experiencing: chakra healing

1 Experiencing: Chakra Healing Chakras are energy centers within and surrounding your physical body. You can think of them as your body’s vortexes, receiving and sending information from Earth below to the Spirit Realm above and vice versa. Everything is energy, and energy in a healthy system is always moving and flowing smoothly. Working with your chakras allows you to improve your energy flow, which is the key to everything you desire. By shifting and moving into healthy energetic alignment, you will feel better, happier, and more at peace. There are 9 but for this exercise we’ll be working with the 7 that are in your physical body, Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. The Root Chakra is at the base of your tailbone and is your center of stability. It keeps you balanced and connected with our physical world. When your Root Chakra is out of alignment you can feel off-kilter, anxious, or dizzy. When this chakra is overactive you can feel sluggish, “earthbound,” and slow to make progress. Feelings of safety, confidence, and comfortability with life generate from this energy center. Physical Root Chakra Imbalances: Depression, sciatica, cold hands and feet, lower back pain, fatigue, and anemia. Are you comfortable living on this planet? The Sacral Chakra is located in the center of your lower abdomen and is the origin of all things you birth in the world. Your vitality, sexual pleasure, and desire all arise from this chakra. If you’ve been feeling uninspired or unable to express your creative potential, your Sacral Chakra may be underactive. Physical infertility is also a sign of imbalance.

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Page 1: Experiencing: Chakra Healing

1Experiencing: Chakra HealingChakras are energy centers within and surrounding your physical body. You can think of them as your body’s vortexes, receiving and sending information from Earth below to the Spirit Realm above and vice versa. Everything is energy, and energy in a healthy system is always moving and flowing smoothly. Working with your chakras allows you to improve your energy flow, which is the key to everything you desire. By shifting and moving into healthy energetic alignment, you will feel better, happier, and more at peace. There are 9 but for this exercise we’ll be working with the 7 that are in your physical body, Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown.

The Root Chakra is at the base of your tailbone and is your center of stability. It keeps you balanced and connected with our physical world. When your Root Chakra is out of alignment you can feel off-kilter, anxious, or dizzy. When this chakra is overactive you can feel sluggish, “earthbound,” and slow to make progress. Feelings of safety, confidence, and comfortability with life generate from this energy center.

Physical Root Chakra Imbalances: Depression, sciatica, cold hands and feet, lower back pain, fatigue, and anemia.

Are you comfortable living on this planet?

The Sacral Chakra is located in the center of your lower abdomen and is the origin of all things you birth in the world. Your vitality, sexual pleasure, and desire all arise from this chakra. If you’ve been feeling uninspired or unable to express your creative potential, your Sacral Chakra may be underactive. Physical infertility is also a sign of imbalance.

Page 2: Experiencing: Chakra Healing

1 2Physical Sacral Chakra Imbalances: Low libido, impotency, urinary issues, candida and yeast infections, alcohol and drug abuse, issues with sensuality, and abdominal cramps.

Do you feel inspired about life and what you’re doing?

The Solar Plexus Chakra is located just above your belly button and is your center of power and confidence. This chakra is where you manifest all the things you create. Think of your Solar Plexus as the Sun, radiating warmth and light into life. A balanced Solar Plexus results in a self-assured yet humble sense of power. Both powerlessness and delusions of magnificence point to an imbalance of this energy center.

Physical Solar Plexus Chakra Imbalances: Colitis, ulcers, diabetes, digestive problems, hypoglycemia, binge eating, reflux, constipation, depression, and anxiety.

Are you able to make things happen for yourself?

The Heart Chakra sits right over your physical heart and is the center of your body’s energy. It regulates all of your energy flow. Love for yourself and others arises from this chakra, along with compassion and affection. When the Heart Chakra is balanced, love flows easily along with a sense of hope. When out of alignment, you may feel sorrow or heartache. Love’s vibration can heal the body and the planet.

Page 3: Experiencing: Chakra Healing

2 3Physical Heart Chakra Imbalances: Immune system, lung and heart issues, breathing disorders, high blood pressure, upper back, shoulder, arm, and wrist pain.

Is your heart open? Available to receive love?

The Throat Chakra is located at your physical throat and holds your truth and how you express it. This energy center is associated with your voice and how you share your wisdom with the world. When your Throat Chakra is balanced you speak your truth with clarity and conviction. If you find it hard to get the words out or say what you really mean, this chakra may be out of alignment.

Physical Throat Chakra Imbalances: Thyroid imbalances, mouth, jaw, tongue, neck, and shoulder issues, autoimmune conditions, cough, fever, flu, infections, swollen glands, and bloating.

When and how often do you listen to your own truth and wisdom?

The Third Eye Chakra is located at your forehead between your eyes and is the seat of your intuition. Receiving wisdom beyond our world of time and space, including psychic vision, is part of this energy center. When your Third Eye is open, your insight is keen and you are able to perceive what is happening around you. You see beyond your human eyes. If the world seems dull and you feel unfocused, this chakra may be out of alignment.

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3 4Physical Third Eye Chakra Imbalances: Paranoia, delusions, headaches, sinus issues, migraines, eye disorders, and insomnia.

When do you trust and use your intuition?

The Crown Chakra is located at the top of your head and is your crown of divine wisdom. This energy center is a bridge between the physical and spiritual. When this chakra is balanced, you feel connected to Source with a deep sense of faith and self-respect - for you are a divine being, accepted just as you are. If you feel disconnected from your higher calling and something greater than yourself, your Crown Chakra may be out of alignment.

Physical Crown Chakra Imbalances: Mental illness, skin rashes, headaches, photosensitivity, senility, neuralgia, learning difficulties, memory disorders, alzheimers, amnesia, multiple sclerosis, pituitary issues, and cognitive delusions.

When do you experience the most peace of mind??

Page 5: Experiencing: Chakra Healing

4 5Use the space below to put an X on the areas you’re experiencing pain or the symptoms described above. You’ll use this information during our class when we move the stuck energy from our bodies.