows in a food chain

a.The direction of energy flowb. The amount of food each animal

eatsc.That plants start every food chaind. The animals that are predators

5. In multicellular organisms, cells become different from one another in order to carry out particular functions. This is called

a.Adaptationb. Selectionc.Specializationd. Evolution

6. Which of the following cell structures are associated with energy transfer?

I ChloroplastII mitochondrionIII nucleusIV cell membrane

a.I and II onlyb. I and III onlyc.II and III onlyd. II and IV only

7. Which of the following processes is responsible for the movement of water out of a plant cell?

a. Filtrationb. Dehydrationc. Osmosisd. Capillarity

8. How does oxygen pass out through the stomata of leaves?

a.Diffusionb. Evaporationc.Osmosisd. Transpiration

9. The oxygen released during the process of photosynthesis comes from the

a.Carbon dioxideb. Waterc.Degraded glucose moleculesd. Air spaces within the leaves

10. A mature plant cell is different from a mature animal cell because it has

a.A large permanent vacuoleb. Mitochondriac.A nucleus in the cytoplasmd. A cell membrane

11. In which of the following cells of a green leaf does photosynthesis occur?


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I PhloemII Palisade mesophyllIII Spongy mesophyllIV Guard cells

a. I, II and III onlyb. I, III and IV onlyc. II and III onlyd. I, II, III and IV

12. Plants give off oxygen in the day because

a.Respiration does not take placeb. Respiration takes place faster

than photosynthesisc.Photosynthesis takes place faster

than respirationd. Transpiration takes place

13. Magnesium is an essential element for

a. The formation of cell walls.b. The formation of chlorophyll.c. The formation of proteins.d. The process of cell division.

14. One of the problems with nutrition for a vegetarian is that

a. Fats and oils are not produced by plants

b. Large quantities of food are needed to supply essential amino acids

c. Vitamins produced by plants are of inferior quality

d. Large quantities of food are needed to supply essential minerals

15. What is the end product of digestion of protein?

a.Amino acidsb. Fatty acidsc.Glucosed. Polypeptides

16. The aveoli of the lungs of a mammal

a.Keep the lungs filled to capacity continuously

b. Serve to increase the absorptive surface of the lungs

c.Are filled with oxygen to keep the lungs in an expanded state

d. Prevent the lungs from collapsing

17. Which of the following would MOST likely occur if enzymes were NOT present in living cells?

a.Slow rate of reactionb. High rate of reactionc.Reaction requiring higher

temperaturesd. No reaction

18. Which of the following foods would MOST likely prevent constipation?

I White breadII CarrotsIII WaterIV Cabbage

a.I and II onlyb. III and IV onlyc.II, III and IV onlyd. I, II, III and IV

Items 19 and 20 refer to the following enzymes found in the human digestive system

a. amylaseb. pepsinc. lipased. trypsin

19. Which enzyme would work best in an acid pH?

20. Which enzyme is concerned with the breakdown of fat?

21. Which equation represents anaerobic respiration?


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a. 6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2 + Energy

b. C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy

c. C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + Energy

d. 6C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy



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22. The following diagrams are being used to demonstrate the action of a model of the human breathing system.

Which diagram correctly indicates what happens during exhalation?

a. b.

c. d.

23. Which feature of alveoli decreases the distance over which oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules diffuse?

a.Each alveolus has a large blood supply.b. Each alveolus is only 0.1-0.2 mm in

diameter.c.There are approximately 150 million

alveoli in each lung.d. The walls of the alveoli are only one

cell thick.

24. Which of the following does NOT occur when an animal breathes out?

a. The pressure in the thorax decreasesb. The diaphragm muscles relaxc. The external intercostals muscles relaxd. The volume of the thorax decreases

25. Which of the following are likely effects of cigarette smoking?

I. Lung cancerII. Inhibition of gaseous exchange

III. AddictionIV. Hallucination

a.I and II onlyb. I, II and III onlyc.II, III and IV onlyd. I, II, III and IV

26. The diagram below shows the location of some major endocrine glands in humans.

The secretion from which of these glands would be associated with preparation of the body for rapid escape from danger?

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27. The diagram shows a section of the heart from the front.

Which blood vessels carry oxygenated blood?

a. 2 only b. 1 and 3c. 4 only d. 3 and 4

28. Which of the following comparisons between arteries and veins is NOT correct?

Arteries Veinsa Valves present Valves absentb Blood flows in

pulsesBlood flows smoothly

c Have thick muscular walls

Have thin walls

d Blood low in CO2

Blood high in CO2

29. The valve between the left atrium and left ventricle is called the

a.pulmonary semi-lunar valveb. aortic semi-lunar valvec.tricuspid valved. bicuspid valve

30. The following diagrams show structures found in the blood. Which structure is phagocytic?

a. b.

c. d.

31. The diagrams show four parts of human blood.

Which parts are involved with the transport of carbon dioxide and which parts with the destruction of bacteria?

Transport of carbon dioxide

Destruction of bacteria

a. 1 and 3 2 and 3b. 1 and 3 2 and 4c. 2 and 4 1 and 4d. 3 and 4 1 and 4

32. What is the function of platelets in wound healing?

a.Breakdown of insoluble threadsb. Conversion of insoluble fibrin to

soluble fibrinogenc.Conversion of soluble fibrinogen to

insoluble fibrind. Creation of soluble threads

33. Which of the following substances reduces blood sugar in the human body?

a.Insulinb. Glycogenc.Glucagond. Adrenaline

34. The ureter carries urine from the

a. Kidney to bladderb. Collecting tubule to the pelvisc. Nephron to the collecting tubuled. Bladder out of the body

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35. Which substances are found in the glomerular filtrate in the kidneys of a mammal?

Glucose Protein Saltsa b c d

36. How is a working kidney dialysis machine similar to a healthy kidney?

a. It takes sugar molecules out of the blood

b. It regulates the concentration of the blood

c. It deaminates amino acids to uread. It removes large molecules form

the blood

37. Which of the following functions are performed by a rib?

I Blood formationII ProtectionIII LocomotionIV Support

a. I and II onlyb. I and IV onlyc. II and III onlyd. I, II and IV only

38. Which organ controls the concentration of sugar in the blood?a. Brainb. Kidneyc. Pancreasd. Stomach

39. The diagram shows a section through human skin

Which two structures help to increase heat loss from the body?

a.1 and 2b. 2 and 3c.3 and 4d. 4 and 5

40. The diagram shows three bones from the forelimb of a mammal.

Between which two parts is a ball and socket joint formed?

a. 1 and 3b. 1 and 5c. 2 and 5d. 3 and 4

41. How does cartilage differ from bone?

a.It contains proteinb. It is alivec.It is flexibled. It is made of calcium salts

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42. A finger that touches a hot object is quickly taken away from the source of heat.

What is the role of relay neurones in this response?

a.To carry nerve impulses within the spinal cord

b. To generate impulses in the receptors of the finger

c.To link the sense organs to the sensory neurons

d. To pass nerve impulses out to the neurones

43. The diagram shows a section of the brain.

In the diagram, which part produces hormones?

44. If an object is thrown towards you, your eyes blink. The receptors and effectors for this reflex action are the

a. Retina and eyelid musclesb. Retina and ciliary

musclesc. Pupil and eyelid musclesd. Pupil and ciliary muscles

45. In a reflex action, after the hand touches a hot object, what is the role of the brain?

Receives information

Initiates the withdrawal response

a. b. c.


46. The diagram show the working of a synapse between two neurones

What do the arrows 1 and 2 represent?

1 2a. Chemic

al transmit


Slow acting hormone

b. Chemical


Chemical transmitter

c. Nerve impulse

Chemical transmitter

d. Nerve impulse

Slow acting hormone

47. The diagram shows a section through the human eye. Where will an image be detected when a person looks at an object?

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48. The eye is sometimes referred to as an effector organ because

a.The pupil constricts in the presence of bright light

b. The rods and cones are stimulated by light

c.Images which fall on the retina are sent to the brain

d. Neurons from the eye lead to the central nervous system

49. What happens to these structures when focussing on an object near the eye?

Ciliary muscles

Suspensory ligaments

a. Contract Tighterb. Contract Looserc. Relax Tighterd. Relax Looser

50. The function of the lymphatic system in the human body is to

a.Bring nutrients back to the bodyb. Carry the tissue fluid out of the bodyc.Remove excess fluid and foreign

material from the tissue spaced. Remove poisonous substances and

other waste materials form the blood

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51. The diagram shows a vertical section of a molar tooth.

Which results in damage at X?

a.Bacteria produce acids which dissolve X.

b. Enzyme activity in saliva makes a hole in X.

c.Bacteria feed on X.d. Sugar produces alkalis which

dissolve X.

52. Four test-tubes, each containing 2 cm³ of starch suspension and 1 cm³ of amylase solution, were treated as shown in the table.

In which test-tube would starch be digested most rapidly?

Test tube


a. Kept at 70 °C

b. 1cm³ of hydrochloric acid added; kept at 45°C

c. Kept at 35°C

d. Contents boiled; 1cm³ of hydrochloric acid added; kept at 45°C

53. Five days after sexual intercourse, a man experiences a burning pain in his penis when passing urine.

A few days later, a yellow discharge was seen coming from his penis. The man was suffering from

a. AIDSb. gonorrhoeac. ringwormd. typhoid

54. How does the female oral contraceptive pill work?

a.It prevents sperm from penetrating the ova

b. It prevents the release of ovac.It stops implantation of the embryod. It denatures enzymes in the sperm

55. A surgical method of birth control involves cutting some of the tubes through which sperm pass.

At which point does the surgeon make the cuts?

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56. The diagram shows the arrangement of blood vessels in the uterus wall and placenta of a pregnant woman.

Which will increase in concentration in the blood as it flows from 1 to 2?

a.Amino acidsb. Carbon dioxidec.Glucosed. Oxygen

57. The diagram shows a section of the female reproductive system with a method of birth control at X.

What is the method of birth control shown and how does it act?

Birth control method Actiona. Cap (diaphragm) Stops implantation

b. Cap (diaphragm) Prevents sperm from entering the uterus

c. Intrauterine device (IUD/loop/coil)

Stops implantation

d. Intrauterine device (IUD/loop/coil)

Prevents sperm from entering the uterus

58. What is an advantage of feeding a baby with bottled milk rather than breast milk?

a.Breast milk contains antibodiesb. It is easier to keep the milk free of

pathogensc.The baby’s intake of food can be

measuredd. The milk is always at the right


59. The diagram shows the female reproductive system.

In which parts are the eggs and the zygote formed respectively?

a. 1 and 2 b. 1 and 3c. 2 and 1 d. 2 and 3

60. The diagram shows part of the male reproductive system and urinary system.

A cut is made at X on both sides of the body and the tubes are sealed. Which process would be prevented?

a. fertilisation b. meiosisc. ovulation d. urination

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END OF EXAM (TOTAL 60 MARKS)If you finish before time is called, check your work on this test.

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