f n) = h n) + g n f n g n found so fardjmoon/ai/ai-notes/search-heuristic.pdf · { path-cost has...

Heuristic Search: Intro Blind search can be applied to all problems Is inefficient, as does not incorporate knowledge about the problem to guide the search Such knowledge can be used when deciding which node to expand next Heuristic search (aka informed, best first search) uses problem knowledge to select state that appears to be closest to goal state as next to expand This should produce a solution faster than systematically expanding all nodes til a goal is stumbled upon The general state evaluation function: f (n)= h(n)+ g (n) f (n)) is estimated cost of getting from start state to goal state via state n g (n) is actual cost of getting from start state to n found so far h(n) is heuristic function: estimated cost of going from n to goal state * This function is where knowledge about the problem comes into play * h(goal )=0 f * (n)= h * (n)+ g * (n) represents the minimal cost of getting from start state to goal state via state n when all paths through n are considered * h * (n) is actual cost to goal from n * g * (n) is cost of best path to n from initial state There are categories of heuistic search, based on variations in f (n)) 1

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Heuristic Search: Intro

• Blind search can be applied to all problems

• Is inefficient, as does not incorporate knowledge about the problem to guidethe search

• Such knowledge can be used when deciding which node to expand next

• Heuristic search (aka informed, best first search) uses problem knowledge toselect state that appears to be closest to goal state as next to expand

• This should produce a solution faster than systematically expanding all nodestil a goal is stumbled upon

• The general state evaluation function: f(n) = h(n) + g(n)

– f(n)) is estimated cost of getting from start state to goal state via state n

– g(n) is actual cost of getting from start state to n found so far

– h(n) is heuristic function: estimated cost of going from n to goal state

∗ This function is where knowledge about the problem comes into play

∗ h(goal) = 0

– f ∗(n) = h∗(n) + g∗(n) represents the minimal cost of getting from startstate to goal state via state n when all paths through n are considered

∗ h∗(n) is actual cost to goal from n

∗ g∗(n) is cost of best path to n from initial state

• There are categories of heuistic search, based on variations in f(n))


Heuristic Search: Intro (2)

• General algorithm (tree):

function GIS-TREE (problem, evalFn) returns solution, or failure


node <- new(node)

node.STATE <- problem.INITIAL-STATE

node.COST <- apply(evalFn, INITIAL-STATE)

frontier <- new(priorityQueue)

INSERT(node, frontier)

explored <- new(set)

loop {

if (EMPTY?(frontier))

return failure

node <- POP(frontier)

if (problem.GOAL-TEST(node.STATE))

return SOLUTION(node)

for (each action in problem.ACTIONS(node.STATE)) {

child <- CHILD-NODE(problem, node, action)

frontier <- INSERT(child, frontier)





Heuristic Search: Intro (3)

• General algorithm (graph):

function GIS-GRAPH (problem, evalFn) returns solution, or failure


node <- new(node)

node.STATE <- problem.INITIAL-STATE

node.COST <- apply(evalFn, INITIAL-STATE)

frontier <- new(priorityQueue)

INSERT(node, frontier)

explored <- new(set)

loop {

if (EMPTY?(frontier))

return failure

node <- POP(frontier)

if (problem.GOAL-TEST(node.STATE))

return SOLUTION(node)

ADD(node.STATE, explored)

for (each action in problem.ACTIONS(node.STATE)) {

child <- CHILD-NODE(problem, node, action)

if ((child.STATE !in explored) AND

((!STATE-FOUND(child.STATE, frontier)) {

frontier <- INSERT(child, frontier)

else if (STATE-FOUND(child.STATE, frontier)) {

node <- RETRIEVE-NODE(child.STATE, frontier)

if (child.COST < node.COST))

frontier <- REPLACE(node, child, frontier)






Heuristic Search: Intro (4)

– The above is a modified version of the uniform cost algorithm

– it accepts an additional argument: the function used to assign a value to anode

– Function apply(function, node) evaluates function for a given node

– PATH-COST has been replaced by a more generic PATH attribute

– Attributes that need to be stored on a node are dependent on the searchstrategy


Heuristic Search: Greedy Search

• The greedy search algorithm selects the node that appears to be closest to thegoal

– f(n) = h(n)

– I.e., g(n) = 0: We ignore cost to get to a node

• Algorithm GS:

function GS (problem) returns solution, or failure


return GIS-TREE (problem, h)

// OR return GIS-GRAPH (problem, h)


• Characteristics:

– Attempts to get to goal as quickly as possible

– May reach dead ends

– May expand nodes unnecessarily

– Not complete for tree rep (due to reversible actions)

– Complete for graph rep of finite state space

– Not optimal

• Complexity:

– Storage requirements ∈ O(bd) (where d is max depth of structure

– Time requirements ∈ O(bd)

• Note that quality of heuristic greatly affects search


Heuristic Search: A∗

• Combines aspects of uniform cost and greedy seraches

– UCS is optimal and complete, but inefficient

– UCS based on g(n)

– GS is neither optimal nor complete, but efficient

– GS based on h(n)

– For A∗, f(n) = h(n) + g(n)

• Algorithm A∗ (for trees)

function ASTAR-TREE (problem) returns solution, or failure


return GIS-TREE (problem, h + g)


• A∗ is optimal and complete, providing that

1. For trees, h(n) is admissible

– Admissible means that h(n) ≤ h∗(n)

– I.e., h(n) never over-estimates cost from n to g

– Such an algorithm is optimistic

2. For graphs, h(n) is consistant (monotonic)

– h(n) is consistant if for every node n and successor nodes n′ generatedby action a, the estimated cost of getting from n to the goal is nevergreater than the actual cost of getting fom n to a successor state n′ plusthe estimated cost of getting from n′ to the goal

– I.e., h(n) ≤ c(n, a, n′) + h(n′) for all n′


Heuristic Search: A∗ (2)

– This is reflected in the following diagram:

– This is referred to as the triangle inequality

– Relevance: Estimated cost to goal cannot decrease by more than cijwhen move from ni to nj

– Consistancy is a stronger requirement than admissiblity

– Consider

∗ The above represents a nonmonotonic function

∗ Since h(ni) underestimates the cost of getting from n to g, the costmust be at least 4

∗ Since c(ni, a, nj) = 1, the cost from nj to g must be at least 3

∗ h(nj) = 2 is unrealistic (i.e., As you get closer to the goal, the overallcost should be increasing, not decreasing)


Heuristic Search: A∗ Graphs

• As with blind search, using graphs instead of trees will result in extra effort

• Handling already-visited nodes more complex in A∗

– When encounter node that appears on frontier or closed, may have foundan alternate path to the node

– New path may be cheaper than original

∗ If new path is not cheaper, just ignore newly found path

∗ If not, must adjust f of the node, and adjust path pointers between itand parent

∗ If the node is on closed, will also have to cascade updated cost of paththrough descendants


Heuristic Search: A∗ Graphs (2)

• Algorithm:

function ASTAR-GRAPH (problem) returns solution, or failure


node <- new(node)

node.STATE <- problem.INITIAL-STATE

node.COST <- apply(evalFn, INITIAL-STATE)

frontier <- new(priorityQueue)

INSERT(node, frontier)

explored <- new(set)

loop {

if (EMPTY?(frontier))

return failure

node <- POP(frontier)

if (problem.GOAL-TEST(node.STATE))

return SOLUTION(node)

INSERT(node, explored-nodes)

for (each action in problem.ACTIONS(node.STATE)) {

child <- CHILD-NODE(problem, node, action)

//** If state has not been generated yet, add it to frontier**

if ((!STATE-FOUND(child.STATE, explored-nodes)) AND

((!STATE-FOUND(child.STATE, frontier)) {

frontier <- INSERT(child, frontier)

//** Replace existing node in frontier with new, cheaper node

else if (STATE-FOUND(child.STATE, frontier)) {

node <- RETRIEVE-NODE(child.STATE, frontier)

if (child.COST < node.COST))

frontier <- REPLACE(node, child, frontier)


//** Must propagate cheaper cost to children

else if (STATE-FOUND(child.STATE, explored-nodes)) {

node <- RETRIEVE-NODE(child.STATE, explored-nodes)

if (child.COST < node.COST))

explored-nodes <- REPLACE(node, child, explored-nodes)





Heuristic Search: A∗ Graphs (3)

– Note that this algorithm is essentially the same as GIS-GRAPH, except fortwo changes:

1. The last if-else:

else if (child.STATE in explored)


∗ If child appears in explored, this means that it has been expandedand we have generated any number of ancestors for this state

∗ If we have found a cheaper path to child, then the cost associatedwith those ancestors will need to be adjusted, since the paths to theancestors go through child

∗ Function UPDATE-PATH will id those states reached via child

· These nodes may be in frontier or explored-nodes

· The g values will be updated (to a lesser value), which will decreasetheir f values

2. explored-nodes

∗ The text’s formulation maintains states - not nodes - on the exploredlist

∗ Since A∗ graph search requires us to be able to adjust costs and tra-verse paths to explored nodes, we must retain nodes - not just stateinformation - on the explored list

∗ The name explored-nodes emphasizes this change from graph searchalgorithms presented earlier


Heuristic Search: A∗ Optimality

• This examines the optimality of A∗ graph search

1. If h(n) is consistant, then values of f(n) are nondecreasing along any path

Given g(n′) = g(n) + c(n, a, n′)

Then, f(n′) = g(n′)+h(n′) = g(n)+c(n, a, n′)+h(n′) ≥ g(n)+h(n) =f(n)

2. At every step prior to termination of A∗, there is always a node n∗ onfrontier with the following properties:

– n∗ is on optimal path to a goal

– A∗ has found an optimal path to n∗

– f(n∗) ≤ f ∗(n0)

3. Proof (by induction):

(a) Base case:

– At start, only n0 on frontier

– n0 on optimal path to goal

– f(n∗) ≤ f(n0) = h(n0∗)(b) Inductive assumption:

– Assume m ≥ 0 nodes expanded and above holds for each

(c) Proof:

– Consider expansion of (m+ 1)st node from frontier

– Call this node n∗

– Let n∗ be on optimal path

– Then either

i. n∗ is not selected as (m+ 1)st nodeRegardless, it still has properties as noted


Heuristic Search: A∗ Optimality (2)

ii. n∗ is selected

– In the second case, let np be one of n∗’s successors on an optimal path

– This node is on frontier

– Path to np must be optimal, otherwise, there would be a better pathto the goal

– np becomes the new n∗ for the next iteration of the algorithm

(d) Proof that f(n∗) ≤ f(n0)

– Let n∗ be on optimal path and assume A∗ has found optimal pathfrom n0 to n∗

– Then

f(n∗) = g(n∗) + h(n∗) (1)

≤ g(n∗) + h(n∗) (since g(n∗) = g(n∗) and h(n∗) ≤ h(n∗)(2)

≤ f(n∗) (since f(n∗) = g(n∗) + h(n∗)) (3)

≤ f(n0) (since f(n∗) = f(n0) and n∗ on optimal path) (4)



Heuristic Search: A∗ Optimality (3)

4. Given the conditions specified for A∗ and h, and providing there is a pathwith finite cost from n0 to goal, A∗ is guaranteed to terminate with aminimal cost path to a goal

5. Proof (by contradiction): A∗ terminates if there is an accessible goal

– Assume A∗ doesn’t terminate

– Then a point will be reached where f(n) > f(n0) for some n ∈ frontier,since ε > 0

– This contradicts assumption

6. Proof (by contradiction): Termination of A∗

(a) A∗ terminates when either frontier empty

– This contradicts assumption that there is an accessible goal

(b) Or when a goal node is id’d

– Suppose there is an optimal goal g1 where f(g1) = f(n0),and A∗ finds a non-optimal goal g2 with f(g2) > f(n0) where g1 6= g2

– When A∗ terminates, f(g2) ≥ f(g2) > f(n0)

– But prior to selection of g2, there was a node n∗ on frontier on anoptimal path with f(n∗) ≤ f(n0) by previous lemma

– This contradicts assumptions

• Because f(n) is nondecreasing, contours can be drawn in the state space

– All nodes within a given contour fi have an f value less than those oncontour fi, and the f value of contour fi < fj, where i < j


Heuristic Search: A∗ Optimality (4)

– As the search progresses, the contours narrow and stretch toward the goalalong the cheapest path

– The more accurate h(n), the more focused the contours become

– Note that UCS generates circular contours centered on the initial state

• A∗ is optimally efficient for any given h function:

– No other algorithm is guaranteed to expand fewer nodes than A∗


Heuristic Search: A∗ Complexity

• The number of states within the goal contour is exponential wrt the solutionlength

• For problems of constant step costs, analysis is based on

1. Absolute error: ∆ = h∗ − h2. Relative error: ε = (h∗ − h)/h∗

• Complexity analysis depends on the characteristics of the state space

• When there is a single goal and reversible actions

– Time complexity ∈ O(b∆) = O(bεd), where d is the solution depth

– For heuristics of practical use, ∆ ∝ h∗, so ε is constant or growing and timecomplexity is exponential in d

– O(bεd) = O((bε)d) which means the effective branching factor is bε

• If there are many goal states (especially near-optimal goal states), path mayveer from the optimal path

– This will result in additional cost proportional to the number of goal stateswithin a factor of ε of the optimal cost

• With a graph, there can be exponentially many states with f(n) < C∗

• The search usually runs out of space before time becomes an issue


Heuristic Search: Variations to A∗

• The main issue with A∗ is memory usage

– As noted above, the algorithm usually uses up available memory beforetime becomes an issue

• The following algorithms attempt to limit memory usage while retaining theproperties of A∗


Heuristic Search: Variations to A∗ - Iterative Deepening A∗ Search (IDA∗)

• This is the A∗ version of the depth first iterative deepening algorithm

– On each iteration, perform a ”depth first” search

– Instead of using a depth limit, use a bound on f

• Algorithm IDA∗

function IDASTAR (problem) returns solution, or failure


root <- new(node)

root.STATE <- problem.INITIAL-STATE

root.FCOST <- problem.GET-INITIAL-STATE-H()

f-limit <- root.FCOST

while (TRUE) {

[result, f-limit] <- DFS-CONTOUR(root, problem, f-limit)

if (result != NULL)

return result

else if (f-limit == infinity)

return failure


function DFS-CONTOUR (node, problem, f-limit) returns [solution, f-limit]


nextF <- infinity

if (node.FCOST > f-limit)

return [node, node.FCOST]

if (problem.GOAL-TEST(node.STATE))

return [node, f-limit]

for (each action in problem.ACTIONS(node.STATE)) {

child <- CHILD-NODE(problem, node, action)

[solution, newF] <- DFS-CONTOUR(child, f-limit)

if (solution NOT NULL)

return [solution, f-limit]

nextF <- min(nextF, newF)


return [NULL, nextF]


Heuristic Search: Variations to A∗ - Iterative Deepening A∗ Search (IDA∗) (2)

• Expands nodes along contour lines of equal f

• IDA∗ complete and optimal

• Complexity

1. Space

– Let δ = smallest operator cost

– Let f ∗ = optimal solution cost

– Worst case requires bf∗

δ nodes

2. Time

– Dependent on range of values that f can assume

– Best case

∗ The fewer the values, the fewer the contours ⇒ fewer iterations

∗ Thus, IDA∗ → A∗

∗ Also has less overhead as does not require priority queue

– Worst case

∗ When have many unique values for h(n) (absolute worst is every hvalue unique)

∗ Requires many iterations

∗ ∼ 1 + 2 + ...+ n ∈ O(n2)

• To reduce time complexity

– increase f − limit by ε on every iteration

– Number of iterations ∝ 1/ε

– While reduces search cost, may produce non-optimal solution

– Such a solution is worse than optimal by at most ε

– Such algorithms called ε-admissible


Heuristic Search: Variations to A∗ - Recursive Best First Search (RBFS)

• This uses more memory than IDA∗ but generates fewer nodes

• Uses same approach as A∗ with following differences

– Assigns a backed up value to each node

∗ Let n be a node with mi successors

∗ Backed up value of n = b(n) = min(b(mi))

∗ Backed up value of leaf node (one on frontier) is f(n)

∗ Backed up value of a node represents descendant with lowest f value intree rooted at node

– Only most promising path to goal maintained at any time

• Algorithm (description)

– When node is expanded, f for all successors computed

– If one of these (m) has f less than b value of any node on frontier

∗ Back up values of all ancestors of m based on this value

∗ Continue from m

– Otherwise

∗ Let n′ be node on frontier with b < f(mi)

∗ Back up ancestors of n based on lowest successor f

∗ Find common ancestor of n′ and n; call this node k

∗ Let kn be the child of k that is the root of the subtree containg n

∗ Delete everything below kn (kn will have backed up value of this subtree)

∗ n′ will be next node to expand


Heuristic Search: Variations to A∗ - Recursive Best First Search (RBFS) (2)

• Algorithm

function RECURSIVE-BFS (problem) returns solution, or failure


return RBDF(problem, MAKE-NODE(problem.INITIAL-STATE), infinity)


function RBFS (problem, node, f-limit) returns solution, or failure


if (problem.GOAL-TEST(node.STATE))

return SOLUTION(node.STATE)

successors <- new(set)

for (each action in problem.ACTIONS(node.STATE)) {

successors <- INSERT(CHILD-NODE(problem, node, action), successors)

if (EMPTY(successors)

return failure

for (each s in successors)

s.f <- MAX(s.g + s.h, node.f)

loop {

best <- FIND-MIN-NODE(successors) //find node with smallest f value

if (best.f > f.limit

return failure

//find second smallest f value

alternative <- FIND-MIN-2-NODE-VALUE(successors, best.f)

result <- RBFS(problem, best, min(f-limit, alternative)

if (result != failure)

return result




Heuristic Search: Simplified Memory-bounded A∗ Search (SMA∗)

• IDA* and RBFS have problems due to using too little memory

– IDA∗ holds only current f-cost limit between iterations

– RBFS holds more info, using linear space

– Both have no memory of what went before

∗ May expand same nodes multiple times

∗ May experience redundant paths and the computational overhead re-quired to deal with them

• SMA∗ uses all memory available

• Characteristics:

– Avoids repeated states within memory constraints

– Complete if memory sufficient to store shallowest solution path

– Optimal if memory sufficient to store optimal solution path

– Otherwise, finds best solution possible within memory constraints

– If entire search tree fits in memory, is optimally efficient

• Algorithm overview:

– A∗ applied to problem until run out of memory

– To generate a successor when no memory available, will need to remove onefrom queue

– Removed nodes called forgotten nodes

– Remove node with highest FCOST

– Want to remember cost of best path so far through a forgotten node (incase need to return to it later)

– This info retained in root of forgotten subtree

– These vales called backed-up values


Heuristic Search: Simplified Memory-bounded A∗ Search (SMA∗) (2)

• Algorithm SMA∗

function SMASTAR (problem) returns solution, or failure


Q <- makeNode(initialState [problem])

node <- new(node)

node.STATE <- problem.INITIAL-STATE

node.FCOST <- problem.GET-INITIAL-STATE-H()

if (problem.GOAL-TEST(node.STATE))

return SOLUTION(node)

frontier <- new(queue)

INSERT(node, frontier)

loop {

if (EMPTY?(frontier))

return failure

node <- deepest, least-FCOST node in frontier

if (problem.GOAL-TEST(node.STATE))

return SOLUTION(node)

child <- CHILD-NODE(problem, node, problem.NEXT-ACTION(node.STATE))

if (NOT problem.GOAL-TEST(node.STATE) AND MAX-DEPTH(child))

child.F <- infinity


child.F <- max(node.F, child.G + child.H)

if (no more successors of node)

update node’s FCOST and those of ancestors to least cost path

through node

if (successors of node all in memory)


if (full(memory)) {

delete shallowest, highest-FCOST node r in frontier

remove r from parent successor list

frontier <- INSERT(r.PARENT, frontier) \\if necessary

insert r’s parent on frontier if necessary


frontier <- INSERT(child, frontier)




Heuristic Search: Simplified Memory-bounded A∗ Search (SMA∗) (3)

• Issues:

– If all leaf nodes have same f value is problemmatic

– To preclude cycles of selecting and deselecting the same node

∗ Always expand newest best leaf

∗ always delete oldest worst leaf

• Evaluation:

– SMA∗ can handle more difficult problems than A∗ without the memoryoverhead

– Better than IDA∗ on graphs

– For very hard problems, may have significant regeneration of paths

∗ May make solution intractable where A∗ with limited memory wouldfind a solution


Heuristic Search: Heuristic Function Evaluation

• Branching factor

– Let n be number of nodes expanded by A∗ for a given problem

– Let d be solution depth

– Let B be effective branching factorI.e., average branching factor over whole problem

– Then,

n =d∑i=1

B =(Bd − 1)B

B − 1

– B generally constant over a large range of instances for a given problemand generally independent of path length

– Ideal case is B = 1: converge directly to goal

– Want heuristic with smallest branching factor

– Can be used to estimate number of nodes expanded for a given B and depth

• Domination

– ha dominates hb if ha(n) ≥ hb(n)

– Dominating heuristic will always expand fewer nodes than dominated oneThe larger h(n), the more accurate it is

• Computational cost of h

– Must consider cost of computing h

– Frequently, the more accurate, the more expensive

– If computational cost outweighs cost of generating nodes, may not be worth-while


Heuristic Search: Designing Heuristics

• There are a number of techniques that can be used to design heuristics:

1. Problem relaxation

– Relaxed problem is one with fewer constraints

– For example, consider the eight puzzle

(a) A tile can move from A → B if they are adjacent: Corresponds tothe Manhatten distance

(b) A tile can move from A→ B if B is empty: Gaschnig’s heuristic

(c) A tile can move from A→ B: Corresponds to the number of tiles outof place

– The state space graph of a relaxed problem is a super graph of theoriginal

∗ It will have more edges than the original

∗ Any optimal solution in the original space will be a solution in therelaxed space

∗ Since the relaxed space has additional edges, some of its solutionsmay be better

– Cost of the optimal solution to a relaxed problem is an admissible heuris-tic in the original

– The derived heuristic must obey the triangle inequality, and so is con-sistent

– Good heuristics often represent exact costs to relaxed problem

2. Composite functions

– If have several heuristic functions, and none is dominant, useh(n) = max(h1(n), h2(n), ..., hm(n))

– If each hi is admissible, so is h(n)

– h(n) dominates each individual hi

3. Statistical info

– By generating random problem instances, can gather data about real vestimated costs

– If find that when h(n) = x ⇒ true cost = y z% of the time, use y inthose cases

– Admissability lost


Heuristic Search: Designing Heuristics (2)

4. Pattern databases

– Find the cost of generating a subproblem of the original

∗ This cost will be a lower bound on the cost of the full problem

– A pattern database stores exact solutions for every subproblem of theoriginal

– When solving the original, look up the solutions of the correspondingmatching subproblems in the DB

∗ This is an admissible heuristic

– Take maximum of all possible matches for a given configuration

5. Features

– Identify those features that (should) contribute to h

– Base heuristic on them

– The agent learns which features are valuable over time

6. Use weighted functions

– Let f(n) = g(n) + wh(n)

– w > 0

– As w decreases, f → optimal cost search

– As w increases, f → greedy search

– Experimental evidence suggests varying w inversely with tree depth


Heuristic Search: Learning Heuristics

• Can an agent learn a better search strategy?

• To do so, need a meta-level state space

– This space represents the internal state of the agent program during thesearch process

• The actual problem state space is the object-level state space

• A meta-level learning algorithm monitors the steps of the search process at themeta-level and compares them with properties in teh object-level to id whichsteps are not worthwhile