Attract or Distract: Exploit the Margin of Open Set Qianyu Feng 1 , Guoliang Kang 2 , Hehe Fan 1,3 * , Yi Yang 1 1 Centre for Artificial Intelligence, University of Technology Sydney 2 School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University 3 Baidu Research {qianyu.feng,hehe.fan}@student.uts.edu.au, [email protected], [email protected] Abstract Open set domain adaptation aims to diminish the do- main shift across domains, with partially shared classes. There exist unknown target samples out of the knowledge of source domain. Compared to the close set setting, how to separate the unknown (unshared) class from the known (shared) ones plays a key role. Whereas, previous meth- ods did not emphasize the semantic structure of the open set data, which may introduce bias into the domain align- ment and confuse the classifier around the decision bound- ary. In this paper, we exploit the semantic structure of open set data from two aspects: 1) Semantic Categorical Alignment, which aims to achieve good separability of tar- get known classes by categorically aligning the centroid of target with the source. 2) Semantic Contrastive Map- ping, which aims to push the unknown class away from the decision boundary. Empirically, we demonstrate that our method performs favourably against the state-of-the-art methods on representative benchmarks, e.g. Digit datasets and Office-31 datasets. 1. Introduction Recent days have witnessed the advancement in many computer vision tasks [21, 37, 38, 15, 30, 24, 16]. The success achieved can be largely attributed to the sufficient amount of labeled in-domain data. However, it is common that test data comes from a different distribution against the training data. Such so-called domain shift may degenerate the model performance heavily. Domain adaptation deals with this issue by diminishing the discrepancy across two domains. The widely considered close set setting assumes that both domains share the same set of underlying cate- gories. However, in practice, it is common that some un- shared (unknown) classes exist in the target. The methods developed for close set domain adaptation may not be triv- ially transferred to such open set setting. * Part of this work was done when Hehe Fan was an intern at Baidu Research. Source sample Target sample Adaptive margin Attraction Distraction unknown Figure 1. Visualization of data distribution with the proposed method. Left: Data before the adaptation with the existence of domain shift and unknown samples. Middle: Neighbors from the same class are pulled closer, while samples from unknown class are pushed away. Right: With the proposed method, representa- tions become more discriminative. Samples from target domain can be better aligned within the corresponding neighborhood or distracted away from the known classes. In this paper, we focus on the open set visual domain adaptation which aims to deal with the domain shift and the identification of unknown objects simultaneously, in the absence of target domain labels. Compared to the close set domain adaptation, how to separate the unknown class from the known ones plays a key role. Up to now, the open set recognition still remains as a pending issue. First raised by Busto et al. [3], they proposed to deal with open-set do- main adaptation as an assignment task. [1] separated the unknown according to whether the sample can be recon- structed with the shared feature or not. While the above methods use part of labeled data from uninteresting classes as unknown samples, it is not possible to represent all the unknown categories in the wild. Another setting has been raised by Saito et al. [22] where unknown samples only ex- ist in the target domain, which is closer to a realistic sce- nario. Saito et al. regarded the unknown samples as a separate class together with an adversarial loss to distin- guish them. It is worth noting that the existence of un- known samples hinders the alignment across domain. In the meanwhile, the disalignment inter-class across domain also makes it harder to distinguish the unknown samples. arXiv:1908.01925v2 [cs.CV] 10 Aug 2019

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Attract or Distract: Exploit the Margin of Open Set

Qianyu Feng1, Guoliang Kang2, Hehe Fan1,3∗ , Yi Yang1

1 Centre for Artificial Intelligence, University of Technology Sydney2 School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University 3 Baidu Research

{qianyu.feng,hehe.fan}@student.uts.edu.au, [email protected], [email protected]


Open set domain adaptation aims to diminish the do-main shift across domains, with partially shared classes.There exist unknown target samples out of the knowledgeof source domain. Compared to the close set setting, howto separate the unknown (unshared) class from the known(shared) ones plays a key role. Whereas, previous meth-ods did not emphasize the semantic structure of the openset data, which may introduce bias into the domain align-ment and confuse the classifier around the decision bound-ary. In this paper, we exploit the semantic structure ofopen set data from two aspects: 1) Semantic CategoricalAlignment, which aims to achieve good separability of tar-get known classes by categorically aligning the centroidof target with the source. 2) Semantic Contrastive Map-ping, which aims to push the unknown class away fromthe decision boundary. Empirically, we demonstrate thatour method performs favourably against the state-of-the-artmethods on representative benchmarks, e.g. Digit datasetsand Office-31 datasets.

1. IntroductionRecent days have witnessed the advancement in many

computer vision tasks [21, 37, 38, 15, 30, 24, 16]. Thesuccess achieved can be largely attributed to the sufficientamount of labeled in-domain data. However, it is commonthat test data comes from a different distribution against thetraining data. Such so-called domain shift may degeneratethe model performance heavily. Domain adaptation dealswith this issue by diminishing the discrepancy across twodomains. The widely considered close set setting assumesthat both domains share the same set of underlying cate-gories. However, in practice, it is common that some un-shared (unknown) classes exist in the target. The methodsdeveloped for close set domain adaptation may not be triv-ially transferred to such open set setting.

∗Part of this work was done when Hehe Fan was an intern at BaiduResearch.



Source sample Target sample

Adaptive marginAttraction Distraction


Figure 1. Visualization of data distribution with the proposedmethod. Left: Data before the adaptation with the existence ofdomain shift and unknown samples. Middle: Neighbors from thesame class are pulled closer, while samples from unknown classare pushed away. Right: With the proposed method, representa-tions become more discriminative. Samples from target domaincan be better aligned within the corresponding neighborhood ordistracted away from the known classes.

In this paper, we focus on the open set visual domainadaptation which aims to deal with the domain shift andthe identification of unknown objects simultaneously, in theabsence of target domain labels. Compared to the close setdomain adaptation, how to separate the unknown class fromthe known ones plays a key role. Up to now, the open setrecognition still remains as a pending issue. First raised byBusto et al. [3], they proposed to deal with open-set do-main adaptation as an assignment task. [1] separated theunknown according to whether the sample can be recon-structed with the shared feature or not. While the abovemethods use part of labeled data from uninteresting classesas unknown samples, it is not possible to represent all theunknown categories in the wild. Another setting has beenraised by Saito et al. [22] where unknown samples only ex-ist in the target domain, which is closer to a realistic sce-nario. Saito et al. regarded the unknown samples as aseparate class together with an adversarial loss to distin-guish them. It is worth noting that the existence of un-known samples hinders the alignment across domain. Inthe meanwhile, the disalignment inter-class across domainalso makes it harder to distinguish the unknown samples.








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Considering the aforementioned problem, we take thesemantic structure of open set data into account to makethe unknown class more separable and thus improve themodel’s predictive ability on target domain data. Specifi-cally, we focus on enlarging two kinds of margins: 1) themargin across the known classes and 2) the margin betweenthe unknown samples and the known classes. For the firstone, we aim to make the known classes more separable andfor the second one, we expect to push the unknown classaway from the decision boundary. As shown in Fig. 1, dur-ing training, samples coming from different domains butwithin the same class (e.g. the blue circle and the red circle)“attract” each other. For each domain, the margin betweendifferent known classes (e.g. the blue circle and the bluestar) are enlarged. Moreover, the samples within unknownclass (e.g. the irregular polygons) are “distracted” from thesamples from known classes.

We propose using semantic categorical alignment (SCA)and semantic contrastive mapping (SCM) to achieve ourgoal. For semantic categorical alignment, due to the ab-sence of target annotations, we indirectly promote the sep-arability across target known classes by categorically align-ing their centers with those in the source domain. For thesource domain, although to an extent, the separability acrossknown classes can be achieved through imposing the cross-entropy loss on the labeled data, we explicitly model and en-hance such separability with the contrastive-center loss [4].Empirically we demonstrate that our method leads to morediscriminative features and benefit the semantic alignmentacross domains.

Although the semantic categorical alignment helps makethe decision boundary aligned across two domains, theremay still exists confusing data of unknown class lying nearthe decision boundary. Thus we propose using semanticcontrastive mapping to push the unknown class away fromthe boundary. In detail, we design the contrastive loss tomake the margin between the unknown and known classlarger than that between known classes.

As the target labels are not available, we use the predic-tions of the network at each iteration as the hypothesis oftarget labels to perform the semantic categorical alignmentand the semantic contrastive mapping. We start our trainingfrom the source trained model to give a good initializationof target label hypothesis. Although the hypothesis of tar-get labels may not be accurate, SCA and SCM in itself arerobust to such noisy labels. Empirically we find that the es-timated SCA/SCM loss works as a good proxy to improvethe model’s performance on the target domain data.

In a nutshell, our contributions can be summarized as

• We propose using semantic categorical alignment toachieve good separability of target known classes andsemantic contrastive mapping to push the unknownclass away from the decision boundary. Both benefits

the adaptation performance noticeably.

• Our method performs favourably against the-state-of-the-art methods on two representative benchmarks,i.e. on Digits dataset, it achieves 84.3% accuracy onthe average, 1.9% higher than the state-of-the-art; onOffice-31 dataset, we achieve 89.7% with AlexNet and89.1% with VGG.

2. Related workDomain adaptation for visual recognition aims to bridge

the knowledge gap between across different domains. Ap-proaches for open set recognition attempt to figure out theunknown samples while identifying samples from knownclasses. In a real scenario, data not only come from diversedomains but also varies in a wide range of categories. Thispaper focuses on dealing with the overlap of these two prob-lems.

Many methods [25, 26, 10, 39, 2, 36, 19, 42, 27, 43]have been proposed for unsupervised domain adaptation(UDA), including the deep network. These work bringsignificant results focusing on the closed set in the fol-lowing aspects. Distribution-based learning. Many ap-proaches aim to learn features invariant to domain with adistance metric [25, 26, 40], e.g., KL-divergence, Maxi-mum Mean Discrepancy (MMD), Wasserstein distance, butthey neglected the alignment of conditional distribution.The categorical information is exploited to align domainsat a fine-grained level together with the pseudo-label. Themarginal distribution and conditional distribution can alsobe jointly aligned with a combined MMD proposed by [32].[35, 14, 33, 34] pay attention to the discriminative prop-erty of the representation. This paper is also related towork [18, 12, 5, 28, 7, 8, 41] considering the categoricalsemantic compactness and separability as the same time.Task-oriented learning. Approaches [39, 2, 9] tend to alignthe domain discrepancy in an adversarial style. Ganin etal. [9] proposed to learn domain-invariant feature by usingan adversarial loss which reverses the gradients during theback-propagation. Bousmalis et al. [2] enabled the networkto separate the generated features into domain-specific sub-space and domain-invariant subspace.

The aforementioned methods tackle with domain adap-tation in the closed-set scenario. Inspired by recent workin open-set recognition, the problem of Open Set DomainAdaptation (OSDA) is raised by Busto et al. [3]. With sev-eral classes trained as unknown samples, Busto et al. pro-posed to solve this problem by learning a mapping acrossdomains with an assignment problem of the target samples.As is aforementioned, it is not possible to cover all the un-known samples with selected categories. Another settingwhere the unknown class does not exist in the source do-main is raised by Saito et al. [22]. Regarding unknown as

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𝐸𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝐸 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝐷𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝐺


𝐺𝑅𝐿 Gradient Reverse Layer

Source Centroid










𝐶𝑡 Target Centroid

Reliable Sample Selection


pseudo label

Figure 2. Framework of the proposed method. There are three modules: Adversarial Domain Adaptation (ADA), Semantic CategoricalAlignment (SCA) and Semantic Contrastive Mapping (SCM). SCA aims to learn discriminative representation and align samples fromthe same category across domains. SCM attempts to distract unknown samples away from all the known categories. All the modules aretrained simultaneously and work together to better categorize each known class and unknown class.

a different class, they enable the network to align featurebetween known classes and reject the unknown samples atthe same time. [1] tried to separate unknown samples fromknown class by disentangling the representation into pri-vate and shared parts. They proved that the samples fromthe known classes can be reconstructed with shared featureswhile the unknown samples can not.

Our method also regards the unknown samples as an“unknown” class. What is different, our method devotesto solve the open-set domain adaptation by enhancing thediscriminative property of representation, aligning similarsamples in the target with source domain while pushing theunknown samples away from all the known classes.

3. Method

3.1. Overall Architecture

The crucial problems of open set domain adaptation con-sist in two aspects, i.e., align the target known samples withthe known samples in the source domain, and separate un-known samples in target from the target known samples. Tosolve these two problems, we design the following mod-ules. 1) Adversarial Domain Adaptation (ADA). Basedon a cross-entropy loss, ADA aims to initially align sam-ples in the target with source known samples or classifythem as unknown. 2) Semantic Categorical Alignment(SCA). This module consists of two parts. First, based on acontrastive-center loss, aims to compact the representationof samples from the same class. Second, based on a cen-ter loss across domains, tries to align the distribution of thesame class between source and target. 3) Semantic Con-

trastive Mapping (SCM). With a contrastive loss, SCMaims to encourage the known samples in the target to movecloser to the corresponding centroid in source. While it alsoattempts to keep the unknown samples away from all theknown classes.

The overall framework of our method is illustrated inFig 2. It consists of an encoder E, a generator G and a dis-criminator D. The image encoder E is a pretrained CNNnetwork to extract semantic features which may involve thedomain variance. The feature generator G is composed ofa stack of fully-connected (FC) layers. It aims to transformthe image representation into a task-oriented feature space.The discriminator D classifies each sample with the gener-ated representation into a category.

3.2. Adversarial Domain Adaptation

Suppose {Xs, Ys} is a set of labeled images sampledfrom the source domain, in which each image xs is pairedwith a label ys. Another set of images Xt derives from thetarget domain. Different from Xs, each image xt in Xt isunlabelled and may come from unknown classes. The goalof open set domain adaptation is to classify the input im-age xt into N + 1 classes, where N denotes the numberof known classes. All samples from unknown classes areexpected to be assigned to the unknown class N + 1.

We leverage an adversarial training method to initiallyalign samples in the target with source known samples orreject them as the unknown. Specifically, the discriminatorD is trained to separate the source domain and the targetdomain. However, the feature generatorG tries to minimizethe difference between the source and the target. When an

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expertD fails to figure out which domain the sample comesfrom, the G learns the domain-invariant representation.

We use the cross-entropy loss together with the softmaxfunction for the known source samples classification,

Lcls(xs, ys) = − log(p(y = ys|xs)),

= − log(D ◦G(xs))ys).(1)

Following [22], in an attempt to make a boundary for anunknown sample, we utilize a binary cross entropy loss,

Ladv(xt) =−1

2log(p(y = N + 1|xt))

− 1

2log(1− p(y = N + 1|xt)).


By the gradient reverse layer [9], we can flip the sign ofthe gradient during backward, which allows us to update theparameters of G and D simultaneously. Then, the objectiveof the ADA module can be formulated as

LADA =minG

(Lcls(xs, ys)− Ladv(xt))+


(Lcls(xs, ys) + Ladv(xt)).(3)

The ADA module only initially aligns samples in the tar-get with source known samples and learns a rough boundarybetween the known and the unknown.

3.3. Semantic Categorical Alignment

We try to address the issues existing in ADA by furtherexploring the semantic structure of open-set data. To sepa-rate the unknown class from the known in the target domain,we should 1) make each known class more concentrate andthe alignment between the source and the target more accu-rate and 2) push the unknown class away from the decisionboundary. In this section, we aim to solve the first problem.We introduce the Semantic Categorical Alignment (SCA),which aims to compact the representation of known classesand distinguish each known class from others. There aretwo steps in SCA. First, the contrastive-center loss[4] isadopted to enhance the discriminative property of gener-ated features of source samples. Second, each centroid ofknown classes from target will be aligned with the corre-sponding centroid of class in source domain. In this way,representations of source samples will finally become morediscriminative, meanwhile, the known target centroids willbe aligned more accurate.To compact the source samples that belong to the same classin the feature space, we apply the following contrastive-center loss to the source samples,

Lcct =1



‖xis − cyis

s ‖22(∑N

j=1,j 6=yis‖xis − c

js‖22) + δ

, (4)

where m denotes the number of samples in a mini-batchduring training procedure, xis denotes the i-th training sam-

ple from the source domain. cyis

s denotes the centroid ofclass yis in the source domain. δ is a constant used for pre-venting zero-denominator. In our experiments, δ = 1 is setto be 10−6 by default.

To align the two centroids of a known class between thesource and target, we try to minimize the distance betweenthe pair of centroids dist(cks , c

kt ) =

∥∥cks − ckt ∥∥2, where cksand ckt represent the centroids of class k from the source andtarget domain, respectively.

Due to the randomness and deviation in each mini-batch,we align the global centroids (calculated from all samples)instead of the local centroids (calculated from a mini-batch).However, it is not easy to directly obtain the global cen-troids. We propose to partially update them with the localcentroids at every iteration, according to their cosine simi-larities to the centroids in the source domain. Specifically,we first compute the initial global centroids based on theprediction of the pretrained model as follows,

ck(0) =1



G(xki ), (5)

where nk denotes the number of samples with label as k.The pretrained model is trained on the source domain withinthe supervised classification paradigm. For the target sam-ples, we use the results of prediction as pseudo labels. Ineach iteration, we compute a set of local centroids ak(I) us-ing the mini-batch samples, where I denotes the iteration.We compute the local centroids as the average of all samplesin each iteration. Then, the source centroid cks and targetcentroid ckt are updated with re-weighting as follows,

ρs = ρ(aks(I), cks(I−1)),

cks(I) ← ρsaks(I) + (1− ρs)cks(I−1),


ρt = ρ(akt(I), cks(I−1)),

ckt(I) ← ρtakt(I) + (1− ρt)ckt(I−1),


where ρ(·, ·) is defined as ρ(xi, xj) = (xi·xj

‖xi‖×‖xj‖ + 1)/2.

Finally, the categorical center alignment loss is formulatedas follows,

Lcca =


dist(cks(I), ckt(I)). (8)

The benefits of SCA are intuitive: 1) The contrastivecenter loss, i.e., Eq. (4), enhances the compactness of therepresentations which also enlarges the margin inter-class.2) The categorical center alignment loss, Eq. (8), guaran-tees that the centroids of the same class are aligned between

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the source domain and the target domain. 3) The dynamicupdate together ensures that the SCA aligns the globaland up-to-date categorical distributions. Furthermore, thereweighting technique weakens the incorrect pseudo-labelsand therefore can alleviate the accumulated error of thepseudo-labels.

3.4. Semantic Contrastive Mapping

SCA aligns the centroids of the same class between thesource domain and the target domain. For the non-centroidsamples in the target domain, we employ a contrastive lossfunction to encourage the known samples to move closer totheir centroids and enforce the unknown samples to stay faraway from all the centroids of known classes. By this way,we can align the non-centroid samples in the target domain.We refer to this process as the Semantic Contrastive Map-ping (SCM).

Since the pseudo labels of target samples are not to-tally correct, we select reliable samples whose classifica-tion probabilities are over a threshold. We set the thresholdto 1

N+1 in our method. SCM aims to reduce the distance be-tween the reliable known samples and their centroids, whileenlarge the distance between the reliable unknown samplesand all centroids.

Lcon(xt;G) = (1− z)Dk(xkt , c





Du(xkt , c


(9)where z is equal to 0 if xt is predicted as class ∈ 1, 2, ..., N ,otherwise, z equals to 1. Dk denotes the distance betweentarget known samples and the corresponding source cen-troid. Du denotes the distance between target unknownsamples and all the source known classes. Inspired by theenergy-base model in [13], functions are designed as fol-lows,

Dk(xkt , c

ks) = (1− ρ)ωdist(xkt , cks)2, (10)

Du(xN+1t , cks) = −ρω(max{0,Mk − dist(xN+1

t , cks)})2,(11)

where ρ denotes the cosine similarity. To ensure an efficientand accurate measurement of the distances, we also use ahyper-parameter ω to re-weight distances calculated in theloss. Mk is a categorical adaptive margin to measure theradius of neighborhood of class k, defined as follows,

Mk =1


N∑j=1,j 6=k

dist(cjt , cks). (12)

3.5. Objective

In the proposed method, considering the intra-class com-pactness and inter-class separability, we design the twomodules SCA and SCM based on the adversarial learning

Algorithm 1 Exploit the Margin of Open Set, e denotes thetraining step, I denotes the iteration times.Require: Labeled samples batches Xs = {(xsi , ysi)}


from source domain, unlabeled samples batches Xt ={xtj}

ntj=1 from target domain. Bs

i and Bti denote the

ith mini-batch data in the training set.Ensure: Parameters in the network θG, θD

1: 1st Stage2: Pretrain G and D based on {Xs, Ys}, update θG, θD3: 2nd Stage4: e = 05: while not converge do6: Calculate the current global centroids cks(e) and ckt(e)7: for I = 1 to max iter do8: Update cks(e) and ckt(e) by using Eq. 6 and Eq. 79: Calculate pair distance between cks(e) and ckt(e)

10: Select reliable target samples Xt(I)

11: Calculate pair distance between cks(e), Xt(I)

12: Train modelm with Bsi , B

ti by optimizing loss in

Eq. 13, update θG, θD13: e = e+ 114: end for15: end while

in ADA. Formally, the final objective is defined in Eq. 13.

Ltotal = LADA + LSCA + LSCM

= Lcls + Ladv + λsLcct + λcLcca + λtLcon.(13)

In each iteration, the network updates the class centroidsand network parameters simultaneously. The overall algo-rithm is shown in Algorithm 1. SCA attempts to enlarge themargins between known classes in source and categoricallyalign the centroids across domain. SCM attempts to alignall the known target samples to its source neighborhoods,while keeping the distance between unknown samples andthe centroids of known classes around an adaptively deter-mined margin. With SCA, the discriminator in ADA is ac-cess to more discriminative representation and well-alignedsemantic features. On the other side, SCM aids to distin-guish the unknown samples from the other known classes.

4. Experiments4.1. Setup

In this section, we evaluate the proposed method on theopen set domain adaptation task using two benchmarks, i.e.,Digit datasets and Office-31 [31]. Considering the settingwhere unknown samples only exist in the target domain. Wecompare the performance of our method OSDA+BP [22]and other baselines including: Open-set SVM (OSVM) [17]and other methods combined with OSVM, e.g., Maximum

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SVHN-MNIST USPS-MNIST MNIST-USPS AverageMethod OS OS* ALL UNK OS OS* ALL UNK OS OS* ALL UNK OS OS* ALL UNKOSVM 54.3 63.1 37.4 10.5 43.1 32.3 63.5 97.5 79.8 77.9 84.2 89.0 59.1 57.7 61.7 65.7

MMD+OSVM 55.9 64.7 39.1 12.2 62.8 58.9 69.5 82.1 80.0 79.8 81.3 81.0 68.0 68.8 66.3 58.4BP+OSVM 62.9 75.3 39.2 0.7 84.4 92.4 72.9 0.9 33.8 40.5 21.4 44.3 60.4 69.4 44.5 15.3

OSDA+BP[22] 63.0 59.1 71.0 82.3 92.3 91.2 94.4 97.6 92.1 94.9 88.1 78.0 82.4 81.7 84.5 85.9

Ours w/o SCA 65.6 61.6 73.9 85.4 93.6 95.4 87.9 82.8 86.5 86.1 88.1 88.5 81.9 81.0 83.3 85.6Ours w/o SCM 65.5 61.0 74.8 87.8 92.5 93.8 87.1 81.1 84.6 84.0 86.0 87.7 80.9 79.6 82.6 85.5

Ours 68.6 65.5 75.3 84.3 93.1 95.2 92.8 91.7 91.3 92.0 90.7 87.8 84.3 84.2 86.3 87.9

Table 1. Accuracy (%) of experiments on Digit dataset.

Figure 3. A comparison between the existing method and the proposed method. First row: visualization of features of the state-of-the-artmethod OSDA+BP[22] . Second row: visualization of features generated by our method. The left two column show features of sourceand target in SVHN→ MNIST, the right two columns are features of source and target in MNIST→ USPS. The color red in the targetrepresents the unknown class.

Mean Discrepancy(MMD) [11], BP [9], ATI-λ [3]. OSVMclassifies test samples into unknown class with a thresh-old of probability when the predicted probability is lowerthan the threshold for other classes. OSVM also requiresno unknown samples in the source domain during training.MMD+OSVM is a combination method with OSVM andMMD-based method for network in [25]. MMD is discrep-ancy measure metric used to match the distribution acrossdomains. BP+OSVM combines OSVM with a domain clas-sifier, BP [9], which is a representative of adversarial learn-ing applied in unsupervised domain adaptation.

Digits We begin by exploring three Digit datasets, i.e.SVHN [29], MNIST [23] and USPS [23]. SVHN containscolored digit images of size 32 × 32, where more than onedigit may appear in a single image. MNIST includes 28 ×28 grey digit images and USPS consists of 16 × 16 greydigit images. We conduct 3 common adaptation scenariosincluding SVHN to MNIST, USPS to MNIST and MNISTto USPS.

Office-31 [31] is a standard benchmark for domain adap-tation. There exist three distinct domains: Amazon (A) with2817 images from the merchants, Webcam (W) with 795images of low resolution and DSLR (D) with 498 images

of high resolution. Each domain shares 31 categories withthe others. We examine the full transfer scenarios in ourexperiments.

Implementation For Digit datasets, we employ the samearchitecture with [22]. For Office-31, we employ tworepresentative CNN architectures, AlexNet [21] and VG-GNet [37], to extract the visual features. For both the gen-erator and classifier, we use one-layer FC followed withLeaky-RELU and Batch-Normalization. For Office-31, weinitialize the feature extractor from the ImageNet [6] pre-trained model For both datasets, we first train our modelwith labeled source domain data. All networks are trainedby Adam [20] optimizer with weight decay 10−6. The ini-tial learning rates for Digit and Office-31 datasets is 2×10−4and 10−3 respectively. Learning rate decreases following acosine ramp-down schedule. We set the hyper-parametersλs = 0.02, λc = 0.005, and λt = 10−4 in all the ex-periments. Following [3], we report the accuracy averagedover the classes in the OS and OS*. The average accuracyof all classes including the unknown one is denoted as OS.Accuracy measures only on the known classes of the targetdomain is denoted as OS*. All the results reported are theaccuracy averaged over three independent running.

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Adaptation ScenarioA-D A-W D-A D-W W-A W-D AVG


Method w/o unknown classes in source domain (AlexNet)OSVM 59.6 59.1 57.1 55.0 14.3 5.9 44.1 39.3 13.0 4.5 62.5 59.2 40.6 37.1

MMD + OSVM 47.8 44.3 41.5 36.2 9.9 0.9 34.4 28.4 11.5 2.7 62.0 58.5 34.5 28.5BP+OSVM 40.8 35.6 31.0 24.3 10.4 1.5 33.6 27.3 11.5 2.7 49.7 44.8 29.5 22.7

ATI-λ[3] + OSVM 72.0 - 65.3 - 66.4 - 82.2 - 71.6 - 92.7 - 75.0 -OSDA+BP[22] 76.6 76.4 70.1 69.1 62.5 62.3 94.4 94.6 82.3 82.2 96.8 96.9 80.4 80.2Ours w/o SCA 87.8 89.0 85.6 87.1 74.2 73.8 97.2 98.1 74.9 73.9 98.5 99.0 86.5 87.0Ours w/o SCM 89.8 91.2 88.0 90.6 77.8 77.9 97.6 98.6 75.1 75.0 98.0 99.3 87.7 88.8

Ours 91.0 92.7 89.5 89.6 81.8 83.0 97.8 98.8 78.7 81.4 98.5 99.7 89.7 90.7Method w/o unknown classes in source domain (VGGNet)

OSVM 82.1 83.9 75.9 75.8 38.0 33.1 57.8 54.4 54.5 50.7 83.6 83.3 65.3 63.5MMD + OSVM 84.4 85.8 75.6 75.7 41.3 35.9 61.9 58.7 50.1 45.6 84.3 83.4 66.3 64.2

BP+OSVM 83.1 84.7 76.3 76.1 41.6 36.5 61.1 57.7 53.7 49.9 82.9 82.0 66.4 64.5OSDA+BP[22] 85.8 85.8 76.9 76.6 89.4 91.5 96.0 96.6 83.4 83.1 97.1 97.3 88.0 88.5

Ours 90.1 92.0 86.4 87.7 81.6 88.4 97.9 99.8 80.3 82.6 98.2 99.3 89.1 91.6Table 2. Accuracy (%) of each method on scores of OS and OS*. A, D and W correspond to Amazon, DSLR and Webcam respectively.The ablation versions of our method w/o SCA and w/o SCM are also reported.

4.2. Results on Digit Dataset

In the three Digit datasets, numbers 0∼4 are chosen asknown classes. Samples from the known classes make upthe source samples. In the target samples, numbers 5∼9are regarded as one unknown class. Besides the scores ofOS and OS*, we also report the total accuracy for samplesin target and the accuracy of unknown class, which are de-noted as ALL and UNK, respectively.

As shown in Table 1, our method produces competi-tive results compared to other methods. Results of ourmethod outperform the other methods in SVHN→MNIST,MNIST → USPS and the average scores. It is shownthat our method is better at recognizing the unknownsamples(5∼9) while maintaining the performance of iden-tifying the known classes. For SVHN → MNIST, the se-mantic gap between them is large, as there may exist sev-eral digits in the images of SVHN. Thus the accuracies ofSVHN → MNIST are lower than the other two scenarios.Our method outperforms existing methods on the averagescores. For instance, our approach achieves 87.9% in theaverage score of unknown class. This is 2.0% higher thanOSDA+BP [22]. Learned features obtained by the trainedmodel of the three scenarios are visualized in Fig 3. Weobserve that the distribution of unknown samples is moredecentralized in SVHN→ MNIST because of the large di-vergence of the two domains. Compared with OSDA+BP[22], the proposed method could better centralize samplesof the same known class and distinguish unknown samplesfrom known ones.

4.3. Results on Office-31 Dataset

We compare our method with other works on Office-31dataset following [3]. There are 31 classes in this dataset,

and the first 10 classes in alphabetical order are selectedas known classes. In [22], 21-31 classes are selected asunknown samples in the target domain, which only exist inthe target domain. We evaluate the experiment on all the 6scenario tasks: A → D, A → W, D → A, D → W, W →A, W → D. The improvement on some hard transfer tasksis encouraging to prove the effectiveness and value of theproposed method.

Results of Office-31 are shown in Table 2. With fea-tures extracted with AlexNet, our method significantly out-performs the state-of-the-art methods except W → A. Ourapproach achieves 89.7% in OS score based on AlexNet,overpassing the state-of-the-art by 2%. For OS*, our ap-proach improves the results of state-of-the-art from 80.2%to 90.7%. Based on VGG, our method reaches 89.1% onOS score and 91.6 on OS* score, outperforming the state-of-the-art method by 1.1% and 3.1%, respectively. Espe-cially, under the harder scenarios of A→ D, A→W, D→A, our method brings large improvement.

4.4. Ablation Study

For a straightforward understanding of the proposedmethod, we further evaluate each module via ablation ex-periments on Digit datasets. We alternately remove the SCAand SCM from our model. Results are reported in Table 1above our final results. A decrease in performance is ob-served when removing SCA or SCM. Particularly, when thediscriminative learning (w/o SCA) or contrastive learning(w/o SCM) is ablated, the accuracy of OS* or UNK or bothof them will decrease significantly. We reconfirm the ef-fect of each module based on AlexNet in the experiments ofOffice-31. Results in Table 2 also indicate the importanceof learning the discriminative representation and contrastive

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(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 4. (a): A comparison of the behavior of our method with different re-weight ω in the contrastive loss. (b): A comparison betweenstatic margin and our adaptive margin. (c): Distances between centroid of class “backpack” labeled “0” in the target with centroids of class0∼5 in source . (d): Performance of the proposed method under different ratios of unknown samples.

mapping simultaneously. It indicates that the two modulestake effect jointly. The discriminative representation helpsto push away the unknown samples while the distractionof unknown samples assists the alignment of known cate-gories.Effect of adaptive margin. As the margin is designed forthe contrastive loss as an adaptive one, we also observe thebehavior of the model with static margin on A → D. Wechoose constant value of margin ms ∈ {10, 20, 30, ..., 100}for comparison. Whenms is equal to 0, the contrastive termin the objective is only to align all the target samples pre-dicted as known with the corresponding centroid in source.When ms is assigned with a large value, the model tends topenalize all the target samples predicted as unknown sam-ples with large loss. According to results in Fig. 4(b), the ac-curacies of OS and OS* are trending downward when usinga constant margin. The accuracy of UNK raises when themargin is 20 and 60. To further investigate the changes ofdistances between categories during the training of model,we visualize the centroid of known class “Backpack” in thetarget with the centroids of known classes in the source do-main. The “Backpack” is labeled as 0. Results are shown inFig. 4(c). With the training of model, the distance betweenthe centroids of class 0 in the source and target domainsis declining. This indicates that the distribution betweenthe source and target domains are aligned for class 0. Inthe meanwhile, distances between centroids of target class0 and the other classes in source domain improve with theincrease of training epoch. In spite of the reduce of discrep-ancy between the two domains, the distances with the otherclasses in source are increasing. This demonstrates that itis improper to use a static margin to measure the energy forpulling apart unknown samples. With the alignment acrossdomain and the separation between different class, the ra-dius of the neighborhood of each class would change. Thisalso explains the reason why the adaptive margin produceshigher scores than the static margin.Effect of re-weighting the contrastive loss. Thereis another hyper-parameter ω which re-weights the dis-

tances in Lcon. We conduct experiments with ω ∈{0, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2}. As shown in Fig. 4(a), our approachachieves the best results when ω is equal to 0.5. This pa-rameter smooths the weight of calculated with cosine sim-ilarity. When ω is 0, the re-weighting term is equal to 1,which means the contrastive loss is calculated without there-weighting. It also reveals that the effectiveness of there-weighting term could help the model to better measurethe distances between unknown samples and centroids insource.

Effect of the ratio of unknown samples. In this section,we aim to investigate the robustness of our method underdifferent ratios of unknown samples in the target data. InFig. 4(d), we compare our results with method BP+OSVMand OSDA+BP under ratio ∈ (0, 1). Unknown samples arerandomly sampled according to the ratio. It can be seenthat the accuracy of our model fluctuates little and is alwaysabove the baseline methods, which implies the robustnessof our method.

5. Conclusion

In this paper, we focus on the open set domain adaptationsetting where only source domain annotations are availableand the unknown class exists in the target. To better iden-tify the unknown and meanwhile diminish the domain shift,we take the semantic margin of open set data into accountthrough semantic categorical alignment and semantic con-trastive mapping, aiming to make the known classes moreseparable and push the unknown class away from the de-cision boundary, respectively. Empirically, we demonstratethat our method is comparable to or even better than thestate-of-the-art methods on representative open set bench-marks, i.e. Digits and Office-31. The effectiveness of eachcomponent of our method is also verified. Our method im-plies that explicitly taking the semantic margin of open setdata into account is beneficial. And it is promising to makemore exploration in this direction in the future.

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