exploring reading easy 3 worksheet

Unit 1 T rip to the City Exploring Reading Easy 3 A. Word Practice > Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box. 1. ! a """""""" """"""" 13 year s old. #y birthday is next week$ %. #y &ats ar e """""""""""" """. ! sho'ld gi(e the soe food. 3. )hen yo' *nish that book+ please gi(e it """"""""""""""" to the library . ,. ! lost y wallet. The poli&e """ """"""""""" " it for e. -. !f yo' go skiing+ """""""" """""""""""" for trees$ B. Grammar Practice > )rite in+/ on+/ or at./ 1. 0ad is """"" work now . e will &oe hoe later. %. ! a """"" eleentary s&hool. 3. 2ets go to th e 4oo " """" 5at'r day$ ,. 6aie li(es """"" a big &ity . -. )e are going to eat """"" a resta'rant tonight. C. Sentence Practice > 7't the words in the &orre&t order. 1. a ni&e 8 e 8 to 9ew :ork 8 and fo'nd 8 went 8 apartent 8 .  """"""""""" """""""""""" """"""""""" %. away fro 8 apartent 8 T ony 8 the 8 ran 8 .  """"""""""" """""""""""" """"""""""" 3. alost stepped 8 s treet 8 on hi 8 7 eople 8 on the 8 .  """"""""""" """"""""""" D. Reading Comprehension 1 fo'nd h'ngry wat&h o't alost ba&k

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Unit 1 Trip to the City Exploring Reading –Easy 3

> 7't the senten&es in order. 9'ber the.

 Tony ran away fro the apartent.

1  Tony got bored of the &o'ntry.

 e went ba&k to the &o'ntry.

; &at tried to &at&h Tony.

 e went to 9ew :ork.

E. Reading Extension

> )hat is the &ity like< )hat is the &o'ntry like< )rite the words.

City Country

F. Summary

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

 Tony was =1""""""""""""""" of the &o'ntry+ so he o(ed to 9ew

 :ork. e fo'nd a ni&e apartent+ b't a =%""""""""""""""" tried to &at&h

hi. There were so any =3"""""""""""""""+ and they alost

=,""""""""""""""" on hi. Tony ran away fro the apartent. e went

=-""""""""""""""" to the &o'ntry fore(er.


?'iet any people b'sy lo'd pea&ef'l not any people

&at stepped bored people ba&k

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Unit % 5hoeshine Exploring Reading –Easy 3

A. Word Practice

> )rite the opposite word. Use words fro the box.

1 few   , short  

% werent   - &losed  

3 near   @ o'tside  

far inside long any open were

B. Grammar Practice

> )rite froAto/ on the lines.

1. The &lothing shop is open """""""" B a.. """""""" 1 p..

%. The b's r'ns """""""" -D3 a.. """""""" 11D3 p..

3. 5now 'nny 5ki Resort is open """""""" 9o(eber """""""" #ar&h.

,. )e go to s&hool """""""" #onday """""""" Friday.

-. """""""" what tie """""""" what tie does the o(ie play<

C. Sentence Practice

> 7't the words in the &orre&t order.

1. is the 8 ho'se 8 The l'e o'se 8 7residents 8 =Chongwadae 8

orean 8 .


%. they &an get 8 at the l'e o'se 8 9ow 8 their shoes 8 for 1- won 8

shined 8 .


3. stand 8 There is going 8 the l'e o'se 8 to be 8 inside 8 a shoeshine 8 .



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Unit % 5hoeshine Exploring Reading –Easy 3

D. Reading Comprehension

> Change the wrong inforation.

Example  The l'e o'se is the orean ings ho'se.

1. There is going to be a shoeshine stand o'tside the l'e o'se.

%. They &an get their shoes shined for 1-+ won.

3. There were any shoe &he&ks.

,. !t will be open fro B a.. to 1 p.. on 5'ndays.

E. Reading Extension

> ow do yo' take &are of these things< #at&h the words.

1. hair     wash

%. shirt     feed

3. shoes     br'sh

,. &ar     shine

-. pets     iron

F. Summary

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

 There wasnt a =1""""""""""""""" stand at the l'e o'se. Fro

#ay 1%th %,+ there will be. 7eople there &an get their =%""""""""""""""" 

shined for 1- won. !t took a long tie to =3""""""""""""""" a shoe

shiner be&a'se there were any se&'rity =,""""""""""""""". The

shoeshine stand will be =-""""""""""""""" #onday thro'gh 5at'rday.


&hoose &he&ks shoeshine open shoes


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Unit 3 Exploring the)ild

Exploring Reading –Easy 3

A. Word Practice

> Cir&le the &orre&t eaning.

1. as well a instead of b also

%. Goin a be with b show

3. *nd o't a learn b tea&h

,. enGoy a tra(el b like

-. ad'lts a grownH'ps b teenagers

B. Grammar Practice

> )rite the &orre&t letters+ then write the n'ber as a word. Use the box

for help.

Example %,"""" """""""""""""""""""""""""" 

1. ,3"""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""  

%. I%"""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""  

3. 1@"""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""  

,. J1"""" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""  

C. Sentence Practice

> 7't the words in the &orre&t order.

1. already 8 with his faily 8 e 8 went there three 8 this year 8 ties 8 .


%. open for 8 years 8 !t has 8 1I 8 been 8 $


3. sea 8 his fa(orite 8 7eng'ins are 8 anials 8 .


1st  %nd  3rd  ,th -th @th  Ith Bth  Jth  1th 

th twenty fourth


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Unit 3 Exploring the)ild

Exploring Reading –Easy 3

D. Reading Comprehension

> #at&h the parts of the senten&es.

 """"" 1. 6akes tea&her likesA

 """"" %. ;t 5ea )orld ad'lts andA

 """"" 3. Coe Goin 's in o'r 1Ith year andA

a A *nd o't the anials of 5ea )orld.

b A going to 5ea )orld as well.

& A &hildren &an ha(e f'n with the sea anials.

E. Reading Extension

> )here &an yo' see these anials< #at&h the to the pla&e.

Desert Center !ungle "and Antarctica Par# Sa$ari World

1. %. 3. ,.

F. Summary

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

 6ake went to 5ea )orld with his =1""""""""""""""". 5ea )orld has

been =%""""""""""""""" for 1I years. ;t 5ea )orld+ =3""""""""""""""" and

&hildren &an see the sea anials. 6ake saw the =,""""""""""""""" bears+

whales and dolphins. is fa(orite sea anials are =- . 6ake had

a good tie at 5ea )orld.

peng'in onkey lion &ael

polar open peng'ins ad'lts &lass


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Unit , Food 0eli(ery Exploring Reading –Easy 3

A. Word Practice

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

1. #y sister and ! go to """"""""""""""""" s&hools.

%. ! like to """"""""""""""" books fro online stores.

3. e s're to """"""""""""""" yo'r books to s&hool e(ery day.

,. ! will """"""""""""""" y oney so ! &an b'y a &op'ter.

-. This resta'rant has good """"""""""""""". E(eryone is (ery kind.

B. Grammar Practice

> Fill in the &hart.

% She & 'e We

1 want wants

% goes

3 like

, eat

C. Sentence Practice

> 7't the words in the &orre&t order.

1. be deli(ered 8 her hoe 8 5he likes 8 to 8 her food to 8 .


%. go to a diKerent 8 to eat 8 Eily likes to 8 diKerent foods 8 resta'rant 8 .


3. sister 8 is diKerent 8 Eily 8 't 8 her 8 .


D. Reading Comprehension

sa(e order diKerent ser(i&e bring


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Unit - #onkey College Exploring Reading –Easy 3

A. Word Practice

> #at&h the words.

1. newspaper  

%. bag  

3. ar    

,. onkey    

-. a&&ident    

B. Grammar Practice

> Fill in the &hart.

C. Sentence Practice

> 7't the words in the &orre&t order.

1. to To 8 orning 8 ;lia brings 8 e(ery 8 newspapers 8 .


%. o't abo't 8 web site 8 To 8 #onkey College 8 fo'nd 8 on a 8 .


3. li(e 8 disabled people 8 5oe 8 with 8 onkeys 8 .


D. Reading Comprehension

> Change the wrong inforation.

Example  To &annot 'se his legs.

7ast 7resent 7ast 7resent1 &arried , *nds o't

% opens - trains3 helped @ has



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Unit - #onkey College Exploring Reading –Easy 3

1. To had a &ar a&&ident last week.

%. ;lia brings sandwi&hes to To e(ery orning.

3. #onkey College has trained ore than J sheep.

,. 5oe onkeys li(e with fao's people.

E. Reading Extension

> )ho do trained dogs help< )rite.

1. %. 3.

F. Summary

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

;lia is a trained onkey. 5he =1""""""""""""""" To. To &ant 'se

his ars be&a'se of a &ar =%""""""""""""""". ;lia brings aga4ines to To

and =3""""""""""""""" bags for hi. #onkey College =,""""""""""""""" 

onkeys to help disabled people. They ha(e trained J onkeys+ and

they =-""""""""""""""" to train ore.

people who &ant hear poli&e people who &ant see

&arries hope helps trains a&&ident


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Unit @ i&hi Exploring Reading –Easy 3

A. Word Practice

> Cir&le the &orre&t eaning.

1. national a fro a town b fro a &o'ntry

%. &hop a &'t 'p b &ook

3. thin a sall b hot

,. blend a taste b ix

-. war a sart b a little hot

B. Grammar Practice

> Cir&le the &orre&t word.

1. !t is past yo'r bedtie. = Moing 8 Mo to sleep.

%. To ake a &ake+ = ix 8 ixes &ho&olate+ s'gar+ and eggs.

3. ;da often = try 8 tries diKerent foods.

,. = 5iles$ 8 5ile$ ! going to take a pi&t're$

-. )here are yo' = going 8 go this weekend<

C. Sentence Practice

> 7't the words in the &orre&t order.

1. oreas 8 one of 8 i&hi 8 foods 8 is 8 national 8 .


%. into 8 pie&es 8 C't 8 thin 8 radishes 8 .


3. p't i&hi 8 !n 8 in the 8 war 8 refrigerator 8 weather+ 8 .


D. Reading Comprehension

> 7't the senten&es in order. 9'ber the.


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Unit @ i&hi Exploring Reading –Easy 3


1 )ash the &abbage.7't the ki&hi in a &ontainer.

lend the garli&+ peppers and radishes


!f it is war+ p't the ki&hi in the refrigerator.

C't the radishes into thin pie&es.

E. Reading Extension

> )rite the naes of the foods.

1. 3.

%. ,.

F. Summary

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

i&hi is one of oreas =1""""""""""""""" foods. To ake ki&hi+

yo' =%""""""""""""""" &abbage+ hot peppers+ garli& and radishes.

=3""""""""""""""" the &abbage and &'t the radish into =,""""""""""""""" 

pie&es. 7't the garli&+ radish and peppers =-""""""""""""""" the &abbage

lea(es. Eat it a few days later. !f it is war+ p't the ki&hi in the

refrigerator. EnGoy$

radish &abbage hot peppers garli&

)ash between national thin need


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Unit I Cho&olate Exploring Reading –Easy 3

 """"" %. 5panish people *rst bro'ght &ho&olate powderA

 """"" 3. !n the 1Jth &ent'ry the 5wiss ade &ho&olateA

a A to E'rope in the 1@th &ent'ry.

b A the seeds of the &a&ao tree.

& A by ixing &ho&olate powder with ilk powder.

E. Reading Extension

> )hat &an yo' ake with &ho&olate< Fill in the blanks.

1. %. 3. ,.

& "" "" "" "" o & "" a "" & "" & r "" a "" "" o o "" i "" s

F. Summary

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

Cho&olate &oes fro &a&ao =1""""""""""""""". The 5panish *rst

=%""""""""""""""" &ho&olate to E'rope. Cho&olate powder was (ery

=3""""""""""""""". 7eople 'sed to ake a &ho&olate =,"""""""""""""""+

b't the 5wiss ade &ho&olate with ilk =-""""""""""""""". 7eople still 'se

this way of aking &ho&olate today. Cho&olate is really deli&io's$

bro'ght powder seeds drink expensi(e


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Unit B 6ennys 0ay in5eo'l

Exploring Reading –Easy 3

A. Word Practice

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

1. )e had to wait in """"""""""""""" to get o'r ti&kets.

%. ! like to ha(e a &'p of tea e(ery """"""""""""""" after l'n&h.

3. #y apartent is on the %3rd Noor. )e ha(e a ni&e """"""""""""""" of the


,. ! sorry. ! (ery """"""""""""""" now. Can we talk later<

-. #y grandother likes to walk """"""""""""""" the ri(er in o'r town.

B. Grammar Practice

> )rite so/ or b't/ on the lines.

1. ! a not h'ngry+ """""" ! wont eat any ore food.

%. #artha walked for *(e kiloeters+ """""" she didnt feel tired.

3. The weather is s'nny+ """""" it is (ery &old.

,. 6a&k doesnt like pean'ts+ """""" ! wont ha(e any at y party.

C. Sentence Practice

> 7't the words in the &orre&t order.

1. and her 8 went to 8 6enny 8 5eo'l 8 friends 8 .


%. there 8 were not 8 to take 8 photos 8 They 8 allowed 8 .


3. aro'nd #y'ngdong 8 looked 8 along the 8 They 8 arket 8 way 8 .


afternoon along line (iew b'sy


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Unit B 6ennys 0ay in5eo'l

Exploring Reading –Easy 3

D. Reading Comprehension

> Che&k Tr'e/ or False./

(rue False

1. 6enny went to 9asan Tower before


%. 6enny took any photos at the l'e o'se.

3. 6enny took the &able &ar at 9asan Tower.

,. 6enny went to the 'se' at the l'e o'se.

-. 5eo'l is a b'sy &ity.

E. Reading Extension

> )hat do yo' like to do in 5eo'l< Che&k ) * the boxes.

go to 'se's (isit a &astle

go shopping go to 2otte )orld

go to 9asan Tower go to a 4oo

eat at a resta'rant go to !nsadong

F. Summary

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

 6enny went to 5eo'l with her friends. They went to the 7residents

o'se and saw the =1""""""""""""""". They &o'ldnt take any

=%""""""""""""""" there. They went to #y'ngdong =3""""""""""""""" on

their way to 9asan 5eo'l Tower. They didnt take the =,""""""""""""""" 

&ar 'p the o'ntain be&a'se the lines were too =-""""""""""""""". 6enny

had a good tie in 5eo'l.&able photos 'se' long arket


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Unit J )oens Molf Exploring Reading –Easy 3

A. Word Practice

> #at&h the words.

1. golf     

%. woan    

3. edal    

,. gro'p    

-. award    

B. Grammar Practice

> )rite these years as words.

Example 1JB% """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 

1. 1I,@ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""  

%. 1BII """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""  

3. 1@@ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""  

,. 1%1 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""  

C. Sentence Practice

> 7't the words in the &orre&t order.

1. to win 8 was 8 the yo'ngest 8 5he 8 it 8 person 8 .


%. 5in&e then 8 other awards 8 won 8 any 8 she has 8 .


3. gi(en by the 8 re&ei(ed 8 orean 8 5he 8 a edal 8 go(ernent 8 .


D. Reading Comprehension

nineteen eighty two


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Unit J )oens Molf Exploring Reading –Easy 3

> Change the wrong inforation.

Example 5he was the oldest person to win it.

1. 5eHRi 7ark is a orean woan swier.

%. 5he has won any other &ontests.

3. 5he re&ei(ed a &ar fro the orean go(ernent.

,. 5he was born in 0aeg'.

-. There is always a gro'p of oreans &ooking for her when she plays golf.

E. Reading Extension

> )hat is yo'r fa(orite sport< 0raw and then write abo't it.

#y fa(orite sport is


! like it be&a'se """""""""""""""""""" 


F. Summary

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

; =1""""""""""""""" orean golfer won the U.5. )oens Lpen in

1JJB. 5eHRi 7ark was =%""""""""""""" in 1JII. 5he has won any

=3"""""""""""""""+ and she re&ei(ed a edal fro the orean

=,""""""""""""""". 9ow any orean woen are doing =-""""""""""""""" 

in golf.


awards go(ernent well feale born


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Unit 1 la&k )idow5pider

Exploring Reading –Easy 3

A. Word Practice

> )rite the opposite word. Use words fro the box.

1 ne(er   , feale  

% sae   - epty  

3 ro'gh   @ white  

bla&k *lled always sooth other ale

B. Grammar Practice

> )rite the present (erbs.

C. Sentence Practice

> 7't the words in the &orre&t order.

1. li(es in 8 box 8 5he 8 a 8 's'ally 8 .


%. spider as 8 6ason 8 bla&k widow 8 his pet 8 has a 8 .


3. and its ba&k 8 bla&k widow 8 is bla&k 8 spider 8 ; 8 is sooth 8 .


D. Reading Comprehension

> #at&h the parts of the senten&es.

 """"" 1. !(y hides in the &orner whenA

 """"" %. The bite of the bla&k widow spider &anA

 """"" 3. ow &an yo' tell the diKeren&e betweenA

7ast 7resent 7ast 7resent1 had , li(ed% hid - bit3 to'&hed @ was


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Unit 1 la&k )idow5pider

Exploring Reading –Easy 3

a A be dangero's+ b't !(y ne(er bit anyone.b A a bla&k widow spider and other spiders<

& A soething to'&hes her web.

E. Reading Extension

> 0raw ale and feale lions.

F. Summary

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

 6ason has a bla&k widow spider for a =1""""""""""""""". !t li(es in a

box. la&k widows are =%""""""""""""""" dangero's+ b't !(y has ne(er

=3""""""""""""""" anyone. la&k widows are bla&k with a

=,""""""""""""""" ba&k. Feales are =- on the other side+ b't

ales are red and white.

#ale – long hair aro'nd thene&k

Feale – no hair aro'nd thene&k

red pet 's'ally sooth bit


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Unit 11 ; 5&aryExperien&e

Exploring Reading –Easy 3

A. Word Practice

> Cir&le the &orre&t eaning.

1. started a began b *nished

%. &aref'l a f'n b safe

3. distan&e a a pla&e b a little way away

,. aking A 'p a lying b singing

-. eet a go see soeoneb talk

B. Grammar Practice

9e(er 5oeties Lften ;lways

O %-O I-O 1O

> )rite the &orre&t word on the lines.

1. ! """"""""""""""" &hat in online &hat roos.

%. !t """"""""""""""" rains in the s'er.

3. #y father """"""""""""""" &ooks dinner.

,. ! """"""""""""""" go swiing in a lake.

C. Sentence Practice

> 7't the words in the &orre&t order.

1. to 6enny 8 6ake 8 eHails 8 e(ery day 8 sent 8.


%. tho'ght 8 things 'p 8 5he 8 he was 8 aking 8 .


3. with online 8 ha(e to 8 7eople 8 &hatting 8 be &aref'l 8 .


D. Reading Comprehension


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Unit 11 ; 5&aryExperien&e

Exploring Reading –Easy 3

> 7't the senten&es in order. 9'ber the.

 6ake sent a photo+ b't 6enny tho'ght it was


1  6enny went into a &hat roo and talked to 6ake.

 6ake asked 6enny to eet hi.

 6ake sent eails to 6enny.

 6enny saw a 3HyearHold an waiting for her.

E. Reading Extension

> #at&h the letter.

Q: How can you stay safe…

 """"" 1. A riding a bike< a. 0ont eet soeone strange.

 """"" %. A &rossing the street< b. )ear a helet.

 """"" 3. A online< &. )ear yo'r seat belt.

 """"" ,. A in a &ar< d. 2ook before yo' &ross.

F. Summary

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

 6enny et soeone =1""""""""""""""". e said his nae was 6ake+

he was 1- =%""""""""""""""" old+ and he had blonde hair and bl'e eyes.

e sent a photo to 6enny+ b't it was a photo of a =3""""""""""""""". 6enny

said she wo'ld eet hi. 6ake was a =, HyearHold an$ 7eople sho'ld

be =-"""""""""""""" online.

years 3 odel online &aref'l


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Unit 1% 0r'nk 0ri(ing Exploring Reading –Easy 3

A. Word Practice

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

1. ! """"""""""""""" the s'bway to s&hool e(ery day.

%. !t is """"""""""""""" to walk on thin i&e. :o' &o'ld fall in &old water.

3. !f yo' drink too '&h soG'+ yo' will get """"""""""""""".

,. ! &an """"""""""""""" a &ar when ! t'rn % years old.

-. ! dont want to do """"""""""""""" on y test+ so ! will st'dy hard.

B. Grammar Practice

> Change the words to des&ribe the (erbs. ;dd Hly./

Example e walked (ery =slow""""""""""""""" down the road. 

1. 6ani&e =&aref'l""""""""""""""" p't the old book on the desk.

%. ! walked =?'iet""""""""""""""" into the &lass when ! was late.

3. The &o'ple dan&ed so =gra&ef'l""""""""""""""" on the stage.

,. The opera singer sang the song (ery =lo'd""""""""""""""".

C. Sentence Practice

> 7't the words in the &orre&t order.

1. (ery 8 dri(ing 8 is 8 dangero's 8 0r'nk 8 .


%. the old 8 dr'nk 8 poli&e fo'nd o't 8 an was 8 that 8 The 8 .


3. of the 8 7't the 8 ba&k 8 bike in the 8 &ar 8 .


D. Reading Comprehension

dangero's badly ride dr'nk dri(e



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Unit 1% 0r'nk 0ri(ing Exploring Reading –Easy 3

> Che&k Tr'e/ or False./

(rue False

1. ;n old an was dri(ing a &ar.

%. The poli&e stopped the an.

3. The old an &ontin'ed riding his bike.

,. The poli&e fo'nd o't that the old an was


-. The poli&e took the an to the oP&e.

E. Reading Extension

> Fill in the blanks.

1. Eating too '&h &an ake yo'r """""""""""" h'rt.

%. 5leeping too '&h &an ake yo'r """""""""""" h'rt.

3. Using a &op'ter too '&h &an ake yo'r """""""""""" h'rt.

,. 2istening to lo'd 'si& for too long &an ake yo'r """""""""""" h'rt.

F. Summary

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

; dr'nk an was riding a bi&y&le =1""""""""""""""". The

=%""""""""""""""" told hi to stop+ b't they fo'nd hi riding it again later.

 They told hi that he sho'ldnt =3""""""""""""""" a bike after drinking. !t

is =,"""""""""""""""+ like dri(ing a &ar dr'nk. They p't the bike in their &ar

and dro(e the an =-""""""""""""""".

eyes ears stoa&h head

dangero's hoe poli&e badly ride


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Unit 13 Caera Exploring Reading –Easy 3

A. Word Practice

> )rite the opposite word. Use words fro the box.

1 expensi(e   , diP&'lt  

% before   - big  

3 old   @ last  

*rst new sall &heap after easy

B. Grammar Practice

> )rite big letters where yo' need the.

Example today is sas *fteenth birthday.

1. y fa(orite &ho&olate is hersheys+ b't y o likes 2otte &ho&olate.

%. 5andra and i are going to disneyland today.

3. o'r tea&her+ rs. 6ohnson+ likes drinking &oKee fro starb'&ks.

,. )hi&h onth do yo' like betterD G'ne or de&eber<

C. Sentence Practice

> 7't the words in the &orre&t order.

1. be&ae 8 Taking 8 of (a&ation 8 a part 8 photos 8 .


'&h it 8 0o 8 was 8 know how 8 yo' 8 <


3. the *l 8 printed 8 That was 8 was 8 where 8 .


D. Reading Comprehension

> Change the wrong inforation.

Today Sam’s


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Unit 13 Caera Exploring Reading –Easy 3

Example  Taking photos be&ae a part of s&hool.

1. The *rst &aera was too big and noisy.

%. ;t G'st Q1+ no failies &o'ld b'y the &aera.

3. The *l was printed at the odak s'perarket.

,. !t was so deli&io's people 'sed it ore and ore.

E. Reading Extension

> 0raw a photo of a (a&ation yo' took. )rite abo't it.

)here did yo' go< """""""""""""""""""" 

ow old were yo'< """""""""""""""""""" 

)hat did yo' do there<



F. Summary

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

 The *rst &aeras were big and =1"""""""""""""""+ b't odak ade

a new &aera in =%""""""""""""""". !t was sall and &heap. e&a'se it

was only Q1+ ost people &o'ld =3""""""""""""""" it. ;fter taking photos+

they sent the &aera to the =,""""""""""""""". The pi&t'res and the

&aera &ae ba&k with ore =-""""""""""""""". Caeras kept getting

easier and easier.


Sa&ation inD

b'y 1J *l expensi(e fa&tory


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Unit 1, Trip to 0isneyland Exploring Reading –Easy 3

A. Word Practice

> Cir&le the &orre&t eaning.

1. dri(ing a o(ing a &ar b walking

%. t'rns a be&oes b hears

3. arri(e a lea(e b get to

,. ti&kets a oney b paper to enter

-. wallet a oney holder b &redit &ard

B. Grammar Practice

> Choose the &orre&t word and add Hing/.

Example ;fter """""""""""""""+ ! feel tired.

1. ;fter """"""""""""""" y hoework+ ! wat&h TS.

%. )e went to a &af after """"""""""""""" a o(ie.

3. )e &ant go play 'ntil we are done """"""""""""""" dinner.

C. Sentence Practice

> 7't the words in the &orre&t order.

1. h'ngry after dri(ing 8 faily 8 1 8 #r. ar(eys 8 ho'rs 8 is 8 .


%. look (ery 8 They 8 ex&ited 8 all 8 .

 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3.

ore than 8 nothing 8 % ho'rs 8 dro(e 8 for 8 They 8 .


D. Reading Comprehension


see eat do r'n


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Unit 1, Trip to 0isneyland Exploring Reading –Easy 3

> #at&h the parts of the senten&es.

 """"" 1. #r. and #rs. ar(ey and their two &hildren+ Eri& and 2isaA

 """"" %. #rs. ar(ey dri(esA

 """"" 3. #r. ar(ey tries to b'yA

a A are dri(ing fro Lhio to California.

b A the ti&kets for his faily.

& A another 1 ho'rs to 0isneyland.

E. Reading Extension

> )hat wo'ld yo' &hoose to tra(el< #at&h the pla&es.




fro Seoul to Busan fro the +SA to


fro home to school

F. Summary

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

#r. ar(ey and his faily =1""""""""""""""" a long way to go to

0isneyland. They stopped at a resta'rant to eat =%""""""""""""""" and

then dro(e soe ore. They were (ery =3""""""""""""""" when they got

there. #r. ar(ey went to =,""""""""""""""" the ti&kets+ b't he &o'ldnt.

e forgot his =-""""""""""""""" at the resta'rant$ They had dri(en a long

way for nothing.b'y dro(e exited wallet dinner


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Unit 1- Thanksgi(ing 0ay Exploring Reading –Easy 3

A. Word Practice

> #at&h the words.

1. ;eri&a    

%. &orn    

3. t'rkey    

,. *sh    

-. beans    

B. Grammar Practice

> )rite before+/ while+/ or after/ on the lines.

1. """"""""""""""" ! was wat&hing a o(ie+ y sister &alled.

%. )e always br'sh o'r teeth """"""""""""""" eating.

3. )e also ake s're to wash o'r hands """"""""""""""" we eat.

,. ! was born """"""""""""""" y sister. ! a older than her.

-. ! &ant st'dy """"""""""""""" listening to 'si&. ! &ant fo&'s.

C. Sentence Practice

> 7't the words in the &orre&t order.

1. 9ati(e ;eri&ans 8 people 8 the English 8 helped 8 The 8 .


%. how to h'nt 8 *sh 8 They also 8 the 8 anials and 8 ta'ght 8 .


3. t'rkey+ &orn+ 8 foods like 8 beans and so on 8 ate 8 They 8 .


D. Reading Comprehension


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Unit 1- Thanksgi(ing 0ay Exploring Reading –Easy 3

> 7't the senten&es in order. 9'ber the.

 The 9ati(e ;eri&ans helped the English people.

  They ate foods like t'rkey+ &orn and beans.

9ati(e ;eri&ans ta'ght the English how to h'nt and


  The English and 9ati(e ;eri&ans had a Thanksgi(ing


1   English people &ae to ;eri&a.

E. Reading Extension

> Ch'seok &an be &alled orean Thanksgi(ing./ )hat do yo' eat< 0raw

and write.

F. Summary

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

)hen the =1""""""""""""""" people &ae to ;eri&a+ 9ati(e

;eri&ans were already there. They didnt =%""""""""""""""" instead+ the

9ati(e ;eri&ans =3""""""""""""""" the English people how to h'nt+ *sh+

and =,""""""""""""""" (egetables. !n 1@%1 the English people in(ited the

9ati(e ;eri&ans to a =-"""""""""""""""/ party. They ate any foods

and ga(e thanks. Thanksgi(ing English plant ta'ght *ght


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Unit 1@ anana Exploring Reading –Easy 3

A. Word Practice

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

1. ! """"""""""""""" that it will rain this weekend. ! disappointed.

%. ! try to stay """"""""""""""". ! eat good food and exer&ise.

3. This spaghetti has any deli&io's """"""""""""""" in it.

,. #y nae is Rebe&&a+ b't any people """"""""""""""" e e&ky.

-. L'r faily """"""""""""""" to go to FiGi for (a&ation. )ere all ex&ited$

B. Grammar Practice

> Fill in the &hart.

5oe #ore #ost

1 healthy

% taller3 largest

, hot

C. Sentence Practice

> 7't the words in the &orre&t order.

1. grow 8 pla&es 8 hot and wet 8 in 8 anana plants 8 .


%. largest 8 !t 8 the worlds 8 herb 8 is 8 $


3. (itains and 8 ananas 8 protein 8 ha(e 8 .


D. Reading Comprehension

> Che&k Tr'e/ or False./

&all de&ided healthy fo'nd o't herbs


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Unit 1@ anana Exploring Reading –Easy 3

(rue False

1. #ark eats bananas e(ery day.%. ananas &oe fro #oro&&o.

3. ananas ha(e (itains and ilk.

,. #ark &an ake banana ilkshakes and &ake.

-. The banana plant is an herb.

E. Reading Extension

> ;nswer the ?'estions.

1. )hat is yo'r fa(orite fr'it< """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 

%. ow often do yo' eat it< """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 

3. )hat &an yo' ake with yo'r fa(orite fr'it< "" I can make



F. Summary

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

#ark lo(es bananas. e =1""""""""""""""" the all the tie. e

learned that they &oe fro =%"""""""""""""""+ whi&h is hot and

=3""""""""""""""". Theyre healthy for yo'+ sin&e they ha(e

=,""""""""""""""" and protein in the. e &an &ook any things with

the. The banana plant is big+ b't it is not a =-""""""""""""""". !t is an

herb$(itains eats tree wet #alaysia


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Unit 1I T Exploring Reading –Easy 3

A. Word Practice

> )rite the opposite word. Use words fro the box.

1 &losed   , sall  

% slowest   - *nished  

3 last   @ short  

fastest opened started long big *rst

B. Grammar Practice

> Cir&le the &orre&t answer.

1. This new o(ie is (ery = ex&iting 8 ex&ited $ ! really liked wat&hing it.

%. #y friend is (ery = f'nny 8 f'n . 5he is always telling great Gokes.

3. ! was (ery = s'rprising 8 s'rprised when y friends had a party for


,. This book is so = boring 8 bored . ! fall asleep when ! read it.

-. ! feel (ery = tiring 8 tired . ! think ! will sleep now.

C. Sentence Practice

> 7't the words in the &orre&t order.

1. ti&ket in 8 holding 8 hand 8 5he is 8 a T 8 her 8 .


%. *rst fast 8 2isa 8 This 8 train ride 8 is the 8 for 8 .


3. train 8 T is 8 in 8 the fastest 8 orea 8 .


D. Reading Comprehension


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Unit 1I T Exploring Reading –Easy 3

> Change the wrong inforation.

Example 2isa is at the airport looking at a long train.

1. The T is the sallest train in orea.

%. This is the *rst fast plane ride for 2isa.

3. !t takes 3 ho'rs and , in'tes to go fro 5eo'l to 'san.

,. The T opened in ;pril+ 1JJ,.

E. Reading Extension

> ow long do these things take yo'< )rite the ho'rs and the in'tes.

Q: How long does…

Example  A yo'r hoework take<


1. A it take to walk to s&hool< """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 

%. A yo'r English lesson last< """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 

3. A it take to dri(e to 5eoraksan<


,. A yo'r fa(orite o(ie last< """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 

F. Summary

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

 The T is the =1""""""""""""""" train in orea. !t opened in ;pril+

%,. !t &an go fro 5eo'l to 'san in =%""""""""""""""" %

=3""""""""""""""" and , in'tes. 2isa took her *rst fast train

=,""""""""""""""". 5he was (ery =-"""""""""""""""$ 5he was s'rprised to

see a big train o(ing so fast.

train station

three hours and fteenminutes

ride only ho'rs fastest ex&ited


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Unit 1B #'si& Festi(al Exploring Reading –Easy 3

A. Word Practice

> Cir&le the &orre&t eaning.

1. festi(al a big party b big eal

%. senior a oldest st'dents in s&hool b yo'ng


3. Goined a wat&hed b played in

,. listen a hear b look at

-. held a takes pla&e b gi(en

B. Grammar Practice

> )rite to/ or at/ on the lines.

1. )hat are yo' looking """""< ! &ant see anything.

%. #y tea&her """"" s&hool is (ery kind. 5he always helps e.

3. ! sent a letter """"" y friend who li(es in ;'stralia.

,. )ere going to go to l'n&h """"" 1%D p..

-. ! dont like listening """"" (ery lo'd 'si&.

C. Sentence Practice

> 7't the words in the &orre&t order.

1. high s&hool st'dents 8 open to 8 and senior 8 !t is 8 G'nior 8 .


%. others 'si& 8 to 8 They &an 8 ea&h 8 listen 8 .


3. eber of 8 )orld 8 also a 8 )alt 0isney 8 !t is 8 .


D. Reading Comprehension


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Unit 1B #'si& Festi(al Exploring Reading –Easy 3

> #at&h the parts of the senten&es.

 """"" 1. The ;ll ;eri&an #'si& Festi(alA

 """"" %. E(eryone &an beA

 """"" 3. E(eryone &an learn any thingsA

a A a winner at the festi(al.

b A and ha(e a good tie.

& A is one of ;eri&as greatest 'si&al e(ents.

E. Reading Extension

> 0raw what instr'ent yo' play. !f yo' dont play one+ draw one yo'

want to play.

! play 8 want to play the """"""""""""""""""""" 

! like it be&a'se """"""""""""""""""""""""" 


F. Summary

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

 The ;ll ;eri&an #'si& =1""""""""""""""" is a great 'si&

=%""""""""""""""" in ;eri&a. !t is for G'nior and =3""""""""""""""" high

s&hool st'dents. !t started in 1JB3+ and it happens e(ery

=,""""""""""""""" thro'gh 6'ne. 7eople who go there like

=-""""""""""""""" and listening to 'si&.senior playing Festi(al #ar&h e(ent


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Unit 1J Mo ;&ti(e/ #eals Exploring Reading –Easy 3

A. Word Practice

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

1. Eat right and exer&ise so that yo' dont be&oe """"""""""""""".

%. ! pa&ked y bag+ then ! """"""""""""""" soe ore so&ks.

3. !t is diP&'lt for e to """"""""""""""" where ! want to go to 'ni(ersity.

,. 0ont eat that fr'it. !t is too old it isnt """"""""""""""" anyore.

-. ! will look at the """"""""""""""" to de&ide what ! want to eat.

B. Grammar Practice

> 7't will/ before the (erbs to p't the in the f't're.

1. ! =go """""""""""""""""" to the arket on Th'rsday.

%. )e =eat """""""""""""""""" &hi&ken for dinner.

3. ate =st'dy """""""""""""""""" hard for the test.

,. :o' =be&oe """""""""""""""""" si&k if yo' dont eat well.

-. )e =speak """""""""""""""""" English better if we pra&ti&e ore.

C. Sentence Practice

> 7't the words in the &orre&t order.

1. abo't 8 people 8 They are 8 o(erweight 8 worried 8 .


%. salads 8 en' 8 )hy 8 to their 8 is #&0onalds 8 adding 8 <


3. fro the 8 &an &hoose 8 #&0onalds 8 7eople 8 en' 8 healthy food 8 .


D. Reading Comprehension

en' added o(erweight fresh &hoose


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Unit 1J Mo ;&ti(e/ #eals Exploring Reading –Easy 3

> Che&k Tr'e/ or False./

(rue False

1. #&0onalds is worried abo't tall people.

%. #&0onalds is adding healthy food to their en'.

3. Children &an &hoose fresh fr'it and G'i&e.

,. #any people think #&0onalds food akes

people tired.

-. The en' is &alled+ Mo Mreen$ H a healthy


E. Reading Extension

> )hat kinds of foods will help yo' stay healthy< Che&k = the boxes.

&ake ilkshakes

bananas ilk

salad potato &hips

*sh bro&&oli

Fren&h fries ri&e

F. Summary

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

#&0onalds added =1""""""""""""""" foods to their en'. The new

en' is &alled Mo =%"""""""""""""""$/ They were =3""""""""""""""" abo't

o(erweight people. #any people think that #&0onalds food akes people

=,""""""""""""""". 9ow+ people &an =-""""""""""""""" healthy foods to eat

when they go to #&0onalds.

o(erweight healthy ;&ti(e worried &hoose


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Unit % ;irport 5e&'rity Exploring Reading –Easy 3

A. Word Practice

> #at&h the words.

1. Hray    

%. kni(es    

3. s&issor    

,. airplane    

-. a&&ident    

B. Grammar Practice

> )rite the &orre&t word. Choose fro the box.

1. %. 3. ,.

C. Sentence Practice

> 7't the words in the &orre&t order.

1. kinds of 8 safety 8 There are 8 &he&ks 8 all 8 airport 8 .


%. dont worry 8 '&h 8 5o 8 abo't it 8 yo' 8 too 8 .


3. what to do 8 !t 8 yo' 8 when soething 8 tells 8 happens 8 .


D. Reading Comprehension

'nder in thro'gh on


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Unit % ;irport 5e&'rity Exploring Reading –Easy 3

> Change the wrong inforation.

Example ;ll people are worried abo't Nying.

1. )e dont often see plane attendants.

%. There are Hray a&hines to &he&k the food.

3. 7eople ay not take keys or s&issors on the plane.

,. There are all kinds of airport book &he&ks.

E. Reading Extension

> )hat sho'ld yo' take with yo' on a plane< )rite the words.

1. %. 3. ,.

F. Summary

> Fill in the blanks. Use words fro the box.

 There are not (ery any plane =1""""""""""""""". There are a lot of 

safety =%""""""""""""""" at airports to keep people safe. ;n Hray

=3""""""""""""""" &he&ks bags and akes s're people dont bring

=,""""""""""""""" or s&issors on the plane. The airplane safety

=-""""""""""""""" on the plane tells yo' how to stay safe when yo' Ny.


ti&kets passport oney bags

kni(es &he&ks a&hine a&&idents book