extra mile: creating a values - driven customer service ......extra mile: creating a values - driven...

Extra Mile: Creating a Values- Driven Customer Service Culture Kostas Voutsas Professor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker www.diversitykeynote.com

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Page 1: Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service ......Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service Culture Kostas Voutsas Professor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker

Extra Mile: Creating a Values-Driven Customer Service Culture

Kostas VoutsasProfessor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker


Presentation Notes
Direct TV story
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This was me before I discovered Direct TV

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This was me after one month of service with Direct TV

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This was me right before I canceled my services

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Which one of the two pictures would you like your visitors to look like?

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The average customer

Tells 20 people about a negative


Tells only 5 people about a

positive experience

Presentation Notes
Here some famous quotes It is not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. It is the customer who pays the wages.�Henry Ford If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful.�Jeff Bezos, CEO Amazon.com If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they might each tell 6 friends. If you make customers unhappy on the Internet, they can each tell 6,000 friends�Jeff Bezos There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.�Sam Walton, Founder of Wal-Mart
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Facts about Quality Service

62% of Americans


If they had a bad service experience

they would find a different

service provider

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Why organizations lose good customers?










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• 12 positive


• service interactions

overcome• 1



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Did you know…

For every customer complaint, there are 26

other customers who have remained silent

Page 11: Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service ......Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service Culture Kostas Voutsas Professor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker

RESPECT BASICSReady for anything

Eager to begin the relationship

Service to the smallest detail

Professional appearance

Ending the interaction

Compassionate and caring

Timely and efficient interaction

Presentation Notes
You may want to give the participants the BEARS BASICS card if we have any available or the handout that Marti provided us that discusses the basics.
Page 12: Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service ......Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service Culture Kostas Voutsas Professor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker

Ready for anything

Presentation Notes
Do it right the first time. It takes 12 positive service experiences to make up for 1 negative experience. This is how sensitive trust is between a business and its customers. No matter your size, keep your customers in the know when it comes to positive and negatives changes to your products and services that affect them. Also, show to them that you are ready to answer all of their questions and that you are willing to assist!
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Ready for Anything

Do not walk away from a visitor interaction until you are certain his/her needs are being fulfilled

Be helpful

Presentation Notes
The #1 reason for customer attrition is dissatisfaction with customer service. Do everything in your power to provide excellent service to your customers on an ongoing basis. Respond quickly and enthusiastically, and be ready to present a special offer or discount with the hope of up-selling the customer to buy more. There’s never any reason to slow down on satisfying your audience, especially when they’re chatting with you live over the phone. It’s important to note that 81% of companies with strong capabilities and competencies for delivering customer experience excellence are outperforming their competition. Take note, customer satisfaction is a key differentiator in a sea of other companies. Are you ready for anything?
Page 14: Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service ......Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service Culture Kostas Voutsas Professor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker

Forbidden Phrase . . . Replacement . . .

I don’t know . . .

We can’t . . .

“Good Question, let me look into that for you“

“Let’s see what we can do” (find an alternative)

Presentation Notes
Are You a Negative Nancy? Don’t be negative! I hadn’t realized much negativity had crept into my language until I paid closer attention. I challenge you to listen to you own language this week. Are you a negative Nancy (or negative Ned?) Before you answer, really think about it. Do you say say “yes” or do you say, “sure, OK, all right”? Do you ever say “yes, but” or “yes, or”? Or do you try to reach common ground by saying “yes, and…”
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• https://youtu.be/PeWf1wwP3F0

Presentation Notes
27 find someone from a different generation and work together
Page 16: Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service ......Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service Culture Kostas Voutsas Professor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker

RESPECT BASICSReady for anything

Eager to begin the relationship

Service to the smallest detail

Professional appearance

Ending the interaction

Compassionate and caring

Timely and efficient interaction

Presentation Notes
You may want to give the participants the BEARS BASICS card if we have any available or the handout that Marti provided us that discusses the basics.
Page 17: Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service ......Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service Culture Kostas Voutsas Professor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker

Beginning Interaction

Greet each visitor promptly

Make an impression

Eye contact


Personalize the experience (Welcome to DRN Mary. It’s great to see you again)

Presentation Notes
Focus on the very first customer experience – it’s like being on a first date. Walt Disney said it best, “Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.” Creating love between your company and your customers can help scale positive word of mouth that’s absolutely priceless. Making the first impression is the key. First impressions count and will affect the interaction. People make judgments in the first 30 seconds.
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Greeting Visitors

Tell them your name

Ask how you can help

Give the visitor your full attention

“Hello, how is your day going so far?” What can I help you with today?”

“Welcome to…this is Susan, how may I help you today?”

"Welcome back Tom, we appreciate your coming to see us again."

Presentation Notes
Ask participants to discuss if greeting is important to them. Ask participants how they greeted customers in the past. Ask participants if the tone of the voice is important to them. If time allows, have them complete the self assessment below: Using your voice, do you Become loud when angry or upset Speak faster when nervous Speak slowly when tired or bored Have a cheerful voice My tone of voice is warm and understanding Find it easy to talk to people you don’t know Control your tone in most situations Sound bossy, weak or unsure Have a clear and easy-to-hear voice Ask the participants to choose one area for improvement and remind them to work on this during the next month.
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Acknowledge your visitors immediately

Ignoring someone or rudeness is NOT accepted.Acknowledge visitors immediately. If you observe someone looking for help, offer assistance, escort them if possible.

Presentation Notes
This is why Disney succeeds in customer service. They seek and acknowledge their guests immediately despite the long lines and the large number of visitors. Happy customers who get their issue resolved tell 4 to 6 people about their experience. So that’s a way to significantly influence the word of mouth about your business. Don’t act as a nameless or faceless business; genuinely talk with your customers as a person representing the business. Address your customers by name, and tell them your name at the very beginning of your interaction.
Page 20: Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service ......Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service Culture Kostas Voutsas Professor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker


Presentation Notes
Research has shown that there a number of health benefits contributed to smiling and laughing. In addition to improved health, these simple facial expressions and common human behaviors can have a distinctive positive affect on other factors all areas of your life. When you smile and laugh, a number of physiological changes occur in your body, mostly without you being consciously aware of it happening. 1. Neurotransmitters called endorphins are released when you smile. These are triggered by the movements of the muscles in your face, which is interpreted by your brain, which in turn releases these chemicals. Endorphins are responsible for making us feel happy, and they also help lower stress levels. Faking a smile or laugh works as well as the real thing—the brain doesn’t differentiate between real or fake as it interprets the positioning of the facial muscles in the same way. This is known as the facial feedback hypothesis. The more we stimulate our brain to release this chemical the more often we feel happier and relaxed. 2. Endorphins make us feel happier and less stressed. They also act as the body’s natural pain killers. For sufferers of chronic pain, laughing and smiling can be very effective in pain management, as can laughing off the pain when you bump an elbow or fall over. 3. While the release of endorphins is increased, the stress hormone cortisol is reduced. Cortisol is more active when we feel stressed or anxious and contributes to the unpleasant feelings we experience, and by lowering it we can reduce these negative feelings. 4. Laughing expands the lungs, stretches the muscles in the body and stimulates homeostasis. This exercises the body, replenishing the cells from a lungful of oxygen and gaining all the benefits of exercising the body. 5. A good laugh can be an effective way to release emotions. A good laugh can help you release emotions, especially those emotions that you might bottle up inside. Everything looks that little bit better after a good laugh and life can be seen from a more positive perspective. Smiling and laughing have positive social implications as well. 6. Smiling is an attractive expression, which is more likely to draw people to you rather than push them away. Smiling makes you appear more approachable. Interaction with others is easier and more enjoyable when smiles and laughs are shared, and these behaviors are contagious, making others feel better too, and make you a more appealing and attractive person to be around. This in turn will have a positive effect on your well-being. 7. A happy, positive expression will serve you well in life. This is particularly  true for challenging situations such as job interviews: a smiling, relaxed persona indicates confidence and an ability to cope well in stressful situations. This will also be of benefit in your career, building healthy relationships with colleagues and being seen in a favorable light by your employers.
Page 21: Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service ......Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service Culture Kostas Voutsas Professor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker

RESPECT BASICSReady for anything

Eager to begin the relationship

Service to the smallest detail

Professional appearance

Ending the interaction

Compassionate and caring

Timely and efficient interaction

Presentation Notes
You may want to give the participants the BEARS BASICS card if we have any available or the handout that Marti provided us that discusses the basics.
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Outstanding Service

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Service to the Smallest Detail

Use visitor names and smile

Build relationships

Be friendly and professional

Have a positive attitude

Keep personal conversations with other team members to a minimum

Presentation Notes
1. The Power of a Positive Attitude-Can Good Thoughts Lead to Good Health?    How many times have you heard a friend, co-worker, spouse or significant other say, “Think positive” when you are feeling depressed, angry, anxious, frustrated or just down-right negative?  Usually it’s the last think you want to hear at the moment, but it could possibly be the best thing you could do for both your emotional and physical health!    Positive attitude, positive thinking, and optimism are now known to be a root cause of many positive life benefits.  Studies show positive people can experience an increased life span, lower rates of depression, lower levels of stress, greater resistance to the common cold, better overall well-being, reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease and better coping skills during times of hardship and stress.  2. Building relationships (based on a Forbes article): Research shows that the moment of truth—the moment your company first makes meaningful contact with a customer—is moving farther and farther along the sales funnel. So how do your customers become aware of your brand? How do they decide to buy products and services? And how and when do they actually engage with your company (and your competitors)? Answering these questions, and understanding how your customers experience your brand and interact with your company in the digital era, is certainly critical to developing an effective customer relationship strategy. But it’s only half the story. The other half of the story—the other side of that two-way street—is understanding how your company interacts with your customers. Because although customers engage with your brand, they interact with your people: the people who sell your products, the people who market for you, the people who provide support and service on your behalf. It’s these people who determine whether each customer experience is a good one. Managing customer relationships depends on empowering your people to do the best job they can. To represent you as well as they possibly can. To ensure positive interactions. Today, customer relationship management is about more than just customers. It’s about giving your people the tools to build lasting relationships with them.
Page 24: Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service ......Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service Culture Kostas Voutsas Professor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker

RESPECT BASICSReady for anything

Eager to begin the relationship

Service to the smallest detail

Professional appearance

Ending the interaction

Compassionate and caring

Timely and efficient interaction

Presentation Notes
You may want to give the participants the BEARS BASICS card if we have any available or the handout that Marti provided us that discusses the basics.
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Looking Professional

Presentation Notes
Whatever role you play in our organization, your appearance is critical in the way you represent the professionalism of your career. Conveying professionalism in the workplace encompasses the way we communicate, how we express courtesy and body language, and what we wear. Presenting yourself in a professional manner helps to make the most of your contributions to our organization by keeping the focus on what you do and how well you do it, not on how you look or what you wear.
Page 26: Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service ......Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service Culture Kostas Voutsas Professor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker

Facility Appearance

Presentation Notes
Whatever role you play in our organization, your appearance is critical in the way you represent the professionalism of your career. Conveying professionalism in the workplace encompasses the way we communicate, how we express courtesy and body language, and what we wear. Presenting yourself in a professional manner helps to make the most of your contributions to our organization by keeping the focus on what you do and how well you do it, not on how you look or what you wear.
Page 27: Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service ......Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service Culture Kostas Voutsas Professor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker

RESPECT BASICSReady for anything

Eager to begin the relationship

Service to the smallest detail

Professional appearance

Ending the interaction

Compassionate and caring

Timely and efficient interaction

Presentation Notes
You may want to give the participants the BEARS BASICS card if we have any available or the handout that Marti provided us that discusses the basics.
Page 28: Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service ......Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service Culture Kostas Voutsas Professor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker

Ending Interaction• Is there anything else I can do for you?

• If you need anything…..don’t hesitate to contact me….my name is….

• Thank you for calling…. Have a great day!

Presentation Notes
Have a nice day is a commonly spoken expression during the end of the customer service interaction. Ask the participants to share other examples and ways they used in the past when they ended the interaction with their customers.
Page 29: Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service ......Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service Culture Kostas Voutsas Professor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker

RESPECT BASICSReady for anything

Eager to begin the relationship

Service to the smallest detail

Professional appearance

Ending the interaction

Compassionate and caring

Timely and efficient interaction

Presentation Notes
You may want to give the participants the BEARS BASICS card if we have any available or the handout that Marti provided us that discusses the basics.
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Compassionate and Caring

Caring attitude Help

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Use empathic phrases:

Be empathetic

“I see what you mean”

“That must be very upsetting”

“I understand how frustrating this must

Page 32: Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service ......Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service Culture Kostas Voutsas Professor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker

RESPECT BASICSReady for anything

Eager to begin the relationship

Service to the smallest detail

Professional appearance

Ending the interaction

Compassionate and caring

Timely and efficient interaction

Presentation Notes
You may want to give the participants the BEARS BASICS card if we have any available or the handout that Marti provided us that discusses the basics.
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Efficient system in place?

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“There is only one boss—the customer,

and he or she can fire everybody in the

company from the chairman on down,

by spending his of her money

somewhere else.”

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Go somewhere


May/May not complain

InconsistentBumpy ride

Didn’t get money’s worth

One mistake after another

Expectation & customer

requirements not identified

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Recommend to others



Value for


Worth repeating

Expectations met or


Page 37: Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service ......Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service Culture Kostas Voutsas Professor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker

You successfully completed the RESPECT seminar. ANY QUESTIONS?

Thank you for your time!Contact Kostas @


Presentation Notes
Thank the participants.
Page 38: Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service ......Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service Culture Kostas Voutsas Professor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker

Who wants to be a millionaire?

Let’s Play !

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Who wants to be a millionaire?

How long does it take you and/or your switchboard operator to answer the


a) 5 rings or lessb) 3 rings or lessc) under 3 rings

Presentation Notes
After two rings, callers are wondering what’s going on. Your phone should be answered in-person by the second ring or by your voice-mail system by the fourth ring.
Page 40: Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service ......Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service Culture Kostas Voutsas Professor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker

Who wants to be a millionaire?

The correct answer is:

c) under 3 rings

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Who wants to be a millionaire?

Do you answer your phone with any of the following?

a) “Hello.”b) “(Company name only)”c) “(What??)”d) “Thank you for calling ABC Company. This is John….”

Page 42: Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service ......Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service Culture Kostas Voutsas Professor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker

Who wants to be a millionaire?

The correct answer is:

Thank you for calling… This is Mari, how may I help you?

Page 43: Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service ......Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service Culture Kostas Voutsas Professor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker

Who wants to be a millionaire?

Never put a caller on-hold without asking for their permission, and then

waiting for their response.

A) True

B) False

Page 44: Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service ......Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service Culture Kostas Voutsas Professor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker

Who wants to be a millionaire?

The correct answer is:

A. True

Page 45: Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service ......Extra Mile: Creating a Values - Driven Customer Service Culture Kostas Voutsas Professor, Consultant, Motivational Speaker

Who wants to be a millionaire?

How long does it take a person on hold to become annoyed?

a. 2 minutesb. 30 secondsc. 17 seconds

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Who wants to be a millionaire?

The correct answer is:

17 seconds-unless you provide with estimated time required to hold

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Enforcing RESPECT

• Visuals• Performance appraisals• Rewards based on customer

feedback/suggestion box (closest parking, certificate etc.)

• Supervisors as coaches/leadership training/train the trainer

• Meetings with supervisors to discuss RESPECT and leadership