expressions of love,sadness,embrassment,annoying

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Page 1: expressions of love,sadness,embrassment,annoying

Tria Monica Anggraini


Page 2: expressions of love,sadness,embrassment,annoying
Page 3: expressions of love,sadness,embrassment,annoying

Content List

• Expressing love

• Expressing sadness

• Expressing embarassment

• Expressing Annoying

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Expressing loveI love you so much my little sister

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Expressing Love/Likes

Formal Informal

• I’m really fond of.. • I like / love..

• What I particularly/greatly enjoy/like is..

• I (really) like / enjoy..

• I have a particular/ special fondness for..

• I’ve always liked / loved..

• There’s nothing I like / enjoy more than..

• I adore.. (very strong)

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Responses of expressing love :

• I love you, too.

• Me too.

• I also love you.

• So do I.

• I love it, too.

• I feel the same with you.

• Just the same with you.

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Expressing Love

This expressing use to express

love from someone to someone

or something.

(Ungkapan cinta kepada seseorang atau sesuatu).

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Dave : I want to say something to you dear...May : What is that?Dave : I love you since I met you for the first time.May : Really? I love you tooDave : Will you be mine?May : Of course, dear...

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Expressing Sadness Please leave me alone

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It makes me so upset.

Sorry about that.

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Expressing Sadness

How sorrowful it is

Please leave me alone

Come on! It can't be as bad as all that

I just don't know what to do

I’m so sad

I’m so gloomy

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Responses Of Expressing Sadness

• It does, doesn't it?

• Things happened, you know?

• I am so sorry to hear that.

• Sorry about that.

• You are, aren't you?

• You do, don't you?

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Expressing Sadness

We use this word if someone is

feeling sad because have a

trouble about something.

(kata ini kita gunakan apabila seseorang merasa sedih

karena memiliki masalah dengan sesuatu).

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Mother : What's the matter with you ? You look so sad.Angela : I just don't know what to do. I have studied hard but I failed the test.Mother : I see why you're so sad. But behind every cloud, there is a silver lining.Angela : I hope so, Mom.

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Expressing EmbarassmentI was so embarrassed

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Expressing Embarassment

I was so embarrassed

I don’t know where I have to put my face

I feel ashamed

I feel awkward

That’s a real embarrassment

How embarrassing!

It really makes me ashamed

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Responses of expressing embarassment

• I don't think it's a big deal.

• Don't worry about it.

• You may not have such a feeling.

• Are you OK?

• You must be very ashamed

• What’s wrong with you?

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Expressing Embarassment

Expressing Embarrassment is expressing

feeling of being worried and ashamed.

( mengungkapkan rasa malu adalah

mengekspresikan perasaan khawatir dan malu)

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A : Hi, Sonia. I watched your concert last night. It was awesome. You can be a great pianist.B : Actually, I wasn’t .A : What are you talking about? You played it very well.B : Actually, I can’t play piano.A : Why? I think your playing was great.B : It wasn’t me. She is my twin sister, Sania.A : Really? I thought it was you. I’m sorry. That’s fine.B : No. It really makes me ashamed.A : That’s all right. At least you can feel proud of having such a great sister.

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Expressing Annoying Would you stop that ?

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Come on, looser up !

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It annoys me very much

I’m very annoyed

That’s making me crazy

That’s really a bother

Could you please stop doing that ?

Would you stop that ?

You’re extremely iritating. Stop it, will you?

Expressing Annoying

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Responses of expressing annoying

• Calm down• Take it easy• Relax• Take your time• Sorry about that• Just don’t take it personally

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Expressing Annoying

Expressing annoying is expressing the

feeling of being annoyed.

(mengungkapkan perasaan terganggu

adalah mengekspresikan perasaan terganggu)

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Nova : You know Restu didn't come last Sunday nightRama : Really ? I saw him with a boy in fress cafe. I thoughtthey were dating there.Nova : But. She said that she accompanied his mother to hospitalRama : You were lied by herNova : Yes. I know. I am annoyed. I can't bear it any longer its over.

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