explaining pulsating electro magnetic field (pemf) · 2019-11-04 · of a revolution in health...

P = Pulsating E = Electro M = Magnetic F = Field PEMF has been used in Europe for over 40 years. The FDA has approved PEMF for bone healing, reduce swelling and joint pain, wound healing and depression. Question: What does the machine do? Short Answer : It produces a variable pulsating electromagnetic field, which improves cellular metabolic function. Long Answer: Explaining Pulsating Electro Magnetic Field (PEMF) Question: Is it effective? Is it safe? Short Answer: 1. The Cells within this variable pulsating electromagnetic field are being exercised and the cells that have low energy can be felt as a mild discomfort or slight pain. Higher energy cells are being exercised but may not be felt. 2. While these low energy cells are exercised they are beginning to have toxins permeate out their membranes and therefore the PEMF unit helps to detoxify cells. 3. The PEMF unit also increases blood circulation and oxygen flow which helps the cell to repair. 4. The PEMF technology has been known to help detoxify and increase the flow of the lymphatic fluids which will help detoxification and cellar fluid dynamics including nutritional uptake. 5. PEMF puts a healthy energy charge into the interior of the cell behind the cell membrane that raises cellular energy so the cell can heal itself faster. While many technologies can affect the interstitial fluids, pulsed electromagnetic fields can influence and charge the interior parts of the cell including the nuclease and the mitochondria. 6. PEMF's are like a spark plug or catalyst for energy production in the cell. Just like a car needs oxygen, fuel and an ignition (spark plug), so does the human cell need fuel (glucose), oxygen and a "spark plug" or ignition. This ignition is PEMF or pulsed magnetic energy. We can also think of PEMF as a battery re-charger for the human cell. We now know that the voltage of a healthy cell is about 70 millivolts. When we get sick or have damaged cells, these cells have been known to operate at 30 - 15 millivolts or less in cases of cancer, or cell / body death. Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) act like a catalyst and battery re-charger for the human cells and these PEMF's are critical for human metabolism.

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Page 1: Explaining Pulsating Electro Magnetic Field (PEMF) · 2019-11-04 · of a revolution in health called Energy Medicine or Electromedicine . How Do Magnetic Fields Work To Heal The

P = Pulsating E = Electro M = Magnetic F = Field

PEMF has been used in Europe for over 40 years. The FDA has approved PEMF for bone healing, reduce

swelling and joint pain, wound healing and depression.

Question: What does the machine do?

Short Answer : It produces a variable pulsating electromagnetic field, which improves cellular metabolic


Long Answer:

Explaining Pulsating Electro Magnetic Field (PEMF)

Question: Is it effective? Is it safe?

Short Answer:

1. The Cells within this variable pulsating electromagnetic field are being exercised and the cells

that have low energy can be felt as a mild discomfort or slight pain. Higher energy cells are being

exercised but may not be felt.

2. While these low energy cells are exercised they are beginning to have toxins permeate out their

membranes and therefore the PEMF unit helps to detoxify cells.

3. The PEMF unit also increases blood circulation and oxygen flow which helps the cell to repair.

4. The PEMF technology has been known to help detoxify and increase the flow of the lymphatic

fluids which will help detoxification and cellar fluid dynamics including nutritional uptake.

5. PEMF puts a healthy energy charge into the interior of the cell behind the cell membrane that

raises cellular energy so the cell can heal itself faster. While many technologies can affect the

interstitial fluids, pulsed electromagnetic fields can influence and charge the interior parts of the

cell including the nuclease and the mitochondria.

6. PEMF's are like a spark plug or catalyst for energy production in the cell. Just like a car needs

oxygen, fuel and an ignition (spark plug), so does the human cell need fuel (glucose), oxygen and

a "spark plug" or ignition. This ignition is PEMF or pulsed magnetic energy. We can also think of

PEMF as a battery re-charger for the human cell. We now know that the voltage of a healthy

cell is about 70 millivolts. When we get sick or have damaged cells, these cells have been known

to operate at 30 - 15 millivolts or less in cases of cancer, or cell / body death. Pulsed

electromagnetic fields (PEMF) act like a catalyst and battery re-charger for the human cells and

these PEMF's are critical for human metabolism.

e toxins permeate out their
Page 2: Explaining Pulsating Electro Magnetic Field (PEMF) · 2019-11-04 · of a revolution in health called Energy Medicine or Electromedicine . How Do Magnetic Fields Work To Heal The

"If the electrical imbalance is corrected, the disease does not manifest."

-Dr. Harold Saxton Burr, PHD, Professor of Anatomy at Yale University School of Medicine

Pulsed Magnetic Therapy

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy or Pulsed Magnetic Therapy for short, is getting lots of

coverage in the national media from prominent health experts like Dr. Oz MD because of its remarkable

ability to stimulate repair of our bodies at the most basic cellular level.

You see every living body requires electromagnetic energy to function. Just think of the heart, without an electromagnetic

pulse the heart would stop and we would die. But it is not just the heart that needs electromagnetic energy to function

so does every cell in our body.Without this electromagnetic energy our cells cannot function and if they cannot function

they die.

Interestingly the voltage of a healthy cell is about -70 millivolts whereas an unhealthy cell like a cancer cell is

about -30 millivolts.

What Is PEMF Therapy And How Does It Work:

PEMF Therapy is a little like massage therapy for cells. Electrical energy is converted into a series of

electromagnetic pulses which pulse through the body essentially massaging the tissue while inducing

tiny electrical signals within the cells.

These pulsing electromagnetic signals not only stimulate the cell membrane helping 'perk up' the

molecules that make up the cell membrane they also improve the permeability of the cell membrane

(i.e. the trans-membrane potential) allowing more oxygen and nutrients to flow into the cell and more

toxins and wastes to flow out from the cell.

It's not everyday you get to discover an amazing technology that is not only safe and effective but that is changing people's lives dramatically for the better. A technology whose origins date back thousands of years and yet today is part of a revolution in health called Energy Medicine or Electromedicine

How Do Magnetic Fields Work To Heal The Body:

Consequently PEMF can increase the cellular level of

oxygen by up to 200% and with more oxygen

available more energy can be produced in the cell in the

form of ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate) helping to power

both the cell and in turn the body.

*PEMF's also improve microcirculation, oxygenation (up to a 200%increase), help in nerve regeneration, pain management and many other health promoting benefits. There are over 1000 clinical studies and over 7000 research papers validating the therapeutic benefits of PEMFs.

Page 3: Explaining Pulsating Electro Magnetic Field (PEMF) · 2019-11-04 · of a revolution in health called Energy Medicine or Electromedicine . How Do Magnetic Fields Work To Heal The

Protein synthesis is also enhanced. The protein we eat gets broken down into amino acids during

digestion. Protein synthesis is the process where these amino acids are rearranged into new proteins

the body can use such as enzymes, blood cells, muscle tissue etc. With more oxygen available and

more energy available protein synthesis speeds up. This in turn speeds up the repair and rebuilding

of damaged and diseased tissue. For this reason the FDA has approved PEMF Therapy to stimulate

bone repair in non-union fractures.

However the benefits don't stop there. Blood circulation and lymph flow are improved. Look at blood

under a microscope before PEMF and the red cells are usually clumped together but after PEMF the

blood cells have separated allowing for improved blood flow.

Another benefit is pH. You have probably heard that it is healthier to be more alkaline than acidic. In

truth we need to have slightly alkaline blood to be healthy and a healthy lifestyle can help achieve that.

So can PEMF. The less oxygen cells receive the more acidic they tend to become. This is partly why

exercise is so beneficial as it increases oxygenation in the body. As mentioned PEMF also increases

cellular oxygenation. In fact Dr. Garry Gordon MD refers to PEMF Therapy as Magnetically Induced

Cellular Exercise or M.I.C.E.

The last benefit that should be mentioned is detoxification.

As the pulsing electromagnetic signals stimulate the cell membrane and increase permeability any toxins within

the cell membrane or cell body are mobilized helping the cell to eliminate these toxins and restore it to health.

For this reason some people may feel ill temporarily when starting therapy as their body starts to detoxify.

Hence drinking water before and after therapy is important to help flush your system.

Are you beginning to see the many benefits of PEMF (there are many more but this is a good start) and

how it can help us become healthier and stronger with more stamina and endurance while speeding up

the repair of damaged or diseased tissue?

Research is ongoing into PEMF, its many uses, benefits and mode of action.

Page 4: Explaining Pulsating Electro Magnetic Field (PEMF) · 2019-11-04 · of a revolution in health called Energy Medicine or Electromedicine . How Do Magnetic Fields Work To Heal The

Who Can Benefit From PEMF Therapy:Almost everyone with an acute injury or chronic condition can benefit from Magnetically Induced

Cellular Exercise and Rehabilitation. Acute injuries typically respond very quickly with the healing

process shortened whereas chronic conditions also tend to respond well but take more

time as cell function and repair slowly improves.

Page 5: Explaining Pulsating Electro Magnetic Field (PEMF) · 2019-11-04 · of a revolution in health called Energy Medicine or Electromedicine . How Do Magnetic Fields Work To Heal The

PEMF Therapy has been shown to:

Research has proven neurological, physiological and psychological benefits with the use of PEMF Therapy.

PEMF Therapy has been shown to:
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Increase: ●Blood circulation ●Lymph flow ●Cell hydration ●Cellular metabolism ●Cellular energy production ●Bone density Lean muscle mass ●Flexibility and range of motion stamina strength and endurance ●Immune function ●Nerve and muscle response
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Decrease: ●Pain ●Stiffness ●Inflammation ●Edema ●Spasms ●Stress● Bruises● Contusions
Page 6: Explaining Pulsating Electro Magnetic Field (PEMF) · 2019-11-04 · of a revolution in health called Energy Medicine or Electromedicine . How Do Magnetic Fields Work To Heal The

Not only humans but animals respond very well to PEMF Therapy too. In fact this is one of the few

therapies that can fully penetrate the large dense hind muscles of horses with therapeutic results.

Is PEMF Therapy Safe:

To date PEMF Therapy has proven safe. However there is concern today regarding exposure to

Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) causing health problems. It seems the cumulative exposure to EMF day in

and day out is of the greatest concern from all manner of electrical devices in our lives as many of

these devices emit high frequencies in the kilohertz, megahertz and gigahertz range.

It is therefore a matter of distinguishing good EMF from bad EMF. Science teaches us that all energy is

electromagnetic in nature hence it is impossible to escape EMF altogether because our own bodies

radiate EMF as does all of nature.

PEMF Therapy uses pulses of low frequency electromagnetic energy for short durations. Research has

shown this is not detrimental to the body but quite the opposite, increasing oxygenation to the cells,

improving blood circulation and lymph flow, aiding detoxification and enhancing cell metabolism,

energy production and integrity.

PEMF Therapy may be safe but some people do have an adverse reaction to it. According to Dr. Pawluk

MD 2-5% of the time a reaction can occur but is usually temporary such as a sensitivity to the therapy,

a detoxification reaction, a drop in blood pressure or blood sugar,or temporary aggravation of pain.

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What Will I Experience During PEMF Therapy: Prior to therapy we will review your health history with you, screen for contraindications, and perform a quick assessment in order to maximize the experience and minimize any adverse reactions. Next you will be introduced to the PEMF device with an explanation to how it works and what to expect. Generally you will relax on a chaise or a massage table for the duration of the session. Before the session starts you may be asked to remove any metal chains, metal earrings, metal bracelets, electronic car keys, credit cards, cell phones and/or wristwatch as these may be affected by the magnetism of the PEMF device. The session will start with a PEMF toning of the body core followed by therapy applied to the area of pain or discomfort. Each area where therapy is applied is started at a low intensity and the intensity is slowly dialed up to where you feel the pulsing sensation but it is not uncomfortable. The strongest intensity can prompt involuntary muscle contractions but it is not necessary for the intensity to be this strong to have a therapeutic effect. Therapy sessions are typically 30-60 minutes long but may be shorter depending on your health status. Those with fragile health usually need more time to work up to longer sessions as this powerful therapy can easily overwhelm their system if started out too intensely. The old saying "less is more" certainly applies to PEMF Therapy.
Page 7: Explaining Pulsating Electro Magnetic Field (PEMF) · 2019-11-04 · of a revolution in health called Energy Medicine or Electromedicine . How Do Magnetic Fields Work To Heal The

Are There Any Contraindications Or Precautions For PEMF Therapy:

Yes there are some contraindications and precautions to consider as outlined below.


■ Pregnancy - safety has not been conclusively established with PEMF Therapy

■ Pacemakers, implanted pain modulators, insulin delivery systems and defibrillators - the

electromagnetic field may affect battery function

■ Active bleeding - bleeding may not readily clot after PEMF Therapy


■ Myasthenia gravis - muscle weakness may be aggravated

■ Hyperthyroidism/Adrenal Fatigue/Hypothalamic-Pituitary dysfunction - PEMF may over stimulate the


■ Active Tb or active viral diseases - may experience temporary flare

■ Malignancies - safety has not been conclusively established with PEMF Therapy

■ Psychoses - may produce unpredictable results

What Can I Expect After PEMF Therapy:

Many people report an improvement of symptoms after the first session which typically lasts anywhere

from 4 to 14 days. Successive sessions build on this initial improvement and usually have a cumulative

effect with a lessening of symptoms over time as cellular repair occurs.