eye apotober abom

eye apotober aBom Volume 10 APRIL 200l) Issue I REGIMENT WELCOMES NEWLY-APPOINTE D HONORAHyLIE_U_IENANTCOLONEL In early March 2000, The Honourable Arthur E. Eggleton, Mnister of National Defence, announced the appointment of Colonel Paul F. Hughes as Honorary Lieutenant Colonel of The Queen's Own Rifles of canada. Following short engagements in the %:i#eiLAu#;sTo)ine3ntdhet3h£B:t:al¥n of The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada in Toronto as a rifleman in 1962. He was %tT¥£:[°3nfdB:ttyale;:n':::r,¥dyes:r:: Adjutant, Company Commander and Deputy Commanding Officer until 1977 when his civilian job took him to Calgary. In Calgary, Colonel Hughes served with the Southern Alberta Militia District and Western hffilitia Area until 1982 when he was appointed Commanding Officer of the Calgary Highlanders. On termination of that appointment he assumed command of Southern Alberta NIlitia District until his transfer to the Supplementary Reserve in 1987. Colonel Hughes continued to maintain a strong interest in the Militia with active involvement with the AJberta Army Cadet League, The Queen's Own RIfles Association in Calgary, and the Regivental Trust Fund. A graduate of Queen's University with a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Political Science, Colonel Hughes worked for a brief time at Bell Canada as a management trainee before joining Xerox Canada Limited as a marketing representative. He remained with Xerox for 30 years holding a variety of management positions in Toronto and Calgary until his retirement in 1991. Colonel Hughes is now the Vice- President of Mark Staffing Solutions, lnc., a company founded by his wife Beverley and now jointly owned by them. Under their creative leadership, Mark Staffing Solutions has grown to a multi-million dollar operation employing 20 people. It has become one of the largest suppliers of staffing in Calgary. In 1997, Mark Staffing Solutions was runner up as the Entrepreneurial Company of the year -a competition run by the Calgary Chamber of commerce. Published By: Reglmental Headquarters Moss Park Armoury, 130 Queen Street East Toronto` Ontario M5A 1 Pl9 Tel: (416) 362-3946

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eye apotober aBom

Volume 10 APRIL 200l) Issue I


In early March 2000, The HonourableArthur E. Eggleton, Mnister of NationalDefence, announced the appointment ofColonel Paul F. Hughes as HonoraryLieutenant Colonel of The Queen's OwnRifles of canada.

Following short engagements in the

%:i#eiLAu#;sTo)ine3ntdhet3h£B:t:al¥nof The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada inToronto as a rifleman in 1962. He was

%tT¥£:[°3nfdB:ttyale;:n':::r,¥dyes:r::Adjutant, Company Commander andDeputy Commanding Officer until 1977when his civilian job took him toCalgary.

In Calgary, Colonel Hughes served withthe Southern Alberta Militia District andWestern hffilitia Area until 1982 when hewas appointed Commanding Officer ofthe Calgary Highlanders. On terminationof that appointment he assumedcommand of Southern Alberta NIlitiaDistrict until his transfer to theSupplementary Reserve in 1987.

Colonel Hughes continued to maintain astrong interest in the Militia with active

involvement with the AJberta ArmyCadet League, The Queen's Own RIflesAssociation in Calgary, and theRegivental Trust Fund.

A graduate of Queen's University with aBachelor's degree in Economics andPolitical Science, Colonel Hughesworked for a brief time at Bell Canada asa management trainee before joiningXerox Canada Limited as a marketingrepresentative. He remained with Xeroxfor 30 years holding a variety ofmanagement positions in Toronto andCalgary until his retirement in 1991.

Colonel Hughes is now the Vice-President of Mark Staffing Solutions,lnc., a company founded by his wifeBeverley and now jointly owned bythem. Under their creative leadership,Mark Staffing Solutions has grown to amulti-million dollar operation employing20 people. It has become one of thelargest suppliers of staffing in Calgary.

In 1997, Mark Staffing Solutions wasrunner up as the EntrepreneurialCompany of the year -a competition runby the Calgary Chamber of commerce.

Published By:Reglmental Headquarters

Moss Park Armoury, 130 Queen Street EastToronto` Ontario M5A 1 Pl9 Tel: (416) 362-3946

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Regimental Band and Bugle ConcertSt. Paul's Church, B]oor Street West

Friday, 28 April 2ooo

ELIEL*i4ffdthff¥#P#+Riegivent. Led dy Lt. Rita Arendz,DlrectorofMusic,theBandwillprovideyou with a musical entertainment thatyyou will long remember. Tickets areonly S15.00 each and may be obtainedfrom the Battalion Orderly Room bycalling (416) 973-3281 or Lt. RitaArendz at (416) 665-7596.

Regimental Birthday ParadeMus Park Armoury

1530 houi's, Satiirday. 29 April 2000

Come and see the Battalion on paradeunder the command Of LColB. G.MCEachern, Commanding Officer.Spectators are asked to be seated by1515 hours. All members on parade willbLffi€ame#dalhi#rfued

|40th Gala Rifles Dinner and BallSheraton Centre, Queen Street West

1830 for 1930 hourSaturday, 29 April 2000

A memorable evening is in store for all

EL#sTir:iraprfec{alrf.toi£T+i:ot Honour will be The HonourableArrthur E. Eggleton, Minister of NationalDDefenee.Those in attendance willreceive the 140th commemorativemmedallion. Tickets are limited to 300ppersons at sos.00 each or $125.00 percouple. You may reserve your seats bycalling Battalion Headquarters at (416)


973-3281 or Captain H. Mccabe at(905) 294us59.


Although Victoria Branch only meets afew times each year, our membership listremains healtky. Our fearless leader atpresent is Harold Drinkwalter whosucceeded Ira MacDonald as President.The latter has moved to the Maritimesaider suffering the death Of his wife.

00ur big event in 2000 will be theRegimental Birthday Dinner in theWardroom of IlMCS Naden on the 29thof April. HMCS Naden now occupies abhand new building and everyone isLooking forward to seeing the newfacilities.

I had contact recently with two members\who served with the lst Battalion in the1960s, namely, Ralph Lemphers andRudy Schafer. Like many from that era,both of them retired recently aftersuccessful civilian careers. Ralph wasoorigivally from Ceylon and he used totake a bit of ribbing about elephants andsuch. This was all in good fun but it isnow frowned upon in an age of politicalcorrectness. They now have time toreflect on their army days so if there areeenough fomer Riflemen in theEdmonton area a periodic get togctherwould be in order.

John M. TolleyBranch S ecretary

Regimental Ilottery tickets to supportthe Holland Ssth Liberation Trip aresti]] avahab[e from Art Gay at (416)362-3946 or Captain H. Mccabe at(905) 294usS9.

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Retired LGen Charles H. Belzile paid avisit to Calgary during the period 22-26March 2000 during which time hevisited the Museum of the Regimentsand fulfilled several speakingengagements. Some of the "old sweats"were on hand to greet him. A specialdinner in his honour had been arrangedat the Mewata Officers' Mess on 25March by Col Don Ethell under thebanners of the Princess PatriciasCcanadian Light Infantry and TheQueen's O`rm Rifles of canada.

The Queen's Own Rifles display in theMuseum of the Regiments now reposesin the 5th Gallery. It is a very attractiveaaddition to other Southern Albertaregimental displays in the same area ofthe Museum. The two silver buglesaacquired in England by Col and Mrs.Paul F. Hughes ndom either side of theRegimental silverene dnim which formsthe focus of the display .Local membersof the Regiment are extremely gratefulto those \who contrifouted a total of$5,800.00 to defray the costs ofmmounting the display. A photograph ofthe display will appear in a future editionof Th REeman."

EL,sBTjhLifeif##:22 April at the Royal Canadian LegionKensington Branch #264 starting at 1 745hours. The cost is $40.00 per couple plusan additional $5.00 for the annualmembership fee. Those affiliated withthe Regiment \who wish to attend shouldcontact Clay or Louise Hodder at (403)249434.

Maj Doug Williams has spent much timeand effort in putting together a book ofanecdotes and amusing stories ofincidents that actually occurred duringthe Regiment's service in WesternCanada. He has made considerableprogress but more input from formermembers of the Reedment is needed tomake it a really outstanding publication.So sit down and put your pen to paper if

:::::V;enTh%Tst::d2ntdesBrae:aali::st°any£::the Regimental Depot. Ralph Ridley,3448 Lane Crescent S.W., Calgary, ABT3E 5X2 will gladly accept yoursubmissions for relay to Doug Williams.

Finally, Calgary Branch joins with many

#:gys#d*£tnhgy!8th°'bjJi#da?ayo':r];April. Should you wish to add yoilr goodwishes, his address is LCol J.Taylor, 20Eagle View Way, Cochrane,AB TOL0W2.

Ralph E. Ridley


On the initiative of Col Paul Hughes aRegimental crest has been carved on oneOf the pews in the Royal MemoriaalChapel in Sandhurst. This represents aunique event in the Regivent's historyin that very few British andCommonwealth regiments have been sohonoured. An official unveiling of theacst will take place ne>ct year when oneor more senior Regimental officers willbe free to travel to the United Kingdomto panicipate in the unveiling.


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The Queen's Own RIfles of CanadaTrust Fund was established in 1959 forthe express purpose of raising funds for`1he efficiency, welfare and well-being

of the Regiment" which at that timeconsisted of two Regular ForceBattalions and the Militia Battalion inToronto.

Today the Trust Fund continues to existto provide dress uniforms andaccoutrements for the Militia Battalionand the Regivental Band; to pubhish anddistribute its armual journal called "TheRifleman" and periodic newsletterscalled `The Powder Horn"; to maintainand upgrade the Regivental Museum atCasa Loma; and to support otheractivities which are deemed by theTrustees to be of benefit to the Regimentas a whole.

To meet the costs of its programs andactivities, the Trust Fund must raise aminimum of $20,000.00 armually. Mostof its funds come from donations ofQueen's Own Rifles veterans of WorldWar 11 and foriner members of theRegular Force battalions. With thepassing of years fewer and fewerveterans and former members of theRegular Force battalions remain,therefore it is incumbent on everymember of the Regimental family to takeup the slack and ensure that sufficientfunds are raised to meet the Trust Fund'sfinancial obligations.

Every recipient of `The RIfleman" and"The Powder Horn" is encouraged to

make a donation to the Trust Fund toensure the continuance of its prograinswhich are essential to the welfare andwell-being of the Regivent.


Under the Land Forces ReserveRestructuring Plan, Militia units that failto pass an any viability evaluation aresubject to disbandment or redesignationas combat support units.

The evaluations rate the unit's size, itssoldiers' collective and individual skills,its ability to recruit and retain soldiers,its ability to balance its budget, and itsability to provide soldiers for militarytasks and natural disasters.

Recently, DND released a report statingthat as many as 41 of 139 Militia unitsacross Canada have been classified as"non-viable". Among the historic Militia

infantry regiments named as "non-viable" are the following:

I St Bn The Royal Newfoundland Regt.Princess of wales' Own Regivent

2 Irish Rectment of canadaThe AIgonquin Rectment

Lake Superior Scottish RegimentQueen's Own Cameron Highlanders

Royal Winnipeg RiflesRoyal Regina RIfles

Seaforth Highlanders of CanadaCanadian Scottish Regiment

Colonel The Honourable John Fraser,former Speaker of the House ofCommons, has been tasked by theMinister of National Defence to head aMonitoring Committee on ReserveRestructuring His Committee'srecommendations will be crucial to thefuture of the Militia. The fate of ourhistoric Militia infantry regivents aswell as the future of the Reserves restson the recommendations of theCommittee.

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Captain Stanley C. Biggs, QC,LSM, hadthe honour of representing The Queen'sOwn Rifles of Canada on the pilgrimageof Normandy veterans during 2-]3 June1999. On return to Canada, CaptainBiggs penned his thoughts of the trip,excerpts of which are given below.

" To return to several sites of battles

fought 55 years ago was an emotionalexperience for me. With great respectand sadness, I remembered particularly13 of my close comrades in theRegiment who did not survive, namely,Ken Arrell, George Bean, Bob Fleming,David Hazzard, Ken Macleod, DavidOwen, Tom Parkinson, David Philip,Jack Price, Geny Rayner, Bob Sawyer,Bill Stewart and Bob Stewart. At thesame time I solemnly reflected at each ofthe many cemetery services that therebut for the Grace of God lie I.

The therapeutic value of a good storywas never lost and there were manyexchanged; some perhaps needed a littlesalting. In many cases if the stories werenot so grim they were furmy and evenunbelievable. To take only one example,one morning in August I was ordered torecce an area south and east of theRegivent's front line to see if any of theenemy's frequent ambush plans hadbeen established before the Regiventmoved into the area. When I reported theenemy's position to LCol Steve Lett, heordered my group to rejoin theRegiment. Racing back along a narrowcountry road, all of a sudden the nose ofa German 88 gun mounted on a Panzertank appeared at a bend in the roadpointing right at us not more than 30metres away. J.P.Moore (later the RSM|one of the best carrier drivers ever, was

my driver. I yelled to him `Up thespout". He said a "Hail Mary" or two,and with full throttle he drove straight atthe tank. No shot was fired. A Typhoonaircraft had previously destroyed thetank and its crew. The tank just sat theresilent and impotent. As we jogged rightat the last moment and rushed past, thecrew on each carrier in turn gave athumb's nose derisive salute and ourhearts stopped throbbing. Once more wegave praise and thanks to Typhoonplanes. Moments like that one neverforgets.

There were many interesting,challenging, varied and excitingepisodes just before D-Day and duringmy 85 days of continued front lineaction in Normandy until I was woundedjust before crossing the Seine on 30August 1944.

There were 5 places in particular I hopedto re-visit - Juno Beach at Bernieres-sur-Mer, Hill 80 (over 6 miles from theBeach), the town of Le Mesnil Patrywhere Jack Lake was seriouslywounded, the Town Hall of Brettevillel'Orgueilleuse where I was ordered byBrigadier Blackadder to prosecute twosoldiers for conduct unbecoming in awell-disciplined army, and finally LeGros Theil, a village where my recceforce was almost ambushed.

In conclusion, suffice it to say that thelocal Normandy friends of the Regiment,Mde Mary Bennett, Mayor Alexandreand Mr. Paul Paris and many otherscould not have been more helpful to mewith respect to all five places and I amvery grateful. `"y" Town Hall as Iremembered it is now boarded up."

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Editor's Note. Periodically, the Editor of"The Powder Horn" receives requests

from the family or friends of deceasedformer members of the Regiment to havetheir names listed so that their rhilitarycolleagues are made aware of theirpassing. Names of fomer members ofthe Reriment who died in the past yearand whose fiinilies and fiiendsrequested the publication of their namesare listed below.

DOWN, Keith. Queen's O`m D-Dayveteran of B Company.

EAGER, Frank Morley. Passed away 21March I 999 in Mexico.

IIASKIN, AI C. Passed away 29November 1999 in Edmonton. Servedwith the |st and 2nd Battalions, theCanadian AIrborne Regiment and thePrincess Patricia's Canadian LightInfantry.

HORE, Norman. Queen's Own D-Dayveteran. One of the four riflemen whosepicture was taken on D-Day in front ofthe now-famous building on the beach atBernieres-sur-Mer.

MURRAY, Alwyn W. Passed away 26November 1999. One of four sons ofJohn and Mamie Murray who served inWorld War 11. Alwyn was badlywounded in action at Goch on 26February 1945 losing the sight of his lefteye. He was saved by CSM CharlieMartin whom he had the pleasure ofseeing again during the NomandyReuulon in 1989.

TASCONA, Frank (MM). Queen's O`mD-Day veteran who passed away in

Barrie, Ontario on I March 2000. Hewas the President of Royal CanadianLegion Branch #147 in Barrie at the timeof his death.

TELLIER, Joseph Paul Omer. Passedaway 22 April 1999 in Calgary.



Ms. Kin Mathieson, a ndlitary historybuff whose finily has a history ofmilitary service, recently visited theToronto gravesites of Queen's OwnRifles casualties from the Fenian Raidsof 1866 which she found in adeteriorating state due to neglect.

Of the nine riflemen who were killed ordied of wounds, seven were buried inToronto, one in Woodstock and one inStamford (Welland).

In a letter to BGen D.A.Pryer, HonoraryColonel, Ms. Mathieson proposed thatthe Regiment locate the nine graves andmark each with a plaque identifying theoccupant of the grave and thecircumstances of their participation inthe Fenian Raids.

This matter was brought before theRegimental Senate meeting of 25 March2000 and there was unanimousagreement among the Regivental Senatemembers that Ms. Mathieson's proposalbe accepted.

Efforts will be made to identify thelocation and identity of the gravesitesand to bring them to a state of repairworthy of the Rectment.