exploitation of environmental constraints in human and ... · exploitation of environmental...

Exploitation of Environmental Constraints in Human and Robotic Grasping Clemens Eppner Raphael Deimel Jos´ e ´ Alvarez-Ruiz Marianne Maertens Oliver Brock October 27, 2015 Abstract We investigate the premise that robust grasping perfor- mance is enabled by exploiting constraints present in the environment. These constraints, leveraged through motion in contact, counteract uncertainty in state vari- ables relevant to grasp success. Given this premise, grasping becomes a process of successive exploitation of environmental constraints, until a successful grasp has been established. We present support for this view found through the analysis of human grasp be- havior and by showing robust robotic grasping based on constraint-exploiting grasp strategies. Furthermore, we show that it is possible to design robotic hands with inherent capabilities for the exploitation of environmen- tal constraints. 1 Introduction Humans are excellent graspers. Despite decades of re- search on robotic grasping, we have yet to establish the same level of competency in robotic systems. What lets humans grasp so well? There are many answers to this question, most are associated with active research areas in robotics. We propose that human grasp per- formance is to a significant extent the result of carefully orchestrated interactions between the hand, the object, and the environment. Our premise is the following: A competent grasper must exploit constraints present in the environment by employing physical contact so as to counteract uncertainty in state variables most relevant to grasp success. If this premise is true, robust and ver- satile grasping is the process of determining sequences of motions that take advantage of these constraints in the most effective manner. Although the observation of human grasping intu- itively supports our premise, because humans routinely establish contact with the environment when grasping, we are not aware of systematic studies on the use and purpose of such contacts in the psychology literature. We present a study on human grasping that evaluates the plausibility of our premise. Specifically, we investi- gate whether humans increase the amount of interaction with environmental constraints when uncertainty about the environment is increased through an induced visual impairment. For this, we establish a set of parameters to quantify the amount of interaction with the support surface during grasping, and test for effects on those parameters induced by the visual impairment. Ongoing research on robotic grasping provides fur- ther support for our premise. Novel gripper and hand designs often include compliant materials or actuators. In our view, this does not only lead to more robust in- teractions between hand and the grasped object, it also facilitates the exploitation of environmental constraints. There are several studies of novel hands, reviewed in the next section, that deliberately exploit environmen- tal constraints in specific application scenarios or for specific grasps. Research in grasp planning has also be- gun to consider the use of environmental constraints, however, either to a limited extent or in specifically tai- lored approaches. Beyond these instances, to the best of our knowledge, there is no comprehensive approach for the generic, orchestrated use of environmental con- straints in robotic grasping. In this paper, we outline the beginnings of an in- tegrated research agenda towards robotic grasping by leveraging environmental constraints. This agenda spans the study of human grasping, the development of appropriate grasp strategies, the required perceptual strategies to determine when each of the strategies is most appropriate, and the design of robotic hands tai- lored for the exploitation of environmental constraints. This journal paper is an extended version of the paper presented at the International Symposium on Robotics Research [15]. Changes include a more detailed analysis of the human grasping experiments and a new robotic grasping strategy that exploits another commonly oc- curing environmental constraint: the wall-constrained grasp. 2 Related Work To support our claim that competent graspers exploit environmental constraints, we divide related work into three categories based on the types of interactions they consider. The first category, which also marks the be- ginnings of grasping research in robotics, analyzes qua- sistatic grasps and thus does not exploit any interaction that might occur during the grasping process. The sec- ond category exploits interactions between hand and object. The final and most recent category exploits in- teractions between hand, object, and environment, en- abling the consideration of environmental constraints 1

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Page 1: Exploitation of Environmental Constraints in Human and ... · Exploitation of Environmental Constraints in Human and Robotic Grasping Clemens Eppner Raphael Deimel Jos e Alvarez-Ruiz

Exploitation of Environmental Constraints in Human and Robotic


Clemens Eppner Raphael Deimel Jose Alvarez-Ruiz Marianne MaertensOliver Brock

October 27, 2015


We investigate the premise that robust grasping perfor-mance is enabled by exploiting constraints present inthe environment. These constraints, leveraged throughmotion in contact, counteract uncertainty in state vari-ables relevant to grasp success. Given this premise,grasping becomes a process of successive exploitationof environmental constraints, until a successful grasphas been established. We present support for thisview found through the analysis of human grasp be-havior and by showing robust robotic grasping basedon constraint-exploiting grasp strategies. Furthermore,we show that it is possible to design robotic hands withinherent capabilities for the exploitation of environmen-tal constraints.

1 Introduction

Humans are excellent graspers. Despite decades of re-search on robotic grasping, we have yet to establish thesame level of competency in robotic systems. Whatlets humans grasp so well? There are many answers tothis question, most are associated with active researchareas in robotics. We propose that human grasp per-formance is to a significant extent the result of carefullyorchestrated interactions between the hand, the object,and the environment. Our premise is the following: Acompetent grasper must exploit constraints present inthe environment by employing physical contact so as tocounteract uncertainty in state variables most relevantto grasp success. If this premise is true, robust and ver-satile grasping is the process of determining sequencesof motions that take advantage of these constraints inthe most effective manner.

Although the observation of human grasping intu-itively supports our premise, because humans routinelyestablish contact with the environment when grasping,we are not aware of systematic studies on the use andpurpose of such contacts in the psychology literature.We present a study on human grasping that evaluatesthe plausibility of our premise. Specifically, we investi-gate whether humans increase the amount of interactionwith environmental constraints when uncertainty aboutthe environment is increased through an induced visualimpairment. For this, we establish a set of parametersto quantify the amount of interaction with the support

surface during grasping, and test for effects on thoseparameters induced by the visual impairment.

Ongoing research on robotic grasping provides fur-ther support for our premise. Novel gripper and handdesigns often include compliant materials or actuators.In our view, this does not only lead to more robust in-teractions between hand and the grasped object, it alsofacilitates the exploitation of environmental constraints.There are several studies of novel hands, reviewed inthe next section, that deliberately exploit environmen-tal constraints in specific application scenarios or forspecific grasps. Research in grasp planning has also be-gun to consider the use of environmental constraints,however, either to a limited extent or in specifically tai-lored approaches. Beyond these instances, to the bestof our knowledge, there is no comprehensive approachfor the generic, orchestrated use of environmental con-straints in robotic grasping.

In this paper, we outline the beginnings of an in-tegrated research agenda towards robotic grasping byleveraging environmental constraints. This agendaspans the study of human grasping, the developmentof appropriate grasp strategies, the required perceptualstrategies to determine when each of the strategies ismost appropriate, and the design of robotic hands tai-lored for the exploitation of environmental constraints.

This journal paper is an extended version of the paperpresented at the International Symposium on RoboticsResearch [15]. Changes include a more detailed analysisof the human grasping experiments and a new roboticgrasping strategy that exploits another commonly oc-curing environmental constraint: the wall-constrainedgrasp.

2 Related Work

To support our claim that competent graspers exploitenvironmental constraints, we divide related work intothree categories based on the types of interactions theyconsider. The first category, which also marks the be-ginnings of grasping research in robotics, analyzes qua-sistatic grasps and thus does not exploit any interactionthat might occur during the grasping process. The sec-ond category exploits interactions between hand andobject. The final and most recent category exploits in-teractions between hand, object, and environment, en-abling the consideration of environmental constraints


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for robust grasping.

2.1 Force Closure

Early grasping research emphasizes the concepts offorce and form closure, reflecting a static grasping re-lationship between hand and object [41, 36]. A graspis commonly expressed as a set of disembodied pointcontacts. Physical interactions occurring during thegrasp—and sometimes even the limitations that resultfrom the kinematics of the hand—are often not ac-counted for during grasp planning. These approachesrequire detailed models of both the environment andthe hand to exactly attain the planned grasping config-uration.

This approach to grasping promotes the design ofhardware by which precise placement of specific con-tact points on objects can be achieved. Consequently,the dominant paradigm of hand design leads to me-chanically complex, rigid hands with many degrees offreedom [29], some with compliant actuation [24].

This line of research continues to be active and suc-cessful, as evidenced by a large number of sophisti-cated and capable grasp planners [9], simulators [38],and hand designs [10]. In our experience, however, thegrasps determined by these approaches do not reliablytransfer to the real world when executed even on themost sophisticated hands. The fact that most classicalgrasp metrics only poorly reflect physical reality wasalso shown by Balasubramanian et al. [2].

Interestingly, early studies of human grasping alsofollowed this static view of grasping, largely ignoringthe grasping process itself. This is reflected in grasptaxonomies, classifying grasps according to the finalhand posture attained after the grasp process is com-pleted [11, 21]. Even the early work on postural syn-ergies, which has had a profound impact on robotics,initially only considered synergies of static grasp pos-tures [43]. These studies do not capture the dynamicprocesses and the exploitation of environmental con-straints we believe to be crucial for robust grasping.

2.2 Interactions between Hand and Ob-ject

During grasp execution, mechanical compliance in thehand leads to an adaptation of the hand’s configura-tion to the object’s shape. This shape adaptation aidsgrasping performance by compensating uncertainty insensing, actuation, and world model. This benefit isrealized to a large extent through the attainment ofmany contact points, most of which would not havebeen found by a static grasp planner. Shape adap-tation therefore significantly increases the chances ofachieving force closure with a grasp. Much of the re-cent work in robotic grasping attempts to leverage thiseffect explicitly, especially in hand design. The posi-tive pressure gripper [1] represents an extreme examplein this regard. It uses granular material enclosed in aflexible bag to achieve compliance of the entire gripperto large parts of the object’s geometry. By evacuating

the air contained in the bag and thereby jamming thegranular material, the gripper firms up adopting theshape of the enclosed object. Rodriguez et al. [42] op-timize the shape of non-compliant fingers to yield thesame contact point configuration irrespective of objectsize. Shape adaptability can be enhanced by addingcompliant parts and increasing the number of degreesof freedom [26].

An effective way of achieving shape adaptabilitywithout increasing the complexity of control is underac-tuation. The SDM hand [17], the Velo gripper [8], thei-HY hand [40], and the Pisa/IIT SoftHand [? ] couplethe actuation of degrees of freedom using tendon-pulleysystems, adapting the shape of the hand to the objectwhile equalizing contact forces.

Shape adaptability can also be accounted for at theperceptual level, when planning grasps. Some works dothis by matching hand pre-grasp postures to prototyp-ical geometric shapes [39, 18]. Others learn the map-ping of hand-object shape match from real data [32].Brost [3] presents a grasp planner that relies on inter-actions to reduce state space, but only considers inter-actions between object and hand.

The nature of hand-object interaction under uncer-tainty has also been studied in humans. Christopou-los et al. [7] show that humans react to pose uncertaintyof an object by aligning the hand with the direction ofmaximum uncertainty to maximize the probability ofestablishing force closure at first contact. A similarstudy concludes that humans maximize the chance ofestablishing contact with the object, but then performpost-contact postural adaptation [22]. In this case, thehand acts as a haptic sensor. Both studies show thathumans employ contacts with the object to improve therobusness of grasping.

2.3 Interactions between Hand, Object,and Environment

Analogous to the object constraining the motion of thehand, features of the environment may also constrainthe motions of hand or object. This is most evidentfor surfaces which objects rest on, such as tables andfloors. These environmental constraints—when usedproperly—can aid grasping. Furthermore, we postulatethat the necessary perceptual information for leverag-ing such constraints often is easier to obtain than theinformation required for reliably planning a configura-tion with force closure property directly.

The idea of environmental constraints appears inearly work by Lozano-Perez, Mason, and Taylor [33,35, 19]. Here, the intrinsic mechanics of the task envi-ronment are exploited to eliminate uncertainty and toachieve robustness.

It was not until much later that these concepts gaineduse in the context of grasping. Recent research lever-ages environmental constraints in the suggested man-ner, e.g. to position the hand relative to the object [14],to cage objects [30, 14], or to fixate an object dur-ing planar sliding [16, 14]. And specialized, simplegrippers designs can exploit surface constraints such as


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floors to reliably pick up a large variety of objects [45].The recently introduced concept of extrinsic dexter-ity [12] shows how the exploitation of environmentalconstraints can lead to impressive in-hand manipula-tion capabilities even for simple gripper designs. Also,grasp planning can improve the robustness of grasp-ing by favoring actions that require environmental con-straints [18].

Some pre-grasp manipulation relies on environmen-tal constraints to improve grasp success. For example,Chang et al. [6] rotate pan handles into a specific orien-tation prior to grasping by exploiting the pan’s frictionand remote center of mass. This rotation is easy toachieve when the supporting surface is exploited as aconstraint for the required motion. Furthermore, non-prehensile manipulation planners also benefit from theconsideration of interactions between object and envi-ronment [34].

Environmental constraints can also be added to theenvironment deliberately. In automation and manufac-turing, fixtures and part feeders incorporate highly spe-cialized constraints. They are designed to affix a partin space or to move it into a desired orientation. Toillustrate, a vibratory bowl feeder uses a set of envi-ronmental features in conjunction with a simple trans-port mechanism (vibration) to achieve complex manip-ulation behavior. There are approaches that analyzeand automatically design the environmental constraintsneeded to reorient specific objects [4]. Though the ap-proach of specializing the environment is economicallyfeasible for mass production, we aim to exploit environ-mental constraints that are more readily available ina wide range of tasks, settings, object geometries, andperceptual capabilities.

All of the aforementioned methods and mechanismsto exploit environmental constraints rely on multiplecompliant interactions involving parts of the environ-ment prior to establishing the final grasp. These phasesoften are designed to reduce uncertainties in specificvariables relevant to grasp success, and may be exe-cuted as integrated, swift actions. This blurs the tradi-tional distinction between pre-grasp manipulation andgrasping.

We believe that the recent trend towards exploitingenvironmental constraints and the observation of thesame behaviors in humans represents an opportunityto improve robotic grasping capabilities. To take fulladvantage of this opportunity, we should understandthe strategies humans employ, transfer them to roboticcontrol systems, and also develop robotic hands thatfacilitate this transfer.

The study of human exploitation of environmentalconstraints has only received attention. For example,Kaneko et al. [27] extracted a set of grasping strate-gies from observations of a human subject. Thesestrategies include interactions with environmental con-straints. Chang et al. [5] created a taxonomy of humanpre-grasp manipulations that employ the support sur-face by observing video recordings of humans perform-ing object manipulation as part of their daily activities.Many of the documented actions, such as rotating an

object on a flat surface, actually rely on the presence ofenvironmental constraints. Wang and MacKenzie [44]find that the presence of a support surface can increasemanipulation speed. The authors attribute this to thesupport surface’s effect of constraining end-effector mo-tion.

There are also interesting results on the study ofhuman grasping under different kinds of impairments.Severely impairing normal vision of humans with lensescan lead to an almost threefold increase in failedgrasps [37]. It has also been shown, that tactile impair-ments (fingertip anesthesia) can lead to ≈ 30% failedgrasps even in the presence of a support surface [23].Remarkably, both experiments enforced a particularkind of grasp posture. We believe that by imposingconstraints on permissible grasp posture, the partici-pants were deprived of the possibility of employing ordeveloping a strategy that counteracts the effects of theimpairment.

Kazemi et al. [31] studied human grasping in a studysimilar to the one presented in Section 3. They com-pared surface contact of the hand during grasping intwo conditions. In one scenario humans were instructednot to contact the surface during grasping, in the otherthey did not receive such instructions and were free tograsp any way they wanted. The experiment revealedthat humans are capable of grasping without contactingthe support surface when required to do so but in theabsence of this constraint exploit environmental con-straints extensively. Together with the experiments pre-sented in this paper, it makes a strong case for humansintentionally exploiting the environment to increase therobustness of grasping.

3 Human Grasping Exploits En-vironmental Constraints

In this paper we argue that competent grasping ex-ploits constraints in the environment. In this section,we describe our work towards the identification of suc-cessful strategies for the exploitation of environmentalconstraints in human grasping. In a first step, we de-fine operational measures to quantitatively characterizethe exploitation of a specific environmental constraint,namely the support surface of a grasped object. Wealso show that the interaction with the support surfacebecomes more pronounced when grasping is made moredifficult by impairing human vision. We view this find-ing as support for our main premise.

3.1 Quantifying Contact Interactionswith Support Surfaces

We choose the following parameters to quantify the con-tact interaction with the support surface during a grasp-ing trial: the number of distinct support contacts, N ,the mean travel distance of all support contacts, d (spa-tial extent), the mean duration of all support contacts,∆tc (temporal extent), and the maximum force exertedorthogonal to the support surface, fmax (energetic ex-


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Figure 1: Experimental setup of the grasping experi-ment; top: schematic diagram; bottom: actual setup.

tent). Additionally, we measure the grasp duration ∆tg,i.e. the time elapsed between the first contact with ei-ther the object or the support surface and object lift.Larger values in these parameters, indicate increased in-teraction with the support surface. We will show thatthese parameters serve as a meaningful characterizationof the interaction with the support surface.

3.2 Experiment

Five right handed adults (aged 20–25 years, two fe-males) participated in the experiment. They were naiveto the rationale behind the experimental design. Allparticipants reported normal or corrected-to-normal vi-sion. The experiment lasted approximately 1.5 hoursand each participant received renumeration of 8 e perhour.

A grasp trial began with the participant’s hand ex-tended and resting at a start position, see Fig. 1. Anobject was placed at a fixed location on top of a tabletcomputer located behind an occlusion panel blockingthe participant’s view. Then, the occlusion panel wasremoved and the participant was able to observe thescene. After a delay of three seconds, the participantreceived an auditory signal to grasp the object. Duringgrasp, the tablet’s touchscreen was used to record thesupport contact trajectories, from which N , ∆tc, andd were calculated. The tablet rested on a force/torquesensor used to record contact forces and to estimatefmax. Please refer to Section 3.4 for examples ofrecorded support contact trajectories and forces. The

Figure 2: A goggle with blurring glasses was used to im-pair vision. The images below show the resulting viewof the target objects by the participants in the controlcondition (left) and the impaired condition (right).

trial ended with another auditory signal that occurredat lift, in response to which the participant released theobject and returned the hand to the start position.

The experiment was performed under two conditions:control and impaired. In the control condition, humanvision was not altered. In the impaired condition, theparticipants wore custom goggles that blurred details ofthe objects’ shape and degraded depth perception, seeFig. 2. It is difficult to quantify the effects of the gog-gles, but they allowed to induce a consistent and severereduction in human vision. The impaired condition tri-als preceded the control trials to prevent participantsfrom observing the details of the object shapes. Eachparticipant performed 100 trials: ten objects, five rep-etitions per object, each under two conditions.

We used the following objects: a button, a saltshaker, a roll of adhesive tape, a matchbox, a markerpen, sunglasses, a comb, a plastic screw, a toy, anda chestnut. All objects were painted black to removecolor cues potentially useful for object identification,and to homogenize the contrast with the surroundings(see Fig. 2). The tablet’s screen had a white backgroundand was operating at it’s highest intensity to maximizethe contrast between the support surface and the targetobject. The participants wore a conductive glove to im-prove the reliability of the touchscreen measurements.The participants were seated as shown in Fig. 1, withtheir head supported by a chin and forehead rest. Thesetup was adapted to the comfort of the participant andto ensure that the viewing distance to the center of thetablet was ≈ 45 cm. At the beginning of each trial, thetouchscreen outlined a bounding box at the center ofthe tablet’s touchscreen, in which the target object wasplaced. The experiment was recorded with three cam-eras that provided frontal, ipsilateral to hand move-ment, and top views of the grasp movement. Move-ment onset, i.e. when hand velocity exceeded 15 cm/s,


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d mean travel distance of contacts

∆tc mean duration of contacts

∆tg time from first contact to object lift

fmax maximum vertical force applied

N number of distinct contacts

Table 1: A list of parameters proposed to estimate theextent of interaction during a grasp and which coverdifferent aspects of interaction.

was determined using a structured marker attached tothe conductive glove and a tracking algorithm that esti-mates the position of the structured marker. The cam-era ipsilateral to grasp movement was used to determinewhen lift occurred, i.e. both hand and object where atleast 3 mm away from the support surface. The lift de-tection reliability was ensured due to controlled illumi-nation and the high contrast between the black glovedhand and objects, and a white wall that served as back-ground. The force recordings were used to detect thecontact time, i.e. the first peak in the smoothed forcesignal after movement onset. The contact time estima-tion was validated manually.

3.3 Results

The parameters N , ∆tc, d, fmax, and ∆tg measuredin the five trials for an object on each condition wereaveraged for all participants. We performed two kindsof analyses: a correlation analysis and a series of testsfor possible effects induced by the impairment.

To check whether the chosen parameters are consis-tent across subjects and trials within a given condi-tion, we performed a correlation analysis. Fig. 3 depictsthe Pearson’s correlation coefficients between all mea-sured indicators, arranged in a cross-correlation matrixfor both control and impaired condition. All parame-ters exhibited strong positive correlations in both con-ditions, which means that the parameters are consistentand that we can use any subset of the proposed indi-cators for estimating the extent of interaction. As theparameters cover different aspects of interaction, thestrong correlations observed also reduce the chance ofa misinterpretation of the results. For example, a par-ticipant can exert force on the support surface via theobject being grasped, without touching the surface atall. This would potentially make fmax a poor indica-tor for interaction with the support surface, but as itcorrelates well with N , d, and ∆tc we can rule out thisalternative explanation in our analysis.

In the second analysis we tested for an increase ofinteractions when visually impairing a participant. Aset of one-tailed paired t-test on the five parameters(Holm-Bonferroni corrected with global α = 0.05) re-vealed a significant effect for each parameter and forall participants. This result is a strong support for ourpremise stated in Section 1, where a competent grasperwill use interactions to counteract uncertainty.The highcorrelation between grasping time ∆tg and the rest of

Figure 3: All candidate parameters for estimating graspdifficulty are consistent with each other, as indicatedby the Pearson’s correlation coefficients averaged overparticipants and trials; top: control condition; bottom:impaired condition

the parameters also suggests, that the additional timefor the grasp was spent, to some extent, on increasingthe interactions with the support surface.

3.4 Examples of Grasp Trials

We now present some interesting examples of supportcontact trajectories and contact forces registered dur-ing our experiment. The provided data exemplifies theresults of the t-test analysis explained earlier on: theparticipants interacted more with the support surfacewhen visually impaired.

First, we present how participant 3 grasped a button,see Fig. 5. The participant slid the button towards thetablet edge before grasping in all ten trials. However,the slide motion was not generated in the same wayin both conditions. In the control condition the partici-pant gently guided the movement of the target with onefinger placed on top of the target, and without touchingthe support surface. In contrast, in the impaired con-dition support contacts were registered in all trials (seeFig. 6 for example images). Interestingly, in trial 5 ofthe impaired condition, the participant’s middle fingerestablished a support contact while the target was notwithin the reach of the hand (see Fig. 4), and retainedit during the slide towards the edge (the arched supportcontact trajectory on the bottom right). Moreover, theinteraction between the hand and the environment wasnot limited to the top of the tablet. Instead, the partic-ipant wrapped his thumb underneath the tablet whileperforming an edge grasp.

Next, we show how participant 2 grasped the same


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Figure 4: Participant 3 initiating support contact whenthe hand was still reaching for the target in trial 5 ofthe impaired condition.

target (see Fig. 7). Both conditions had in commonthat the participant flipped the target by anchoring onefinger on one side of the target while pulling from theother side with another finger. Therefore, this partic-ipant employed a different strategy than participant 3to grasp the same object. Interestingly, the fingers thatgenerate support contact trajectories do not necessarilycontact the target at any point. For example, in trial 2of the impaired condition, the flip was performed usingonly thumb and index fingers but all fingers traveledalong the support surface.

Admittedly an object as flat as a button is difficult tograsp without establishing support contact, or withoutsliding it first towards and edge. However, we also ob-served support contact on objects that can be graspeddirectly. An example of this is participant 1 grasping amatchbox (see Fig. 8). The support contacts trajecto-ries were generated because the participant establishedseveral support contacts around the target before clos-ing the hand.

3.5 Discussion

The results of our study support two conclusions. First,the proposed parameters are meaningful for the charac-terization of the interaction with the support surface,as they exhibit high inter-correlations. Additionally,the high correlations between parameters directly de-rived from the support contact trajectories (N , d and∆tc), and parameters that are not necessarily directlyrelated to support contact (fmax) suggests that contactforces are also related to direct interaction with the sup-port surface, at least in grasping experiments involvingtargets similar ours. This is important because forcesensors can be applied in a wider range of situationsthan touchscreens.

Second, humans increase the interaction with thesupport surface when their vision is experimentally im-paired as indicated by significant differences in the mea-sured parameters between the two conditions. Thisis consistent with the main premise of this paper, i.e.that robust grasping should exploit environmental con-

straints to compensate for uncertainty. In our experi-ments, the visual impairment results in an increase inthe number of support contacts, and an increase in theduration of support contacts and in their travel dis-tance, and on larger magnitudes of the contact forces.

Grasping time in the impaired condition also in-creases significantly. Traditionally, this has been inter-preted as increased reliance on tactile feedback [37, 20].However, since the increase in grasping time correlateswith the parameters used to quantify the amount of in-teraction with the support surface, we also attributethe increased grasping time to increased interactionwith the environment. Through observation of thevideo recordings, we could identify common situationsin which the hand interacts with the support surfaceprior to establishing a grasp. For example, when ob-jects are translated or flipped, or whilst the hand closesupon the object. We could also observe support con-tact when the object was not yet in reach of the hand(see Fig. 4), or contacts that occur on the bottom sideof the tablet used as support surface. We see thesesituations as exploitations of the support surface, e.g.to guide the target during manipulation, to direct thefinger trajectories, and to guide the hand trajectory.We also observed that different participants can havedifferent preferences on the strategy to use for a partic-ular situation, which raises the question of what factorsdrive strategy selection.

In further research we will focus on the systematicidentification and detailed study of successful exploita-tion strategies of environmental constraints, and char-acterize the conditions for which they are successful.The presented study is a first step towards analyzinghuman grasp strategies in more detail. We hope totransfer these insights to robots so as to endow themwith improved grasping capabilities.


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(a) Top view of the support contact trajectories. The participant sat at the bottom of the plot. The grid lines are separated by 5 cm.The upper row shows the control condition, the impaired condition is shown below. The black rectangle indicates the bounding boxof the button at the beginning of the trial. Each support contact trajectory is denoted by a unique symbol, and elapsed time sincecontact is represented with a color gradient ranging from blue (early) to red (late).




0 1 2 3 4elapsed time (s)


e (N


trial 1 2 3 4 5−8



0 1 2 3 4elapsed time (s)


e (N


trial 1 2 3 4 5

(b) Participant 3 grasping the button. Forces over all trials for the control condition are displayed on the left and for the impairedcondition on the right.

Figure 5: Participant 3 grasping the button.

Figure 6: Participant 3 grasping a button, trial 1 impaired condition. From top to bottom and from left to right:1) The fingers establish support contact at the proximal and distal sides of the target 2) The hand closes uponthe object (only the ring finger and the thumb retain support contact, the middle finger is on top of the object)3) The hand start sliding the target towards the edge, the thumb abducts in advance, probably anticipating thearrival of the target 4) Falls down the edge 5) The thumb establish contact with the bottom side of the supportsurface 6) Lift complete.


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(a) Top view of the support contact trajectories. The participant sat at the bottom of the plot. The grid lines are separated by 5 cm.The upper row shows the control condition, the impaired condition is shown below. The black rectangle indicates the bounding boxof the button at the beginning of the trial. Each support contact trajectory is denoted by a unique symbol, and elapsed time sincecontact is represented with a color gradient ranging from blue (early) to red (late).




0 1 2 3 4elapsed time (s)


e (N


trial 1 2 3 4 5−8



0 1 2 3 4elapsed time (s)


e (N

)trial 1 2 3 4 5

(b) From left to right: The participant about to grasp the button, forces in the control condition and in the impaired condition.

Figure 7: Participant 2 grasping the button.

(a) Top view of the support contact trajectories. The participant sat at the bottom of the plot. The grid lines are separated by 5 cm.The upper row shows the control condition, the impaired condition is shown below. The black rectangle indicates the bounding boxof the matches at the beginning of the trial. Each support contact trajectory is denoted by a unique symbol, and elapsed time sincecontact is represented with a color gradient ranging from blue (early) to red (late).




0 1 2 3 4elapsed time (s)


e (N


trial 1 2 3 4 5−8



0 1 2 3 4elapsed time (s)


e (N


trial 1 2 3 4 5

(b) From left to right: The participant about to grasp the matchbox, forces in the control condition and in the impaired condition.

Figure 8: Participant 1 grasping the matchbox.


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4 Robotic Grasping Benefitsfrom Environmental Con-straint Exploitation

In the previous section, we concluded that humans in-crease their use of an environmental constraint in re-sponse to perceptual uncertainty. In this section, we in-vestigate how robots can exploit such constraints. Ourgoal is to design grasp strategies that exploit environ-mental constraints to increase grasp success and to showthat there are a variety of environmental constraintsthat can be leveraged by those strategies.

4.1 Surface-Constrained Grasp withBarrett Hand

We compare two grasp strategies that leverage the sameenvironmental constraint to a different degree. The en-vironmental constraint in this experiment is providedby the supporting table surface. As the height of ob-jects decreases, grasping becomes more difficult. Weexpect grasp success to be higher if the constraint pro-vided by the table surface to guide finger placement onthe object is exploited to a higher degree.

Constant wrist pose: The first strategy was intro-duced in our prior work [18]. Grasp poses are generatedby fitting geometric primitives like cylinders, spheres,and boxes to depth measurements of the scene. To in-crease the likelihood of grasp success, pre-grasp posesare refined in response to environmental constraints.For this strategy, the palm of the hand is aligned withthe support surface. The hand is then positioned aslow as possible above the support surface so that thefingers do not contact the surface during closing. Thisstrategy uses the environmental constraint provided bythe support surface to position the hand but does notexploit contact interactions.

Force-compliant closing: The second strategy usesforce control to establish contact of the fingertips withthe support surface and proceeds to slide the fingersalong the surface during closing, maintaining constantcontact force by compliantly repositioning the wrist (seeFig. 9). Kazemi et al. [30] present a similar strategy;while they control hand orientation based on force feed-back, we employ visual feedback.

The main difference between the two comparedstrategies is that the first only attempts to come asclose as possible to the surface using RGB-D infor-mation about the scene, whereas the second maintainsphysical contact with the surface throughout the wholegrasp. The same environmental constraint—the tablesurface—is exploited visually in one and haptically inthe other.

To evaluate the strategies we placed different sizedcylinders (see Fig. 10a) on a table in front of a 7-DOFWAM equipped with a force-torque sensor and a Bar-rett Hand BH-262. All experiments reported in thissection are averaged over five trials.

(a) Cylinders with 8, 12,16, 22, 32, 40, 50, 75 and110 mm diameter

(b) Blocks with height 3, 6, 10,19 and 29 mm and weight 79,158, 233, 451, and 684 g

Figure 10: Objects used in grasping experiments

Fig. 12 shows grasp success as a function of cylinderdiameter. While big cylinders could be grasped reli-ably with both strategies, the grasp of smaller cylindersonly succeeded with force-based exploitation of the en-vironmental constraint. The constant-wrist-pose strat-egy causes the finger tips to hover slightly above thesurface when contact with the object is made, due tothe circular trajectory during hand closure. This insuffi-cient exploitation of the surface constraint leads to a re-duced success rate for small-sized objects. In contrast,the force-compliant finger closing uses the surface con-straint at all times to position fingertips as close to thetable as possible. Grasp success is not perfect though,as the cylinders can easily roll off the fingertips. Anexample of this failure mode is shown in Fig. 13a.

This experiment shows that exploiting a surface con-straint to a higher degree can lead to more robust grasp-ing.

4.2 Edge Grasp with Barrett Hand

We want to show that there are multiple environmen-tal constraints that can be exploited. To achieve goodgrasping performance in a variety of settings and for di-verse objects, it is necessary to employ the most appro-priate strategy. The multitude of available constraintsalso necessitates perceptual capabilities to distinguishsituations in which one strategy should be preferredover the other. To demonstrate this point, we imple-mented the slide-to-edge strategy and compared it tothe previously presented force-compliant finger closing.

Slide-to-edge: The slide-to-edge strategy exploits asurface and an edge feature in the environment. It con-tacts the object using the the surface, slides it towardsan edge, and wraps the thumb around the protrudingpart of the object to establish a grasp. The differentphases of our slide-to-edge strategy are illustrated inFig. 11. This strategy can also be seen as a distinct pre-grasp interaction which reconfigures the object enablingcontact on parts of it that were previously inaccessible.A similar strategy was presented in [28], focusing on theplanning of feasible motions.

We evaluated the slide-to-edge strategy by compar-ing it to the force-compliant closing strategy for differ-ent sized blocks (see Fig. 10b) placed on a table as be-fore. For all blocks, the slide-to-edge strategy achieves


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The object is used as a visual environmentalconstraint to position the hand relative to it.A visual servoing controller terminates whenhand and object are horizontally aligned.

The surface is used as an environmental con-straint to position the hand. A compliant po-sition controller moves the hand downwardsuntil it touches the surface. Upon termina-tion, the fingertips are aligned vertically w.r.t.the object.

The surface is used as a constraint to fingertipmotion by keeping the wrist compliant whileclosing the fingers. The fingertips follow thesurface, bringing them in contact with the ob-ject at the best (lowest) possible position forthe subsequent step.

The fingers then may slide under the object toreplace the surface, caging and finally graspingthe object without the surface, resulting in thefinal, proper grasp.

Figure 9: Force-compliant closing strategy with Barrett hand

reliable performance (see Fig. 12), whereas the force-compliant strategy is only successful for flat blocks.

The slide-to-edge strategy is less sensitive to vari-ation in the size and weight of the blocks. The flatand wide shape of the blocks enables the robot to moveparts of them over the edge, creating the opportunityto perform a more reliable grasp on the shorter sideof the block. Failure cases for the slide-to-edge strat-egy included wrong tracking during the visual servoingpositioning, missing object contact during sliding, andpremature thumb closing.

The force-compliant strategy succeeds when the fin-gernails jam against one of the block’s sharp edges, ascan be seen in Fig. 13b. This is achieved consistentlyfor the smaller blocks. For taller blocks, the fingernailsdo not contact the object, leading to slip and grasp fail-ure, as seen in Fig. 13c. In a few cases, however, thenails caught the object just before slipping out of thehand. While these cases are counted as grasp successin our experiments, one should note that the intendedgrasp was not achieved. Success must be attributed tocoincidence and the design of the finger nails.

The experiment demonstrates that different ways ofexploiting environmental constraints succeed under dif-ferent conditions. It also shows that the success of ex-ploiting environmental constraints depends object char-acteristics in non-trivial ways. It is therefore desirable

to employ a variety of grasp strategies for which theconditions of success have been characterized. Percep-tual skills then must classify environments according towhich of the strategies’ conditions of success are metbest.


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The object is used as a visual environmentalconstraint to position the hand relative to it.A visual servoing controller terminates whenhand and object are horizontally aligned.

The surface is used as an environmental con-straint to position the hand. A compliant po-sition controller moves the hand downwardsuntil it touches the surface. Upon termina-tion, the fingertips are aligned vertically w.r.t.the object.

The surface in conjunction with the edge areused as environmental constraints to slidethe object to the edge. A compliant positioncontroller drags the fingertips across thesurface. The motion is terminated when theobject partially protrudes over the edge. Thiscan be detected by using the edge either as avisual or as a haptic environmental constraint.

The vertical surface is used as an environm-nental constraint to position the right finger.A compliant position controller closes the fin-ger until contact with the surface. Upon ter-mination the object is caged.

By compliantly moving the end effector hori-zontally, the right finger slides along the verti-cal surface, contacting the object, and result-ing in force closure without the table surface.

Figure 11: Slide-to-edge grasp strategy with Barrett hand


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8.0 12.0 16.0 22.0 32.0 40.0 50.0

Cylinder diameter (mm)











3.0 6.0 10.0 19.0 29.0

Block height (mm)

Constant-wrist Force-compliant Slide to edge

8.0 12.0 16.0 22.0 32.0 40.0 50.0

Cylinder diameter (mm)











3.0 6.0 10.0 19.0 29.0

Block height (mm)

Constant-wrist Force-compliant Slide to edge

Figure 12: Comparison of the three grasping strategies

(a) Failure due to object’s inertia (b) Chance success (c) Failure due to slip

Figure 13: Exemplary failure and success cases for the force-compliant closing strategy

5 Hands That Simplify Exploita-tion of Constraints

In this section we present our initial efforts to designhands to simplify exploitation of environmental con-straints during grasping. If indeed exploitation of en-vironmental constraints enables robust grasping, suchhands should lead to improved grasping performance.Environmental constraints can be exploited most ef-fectively through contact. We therefore design handsso as to attain and maintain contact without the needfor sophisticated sensing and control. We achieve thisthrough the extensive use of underactuation, passivecompliance, and actuators with low apparent inertia.The initial development goal of the soft hands was tobuild hands that can grasp objects of uncertain shapeusing only local, mechanically implementable compli-ance. In hindsight, that goal is a special case of anenvironmental constraint: The constraint is the surfaceof the object being grasped. Many of the design deci-sions that enable the hand to use the object surface,also enable the use of other environmental constraints.

To give an indication on whether soft hands are suit-able or even helpful for implementing environmentalconstraint exploiting primitives, we constructed threeexamples (Figs. 22, 21 and 20) using joint control ofa 7-DOF Mekabot arm with fixed, scripted trajecto-ries and providing compliance by adjusting controllerimpedances. We evaluated the robustness of the graspsagainst specific variations of the environment.

5.1 RBO Hand 1

RBO Hand 1 [14] is the first design of a very compli-ant hand and is shown in Fig. 14. It employs pneu-matic continuum actuators in three fingers and hastwo deformable pads that form the palm. The handis highly robust (does not break after thousands ofgrasps), can withstand blunt collisions, is inherentlysafe, and easy and cheap to manufacture and repair.This hand achieves robust grasping performance on ob-jects with widely varying geometries, without sensingor control, simply by inflating the continuum actuators(see Fig. 16, a more detailed experimental evaluation forthese objects can be found in Deimel and Brock [14]).We obtain these desirable properties at the expense ofprecise position or force control, of e.g. the fingertips.

5.1.1 Surface-Constrained Grasp

The first environmental constraint exploiting grasp im-plemented on RBO Hand 1 was the surface-constrainedgrasp [14]. Its steps and execution are illustratedin Fig. 20, and for a particularly difficult object inFig. 20b. The strategy makes extensive use of environ-mental constraints. It uses contact between the palmand the support to level the hand with the object. Thefingers slide along the support to establish reliable con-tact with the object. Finally, the fingers adapt to theshape of the object to establish a robust grasp. Theseways of exploiting environmental constraints are facili-tated by the hand’s design and do not require sensing


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Figure 14: The RBO Hand 1 consists of a square rectan-gular plate on which three pairs of PneuFlex continuumactuators are mounted as fingers at a 30◦ angle. Op-posing the fingers, a simple cylindrical pad is mounted,which is made from a sheet of rubber. The intermediatesection is also padded with rubber.

or control.

5.1.2 Edge Grasp

We also implemented the slide-to-edge grasp fromSec. 4.2 for RBO Hand 1, but in a simpler version,omitting the sliding step. Its steps and execution are il-lustrated in Fig. 21. In the first phase, the hand’s palmestablishes contact with the edge, eliminating positionuncertainty. Subsequently, the fingers are flexed andthe fingertips establish contact with the table, achievingcaging. The hand rotates about the edge/palm contactto ensure contact between the fingers and the supportsurface, while the the compliant fingers slide along thesupport surface until a grasp is established. Finally, thehand retracts from the edge at an angle of 15◦, liftingthe fingertips from the surface and detaching the palmform the edge at the same time.

5.2 RBO Hand 2

The latest iteration of hand design is a prototype ofan anthropomorphic hand [13], shown in Fig. 15. It hasseven individual PneuFlex continuum actuators, one foreach finger, and two curved ones making up the palm.The palm and fingers of the hand are mounted on a flex-ible, printed scaffold, which augments their complianceand lowers forces on impact. The actuated palm resultsin a dexterous thumb, but also provides a compliantpad to grasp against. The scaffold is stabilized by flex-ible connections between fingers and palm. RBO Hand2 shares the same actuator technology as RBO Hand1, but its fingers are designed to be approximately fourtimes stronger and have a linearly decreasing impedanceinstead of constant one along the fingers. The hand iscapable of enacting 31 out of 33 grasps of the Feix grasptaxonomy using only four actuation signals by relyingon its mechanical compliance [13].

Figure 15: The RBO Hand 2 consists of a flexiblepolyamide scaffold on which four fingers and a palm-thumb compound are mounted. Fingers and palm aremade of PneuFlex continuum actuators. On its back-side splitters are attached to distribute air from twoactuation channels to the individual actuators.


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A big advantage of both hand designs is that themost exposed parts contain no rigid components ableto concentrate forces. It is therefore very safe. Errorsusually do not lead to catastrophic failure as fingersand palm can comply in every direction. The low iner-tia of the PneuFlex continuum actuators also facilitatesfast collisions without excessive, damaging contact pres-sures. Additionally, the low actuator impedance andfast response on disturbances help to maintain contactwith surfaces during hand motion. These propertiesgreatly simplify the implementation of environmentalconstraint exploiting primitives.

5.2.1 Slide-to-Wall grasp

For the RBO Hand 2 we implemented a strategy thatuses walls—a constraint that can be found as part ofbowls, drawers, shelves and boxes. The strategy’s stepsand execution are illustrated in Fig. 22. The slide-to-wall grasp exploits the corner created by two surfacesin addition to the two surfaces themself. In the slidephase, the robot lowers the wrist until it touches thetable. It drags its fingers across the surface to slide theobject into the corner to finish the slide phase. Theobject is now caged from four sides by table, fingers,wall, and gravity. We then reorient the hand by firstunloading the fingers (backward motion), and rotatingapproximately around the fingertips. As the motionsare executed using joint space interpolation, the fingersmay compensate resulting positioning errors with bend-ing. Then, the hand is moved compliantly against thewall to slip the fingers under the object, which is con-strained in horizontal motion by the wall. This phaseeffectively replaces the table constraint with the fingers.Then, the fingers and palm are inflated slightly (approx-imately 15% of final actuator pressure), and the hand isrotated to create a cage with the wall. The fingers arefully flexed to grasp the object. This last step is similarto the surface-constrained grasp shown in Fig. 20a, butwith gravity being oriented differently.

5.3 Robustness under Uncertainty

Exploitation of environmental constraints should leadto successful grasps in a broad range of situations. By“outsourcing” the interaction into hardware with ac-companying motion primitives, the robot does not needto perceptually distinguish between situations wherethe same action yields the same outcome. Therefore, ro-bustness and predictability of environmental constraintexploiting primitives against variations also directlysimplify perception and planning.

To evaluate robustness of the hand designs and ac-companying grasping strategies, we mapped grasp suc-cess against several grasp-relevant parameters: objectshape, object size, object placement, and environmentalconstraint placement.

Object Shape: In previous work, we demonstratedthe ability of RBO Hand 1 to grasp a diverse set ofobjects of comparable size (see Fig. 16) [14]. Here the

Figure 16: Different objects that can be grasped withthe RBO Hand 1 [14].

50 100 150 200

Horizontal distance to edge of palm (mm)










Grasp success

Figure 17: Surface-constrained grasp. Distance mea-sure as indicated in Fig. 20a. Circles represent success-ful grasps.

many compliant degrees of freedom of the hand are usedto adapt to the surface shape of the object. Fig. 16 alsoshows that RBO Hand 1 is able to grasp deformableobjects often considered hard to grasp, such as tissueor a water balloon. The intrinsic compliance can adaptto shape changes without the need of continuous shapeperception. In accordance with these initial findings,RBO Hand 2 was also shown to be able to grasp manydifferently shaped objects [13]. Compliant actuationhas also been successfully used by the SDM hand [17]and the Positive Pressure Gripper [1] to automaticallyadapt to diverse object shapes.

Object Placement: In two experiments, we mea-sured robustness of the strategies when objects are dis-placed from their expected position. For both experi-ments we used the set of cylinders shown in Fig. 10a.The set of blocks from Fig. 10b used in the experimentswith the Barrett hand in Sec. 4 cannot be grasped bythe RBO Hand 1 due to limitations in actuation andhand aperture. Objects were displaced along one axis


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0 50 100 150 200

Horizontal distance to table edge (mm)









Grasp success

Figure 18: Slide-to-edge grasp. Distance measured hor-izontally from lower edge of palm plate to closest objectsurface. Circles indicate successful grasps.

in twelve (ten) 20 mm increments, using nine differ-ent cylinder sizes, for a total of 108 (90) trials for thesurface-constrained (slide-to-edge) grasp. To create adense spatial coverage with a feasible number of exper-iments, every combination of object placement and sizewas sampled only once.

The results of these experiments are shown in Fig. 17,18. Both strategies achieved grasp success in largeand contiguous areas of the explored parameter space.For graspable objects, displacements can vary in largeranges due to the exploitation of environmental con-straints in the various steps. Consistent grasp successunder significant variations in object placement is astrong indication for the robustness of constraint ex-ploitation facilitated by the hand design. Note that thehand does not use sensing or control to achieve thisgrasping performance.

Object Size: The tolerance of the two tested graspsto changes in cylinder diameter can also be extractedfrom Fig. 17 and Fig. 18. Objects larger than 75 mmcan not be grasped, as the hand’s fingers are not ableto reach around far enough to create force closure. Forsmall objects, the edge grasp is superior to the surface-constrained grasp, which only works for cylinder diam-eters above 16 mm. As with object placement, objectsize can vary considerably without affecting grasp suc-cess, making the grasps robust and predictable.

The results in Figs. 17 and 18 also show that dif-ferent grasps are successful under different conditions.The surface-constrained grasp requires cylinders to beat least 22 mm in diameter, whereas the edge grasp re-quires the presence of an edge within about 100 mm ofthe object. This confirms the results from Section 4.2and emphasizes the necessity of employing multiplestrategies in response to the specific grasp problem.

Constraint Placement: To be able to robustly exe-cute a constraint exploiting action, for the environmen-tal constraint exploiting primitive it is also necessary

30◦ 40◦ 45◦ 50◦ 60◦ 70◦ 80◦ 85◦ 90◦ 100◦

Wall angle (◦)











Figure 19: Success of Slide-to-wall grasp under varyingwall angles relative to horizontal table surface.

to tolerate uncertainties in the placement of environ-mental constraints them selves. In the third experi-ment, we evaluated the influence of wall direction on theslide-to-wall grasp by varying the angle between the twosurfaces exploited as environmental constraints. Whilemost walls are vertical, some are not, such as the wallsof some bowls and boxes. The grasp sequence was ini-tially constructed using a wall at 60◦ angle. During theexperiment, the wall angle was changed from α = 40◦ toα = 90◦, in 10◦ increments and tested 10 times. Afterthat, the two interesting border regions were identifiedand two additional angles were tested to increase reso-lution for a total of 80 grasps.

The results are shown in Fig. 19. The grasp couldbe successfully executed without any adaptation of theactuation, in a large range of wall orientations, from ap-prox. 45◦ to 90◦. Larger angles could not be tested, be-cause the wrist collided with the wall constraint duringthe slide motion. Larger angles would have increasedthe deflection and result in a larger force by the jointcontrollers. To avoid damage to the arm, angles largerthan α = 90◦ were not tested and should be consideredunsuccessful. Even then, the grasp can tolerate largechanges in the orientation between the two required sur-faces, which in turn lowers the difficulty of sensing thepresence of the required environmental constraints.


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The surface is used as an environmental con-straint to position the hand. A compliant po-sition controller moves the hand downwardsuntil it touches the surface. Upon termina-tion, the palmar pad is aligned vertically w.r.t.the object.

The surface is used as an environmental con-straint to position the fingers. A controllerflexes the fingers compliantly until they con-tact the surface. Upon termination, they areat the lowest possible position w.r.t. the ob-ject. Additionally, the object is caged.

The surface is used as an environmentalconstraint to rotate the hand along thepalmar pad. This gradually unloads thefingertip contacts, making the fingers slidealong the table surface. The object is pushedagainst the palmar pad, and contact with theobject is made at the best possible (lowestaccessible) location.

(a) Sequence of environmental constraint exploitation (environmental constraint s are shown in red)

(b) Surface constrained grasp picking up a piece of tissue, from left to right: exploitation of table to position and orient the hand,exploitation of table to ensure contact with the flat object, compliant grasping, established grasp, and object lift

Figure 20: Surface constrained grasp with RBO Hand 1


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The edge is used as a visual environmentalconstraint to position the hand relative to it(alternatively, the object could also be used).A visual servoing controller terminates whenhand and edge are vertically aligned.

The edge is used as an environmental con-straint to position the hand close to the ob-ject. A compliant position controller movesthe hand towards the edge until contact.

The surface is used as an environmental con-straint to position the fingers. A controllerflexes the fingers compliantly until they con-tact the surface. Upon termination, they areat the lowest possible position w.r.t. the ob-ject. Additionally, the object is caged.

The edge in conjunction with the surface isused as an environmental constraint by thehand to enclose the object. A compliant posi-tion controller rotates the hand to unload thecontact at the fingertips. While the fingertipsmove the object towards the palmar pad theirmotion is constrained by the surface. Upontermination, the hand encloses the object.

Figure 21: Edge-grasp strategy with RBO Hand 1


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The surface is used as an environmental con-straint to position the hand. A compliant po-sition controller moves the hand downwardsuntil it touches the surface. Upon termina-tion, the fingertips are aligned vertically w.r.t.the object.

The surface in conjunction with the corneris used as an environmental constraint. Acompliant position controller moves the handhorizontally to slide fingers across the surface,exploiting it as a constraint to fingertipposition. The vertical surface constraints thehorizontal motion. Upon termination, theobject is caged by hand and environment.

The corner surfaces are used as an environ-mental constraint to slide the fingers under theobject.

The wall is used as an environmental con-straint to rotate the hand and prepare thegrasp.

The hand is then lifted and its fingers areflexed to roll the object into the hand. Finger-tip position is constrained by the wall, makingthem contact the object in the best possiblelocation for attaining force closure.

Figure 22: Slide-to-wall grasp strategy with RBO Hand 2


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6 Conclusion

The work presented in this paper describes the earlystages of an integrated research agenda in robotic grasp-ing. This agenda combines the study of human grasp-ing to identify strategies and principles leading to theircompetencies with the transfer of these principles torobotic grasp planners as well as to robotic hand de-sign.

Informed by a growing body of research in roboticgrasping, we formulated the premise that robust and re-liable grasping must exploit environmental constraintsduring the grasping process. In support of this premise,we presented experiments showing that humans re-spond to increased difficulty in the grasping problemby increasing the exploitation of environmental con-straints. We believe that the study of human exploita-tion strategies will provide important insights into howrobotic grasping algorithms can achieve robust graspingperformance.

Following these insights, we presented several suchstrategies on three different robot platforms. Each ofthe strategies was tailored to exploit constraints com-monly present in real-world grasping scenarios. Wedemonstrated the success of constraint exploitation inreal-world grasping experiments.

Finally, we demonstrated the utility of designinghands to facilitate the exploitation of environmentalconstraints by presenting two types of mechanicallycompliant and highly deformable hands. Both handsrobustly grasp objects of varying sizes and shapes, with-out the need for explicit force sensing or feedback con-trol, and make collision and interaction with the envi-ronment simple to implement.

Viewed collectively, the experimental results on hu-man and robotic grasping presented in this paper pro-vide strong support for the view that the ability to ex-ploit environmental constraints is a crucial componentin the development of competent robotic grasping andmanipulation systems.


We gratefully acknowledge the funding provided by theAlexander-von-Humboldt foundation, and the FederalMinistry of Education and Research (BMBF).


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