expansion of the united states louisiana purchase: jefferson and many others wanted to control the...


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Page 1: Expansion of the United States Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson and many others wanted to control the Miss. River. They asked Napolean (France’s leader)



Page 2: Expansion of the United States Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson and many others wanted to control the Miss. River. They asked Napolean (France’s leader)

Expansion of the United States• Louisiana

Purchase: Jefferson and many others wanted to control the Miss. River. They asked Napolean (France’s leader) if he would sell New Orleans. He said yes and how about a little more? Who explored this vast wilderness and

who was their Indian guide?

Page 3: Expansion of the United States Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson and many others wanted to control the Miss. River. They asked Napolean (France’s leader)

The Cotton Gin!• Slavery was on the

way out. The new cash crop of the South was cotton, but it was to expensive b/c so many slaves were needed to remove seeds from the cotton. The cotton gin made farming cotton easier and therefore much more profitable (King Cotton). Cotton farming exploded and so too did slavery!

The cotton gin was a machine invented by Eli Whitney in 1793 to modernize the process of cleaning the seeds from cotton.

Page 4: Expansion of the United States Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson and many others wanted to control the Miss. River. They asked Napolean (France’s leader)

War of 1812

The War was between the U. S. and England. Basically England was ruining our economy by negatively affecting our nation’s ability to trade. England was also boarding American ships and impressing American citizens forcing them to fight for the British Navy (Over 3000 Americans were impressed).

Page 5: Expansion of the United States Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson and many others wanted to control the Miss. River. They asked Napolean (France’s leader)

The War of 1812 is famous for the fact that:•Washington DC was burned down•The Star Spangled Banner (Our National Anthem) was written when the British failed to defeat American troops at Ft. McHenry in Baltimore, MD.•Andrew Jackson became famous for defeating the British at the Battle of New Orleans.

Page 6: Expansion of the United States Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson and many others wanted to control the Miss. River. They asked Napolean (France’s leader)

War of 1812

• In terms of expansion, this war allowed the US to lay claim to the Oregon Territory and allowed more people to migrate to Florida (Adams – Onis Treaty 1819). This is also the war where the British burned Washington DC to the ground.

Page 7: Expansion of the United States Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson and many others wanted to control the Miss. River. They asked Napolean (France’s leader)

The Monroe Doctrine, 1823

Fearing that the European nations might try once again to create colonies in the Caribbean and South America, President James Monroe issues his famous doctrine:

– The American continents should not be considered for future colonization by any European powers. – Nations in the Western Hemisphere were inherently different from those of Europe, republics by nature rather than monarchies. – The United States would regard as a threat to its own peace and safety any attempt by European powers to impose their system on any independent state in the Western Hemisphere. – The United States would not interfere in European affairs.

The Doctrine had little impact at first, but became a basic principle during America’s Age of Imperialism, when we tried to control much of Central and South America.

Page 8: Expansion of the United States Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson and many others wanted to control the Miss. River. They asked Napolean (France’s leader)

Transportation: allowed people and goods to

move faster and further than never before

Transcontinental Railroad (1869)!

Erie Canal (1825)

Page 9: Expansion of the United States Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson and many others wanted to control the Miss. River. They asked Napolean (France’s leader)

Manifest Destiny

• was the idea that the United States was destined to expand its territory from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Some proponents of the idea even suggested that the country should absorb Canada, Mexico, and the nations of Central America and the Caribbean. The concept justified rapidly expanding white settlement throughout the mid- and late 19th century.

Page 10: Expansion of the United States Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson and many others wanted to control the Miss. River. They asked Napolean (France’s leader)

Trail of Tears• To obtain more

land for southern farmers, the federal government relocates thousands of Indians from GA, AL, FL and SC to present day Oklahoma.

Page 11: Expansion of the United States Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson and many others wanted to control the Miss. River. They asked Napolean (France’s leader)

Texas Revolution

The Texans (numbering approximately 189 men) fought off the Mexicans (numbering between 3,000-4,000 troops) for 13 days until the army finally overran the Alamo on March 6, 1836.

Page 12: Expansion of the United States Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson and many others wanted to control the Miss. River. They asked Napolean (France’s leader)

What was the Texas revolution?

• Mexico (a new country) invites American Southerners into Texas. They must obey Mexican Law. They don’t.

• Soon, Texans (as they called themselves) had had enough of Mexican laws. They rebelled, hoping to create their own nation.

• The leader of Mexico (Santa Anna) was ruthless at Goliad and the Alamo.

• Sam Houston literally caught Santa Anna and his men sleeping (during a siesta) and defeated the Mexican Army at San Jacinto. Texas was now a republic in April 1836!

Page 13: Expansion of the United States Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson and many others wanted to control the Miss. River. They asked Napolean (France’s leader)

Mexican American WarTexas joins the Union (1845). But Mexico rejects Texas’ border at the Rio Grande. The US is itching for a fight (leaders know the US needs to territory). On February 2, 1848, representatives from both countries signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. In return for $15 million, Mexico surrendered New Mexico and California—more than half its territory—to the United States.

Page 14: Expansion of the United States Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson and many others wanted to control the Miss. River. They asked Napolean (France’s leader)
Page 15: Expansion of the United States Louisiana Purchase: Jefferson and many others wanted to control the Miss. River. They asked Napolean (France’s leader)

California Goldrush• After gold was

discovered in California on January 24, 1848, a stampede of settlers from the eastern U.S. and all over the world poured into the state in search of their fortunes.