f159 - compliance checklist part m, subpart j (mme) · compliance checklist part m, subpart j...

COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST PART M, Subpart J Survey Ref. No.: CAA Use Only Organisation Name: AOC Number: Address Contact Name: Tel. No.: Email: M.M.E. Reference: Contracted Subpart G Organisation(s) : Contracted Part-145 Organisation (s): Contracted Airworthiness Organisation(s): Compiled by: Reviewed by; (CAA) CAA Use Only Date Form: ALD/AIR/F159 Revision 4 (10.8.17) Page 1 of 10

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Survey Ref. No.:CAA Use Only

Organisation Name: AOC Number:


Contact Name: Tel. No.:Email:

M.M.E. Reference:

Contracted Subpart G Organisation(s) : Contracted Part-145 Organisation(s):

Contracted Airworthiness Organisation(s):

Compiled by: Reviewed by; (CAA)CAA Use Only


Form: ALD/AIR/F159 Revision 4 (10.8.17) Page 1 of 10

Instructions for completion

When completing this document it is important to make a positive statement showing how the subpart G organisation complies with any relevant partof the Subpart G requirement (column 1) by indicating in column (2) the MME or procedure reference, if any part is not relevant then N/A should beinserted in column (3). It should be stated in the comments column (4) why the part is not applicable.

Column (4) should give details of method of compliance.

If additional information is required to demonstrate compliance please use the space below or attach an appropriately referenced continuation sheet.

Where the term ‘The Owner’ is used this also means ‘The Operator’.

Once completed please return this document to the Airworthiness Section of Aeronautical Licensing Directorate, Bahrain CAA.

When an operator subcontracts continuing airworthiness task (s) to another organisation, the task, subcontracted organisation and contract referenceshould be inserted in column (3).

When the Compliance Check List has been completed and accepted by Bahrain CAA a copy should be appended to the M.M.E.

Note: in addition to the Part M Subpart G Regulations and AMC & GM material consideration should be given to any Notice of Proposed Amendment(NPA). Where a NPA has not been finally adopted it is recommended that Bahrain CAA be consulted.

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Subpart J requirement(1)

MME /Proc. Ref.



Comments, Organisation/CAA(4)

CAA use.Satis Y/N


M.A.1001 Scope

This Subpart establishes the requirements to be met by anAOC holder to demonstrate continuation Control of thecontracted management of aircraft it operates.(a) demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this

subpart as part of the AOC for the aircraft it operates;and

(b) contract an M.A. Subpart G approved organisation tomanage the continuing airworthiness; and

(c) control the continuing airworthiness managed by thecontracted M.A. Subpart G organisation.

M.A.1002 ApplicationAn application for issue or variation of an AOC to coveractivities carried out under this subpart shall be made onBCAA form ALD/AIR/F028

M.A.1003 Extent of approval(a) The grant of the M.A. Subpart J approval shall be by an

AOC issued by BCAA, for the aircraft operated.(b) The scope of work deemed to constitute approval shall

be specified in the approved Maintenance ManagementExposition (MME) in accordance with M.A.1004

M.A.1004 Maintenance management exposition

(a) The Maintenance control organisation shall provide acontinuing airworthiness management exposition thefollowing information:

1. A statement signed by the accountable manager toconfirm that the organisation will work in accordancewith this Part and the exposition at all times, and;

2. The organisation’s scope of work, and;

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Subpart J requirement(1)

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Comments, Organisation/CAA(4)

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(5)3. The title(s) and name(s) of person(s) referred to in

M.A.1006(b) (c) and (d);

4. an organisation chart showing the associated chains ofresponsibility between the person(s) referred to inM.A.1006(a, c & d) and M.A.1012(a), and

5. A General description and location of the facilities, and;6. procedures specifying how the M.A. subpart J

organisation ensures compliance with this Part, and7. The maintenance management exposition amendment

procedures.8. the contracted M.A. subpart G organisation and contract

reference;9. the contracted part -145 organisation and contract

reference10. The list of approved aircraft maintenance programmes.

M.A.1005 FacilitiesThe M.A. subpart J organisation shall provide suitable officeaccommodation at appropriate locations for the personnelspecified in M.A. 1006 and M.A.1012.

M.A.1006 Personnel requirements(a) The M.A. subpart J organisation shall appoint an

accountable manager who has corporate authority forensuring that all continuing airworthiness controlactivities can be financed and carried out in accordancewith this Part.

(b) The paragraph (a) accountable manager shall be theperson who also has corporate authority for ensuringthat all the operations of the operator can be financedand carried out to the standard required for the issueand the continued validity of an AOC.

(c) A person or group of persons shall be nominated withthe responsibility of ensuring that the organisation isalways in compliance with this subpart. Such person(s)shall be ultimately responsible to the accountablemanager.

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Subpart J requirement(1)

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Comments, Organisation/CAA(4)

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(5)(d) The accountable manager shall designate a nominated

post holder. This person shall be responsible for themanagement and supervision of continuingairworthiness control activities, pursuant to M.A.1006(c).

(e) The nominated post holder referred to in M.A.1006 (d)shall not be employed by either the M.A. subpart G orthe Part 145 organisation under contract to the M.A.subpart J organisation, unless specifically agreed byBCAA.

(f) The M.A. subpart J organisation shall have sufficientappropriately qualified staff for the expected work.

(g) All paragraph (c) and (d) persons shall be able to showrelevant knowledge, background, and appropriateexperience related to aircraft continuing airworthiness.

(h) The qualification of all personnel involved in continuingairworthiness control shall be recorded

• Account should be taken of AMC M.A.1006(i) The M.A. subpart J organisation shall define and keep

updated in the Maintenance Management Exposition thetitle(s) and name(s) of person(s) referred to in pointsM.A.1006 (a), M.A.1006(c), and M.A.1006(d).

(j) The M.A. subpart J organisation shall establish andcontrol the competence of personnel involved in thecontinuing airworthiness control, and/or quality audits inaccordance with a procedure and to a standard agreedby BCAA.

M.A.1008 Control of Continuing AirworthinessManagement

(a) The M.A. subpart J organisation is responsible for thecontrol of continuing airworthiness management andshall ensure that all continuing airworthinessmanagement is carried out to the requirements of PartM. The organisation shall always maintain the capability,competence and resources to exercise control of thecontract(s).

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Subpart J requirement(1)

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Comments, Organisation/CAA(4)

CAA use.Satis Y/N

(5)(b) When the M.A. subpart J organisation is not

appropriately approved to Part 145, the M.A. subpart Jorganisation shall establish a written maintenancecontract between the M.A. subpart J organisation and aPart 145 approved.

Ensuring that all maintenance is ultimately carried out by aPart 145 organisation and defining the support of the qualityfunctions of M.A.1012(b) and of M.A.712(b) of the contractedM.A. subpart G organisation.The aircraft base, scheduled line maintenance and enginemaintenance contracts, together with all amendments, shallbe approved by BCAA.

However, in the case of:1. An aircraft requiring unscheduled line maintenance, the

contract may be in the form of individual work ordersaddressed to the Part 145 organisation.

2. Component maintenance, including enginemaintenance, the contract as referred to in thisparagraph (b) may be in the form of individual workorders addressed to the ANTR 145 organisation.

M.A.1009 Documentation(a) The M.A. subpart J organisation shall have access to all

applicable current M.A.401 maintenance data, for theperformance of M.A.1008 continuing airworthinessmanagement control in order to fulfil its duties andresponsibilities as defined in M.A.1010 continuingairworthiness management contract.

(b) A timely exchange of relevant information between theM.A. subpart J organisations, the M.A. subpart Gorganisation and, if necessary, the contracted Part 145organisation(s), shall be established in order to providefor effective continuing airworthiness management.The interlink between these parties should beprescribed in the interface procedure manuals.

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Subpart J requirement(1)

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Comments, Organisation/CAA(4)

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M.A.1010 Continuing AirworthinessManagement Contract

(a) The primary objective of the contract is to enable theM.A. Subpart J organisation to ensure that the aircraftfor which they are responsible remain in an airworthycondition.

(b) The written continuing airworthiness managementcontract shall detail all the mutual obligations specifiedunder M.A. subpart G and M.A. subpart J. Thecontinuing airworthiness management contract, togetherwith all amendments, shall be approved by BCAA.

(c) The contract shall ensure that a system of timelycommunication and provision of all M.A.1009documentation between the organisations isestablished.

(d) The contract shall ensure that the operator is advised ofchanges to the contracted M.A. subpart G organisationidentified in M.A.713.

M.A.1011 Privileges of the organisationAn M.A subpart J organisation has, under its AOC certificate,the privilege to contract all continuing airworthinessmanagement to an M.A. subpart G organisation.

M.A.1012 Quality system(a) To ensure that the M.A. subpart J organisation

continues to meet the requirements of this subpart, itshall establish a quality system and designate a qualitymanager to monitor compliance with, and the adequacyof procedures. Compliance monitoring shall include afeedback system to the accountable manager therebyensuring that corrective action is taken as necessary.The quality system shall monitor ANTR M.A. Subpart Jactivities. It shall at least include the following functions:

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Subpart J requirement(1)

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Comments, Organisation/CAA(4)

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(5)1. Monitoring that all ANTR M.A. Subpart J activities are

being performed in accordance with the approvedprocedures and;

2. Monitoring that contracted continuing airworthinessmanagement and contracted maintenance is carried outin accordance with the contract(s).

3. monitoring the continued compliance with therequirements of this Part.

(b) The records of these activities shall be stored for at leasttwo years.

(c) Where the Subpart J organisation is approved inaccordance with another Part, the quality system maybe combined with that required by the other Part.

(d) The quality system according to this subpart shall be anintegrated part of the operator's quality system.

M.A.1013 Changes to the continuingairworthiness control organisation

In order to enable BCAA to determine continued compliancewith this Part, the M.A. subpart J shall notify BCAA of:(a) any change notified to them by the contracted M.A.

subpart G organisation under M.A.713 and;(b) any proposal to carry out any of the following changes in

its organisation, before such changes take place:1. The location of the organisation.2. Additional locations of the organisation.3. The accountable manager.4. Any of the persons specified in M.A.1006 (c & d) and

M.A.1012 (a).5. The facilities, procedures, work scope and staff that

could affect the approval.

M.A.1014 Record-keeping(a) The M.A. subpart J organisation shall record all details

of activities or controls carried out.

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Subpart J requirement(1)

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Comments, Organisation/CAA(4)

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(5)(b) The M.A. subpart J organisation shall ensure that

M.A.305 and M.A.306 records are kept in coordinationwith the contracted M.A. subpart G organisation inaccordance with this Part.The records required by M.A.305 and M.A.306 shall beretained by the M.A. subpart J organisation whenreturned by the contracted M.A. subpart G organisation.

(c) The M.A. subpart J organisation shall retain copies ofthe M.A.1010 contract(s) for a period of at least 24months after the aircraft, engine or component has beenpermanently withdrawn from service or has beentransferred to another operator.

(d) The records shall be stored in a manner that ensuresprotection from damage, alteration and theft.

(e) All computer hardware used to ensure backup shall bestored in a different location from that containing theworking data in an environment that ensures theyremain in good condition.

(f) Where M.A. subpart J organisation terminates itsoperation, all continuing airworthiness records shall betransferred to the owner of the aircraft.

M.A.1015 Continued validity of approval(a) An approval under the AOC shall be valid for twelve (12)

months. It shall remain valid subject to:1. the M.A. subpart J organisation remaining in

compliance with this Part, in accordance with theprovisions related to the handling of findings asspecified under M.B.1005 and;

2. BCAA being granted access to the organisation todetermine continued compliance with this Part, and;

3. The approval not being surrendered or revoked.(b) Upon surrender or revocation, the AOC shall be

returned to BCAA.

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Subpart J requirement(1)

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Comments, Organisation/CAA(4)

CAA use.Satis Y/N


M.A.1016 Findings(a) A level 1 finding is any significant non-compliance with

Part M requirements which lowers the safety standardand hazards seriously the flight safety.

(b) A level 2 finding is any non-compliance with the Part Mrequirements which could lower the safety standard andpossibly hazard the flight safety.

(c) After receipt of notification of findings according toM.B.1005, the holder of the organisation approval shalldefine a corrective action plan and demonstratecorrective action to the satisfaction of BCAA within anagreed period.

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