f air trade organic coffee...杜松子酒, 荔枝甜酒, 檸檬汁, 本地野生蜂蜜,...

JUICE F AIR TRADE ORGANIC COFFEE OUR BAR CONCEPT 酒吧概念 Our organic coffee grows without using synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. It improves the ecosystem of the farms and surrounding environment through topsoil retention, better water quality, and increased biodiversity. By sourcing directly from farmers, it allows them to retain higher profits and attain a decent standard of living. Flavour: Apparent caramel nose and sweet flavor w/ medium acidity Region: South America Americano 32 Cappuccino 38 Macchiato 38 Latte 38 Mocha 38 Expresso 32 Double Expresso 38 Historically many farmers used their harvests to ferment alcohol as a source of nutrients, medicinal purposes, prevention of illness, and various health benefits. Inspired by these traditions, we worked together with local farmers on the daily use of local plants and wine-making traditions to create a new genre of Hong Kong inspired cocktails, fusing traditional Chinese wine with local Hong Kong flavours. Many ingredients and garnish are handpicked from our hydroponic system and our farm, just as every cocktail was carefully created with a unique story and health properties. In essence, there are elements we can all relate to, bridging generations of traditions with a modern twist. SOHOFAMA BAR 之發展概念來自本土文化、生活與農業傳統。 追本 溯源,各地特產的美酒皆源於農人把盛產的作物浸釀製酒, 以作醫療 保 健、抗病及強身健體之用。 我們透過探訪本地有機農夫與 其釀酒之 道, 深入了解本地作物之日常運用, 並以此為基礎加上西方 雞尾酒的 精髓, 調製出各式充滿香港本土特色的雞尾酒。 所運用的材 料與其背 後的故事,甚至讓年輕一代的香港人也感到意外和驚喜。 OUR MIXOLOGIST 調酒師 With over a decade of bartending experience in UK, Spain & Hong Kong, Kit Cheung from Spirit of Spirit has gathered a wealth of knowledge in wines & liquors, and has developed a passion in growing and harvesting plants that are incorporated in his cocktail creations. He continuously seeks new ideas with the vast varieties of native local plants in order to develop different senses of smell and taste that resonates with local familiarities, blending together various types of alcohol with different cultures and communities. Kit Cheung 擁有逾12年調酒經驗, 是香港少數從英國回流的資深調酒 師。 他深暗酒類歷史、作物與釀製特色,以至酒與社會傳統文化之關 係。 他亦熱衷以各種本土作物搭配不同酒類作實驗及嘗試, 以期發掘 與 別不同的嗅覺與味覺感受。他認為,調酒師必須了解當地農業及生活 文 化, 並以之為素材進行研究及實驗, 才能創作具個人風格的雞尾酒。 Certified Organic Beverage Natural Wine Pick Me Up $58 Orange, Carrot, Beetroot & Lemon 橙,甘荀,紅菜頭及檸檬 5 Green Juice $58 Apple, Cucumber, Celery, Lime & Mint 蘋果, 青瓜, 西芹, 青檸及薄荷葉 (YOU CAN CHOOSE 1 or 2 FLAVOURS AS BELOW TO MIX) $58 Green Apple 青蘋果 Cucumber 青瓜 Orange Carrot 甘荀 Watermelon 西瓜 Grapefruit 西柚

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Page 1: F AIR TRADE ORGANIC COFFEE...杜松子酒, 荔枝甜酒, 檸檬汁, 本地野生蜂蜜, 梳打水及自家製羅漢果洛神花汁 Tonic/ Ginger Beer/ Ginger Ale/ Lemonade (Natural




Our organic coffee grows without using

synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. It improves

the ecosystem of the farms and surrounding

environment through topsoil retention, better

water quality, and increased biodiversity. By

sourcing directly from farmers, it allows them

to retain higher profits and attain a decent

standard of living.

Flavour: Apparent caramel nose

and sweet flavor w/ medium acidity

Region: South America

Americano 32

Cappuccino 38

Macchiato 38

Latte 38

Mocha 38

Expresso 32

Double Expresso 38

Historically many farmers used their harvests to ferment alcohol as a

source of nutrients, medicinal purposes, prevention of illness, and various

health benefits. Inspired by these traditions, we worked together with

local farmers on the daily use of local plants and wine-making traditions

to create a new genre of Hong Kong inspired cocktails,

fusing traditional Chinese wine with local Hong Kong flavours. Many

ingredients and garnish are handpicked from our hydroponic system

and our farm, just as every cocktail was carefully created with a unique

story and health properties. In essence, there are elements we can all

relate to, bridging generations of traditions with a modern twist.

SOHOFAMA BAR 之發展概念來自本土文化、生活與農業傳統。 追本

溯源,各地特產的美酒皆源於農人把盛產的作物浸釀製酒, 以作醫療

保 健、抗病及強身健體之用。 我們透過探訪本地有機農夫與 其釀酒之

道, 深入了解本地作物之日常運用, 並以此為基礎加上西方 雞尾酒的

精髓, 調製出各式充滿香港本土特色的雞尾酒。 所運用的材 料與其背



With over a decade of bartending experience in UK, Spain & Hong

Kong, Kit Cheung from Spirit of Spirit has gathered a wealth of

knowledge in wines & liquors, and has developed a passion in

growing and harvesting plants that are incorporated in his cocktail

creations. He continuously seeks new ideas with the vast varieties of

native local plants in order to develop different senses of smell and

taste that resonates with local familiarities, blending together various

types of alcohol with different cultures and communities.

Kit Cheung 擁有逾12年調酒經驗, 是香港少數從英國回流的資深調酒

師。 他深暗酒類歷史、作物與釀製特色,以至酒與社會傳統文化之關

係。 他亦熱衷以各種本土作物搭配不同酒類作實驗及嘗試, 以期發掘 與

別不同的嗅覺與味覺感受。他認為,調酒師必須了解當地農業及生活 文

化, 並以之為素材進行研究及實驗, 才能創作具個人風格的雞尾酒。

Certified Organic Beverage Natural Wine

Pick Me Up $58 Orange, Carrot, Beetroot & Lemon


5 Green Juice $58 Apple, Cucumber, Celery, Lime & Mint

蘋果, 青瓜, 西芹, 青檸及薄荷葉


Green Apple 青蘋果

Cucumber 青瓜

Orange 橙

Carrot 甘荀

Watermelon 西瓜

Grapefruit 西柚

Page 2: F AIR TRADE ORGANIC COFFEE...杜松子酒, 荔枝甜酒, 檸檬汁, 本地野生蜂蜜, 梳打水及自家製羅漢果洛神花汁 Tonic/ Ginger Beer/ Ginger Ale/ Lemonade (Natural



酸梅 | Plum Sours $108

Plum infused in Local Yuet Wo Triple Distilled Rice Wine,

Local Organic Perilla Tea, Lemon Juice & Local Honey

採用新界東北古洞和記酒廠所製的兩年三蒸梅酒, 並以香港


花落誰家 | Smoking Chamomile $118

Homemade infused Chamomile Wine Vodka, Apple Juice, Lemon Juice & Local Honey

採用自家浸製之洋甘菊酒, 本地野生蜂蜜, 檸檬汁及蘋果汁, 愉悅的口感同時散發著


殭屍 | Chinese Zombie $108

Triple Distilled Rice Wine , Glutinous Rice Wine, Yellow Rice Wine,

Apricot, Pineapple Juice & Lime Juice

本地悅和三蒸酒, 糯米酒, 花雕酒, 黃梅酒, 菠蘿汁及青檸汁

靈感來自classic cocktail Zombie, 把Rum用本地老牌悅和酒廠

自家蒸餾方式表達, 充滿本土特色, 香港符水絕對不能錯過

先苦後甜 | Palace $118

Lemon Leaf infused in Hanson Organic Vodka, Green Chartreuse,

Grapefruit Juice, Lime Juice & Local Honey

自家製檸檬葉浸Hanson有機伏特加, 用超過130種香草製成的法國

Green Chartreuse酒, 新鮮西柚汁, 青檸汁及本地野生蜂蜜

薑土熱情 | Ginger Passion $98

Fresh Lemon Mint, Organic Ginger, Passion Fruit, Organic Local Ginger infused

in Triple Distilled Rice Wine, Apple Juice, Lemon Juice & Local Honey

新鮮自家種植檸檬薄荷葉, 有機薑, 熱情果, 自家浸製之本地有機薑三蒸酒,

蘋果汁, 檸檬汁及本地野生蜂蜜

香港地 | Hong Kong Sling $98

Bombay Sapphire Gin, Lychee Liqueur, Lemon Juice, Honey,

top up with Soda Water & Roselle Juice

杜松子酒, 荔枝甜酒, 檸檬汁, 本地野生蜂蜜, 梳打水及自家製羅漢果洛神花汁

Tonic/ Ginger Beer/ Ginger Ale/ Lemonade (Natural J.Gasco Soft Mixer) 38

Fresh Coconut 48

Acqua Panna Still Water 750ml 58

San Pellegrino Sparkling Water 750ml 58

SIGNATURE ZESTY TEA 48 Premium black tea blended with zesty orange peels Black Tea – Caffeine stronger ●●○○○

FRUITY ANTIOXIDANT TEA (HOT/ICED) 48 The perfect iced tea refreshingly blended with pear, apple, kiwi, pineapple & mango bits Fruit Tea - Caffeine stronger ○○○○○

HEARTY MINT TEA 48 A healthy twist on traditional mint tea this digestion-enhancing treat is blended With oranges peels & ginger bits Herbal Tea – Caffeine stronger ○○○○○

INDULGENT ZERO- CALORIE TEA 48 Rick black tea coupled with flavourful vanilla shavings for a decadent treat Black Tea – Caffeine stronger ●●●○○

ORGANIC JASMINE TEA 38 A timeless Chinese favourite classic jasmine scented green tea Green Tea – Caffeine stronger ●●●○○

ORGANIC GREEN TEA 38 USDA organic, Full-leaf smooth green tea pearls, Full-bodied flavour Green Tea – Caffeine stronger ●●●○○

ORGANIC ROSE TEA 38 Rick black tea coupled with flavourful vanilla shavings for a decadent treat Black Tea – Caffeine stronger ●●○○

ORGANIC JASMINE AND ROSE TEA 48 Green & White Tea – Caffeine stronger ●●○○

Page 3: F AIR TRADE ORGANIC COFFEE...杜松子酒, 荔枝甜酒, 檸檬汁, 本地野生蜂蜜, 梳打水及自家製羅漢果洛神花汁 Tonic/ Ginger Beer/ Ginger Ale/ Lemonade (Natural

F A M A ’S M O C K T A I L S

Leon $68 Chamomile Tea, Green Tea Syrup, Blue Curacao, Local Honey, Lime Juice

菊花茶, 新鮮自家綠茶糖水, 藍橙, 本地蜂蜜, 青檸汁

Apple Flower $68

Apple Juice, Elderflower Syrup, Lime Juice, Mint & Soda

蘋果汁, 接骨木花糖水, 青檸汁, 新鮮薄荷葉及梳打水

Party of 9 $68

Fresh Blackberry, Strawberry Puree, Rose Syrup, Cranberry Juice, Orange, Carrot,

Beetroot, Lemon & L i m e Juice

新鮮黑莓, 士多啤利茸, 玫瑰糖水, 紅莓汁, 橙, 甘荀, 紅菜頭, 檸檬及青檸汁

Strawberry & Passion Fruit Punch $58

Fresh Strawberry, Fresh Passion Fruit, Lime Juice & Cranberry Juice

新鮮草莓, 熱情果, 青檸汁及紅莓汁

Healthy Mary $68

Fresh Cherry Tomato, Celery, Lemon Juice, Tomato Juice & Fama Spice Sauce

新鮮有機車厘茄及西芹, 檸檬汁, 蕃茄汁及料理農務自家製辣汁

Roselle Juice Punch $58

Organic Roselle mix with Siraitia Juice, Homemade Lychee Juice & Apple Juice

自家製羅漢果洛神花汁, 荔枝汁及蘋果汁

捱騾仔 | China Mule $108

Southern Comfort, Fresh Lime, Organic Ginger, Honey & top up with Ginger Beer

桃子甜酒, 新鮮青檸, 有機薑, 本地野生蜂蜜及薑啤

5月花 | Natural $108

Hendrick’s Gin, St.Germain Elderflower, Apple Juice, Lemon Juice,

Organic Cucumber & Basil

五月份正是英國開遍接骨木花 (Elderflower) 的季節, 略帶奶黃色的小白花, 味道清

甜宜人, 當地農夫喜以它釀酒。「五月花」採用小黃瓜與玫瑰味的 Hendrick Gin,

混和St-Germain Elderflower Liqueur, 再加入蘋果汁, 在清甜中添以新鮮羅勒的濃


桂麥情緣 | O’ Malt Love $108

Kuei Hua Chen Chiew, Jack Daniel’s Whiskey ,Local Honey, Lime Juice. Fresh

Passion Fruit

桂花陳酒, Jack Daniel’s 威士忌, 本地野生蜂蜜, 青檸汁, 新鮮熱情果肉

料理椰子 | Sohonut $108

Fresh Coconut, Malibu Rum, Bacardi White Rum, Coconut Syrup & Coconut Flakes

料理椰子, 椰子蔗酒, Bacardi蔗酒, 椰子糖水及椰絲

陳皮粥 | Orange Peel Porridge $128

Dried Tangerine Peel infused in Local Yuet Wo Rice Wine, Yuet Wo Glutinous Rice

Wine, Domaine de Canton Ginger, Lime Juice, Honey, Orange Bitter & Chia Seed 運

用香港家庭廚房必備的陳皮, 米酒及糯米酒, 配以健康食品奇亞籽, 青檸汁, 本地 野


醉羅漢 | Drunken Monk $118

Olmeca Reposado, Local Yellow Rice Wine, Organic Roselle mix with Siraitia Juice,

Local Honey & Lime Juice

以嚴格釀製的 Olmeca Reposado 為基調, 加入本地野生蜂蜜, 青檸汁, 運用羅漢


清新陽光 | Refreshing Sunshine $108

Beefeater London Dry Gin, Homemade Lemongrass Syrup, Yuzu Juice, Lemon Juice, Apple Juice, Basil

Beefeater 杜松子酒, 自家製香茅風味糖漿, 柚子汁, 檸檬汁, 蘋果汁, 新鮮羅勒葉

Page 4: F AIR TRADE ORGANIC COFFEE...杜松子酒, 荔枝甜酒, 檸檬汁, 本地野生蜂蜜, 梳打水及自家製羅漢果洛神花汁 Tonic/ Ginger Beer/ Ginger Ale/ Lemonade (Natural


經典香檳雞尾酒 | Classic Champagne Cocktail

Classic Augostura Soaked Sugar Cube, Brandy top up with Natural Champagne

方糖, 拔蘭地及香檳

貝利尼 | Bellini (Choice Of Your Flavor)

White Peach & Crème De Peche, top up with Natural Champagne.

Other seasonal varieties included

Lychee, Raspberry, Strawberry or Passion Fruit

可選自己喜愛的味道: 桃/荔枝/紅莓/草莓或熱情果, 加上香檳

東方美夢 | Oriental Bubbles

Lemon Leaf infused in Vodka, Lychee Liqueur, Lemon Juice & top up with Natural


自家製檸檬葉浸伏特加, 荔枝酒, 檸檬汁及加上香檳

Tsing Tao I 4.8%ABV, CHINA 58

Pleasant aroma, well-balanced taste, high-malty flavor and well-hopped character.

Tsingtao is produced with spring water from Laoshan, a mountain area famous through-

out China for the purity of its water

Napoleone Munich Hells | 5.1%ABV, AUSTRALIA 68

Crisp, light, unfiltered and refreshing

Siren Calypso | 4.0%ABV, ENGLAND 68

Berliner Weisse, a tart, Spritzy Berliner- style sour beer

Black Isle Organic Yellowhammer | 4.0%ABV, SCOTLAND 78

Session IPA, Mouthwateringly refreshing, this golden, straw-coloured ale

contains hints of grapefruit with dashes of toffee

San Miguel 5%ABV, HONG KONG 48/68

Rated as the best tasting Asian Beer, the perfect match for Asian cuisines,

Well-balanced medium body and slight hoppy note with a distinct bitter hops


Angry Orchard Crisp Apple Cider | 5%ABV, UNITED STATES 78 Angry Orchard Crisp Apple has a bright, crisp apple favour. It is a perfect

balance of sweetness and bright acidity from culinary apples and dryness of

traditional cider making apples, resulting in a complex, yet refreshing, hand


Certified Organic Beverage

Page 5: F AIR TRADE ORGANIC COFFEE...杜松子酒, 荔枝甜酒, 檸檬汁, 本地野生蜂蜜, 梳打水及自家製羅漢果洛神花汁 Tonic/ Ginger Beer/ Ginger Ale/ Lemonade (Natural

T H E O R G A N I C Organic Spirit mix with our Juice $ 8 8 C H A M P A G N E / S P A R K L I N G gls/btl

Botter Prosecco DOC Spumante Extra Dry N.V 68/358

Well balanced and light body, Harmonic at the taste.

Grape Varietal: Glera

Vintage: N.V

Region: Veneto, Italy

Drappier Sans Souffre Brut Nature 988

Grape varietal: 100% Pinot Noir

Region: Champagne, France

Mumm Grand Cordon 1088

Grape varietal: 45% Pinot Noir, 30% Chardonnay, 25% Pinot Meunier

Region: Champagne, France

Perrier Jouet Grand Brut 1288

Grape varietal: 40% Pinot Noir, 40% Pinot Meunier, 20% Chardonnay

Region: Champagne, France

Perrier Jouet Belle 2898

Grape varietal: 50% Chardonnay, 45% Pinot Noir, 5% Pinot

Region: Champagne, France

Dom Perignon 2004 2898

Grape varietal: 52% Pinot Noir, 48% Chardonnay

Region: Champagne, France


Organic Hanson Vodka mix with Orange Juice. Simply as that

The Hanson Green

Organic Hanson Vodka mix with our 5 Green Juice

The Han…Over

Organic Hanson Vodka mix with Orange, Carrot, Beetroot & Lemon

The Farmer’s 5 Green

Organic Farmer Gin mix with our 5 Green Juice

The Farmer Pick Me Up

Organic Farmer Gin mix with Orange, Carrot, Beetroot & Lemon

All our signature cocktails are created by Spirit of Spirit Ltd. Bartender Team If you have any

questions or don’t see what you like, please feel free to ask away!

Page 6: F AIR TRADE ORGANIC COFFEE...杜松子酒, 荔枝甜酒, 檸檬汁, 本地野生蜂蜜, 梳打水及自家製羅漢果洛神花汁 Tonic/ Ginger Beer/ Ginger Ale/ Lemonade (Natural

V O D K A R U M 45ml 45ml H K / C H I N E S E / H O M E M A D E S P I R I T 60ml

Stolichnaya Premium 68

Absolut 68 Absolut Vanilia/ Citron 78 Absolut Elyx 88 Zubrowka 68

Belvedere 78

Ketel One 108

Grey Goose 108

Hanson Vodka 98

Myers Dark Rum 68

Bacardi 68 Bacardi Gold Rum 78 Bacardi 8 years Rum 98

Havana 3 68 Havana 7 88

Captain Morgan Spiced Rum 88

Pyrat Rum XO Reserve 138 Abelha Organic Cachaga 98

GIN 45ml Beefeater 68 Bombay Sapphire 78

Tanqueray 78

Beefeater 24 98 Monkey 47 98 Aviation American 98

The London No.1 108

Tanqueray 10 108

Hendrick’s 108

Farmer’s Gin 108

B R A N D Y 45ml

Yuen Wo Local Double Distilled Spirit 30% 68


Yuen Wo Local Glutinous Rice Wine 20% 68 68

Yuen Wo Local Yellow Rice Wine 19% 68 68

Yuen Wo Local Premium Grade Rice Wine 30% 68 68

Yuen Wo Local Samsu Rice Wine 40% 68 68

Yuen Wo Local Sorgham Wine 60% 68

Plum Infused Local Double Distilled Spirit 2yrs 19% 98

Triple Distilled Rice Wine 128

*Local Plum Rice Wine infused over 2yrs

Sorgham Rice Wine 138

*Local Plum Rice Wine infused over 2yrs

RoseEssence Wine 168

*Local Plum Rice Wine infused over 2yrs

SJF Red Fortune 52% 248


Remy Martin VSOP 88

Hennessy VSOP 108

Martell Noblige 108

Hennessy XO 208

Page 7: F AIR TRADE ORGANIC COFFEE...杜松子酒, 荔枝甜酒, 檸檬汁, 本地野生蜂蜜, 梳打水及自家製羅漢果洛神花汁 Tonic/ Ginger Beer/ Ginger Ale/ Lemonade (Natural

T E Q U I L A Certified Organic Beverage 45ml

Olmeca Blanco 68

Olmeca Reposado 78

Jose Cuervo Gold Avion Sliver 78

1800 Reposado 88

Don Julio Reposado 108

1800 Anejo 158

Patron Sliver 118 Patron Reposado 128 Patron Anejo 148

Casamigos Tequila Blanco 118

Casamigos Tequila Reposado 128

Casamigos Tequila Anejo 138

Jack Daniel’s 78 Jameson 88

Maker’s Mark 98

Woodford Reserve 118

JD Single Barrel 128

Nikka Whiskey from

the barrel 118

Ballantine’s Finest 68 Johnnie Walker Black 68 Johnnie Walker Blue 208 Chivas 12 Yrs 68 Chivas 18 Yrs 138 Macallan 12 Yrs Sherry Oak 98 Macallan 18 Yrs Sherry Oak 198 Glenfiddich 12 Yrs 108 Glenfiddich 15 Yrs 168 Glenfiddich 18 Yrs 208 The Glenlivet 12 Yrs 118 The Glenlivet 15 Yrs 138 Balvenie Doublewood 12 Yrs 118 Bruichladdich Classic Laddle 118 Monkey Shoulder Blended Malt 138 Laphroaig 10 Yrs Single Malt 138 Talisker 10 Yrs Single Malt 158


The best way to describe what it is to drink natural wine, would

be to say that it is a true “back to nature” experience. The

philosophy around this beautiful wine is that nature will

do the work for you. With little to no sulphates introduced into

the wines, what you taste is the beauty of the small production

vineyards, the passion instilled in these magnificent winemakers

and the land on which they grow their grapes. In some cases you

may taste the warmth from the sun and the Mediterranean spices

that grow wild in the south of France. In other cases

you might taste the deep green forest and clay soil which

forms the earth in the Loire Valley.

The people who make this wine are true believers in quality

over quantity. They are people who have dedicated their lives

to making small batches of wine which correspond to a

sustainable environment. They farm on organic soil (although

not all is certified) as to not disrupt the soil and

harm the land or the living beings surrounding it. Finally they

produce the wines without adding or removing anything during

the wine-making process. These people have mastered the art

of serving you a glass of wine that is still alive with all of the

elements of the land and the passion of the process

Certified Organic Beverage Natural Wine






Page 8: F AIR TRADE ORGANIC COFFEE...杜松子酒, 荔枝甜酒, 檸檬汁, 本地野生蜂蜜, 梳打水及自家製羅漢果洛神花汁 Tonic/ Ginger Beer/ Ginger Ale/ Lemonade (Natural

WHITE WINE gls/btl RED WINE gls/btl

Certified Organic Beverage

Certified Organic Beverage

Vina Maip o 68/328 Fresh and balanced in the mouth, pleasant and refreshing

Grape Varietal: 100% Chardonnay

Region: Central Valley, Chile

Domaine Philippe Tessier, Cheverny 78/378

Organic, Unfiltered, Medium Bodied, Super fresh and Crisp with

Nice clean fruit and perfect acidity

Grape Varietal: Blend of Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay & Orbois

Region: Loire, France

D o u b l e 8 428

Concentrated fruit flavour, lively acidity and a lingering finish

Grape Varietal: Sauvignon Blanc

Region: Mar lborough, New Zea land

Domaine Chateau Hostens, Picant, Plenete Or 508

Organic, A bright yellow colour, Smell of grapefruit precede aromas of exotic fruit. Delicate and fresh flavours with citrus. Its

Beautiful acidity as well as the balance of its structure makes it the idea alliance of appetizers, seafood or curry

Grape Varietal:

Blend of 40% Semillon, 55% Sauvignon, 5% Muscadelle

Region: Bordeaux, France

Vina Maip o 68/328 A medium-bodied and harmonic wine, with friendly tannins and a good finish

Grape Varietal: 100% Cabernet Sauvignon

Region: Central Valley, Chile

Domaine Philippe Tessier, Cheverny 78/378

Organic, Light-medium bodied, Earthy, Slightly gamey but full of beautiful

red forest fruit as well

Grape Varietal: Blend of Pinot Noir and Gamay

Region: Loire, France

Canyon Road 428

Medium-bodied wine boasts fruit-forward flavours completed by soft,

subtle tannins and a smooth, light finish

Grape Varietal: 100% Pinot Noir

Region: Ca l i fo rn ia , USA

Domaine Combier, Crozes Hermitage 508

Organic, Slightly tightly when first opened however it comes to life

Quickly and is beautifully complex. It is rich with red fruit and

Black pepper

Grape Varietal: 100% Syrah

Region: Rhone, France