*f x proctor' jhimi 18/yonkers ny statesman/yonk… · days after audi certificate is issued,...

I afcfc* *fX' * * ""K * YONKERS STATESMAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1916, a* I / REAL ESM BROKERS. [Continued From Page Two.J . i i 1. D 11 & CO., 34 lain Street BUY YOWt FURHn U K , RUGS AND CARPETS CAREFULLY Because it will be an Jnspuitant part of your borne, for year* to come. For going on half a century we have been specialising on Furniture, Carpets and Rugs, made by the best 4 houses in America, and our displays are exceptional; you'll be delighted with the beauty of our goods, and, owing to our moderate expense of doing business, you win find our prices much lower than in New York City. MtSeTIOM MILTON GOJUOKIHl A I4IM, Lt8T Or HTANDAKU VAl DKVIM.K ACT* Thursday Friday Saturday TOBY COLLINS AMI THE ZARA SISTERS lu Their Hl(hly-Mu<vr«*fnl CWIIMIJ \.>»t-ll> la Thiwi Hprvlal Mr****, Ratified A DAY AT HIRAM'S Or ITS IN A COVHTB1E HTO«K. WILLE. MISSEM And HIH Inmptut In the ("iimleal Novell} WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE HATS? rratarisnr BotmrrMf Throwins With Hat*. TOWN X)HNNY tor encounter Between MXM BICKNELL and G1BNEY A Htage Door Knionntcr Between VKTHI K M.VKs K VI I'll KOHKKT KITH COOPER, WOOD * COOPER Vocalist*. Comedian* and lastraaaentalint*. BILLY B. BARR KOKG HIT* OF T H B WAV. THE LUNATIC DARKIES l»KRI»KTI AI. MOTION UIM40VKHKD BY MILLER and STATZER VARIETY IN PHOTOPLAYS "Jerri* in the Vfo»le«." "A Mnnllartum Scramble." "He Thoii,ht HP Weal Too Far." SWMT-TNE IhTERNATlONftL STMt NANCE O'NEILL Kmtrreas of ttnrni) ffmatlon. In a Tornado of Roal-Hflrrini Power A WOMAN'S PAST WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY. BILLIE BURKE IN 'PEGGY' Swset, dainty BUrie Burkf. the famous Broadway star, in motion pictures. _ _ Iter beauty end charms a»v magni- fied on the screen. Tots cannot help but lore her an you watch htr grace- ful movements and pleating ways in i this dehg.ht ful picture. Performances at I.*I^ 3:13, 5:15, 7:15, 9 aharp, SATURDAY. NAN MURDOCKin -CAPTAIN JINKS" •SE5BBE We Offer Bond and Wortjrafe *<mey in a^roved sectiois of Westchester County AT 5% 4. HX4I(SIB9TCB( 0 DUphOf Unr a N«MrT<uoc QIIA^MTY (* street, town and county where the. business is to be conducted. \ Fourth. The business or occupation en- gaged in by the applicant, or by each mem- ber of » lhin, or entfh ottieer or director of a corporation, for at lea»t two year* iaiiue- iliately preceding the date of application. Fifth Kudi application shall be socom panted by the atlidav.it» of at leant two re- putable residents, of the saate city, village or town as the applicant, to the effect that th«- person aigninjr the application is worthy and qualified to act as a real estate broker, or if the said applicant presents proof of his inability to procure such affidavits, ttm applicant shall ffive such information as the Board may require of applicants to enable it to determine their truatworthiness and competency to transact a real eetage broker- age business in such manner as to aafe- r.'tiard the interests of the publU'. An appU- eat'ion for a rent estate broker's eertiooaAo must b<' signed and verified by the appli- cant, ami if made by a firm by each member thereof. Sec. 465. Supplemental certificate. A per- son, firm or corporation to whom a general certificate shall have been issued as pro- vided in Section 44B by the Board under 1 !iis article may at any 4-ime make an ap- plication to the Board for t lie 'issuance of a supplemental certificate authorizing addi- tional officers or directors of the corpora- tion or MM-nsbers of the firm and persons em- ployed as agents or solicitors of said person, linn o r corporation, to act as real estate brokers and the Board may thereupon issue to «u<1i corporation or tirm a supplemental certificate accordingly upon the payment of an additional fee of $£ for each person* member or oftioer or director (thereof autho- rized to act as a real estate broker, which supplemental certificate shall become invalid should such officer, director, member, agent or solicitor sever his connection with such firm, corporation or person, as the case may be, holding the general certiflcwte. Notice of -iieh action shall be given the Board within *J0 days of tlic date sttch4>fftcer, direc- tor, member, agent or solicitor, severs iliis connection with such person, firm or cor- poration. See. 4M. issuance of certificate. Each certificate shall be issued <to tlue applicant in rfnpbeate. One copy shall be kept by the applicant and* the other "shall, within 30 days after audi certificate is issued, be died by him in the office of the County Clerk in tihe county in which is located the place of business specified in the certificate. •Sec. 4«7. Reslfrnatkm of apprentices* A lejrwtered person, firm or corporation, to whom a certificate has been issued here- tofore provided, shall be permitted to reg»- ter an apprentice, upon the payment of a registration fee of $1, providing suoh person, firm or corporation assume responsibility for bis acts, and further tluvt a supplemental certificate must be secured by the broker for such apprentice, after such appreatjjc<* shall have effected Jus first sale or tmns-, action. 8ec. 468. Certificate to be displayed. No certificate shall designate more than one place of businesfi or office, and no person, firm or corporation slmll transact or solicit bnsinc'** under any other name or from any other office or place of business than that named irt.the cert'iflewte; but a person, firm ar corporation lawfully holding a certificate under this article and desiring to do busi- ness at more than one office or place of business, *hall be entitled to an additional certificate specifying the place for which it is issued; for css4i such additional office or place of buaiwss upon payment to the l>oard of a fee of t l . The certificate snail Isi prominently displayed in the brott«*r'* place of business HS specified in the cestui- eate, and a change of address shall cancel the ciTtiHcate, but a new curtUieate shall be is. sued for the new address upon payment of 30 cents and the return* of obi certificate. Sec. 409. Expiration of certificate. Every real estate brokers certificate shall eJ^dre on tiic 30th day of June next following date of issue, but if the application for the re- newal of any cent i Ilea t« slrall liave been ftltsd wit* lb*) Koartl «'uly 1 of any year, the cer- tificate shall cuntuiue in full force and ef feet until the issuance by th« Board of Utf new ccrtatleate applied for or untdl five days after the Board shall have refused to iasue sudi new certificate and shall hnvo nefve«l notice of such refusal on the appHaant therefor. Service of such notice may be made either personally or by mail, and if by mail shall Is- deemed cxuoplete, if su<*h notice is deposited in the Post Office, prjat rile prepsvid. directed to the applicant at the pla**e of businysa ppenifled in tbo application. Sec. 470. Revocation of certificate. tTbe Board shall receive, consider and invasti gate all complaints made by a regim ered real estate broker, or other person again*', any person, firm or corporation engaged in the real eatate brokerage bnaineaa, whether registered or not rtgistercd. If such person, firm or corporation, so complained of shall not be a registered broker, then the Com- mission jdiall anna* anek person, firm or tor poration t o be praawutsd under 1crm<* of this act. If said person, firm or corporation is a registered broker under than act, a **»• tificate isaued under this article skall bc>ra- roke.1 or renewal thereof refused by the Board, if after due Investigation and a hearing either before i t «r before »ny mem her of the Board or before any duly ««»h«> 1 -i*ed officer or employe designated by it. whose report the Board may adopt, the Bomrd determines that the balder of amoh nertufl cats (11 lias made a material miaatatesawni in Hie application for »ueh certtncsbF: of lli ha« been «nrilty «rf frandntent prae- tioe«: or Cli baa demonstrated his ineowi peicwey or nn\fftrthlne«« to trantart thi r«a| ettate brokerage bnasneaa by reaaswi «f anything done or omitted in o? about said business, or f4i has violated any provision of thi* article Every snoh coraplaint abaft .individual, Arm or corporation who*- oertifi- I eat* is so revoked, nor any firm of wbich said individual is a member, nor any cor potation of whiek be is an otfieer or director shall be entitled to any certificate under this .111 icle for a period of one year after such revocation, or, if such revocaiiuu be re- viewed by eertaorari proceedu|{s, for one year alter tbo final determination tbereof allirming tbe action of the Board in rovok- ing sack osntitteato. If any such certificate held by a person, firm or corporation be so revoked, no member of the firm, or officer or director of tbe corporation shall be entitled to such certificate for the same period of time, itSbe Board determine ami find that such metahar or officer or director was per- sonally at fault in the matter on account ef which tbe certificate waa revoked. Tbe Board shall have the power to subpena. and bring before it any person within tbe &tato for the purpose, of it a investigation, and to pay thsir traveling expenses out of tbe re- ceipts from the registration net, or take their testimony by disposition in the same manner as prescribed by law in judicial pro- cedure in the Courts of the State. Sec. 471. Notice of rejection of application or revocation of certificate. If an applica- tion for a certificate under this article be- rejected, or such certificate be revoked by th<> Board, notice thereof shall forthwith be served on the applicant or on tire holder of such certificate, cither personally or by mail, and if by mail, such notice ahull be com- plete wben deposited in the Post Office, postage prepaid, directed to the applicant or <ti\e holder of such certificate, as the case may be, at the place' of business specified in the application for the certificate. In ease of rejection of an original or renewal application the feo sliall be returned with notice as specified above. Sec, 472. Review by certiorari. The action of the Board in granting, refusing or. re- voking any certificate shall be subject to re- view by writ of certiorari at the instance of any penson aggrieved, and if any broker shall apply for such writ, the certificate shall re- main in full force and effect for all pur- poses including the riybt to renewal until the final determination of such proceedings, providing said proceedinga are prosecuted witb due diligence. Sec. 473. Disposition of fees. Money de- rived from fees collected under this article shall be paid by the Secretary of State into the State Treasury, pursuant to the State Finance Law. Sec. 474. Prohibited from paying com- mission. No registered broker or appren- tice shall pay either directly or indirectly any commission, brokerage or- other valu- able consideration or thing on account of any service or act as a broker for real es- tate located in th e State of New York *o any person not duly registered as a real estate broker as lierein provided. Sec. 473. Violation of article. Any person who acts as a real estate broker without being regie-tcTed «« required by this article or wbo violates any other provision thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and in ad- dition liable to a penalty of not loss than the compensation, comnwisdon or profit re- ceived, nor more than four times such com- mission, compensation or profit as may be determined by <the Court. Fines and penal- ties collected under this act snail be paid into the State Treasury. Sec. 47fl. Effect of invalid provision. Should the Courts of tins State doelare any provision of this article uacongtitutional or unauthorized or in conflict with any otber section or provision of tluU article, then Midi decision shall affect only the section or provision tk> declared to be unconstitutional or unauthorized, and shall not affect any other section or patt of this article. Sec. S. The sum of $J0,0Ot>, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby ap- propriated out of any moneys in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated' for •arrying out the provision of Article, 14 of the Real Property Law, as added by this act, including salaries, compensation and expenses, to be paid out by the State Trea- tarer on the warrant and subject to the audit of the Comptroller on vouchers ap- proved by the Secretary of State after cer- tification by the chairman of the Board es- tablished by such article. Sec. 4. Thbt act shall take effect hnme diatety. _— J*. PROCTOR'S PALACE MT YONKERS HIGHEST TYPE VftUDEVILLE < m FEATURE PHOTO PUTS < CHASWU HON. * THI KS. ) IHINI.LU DAILY ) MAT. 2:15 f co " B ANY T mE * NT,E ' *««• 1 lrvir Q.IC l f A 1 ' * • • * • » IrOR lOSPLKTK PRU1.RVM. J EVfc. 0:15 [ Reserved Seats Ready to April. Phone 5462. THIHK.. FM. aa U HAT. Jo*. E. Bernard Sc Co. Present the < ornrily Playlet "Who Is She?* Claude Golden Anattalian Card Manipulator. Emil Mendelsohn Anaerlea's Master Pianist. U Velde Trio i'«mc<ly Variety Halt, Fun in the Park. r »» Lane & Harper t'aaiedy Kkit. 'The Man and the Manicure." TODAY AT 3:45 * B:t5 P. M. Alice Brady and Holbrook Blynn In the lMtotoilraaiatlt; Triumph ef Their Careen "The Ballet Girl" THI KSII \Y AT 1:43 ft vi4S P. M. Marguerite Leslie —4n— "The Question" A tONVlNClJUi AMI TSWU.L- IKG HPKCTACILAB DRAMA . Windsor Trio In a Novel tktnc ft Danee Offering. Sylphide Sisters Data** FRIDAY AT S:45 ft 0:49 P. M. Jeanne Iver —la— "One Day" llll. UOKT HKAITIH I I.OVE ftOMANCK KVKK HBITTKN SATt KDAY AT 3-.4A ft 8:15 P. M. .Kitty Gordon "As In a Looking Glass" SI MIAV AT 3:4C ft 9:45 P . M. Charles Cherry WARBURTON JHimi E »?»»«' II ALL THIS WEEK *•**-• 0»IO MATINKK TOMORROW II *.*0 The Yonkers Stock Players PWttnwtvT TRIAL NEXT WEEK . . Vlrmlala Itaraea'a Kanaoas Stteeaao "THE WOMAN HE MARRIED" —4n « Man and His Angel" MO.V. Tl E(*. AT 8:45 ft 9:48 P. M. Theda Bara —In— "The Serpent Box Ortl... Open 9 A. M. to Clowe of Perfomaanee. lOr tn ^Uar Hubacrtptian I.Ui Maintained, smottina Eatresol (NighU). I W lo *#WC pi,.^,,,, prelude cf Movel Vttm Triumphs. Doora Opem at 1 aud 7 P. M. sharp. MATINEES—1,500 SEATS—10c ana 15c EVENINGS—1,500 SEATS—15c and 25c 10' -- in the SPECIAL! AFTERNOON 0 ^! 0 ( OBITUARY. OR TONIGHT'S PROGRAM. Photoplays at the Hamilton Theater. . "(hi Trial'' at the Warhurton Theater. Klci lion of officers of Yonkers l/odge of Elks. Basketry class at Woman's lustitute. at 7:30. r Photoplays and vaudeville at tbe Orpheum Theater. _ -•• " Mid weak prayer wrrtees In many of the t.-hurches. Vaudeville and moviBg-pktures at tbo Proctor Palace. Social of Kin ii'dii Lodge, ladies' auxiliary of tlve i). O. H. Asb Wednesday servkes in most of the Catholic Churches. Prayer and sermon at St. John'a EpU- ccpal Church, at S. Litany, penitential office and aermon at Christ Church, at ». Congregational meeting at tbe Park Hill Keiormeil Chureh; election. Prayer, penitential office and sermon at H, Paula K»4aeoDal Clmn-h, at 8. Kenten serviee at St. John's Evangelical Lulhersn Church, 44 Ifixlaon street, at *. Patriot ie program by foreigners at Even- ing 'High Seh<»l: fidilre«a by T). .). Csahin, t'ounty Clerk. Action on Rev. Ih-. Ralston'a renignntiou b} tlie congregation of Warhurton Avenue BtptUt Chorea. 'Sermon In Mt. Andrew'. Memorial Chnrdi b) Rer. Eliot White. Episcopal ( haplain at Kllia lalsnd. at S. Quick Heat When You Want It May save your family a had cold. Grl a fiaa Heater. . WILLIAM T. GREGG. William Theodore ,f»rcgg dacd from pneu- moafa, at hi« home, 44 Warburton avenue, •today. Mr. Cn'gg was born in Brooklyn, H. Y., in l)Ci<», and had lived in Yonkers for 25 years. For a long time he was connected with his father, William T. Oregg, dn the telescope and optical goods business. Later he was iii the real estate and insurance bUK! ncs>i. Mr. Cregg wa» one of the organizers of the old Brooklyn Republican Cbib. He was ft vefterH'h Of the 23rd Regiment in Brooklyn, and wa< a member of WL John's Episcopal Church in thi;* city. , • -^ i __ He is ton vrv<*l by bis wife, whose niaklen nauie wns Katherine Variatt, and tftrae »'»- t-.-rs- Mnss Mary T. <«reijpg of* Seattle. Wn., Mr-. .). Brows of PlaiutieW, X. J., ami Mrs. Theodore Jsbine of Yonkers. The funeral will be held Friday^ JjiicA. UHBM.--fiuadenty, Tuesday. LOITISK A. DEEN, . Marcli 7. lt»l«. , wife of .tunica lliiwuril Decu. . Funeral aervkes nt the Central liethedlst Church. Morris street, Friday afternoon, at :i::» o'efock. UUE4KI.—In thi.* city. We*ne«Us.v WIL1JAM TilEOrXlKE MRS. J. HOWARD DEEN. Mrs. I. Howard Deen died in St. John's Riverside llospitiil yesterday afternoon, as the result of lniratt sustained when her dress eaujeht "re at her home yesterday moriuiig.. . She wa> lairn in this city ui 1H«7, and itUcnded Uic public sdioola. She was mar- ried "m IKlt.'). She vrns a member of the Central Metho. iii..! ( hurch and of the Bethlehem Circle of Ring's IbMsghters•. fo r 'M ymm she Bang in the ehoir ef that t'hurch. Her maiden name was Louise A. Word- n She iiv(Survived by her husband and a son, ItnaacU Hayes Dceu; by an uncle, Clarence Worden, of South NoTWatk, Conn,; by three crtusina, tieorge Barrett of this city. Mabel harrett »f Bridgeport, Conn., and Harry Worden of t alifornin. The funefnl will be held Friday after- noon, at the Chureh. Btrrtal will be in St. John's Cemetery. he ia writing, dnly signed and sworn to be fore any person authorised to administer In lt> years Barry, one <* the dog* of in thi» State. by the parson aggrieve.1 I the *r Bernard bnapiee. Ha. saved no less —»-»—-• » —a-*- U a w W. Ilhaii 4" Urw, TO PRESERVE COT FLOWERS Cut flowers will keep frCsh many days if thnir sterna b*. snaerted in a mixture of charcoal and sand. a> / The Statesman Almanac For Today. Signal,Service Bureau, Washington* D. (., March ».- The itulicntiomv for Yortkera and vicinity are snow or rain tonight; colder to. morrow, and probably fast*. Tessneratarat 8 ft. M. 1® A. M. »2 >•. •Ml Msast Hon rlaea at ....... «:l t»| gun ssta at.. fttOA. mom Sara ,.©jia (gun seta at iTI»h TVie: KamlrHook 10tS7 t Gov Island ...... lnao Yonkers ...lfcflfr t»tartKa Sleet In Ihr uuiralMK. OAKLAND CEMETERY A1MBURTOM A V I . AND WAkMUT ST. «» OFfFOtt ROOM », HOLLAND BUILDING, on Aeanun, N, T. „.. A . March 8, IMC. WILLIAM TilEOrXIKE <HtE4ML r'uuernl servk-es ut his lots rnstdenee. 44* Warburton avenue, Friday afternoon, at S o'clock. HILL.—At Bronxdale, New York City. Murcu 7, 191(i, KMHIIHK HILL, la bis 88th year. Fnrieral services st hts late residence, Brenz- dale avenue, March 9, at 8 p. in. Interment, Woodlawn. MKEKKIL—March IS, lftl*!, LESLIK UOWAIU) MJEEKKU. a«ed 'IS yesrH. Funeral services will be tiehl at the resklen.-c of his slater, Mrs. rtiten<-er J. Sutherland, ICJ Bruce avenue, Thursday morutna;, at »)::!0 o clock. Interment, Woodlawn Cemetery. UKKVES.— lu this city. Mowlay. March 0, F.tlli. JANBTTK STEWART UIlEVES, wife of Stewart Beeves, ajtatl :i8 yetirs. Fnueral sen-Ices ut. the residence i»r her slater. Mrs. .Inhu Battersby, 104 NepiierbMn avenue, Wednesday evening, ut 7 :**• o'clock. STIMPHON. Bill of n tkls . I «, MAKY ROB HeorRe *'. Stttnpsoti la city, INSdN ST IMP IV. Man SON, W Idow Funeral services at the residence of her daugh- ter, Mrs. William E. Yerks. 518 Honth Bread- way, Thursday tirteriumn, at. - .* o'clock. Iiiteriiicnt, Mount Ilofie Cemetery. » Peter H. Havcy & Sons Undertakers Automobile Hearses and High-Grade Limousines fof Funerals Funeral at 78 North Broadway Lady Embalmers Telephone 2700 Yonkers BELL Ac OAPr (Inc.) N. Undertaken p FUNERAL CHAPEL 75 anil 77 South Broadway TELEFHOM 3TSS U^FjBtMUMt "A woman must know her corset before she attempts to wear it » mi CO Do you know your purchase) The reputation of a corset should weigh with you in its selection. On it depends your appear- ance, your comfort; yes, even your health. Select it for its lines and its fit—its line must be fashionable and its fitting comfortable. Redfern Corsets have a reputation for style, com- fort and service. Intimate connection with fashion rulers enable us to produce designs—Lace Back and Lace Front—accurately adapted for the modes of dress. These designs are then worked out with choice mate- rials to stand the strain of active wear. We would be pleased to fit you to a Redfern model or help you select the one most adapted to your figure. to $10 E. H. TIMM 14^North Broadway M M , mmm* mmmmmmm+mtm Women Who Would Leap This Year Should Be Well Shod No other article of dress it to important to a woman's appearance at her shoe—and no other dealer in Yonkers it to well prepared to fit her foot and her taste as REED. If you don't know REED'S SHOE STORE-but pshaw! that can't be. Come in and tee ut at usual; we have more net aa good at the ones you arc wearing. Agency famous Sorotit Shoot for Women, acknowledged by women who know to be the best looking, best wearing and best valuet in footwear. ,i THE LEADING SHOE STORE. REED'S 13 NORTH BROADWAY Exchange War* Eat Caah. SUTTIATION* OBTAINBD tseonnt RtatMBua are worth having. If tba bnatwaa man tad laio tbe am iln ITewi ia Lfn Ua* is rotwn tun^Y in Tb* Wsata «f ft* Me*te ataka Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: *f X PROCTOR' JHimi 18/Yonkers NY Statesman/Yonk… · days after audi certificate is issued, be died by him in the office of the County Clerk in tihe county in which is located the

I afc fc*



I /

REAL E S M BROKERS. [Continued From Page Two.J


i i

1 . D11 & CO., 34 l a i n Street BUY YOWt FURHn U K , RUGS AND CARPETS CAREFULLY

Because it will be an Jnspuitant part of your borne, for year* to come.

For going on half a century we have been specialising on Furniture, Carpets and Rugs, made by the best

4 houses in America, and our displays are exceptional; you'll be delighted with the beauty of our goods, and, owing to our moderate expense of doing business, you win find our prices much lower than in New York City. •

• M t S e T I O M M I L T O N G O J U O K I H l


Thursday Friday Saturday


ZARA SISTERS lu Their Hl(hly-Mu<vr«*fnl CWIIMIJ \.>»t-ll>

la Thiwi Hprvlal Mr****, Ratified


WILLE. MISSEM And HIH Inmptut In the ("iimleal Novell}


rratarisnr BotmrrMf Throwins With Hat*.

TOWN X)HNNY tor encounter Between



A Htage Door Knionntcr Between VKTHI K M.VKs


COOPER, WOOD * COOPER Vocalist*. Comedian* and lastraaaentalint*.




VARIETY IN PHOTOPLAYS "Jerri* in the Vfo»le«." "A Mnnllartum Scramble." "He Thoii,ht HP Weal Too Far."


Kmtrreas of ttnrni) ffmatlon. In a Tornado of Roal-Hflrrini Power




'PEGGY' Swset, dainty BUrie Burkf. the

famous Broadway star, in motion pictures. _ _

Iter beauty end charms a»v magni­fied on the screen. Tots cannot help but lore her an you watch htr grace­ful movements and pleating ways in

i this dehg.ht ful picture.

Performances at I .*I^ 3:13, 5:15, 7:15, 9 aharp,




We Offer Bond and Wortjrafe *<mey in a^roved sectiois of Westchester County


5% 4. HX4 I (S IB9TCB( 0 DUphOf

Unr a N«MrT<uoc QIIA^MTY (*

street, town and county where the. business i s to be conducted.

\ Fourth. The business or occupation en-gaged in by the applicant, or by each mem­ber of » lhin, or entfh ottieer or director of a corporation, for at lea»t two year* iaiiue-iliately preceding the date of application.

Fifth Kudi application shall be socom panted by the atlidav.it» of at leant two re­putable residents, of the saate city, village or town as the applicant, to the effect that th«- person aigninjr the application is worthy and qualified to act as a real estate broker, or if the said applicant presents proof of his inability to procure such affidavits, ttm applicant shall ffive such information as the Board may require of applicants to enable it to determine their truatworthiness and competency to transact a real eetage broker-age business in such manner as to aafe-r.'tiard the interests of the publU'. An appU-eat'ion for a rent estate broker's eertiooaAo must b<' signed and verified by the appli­cant, ami if made by a firm by each member thereof.

Sec. 465. Supplemental certificate. A per­son, firm or corporation to whom a general certificate shall have been issued as pro­vided in Section 44B by the Board under 1 !iis article may a t any 4-ime make an ap­plication to the Board for t lie 'issuance of a supplemental certificate authorizing addi­tional officers or directors of the corpora­tion or MM-nsbers of the firm and persons em­ployed as agents or solicitors of said person, linn o r corporation, to act as real estate brokers and the Board may thereupon issue to «u<1i corporation or tirm a supplemental certificate accordingly upon the payment of an additional fee of $£ for each person* member or oftioer or director (thereof autho­rized to act as a real estate broker, which supplemental certificate shall become invalid should such officer, director, member, agent or solicitor sever his connection with such firm, corporation or person, as the case may be, holding the general certiflcwte. Notice of -iieh action shall be given the Board within *J0 days of tlic date sttch4>fftcer, direc­tor, member, agent or solicitor, severs iliis connection with such person, firm or cor­poration.

See. 4M. issuance of certificate. Each certificate shall be issued <to tlue applicant in rfnpbeate. One copy shall be kept by the applicant and* the other "shall, within 30 days after audi certificate is issued, be died by him in the office of the County Clerk in tihe county in which is located the place of business specified in the certificate.

•Sec. 4«7. Reslfrnatkm of apprentices* A lejrwtered person, firm or corporation, to whom a certificate has been issued a« here­tofore provided, shall be permitted to reg»-ter an apprentice, upon the payment of a registration fee of $1, providing suoh person, firm or corporation assume responsibility for bis acts, and further tluvt a supplemental certificate must be secured by the broker for such apprentice, after such appreatjjc<* shall have effected Jus first sale or tmns-, action.

8ec. 468. Certificate to be displayed. No certificate shall designate more than • one place of businesfi or office, and no person, firm or corporation slmll transact or solicit bnsinc'** under any other name or from any other office or place of business than that named irt.the cert'iflewte; but a person, firm ar corporation lawfully holding a certificate under this article and desiring to do busi­ness at more than one office or place of business, *hall be entitled to an additional certificate specifying the place for which it is issued; for css4i such additional office or place of buaiwss upon payment to the l>oard of a fee of t l . The certificate snail Isi prominently displayed in the brott«*r'* place of business HS specified in the cestui-eate, and a change of address shall cancel the ciTtiHcate, but a new curtUieate shall be is. sued for the new address upon payment of 30 cents and the return* of obi certificate.

Sec. 409. Expiration of certificate. Every real estate brokers certificate shall eJ^dre on tiic 30th day of June next following date of issue, but if the application for the re-newal of any cent i Ilea t« slrall liave been ftltsd wit* lb*) Koartl «'uly 1 of any year, the cer­tificate shall cuntuiue in full force and ef feet until the issuance by th« Board of Utf new ccrtatleate applied for or untdl five days after the Board shall have refused to iasue sudi new certificate and shall hnvo nefve«l notice of such refusal on the appHaant therefor. Service of such notice may be made either personally or by mail, and if by mail shall Is- deemed cxuoplete, if su<*h notice is deposited in the Post Office, prjat rile prepsvid. directed to the applicant at t h e pla**e of businysa ppenifled in tbo application.

Sec. 470. Revocation of certificate. tTbe Board shall receive, consider and invasti gate all complaints made by a regim ered real estate broker, or other person again*', any person, firm or corporation engaged in the real eatate brokerage bnaineaa, whether registered or not rtgistercd. If such person, firm or corporation, so complained of shall not be a registered broker, then the Com­mission jdiall anna* anek person, firm or tor poration t o be praawutsd under 1crm<* of this act. If said person, firm or corporation is a registered broker under than act, a **»• tificate isaued under this article skall bc>ra-roke.1 or renewal thereof refused by the Board, if after due Investigation and a hearing either before i t «r before »ny mem • her of the Board or before any duly ««»h«> 1 -i*ed officer or employe designated by it. whose report the Board may adopt, the Bomrd determines that the balder of amoh nertufl cats (11 lias made a material miaatatesawni in Hie application for »ueh certtncsbF: of lli ha« been «nrilty «rf frandntent prae-tioe«: or Cli baa demonstrated his ineowi peicwey or nn\fftrthlne«« to trantart thi r«a| ettate brokerage bnasneaa by reaaswi «f anything done or omitted in o? about said business, or f4i has violated any provision of thi* article Every snoh coraplaint abaft

.individual, Arm or corporation who*- oertifi- I eat* is so revoked, nor any firm of wbich said individual is a member, nor any cor potation of whiek be is an otfieer or director shall be entitled to any certificate under this .111 icle for a period of one year after such revocation, or, if such revocaiiuu be re-viewed by eertaorari proceedu|{s, for one year alter tbo final determination tbereof allirming tbe action of the Board in rovok-ing sack osntitteato. If any such certificate held by a person, firm or corporation be so revoked, no member of the firm, or officer or director of tbe corporation shall be entitled to such certificate for the same period of time, i tSbe Board determine ami find that such metahar or officer or director was per­sonally at fault in the matter on account ef which tbe certificate waa revoked. Tbe Board shall have the power to subpena. and bring before it any person within tbe &tato for the purpose, of i t a investigation, and to pay thsir traveling expenses out of tbe re­ceipts from the registration net, or take their testimony by disposition in the same manner as prescribed by law in judicial pro­cedure in the Courts of the State.

Sec. 471. Notice of rejection of application or revocation of certificate. If an applica­tion for a certificate under this article be-rejected, or such certificate be revoked by th<> Board, notice thereof shall forthwith be served on the applicant or on tire holder of such certificate, cither personally or by mail, and if by mail, such notice ahull be com­plete wben deposited in the Post Office, postage prepaid, directed to the applicant or <ti\e holder of such certificate, as the case may be, at the place' of business specified in the application for the certificate. In ease of rejection of an original or renewal application the feo sliall be returned with notice as specified above.

Sec, 472. Review by certiorari. The action of the Board in granting, refusing or. re­voking any certificate shall be subject to re­view by writ of certiorari at the instance of any penson aggrieved, and if any broker shall apply for such writ, the certificate shall re­main in full force and effect for all pur­poses including the riybt to renewal until the final determination of such proceedings, providing said proceedinga are prosecuted witb due diligence.

Sec. 473. Disposition of fees. Money de­rived from fees collected under this article shall be paid by the Secretary of State into the State Treasury, pursuant t o the State Finance Law.

Sec. 474. Prohibited from paying com­mission. No registered broker or appren­tice shall pay either directly or indirectly any commission, brokerage or- other valu­able consideration or thing on account of any service or act as a broker for real es­tate located in th e State of New York *o any person not duly registered as a real estate broker as lierein provided.

Sec. 473. Violation of article. Any person who acts as a real estate broker without being regie-tcTed «« required by this article or wbo violates any other provision thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and in ad­dition liable to a penalty of not loss than the compensation, comnwisdon or profit re­ceived, nor more than four times such com-mission, compensation or profit as may be determined by <the Court. Fines and penal­ties collected under this act snail be paid into the State Treasury.

Sec. 47fl. Effect of invalid provision. Should the Courts of tins State doelare any provision of this article uacongtitutional or unauthorized or in conflict with any otber section or provision of tluU article, then Midi decision shall affect only the section or provision tk> declared to be unconstitutional or unauthorized, and shall not affect any other section or patt of this article.

Sec. S. The sum of $J0,0Ot>, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby ap­propriated out of any moneys in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated' for •arrying out the provision of Article, 14 of the Real Property Law, as added by this act, including salaries, compensation and expenses, to be paid out by the State Trea-tarer on the warrant and subject to the audit of the Comptroller on vouchers ap­proved by the Secretary of State after cer­tification by the chairman of the Board es­tablished by such article.

Sec. 4. Thbt act shall take effect hnme diatety.

_ — J*. —



C H A S W U HON. * THI KS. )


MAT. 2 : 1 5 fco"B ANY T m E *NT,E' *««• 1 lrvir Q . I C l f A 1 ' * • • * • » IrOR lOSPLKTK PRU1.RVM. J E V f c . 0 : 1 5

[ Reserved Seats Ready to April. Phone 5462.


Jo*. E. Bernard Sc Co. Present the < ornrily Playlet

"Who Is She?*

Claude Golden Anattalian Card Manipulator.

Emil Mendelsohn Anaerlea's Master Pianist.


Velde Trio i'«mc<ly Variety Halt,

Fun in the Park.

r »»

Lane & Harper t'aaiedy Kkit.

'The Man and the Manicure."

T O D A Y A T 3:45 * B:t5 P . M.

Alice Brady and Holbrook Blynn

In the lMtotoilraaiatlt; Triumph ef Their Careen

"The Ballet Girl"

THI KSII \Y AT 1:43 ft vi4S P. M.

Marguerite Leslie —4n—

"The Question" A tONVlNClJUi AMI TSWU.L-



Windsor Trio In a Novel tktnc ft Danee Offering.

Sylphide Sisters Data**

FRIDAY AT S:45 ft 0:49 P. M.

Jeanne Iver —la—

"One Day" l l l l . UOKT HKAITIH I I.OVE


SATt KDAY AT 3-.4A ft 8:15 P. M.

.Kitty Gordon

"As In a Looking Glass" SI M I A V A T 3:4C ft 9:45 P . M.

Charles Cherry



The Yonkers Stock Players PWttnwtvT


Vlrmlala Itaraea'a Kanaoas Stteeaao "THE WOMAN HE MARRIED"

—4n « Man and His Angel" MO.V. Tl E(*. AT 8:45 ft 9:48 P. M.

Theda Bara —In—

"The Serpent

Box Ortl... Open 9 A. M. to Clowe of Perfomaanee. l O r t n ^Uar Hubacrtptian I.Ui Maintained, smottina Eatresol (NighU). I W l o *#WC pi,.^,, , , prelude cf Movel Vttm Triumphs.

Doora Opem at 1 aud 7 P. M. sharp.

MATINEES—1,500 SEATS—10c ana 15c EVENINGS—1,500 SEATS—15c and 25c

10' - -

in the


A F T E R N O O N 0 ^ ! 0 (



Photoplays at the Hamilton Theater. . "(hi Trial'' at the Warhurton Theater.

Klci lion of officers of Yonkers l/odge of Elks.

— Basketry class at Woman's lustitute. at 7:30. r

Photoplays and vaudeville at tbe Orpheum Theater. — _ -•• "

Mid weak prayer wrrtees In many of the t.-hurches.

Vaudeville and moviBg-pktures at tbo Proctor Palace.

Social of Kin ii'dii Lodge, ladies' auxiliary of tlve i) . O. H.

Asb Wednesday servkes in most of the Catholic Churches.

Prayer and sermon at St . John'a EpU-ccpal Church, at S.

Litany, penitential office and aermon at Christ Church, at ».

Congregational meeting at tbe Park Hill Keiormeil Chureh; election.

Prayer, penitential office and sermon at H, Paula K»4aeoDal Clmn-h, at 8.

Kenten serviee at St. John's Evangelical Lulhersn Church, 44 Ifixlaon street, at *.

Patriot ie program by foreigners at Even­ing 'High Seh<»l: fidilre«a by T). .). Csahin, t'ounty Clerk.

Action on Rev. Ih-. Ralston'a renignntiou b} tlie congregation of Warhurton Avenue BtptUt Chorea.

'Sermon In Mt. Andrew'. Memorial Chnrdi b) Rer. Eliot White. Episcopal ( haplain at Kllia lalsnd. at S.

Quick Heat When You Want It May save your family a had cold. Grl a

fiaa Heater.


William Theodore ,f»rcgg dacd from pneu-moafa, at hi« home, 44 Warburton avenue, •today.

Mr. Cn'gg was born in Brooklyn, H. Y., in l)Ci<», and had lived in Yonkers for 25 years. For a long time he was connected with his father, William T. Oregg, dn the telescope and optical goods business. Later he was iii the real estate and insurance bUK! ncs>i.

Mr. Cregg wa» one of the organizers of the old Brooklyn Republican Cbib. He was ft vefterH'h Of the 23rd Regiment in Brooklyn, and wa< a member of WL John's Episcopal Church in thi;* city. , • -^ i__

He is ton vrv<*l by bis wife, whose niaklen nauie wns Katherine Variatt, and tftrae »'»-t-.-rs- Mnss Mary T. <«reijpg of* Seattle. Wn., Mr-. .). Brows of PlaiutieW, X. J., ami Mrs. Theodore Jsbine of Yonkers. The funeral will be held Friday^


UHBM.--fiuadenty, Tuesday. LOITISK A. DEEN,

. Marcli 7. lt»l«. , wife of .tunica lliiwuril

Decu. . Funeral aervkes nt the Central liethedlst

Church. Morris street, Friday afternoon, at :i::» o'efock.

UUE4KI.—In thi.* city. We*ne«Us.v WIL1JAM TilEOrXlKE

MRS. J. HOWARD DEEN. Mrs. I. Howard Deen died in St. John's

Riverside llospitiil yesterday afternoon, as the result of lniratt sustained when her dress eaujeht "re at her home yesterday moriuiig.. .

She wa> lairn in this city ui 1H«7, and itUcnded Uic public sdioola. She was mar­ried "m IKlt.').

She vrns a member of the Central Metho. iii..! ( hurch and of the Bethlehem Circle of Ring's IbMsghters•. fo r 'M ymm she Bang in the ehoir ef that t'hurch.

Her maiden name was Louise A. Word- n She iiv(Survived by her husband and a son, ItnaacU Hayes Dceu; by an uncle, Clarence Worden, of South NoTWatk, Conn,; by three crtusina, tieorge Barrett of this city. Mabel harrett »f Bridgeport, Conn., and Harry Worden of t alifornin.

The funefnl will be held Friday after­noon, at the Chureh. Btrrtal will be in St. John's Cemetery.

he ia writing, dnly signed and sworn to be fore any person authorised to administer In lt> years Barry, one <* the dog* of

in thi» State. by the parson aggrieve.1 I the *r Bernard bnapiee. Ha. saved no less —»-»—-• » —a-*- U a w W. Ilhaii 4" Urw,

TO PRESERVE COT FLOWERS Cut flowers will keep frCsh many days if

thnir sterna b*. snaerted in a mixture of charcoal and sand.

a> / The Statesman Almanac For Today.

Signal,Service Bureau, Washington* D. (., March ».- The itulicntiomv for Yortkera and vicinity are snow or rain tonight; colder to. morrow, and probably fast*.

Tessneratarat 8 ft. M. 1® A. M. »2 >•.

•Ml Msast Hon rlaea at . . . . . . . « : l t»| gun ssta at.. fttOA.


Sara ,.©jia (gun seta at iTI»h TVie:

KamlrHook 10tS7 t Gov Island . . . . . . l nao Yonkers ...lfcflfr


Slee t In Ihr uuiralMK.


«» OFfFOtt


N, T. „.. A

. March 8, IMC. WILLIAM TilEOrXIKE <HtE4ML •

r'uuernl servk-es ut his lots rnstdenee. 44* Warburton avenue, Friday afternoon, at S o'clock.

HILL.—At Bronxdale, New York City. Murcu 7, 191(i, KMHIIHK HILL, la bis 88th year.

Fnrieral services st hts late residence, Brenz-dale avenue, March 9, at 8 p. in.

Interment, Woodlawn. MKEKKIL—March IS, lftl*!, LESLIK UOWAIU)

MJEEKKU. a«ed 'IS yesrH. Funeral services will be tiehl at the resklen.-c

of his slater, Mrs. rtiten<-er J. Sutherland, ICJ Bruce avenue, Thursday morutna;, at »)::!0 o clock.

Interment, Woodlawn Cemetery. UKKVES.— lu this city. Mowlay. March 0, F.tlli.

JANBTTK STEWART UIlEVES, wife of Stewart Beeves, ajtatl :i8 yetirs.

Fnueral sen-Ices ut. the residence i»r her slater. Mrs. .Inhu Battersby, 104 NepiierbMn avenue, Wednesday evening, ut 7 :**• o'clock.


n tkls . I «, MAKY ROB HeorRe *'. Stttnpsoti

la city, INSdN ST IMP

IV. Man SON, W Idow

Funeral services at the residence of her daugh­ter, Mrs. William E. Yerks. 518 Honth Bread-way, Thursday tirteriumn, at. -.* o'clock.

Iiiteriiicnt, Mount Ilofie Cemetery.

» •

Peter H. Havcy & Sons Undertakers

Automobile Hearses and High-Grade Limousines fof




78 North Broadway

Lady Embalmers

Telephone 2700 Yonkers

BELL Ac OAPr (Inc.)


Undertaken p


75 anil 77 South Broadway



" A woman must know her corset before she attempts to wear it

» mi CO Do you know your

purchase) The reputation of a corset should weigh with you in its selection. On it depends your appear­ance, your comfort; yes, even your health.

Select it for its lines and its fit—its line must be fashionable and its fitting comfortable.

Redfern Corsets have a reputation for style, com­fort and service. Intimate connection with fashion rulers enable us to produce designs—Lace Back and Lace Front—accurately adapted for the modes of dress. These designs are then worked out with choice mate­rials to stand the strain of active wear.

We would be pleased to fit you to a Redfern model or help you select the one most adapted to your figure.

to $ 1 0

E. H. TIMM 14^North Broadway

M M , mmm* mmmmmmm+mtm

Women Who Would Leap This Year Should Be Well Shod

No other article of dress it t o important to a woman's appearance at her shoe—and no other dealer in Yonkers it to well prepared to fit her foot and her taste as REED. If you don't know REED'S SHOE STORE-but pshaw! that can't be. Come in and tee ut at usual; we have more

net aa good at the ones you arc wearing.

Agency famous Sorotit Shoot for Women, acknowledged by women who know to be the best looking, best wearing and best valuet in footwear.

, i



Exchange War* Eat Caah. SUTTIATION* OBTAINBD tseonnt

RtatMBua are worth having. If tba bnatwaa man tad laio tbe


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Wsata «f ft* Me*te ataka

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