experiences of the m.sc. urban planning …1 e-mail: [email protected] experiences of the...

1 E-mail: [email protected] Experiences of the M.Sc. urban planning supplementary training with an architectural background at our university on the basis of last year’s theses Bede István DLA PTE/PMMK, Pécs, Hungary Keywords: degree course in urban planning, training, theses, Bologna system Historical background of urban planning training in Hungary In Hungary the training of architects was launched at the University of Engineering, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest at the end of the 19 th century and it has essentially always been characterized by the Prussian engineering approach. As is also shown by the Hungarian classical title of certified construction engineer architect, in Hungary an architect is both an architect and an engineer at the same time. (Many colleagues with a construction engineering degree are involved in structural planning to which a university degree in engineering entitles them.) Prior to the 1990’s, the University of Engineering, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest was the only institution which provided theoretical and practical urban planning training. In this way, up to the 1990s basically the architects graduating from the University of Engineering, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest with a degree in construction engineering provided the urban planning specialists in Hungary. In the course of professional practice, some of these architects who specialized in urban planning, or over the years spent time in public administration, became specialists in their field (chief architects of settlements/counties, specialists involved in settlement maintenance/management). Also over the past two decades there has been a gradual change in the licensing for practising urban planning professionals. Initially professional practice in planning and then a degree in the engineering field was required. In addition to the above outlined Hungarian conditions, we have also witnessed the priority given to the views of urban planning worldwide, which is naturally connected with the strengthening of international tendencies linked to globalism. 60 The position and sub-fields of a degree course in its own right in urban planning inside the engineering training in Hungary At the beginning of the 1990s, along with the increase in the importance of self-government, there was a demand for urban specialists with a university degree who were suitable primarily for managing and solving settlement, district and regional issues arising in public administration. As a result of this requirement, during the 1990s the training of urban planning engineers at college level was launched in several institutions of higher education in Hungary, such as at the University of Pécs, Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering (at that time called Pollack Mihály College of Engineering). In accordance with the requirements, this was college level training. Besides acquiring the fundamental aspects of planning, the three-year course concentrated mainly on the issues of public administration, development, maintenance, management and legal aspects of the profession If we examine similar courses in Hungarian urban planning training (Gyır, Budapest, Debrecen), we can conclude that it was in Pécs that, among the professional requirements, we managed to create a healthy balance in the training where none of the sub-disciplines became unreasonably over-dominating, and even with an engineering basis, the course could satisfactorily maintain its human character. Nevertheless, it must be stated that the main objective of training was not to train planners even if some of the graduates took up a job in architectural offices later. Over time, a college degree, together with professional practice in an architectural office, made the acquisition of a license for independent professional work possible, A couple of years ago this regulation changed and at present a planning license is only obtainable with a specialized university degree and professional practice in an architectural office.

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Page 1: Experiences of the M.Sc. urban planning …1 E-mail: correspondingauth@e.mail Experiences of the M.Sc. urban planning supplementary training with an architectural background at our

1 E-mail: [email protected]

Experiences of the M.Sc. urban planning supplementary training

with an architectural background at our university on the basis of

last year’s theses

Bede István DLA

PTE/PMMK, Pécs, Hungary

Keywords: degree course in urban planning, training, theses, Bologna system

Historical background of urban planning training in Hungary

In Hungary the training of architects was launched at the University of Engineering, Faculty of

Architecture, Budapest at the end of the 19th century and it has essentially always been characterized by the

Prussian engineering approach.

As is also shown by the Hungarian classical title of certified construction engineer architect, in Hungary an

architect is both an architect and an engineer at the same time. (Many colleagues with a construction

engineering degree are involved in structural planning to which a university degree in engineering entitles

them.) Prior to the 1990’s, the University of Engineering, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest was the only

institution which provided theoretical and practical urban planning training.

In this way, up to the 1990s basically the architects graduating from the University of Engineering, Faculty

of Architecture, Budapest with a degree in construction engineering provided the urban planning specialists

in Hungary. In the course of professional practice, some of these architects who specialized in urban

planning, or over the years spent time in public administration, became specialists in their field (chief

architects of settlements/counties, specialists involved in settlement maintenance/management).

Also over the past two decades there has been a gradual change in the licensing for practising urban

planning professionals. Initially professional practice in planning and then a degree in the engineering field

was required. In addition to the above outlined Hungarian conditions, we have also witnessed the priority

given to the views of urban planning worldwide, which is naturally connected with the strengthening of

international tendencies linked to globalism.

60 The position and sub-fields of a degree course in its own right in urban planning inside the engineering training in


At the beginning of the 1990s, along with the increase in the importance of self-government, there was a

demand for urban specialists with a university degree who were suitable primarily for managing and solving

settlement, district and regional issues arising in public administration.

As a result of this requirement, during the 1990s the training of urban planning engineers at college level

was launched in several institutions of higher education in Hungary, such as at the University of Pécs,

Pollack Mihály Faculty of Engineering (at that time called Pollack Mihály College of Engineering). In

accordance with the requirements, this was college level training. Besides acquiring the fundamental aspects

of planning, the three-year course concentrated mainly on the issues of public administration, development,

maintenance, management and legal aspects of the profession

If we examine similar courses in Hungarian urban planning training (Gyır, Budapest, Debrecen), we can

conclude that it was in Pécs that, among the professional requirements, we managed to create a healthy

balance in the training where none of the sub-disciplines became unreasonably over-dominating, and even

with an engineering basis, the course could satisfactorily maintain its human character. Nevertheless, it must

be stated that the main objective of training was not to train planners even if some of the graduates took up a

job in architectural offices later.

Over time, a college degree, together with professional practice in an architectural office, made the

acquisition of a license for independent professional work possible, A couple of years ago this regulation

changed and at present a planning license is only obtainable with a specialized university degree and

professional practice in an architectural office.

Page 2: Experiences of the M.Sc. urban planning …1 E-mail: correspondingauth@e.mail Experiences of the M.Sc. urban planning supplementary training with an architectural background at our

1 E-mail: [email protected]

As a result of the Bologna process, the college level of urban planning training ended in Hungary this


During the past decade urban planning issues have come into such prominence in society that it has made

the training of specialists meeting the requirements with a wider range of knowledge inevitable. To meet this

requirement, the five-year university urban planning degree course was organized and introduced.

Our faculty has been training urban planning engineers at university level for four years under the control

of the Department of Urban Planning. At the University of Pécs, the first graduation ceremony for full-time

students will be held in 2009, while the last one will take place in 2010.

This strange situation in Hungary is due to the abrupt introduction of the previously mentioned Bologna

type of training into the Hungarian educational system.

As a result of the introduction of this training system, the number of basic degree courses has significantly

decreased and the training of urban engineers (B.Sc.) has also fallen victim to this process. That is, in an

international context in which the regional scale of thinking has explosively become more and more

dominant in all walks of life, urban studies – as a complex, inter-disciplinary branch of science – will have

no scope in the future among the basic degree courses in Hungary.

In the future urban planning engineers will only be trained at a M.Sc. level in Hungary and this is expected

to be launched within the new training system in 2010. Theoretically, this training will be based on the B.Sc.

training of construction and civil engineers.

Between the past and the future there is inevitably a provisional period. Along with launching the

university degree course for full-time students, we also launched a post-graduate, so-called supplementary

degree course at our faculty, which entitled urban planning engineers with a college degree to get a

university degree in urban studies in three years. This opportunity concerns mainly our colleagues graduating

from the college several years ago and working in the field of planning.

A side effect of the introduction of the so-called Bologna type of training, together with the termination of

the standardized five-year training of full-time urban planning engineers, has been that the supplementary

training has had to be terminated as well. This type of training was last launched in 2007. As a consequence,

no M.Sc. level degree course can be launched until 2010. This means, for example, that until 2010 there will

be no kind of post-graduate training for urban planning engineers graduating at college level this year.





College training

University tr.

Supplementary tr.



Training process

Duration of Training for the final-/first-year students

Fig. 1. Different Systems of Urban Planning Training and their Duration in Hungary

Characteristics of the students applying for supplementary training: age, former qualifications, professional


In accordance with the intentions, supplementary training – as well as the future M.Sc. degree courses –

will be open not only for construction engineers, but also for certain branches of civil engineers (e.g.,

transportation engineers, etc). It seems even more important because with the development of urbanization,

urban specialists with more and more diverse experience will be in demand. Of course, we cannot predict the

Page 3: Experiences of the M.Sc. urban planning …1 E-mail: correspondingauth@e.mail Experiences of the M.Sc. urban planning supplementary training with an architectural background at our

1 E-mail: [email protected]

end of this development but in the future the capability of working in a team will probably come into


With the introduction of M.Sc. training, the launch of a “levelling” course is expected to be necessary to

bring students with different backgrounds to a similar level.

Within the frame of present supplementary training there is no need for this course because the majority of

students started the degree course after several years of professional practice. In general we can state that this

long period of professional practice equalizes the differences, moreover, it assures a comprehensive view

over the professional issues that students in full-time training miss.

Experiences of choosing topics for thesis: types and variations of chosen topics

There is a wide range of topics that our students chose for their theses, which can be grouped into three

main categories:

1. Theoretical/development issues

2. Development issues for a region

3. Traditional issues of urban design

The choice of topic was obviously influenced by the competence of the student and the type of his/her

everyday activity.

A brief review of some theses

The Development of a Health Spa and Bath Complex in Harkány [1]

The spa bath of Harkány is fed by one of the most significant spa water sources of Europe. This spa is

among the five biggest spa baths of Hungary. Until 1990, it was the busiest one but since then it has fallen

back to fifth place. In the past few years the bigger Hungarian thermal spa bath complexes such as Bük,

Zalakaros, Hajdúszoboszló and Gyula have developed much faster and, besides, quite a few greenfield

investments have also appeared. The services they offer are much closer to the West-European standards

than those available in Harkány.

Fig. 2. The spa bath and its surrounding today.

The spa bath has always played a determining part in the life of the town. The present position of the town,

and its role is mainly attributed to the spa bath and tourism derived from it.

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1 E-mail: [email protected]

Fig. 3. The influences of extension on settlement

The subject of the thesis is the spa bath and the investigation of urban development possibilities. The

survey documents the present situation and on the basis of this, points out those development tasks and

directions which are to be carried out in the interests of further successful existence and development.

Fig. 4. Layout plan

The primary general and comprehensive objective is the restoration and increase of tourism without

decreasing the level of service. Simultaneously, investments must be carried out which increases the number

of nights spent by tourists while decreasing specific expenditure. These goals can be achieved by developing

Page 5: Experiences of the M.Sc. urban planning …1 E-mail: correspondingauth@e.mail Experiences of the M.Sc. urban planning supplementary training with an architectural background at our

1 E-mail: [email protected]

the spa bath to encourage the visitor to stay longer or visit again on another occasion. If there is a wide

variety of programs and attractions to choose from, there is a bigger chance that they will spend more time to

try as many services as possible.

The services must be complex so that they can cover the widest possible spectrum of the market – this is

why it is worth combining other individual elements (e.g., visiting the castle of Siklós after bathing, wine

tasting in Villány in the evening).

The same issue concerns the services in the area of the spa bath complex. The only difference is that,

beside complexity, the individual functions must be separated in space to comply with the needs of the

different groups of guests.

The goal is that the spa bath will be more flexible to meet the arising requirements and react better to the

change of seasons. As well as maintenance, the successful accomplishment of development must be carefully

scheduled and the individual phases of extension must be carefully planned.

The role and position of the Meszes and Szabolcs streams, as ecological corridors of the eastern part of

Pécs, in terms of development [2]

Since its formation and development, the eastern part of Pécs has always shown distinctive features which

were aggravated by the closure of the mines involving major economic collapse together with the social

crisis existing today. The two streams called Meszes and Szabolcs do not really border the area, but run

through it. In fact, the so-called “Eastern district” is much bigger today than the investigated area.

Fig. 5. The location of the area

So, the eastern district is struggling with its problems and mining legacy. In addition, there are the two

streams which run through undeveloped land, a need to extend the city, and a requirement to find a place

which could serve as a centre for the eastern district. There is also a greenfield development intention along

the Meszes stream as part of the development project Pécs European Cultural Capital 2010

The objective of the project was to investigate the fundamental characteristics of the district in relation to

the two streams and draw attention to the potential and hazards deriving from the streams and generated by

the development. By doing this, it would be possible to show the local inhabitants and potential investors that

the north-south direction ecological corridor created by the two streams represents an important element of

the urban structure and at the same time is an essential link between humans and nature. Besides, planning of

the district together with its influence on the climate of the town, will almost definitely improve the climate

of the district

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1 E-mail: [email protected]

Fig. 6. The layout of the district

This approach is how the proposal deals in detail with the development potential in the undeveloped land

in Névtelen Street besides the Meszes stream to find the route for a road connecting the districts of the town

in east-west direction.

Fig. 7. Analysis of the district

The potential of the Meszes and Szabolcs streams must be recognized. The immediate surrounding of

these streams is densely built-up at some points but a significant majority of the land is still undeveloped

with a wide greenbelt adjacent to them. The direction and location of the streams also increase their

importance. Their nearly north-south direction assures an irreplaceable ecological link between the built-in

areas of the city and the large forests of the Mecsek hills. Beside these favourable potentials, the positive

influence of waters and streams on settlement climate must not be ignored, and this fact in itself should be

enough to justify sufficient care of them.

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1 E-mail: [email protected]

The eastern district lies on the eastern side stretching to the north of Pécs which has a basically east-west

extension. Unmistakably, the north-south urban axis of the area is Komlói Street lying on the ridge.

Formerly, during the period of mining, there used to be several industrial axes in the north-south direction to

the east and west of Komlói Street.

Today, they have disappeared and their route is marked by a still remaining opening. The creation of

industrial heritage tourism can make use of these routes.

It is along and between these axes where the north-south streams and the accompanying wider and

narrower, green tracks run – they are the representatives of nature, the origin of the ecological link and the

lung of the already existing and planned developments.

Fig. 8. Layout plan

These axes are the already utilised and the potential axes of development of the area which indicate a

direction as well as serving as initiators of development. The two existing east-west important transport axes,

the main road number 6 and Hársfa Street, must also be mentioned together with the gap between them. That

is, the location of the missing transport link that must be established.

It can be stated that the points where the junction of the north-south tourist and ecological lines cross the

new east-west inner-city road can be the major focal point of development and deserves special attention.

Comprehensive development ideas for a recreational park

In this area the values represented by the ecological corridor must be given special attention setting

development priorities. In addition, it would be a shame not to consider the establishment of a path for

walkers, cyclists, or a tourist “coal route” along the redundant industrial railway line which could be an

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1 E-mail: [email protected]

important element of industrial heritage tourism based on mining. Furthermore, the construction of a new

road connecting the eastern and western sides of the town is a task to be completed. At first sight it seems a

dividing element of the area but it can be integrated into the development concept of the area by carefully

considering the route.

To sum up, along with insuring that the ecological link remains, land use zoning must be used to the best


Fig. 9. A detail of the layout proposal

Before any kind of development, the diversion of stormwater must be managed. The present town plan

does not treat this area thoroughly enough so detailed investigation is needed.

On the basis of the previously outlined points, the main part of the development concept for the area can

be formulated as follows: a recreational park must be established which would offer a wide range of

activities for relaxation. Also, the area includes numerous supplementary potentials as well, which can

function independently but can easily be joined. This way, the entire area could operate as a single complex

with sub-units capable of maintaining themselves at the same time. It is essential for the park to be attractive

for different generations: it could have some specifications but on the whole it should be capable of offering

some kind of relaxation to each visitor. It should have a part, where people can relax in peace, and another

part which offers space for numerous kinds of physical activities, that is, it must be a park suitable for both

active and passive forms of relaxation. We can create a small lake using the stream. The establishment of the

park must be scheduled and the surrounding areas must get involved in the initiation of development.

In the layout of the park the proposal follows the previously outlined development concepts, which prove

their correctness in the course of detailed composition. The area is divided into three parts:

1. The southern part joining Zsolnay Vilmos Street: a noisier, more intensively built-in area

2. The central section from the gym of Kodály secondary school to the new by-road: a quieter, minimally

built-in area

3. From the new by-road to Hársfa Street: an absolutely quiet, undeveloped area.

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1 E-mail: [email protected]

Development proposal for the Rákóczi axis and its surroundings, Kecskemét [3]

A city lives together with and reacts to significant changes in the different processes and requirements

arising in the life of the town. It can only slowly and in a limited way meet these changes. The old functions

are ousted and replaced by new ones.

This intention to catch up with ourselves adds to the detriment of life and liveability of a town. This is

why it is essential to think in the long term about the liveability and well functioning surroundings of high


Fig. 10. The scheme of long-term development

The thesis deals with one of the most significant architectural elements of the city of Kecskemét and its

surroundings, which is under reconstruction due to the new requirements outlined above.

The area concerned is a sensitive part of the town from several aspects. It is the transitional area between

the city centre and the suburbs, associated with both positive and negative potential.

The study is the result of an analysis which is drawn from the urban surrounding as a whole, the inner-city

location and the characteristics of the physical area of the town

The key issues concerning the town, such as the ability to maintain it or town identity, community life,

safety, disease prevention and health, as well as national, social and generation cohesion, give rise to an even

greater demand for an urban surrounding which offers a better quality of life. They create such requirements,

which make the city centre reassess its operation, functions and, in accordance with them, re-define its

physical surrounding.

The city centre, and often those areas bordering it fall under such development pressure in which some

functions get queried and there is a powerful demand for optimizing under-utilized locations.

The “corpus” matching the former utilizing methods can not be re-formed any more, it can not be made

suitable for meeting the newly required functions or its reconstruction is not economically viable. Only under

favourable conditions can the physical surrounding be preserved as a model of the former functions and be

suitable for incorporating new functions and operations.

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1 E-mail: [email protected]

Fig. 11. The elements of the surrounding

The development and reconsideration of such a structural and town picture element like Rákóczi Street

and its joining areas can only be interpreted in a complex, integrated way.

Urban architecture on its own – planning and design – is not able to settle complex social and economic

problems, but it can create a physical environment which may assist in decreasing and providing solutions. It

seems that the city of Kecskemét, having rich values from the past, needs a reception area of a European

standard, a town gate and its joining functions where the visitors from remote places can first really perceive

the town while those leaving the area are left with a pleasant experience.

The level of content of the theses /comparability with the results of traditional training

In general, independent of the chosen topics, the capability of managing the issues in a purposeful way, a

mature overview of the accessible connections and a purposeful, expressive manner of performance were

observed. Even in less interesting topics, the students were able to find the interesting, challenging elements.

In comparison to the full-time students we can say that imparting knowledge is much more effective.

Specifically, the result of less continuous collective work is much more effective.

To sum up the experience so far, we can unambiguously state that the experiences of the M.Sc. urban

planning supplementary training with an architectural background at our university on the basis of the

theses of last year are considered positive.


[1] Details from the thesis of Róbert Bankos

[2] Details from the thesis of Péter Kovács

[3] Details from the thesis of László Zsigmondi