experiences with supplier qualification in automotive

Experiences with Supplier Qualification in Automotive DNV IT Global Services 11th Oct 2007, SPIN Italy Andreas Rösel Principal Consultant & PI Competence Manager [email protected]

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Page 1: Experiences with Supplier Qualification in Automotive

Experiences with Supplier Qualification in Automotive

DNV IT Global Services

11th Oct 2007, SPIN Italy

Andreas Rösel

Principal Consultant & PI Competence Manager

[email protected]

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� DNV/Q-Labs in Automotive

� Automotive SPICE

� Examples

- A Supplier Qualification Procedure

- Example Work products

- Review Checklist

- Risk Profile

- Gaps and Consequences

� Q&A

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Our services -System and software process improvement

� DNV supports the automotive industry with expertise in identifying added value

processes in development of software and systems covering the end-to-end (E2E)

product life cycle

� Services provided

- Process improvement based on (SPiCE, CMMI)

- Quality support / Project support

- Independent appraisal

- Trainings

- 1- and 3-day introductory coursesto Automotive SPiCE and CMMI

� Key benefits

- Increased performance

- Measurable ROI

- Optimised use of resources and skills

- Robust and proven framework

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Automotive Client References

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Automotive SPiCE

� Process Reference Model

- Augmenting of Annex F and H of ISO/IEC 12207 AMD1:2002 and ISO/IEC 12207 AMD2:2004

- Additional Automotive-specific issues

� Capability Dimension of- ISO/IEC 15504-2:2003

� Process Assessment Model (Indicators)

- Automotive SPICE PAM Version 2.3

PRIMARY Life Cycle Processes

Acquisition Process Group (ACQ)

Supply Process Group (SPL)

Engineering Process Group (ENG)

Operation Process Group (OPE)

Management Process Group (MAN)

Process Improvement Process Group (PIM)

Resource and Infrastructure Process Group (RIN)

Reuse Process Group (REU)

ORGANIZATIONAL Life Cycle Processes

Support Process Group (SUP)

SUPPORTING Life Cycle Processes

Objective: “…performing conformant assessments of the software process capability of automotive suppliers in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 15504-2:2003.”

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History of ISO 15504 (SPiCE) / Automotive SPiCE

� Unifying different maturity approaches: CMM, BOOTSTRAP, Trillium, ...

� Published as ISO-standard

- 1998 as TR (Technical Report) ISO/IEC 15504 1998

- 2003-2005 revision of TR in Form as International Standard

� Adaptation to several industry branches: Aerospace (SPiCE4Space), Medicine (MediSPiCE),

Automotive: HIS-Subset TR 99, Automotive SPiCE

� Automotive SIG (Special Interest Group)

- SPiCE User Group: [email protected]

- Procurement Forum: www.procurementforum.org/

- Automotive SPiCE: www.automotivespice.com

� OEMs driving development of Automotive SPiCE:

SPiCE - Software Process Improvement & Capability dEtermination

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Automotive SPiCE Process Reference Model

new HIS-Scope

not included in ISO/IEC 15504-5A AutomotiveSPiCE process

ISO/IEC 15504-5 process

PRIMARY Life Cycle Processes

Supply Process Group (SPL)A SPL.1 Supplier tendering

A SPL.2 Product release

SPL.3 Product acceptance support

Acquisition Process Group (ACQ)ACQ.1 Acquisition preparation

ACQ.2 Supplier selection

A ACQ.3 Contract agreement

A ACQ.4 Supplier monitoring

ACQ.5 Customer acceptance

A ACQ.11 Technical requirements

A ACQ.12 Legal and administrative requirements

A ACQ.13 Project requirements

A ACQ.14 Request for proposal

A ACQ.15 Supplier qualification

Engineering Process Group (ENG)A ENG.1 Requirements elicitation

A ENG.2 System requirements analysis

A ENG.3 System architectural design

A ENG.4 Software requirements analysis

A ENG.5 Software design

A ENG.6 Software construction

A ENG.7 Software integration

A ENG.8 Software testing

A ENG 9 System integration

A ENG.10 System testing

ENG.11 Software installation

ENG.12 Software and system maintenance

Operation Process Group (OPE)OPE.1 Operational use

OPE.2 Customer support

PRIMARY Life Cycle Processes(cont.)

SUPPORTING Life Cycle Processes

Support Process Group (SUP)A SUP.1 Quality assurance

A SUP.2 Verification

SUP.3 Validation

A SUP.4 Joint Review

SUP.5 Audit

SUP.6 Product evaluation

A SUP.7 Documentation

A SUP.8 Configuration management

A SUP.9 Problem resolution management

A SUP.10 Change request management

ORGANIZATIONAL Life Cycle Processes

Resource & Infrastructure Process Group (RIN)

RIN.1 Human resource management

RIN.2 Training

RIN.3 Knowledge management

RIN.4 Infrastructure

Reuse Process Group (REU)REU.1 Asset management

A REU.2 Reuse program management

REU.3 Domain engineering

Process Improvement Process Group (PIM)PIM.1 Process establishment

PIM.2 Process assessment

A PIM.3 Process improvement

Management Process Group (MAN)MAN.1 Organizational alignment

MAN.2 Organizational management

A MAN.3 Project management

MAN.4 Quality management

A MAN.5 Risk management

A MAN.6 Measurement

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Some points taken from more than 20 SPICE Assessmentsand many Improvement Follow-up Reviews

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Supplier Qualification Context


- Focus on best in class integration

� Component Supplier

- Focus on best in class components

� Process support provider

- Focus on best in class processes support

- Independent/impartial assessments

- Confidentiality






Project Process

assessment &






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Example: Supplier Qualification/Assessment Procedure (1)

� OEM selects supplier

� OEM selects a Software Quality Partner to carry out an Assessment and Review Package

� OEM receives an overview of

qualification progress

� Supplier receives support for improvement activities







Processassessment &improvementsupplier













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Example: Supplier Qualification/Assessment Procedure (2)

� Joined planning of Qualification

- Project(s) to be assessed & Schedule

- Intensity (broad or narrow)

- Documents to be reviewed beforehand

- Observers (supplier & OEM / DNV/Q-Labs)

� Definition of Assessment inputs

- Sponsor (supplier & OEM)

- Purpose and scope, Constraints

- Assessors

- Model / variant to be used

- Assessment responsibilities

� DNV/Q-Labs uses the following templates

- Assessment schedule template

- Assessment preparation information

(includes the documents to be reviewed beforehand)

- Assessment report template

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Example: Supplier Qualification/Assessment Procedure (3)

� A contract is needed between the supplier and DNV/Q-Labs

� Perform the assessment- Review documents

- Map supplier's processes to process (reference) model

- 3 -5 days on site

- interviews

- document review

- data consolidation + rating

- feedback session

- Report preparation

- Prepare the risk profile

� Plan and Execute Reviews• Planning - Date and participants

• Preparation - Filling out Review Checklist

• Execution – Doing the Review (1/2 day)

“show and

tell style”

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Example: Review Checklist

B.16) …

B.15) Communication Link Interface

B.14) Output Processing

B.12) Input Processing

B.11) CPU Load

B.09) Sleep to Active Transition

B.08) Active to Sleep Transition

B.07) Sleep Processing

B.06) Reset Handling

B.05) Module Power Supplies

B.04) Interrupt Handling

B.03) Software Architecture & Scheduler

B.02) Microcontroller

B.01) System Context

A.02) Software Process Questions

A.01) General Process Questions

Review Question

Describe how your software development process incorporates peer reviews.

Describe how your software development process

incorporates the MISRA C Guidelines metrics.

What software complexity metrics do you gather?

What is your COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) version

control system?

Present your Worst-Case CPU Load Analysis…

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Example: Risk Profiling as part of assessment

� Risk profile

- A risk profile is compiled from all process specific risks.

- Process specific risks are determined by

- the size of the gap between expected supplier capability and the rated capability

- and by the level at which the gap occurs

� Risk profile for an assessed process

mediumProcess-related risk

-medium-Capability level risk

-significant-Capability level gap

--minormajor-Process attribute gap

LFLPFAssessed profile

L/FL/FFFFTarget profile

PA 3.2PA 3.1 PA 2.2PA 2.1PA 1.1

Level 3Level 2Level 1

Note: DNV/Q-Labs provided Supplier with this information to pass on to OEM.

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Experience: The link Gap � Consequence

• implemented process not incorporating identified best practice and lessons learned from previous projects

• inconsistent process performance across organization• lost opportunities to understand and optimize processes

PA 3.2 Process deployment

• mistakes made in previous projects are repeated in further projects• best practice and lessons learned from previous projects are not available

within organization• no foundation for organization-wide process improvement

PA 3.1 Process definition

• unpredictable product quality• uncontrolled versions and integration problems• increased support and re-work costs

PA 2.2 Work product management

• overruns of cost or time, inefficient use of resources • responsibilities unclear, uncontrolled decisions• uncertainty if project is on track to meet time and cost objectives

PA 2.1 Performance management

• work products missing; process outcomes not achieved PA 1.1

Process performance

Typical consequenceProcess attribute where gap occurs

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Some remarks and Q & A

� Experience with many suppliers and OEMs shows

- Supplier Qualification also means OEM qualification

- A trusted third party is useful for getting to the win-win

of qualification and improvement

- Supplier appreciate a trusted third party for protecting detailed know-how

- Understanding the business and scaling to the size of projectsis important

� Q & A

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OEM – Supplier context

PSOTM Project Support OfficeRSCTM Requirements Service CenterQMOTM Quality Management Office

ATICTM Acceptance Test and Integration Center

EPG Engineering Process Group

PIC Process Improvement Council

Benefits of DNV/Q-Labs Process Center approach

� Proven and integrated set of practices ready to use for client organization

� Client persons learning from experienced process implementers

� Earlier transfer of responsibility from SPI initiative into organization

� Bundling of SPICE/CMMI process areas allows better manageable SPI initiative

Process Centers span Maturity Levels 2 and 3. They integrate supplier projects, customers projects and multi-

project management

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Why DNV!

� Broad SPI related service offering including additional topics like Six Sigma & CMMI integration

� DNV is truly international and perfectly positioned for multi-site projects across geographies

� DNV support is based on packaged services resulting in faster results

� Excellent Automotive references and expertise

� DNV IT Global Services combine IT knowledge with a risks & opportunities approach to increase business values

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