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Express learning Series on Stephen Covey’s management principles Part-II

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Post on 30-Dec-2015




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Express learning. Series on Stephen Covey’s management principles Part-II. After the well-received express learning module last month on 90/10 principle principle express learning.ppt This month we present a series on The seven habits of highly effective people. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Express learning

Series on Stephen Covey’s management principles


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After the well-received express learning module last month on 90/10 principle principle express learning.ppt

This month we present a series on The seven habits of highly effective



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Habits have a powerful role in our lives. We would be covering the seven habits of highly effective people given

by Stephen Covey.


• Habit 1: Be Proactive • Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind • Habit 3: Put First Things First


• Habit 4: Think Win/Win • Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood• Habit 6: Synergize• Habit 7:Sharpen the saw

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Covey begins his 7 Habits with the notion of "Proactivity";

we need to work towards our desired outcomes rather than waiting for (or expecting) them just to"happen".

• You can either be proactive or reactive when it comes to how you respond to things.

• When you are reactive, you blame other people and circumstances for obstacles or problems.

• Being proactive means taking responsibility for every aspect of your life.


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• If you were asked to find a certain place in City A, but were given a map to City B, there is no way you could reach your destination - except by accident and it would take a long time! We'd end up wandering aimlessly blaming poor street signage rather than the map (and ourselves).

• If we were to be more "effective" then we'd use Covey's proactivity habit; we'd be proactive and ask someone for directions; we'd realise we were using the wrong map and buy a new one.

Since we live in a world of reactivity, it is important to recognize a disposition to do something and to take charge of our own actions.

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Like all beings who have freedom of choice, we are in charge of how we react to the world around us. So let’s take charge, make the changes we know we need to make and become the transition figure our family, community or company needs.

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Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

"Control your own destiny or someone else will.“

To begin with the end in mind is to begin with the image of the end of your life as the frame of reference by which everything else is measured.

We may be busy, we may be efficient, but we will only be effective if we begin with the end in mind.

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You wouldn't drive a car without knowing where you're going, right? Before you get in the car to go somewhere, you have an idea

of where you're going. You might have the place pictured in your mind.

You might imagine the route you are going to take to avoid traffic or construction.

You might have a list of the things you are going to do when you get there.

The end of the trip is firmly in mind before you get behind the wheel.

What if you didn't know where you were going?You'd drive around for a while, you might find some interesting things

along the way. You might end up getting some place pretty cool. But you might also end up going the wrong way,

down the wrong street, into the wrong part of town. Before you know it, you're lost and out of gas,

and you have no way out. You don't even know how you got there.

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• Life is exactly like driving a car. If you have a clear picture of what you want out of life, then your life has clear destination--a clear goal to work towards.

• Having the picture in your mind is key to getting you where you want to go. Having the picture also often makes it very clear how to get there--the path you will need to take. Even if the path is not clear, at least the guidelines for getting there will be.

• Each action you take can be evaluated within the framework of getting to that destination. Will it work? Not always. Sometimes you have to try a number of different things. Sometimes you have to change your tactics. Sometimes you have to change what you

are working towards. That's okay to do.

It's better to have a bad plan today than to have a good plan tomorrow.

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To varying degrees, this principle can be used in many different areas of life

Take the construction of a home, for example. You create it in every detail before you ever hammer the first nail into place. You work with your mind until you get a clear image of what you want to build.

The carpenter's rule is "measure twice, cut once." You have to make sure that the blueprint, the first creation, is really what you want, that you've thought everything through.

If you know what you want to accomplish in a meeting, you can define the purpose of the meeting, enabling the attendees to focus on and the meet the intended goals and objectives.

In preparing a speech, you may write down what you want the audience to do as a result of having listened to you, and keep this in perspective as you’re writing the speech.

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Habit 3 is about managing oneself effectively.

Habit 3:Put first things first

We spend our time in 4 quadrants – each quadrant contains different kinds of activities and represented by a type of person.

• The Time Quadrants are made up of two primary ingredients, “important” and “urgent”.

• Important – Important things are those that contribute to your mission and your goals.

• Urgent – Pressing things, in-your-face things, activities that demand immediate attention.

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Quadrant 1: The Procrastinator – Don’t put things off until they become urgent.

Quadrant 2: The Prioritizer – Plan, get things done ahead & do first things first

Quadrant 3: the Yes-Man-Reduce by saying no, stoptrying to please everyone

Quadrant 4: The Slacker –Reduce excessive relaxation.


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• Habit 1 - I can do it, I'm in charge

• Habit 2 - The vision to see the results and potential (The first creation).

• Habit 3 - I am doing it (The second creation)

The Three Habits

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Watch out this space next month for the following :

• Habit 4: Think Win/Win • Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be

Understood• Habit 6: Synergize• Habit 7:Sharpen the saw

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