experiment: kj

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  • 8/14/2019 Experiment: KJ



    The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world KJ didnt exist orsomething like that. It mightve been he, but there are too many different interpretations;Baudelaire, Soze The point is that there are many different ways to see the same thing;whether theres a right or a wrong answer, this is true for everything in life.

    KJ. Kantrei Jhantra.

    What you as the reader need to understand is that you dont know the world that youlive in. You think you do, but you dont. Because of time, and intellectual advancement, and

    just simply human frailty (there are more, but I dont have the time nor the patience to listthem all) we- you- have come to reject, ignore, and despise a classic element in existence:the supernatural. Of course there are scientific explanations for things, but what abouteverything else? Insanity can only be used as an excuse for so long. Truth be told,everything you see in monster movies, everything you read about in Weekly World News,everything youve convinced yourself didnt exist, is very, very real.

    Granted, Hollywood does over dramatize things (Day of the Dead? Please), and theydo a good job of making real life horrors laughable. Aliens exist, but they are not the green

    skinned Martians you would expect. Men in Black is a quite accurate representation oftodays earth situation (sans the cockroaches attempting to destroy the galaxy hidden onOrions belt), but that too is quite exaggerated. Demons and hell hounds are quite common,but not on our plane- not in their own body, anyway, and most of these specters areharmless in a host form. The radio-active spiders so closely associated with the modernsuperhero are less prominent in first world countries, but they do exist on a smaller level.

    The Peter Parkers and Jean Greys do exist, but governments everywhere have done a goodjob of keeping these cases under wraps. Eventually, these people- endowed- have learned tokeep quiet about themselves. They learn to not exist not the way we see them, anyway.

    These people have been around for ages; right under our noses.

    Magic is another part of life that people often ridicule. In all actuality, it doesnt play avery significant part in human life, but it does exist. The main reason why magic is not used

    as much as it used to be is because its users have abandoned it in favor of science. Noteveryone can use magic- anyone can use science. And so, very slowly, magic began to beless and less known; no longer taught, no longer used.

    There were those few, however, who chose to accept both science and magic. Theyexisted exclusively in the mountains, deep in caves where they could- as scientists do-experiment. They experimented and experimented, and they created.

    KJ. Kantrei Jhantra; the experiment. This was their only successful project- first andlast. Their goal was to unnaturally endow a perfectly normal human with supernaturalabilities- immense power. They were able to sacrifice one for this purpose, but a fatal errorprevented them from doing so.

    She wasnt human. She was a magic user- a magician; a witch. The blend of magic

    and science that these scientists- that these alchemists- used did not agree with her. Thesemagics did not mix- magics of different variety rarely do- and things went wrong very, verywrong. Something manifested inside of her some four things.

    The Kantrei Jhantra experiment did not like to call it a multiple personality disorder,and in all fairness, it wasnt (although she did not know this). She, for some strange reason,preferred to refer to them as their own separate identities. Nobody knew why There havebeen speculations as to whether or not she herself even knew why. That doesnt matter.

    So what was she to be? Lets find out.


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    Chapter One

    The sun was shining on this particular day. The sky wasnt exactly blue- it was stilllittered with dark, foreboding rain clouds that were nearly omnipresent throughout the year.

    The school bell rang loudly, echoing throughout the empty campus, signaling the beginningof lunch. Even though the weather outside was delightful for December, all of the studentsfiled into the cafeteria to eat their afternoon meals. They had learned to not trust thesporadic weather- better safe than sorry.

    Included in these hordes of sheep like students were three (two boys and one girl)others. You couldnt consider them as sheep like students, or students at all for that matter,and its much easier to just put them in their own separate group. They always excludedthemselves from the sheep like activities of the other students. They always set themselvesapart from the norm of the majority. They were special, and though nobody realized iteverybody knew it somehow. There was always that one brave soul who dared to approachthem wanting friendship. Never was it successful.

    On this particular day another one of those brave souls was currently making her waystraight to their table in the back corner of the cafeteria. Chelsea Stothers was new. She wasa freshman who didnt know any better- she didnt know that she was approaching the threeseniors who nobody else spoke to. It was just some sort of unwritten law. She clunked herlunch tray down loudly onto the table next to the only girl. There was a black haired boy anda brown haired boy- both of whom were sitting across from her. Chelsea smiled politely atthem and was met with two blank stares and a glare.

    Mind if I sit here? she asked, still smiling.

    Yes, the brown haired boy immediately answered, staring intently at her. If lookscould kill

    The girl kicked him from underneath the table, shooting him a glare of her own. No,we dont mind, she said slowly and carefully through a partly clenched jaw. She smiled backat Chelsea and moved over, making room for her at the bench.

    Chelsea breathed a sigh of relief and slid in next to the girl. Im Chelsea. Sheintroduced herself cordially, still smiling widely.

    The girl was the one who answered her. Im KJ, and this is Collin, she motioned tothe black haired boy (who hadnt looked up from his food) who waved at her, and Dane,she motioned to the brown haired boy who continued to glare at her.

    Chelsea said hello to Collin, but was afraid of Dane. He looked as though he wasabout to attack her. His piercing green eyes were locked onto her, and she felt like he wouldpounce at her at any moment

    Are you new here? KJ asked her, snapping Chelsea out of her fear induced trance.Chelsea turned her head towards the other girl and studied her instead. The look on her face


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    was only a semi curious one, as though she was not genuinely interested in the other girlsanswer but instead was just being polite and making small talk.

    Chelsea nodded her head. Im a freshman.

    Collin made a particularly interesting noise which sounded a lot like a laugh that hethen decided to try and cover up with both a cough and a sneeze simultaneously. Dane

    elbowed him in the ribs and covered a smirk of his own by lowering his head. Collincontinued to cough and shoved Dane back. The two continued to push and shove each otherwhile both KJ and Chelsea watched in disbelief.

    Guys! KJ got their attention and the two instantly froze. Thanks. She rolled hereyes at them and turned back to Chelsea. Theyre immature; all guys are. She offered upher friendly smile again. So you said youre a freshman? How do you like high school sofar?

    Collin and Dane stopped their fighting (although it wasnt really fighting; more likepushing and elbowing) and resumed eating their meal. Both were still attempting to concealsmirks and Collin was trying not to laugh.

    Its easy. Chelsea shrugged. What do you guys think about it? Shed assumedthat the three of them were freshmen as well from the way that they were sitting bythemselves in the back corner of the cafeteria.

    Well its our last year, KJ said.

    If Collin passes Calculus. Dane interrupted in a low voice, still looking sideways atCollin and smirking.

    Collin frowned. Ill pass somehow, he said quietly, his eyes cast downward. Hiseating slowed.

    KJ continued. Its our last year, so its easy and hard at the same time.

    Chelsea blinked. Wait, so you three are seniors? When KJ nodded she beamed.Freshman year in a new town and she was sitting with seniors at lunch. She looked at themwith a new sort of reverence. Wicked she muttered.

    KJ seemed to not know how to respond to that. Collin and Dane ignored both thequestion and the comment. The lunch bell rang, sending them off to their respective classes.Ironically enough, they all went to the same class: free block. Chelsea had some troublegetting there, but eventually found the correct room.

    The first thing she saw was a group of students playing hangman at the board with avery crude drawing off to her right. To her immediate left four boys were playing cardscrowded all around one desk. Most students were working, head phones in their ears, papersstrewn about and pencils scratching away furiously. She recognized a small group of threethat was sitting in the back- a girl lying across three desks pushed together with two boyssitting in their seats in front of her. Her hand was intertwined with the brown haired boyswhile the black haired boy leaned back lazily, both of them listening to her while she talked.

    Grinning, Chelsea approached her new friends. Hey guys! What a coincidence, huh?she asked, pulling up a chair and sitting down next to Collin.

    Collin looked over at her out of the corner of his eye. Oh, hey. Its you again. Whata surprise, he put on a painfully obvious fake smile before leaning back on the legs of hischair and putting his hands behind his head.


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    Trying to avoid looking directly at her or prolonging conversation, Collin begrudginglyanswered her. Outside.

    She wasnt giving up that easily. For what? Isnt it against the rules to-

    Just outside of the class room, Collin almost snapped. To talk. He turned his backto her completely and pulled out a book. Chelsea let him be and started in on homework of

    her own.

    Dane and KJ stopped outside of the classroom in the hall. It was a largely avoided hallway, so neither of them was worried about someone seeing them.

    Where did you go? she asked, her voice harsh and accusing. She was glowering athim now- her hands balled into fists- a drastic change in her personality from before. Areyou completely stupid?

    Her anger had no apparent effect on him. He merely shrugged- the epitome ofnonchalance- and smirked at her. Nobody saw us coming or going. You need to stopworrying.

    Im not worried about you, she hissed.

    Well if its Collin youre worried about, dont be. Hes a big boy and he can take careof himself. Dane continued to smirk, mocking her. They did not act as though a happycouple.

    KJ huffed and defensively crossed her arms in front of her chest. I dont like it whenyou two go out and do things like this, she admitted. You know that it scares me. Her facefell and she lost all of her anger. Her eyes were now cast downward.

    Dane gently lifted her chin up with his long fingers, forcing her to look at him. Dontbe afraid, he told her. Fear is weakness. You dont have to be afraid of anything.

    She didnt answer him, shifting her gaze to the side. Dane sighed and let her head

    fall. Youre so difficult, he muttered. All of you.

    Thats our job. A quick, half mumbled sound was nearly torn from her throat in avoice that didnt belong to her. His head snapped up and saw her hands fly to her throat. Hereyes were wide and her lips were pressed tightly together in a thin, straight line.

    Dane sighed again. Insufferable, he muttered, shaking his head.

    A small smile briefly flickered across her face. You love me, she whispered coyly.Her eyes sparkled mischievously at him.

    He frowned, furrowing his eyebrows, before surrendering with a sigh and pulling herinto his arms. You need to get yourself under control. She threw her arms around him andgiggled.

    The two returned to class ten minutes after theyd left with expressions no differentfrom before. They were still holding hands, yet were standing a stiff distance apart from oneanother. When Collin saw them his mind registered this small tidbit, but he didnt dwell on it.He knew all about the ups and downs of their relationship and certainly wasnt one to pry. Itwasnt any of his business anyway. He had a feeling that hed hear the gist of it from KJlater as per usual.


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    The four spent the rest of their free block trying to avoid conversation with eachother, and soon the bell rang, signaling ht end of the day. The three seniors were the firstones out of the door, out of the school.

    Wonder where theyre going in such a hurry, Chelsea murmured in some sort ofawe.

    A junior happened to overhear her. They always rush off like that- go to the trainstation. They commute from somewhere out of town from somewhere past the forest, Iheard.

    Chelsea nodded slowly, considering this. KJs reaction to the forest seemedappropriate, then. If she lived near there then shed especially know what kinds of thingswere in there. She decided to take the train.

    It was a short walk from the school to the station, which was the towns centerpiece,one could say. It had four platforms and looked like it was the newest, most technologicallyadvanced thing in the small mountain community. Frankly, Chelsea was surprised that iteven ran. When shed first moved to town she thought that it was just an attraction, orsomething. Hard to believe that something so old could still be useful.

    Even though the school and the station were so close together and Chelsea hadtaken an abnormally long time to get there (she didnt have the best sense of direction) thethree seniors were still there, standing huddled around one another with their hands in theircoat pockets. It mightve been a relatively sunny day but that didnt mean that it wasnt coldoutside. They were in between platforms two and three, facing towards the second. Chelseabought a ticket for the platform two train.

    Hey guys! she greeted cheerfully, waving as she approached them.

    Dane immediately turned away from the girl while Collin and KJ offered up nervoussmiles.

    Hi, there Collin said slowly. What another surprise, er-

    Chelsea, KJ finished for him. She had a good time remembering peoples names.What are you doing here?

    Chelsea shrugged, feigning nonchalance. I thought itd be fun to ride the traintoday. She waved her ticket at them. Do you three always take the train?

    Collin preoccupied himself with his watch, which conveniently seemed to decide togive him some trouble. KJ answered instead. Yes, usually. She winced while she said it.

    Chelsea showed concern. Whats wrong? Why are you making that face?

    KJs expression changed quickly into one of false complacence. Cramps, sheimmediately replied, putting a tentative hand to her mid section.

    Oh God Dane groaned, turning even further away from them. Collin snorted andstifled a laugh by burying his face into the crook of his elbow. Dane reached back andshoved him.

    No big deal, KJ assured the other girl.


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    Chelsea smiled and nodded. Ah, okay then. I have some Midol in my bag if you needsome As she turned to dig through her belongings the platform three train pulled up. Sheraised her head to see KJ and Collin being dragged onto the train by Dane.

    KJ waved as best she could. Bye Chelsea! Have fun on the train! she called.

    Before Chelsea could respond, the three of them were gone. She stopped rummaging

    and her face fell. She had bought a ticket for the wrong train. She sighed; oh well. No usecrying over spilt milk. Her own train arrived and she reluctantly boarded. Walking towardsthe back of the train she spied a group of four- three on one side, one on the other.

    May I sit here? she asked. The person sitting alone was a tall boy with long blonde-nearly platinum- hair and bright blue eyes. He smiled at her with dazzling white teeth.

    Of course, my lady, he spoke with a thick, Russian accent and moved to the side.She sat down next to him.

    Im Chelsea, she introduced herself, smiling at them all.

    They returned to her smile. The Russian boy beside her answered her introduction

    with one of his own. I am Vladimir. This is Lacy, Nathaniel, and Tessa.

    The girl across from Chelsea, a slightly less blonde girl with equally blue eyes, smiledwide and took Chelseas hand. The pleasure is ours, Chelsea. Im sure well all be greatfriends.

    Nathaniel, the boy across from Chelsea with dirty blonde hair yet just as blue eyes,mimicked Tessas gesture. I agree. Very nice to meet you.

    Lacy, the girl across from Vladimir with light brown hair and the same blue eyes saidand did nothing.

    Ignore her, Tessa said. It takes awhile for her to warm up to people.

    Chelsea nodded. Im glad to meet you all.

    Do you go to high school here? Nathaniel asked her.

    Yes, Chelsea said. Im a freshman.

    So is Lacy, Vladimir said. Tessa and Nathaniel are juniors. I am a senior.

    Chelsea considered this. I didnt see you today.

    We saw you, Tessa winked. With Dane.

    Chelsea blushed. Oh. I dont think that he likes me very much.

    He doesnt like anyone, Lacy grumbled, crossing her arms and looking out thewindow.

    But KJ and Collin were nice, Chelsea continued.

    The four all exchanged the same sort of smug glance. Chelsea didnt notice.

    You should hang out with us from now on, Nathaniel said.


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    At first, Chelsea was wary to this idea, but as the train ride went on she finallywarmed up to his offer and accepted it. High school was great.

    On train three, as soon as it had boarded, Dane, KJ and Collin got to work. Pulling asmall paintbrush out of her bag, KJ drew a fancy, intricate pattern between the two seatsfacing each other where they were sitting. Curtain, she whispered. The woman with thesnack cart walked right on by them as though they werent even there. KJ then drew twosmall symbols on the palms of Danes, Collins, and her own hands. The three all pressedtheir palms together. Fantmere, KJ whispered. They closed their eyes. They were gone.

    When the three reopened their eyes they were in complete darkness. They drew theirhands back. Dane reached out in the darkness, felt something hard and cold in his hand, andpushed the closet door open.

    Couldnt you teleport us to the garden? he asked KJ, walking out into the open air.Why a closet?

    KJ sighed. Ive told you. The closet is the one place in this castle that mostresembles the space that I closed off in the train car. She and Collin followed closely behindhim.

    Fine then, Dane grumbled. He turned sharply down a corridor and quickened hispace.

    KJ and Collin stopped, knowing that they shouldnt follow him; not when he was likethis. Collin sighed and turned to KJ. You up for a spar? he asked her.

    She shook her head absentmindedly. No She was staring off into space now,attention directed towards the ground. Her breathing was shallow and Collin could hear herheart pounding loudly in her chest.

    KJ, he said, snapping her out of it. Maybe you should take your ring off, he said ina softer voice.

    No, she snapped at him. Her eyes flickered to the ring on her left thumb. It waswhite ultrium- tarnished- with five tiny amethyst stones embedded all the way around it.Sunlight shone through the large windows on both sides of the corridor in the castle that thetwo of them were standing in. The light reflected off of the stones, making them sparklebrightly. They reflected in her gray eyes.

    KJ, Collin repeated.

    She blinked; squeezing her eyes shut tightly and putting her hand behind her back.Sorry, she muttered. She slipped the ring off of her thumb and kept it in the palm of herhand. She opened her eyes and shook her head.

    You should be careful with that thing, Collin told her. I know that you need it forschool, but He trailed off, not knowing what to say next.

    She slowly nodded. Yeah Yeah, I know. She slipped the ring into her pocket. Imgoing to lie down. Wake me up if you get hungry, okay? She carefully walked past him,disappearing around a corner and up a staircase.

    Collin sighed. He was worried about her- her and Dane both but there was nothingthat he could really do about it. He was just along for the ride.


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    Chapter Two- Collin Stark

    I was a late bloomer, so to speak; Dane and I both were. Whereas the others were allborn into the pack- it was their lineage- Dane and I were adopted, you could say. He camelast, but I always felt like the odd one out. Always had been, always would be.

    There were eight of us in the pack well, nine if you count Dane, but I never did. Maxwas the alpha- top dog. Whatever he says goes. For a long time both Lea and Zak were bothsecond in command (Big D and I adopted the beta term). Anika and Casey were the

    middlemen, which left Sidney and Tammy as the fallbacks. That was how they ran before mytime, and things only really changed when Dane showed up.

    I remember my initiation exactly (they called it an initiation, but there wasnt aceremony or anything). Max and Anika had found me; I was running. I was out in the open-in the mountains, actually. Max had told me that I ran abnormally fast. I remembered exactlyhow the muscles in my calves tightened painfully when I first heard his voice. Anika wasstaring menacingly at me- as though she hated my guts and was just waiting to rip mythroat out. Max had challenged me to a race. I was pretty cocky and knew that I was fast, soI accepted. We agreed to a dash- one hundred meters. I was faster for short distances, notlong. I could keep up my endurance but I had to go considerably slower. He beat me to themarker by four seconds. Out of breath I demanded to know what they wanted. Max told methat his grandmother knew who I was and wanted to see me. They took me to her. Her name

    was Maya. I thought she looked old, and never wouldve guessed how she couldve lived thatlong. She told me that I was special; that I was born that way.

    I, of course, was skeptical to this. As far as I was concerned I wasnt born as anything.My parents died when I was eight, and so I was stuck in a boys home. I knew (or thought Iknew, at least) that I was no one. Maya aimed to prove me wrong. She asked me about mybeliefs. Both of us were lucky that I had many- religion was not one of them.

    Deep in the Appalachian Mountains, she explained, was a special clan. When I heardthe word clan I immediately thought of vampires (like I said, I had many beliefs), and itturned out that Id hit the nail on the head. She continued to say that in the Rocky Mountainstwo groups existed unaware of each other: the alchemists (though they would be long gonesoon) and her pack. She said her pack and I thought werewolves. I love it when Im right.

    Id had other worldly, I guess you could say, experiences before hand, so of course Iwas opt to believe her. She said that I had that kind of blood in me; she wanted me in herpack. I accepted. Id never ran with wolves before.

    Just as Id accepted them it seemed as though theyd accepted me into their family.Everyone liked me, even Anika (her glares soon became blank stares) but I was still theodd man out. Everybody had someone, and my arrival just screwed up their perfectformation: Max at the front, then Lea and Zak flanking his sides, Anika and Casey in the


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    middle, and Tammy with Sidney in the back leaving me last. It was still awkward for meand just when I thought Id never get used to it, Dane showed up.

    There were no secrets kept from Max. Max could dip into all of our minds at whatevermoment in time he chose. Though none of us had anything to do with Danes initiation, Maxknew everything. He never told me, but I found out. Just and normal humans all have theone of one hundred people who could juggle perfectly without any practice or draw a nearlyexact replica of the Mona Lisa entirely from memory, we have one out of ten who cancommunicate mentally (me) or control peoples minds (Zak). Ive compared it to autism, butMaya never liked when I did because she thought it had nothing to do with that. My specialtywas mental communication. I can read minds, block out minds, talk to people and broadcastthoughts out loud. Handy. I knew I shouldnt (though that certainly didnt stop me) readMaxs mind to learn about Dane, but I did anyway.

    Dane was a small boy when his parents had emigrated his family from Brazil. Once inAmerica they- excuse my language- started to do it like rabbits. I swear to you, in like nineyears theyd done it enough times to produce fifteen other kids. It was disgusting. Sobecause his parents had so many kids and jobs to work to support the kids, Dane becamesurrogate mommy. Maya was the one who approached him personally- when he was in hislate teens, just like the rest of us- and offered him power. She really knew how to manipulate

    people to get what she wanted. Stupidly, of course, he accepted, and we later welcomedhim into our family.

    That was a long time ago, although you wouldnt be able to tell from just looking atus. Werewolves are different than vampires. Vampires are immortal (that definition isinaccurate, I guess, because you can kill them); they dont age. Well okay wait. If you arebitten and turned into a vampire then you dont age. If you were born a vampire then youagevery slowly. Werewolves, on the other hand, arent immortal. Without outside influences(such as magic) a werewolf remains locked in their prime age for about a hundred years orso (not very many people let things happen naturally a lot of magic happens with uswerewolves, which explains why Maya was locked in the age of about her late sixties). Forus- the younger generation- our prime age is about eighteen. A few of us are a bit older (likeMax and Dane) and only Lea is seventeen.

    But anyway, back to what I was talking about: Dane. I had the upper hand with Dane-I already knew pretty much all about him and his personality. When I first saw him, Iimmediately knew exactly what I should do.

    We were all in Maxs apartment (he lived on his own- we all did, for the most part,except for me. I still lived in the boys home) just sitting around, doing nothing. Casey hadthe TV going, but none of us were watching it. We all knew that he was coming. When thedoor swung open, Max defensively jumped to his feet. None of us moved. When he walkedin, I could hear everyones heart rates pick up.

    He looked like an outcast; we all got that feeling from him. Hed been tricked and nowhe wanted to have nothing to do with us. His body posture was hostile- his dark green eyesburned and ripped us apart; shoulders hunched slightly forward and back straight. Maxslowly approached him.

    Turner. He said. It was customary to give your last name first when talking toanother werewolf. First names were only used with great familiarity, like between people in apack.

    Dane slowly drew upwards, un hunching his shoulders and regarding Maxapprehensively. Wolfsbane. He said clearly.


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    Lea gasped. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Zak take her hand. Wolfsbane. Wolfkiller. Max raised his right hand and Dane lowered his head, showing respect to the alphaat least he did that much.

    Join us. Max said, standing aside. Dane sat next to me on the floor. I felt my ownheart begin to thud loudly.

    Pathetic.I heard him snort. He did it mentally, but I was immediately in tune withhis thoughts.

    Right back atcha, Big D.I shot at him.

    If he was confused he didnt show it. A smirk settled across his lips. Where are you?He asked. Relative to me in this room.

    On your right.I was motionless; watching him out of the corner of my eye. I saw hiseyes flick over and briefly meet my own. The smirk on his face widened.

    Tricky.He noted. Mind reader. Never knew those existed.

    Didnt know werewolves did either, right?I tried to keep a straight face; it washarder than I thought. A small smile crossed my lips.

    What are you smiling at?He demanded to know. I could see his eyebrows furrowjust slightly.

    My smile remained. Oh nothing.That was when our friendship started. Even withoutreading his mind I began to be able to tell what Dane was thinking after awhile. He seemedto have no problems with this. He liked my company, but my company only. With Danearound, I too had someone to connect with. No longer did I feel like an outsider: the othersbegan to notice our relationship too. Sidney and Casey, who were actual brothers, boththought that we were blood relatives as well. I shared this interesting tidbit with him, and hedidnt reject the idea. Maybe we were like brothers.

    In no time flat the two of us had risen to Maxs side and replaced Zak and Lea as hisbetas. They were bitter for awhile, but got over it soon enough. Lea had an obvious crush onDane, which peeved Zak, but the feelings werent reciprocated. I was the only one he evenspoke to voluntarily. The new formation was Max in the front, Dane and I flanking his sides,Zak and Lea behind us, Sidney and Tammy with Casey next, and Anika last. They certainlywerent happy with this change at first, but we all got used to it. Maya was certainly pleased,but something about her unnerved me No. Not her; the way Dane thought of her, and theway that she thought of him in return.

    Maya (who I had learned wasnt actually Maxs grandmother) was the matriarch ofour family. She was the head of our pack- the one who gave Max orders- and I got the feelingthat she was even more than that. All of us had nothing but respect for her except forDane. Whenever he let me into his head I took advantage of it and found out all Id ever

    want or need to know; one of those things was his pure hatred of her. It was justified, ofcourse at least, in his mind it was. Shed tricked him into joining our pack. He had no cluethat the power she promised him would come in such a hideous package (these are all hiswords; I really didnt mind it or her).

    Maya, of course, knew all about how he felt. She took none of it personally and wasdoing all that she could to keep her control over him but it wasnt working. Dane hadgotten wind of an experiment being tested by the alchemists up further north from us andwanted to join them. Maya refused to let him, which only made him more bitter andresentful towards her. I stupidly confronted her about this, pleading to give him some free


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    range. She actually listened to me (I never had any personal problems with her) and let himlearn more about their experiment, which by that time had killed all of the alchemists andwas now running amok somewhere in the mountains. That was her big mistake.

    Dane became obsessed with this experiment. He wanted- needed- to knoweverything about it. It was distracting him, and Maya couldnt take it anymore. She sent himaway from the pack to live in a castle in the middle of a forest away from the mountains. Ididnt last much longer. Soon enough, I had joined him in the castle. Things were a lot easierwith just the two of us. There werent any secrets and no tension. We were free to just beourselves- come and go as we please- just my brother and I. I wanted things to get better- Iwanted Dane to return to the pack, but I knew that he wouldnt. He was still too obsessedwith that old alchemy experiment.

    The one they called KJ.

    Chapter Three- Present Day

    KJ, although she didnt show it, was worried about Dane Wolfsbane. Although she wasknown as his girlfriend, she would never call herself that but she really was. The two ofthem had a very interesting relationship- something that she personally wouldnt trade foranything else in the world- that was nearly impossible to explain. Collin Stark had only asmall idea of what it was like to be either of them, since he was their unbiased third wheelparty most of the time, but he still couldnt really understand. KJ knew Dane inside andout, and this frustrated Collin to no end. Collin could read his mind and her mind (though hereally didnt like to) yet she was the one who always just knew.


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    Collin wasnt jealous of KJs relationship with Dane, though it certainly seemed thatway. Quite the opposite: he was jealous of Danes relationship with KJ. He knew thatinterfering with the two of them wasnt the thing to do- and why would he do that to hisbrother? Instead, he played the best friend roll for her. She told him everything that shedidnt tell Dane, which made him feel better about himself. He knew her better thananybody, but didnt brag about it. Dane wouldnt like it. He, of course, could tell that she was

    worried about Dane.

    Hes scaring me. It was Sunday night now. KJ and Collin were sitting on the floor inthe castles library. She was lying down, but Collin was sitting with his back up against abookshelf and flipping through a certain text. KJ sighed. I mean, he scares me all thetime

    Collin nodded. He knew- shed told him.

    But not like this. This is different.

    Collin didnt look up from his book. Whatcha mean? He lazily flipped a page,pretending to be interested in the words printed on it.

    KJ sighed. He scares me intentionally usually. Or hes at least aware hes doing it.You know hell give me that smirk of his or laugh and continue on deliberately scaring me,right?

    Oh! Collin snapped his book shut, tossed it aside, and selected a new one. Yeah Iknow what you mean. I mean, he never pulls that crap with me, but I know what youretalking about. He stuck his nose in his new book and waved his hand at her. Im listening.

    She bit her bottom lip. Okay. Well, now hes scaring me again; unintentionally. Sheput her hands over her eyes, squeezing them shut. It was dark outside, which meant thatshe needed to sleep, but she didnt want to yet. Collin was a night owl, so he wasnt about toleave her for dreamland any time soon.

    Whats he doing? Collin asked, eyes trained on the words on the page in front of

    him. She could nearly hear the gears turning.

    Hes being self destructive and isolating himself.

    Collin dropped his book to his lap. He raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth.Are you serious? He asked her.

    KJ quickly sat up. What? Whats wrong? Alarm was present in her features- ray eyessearching in his brown ones for an answer.

    KJ, hes always like that. Collin pointed out to her. Thats kind of his thing- hes theloner bad boy that all the girls want. He failed to see her concern as news and wonderedwhy it made her worry so much in the first place.

    She shook her head. No, not like that. I know that. She silently added, knowing thatCollin wasnt in her mind. Im not stupid. Hes begun to shy away from me. She frownedand her bottom lip began to quiver.

    It was Collins turn to sigh. Are you sure it just isnt his time of the month orsomething? He grinned, snickered, and dodged the book that KJ threw at him. I was onlykidding, jeez.


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    Be serious! She ordered him. Im serious! Im scared! Youre his right hand man-you figure out whats wrong with him please? She pouted.

    He groaned. No! No puppy dog eyes! Im helpless to those! She lay on her stomachand clasped her hands together in front of her. She whimpered and he covered his face withhis arm. No! Not fair! She started to laugh, and he surrendered. Oh fine. Ill get in hishead and set him straight.

    KJ threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Thank you Collin. Shegave him a massively bone crunching hug.

    He pretended to choke. Youre killing me! He pried her off of him and rolled hiseyes. Both of them stood. She grinned at him and he ruffled her hair. Dont get used to it,kiddo. He told her, dodging a swinging fist aimed directly at him. Laughing loudly he duckedout of the room, closing the door behind himself before she could attempt to hit him again.

    Collin chuckled to himself as he waltzed down the halls of the castle towards Danesstudy. His bare feet were cold against the hard marble floor, so he hurried along up twoflights of stairs, taking multiple turns around corners left and right to his destination. Thedoor was closed, though that came as no surprise. Danes door was always closed. Collin

    knocked twice before opening the door, not waiting for an answer.

    Dane was sitting at his desk, head in his hands, papers strewn about, candles nearlyburnt out. He made neither sound nor movement when Collin had entered the room toindicate that he was aware of the others presence. He sat still as a statue, and one couldeasily mistake him for dead. When Collin softly cleared his throat Dane slowly turned in hischair to face his brother.

    What? He snapped, glaring at Collin with green, bloodshot eyes. He still cradled hishead in one of his hands. If Collin hadnt already known that Dane hadnt slept in three daysit wouldnt have been difficult to guess.

    Collin sighed. He hated talking to Dane like this, but he was the only one who coulddo it. Big D, you need to sleep.

    Who are you to tell me what I need? Dane spat back almost instantly. Nearlyimmediately after, he cursed under his breath and averted his gaze so that he didnt have tosee the condescending look on Collins face. Right. He admitted.

    Yeah. Collin rolled his eyes. Thats what I thought. Now seriously bro- whatever itis youre working on has taking up too much of your time. You need to sleep.

    Despite Collin being right, Dane still never appreciated it when someone told him thathe needed to do something. He let out his breath in a long hiss- slowly and through histeeth. Then you tell me what Im supposed to do. You have no idea how long and hard Iveworked on this, Collin. He spoke very slowly, very precisely, with beautiful diction. Ivecome too far now to just give up- to just throw it all away. He stood now, anger rising, hands

    balling into fists at his sides.

    Dane, you cant tell me that youre still thinking of that. Collin said gravely, eyeswidening and pulse quickening.

    Dane continued to glare at him. Dont do this, brother. I know how you feel aboutthis but let me assure you, it is only in everyones best interest.


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    What about her? Collin demanded to know, gesturing backwards to the door. Youcannot tell me that this plan- your scheme- is in her best interest too or has your planchanged since we last spoke of it? Collin asked.

    Dane turned around and rubbed his forehead with both of his hands. I cant talkabout it. Things will be better for all of us if you just drop it and leave me be. He said toCollin, taking a few steps towards the door to the study.

    Collin stayed persistent DaneI came in here to talk to you for KJ. Dane froze andturned only his head back towards Collin, allowing him to continue. Shes scared.

    Shes always scared. Dane scoffed, but still not dismissing the topic, paused. Whatis it this time? He was quite used to his companions antics, so little that she did, thought,or said came as any surprise to him.

    You. Collin said simply.

    No. Dane shook his head. Just as KJ knew everything about Dane- knew him insideand out- Dane knew KJ. No. He repeated. Dane was always very stubborn and set in hisways. At this point, nothing Collin could do or say would change his mind.

    Collin knew all of this about Dane and also how to handle him. He dropped thesubject. Tomorrows Monday, so we all better hit the hay. He gave him one last fleetinglook before turning and leaving the study.

    As soon as he was gone, with the door to the study closed tightly, Dane spoke again.No. She isnt scared of me. Shes scared for me. With a heavy sigh, Dane turned his backon his books and his projects in favor of a warm bed and a night of sleep that he had wellpast earned. Dragging his feet on the cold marble floor, Dane slowly and steadily made hisway to the room that he and his companion shared. She was already tucked away snuglybeneath the covers, breathing slowly and steadily in a deep sleep. As quietly and with aslittle movement as possible, Dane slipped between the sheets and rested his weary head onhis pillow. He felt his companion stir.

    Youre actually sleeping tonight? KJ asked, amused. Even only half away she stillsounded cocky; she knew when she was right, and shed been bugging Dane about his lackof sleep for well over the few days that Collin had noticed. Even though it was dark and shefaced away from him, Dane could still see the tired smirk playing across her lips.

    Dane groaned and frowned. Yes. You can leave me alone now. He closed his eyesand settled into a comfortable sleeping position. However, it wasnt long at all before he feltKJs arm slip across his waist and her face bury itself into his chest.

    It missed you. She whispered. The bed, I mean. She placed one sleepy kiss on hischest before slipping back into a deep slumber.

    Feigning reluctance (though there really was no need), Dane pulled her closer to him

    and gently kissed the top of her head. He found that he always slept better when he hadboth a warm bed and a warm heart to fall into. KJ knew this, and made sure that he had bothevery time.


    KJ had hoped that a good nights sleep would cure Dane of his recent dark mood, butshe was wrong. By the time the three had reached school the next morning he was just asdistant as before (though he hid it well, both KJ and Collin had to admit).


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    I thought you talked to him!KJ silently hissed at Collin while on the train. She hadboth of her hands on Danes arm and could feel how tense his muscles were and couldntfathom why. One reason would be danger nearby, but neither Kacey nor Collin sensedanything, so there was no cause for alarm. Another explanation would be the full moon.

    Though (unlike in Hollywoods dramatizations of classic werewolf tales) the full moon wasntnecessary for a werewolfs transformation, it did have drastic- yet controllable- effects on

    them but the full moon, being the cause of many of lifes oddities, was nowhere near itstime now.

    Collin was hesitant to answer her. He had to speak the truth, but he really didnt wantto. What was he supposed to say? Yes I did, but he snapped at me so I left him alone. Thatwas exactly what had happened, wasnt it? KJ couldnt understand the bond between Collinand Dane; Collin couldnt explain why he knew to leave Dane alone after their littlesquabble. It wasnt out of courtesy or approval of any sort, that much was clear. It was just abrother thing. I tried.Collin replied lamely. Sorry.

    KJ exhaled; nothing too exaggerated, but Collin knew that it was a masked sigh offrustration. Its not your fault.She said. I worry too much about him, I guess.The cornersof her mouth upturned slightly. I shouldnt make you worry too.

    Collin said nothing. She was right He wondered how much of that was of her ownword choice, but he knew better than to dwell on the subject. It was hard enough to blockout the four other voices in KJs head He tried to stay out of her mind completely if hecould help it. Things were already too crowded in there. Ill tell you what.He eventuallyspoke to her again, right as the train began to pull up to and stop at the station. Today-after school- well let Dane have some alone time and you and me can just hang outtogether- cruise the town, yknow.

    KJ ducked her head down as they stepped onto the platform and walked towards theschool- Collin could see her secret smile. Id like that.

    Collin suppressed a wide grin of his own and said nothing else. He figured that hedtell Dane later on (the older boy was not a morning person, unlike his two comrades). The

    three of the arrived at the school and, as per usual, split up to go their separate ways: Collinto the cafeteria for breakfast (second breakfast on most days), Dane to the library for atleast an ounce of solitude, and KJ to her first period class for a few more minutes of extrasleep (she may have been perky and coherent first thing in the morning, but that didntmean that she woke up early of her own accord). They stayed this way until the first bellrang, when KJ remained in her seat and Collin and Dane met each other again. They sat onopposite sides of the room, which made it a little more difficult to communicate.

    KJ and I were thinking of giving you some alone time.Collin said to him. We weregoing to spend the day out this afternoon so that you knowHis mind trailed off, notsure of how to finish his sentence.

    Dane said nothing for a few minutes before shifting slightly in his seat and clearinghis throat. Dont patronize me.Apparently he was still sore from their previous nights


    Collin tried again. Nobodys doing that. Seriously, Big D, both of us are worriedabout you and some alone time will do you good.He didnt receive another answer, whichalways meant that Dane agreed. Hed rather not waste words- spoken or otherwise- onconfirmation.


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    The three continued to avoid one another until lunch, which was the only time whileschool was in session that they were seen together Or with another living being, for thatmatter.

    Dyou think yknow. Collin muttered underneath his breath once theyd all takentheir seats. KJ and Dane exchanged quick glances before giving him blank stares in return.That girl. Amanda.

    Chelsea. KJ quickly corrected. She looked around as though making sure that noone heard her. When she was satisfied that no one had, she returned her attention to theuntouched lunch in front of her.

    Collin waves his hand, dismissing this minute (at least to him) detail. Yeah her. Thinkwell see her again? He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

    KJ carefully bit into a shiny green apple, chewed thoughtfully, then swallowed.Probably. She said slowly, still thinking about it. But She shook her head. Nevermind. She bit into her apple again.

    Both Dane and Collin knew that when KJ said never mind she actually meant

    someone said something that I didnt like, and so Ive decided against telling you what itwas. It frustrated them to no end, especially when she smirked or gasped right beforesaying it. This time it was a pretty neutral never mind, so they werent too intrigued, butstill KJ talking to herself was just one big inside joke with no exceptions. Typically, anybodycould gain access to any circle of friends, but not with her. She was her own CIA.

    Well youre wrong. Dane said, looking over his right shoulder, holding a verypristinely wrapped sandwich in both of his hands. Shes with them. The way Dane saidthem was the same way a World War II veteran might say communists. Collin stretchedhis neck further out to see and KJ turned to her left.

    True to his word, Chelsea was at a table with them- Vladimir Rasputin, Nathanieland Tessa Greene, and Lacy Symonds. Also known as the Clan, the four had a history withDane and Collins pack as well as with KJ herself. Why theyd welcomed Chelsea, an outsider,with open arms was both a mystery and a surprise to the three, but they knew that itcouldnt mean anything good.

    No big deal. Collin muttered under his breath, cramming a whole tangerine into hismouth. He knew that it was a lie, but he habitually lied to make himself feel better; seldomdid it work. Now was not one of those times.

    Be careful with her.Danes inner voice called out to Collin. Theyre becomingmore and more courageous with their public appearances.

    Do they still want to-

    Yes.Dane couldnt let Collin finish his question; it was too painful for him to listen

    to. So you will keep her safe.Even though both Dane and Collin had separated from theirpack they were still a part of it. Such strong bonds couldnt be easily broken. Consideringthis, the two were of equal rank and couldnt order one another around. Dane usually didnt,but when he did Collin listened.

    Collin forced a grin and looked over at Dane, who was looking at KJ, who was staringdown at the table. Dont worry Big D. He said softly. KJs fingers twitched. Danes eyessnapped up to meet Collins, but his head didnt move. After briefly catching his gaze, Danereturned his attention to the girl beside him.


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    She would do this often- simply stop whatever she was doing (usually quite abruptly)and sit still for a prolonged period of time- as it was almost like sleep (an inert period of restbetween two periods of activity). However, it wasnt simply inactivity; she was thinking (or,rather, everybody else was thinking; loudly). Typically KJ wasnt good at multi tasking, sowhen everybody started to talk to her at once she needed all of her brain power toconcentrate on them; a sacrifice needed to be made, and nine times out of ten it was

    moving. While shed gotten better at mastery of her own free will and was no longersusceptible to their attacks on the control she had over her own body, she wasnt able toblock out their voices completely. She wasnt that strong yet. So she sat, still as a statue,listening (for the most part).

    When she got like this Dane knew better than to interrupt her train of thought. KJherself wasnt prone to getting angry at him, but everyone else was. It wasnt just that,though, that kept Dane from speaking to her. It was the idea that her mind itself was fragile-not because of anything relative to her age, or gender, but because of who she was and howshe was created. She was already mentally unstable (no matter what she said) and Danefigured that every time he snapped her out of something he was only making it worse. Hewaited for the bell to do that for him. Her head snapped up and she blinked twice rapidly.

    That time already? She asked while looking around at the students as they

    reluctantly filed out of the cafeteria and back to their classes.

    Dane, feeling a pang of guilt for letting that happen to her, nodded somberly. Illwalk you to English. He said while standing and taking her hand. Collin always gave themtheir own alone time, and had snuck out while they werent looking.

    KJ looked at him, bemused. Youll be late She tried to change his mind but knewthat it was useless. She instead allowed him to snake his arm around her waist and lead heroff to her next class. As they walked she could feel the hot stares of her peers against theback of her head. She was used to being glared at for who she was, but not for what shehad. Nearly all of the girls at the school were jealous of her because of the man she wasattached to: Dane Wolfsbane (guised as Warren while around the humans). At first it madeher so uncomfortable that she refused to be seen with him, but shed slowly gotten used to


    Be safe with Collin today. Dane told her, hardly moving his mouth as he spoke.

    She looked up at him. Dont you trust that I can take care of myself? She asked witha hurt look on her face.

    No. He said solemnly. Not from what the past has shown us. He smirked. Painfulhonesty was one of his better qualities, and he prided himself on it.

    You dont trust Collin? She asked.

    Dane sighed. I dont trust anybody. He said wearily. He knew that she knew that. Hedidnt trust her, he didnt trust Collin, and he definitely didnt trust himself. She knew, but

    she didnt understand. How could she? He didnt expect her to. He stopped. I have to go.He said to her, taking both of her hands in his own.

    She nodded. Ill see you tonight, then. She closed her eyes as he kissed the top ofher head, and when she opened them he was gone. She continued the remainder of heracademic day in silence. Only when Collin met her outside of the art room did she begin toperk up.


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    He grinned at her. Hey babe. Ready for a hot night out on the town? He asked,draping his arm across her shoulders and steering her out of the school and towards thetown.

    KJ rolled her eyes. Dont call me babe. She laughed at his silence and continuedon with him into town. There was a strip mall in the middle of the town- past the trainstation- with a library and a fountain. The two of them walked past all of the shops and satdown by the fountain. They were holding hands now- Collin had removed his arm from hershoulders and opted for taking her hand instead- but looked like everything but a couple.Sure they were sitting close together, their fingers were laced together, and her head wasresting on his shoulder But something about the two of them there together like thatwasnt right It was just out of place.

    I could fall asleep right now. Collin mumbled sleepily, his eyelids drooping shut.

    KJ elbowed him in the ribs. Gee thanks. I never claimed to be a terribly excitingperson. She told him.

    Collin rubbed his sore side. No need to get violent. He said, although hypocritical asit was. Why dont we figure out a way to kill time instead of figuring out ways to kill me?

    He suggested.

    KJ sat up straight. Library! She said, eyes lighting up. We should go to the library.

    Collin snorted. And do what? I dont read. He grinned and laughed as she rolled hereyes and shot a look at him. Or we could go to the library to do homework. That was whatyou were thinking, right? Homework?

    She nodded, wordlessly getting to her feet and dragging him over to theunimpressive building that attempted to loom over the small town square. Inside was moreimpressive- though they were few and far between, the bookshelves were full of literature.

    Ill be reading comic books. Collin said, waving to her and disappearing. He didindeed wander off to the comic books- in the kids section of the library- but after sitting

    down in a rather comfortable chair fell asleep.

    KJ, meanwhile, found herself a dictionary and settled in the very back of the library.She was a recluse by nature, and it took a long time for her to overcome her fear of peopleto join public school. She sat at a back table where the lighting was low and the people weresparse. She pulled a small paintbrush out of her book bag and opened the dictionary to them section. She found the page that she was looking for, picked up her paintbrush, anddrew a circle with the dry brush in the middle of the page. A dark purple outline of a circleappeared on the page. With careful and precise penmanship she painted two careful wordsin the middle of the circle in a script known only to two living beings.

    The words illuminated in gold before vanishing. The inside of the circle changed fromthe print inside of the dictionary to a portal- no; a looking glass. KJ peered through the circle

    and Danes figure came into view. He was hunched over his books as always, scribblingsomething furiously into an open notebook in front of him. Her view of him was from behindand she could only see the back of his head- his tousled brown hair looking less brushedthan ever.

    Frowning, KJ gently placed her fingers inside of the circle and slid them across thepage; the image slid with her. Now she was able to see his face clearly. He was deep inthought- almost lost- and his eyebrows were furrowed dangerously. KJ recognized that lookon his face, and it unnerved her. Dane only got that look when he was in the presence orspeaking of his pack; more specifically his pack leader: Maya. She looked closer and could


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    see that his eyes were bloodshot and golden instead of their typical green color. Thatworried her more. Danes eyes only changed from green to gold when-

    Dane stood suddenly, knocking over his chair in the process. KJ flinched. Breathingheavily, he held his head in his hands and clamped his eyes shut. This was relatively new toKJ, but not completely. It still worried her.

    Get out of my head. Dane growled furiously, whirling around and snarling. Get outof my head.He repeated, his growl escalating into a roar. KJ winced as memories of theirprevious encounters with one another flashed through her mind. Tears stung dangerously ather eyes and relief washed over her when Dane fled the room. Her looking glass did notfollow him. KJ slammed the book shut and pushed it away from her as she tried desperatelyto keep from crying. She wrapped her arms around herself in a hug and lowered her head asthe tears fell from her eyes. She took a few deep, shaky breaths and pulled her knees up toher chest as though trying to keep her heart inside.

    Are you okay? A soft, familiar voice broke the silence; she recognized that voice.Her head shot up. Vladimir Rasputin was standing in front of her. He showed no emotion onhis face as he spoke to her, but his voice betrayed his expression.

    She knew that there was obvious evidence that shed been crying- tears were stillrunning down her face. What do you want? She snapped, still keeping her voice low. Therewere other people in the library, and she didnt want to attract any more unnecessaryattention. The way that Vladimir looked at her made her stomach hurt- as though he wasstudying her very carefully.

    He looked at her curiously. Hm? I want to know if youre alright, of course. Hisvoice- thick with his Russian accent- was softer than hers. It made a chill run down her spine,raising unwelcome gooseflesh on her arms. She wished that she could have that effect onpeople; it was scary.

    Im fine. She said bitterly, glaring at him. So, if youd please-

    Vladimir was shaking his head. You, He crooned in his unbelievably soft, silkysmooth voice. Are a terrible liar.

    KJ continued to glare. She hated when people called out her bluffs. If only Shethought to herself. If only Collin would come. Shed be safe from him then.

    As if he could read her mind (or, rather, as if he were reading her mind) Collin Starkcame around a bookshelf humming pleasantly to himself and stopped dead in his trackswhen he saw Vladimir. Get away from her. He ordered, using his beta voice (whichusually only worked on his own pack, but it was worth a shot).

    Vladimir turned around slowly and narrowed his eyes at Collin. And I am expected tosurrender to you with great ease? He asked, as though Collin were joking. Behind him, KJremoved the ring from her left thumb and winked at Collin with crimson eyes. Collin didnt

    hold her gaze, but she knew that he had seen her. Vladimir took two steps with long legstowards Collin. So what do you plan to do about it?

    Collin Stark was brave, but not completely stupid. He knew that if he- the five footten werewolf- were to ever attempt to fight the six foot four vampire in front of him, hewould lose miserably; probably more than the fight. He did, however, know that there wassomeone with him at this particular moment in time that could. Currently she was standingbehind Vladimir, crimson eyes glowing, with a very cocky smirk on her face. Her name wasKacey Gabihin.


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    Oh me? Collin asked, grinning a little. Nothing. He looked past Vladimir andwiggled his eyebrows at Kacey who rolled her eyes.

    A slightly confused look on his face, Vladimir slowly turned around. He jumped whenhe saw who was standing there.

    Vladimir. She spoke in a very soft, high pitched voice that almost sounded like the

    tinkling of bells. It is I who is commanding you to leave this place now. She was smirking,but there were no traces of humor in her eyes. When she saw him hesitate she continued.Or perhaps you need some convincing. The whites of her eyes began to redden. Shall wereminisce?

    Vladimir slowly raised both of his hands. I shall leave peacefully this time. He said,backing away from the two of them. But this is not the end. He said simply before turninghis back on them and leaving.

    Collin sighed in relief and looked over to where Kacey had been. Standing there nowwas KJ- a ring on her left thumb. That was close. He told her.

    Too close. She agreed, nodding. I cant believe I just let him sneak up on me like


    Collin draped his arm across her shoulders, as he often did, leading her out of thelibrary. S alright. Good thing I was here to protect you.

    KJ rolled her eyes. When they exited the building, she was surprised to see that thesun had already gone down and that the waning moon had taken its place.

    We should grab something to eat while were out. Collin was saying to her. MaybeChinese, or something Typical Collin was always thinking of food. He still rambledunderneath his breath as she quietly spoke.

    Im not hungry.

    Collin looked over at her. Her eyes were cast downward and she was biting herbottom lip.

    But we can get you some food. She added, still staring off into space. Collinwondered what they were saying to her now.

    Collin shrugged. Just a quick bite. We have food at home, dont we? That is,assuming that Big D didnt eat it all He trailed off grumpily, and stopped suddenly whenhe looked back at KJ and saw tears running down her face. Whats wrong?

    KJ shook her head. Ill be okay. But Collin knew that wasnt true. If she was crying,she wasnt okay. He gave her a look and she gave in. Its Dane.

    Still? It wasnt surprising; everything was always about Dane. Collin wasnt too

    fazed. What happened now? Were you spying on him again? He teased.

    Its not spying. KJ snapped, frowning. She leaned further away from him.

    Collin laughed. Chill! I was just kidding. He took his arm back. Sorry.

    KJ said nothing. She was heading towards the train station now, and Collin trailedwordlessly behind her. Hed screwed up and he knew it but shed forget and get over it likealways. For now he knew that he just had to give her space. They boarded the number threetrain and sat across from one another not making eye contact. KJ silently drew a veil and a


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    portal back to the castle and reluctantly held Collins hands while they were transportedback to their home.

    KJ pushed her way out of the closet and quickly retreated to the room that she sharedwith Dane. Collin stayed in the closet- remained in the dark- as he waited to hear theirvoices.

    Chapter Four- KJ

    Me. Me, me, me. Im always the one on everyones minds, but why? Because of who Iam: the Kantrei Jhantra experiment. Im not much of a hot topic these days, but believe me,I use to be. I hated it. You dont know what its like to be the object of everyones desire- notbecause of who you are but what you are. I dont believe- or didnt, anyway- that I evenhave my own identity. All I am is a science project; a failed experiment. Who I am is definedby the four others who are omnipresent in occupying my mind. I know that without me thereis no them, but what about the other way around? Who would I be without them?

    A long, long time ago in the caves of a mountain far away, a group of scientistsexisted. These scientists, as Im sure youve already heard, blended together science andmagic to create weapons of mass destruction (not necessarily the weapons of massdestruction that we have today- remember, youre learning about a world you never knewexisted). These alchemists never had any successful experiments, probably due to theirimpure motives Gods will and what not (if you believe in that sort of thing). God knowswhats going on, let me tell you. He doesnt always interfere with petty human affairs (likethese alchemists, for example) but when He does it usually doesnt turn out well, and Healways has a good reason for it. Trust me (how can you trust me? You dont even know me.

    Yeah, been there, done that).

    Anyway (you guys are getting me off topic now) these alchemists usually hadsacrifices- live ones. Talk about inhumane. For their latest experiment (me!) they planned tocreate a single entity who would be the ultimate warrior for them. For this they needed a livehuman sacrifice. One of their own volunteered for the job: she was about five foot four withdark brown hair and brown eyes. She had small hands and feet and a small mole underneathher left eye. Sans the brown eyes, she looks exactly like me. Her name was Marie Jenkins.

    With me, God got his payback. Marie was painted with the symbols used in thealchemists own invented language and placed in a circle. When the alchemists spoke thecorrect words in the correct order something was supposed to happen but didnt. Mariedied. Concerned, the alchemists called off the experiment to deal with her, but it was too

    late. I was already awake.

    Enraged by the sudden changes (to what, Ive wondered, but thats just what she toldme when I asked) Amy immediately took control of my body and slaughtered all of thealchemists. The rest is pretty much history- thats how I came to be.

    Ive often wondered if I am Marie Jenkins. Perhaps this is just a case (a severe one) ofamnesia. The girls tell me otherwise, but how can anyone know for sure? We cant- its thatsimple. It wasnt until after I met Dane that I began to appreciate the girls and myself. Danehelped me to realize that I didnt need to depend on them- that I had my own identity. It took


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    me awhile to warm up to the idea, but eventually I ran with it. He always knows whats bestfor me.

    People have asked me, What is it like? What is it like to be in love with a werewolf?Obviously, these people werent werewolves themselves.

    Werewolves arent bad people, in my experience. Are dogs bad creatures? Why is a

    dog looked down upon? Youve heard it before, havent you? Stupid mutt! Youre such adog! Derogatory. A werewolf is a dog as a vampire is a cat. Dogs are protectors- they aremeant to serve their masters, protect their family, serve as a comrade, a life long partner. Acat, on the other hand, while both nice to look at and a cuddly companion when itsconvenient to them, really serves no other purpose than to be there. Cats are lazy andselfish. Dogs are always active and nearly live solely for the safety of their brothers, theirmaster, their lover. Both are predators in the same respect.

    People have considered me to be both a cat and a dog person, which is at leastpartially true. I have been allured to the feline family- drawn in and held captive by themuntil I was ripped away for my own good. In the end, however, it is to the dogs that I alwaysreturn. It would be nice to consider them my surrogate family; not having one myself. Thisfantasy, however, is just that: a fantasy. The dogs hate me more than they resent their own

    brother for abandoning them. It doesnt matter to me; it is back to my werewolf that I run atthe end of a difficult journey or a long day. With him, I am home. (Note: Im not usually thisromantic, nor this mushy. Youre just special.)

    So, while often looked down upon scornfully, I will always admit to loving mywerewolf- even if he is reluctant to admit how he feels about me. I know that my werewolfloves me. If he didnt, why would he still be my protector? My point exactly.

    Dane and I have an interesting relationship. It may not look special to an outsider,but we have a bond thats almost indescribable (almost). I know that I can count on him foranything- trust him over anyone else (no matter what he may say). Im no mind reader, butsometimes we look at each other and just know. Love is magical.

    Love is terrible; what are you talking about? Sorry- that was Kacey. In the end it onlyhurts. Ironic of Kacey to be saying that. Out of the four of them her love life was the best.Thats what you think.

    Actually, Id have to say that my love life was the last tragic.

    Thank you, Amy. Its nice to see that someone appreciates my superior intellect. Yeahthats what it is- superior intellect.

    It is and you know it. I refuse to argue with you. Mmhmm; sure. Its because yourethe mature one.

    Your arguing is pointless- it always turns out the same.

    Aw shut up Rena. Youre such a kill joy.

    Leave her out of this Carmen.

    Oh dont you start Amy.

    Yeah sorry mommy. Dont wanna get grounded, do I?

    Well you dont have to take that sort of tone with me.


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    What tone? Kac, am I using a tone?


    Serena, I thought I told you to shut up.

    And I thought I told you to leave her alone.

    Now that you mention it, yes Carmen you were using a tone.

    Well thank you smarty pants. It was a rhetorical question.

    Thats why I answered.

    And you call yourself a genius?

    Hey how did this all turn on me?

    Well you started it.

    You stay out of this too. I always try to. Their arguments are always pointless and fun

    to listen to. Its like this all of the time- I really dont know how I stand it And I was barelycoping until I got my ring.

    My ring (the one I wear on my left thumb) funny story of how I got it, but Ill savethat one. What it does is whats important right now. By itself, without any influence, itrenders its user as a normal human. When I wore it for the first time I couldnt hearanything- I was normal (whatever that means). Well, that didnt exactly suit me very well,so I altered it with my brush magic.

    Brush magic so this is where I start to gain my own identity. You know that thealchemists used magic, but what kind? Along with their own language the alchemists alsohad their own kind of magic. Using a combination of written symbols and spoken words theycreated their own system. They used their own language coupled with a paint made from

    materials that they found in their caves. They kept the ingredients a secret, telling no oneand leaving no recordings, but I was able to figure it out and use their brush magic.

    You mean I was able to figure it out.

    Yes Kacey, thank you. As I was saying, I- I mean, Kacey- figured it out that the specialpaint that the alchemists used became my blood after the death of Marie Jenkins, allowingme to effortlessly perform this brush magic. After I found this out I felt more like I had myown identity.

    Wait, so then how was Dane involved with you feeling like you had your own identity?

    Why thank you for asking, Carmen. I get to talk about the werewolf again.

    Sometimes the way you talk about him is like you hate him.

    How observant of you, Serena. Dane and I have a very special love/haterelationship but that kind of thing is hard for me to explain. Youll just have to see.Anyway, what was I talking about? Oh right. Dane has never seen me as the Kantrei Jhantraexperiment- sure, he recognized me as such, but never used it to identify me after that. Hesrefused to call me KJ- the nickname that the girls made up for me For the longest timehe didnt even acknowledge them. Hes only ever seen me and that has been whats madethe biggest impact on me.


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    Experiment: KJ.

    Chapter Five- Present Day

    KJ, after fleeing the closet, headed straight for the room that she shared with Dane.Each step that she took felt insignificant- like she wasnt going anywhere despite the cornersshe turned and stairs that she climbed. She rushed herself; hurried along to make sure thatshe could get to Dane in time, before it was too late. Too late for what? She didnt want toknow. All she knew was that she had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach, and that wasgood enough. Finally she made it up to their room (which was notin the highest tower, but itsure felt like it). Bursting in, she felt like a fool when she saw Dane sitting on their bed andcalmly reading a book. When she entered loudly, he looked up at her and raised an eyebrow.

    May I help you? He asked, closing the book and setting it down on the small tablebeside him. He looked at her, amused, as she panted and tried to catch her breath fromrunning to see him. Her cheeks were red and her hair was wind swept. I didnt expect tosee you back this early.

    She swallowed and took a deep breath. Yeah, well theres only so much of Collin thatI can take in one night. She ran her hands through her hair and slowly took a few stepstowards the bed. So I decided to come home early. She darted her eyes to the side as shespoke; only briefly making eye contact with him.


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    Dane knew. Very suddenly his expression changed from one of amusement to one ofpseudo anger-concern. With Dane, if he was concerned he was also angry. Whathappened? He asked very seriously, narrowing his eyes at her.

    KJ gulped. She knew shed have to explain it to him sooner or later. We went to thelibrary after school, She said. And Vladimir was there. She spoke very softly, even thoughhe was bound to hear her. Better he learn now from her than later from Collin.

    As expected, he didnt react at first. He took a second to let it all sink in before hespoke. You had a confrontation with Vladimir Rasputin, He said.

    She nodded. But Collin was there, She insisted. And of course I had Kacey. Youknow how terrified he is of her after-

    Yes, I know, He snapped. In the blink of an eye he was on his feet, pacing back andforth next to their bed. I told you to be careful. I told him to be careful. Neither of youlistened to me; dare I ask why?

    Dane, we were being careful, She told him. But he snuck up on me- cornered me.Besides, after this they know Ill be more careful.

    Will you? He demanded to know, snapping at her again. I told you that I cant trustyou or Collin. Do you believe me now?

    KJ frowned. You can trust me Dane. I can take care of myself.

    Can you? Last time I checked-

    Ive learned from those mistakes, She persisted, taking a few more steps towardshim. Now they were standing face to face in an explosive standoff. Why cant you just trustme?

    You dont get it. He hissed dangerously. Theres no way you can possiblyunderstand.

    Understand what? She asked desperately. She was nearly pleading with him now.What cant I understand?

    I cant lose you! He yelled, taking her by the shoulders. His vivid green eyes werelocked on her vibrant gray ones. She looked closer- he was just as desperate as she was.You think Im bad now; could you imagine what Id be like if I let something bad happen toyou again?

    The way that he said again was perplexing. Hed done all that he could to keep herout of harms way. She got herself into all of that trouble. She shook her head. Youve neverlet anything bad happen to me.

    Then why would I start now? He murmured.

    She said nothing and looked away from him, biting her bottom lip. Yeah exactly, sostop it. She tried to laugh, but the sound came out very dry and humorless.

    Dane wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his chest. Dont worry, He toldher. Ill protect you. He knew that something was wrong- she was emanating worry. Soyou dont have to worry about me.

    But I do.


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    Everything was still. Her heart beat- once for his two- thumped loudly in her ears.Dane listened to her breathing and did his best to match his own with hers. Why? Heasked though partially clenched teeth. He already knew what she was going to say. Youvebeen spying on me again.

    Not spying, She mumbled. And it was only because I was scared for you.


    She hesitated. Im still worried. Did you expect me not to? KJ always worried-always prepared for the worst possible outcome. After... She trailed off. He knew what shemeant.

    How much did you see? He asked. She felt his muscles tighten, but his breathingwas still timed perfectly to match hers.

    Just your little tantrum, She said, exhaling loudly. Again she tried to laugh, but nosound was produced.

    He hummed- his chest rumbling. Earlier today? That wasnt a tantrum. I didnt break

    anything. He was trying to be funny- trying to cheer her up but it wasnt working. Hesighed in defeat. Fine. If I tell you what Im up to will you stop moping?

    She didnt react as he hoped she would. She was thinking about it. Im still going toworry about you if you keep acting like this, but yes. Ill stop moping. I promise. She silentlyadded.

    He sighed again. He usually kept his plans to himself- assuming that KJ and Collindidnt want to know. Usually, this was true. They didnt need to know. Its just a spell.

    She didnt move. Is that supposed to make me feel better? She asked him. Icouldve guessed that.

    Dane growled. I cant tell you much, He knew that she would understand that. She

    rarely told them about her own spells. But it will make everything better for all of us. Hetook her shoulders again so that he could look at her. She begrudgingly lifted her head tosee him. This is in everybodys best interest.

    KJ pulled away from him. Hed never said anything like that before, and it worried her.She knew that she could trust him, but she did question his judgment. Im not going to tryand stop you., She said. But Im still going to worry about you. She walked over and satdown on her side of the bed with her back to him.

    Dane ran his hands through his hair. He hated women. Would you feel better if youhelped me? He smirked, laughing to himself as he saw her start to slowly turn around, andthen snap back.


    KJ typically hated helping Dane with his spells. Nine times out of ten they were dirtyand underhanded, only hurting people or deceiving them so that he could get what hewanted. This time, however, he was not surprised to hear eagerness in her voice. Thisactually worked out perfectly for him. He made it appear to her that her help would simplymake things more convenient, but near the end of the spell her help would be necessary.

    Perfect. Well start tomorrow. Well need to go into town to gather supplies.


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    You dont need chicken hearts again, do you? She asked warily, turning around. Shewas paling and biting her bottom lip.

    Dane smiled softly at her. Not this time. He had been known to use interestingresources in his spells, much to the dismay of his room mate.

    Her expression brightened. She nodded. Its a date, then. She happily kicked off her

    shoes and slid underneath the covers of their bed.

    Dane continued to stand there, staring at her. Date? He asked, careful not toprovoke her any further. Shed been known to intentionally take things the wrong way just toannoy or spite him.

    She nodded happily, staring up at him. Thats what I said. Date, She repeated. Shewas staring at him quite expectantly now. Dane knew better than to cross her now- not aftershed so willingly accepted her assignment.

    He nodded, sighing, and slid into the bed beside her. Yes. Its a date, He said,closing his eyes. He felt her arms wrap around his chest and her lips on her neck. He felt hisface growing warmer.

    Youre so cute when you blush, She told him with a giggle. Thank you.

    He grunted at her in response and she said no more.


    Dane, as much as he knew that it was a weakness of his, was a keeper of his word.He was unable to break a promise (able to lie, however). He sat there at the lunch tablecontemplating how or why hed gotten himself in this situation. Oh, thats right. He remindedhimself. I love her. He glared at KJ, who was blissfully ignorant of his look and was insteadchatting idly with Collin. Dane didnt want to go out on this date. It wasnt that he didnt loveKJ- he loved her very much, despite their clashing personalities- it was more that he wasntcomfortable with public displays of affection. He didnt like showing the slightest bit of

    vulnerability to anyone- particularly people that he didnt know- and publicly expressing anysort of compassion towards another human being could be counted as a vulnerability. Hedtried to explain this to her before, but she had merely shrugged and said, Youll need to getover your fears eventually. To which he responded with some not nice words, resulting inhim sleeping elsewhere that night. Nine times out of ten, he was putty in her hands andhis enemies knew this.

    Its very tricky. Nathaniel Greene explained to Chelsea. They were all sitting at theother end of the cafeteria, but they had a clear view of Dane, KJ and Collin. You see, KJ isDanes weakness, but shes also what makes him stronger.

    So what if we separate them? Chelsea asked him.

    We dont want to do that, Lacy snapped, glaring at Chelsea. Remember who ourtarget is- we dont want him. If we separate them, were still in trouble because shes strongon her own.

    What happens if we just, you know, get rid of him? Chelsea asked, locking her eyeson the werewolf. Wont that make things easier on us?

    Vladimir shook his head. No. Doing anything to Dane will upset their leader, and wewant to keep out of lycan affairs, He explained to her.


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    Thats why this is so tricky, Nathaniel said again. Does anybody else have a plan?

    Well we already tried kidnapping her, Tessa said. Threats mean nothing to them.She began to twirl a strand of her blonde hair around one finger. What we really need isinsider info.

    Chelsea snapped her fingers. What about me? I could be a double agent!

    All four of them shook their heads. They were doing a good job of being patient withtheir clans newest member, but there were a lot of things that you needed to know basedon experience alone, which just was something that she didnt have yet.

    Kacey, Lacy said. Shell know, and then youll be at their mercy.

    What mercy? Nathaniel mumbled. Vladimirs hands balled into fists in his lap.

    Which ones Kacey? Chelsea asked, looking hopelessly confused.

    The demon, Vladimir said through nearly clenched teeth. Kacey is a demon with abrilliant mind and unbelievable power. His eyes were hollow like egg shells- wide with therecollection of a fear he had come to be uncomfortably familiar with. He spoke withoutthinking as if in a trance. His lips were the only part of him that moved as he continued totalk. She has possession of something that they call the dirag. In her language it means athird eye. A pair of crimson orbs was forever burned into his memory- taunting him.

    In whose language? Chelsea asked.

    Vladimir ignored her question; he didnt even recognize that she had said anything.She is the lone child of the darkness. Everybody has a shadow, except for her. She has thepower to crush your whole world- turn you inside out and break you with those horrible,bloody, crimson eyes He trailed off, leaving the five of them in silence for a few momentsbefore he snapped out of whatever trance he was in.

    Chelsea was the only one staring at him like something was wrong; the other three

    simply carried on silently. The bell rang while they ate in silence, and Chelsea followed Tessatowards their free block- the one shared with their target.

    Is Vlad okay? She asked with a concerned look on her face.

    He will be, Tessa said softly. This happens, every now and again.

    What happened?

    He and Kacey had a stand off many years ago he still hasnt recovered fully. Tessalooked away with a sad smile on her face. But hes getting better.

    The two girls entered their classroom and chose to sit across the room from KJ, Daneand Collin; just like in the cafeteria. They remained perfectly silent, listening.

    I failed his test. I know I did.

    Oh Collin youre exaggerating. Im sure you did just fine.

    Cmon- do I exaggerate?


    Some help you are, D.


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    That was the boring stuff. They listened harder, but heard nothing past that. If theywanted to listen to their inner voices the whole room would have to be quieter.

    The teacher entered the room- their savior. He quickly hushed the students, orderingthem to keep silent and working. Now when they listened they heard.

    Im taking her out today.

    What? Are we taking turns?

    No. Especially not after what happened yesterday. I told you to be careful with her.

    Dane, I was careful-

    You were sleeping. Now the two of us are going out today. Alone.

    Guess you can only trust yourself, huh Big D?

    They were completely silent after that last remark. It didnt matter- they had gottenall of the information that they needed. It was pure luck that they didnt know about thisability. Typically, vampires dont- cant- read minds. However, they have heightened senses,

    including hearing. In perfect, absolute silence, the keenest of ears are able to hear innervoices- different from thoughts. It was not a mental ability derived from the psyche, whichwas why neither Collin nor Kacey sensed it. Lucky for some- unlucky for most.

    I can follow them today.Chelsea offered. She was sitting right next to Tessa, so herinner voice need not speak loudly.

    That seems reasonable. You do that and Ill let the others know where you are.Outof the four, Tessa was the nicest to Chelsea. She wasnt necessarily keen on the idea of anaddition to their clan, but she really knew how to make the best out of any given situation.

    Chelsea beamed inwardly. Thank you!

    Tessa smiled.


    Despite the sullen look on his face and the frustrated look on hers, you coulddefinitely tell that KJ and Dane were a couple. Their hands were clasped together- almostangrily- and their fingers were laced together in a vice like grip. They were squabbling aboutsomething benign, snapping and glaring at one another, but all of the subtleties hinted attheir relationship: how he walked on the outside of the street, keeping her close to him; howshe took every opportunity that arose to brush their arms together; how every time theyboth made eye contact their eyes said much more than their mouths ever could. It was kindof sickening to watch unless you were into that sort of thing.

    Im telling you, you dont know what youre talking about, He said, shaking his

    head. We shouldve never gone your way. You always get us lost.

    She pouted and looked around desperately. No, Im sure its around heresomewhere. Just be patient.

    Weve been wandering around here for days, He argued, his eyebrows furrowingand his forehead creasing. Lets go back to the fountain and try my way.


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    But I know for sure that its this way, She insisted. I remember exactly: from thefountain you go down the street with the Laundromat and its a straight shot after you turnleft from there.

    Close. From the fountain you go down the street with the dry cleaners, He correctedher smugly.

    Her hasty steps slowed to a more lazy pace. A look of dumbfounded realization slowlycrept onto her face as he smirked at her. He held back a laugh as her shock faded intoanger.

    Lets go then, She grumbled, turning around and dragging him down the side walk.You were right.

    He said nothing as they back tracked to the fountain before setting off on the rightcourse. Eventually they arrived at the farmers market near the edge of the forest.

    As it was every day, the market was filled with the hustle and bustle of the townspeople running errands and making their livings. A wide array of aromas wafted gently in themountain breeze from all around. The sounds of bartering, dealing, and cheating were rich in

    the air. KJ and Dane swiftly pushed their way through the crowd as they headed directly fortheir destination at the far end of the market. In the darkest corner, almost completelyinvisible to the human eye, a small table was set up. A small man in a rice pickers hat satbehind the table with his eyes closed as though he was asleep. When the two of themapproached he raised his head but did not open his eyes.

    It certainly has been awhile, He said. He spoke so quickly that untrained earswouldnt have heard him at all. His very existence was difficult to verify.