existing product research

Social Action and Community Media Existing Product Research

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Page 1: Existing product research

Social Action and Community Media

Existing Product Research

Page 2: Existing product research


Case Study: Teenage Cancer

Purpose: •To raise awareness about teengage cancerTo campaign•To build a relationship with those who are suffering from cancer

Aims:The aim of this advert is to let people know that teenage cancer is a thing that many people have to go through, yet you are not alone. It shows an example of a girl who found out she had cancer, she was terrified, but everything was going to be ok.

Creative Media Production 2012

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Techniques:The creators of this advert targeted their audience by using colours which would attract people to read it. Teenagers are the people that this advert is aimed at, as the message is for people not to be worried about the cancer. The colours used on the font are bright and clear so that the point is put across well.

The background is plain and blurred. I think this is to make the image and text more clear and so that the audience can then focus on it more.

Although the message in this advert is a happy one, to show that there is nothing to worry about, the tone is set quite neutral so as the topic is not happy and where as the message is.

Without offending the character, I would say that she looks ill. I think this because of her unhealthily pale looking skin. This suggests that the campaign would like the viewer to be put in the position that the character is in, to feel there pain.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Teenage Cancer

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Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Teenage Cancer

The impact this poster will have had on people will be massive. The people worrying about teenage cancer will have seen this and there may have been a little bit of hope.

Although they may not have spoken to anybody about their cancer to anybody else, it could have taken pressure off them whilst they are waiting for results.

Seeing examples of people who have gone through the same disease must be, in some cases, help for a person. Advice from somebody who has gone through the same thing is better than somebody who has no idea.

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Case Study: NSPCC



Creative Media Production 2012

•To bring about local, national or public change to stop child abuse•To change attitudes towards children being abused, people need to care•To raise awareness, so that more people know about this•To provide information about the NSPCC and who they help•To campaign about child abuse

This poster aims to let everybody know that we will and we are going to stop child abusing happening.

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Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: NSPCC

The target audience will be instantly attracted to this poster as it includes a horrifying image which could potentially stay in the back of your mind forever. Also, when a lot of people see the NSPCC logo they tend to be interested in what has to be said, as this is a very popular charity which tends to be thought about a lot by people. The image has also been cropped down to where we can just see the child’s face and there is no other focus. The pretty headband on the girls head shows her innocence and that she is only a young girl.

Having a black background for such a dark story sets the tone and allows people to understand the point a bit easier.

I see that there is a link between the colour green on the poster. NSPCC is a charity that wants to put a stop towards child abuse. The colour of this logo is green. However on this poster there is also one world which is set in the colour green. This suggests that both are working together to put a stop towards it.

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Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: NSPCC

The colours used for the font on this poster are either white or red. This has a very specific purpose to it. The writing goes from white to red as the text goes from good to bad. I think this is because the colour white is typically compared with innocence, where red is considered to be a dangerous colour. This is exactly what the text means. ‘Mondays child is fair of face’ this is a very innocent piece of writing, which then leads to, ‘(until the beating)’ This is a devastating piece of text which is very dangerous.

The language used here is very personal with the words they use such as ‘we’. Using this makes people think that we can all work together to put a stop to it. And that the charity needs us so that it can become a ‘we’ to stop.

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Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: NSPCC

The NSPCC have forced a lot of people to consider these children’s lives and to help put a stop to it.

“Bright House raised over £100,000 during 2011, supporting the NSPCC's new service centre's up and down the country.”

“From marathons to skydives, Pickford's staff and customers have really gone the extra mile to help vulnerable children.”

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Case Study: Stoptober

Purpose:•To change attitudes towards stopping smoking, making this a fun advert will persuade more people to quit •To raise awareness that there is a good and helpful way to quit•To provide information about stoptober•To build relationships with subjects

Aims:This poster advertising Stoptober, which is encouraging people to stop smoking in October.

Creative Media Production 2012

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Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Stoptober

Colours used in the Stoptober poster are very mature and attention seeking. Once people see these colours they will automatically look to see what the poster is advertising.

Images used throughout are all very happy and smiley. They represent people that have done the stop smoking challenge and are very happy about it.

The stop is placed in a red ball which suggests that people are literally pressing a button to say stop. The word is in all lower case letters which I think is because, if it was wrote in capitals, people would get a bad impression from the poster.

There is very limited words on this poster which suggests that the stop smoking challenge is very simple and easy. Even though people normally know that it is not easy, this may be trying to make people think it is.

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Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Stoptober

The orange/yellow pale colour in the poster could be compared to the tab end of a cigarette. I think that this is very creative as it makes the whole image look like a cigarette in some way.

Also, there is a play with the general idea. ‘Stop’ and ‘October have both been put together to become something playful and enjoyable. This will make people have a good think about this idea and will maybe consider joining in. Another similar playful word and campaign would be ‘Movember’. Which is the process of growing a beard in November for charity.

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Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Stoptober

“More than a quarter of a million people pledged to stub out their last cigarette during the "Stoptober" anti-smoking campaign, the Government said today.’

“31st October 2012 - At the beginning of October the Government launched its first ever mass attempt to get the nation's eight million smokers to quit and 268,083 people registered to be part of it. The Government says the campaign has exceeded expectations.”

‘I quit 11 months ago and I just feel so proud of myself. I now budget for treats instead of cigarettes and I have created so many memories. There is no going back.’

This is an example of a lady who tried ‘stoptober’ and found it to be a success

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Case Study: Conservatives voting campaign

Purpose: •To bring about local, national or global change about how people are voting•To change attitudes towards voting Labour instead of Conservatives•To raise awareness that the Labour party are making mistakes•To provide information that the Conservatives can run our country better•To campaign against voting Labour•To change voting behaviour

Aims:This is a political poster created by the conservatives trying to change the way people vote. This party want everybody to stop voting for labour and are doing this by advertising the bad things which are happening whilst labour is in power.

Creative Media Production 2012

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Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Conservatives voting campaign

The conservatives target their audience well by keeping the poster simple and sophisticated. As the people who will be most attracted and interested in this will be older rather than younger, there is no need for a massive amount of colour or fancy effects to be added.

The white pale background is the best colour what could have been chosen for this poster. As the font is so bold and black, the white helps for the text to stand out more.

I think that this particular image of Gordon Brown has been used for a specific purpose purely because of the fact that he looks happy and smug. This image could annoy the public and make them think twice about who they are voting for.

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Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Conservatives voting campaign

However this image could also be seen as making Gordon look happy. The purpose in that case would then be because if people who are voting for Labour see this image, it will automatically make them read the text beside it and then maybe change their political view.

The language used in this poster is very mind changing and will probably stick in your head to leave you thinking about it. ‘80,00 criminals’ is a very strong description and will lead people who have been hurt by criminals before, to think twice about voting for this party in the future.

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Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Conservatives voting campaign

The impact this poster and many other similar posters have on the government voting was insane. Later that year the conservatives came into power and I think that was purely for the amount of hard work they put in to advertising and persuading they did for people to vote for them.

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Case Study: Asian Network

Purpose: •To bring about local, national or global change as people don’t listen because they haven’t tried it•To change attitudes towards Asian music•To raise awareness that BBC Radio Asian Network exists•To create or strengthen community ties•To provide information and advertise the radio channel•To create access to media for non-traditional groups•To challenge dominant community ties

Aims:This poster aims to advertise a brand new radio channel and make it come across as a cool and mainstream kind of channel.

Creative Media Production 2012

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Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Asian Network

BBC Asian target their audience particularly well with the colours they use. From the blues, greens and reds it tells me that this radio station will be a more happy taste in music rather than dull. Also, the tones and colours used are the typical Asian colours which are usually seen throughout the cultures clothes and decorations.

The fonts used to illustrate this advertisement help me to see that they are trying to attract in young listeners. I think this because of the way they have added graffiti text.

The text at the bottom reads ‘Imperfection is beauty’ although I do not quite understand this, I do however have an Idea as to what it could mean. As Asian music is not quite mainstream in the UK, they may be describing that type of music to ‘imperfection’ and adding that it is beauty. Therefore people may then be attracted into having a listen and seeing what it is like.

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Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Asian Network

Facebook1,373 - likes of their website's front page898 - shares of their website on Facebook806 - comments users have made on shared links623 - clicks to their website from a share or like0 - people talking about their page (last 7 days)

On 30 October 1988 The Asian Network was launched on BBC WM and BBC Radio Leicester with a combined output of 70 hours per week, and in 1996 the station was re-launched as BBC Asian Network.

On Monday 28 October 2002 it was re-launched for the DAB Digital Radio system, now broadcasting nationwide.In January 2006, the BBC announced that they were investing an extra £1m in the BBC Asian Network, and increasing the number of full-time staff by 30% in a bid to make British South Asian interests 'a mainstream part of the corporation's output' .

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Case Study: Think Don’t Drink

Purpose: •To bring about local, national or global change on how people drink and drive•To change attitudes towards having an alcoholic beverage whilst driving•To raise awareness that accidents and deaths are caused •To provide information about THINK don’t drink and drive

Aims:This campaigns aim is to make people think twice about drinking alcohol whilst driving their car.

Creative Media Production 2012

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Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Think Don’t Drink

The logo ‘THINK!’ has a very weird font which gives the road effect. When I saw this at first, I could tell then that its purpose is to make it look as though you are driving and the words is coming closer to us.

The colour yellow in the logo is very bold which gives us the urge to look at it and take in what it is saying. As it does say ‘think’, just one word, I think it is purely trying to make a point.

‘Don’t drink and drive’ is a very forward statement which does not need any more description to it as it is clear what is right just from reading that.

The tone is set very dull as it is not a very good subject. All colours are very neutral which does not draw us into thinking that the advert is going to be a very happy note.

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In the background of this advert is a bare. This is so that the viewer feels in the position that the man is in. The audience will automatically think about the alcohol when they see this advert.

Also, because the advert doesn’t state anywhere that they are talking about alcohol, the bar in the background will allow people to have a better understanding.

The way that the character is looking straight at the camera suggests that they are making a personal point to the viewer. It also makes the advert seem like a direct message.

Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Think Don’t Drink

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Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Think Don’t Drink

Over the years the figures are decreasing. This shows that adverts are working. However there are still hundreds of deaths each year caused by driving under the influence of alcohol.

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Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Think Don’t Drink

“I'd had 4 pints over two hours and did not feel at all drunk. This is why I got in my car to drive home. I was pulled over, originally because I was slightly speeding. When the officer smelled alcohol on my breath, I was brethalysed, which I failed. I was then taken, in cuffs, to the station where I blew 67, then 65. I am very shocked that, while I felt fine, the alcohol level had got that high. After two hours in the cells, I was bailed to appear at the Magistrate's Court on 12th March.”


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Case Study: Think Don’t Drink

Purpose: •To provide information about the Movember event which takes place•To campaign about Movember•To build relationships with subjects as people do this and see others taking part they build conversations and friendships

Aims:The aim of this advert is to raise awareness of the charity event ‘Movember’. All money raised in November will be donated to prostate cancer.The idea came in 1999 from 3 men in a bar in Australia. However, Movember is now happening in several parts of the world now. Creative Media Production 2012

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Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Think Don’t Drink

The font used in this advert is very bold for the important text. This is so that people know which campaign is being advertised and then when people read that, they will automatically be drawn into reading the rest of the text.

There aren’t many colours here, however the colours that have been used in this are very masculine. This is because without being feminist, the campaign is aimed at men rather than women.

Movember is meant to be a fun way of raising money for prostate cancer. I think that this advert comes across that way and will persuade people to taking part.

The tone set in this advert is quite neutral but happy which suggests that this is just a formal event for men as they don’t seem to be attracted to the more exciting adverts with fancy colours and fonts.

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Creative Media Production 2012

Case Study: Think Don’t Drink

The Movember Foundation has since raised $174-million worldwide, after spreading to South Africa and Europe, reaching North America in 2006. In 2010, participants in the United States alone raised over $7.5 million. In 2012, 1.1 million people signed up to participate, raising upwards of $95 million

Prostate Cancer UK is incredibly proud to be the main beneficiary of the Movember campaign. For the last six years, the amazing efforts of the Mo Bros and Mo Sistas from across the UK have significantly contributed to our research initiatives and have supported men by investing in our services.

In 2011, 854,288 Mo Bros and Mo Sistas raised more than £79.3 million globally; with more than £22 million of that coming from the UK.