f1 f2curriculumstatementterm1201415

Curriculum Statement F1 and F2 Term One September 2014

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Curriculum Statement

F1 and F2

Term One September 2014

This term our main topics are titled: The first half of this term, teachers will help the children familiarise themselves with their new learning environment. Settling in the classroom will be the main focus for the first few weeks. This involves establishing classroom rules and routines to facilitate the smooth flow of classroom activities and transitions. Once they are settled in, children will start having activities focusing on getting to know themselves better; their names, parts of their bodies and how to take care of themselves recognising their feelings, likes and dislikes and finally a look at their own families. Key Vocabulary:Key Vocabulary:Key Vocabulary:Key Vocabulary: my name, my body, head, shoulders, knees, toes, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, eyebrows, hair, face, mother, mum, father, dad, brothers, sisters, grandma, grandpa, tidy up, line up, wash hands, softplay room, ELC (Early Learning Centre), playground, library Relevant Books/Authors:Relevant Books/Authors:Relevant Books/Authors:Relevant Books/Authors: Taking Care of My Hands and Feet by Terri DeGezelle, Day At School By Monica Hughes, My First Day At Nursery by Becky Edwards and Anthony Flintoft, Senses Series by Katie Dicker, Brothers and Sisters by Monica Hughes, My Body by Sue Barraclough, Gấu con bị sâu răng, Món quà đặc biệt, Quà tặng mẹ, Cháu ngoan, Đôi dép, Bài hát: Cái mũi, Cả tuần đều ngoan Related Websites/Resources:Related Websites/Resources:Related Websites/Resources:Related Websites/Resources: http://www.kidsgoflash.com/clickable/body.html, , , , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqXX3yyvGI0 , http://socnhi.com/Hang-truyen/detail/4/gau-con-bi-sau-rang.html http://socnhi.com/Hang-truyen/detail/1607/ban-chai-danh-rang.html

Learning about animals is the main theme for the second half of this term. Children will learn about zoo/jungle animals, farm animals and pets. We will also have a closer look at the physical characteristics of some animals, listening and mimicking the sounds they produce and acting out the movements they make. Key Vocabulary:Key Vocabulary:Key Vocabulary:Key Vocabulary: animal, zoo, jungle, farm, pet, lion, tiger, elephant, bird, bear, monkey, snake, cow, chicken, horse, pig, sheep, dog, cat, fish, roar, hiss, stomp, sway, flap, fly, roll, crawl, slither, hop, jump Relevant Books/Authors:Relevant Books/Authors:Relevant Books/Authors:Relevant Books/Authors: Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell; Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Eric Carle; Rumble in the Jungle by Giles Andreae; Old Macdonald Had A Farm; Ong và bướm, Rong và cá, Con voi, Con công, Chú vịt xám, Ba con gấu Related Websites/Resources:Related Websites/Resources:Related Websites/Resources:Related Websites/Resources: http://www.anglomaniacy.pl/animals.htm, http://socnhi.com/Hang-truyen/detail/1581/ba-ba-tim-nha.html, http://socnhi.com/Hang-truyen/detail/51/tri-khon-cua-ta-day.html


Children will be exposed to the English and Vietnamese language on a daily basis through songs, rhymes, stories and conversations. They will be encouraged to use the new words they hear and learn to interact with the people around them. Adults will support them as they try to speak the words/ phrases in English or Vietnamese in expressing what they feel, in negotiating with others, in relaying their needs and in responding to simple instructions and questions. There will also be opportunities during Circle Time and play where children are encouraged to share and talk about the activities they are involved in to practise correct pronunciation and sentence construction.

How you can support at home:How you can support at home:How you can support at home:How you can support at home: You can help your child by showing interest in the words he/she uses when communicating and describing experiences. Use the new words they learnt in school at home for reinforcement. Read the weekly class newsletter to stay updated with the topics and stories and take time to ask your child about them. When talking with them, remember to give children time to think, wait for them to put into words what they want to say and refrain from finishing or even saying the sentence for them. Challenge them in simple naming games such as “I Spy”, engage in pretend play and above all, take time to talk with them everyday.

Relatedwebsites/resources:Relatedwebsites/resources:Relatedwebsites/resources:Relatedwebsites/resources: Going to Nursery by Catherine and Laurence Anholt, My First School Day by Eve Marleau, Đồng dao http://pbskids.org/curiousgeorge/games/cows_dont_quack/cows_dont_quack.html http://socnhi.com/Hang-truyen.html


This term our emphasis is on children developing a sense of self as an individual. We will focus on letting each child be aware of their uniqueness—their needs, views and feelings in a fresh learning environment. Children will be provided with new experiences that will improve their confidence in trying unfamiliar activities and in interacting with the new people around them. Rules and routines will be established and practised daily to let children understand the importance of tidying up, looking after one another, sharing resources and taking turns. Most especially, the adults will encourage the children through a lot of exciting activities to help them explore their new surroundings with great pleasure and confidence.

How you can support at home:How you can support at home:How you can support at home:How you can support at home: It would be very helpful if parents encourage and allow their children to choose things for themselves like what food to eat, which toys to play with or which clothes to wear. This is a great way for children to express their likes and dislikes. At home, give them simple chores like pouring water or tidying up their playroom to promote independence. Please give them time when they are trying to attend to their personal hygiene. Practising how to button, tie, lace, buckle, zip, put on shoes, socks, trousers, skirts and shirts will be a great help too! Related websites/resources:Related websites/resources:Related websites/resources:Related websites/resources: http://kidshealth.org/parent/emotions/feelings/confidence.html http://www.parentingme.com/selfhelp.htm


This term children will be engaged in a lot of activities that will develop their gross motor and fine motor skills. This involves exploring different ways of moving such as walking, running, crawling and jumping. Improving eye and hand coordination through threading beads, exploring with play dough and using mark making tools such as paintbrushes and markers. Adults will also help children recognize the changes that happen to their bodies when they are active and playing. Most importantly, we will provide children with movement games that will allow them to move with confidence; showing awareness of available space, whilst understanding the need for safety.

How you can support at home:How you can support at home:How you can support at home:How you can support at home: Use movement vocabulary at home such as running, crawling, walking, tiptoeing, etc. Give your child

enough time for active play and for rest. Encourage and support your child when he/she tries to do things

independently such as pulling up their pants after using the toilet or doing up zips and buttons.

Relatedwebsites/resources:Relatedwebsites/resources:Relatedwebsites/resources:Relatedwebsites/resources: http://familyfitness.about.com/od/preschoolers/a/grossmotorskill.htm


Children will be engaged in a variety of sorting and matching activities focusing on colours,

shapes and animals. They will also be provided with activities that involve creating different

arrangements of the objects and toys around them. Problem solving skills will also be developed

in activities such as fitting shapes successfully into spaces on inset boards and completing simple

puzzles. Discussing the timetable at the beginning of the day will help children become aware of

time, sequence and pattern. Counting will also be a feature of our everyday activities, from

counting who is in school to singing and reciting counting songs and rhymes.

How you can support at home:How you can support at home:How you can support at home:How you can support at home:

Parents can support children at home by singing songs and reading stories related to colours,

shapes, sizes and numbers with their child. People at home can also try to be descriptive with

size, weight and capacity and make sure to be consistent with the vocabulary being used.

Related websites/resources:Related websites/resources:Related websites/resources:Related websites/resources:

http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/preschool/preschool.htm, http://pbskids.org/curiousgeorge/games/mix_and_paint/mix_and_paint.html


Children will be provided with a wide range of reading materials such as picture books, touch and feel books and flip flap books. Part of our daily routine is reading stories which will help them develop the love for reading at an early age. Children will also be exposed to different nursery rhymes and songs with repetitive phrases which they can sing and dance to. They will be also be encouraged to try different mark-making tools to develop the fine motor skills necessary for writing.

How you can support at home:How you can support at home:How you can support at home:How you can support at home:

Read with your child before bedtime. Children borrow library books from school weekly, and parents are encouraged to read and share the books with them. By doing this, you are already modelling the proper way of handling a book, turning pages and pronouncing words. Have a “Reading Corner” at home filled with variety of books, puppets and props.

Related websites/resources:Related websites/resources:Related websites/resources:Related websites/resources:

http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/stories/ , http://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/home/reading-owl/find-a-book/library-page?view=&agegroup=1&book=all&booktype=all&series=all#

We do hope that the above information will be useful for you when supporting your child’s

homework and discussing his/her learning. Should you have any further questions please contact

your child’s class teacher.


Children will experience working with a variety of mark making tools such as pencils, markers,

paint, chalk, etc. as they experiment with colours and marks. They will also be exposed to a wide

range of materials and natural resources on a daily basis through role play and various crafts.

Adults will encourage the children to explore and experiment with these tools and materials

through their senses. They will be also encouraged to express themselves through other creative

forms such as dancing, singing and playing musical instruments.

How you can support at home:How you can support at home:How you can support at home:How you can support at home:

Parents could sing and dance to familiar nursery rhymes with their child. Provide an “art kit” for your child that has scissors, glue, crayons, paint, etc. that he/she could easily access everyday. Encourage messy play. Praise wholeheartedly any artwork made by your child and help them see it as something that is special and valuable.

Related websites/resources:Related websites/resources:Related websites/resources:Related websites/resources:

http://www.poissonrouge.com/piano/, http://www.poissonrouge.com/paint/ http://www.poissonrouge.com/spin/, http://www.kidsgoflash.com/games/xylophone.html http://socnhi.com/Cong-vien-game/detail/322/Chuyen-gia-trang-diem.html


As we focus on self awareness this term, children will be exposed to a variety of pictures, objects

and places that are of great value to them. They will be given opportunity to share photographs

from home with their families and friends, their favourite toy or a picture of a well loved place. To

emphasise their similarities and differences from one another, we will read relevant story books,

discuss weekend stories with the class and talk about the country they came from. Children will

be encouraged to explore the outdoor and natural world by using their senses and talk about the

features they notice. Toys will be also available for exploration by pushing, pulling or pressing

buttons. The use of the Interactive White Board in class will also be introduced.

How you can support at home:How you can support at home:How you can support at home:How you can support at home:

At home, talk to your child about special events like birthdays. Show pictures of recent family

trips and ask them to describe how they felt during that time. Take your child to parks and

outdoor recreation areas, allow them to observe and touch their surroundings. Let your child

explore with simple tools, play instruments and operate radios/ CD players at home.

Related websites/resources:Related websites/resources:Related websites/resources:Related websites/resources: http://www.poissonrouge.com/piano/,


