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Post on 04-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Existing products
Page 2: Existing products

Colour Scheme;The colour scheme is quite plain and easy to read the writing through. There are a few bright colours which attracts you in but it in keeps with the rest of the colour layout. The colour of Lady Gaga’s is bright to focus you on that particular artist.

Photography; The photography here is posed. As this is more of a pop magazine a studio pose fits in with the type of magazine it is trying to portray.

Writing Style;The type of language used is informal. Examples of this is ‘Why She Doesn’t Wear Pants’

Overall Look;I think that the overall look is neat and tidy. Also the photograph is brought forward and almost looks 3D. This shows that the featured artist is the most important aspect to the cover.

Text/Picture Ratio;There are plenty of cover lines which shows that it is an informative magazine with plenty of things to put across. The picture also takes up a lot of the page though. This has been done to advertise the featured artist.

Fonts;Larger fonts have been used to highlight important elements within the cover lines. Masthead font plays a large role within the front cover as it’s the first thing you look at, which it should be.

Publisher;Prometheus Global Media is the publishing company for Billboard magazine. All the magazines they publish are american.

Page 3: Existing products

Colour Scheme;The colour scheme includes colours from the front cover of the magazine i.e the grey colour. Also the bright colours from within the Billboard logo have also been used. This gives the effect of a link between the front cover and the contents page.

Photography;All of the photographs featured on this contents page are posed. This relates to the type of magazine trying to be portrayed. It isn’t a rock magazine where the artists have live photographs. It’s a pop magazine and the photographs are used to illustrate the softness and perfection of the magazine.

Writing Style;The writing style is also informal to in keep with the whole magazine language. The features of the magazine also include witty punch lines for example ‘The Lady Is A Champ’

Overall Look;The overall impression this page gives me about the magazine is that it is very informative in what it specialises in, which is music and music within the industry.

Text/Picture Ratio;There are only a few pictures which illustrates that the magazine are dedicated to their writing content.

Page 4: Existing products

Colour Scheme;White on black. This makes it easy to read for the audience. It also in keeps with the photograph as Lady GaGa is wearing a black and white dress.

Photography;The photography is surprisingly live for this style of magazine. But it works well as she is posing whilst performing. This still keeps the elements of the magazine.

Writing Style;The writing style is also informal to link in with the other pages in the magazine.

Overall look;The way in which the photograph has been taken and placed onto the page shows that Lady GaGa is dominant. Not just in the magazine but in the music industry.

Text/Picture Ratio;The picture takes over the page as there is only a small amount of writing. This also illustrates Lady GaGas dominant role.

Page 5: Existing products

Colour Scheme;Yellow, Black and White. Three colours which are easily readable when together. The yellow is highlighting certain aspects to catch the readers eye. Rihanna is also wearing clothes that match the colour scheme.

Photographs;The photograph matches the type of year that it was brought out. For example she is hot and sweaty and wearing a bikini.

Writing Style;This magazine is very informal. Words are spelt incorrectly to make them slang. E.g ‘choon’. Most of the language used is slang.

Overall Look;The overall look is bright and colourful and easy to read.

Text/Picture Ratio;There is a lot of cover lines surrounding the one picture which illustrates that this magazine is dedicated to its information within.

Fonts;Larger fonts are used to highlight specific elements and important features of the magazine.

Page 6: Existing products

Colour Scheme;Simple colours used to make it easy to read.

Photography;The photographs used are live yet posed which also in keeps with the style of the magazine.

Writing Style;The writing style is still informal . This is to relate to the conversing kind of feel between the magazine and the featured artist. The writing style isn’t as informal as the cover.

Overall Look;I think the overall look is rather neat and tidy. It is easy to distinquishbetween the questions and answers.

Text/Picture Ratio;There is a lot of text due to it being an interview page which should be informative. The pictures still play a big part but just illustrate the questions and answers.

Page 7: Existing products

Colour Scheme;The colour scheme in this magazine is very plain and simple. Yet it works well to create a nice looking magazine cover. The simpleness of the magazine also attracts more attention to the photograph.

Photography;The style of photography used is posed/studio which illustrates that it is a pop magazine.

Writing Style;The writing style is short and simple. Yet it tells us enough information. It is also an informal writing style. One example is ‘aint’.

Overall Look;The overall look of this magazine cover is rather ironic. This is because the title of the magazine is called complex. Yet the layout and style of the cover is anything but complex.

Text/Picture Ratio;It is plain to see that the picture dominates the page as there is little to no writing to compare to it.

Fonts;The fonts within this magazine are bold and punchy to attract the readers attention to the small details on this front cover.