%f - | welcome to studyquran · book i.] abode: (ta:) and in ... c [hl turned away from him, or...

BooK I.] abode: (TA:) and in like manner, 3o* , ;1j, (f, TA,) inf n. 'n. * , (TA,) in which the verb is with teshdeed to denote intensiveness [of the signification, i. e. the ind effaced, &c., mightily, or utterly, t houe, or dUing, or abode]: (, TA :) and It, or he, effad it, or his, traee, ~dige, or footprint. (MA.) - Hence, as some say, X ," i. e. May God effae [from thee thy sin, &c.; mean- ing may God ab~ole thee]; (TA;) or may God efface tAy sim: (Mob:) rand ,se O'. May he be abold, orforgivn, orpardoned :] and hence the aying in a trad., ;l;JI. Ii 1; i. e. [Ask ye of God] th effacmeAt of fin; [or ask ye of God abwolution,orforginos,or pardon;] andt ltaljt, and t iiLJL [which have a similar meaning: ees ]: (TA:) and one says, :e' C ' , meaning I left lim, and did not punish him: ( :) or . ; and J a X .i'- and ,ji o;3 Oi J i. e. I turned arrayfrom him, or from his crime, sin,fault, or offenea; syn. ";: c; and I turned aray (;b I)from punishing him: (Mgh:) or;tl signifie the turing away (it, ]1, TA) from the committer of a crime or the like; (TA ;) and the relinquid;im the punishmmnt of the de ing [treof]: and one says, ec A; and ' l Q A and d; C [hL turned away from him, or frnan ir crm, ; and rdlin- quihed the idnliciom of his m~ punishment, i.e. forgya Aim, or pardond him]: (18, TA:) or O '~ U& and °# Z G and ; O: (so acoord. to the C :) a¢oord. to MF, the primary signifiation ofjo i i.l 1: but tbis is not the ame: and w1 [by which it is expL in the 5] is [or rather implies] the relinquishing of blame, or reproof, or of severe, or angry, blame or reproof; and this is more than [is signified by] '.al, for the latter is sometimes without the former: the primary signification of i;l [when trans.] is [said to be] the purpo~g to tahe a thing; and Er-Rghib says that .i ;0 is as though it meant I have purposed to remove [or to take away] thy crime or the like: (TA:) [but I think that the primary signification of ;il when its object is a crime or the like is that of effac- mat: and hence likewise what next follows:] - ;11J is also metaphorically used a meaning TThe withdrawing from a right, or due, and from seek- ing, or demanding, it: and thus the verb is used in the Vur ii. 238 [q. v.]: and in the saying of the Prophet, , J IjI ~ . ' i; [i. e. We haae remitted to you the poor-rate of hors and of the da or &laves]: (Mgh:) [and hence] *"JI X 3i' means t I have annuled [or ried] ths right, or due; u though I erased it from [the account of] him who owed it: (M,b:) and .S tC a A js~ t I hae rinudish [or rmittd] to him what was du to me on his part. (TA.) _ Q signifies also It was, or be- came, much in quatity, or many in number: (M#b, MF, TA:) and also the contr., i.e. It ma, or bwame, little in quanity, or fe'w in num- 'A. ber. (MF, TA.) It is said in the former sense of hair, and of herbage, &c.: (s :) or, said of hair, It was, or became, long, and much in quan- tity; (TA ;) and said of the hair of a camel, (]:,) or of the hair of a camel's back, (TA,) it became abundant and long, and coered his rump; (V, TA;) and said of herbage, it was, or became, much in quantity, and talL (TA.) And IC. in the ]:ur vii. 93 means They became many, or numerouL (g, Msb.) And c.;.y l ThA land became covmred writh herbage. (V and TV. [In the Cg, b,sjlgI is erroneously put for k.,'l%]) - And 17c I made it to become much in quan- tity, or many in number; as also t ickl; (S,* Msb, TA ;*) and so */c. (TA.) Accord. to Es-Sara4ustee, one says, :a11 ;cj, nor. . l, inf. n. A; and ";,A aor. dhl, inf. n. * meaning I left the hair to becone abundant and long. '(Mqb.) And one says, a[ UJI * jl Hie left the beard to become abundant and long, (Mgh, I,, TA,) having ce~ed from cutting it: (Mh :) whence, (TA,) it is said in a trad., .c k 13 j O I L j W I. JI [He commanded that the mustache s dwuld be clipped closely, or much, and that the beards should be left to become abundant and long]: (, TA :) or A.1 #1j:11 1' l ;JUJI [Clip ye &c.], and one may also use the unaugmented verb [saying lI'[c, from Lt]. (Myb, TA.) And 1J , t ! ' l.I, (',) or .JI aZ, (TA,) I left the hair of the camel, or the hair of the back of the camel, to become abundant and long; as also V 4 .; (]g,TA;) this latter with teshdeed. (TA. [In the CV, '"X .]) JyJI U, expl. in the V as signifying He shore, or sheared, the wool, signifies Ah left the wool to become abundant and long, then shore, or sheared, it. (TA.) _ Also, inf. n. 'hc, i q. Ja [It eeeded; it was, or becanme, redundant, or superjfluous; or it remained over and above]. (Msb.) You say, IA J 1..i, [correctly, L ... I,] meaning J..- J..h [i.e. Take thou what has weeded, or become redundant, and has become facilitated]. (Mgh.) - [And He ex- ceedd] You say,.A.L To a (& He exeeded him i knodge; syn. j;. (V.) And ; ,, ,pLJI ; H '- : He exceeds, in ging, the ih of th wiher and the petition of the petitioner. (TA.) And j 2 ZA I' exceeded to him [what nwas incumbent on me] with my property, and gae him. (TA.) - And Uie, nor. A, signifies also [simply] He gam. (TA.) And -Uel H%e gae to him, namely, one seeking, or demanding, his beneficence. (Ham pp. 377 and 723.) And ·~ A Wl He gae to him fuUy, or wAholy, his right, or due. (gar p. 117.) _ And 'p , > : '; I laded out for him first, and gave to him in prefermence, wome of the broth. (s. [Ee jl.]) -_And aJa.. ' I left in the bottom of th coohing-pot [as a gratuity for the lder thereof] the last of the 200S broth, which is ter the i;t. (P.) -And ). JI ;iC I aked, or petitioned, the man. (Myb.) And &30S and $ f-1fi! I came to him seeking, or demanding, Ais bninc e: you say, j~ ,l :~ Xii and t:./-: [Suc a on, guests come to him seeAing, or demanding, his aorpitality]. (s.) And 0;~ *>1 ' (5:, TA,) aor. ;A, inf. n.;b, (TA,) Ae camel tooh [or cropped] the pastur near by. (, TA.) m 1it %f l7 e water was untrodd by what would render it turbid. (F, .) 2. ;,.s .M:._and jlJ til J : and -S1 tsC e': see 1, former half, in three placue [Hence] one says, s Ja ', s. inf n. `:3, [Perdition, or destruction, e., ffaced them,] meaning they died. (Z, 5, TA.) And Ub from him], meaning the acted well, or rightly, after acting ill, or wrongly. (a.) - See also 1, latter half, in two places. - [Hence] one says, ~ l 1S' liA, meaning Leate ye this camel [lit. the back of this camel] so that hA may become fat. (TA.) 3. XI ;#lc, (S, M,b, V,) , l X^, in. n. 'Q.1 (V) and f. (TA as from the ']) and ? at,I (],) or this is a subst. (g, Mqb) put in the place of an in£ n., (S,) or ablso an inf. n.; (Msb;) and * tll; ($, 5;) God granted him [hIwalth, or soundness, and safety, or srity, i. e.] defence (S, O) from diseass andfrom trial: ( :) or [restored him to health, or soundn~, and to security from punistment, i. e.] effaced from him dieases, and sins. (M 9 b. See also 1, formner half.) And q and t ,Al [the latter perhaps c.l1, but more probably, I think, tl, agree~- ably with what here precedes,] are both used in the same sense, said of a sick person [as meaning He was restored to health, or toundnes]. (TA.) -_ And UZC signifies also God's defJ'~g thee from men and defending them from thee : (J, TA:) IAth says that it signifies his mrdeng thee indqndent, or in no need, of them, and ren- dering them indepndent, or in no need, of thee, and averting their harm from thee and thy harm from them: and some say that it signifies one's for/ivinq, or pardoning, men, and their forgiving, or pardoning, him. (TA. [See also 6.]) 4. l > :1A 'He made him to be f,ree, or eempted him, romn the affair. (I.) You say, A~S L I > XU' and ;L Js1 [Make thou me to be free, or eempt thou me, from this affair]. (TA.) And i~ ...J ;. ' E:empt thou me, or ec~e me, from go/9 forth with thee. (S, Mgh, Mqb.) - See. also 3, in two places: - and 1, latter half, in three places: - and the same paragraph, last quarter, in two places. ~ A.. also signifies He expendd the °. of his property; (, TA;) i. e., the clear portion thereofA~; or the reddant portio of it. (TA.) - And He was, or became, a posor~ of m m I i

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BooK I.]

abode: (TA:) and in like manner, 3o* ,

;1j, (f, TA,) inf n. 'n. * , (TA,) in which theverb is with teshdeed to denote intensiveness[of the signification, i. e. the ind effaced, &c.,mightily, or utterly, t houe, or dUing, orabode]: (, TA :) and It, or he,effad it, or his, traee, ~dige, or footprint.(MA.) - Hence, as some say, X ," i. e.May God effae [from thee thy sin, &c.; mean-ing may God ab~ole thee]; (TA;) or may Godefface tAy sim: (Mob:) rand ,se O'. May hebe abold, orforgivn, orpardoned :] and hence

the aying in a trad., ;l;JI. Ii 1; i. e. [Ask yeof God] th effacmeAt of fin; [or ask ye of Godabwolution,orforginos,or pardon;] andt ltaljt,and t iiLJL [which have a similar meaning:

ees ]: (TA:) and one says, :e' C ' ,meaning I left lim, and did not punish him:

( :) or . ; and J a X .i'- and ,jio;3 Oi J i. e. I turned arrayfrom him, or from

his crime, sin,fault, or offenea; syn. ";: c;and I turned aray (;b I)from punishing him:

(Mgh:) or;tl signifie the turing away (it,]1, TA) from the committer of a crime or the like;(TA ;) and the relinquid;im the punishmmnt ofthe de ing [treof]: and one says, ec A;and ' l Q A and d; C [hL turned away

from him, or frnan ir crm, ; and rdlin-quihed the idnliciom of his m~ punishment,i.e. forgya Aim, or pardond him]: (18, TA:)

or O '~ U& and °# Z G and ; O: (soacoord. to the C :) a¢oord. to MF, the primarysignifiation ofjo i i.l 1: but tbis is not theame: and w1 [by which it is expL in the 5]is [or rather implies] the relinquishing of blame,or reproof, or of severe, or angry, blame orreproof; and this is more than [is signified by]'.al, for the latter is sometimes without theformer: the primary signification of i;l [whentrans.] is [said to be] the purpo~g to tahe athing; and Er-Rghib says that .i ;0 is asthough it meant I have purposed to remove [or totake away] thy crime or the like: (TA:) [but Ithink that the primary signification of ;il whenits object is a crime or the like is that of effac-mat: and hence likewise what next follows:] -;11J is also metaphorically used a meaning TThewithdrawing from a right, or due, and from seek-ing, or demanding, it: and thus the verb is usedin the Vur ii. 238 [q. v.]: and in the saying of

the Prophet, , J IjI ~ . ' i;[i. e. We haae remitted to you the poor-rate ofhors and of the da or &laves]: (Mgh:) [andhence] *"JI X 3i' means t I have annuled[or ried] ths right, or due; u though I erasedit from [the account of] him who owed it: (M,b:)and .S tC a A js~ t I hae rinudish

[or rmittd] to him what was du to me on hispart. (TA.) _ Q signifies also It was, or be-came, much in quatity, or many in number:(M#b, MF, TA:) and also the contr., i.e. Itma, or bwame, little in quanity, or fe'w in num-


ber. (MF, TA.) It is said in the former senseof hair, and of herbage, &c.: (s :) or, said ofhair, It was, or became, long, and much in quan-tity; (TA ;) and said of the hair of a camel, (]:,)or of the hair of a camel's back, (TA,) it becameabundant and long, and coered his rump; (V,TA;) and said of herbage, it was, or became,much in quantity, and talL (TA.) And IC. inthe ]:ur vii. 93 means They became many, or

numerouL (g, Msb.) And c.;.y l ThA landbecame covmred writh herbage. (V and TV. [In

the Cg, b,sjlgI is erroneously put for k.,'l%])

- And 17c I made it to become much in quan-

tity, or many in number; as also t ickl; (S,*

Msb, TA ;*) and so */c. (TA.) Accord. toEs-Sara4ustee, one says, :a11 ;cj, nor. . l,

inf. n. A; and ";,A aor. dhl, inf. n. *meaning I left the hair to becone abundant andlong. '(Mqb.) And one says, a[ UJI * jl Hieleft the beard to become abundant and long, (Mgh,I,, TA,) having ce~ed from cutting it: (Mh :)

whence, (TA,) it is said in a trad., .c k 13 j

O I L j W I. JI [He commanded that themustache s dwuld be clipped closely, or much, andthat the beards should be left to become abundant

and long]: (, TA :) or A.1 #1j:11 1' l;JUJI [Clip ye &c.], and one may also use the

unaugmented verb [saying lI'[c, from Lt].

(Myb, TA.) And 1J , t! ' l.I, (',) or

.JI aZ, (TA,) I left the hair of the camel,or the hair of the back of the camel, to become

abundant and long; as also V 4 .; (]g,TA;)this latter with teshdeed. (TA. [In the CV,

'"X .]) JyJI U, expl. in the V as signifyingHe shore, or sheared, the wool, signifies Ah leftthe wool to become abundant and long, then shore,or sheared, it. (TA.) _ Also, inf. n. 'hc, i q.Ja [It eeeded; it was, or becanme, redundant,or superjfluous; or it remained over and above].(Msb.) You say, IA J 1..i, [correctly, L

... I,] meaning J..- J..h [i.e. Take thouwhat has weeded, or become redundant, and hasbecome facilitated]. (Mgh.) - [And He ex-ceedd] You say,.A.L To a (& He exeeded

him i knodge; syn. j;. (V.) And ;

,, ,pLJI ; H '- : He exceeds, inging, the ih of th wiher and the petition ofthe petitioner. (TA.) And j 2 ZA I'exceeded to him [what nwas incumbent on me] withmy property, and gae him. (TA.) - And Uie,

nor. A, signifies also [simply] He gam. (TA.)And -Uel H%e gae to him, namely, one seeking,or demanding, his beneficence. (Ham pp. 377and 723.) And ·~ A Wl He gae to himfuUy, or wAholy, his right, or due. (gar p. 117.)

_ And 'p , > : '; I laded out for himfirst, and gave to him in prefermence, wome of the

broth. (s. [Ee jl.]) -_And aJa.. '

I left in the bottom of th coohing-pot [as agratuity for the lder thereof] the last of the


broth, which is ter the i;t. (P.) -And). JI ;iC I aked, or petitioned, the man.

(Myb.) And &30S and $ f-1fi! I came to himseeking, or demanding, Ais bninc e: you say,

j~ ,l :~ Xii and t:./-: [Suc a on,

guests come to him seeAing, or demanding, his

aorpitality]. (s.) And 0;~ *>1 '(5:, TA,) aor. ;A, inf. n.;b, (TA,) Ae cameltooh [or cropped] the pastur near by. (, TA.)m 1it %f l7 e water was untrodd by what

would render it turbid. (F, .)

2. ;,.s .M:._and jlJ til J : and

-S1 tsC e': see 1, former half, in three placue[Hence] one says, s Ja ', s. inf n. `:3,[Perdition, or destruction, e., ffaced them,]

meaning they died. (Z, 5, TA.) And Ub

from him], meaning the acted well, or rightly,after acting ill, or wrongly. (a.) - See also 1,latter half, in two places. - [Hence] one says,

~ l 1S' liA, meaning Leate ye this camel[lit. the back of this camel] so that hA may becomefat. (TA.)

3. XI ;#lc, (S, M,b, V,) , l X^, in. n.'Q.1 (V) and f. (TA as from the ']) and

? at,I (],) or this is a subst. (g, Mqb) put inthe place of an in£ n., (S,) or ablso an inf. n.;(Msb;) and * tll; ($, 5;) God granted him[hIwalth, or soundness, and safety, or srity, i. e.]defence (S, O) from diseass andfrom trial: ( :)or [restored him to health, or soundn~, and tosecurity from punistment, i. e.] effaced from himdieases, and sins. (M9 b. See also 1, formnerhalf.) And q and t ,Al [the latter perhaps

c.l1, but more probably, I think, tl, agree~-ably with what here precedes,] are both used inthe same sense, said of a sick person [as meaningHe was restored to health, or toundnes]. (TA.)-_ And UZC signifies also God's defJ'~g theefrom men and defending them from thee : (J,TA:) IAth says that it signifies his mrdengthee indqndent, or in no need, of them, and ren-dering them indepndent, or in no need, of thee,and averting their harm from thee and thy harmfrom them: and some say that it signifies one'sfor/ivinq, or pardoning, men, and their forgiving,or pardoning, him. (TA. [See also 6.])

4. l > :1A 'He made him to be f,ree, oreempted him, romn the affair. (I.) You say,A~S L I > XU' and ;L Js1 [Make

thou me to be free, or eempt thou me, from this

affair]. (TA.) And i~ ...J ;. '

E:empt thou me, or ec~e me, from go/9 forthwith thee. (S, Mgh, Mqb.) - See. also 3, intwo places: - and 1, latter half, in three places:- and the same paragraph, last quarter, in twoplaces. ~ A.. also signifies He expendd the

°. of his property; (, TA;) i. e., the clearportion thereofA~; or the reddant portio of it.(TA.) - And He was, or became, a posor~ of

m m
