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  • 8/7/2019 Exide industrial


  • 8/7/2019 Exide industrial



    1. Safety Information & Instructions on the product.2. Principle of operation for lead acid battery.3. Preparing a battery for service.4. Warranty Informations.

  • 8/7/2019 Exide industrial


    Chapter 1:

    1. Safety information about the product:


    This battery system generates highly explosive hydrogen which remains inside the cell for quitesome time after the charging has been stopped. Do not smoke or bring a open flame or createspark in the vicinity of a battery.

    Batteries contain sulphuric acid which can cause severe burns, so use protective items likeapron, gloves, gumboot, goggles when working on a battery.

    Flush with tap water if acid comes in contact with body parts and seek medical attentionimmediately.

    Avoid short-circuit of battery it can lead to explosion.

    Do not allow any foreign material to go into the battery. Vent holes shall be kept closed with thevent plugs and the flip top lid shall be opened for taking hydrometer reading or adding water.

    2. Safety instructions provided with the help of labels on the product for ease of understanding.

    a) It is recommended that safety instruction label with the help of pictures printed on labels beattached on the product for facilitating the understanding of the people handling the product.

    Instructions on Do's & Don'ts may also be provided in text form on the label

    Sl. No. Symbol Description







    A sample label is attached.

    Wear protectiveclothing.Safety glassRubber hand gloves


    Electrolyte is highly corrosive.

    Follow user instructions

    Risk of explosion, avoid short-circuits.

    Avoid open flames and sparks.

    Run-down accumulators must be recycled.

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    A. Product & Company Identification:

    Product identity: Lead acid battery


    Match the battery to the correct charger based on the manufacturer's specification. Incorrectcharger can shorten the life of your battery.

    Recharge the battery daily unless the battery has been lightly discharged through underutilisation.

    Lift the battery compartment lid while charging to assist ventilation and air-cooling.Use only approved distilled or de-ionised battery water to top up the battery. Impurities in tap

    water can will have a deteriorating effect on the life of the battery.Keep the battery & tray clean and dry at all times.Keep all metal connections & bolted terminals tight and covered with a film of petroleum jelly.Check the condition of charging plug, socket & cable for wear and damage to insulation and

    burning of contacts.

    Leaving the battery in a discharged state for more than one day.Overcharging the battery by recharging more frequently or for longer periods than required to

    restore the capacity used.Removing the cell vent plugs when charging.

    Over-top the cells with battery water. Top up electrolyte with battery water to slightly abovethe separator level as shown in the fig. Over-topping causes the acid to spill out during charging.

    Using metal vessels or jugs to store or dispense battery water or acid.Adding acid to the cells.Tamper with the chargers. Any necessary setting or repair should be undertaken only by

    qualified personnel.

    Material Safety Data Sheet:

    Manufacturer's name: Exide Industries LimitedAddress: 59E,Chowringhee RoadKolkata 700020Tele: 91 33 2283 2120 / 2133 / 2136 2150 51 /2171 / 2238 - 39

    B. Intern ational Marit im e Goods Code (IM DG) for w et fi l led charged lead acid battery:

    1. Shipping name of the product: Lead acid battery, wet, filled with acid.

    2. Hazardous class: Class 8

    3. UN identification: UN2794

    4. Packaging group: III

    5. Identification label: Corrosive

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    C o m p o s i t i o n I n f o r m a t i o n o f I n g r e d i e n t s :

    D . P h y s i c a l & Chem i c a l Cha r a c t e r i s t i c s :

    Electrolyte (Sulphuric acid)

    Solub il it y in water : Compl etel y solub le

    Appea rance & odour : Clear, odour less , colourle ss

    Speci f ic gravity (H2O= 1): 1.130 1.320

    Boil i ng point: Approxima tely 235 deg C

    Vapou r densi ty (Air = 1): N/A

    Evapora tion rate (Butyl acetate =1): less than 1.0

    Vapou r pressure (mm Hg ): 13

    Melt ing point: N/A



    Sulphuric Acid




    Lead dioxide

    Lead sulphate

    Non-hazardous component

    Polypropylene copolymer










    % By weight

    40 + / - 10

    22 + / -10

    2 + / - 1

    < 1

    < 1

    27 + / - 5

    < 1

    6 + / - 2

    CAS Number



























    E . R ea c t i v i t y Da t a :

    S t a b i l i t y : S t a b l eCond i t i o n t o a v o i d : P r o l o n g ed o v e r cha r g i n g , s o u r c e s o f i g n i t i o nI n c o m p a t i b i l i t y ( M a t e r i a l s t o a v o i d ) : S u l p h u r i c a c i d : C o n t a c t w i t h

    com b us t i b l e s a nd o r g an i c ma t e r i a l s may c au s e f i r e a nd e xp l o s i o n . A l s o

    r e a c t s v i o l e n t l y w i t h s t r o ng r ed u c i n g ag en t , me t a l s , s t r o ng o x i d i z e r s a nd

    w a t e r . C on t a c t w i t h me t a l s ma y p r o d u ce t o x i c s u l p hu r d i o x i d e f um es and

    m a y r e l e a s e f l a m m a b l e h y d r o g e n g a s .

    H a z a r d o u s d e c o m p o s i t i o n o f B y - P r o d u c t s : S u l p h u r i c a c i d : E x c e s s i v eo v e r c ha r g i n g o r f i r e ma y c r e a t e s u l p h u r t r i o x i d e , c a r b on mo nox i d e ,

    s u l p hu r i c a c i d m i s t , s u l p hu r d i o x i d e and h y d r og en .L ead c omp ound s : Con t a c t w i t h s t r o ng a c i d o r b a s e o r p r e s e n ce o f n a s c en t

    h y d r og en may g ene r a t e h i g h l y t o x i c a r s i n e g a s .

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    F . F i r e & E xp l o s i o n Ha z a r d Da t a :

    Flash point method used: Non FlammableExti nguis hing media: Class ABC exti nguis her, CO2Flammable l imit for *Hydrogen gas gene rated during char ging: LEL 4% HEL 74%Spec ial f irefi ghtin g procedure s: Cool exte rior of batte ry if exposed to fire to prevent

    rupture. The acid mist and vapour in a fire situation are corrosive. Wear special

    respiratory protection and clothing.Unusu al f ire and explosio n hazards: *Hydrog en gas, which may explo de if igni ted, is

    produ ced by this batter y, espec ial l y when chargi ng.Use adequate venti lat i on avoid open flames, spark s, or other sources of igni t ion

    G . Hea l t h Ha z a r d Da t a :

    Note: Unde r normal condit i on of batte ry use, internal compon ents wil l not pose a

    heal th haza rd. The informat ion provid ed here afte r for batte ry elec trol yte (aci d) and

    lead for exposure that may occur during battery produc tion or conta iner break age or

    under extre me heat condit ions such as fire .

    Carcinogenici ty:

    Su l p hu r i c a c i d : The I n t e r n a t i o na l A g en c y f o r R e s ea r ch o n Can c e r ( I AR C ) h a s

    c l a s s i f i e d s t r o ng i n o r g an i c a c i d m i s t c o n t a i n i n g s u l p hu r i c a c i d a s a

    c a t e g o r y I c a r c i n og en , a s ub s t an ce t h a t i s c a r c i n og en i c t o hum an b e i n g s .

    Th i s c l a s s i f i c a t i o n d o e s no t a p p l y t o l i q u i d f o rm o f s u l p hu r i c a c i d c o n t a i n ed

    w i t h i n a b a t t e r y .

    I n o r g a n i c a c i d m i s t ( s u l p hu r i c a c i d m i s t ) i s n o t g ene r a t ed und e r n o rm a l u s e

    o f t h i s p r o d u c t . M i s u s e o f t h e p r o d u c t s u ch a s o v e r cha r g i n g , ma y r e s u l t i n

    t h e g ene r a t i o n o f s u l p hu r i c a c i d m i s t .

    L e ad c om p oun d s : L e ad i s l i s t e d a s a 2B c a r c i n og en , l i k e l y i n a n im a l s a t

    e x t r em e d o s e s . P r o o f o f c a r c i n og en i t y i n hum an b e i n g i s l a c k i n g a t p r e s en t .A r s en i c : L i s t ed b y I AR C , OSH A and N I OSH as a ca r c i n oge n on l y a f t e r

    p r o l o ng ed e x p o su r e a t h i g h l e v e l s .

    S i g n s and s y mp t om s o f e xp o su r e : A c i d c o n t a c t may c au s e i r r i t a t i o n o f e y e s ,

    n o s e and t h r o a t . B r e a t h i n g o f m i s t ma y p r o d u ce r e s p i r a t o r y d i f f i c u l t y .

    C on t a c t w i t h e y e s and s k i n c au s e s i r r i t a t i o n and s k i n b u r n s . S u l p hu r i c a c i d i s

    a c o r r o s i v e c h e m i c a l .

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    Medi cal condit io n genera l ly aggravat ed by exposure: Sulphur ic acid mist exposure

    may aggravat e medi cal condit io ns such as pulmonary edema, bronchi t is,

    emphy sema, dent al erosi on and trache obron chit is. Pregn ant women and chi l dren

    must be prote cted from lead exposu re.

    Emergency and firs t aid procedure s: Sulph uric acid.

    a) Flush contacted area with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes.

    Remove contamin ated clothin g and obtain medic al atte ntion if nece ssary. Emergenc y

    showe r shoul d be readi ly avai la ble.

    b) If swa llowed , giv e lar ge vol umes of wat er. Do not ind uce vom iti ng, obt ain

    medical treatment.

    H . P r e c au t i o n s f o r S a f e Han d l i n g and U s e :

    Steps to be taken in case material is released or spil led:Sulphuric acid: Contain the spill with sand & soil and collect the acid absorbed mass

    of soil and sand in water tight container and send to authorized waste management

    agent . Then wash the spi l led area with di lu te water solut ion of neutra l iz i ng agent

    like sodium bicarbonate or soda ash or lime and finally with tap water. When

    exposure level is not known, wear NIOSH approved posit ive pressure self-c ontai ned

    breathing apparatus.

    Waste dispo sal method: Lead acid batteri es are complete ly recyc labl e. Dispo se off

    any col l ecte d mater ial in acco rdanc e with State or Federal regula tions .

    Prec auti ons to be taken in handl ing and storage: Store away from reacti ve material

    as defined in section D

    Other prec autio ns: Sodium bicar bonat e, soda ash, sand, or l ime should be kept in

    same general area for emergency use. Keep away from sources of ignition during

    cha rgi ng ref er sec tion E on genera tio n of hyd roge n gas . If a bat ter y ca se is bro ken,

    avoid direct cont act with interna l component s.

    I . E c o l o g i c a l I n f o r m a t i o n :


    Sulphuric Acid : Toxic to fish & Algae. Concentrations of 100% sulphuric acid greater

    than 1.2mg/L may be lethal to fishLower 'pH below about 4 would induce fatalit ies in aquatic l ife.

    Lead compound s: No spec if ic data

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    J . C on t r o l M ea su r e s :

    Respira tory protect ion: Respirator requir ed when PEL is exceeded or emplo yee

    witn esses ' resp irator y irr i tat i on. (Refer sect ion F Heal th haza rd data)Ventilation: Must be provided when charging in an enclosed area.Mechanical: Acceptable at 1 to 4 air exchanges per hour or to maintain air

    concentrations below the PEL.Local exhaust: PreferredOther : Local bui lding / f ire codes may require explos ion proof fans and equip ment.

    Do not f lus h lead- conta minat ed acid into sewer. Do not rele ase un-neut ral iz ed acid.

    Protective gloves: Acid resistantEye prote ction : Prefe rred safety glas ses, goggles, face shie ldOther protec tive clothin g or equip ment: Acid resistan t apron s, boots and prote ctive


    K . O t h e r R e g u l a t o r y I n f o r m a t i o n :

    NFPA Hazar d ratin g Sulp huric Acid Lead

    Hea lth (Bl ue) 3 3Flammabil ity (Red) 0 0Reac tiv ity (Yell ow) 2 0

    Rat ing scal e 0 = Ins ign ifi cant, 1 = Sli ght , 2 = Modera te, 3 = High, 4 = Ex treme

    Note: Concentra ted sulphur ic has very high affin ity for water. When prepa ring di lute

    aci d from con cen trat ed acid Always add acid to wat er and nev er water to aci d In

    the second case the whole acid will bump up leading to an explosive situation and

    caus ing acciden t and damage to persons and objec t.

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    C h a p t e r 2 :

    Prin cipl e of operat ion for lead acid batter y :

    Introduct ion:

    a) Lead acid battery stores electr ical power in chemical form and consists of

    mult ip le cel ls.b) Each cel l comprises of two diss imi lar compounds of lead immersed in di lute

    sulphuric acid.c) In i ts ful ly charged state, the act ive mater ial of the posit ive plate consists of

    lead di-oxide and that of the negative plate is porous or spongy lead.d) A lead aci d bat ter y is a se con dar y bat ter y whi ch means tha t it can be

    discharged and recharged a number of times before reaching the end ofits serv ice l i fe.

    The above char ge and disch arge process is repre sente d by the chemic al formula

    given below

    D c h

    P b + P bO2 + 2 H2 SO 4 2 P bS O4 + 2 H2 O E = 2 .0 Vce l l

    C h a

    D i s c h a r g e :a ) When a cel l is dischar ged, sulphu ric acid reacts with the active materia l on the

    positive and negative plate. From the reaction on the spongy lead of the negative

    plate elect rons are l ibe rated whilst -

    electrons are absorbed by the reaction on the lead di oxide on the positive plate.

    Consequen tly a curr ent f lows between the two plates

    a) Both the plates are gradual ly converted into lead sulphate whi le consumingsulphuric acid from the electrolyte..

    Discharging Cell



    - +

    -e -e




    H O2


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    C h a r g e :

    a) When recharged the sulphate in the act ive mater ial recombine with the excess

    water in the electrolyte and convert back to sulphuric acid. As a result, the S.G

    incr ease s back to init ial specif i c gravity

    b) Simultaneously the lead sulphate converts to lead di oxide on the posit ive and

    spongy lead on the nega tive plate respec tivel y.

    G a s s i n g :

    a) As the cel l approaches i ts ful ly charged condit ion, the chemical conversion can

    no longer absorb all of the charging current. The surplus current results in the

    liberation of hydrogen in the negative plate and oxygen in the positive plate.b) This process is commonly known as the gassing and is the pr imary reason why

    these cells need regular topping up with water.c) As tract ion batter ies need to be recharged within 8 12 hours i t is essent ial to

    pass over the gassing voltage up to 2.65Vpc (This is not applicable for starterbatte ries and stand by batte ries) . Subje ct to the condit i on, temperatu re and age of

    the cel l gassing norma lly starts at approx. 2.35Volts per cel l .d) Gassing also has the good effect. It helps to agitate the electrolyte in the cel l

    there by mixing the heavy sulphuric acid with the water in the elec troly te. This

    phenomenon is commonly known as strati f ica tion.e) The open circuit of a ful ly charged cel l is approximately 2.13V. During discharge

    the voltage falls from 2.0V down to 1.7V for traction cells.f ) During charge the voltage wi l l r ise from approximately 2.0V to a f inal value

    approa ching 2.7Vpc for tracti on cel l s.g) The latter voltage is reached when the charging current has dropped toapproximately 4-5% of the cell capacity. This is called the end of charge current.

    As not all cells are equal its essential that once in every 10 days the batteries

    rece ive equaliz ing charge in order to get the charge condit i on & speci f ic gravity in

    ever y cel l the same. This wil l keep the battery in optimal servic e condit io n.

    Charging Cell

    Cathode Anode

    - +

    -e -e

    H O2

    +(some H




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    Topping Up with De-Ionised Water:

    a) A discharged battery should be put on charge immediately.b) In every cycle water gets decomposed and the electrolyte level decreases. Its

    essential that you top up the battery with battery grade water.c) The topping up should be done during charge (once a week) just after the

    voltage is above the gassing point in order to get a homogeneous mixture of the


    C e l l C a p a c i t y :

    a) Cel l capaci ty is depended upon the d ischarge rate.

    b) Mot ive power batter ies are rated at the 5hr discharge rate. This means that a

    500Ah battery can be discharged for 5hours at 100A to a cut off voltage of

    1.7Vpc. This is the 100 perc ent depth of disch arge condit i on and the specif i c gravity

    of the elec troly te wil l reach 1.130 level .c) During discharge in serv ice the battery voltage should not be al lowed to drop

    below 1.84 volt and specific gravity of 1.160 which is the 80 percent depth of

    d ischarge condit iond) Higher or lower rates of d ischarge have lower and higher cut off voltage points

    respect ively.

    The extent of discharge is better indicated by specific gravity reading which has a

    l ine ar rela t ions hip to extent of disch arge .






    Special Gravity


    Specific Gravity




    0.05h 1h 1.5h 2h 2.5h 3h 3.5h 4h 4.5h 5h 5.25h

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    Life of the Batter y:

    a) Battery l i fe depends on many factors of which temperature, qual i ty of topping up

    water, dep th of dis cha rge (80 per cen t max imum 80 per cen t dep th of dis charge is

    equ ival ent to 1.1 60 sp grav ity and 1.8 4 vol t per cel l vol tag e rea ding) pro per

    char ging and regul ar maint enan ce are of major importance.b) The cycle l i fe declared by the manufacturer of the battery is achievable i f the

    fol lowing condi t ions are met with. (Refer ence testi ng stand ard IEC 60254 1)

    i) Average operat ing temperature of 38 deg C. If the average operat ingtemperature rises by 10o centigrade above 38o C, the available life of the battery

    will get reduced by 50 percent.

    Remedi al acti on Ambient cl imatic condit io n of a geographic al loca tion can not be

    changed and in places having hotter ambient, the life will get reduced. The other

    reason for high temperature is due to heat build up in the charging process. This is

    the I2R component in any process of electricity flow. Use of Air circulation in the

    electrolyte during the charge cycle can be of help. This is an optional kit availableon ord er.Al so, hig her ope rati ng temperatu re of the bat ter y can be avoi ded by

    maint aini ng mult iple batter y per truck. 2.5 batte ries minimum to 3 batte ries per

    tru ck is a rec ommend ed pra cti ce for a 24/ 7 ope rat ion i.e . whe re the ope rat ion is

    round the clock and for 365 days of an yea r. This allows the batte ry to coo l down

    after charging.i i ) Qual i ty of topping up water. Iron, Manganese and Chlor ine are poisoning

    mate rial for lead acid battery and through complex chemic al reaction reduces the

    working life of the battery.Reme dia l act ion Use water in whi ch thi s che mic als are kep t to a min imum lev el by

    the proce ss known as dis til lat ion or dem ine ral isa tio n . Ref er chapte r 3 / sec tio n ( f )

    for purity specif icat ion of water.

    i i i) Depth of disc harge exceedin g 80 perce nt of the rated capac ity lead s to

    conve rsion of the active materia l to an irre coverable state known as 'reversa l '. This

    is the intrinsic chemistry of the lead acid system and can not be avoided.

    Reme dia l act ion Use of Bat ter y dis cha rge ind ica tor whi ch giv es an ala rm to the use r

    that the batte ry is close to exhausted condit ion and need s rechargin g.

    iv) Prope r char ging The watta ge of elec trici ty to be fed to the batte ry wil l be more

    than the wattage extracted from the battery in the previous discharge cycle. No

    system is 100 perce nt or more effici ent as under stood from basic thermodynamics of

    ener gy wor k rela t ions hip.Ensure feeding the extra amount over the discharged Ah. With a good design and

    cont rol over the battery manufa cturi ng process, batte ries of height up to 500 mm

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    nominal should need 15 percent extra. Cells of taller heights will need about 25

    perc ent extra. Without this extra charge , cel ls in the batter y wil l remai n

    incomplet ely charged and start accumu lati ng lead sulphat e. If a batte ry cont inue s to

    accumulate sulphate, at one point of time, it can reach a situation from where the

    battery will not be able to recover back and will have a permanent loss in capacity.

    With the age of the battery the requirement of the extra amount of charge will

    incr ease to bring back the batte ry to ful ly acti vated condit i on.

    Reme dia l act ion Sel ec t a mat chi ng charger for the batte ry. Take hel p of the deale r

    or the manuf actur er of the battery in identif i cati on of the charge r rating to ensu re

    its suitabi l ity for the purpo se.

    Main tain records for the charge and disch arges . Data- logge rs are avai lable now,

    which can log data and later on down load to computer fi les. Or else, manual record

    of the charge / discharge and other parameters of the battery be maintained and act

    based on the observatio n.

    Equal isin g char ge In the previ ous paragra ph, the char ging inpu ts ment ioned can be

    call ed as service charge, which is provid ed in betwe en disc harge s. Equa lisi ng char ge

    is basically an extended charge at a low current after the service charge, provided to

    bring all the cells in a battery to an equal condition of charge. Batteries should be

    equal ised based on the diffe renc e noted in spec if ic gravity in the cel ls afte r

    charging . A new battery is expected to work with equalisation done once a month

    and the frequency will increase with age of the battery and may be required to be

    equalised once a week at the later stage.v) Overcharging During the charging process , the posit ive plate support of the

    battery gets corroded. This is an unintended reaction but can not be avoided

    intri nsic of the lead acid battery system. Only exce ssive, unnece ssary corros ion

    proce ss can be avoided by monit orin g the chargi ng process. Use of regul ated

    chargers wil l be beneficial.

    Remedi al acti on Manual or automatic monitori ng of the char ging proce ss and

    termination has to be done. For lead acid battery, specific gravity of the electrolyte

    is the best indicator for monitoring the charge as it has an almost linear relationship

    with exten t of char ge.Chargi ng shall have to be termi nated when there is no furth er

    increase in specific gravity ie all the sulphates in the plate is released back in

    the electrolyte. Automatic chargers have microprocessors, which calculate the

    derivative of the battery voltage with time and stops the charging process when the

    increase is found to be zero or insignificant. These chargers are known to have dv/dt

    function to terminate charge.

    Note: The maintenance of lead acid battery being a speci al iz ed job ,use rs are

    advis ed to avai l service from the exper t. Manufact urer s and their dealers offer

    servi ce package in form of 'Annua l Maintena nce Contrac t ', which may be availe d to

    get bett er life out of the batt ery.

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    battery will not be able to recover back and will have a permanent loss in capacity.

    With the age of the battery the requirement of the extra amount of charge will

    incr ease to brin g back the batte ry to ful ly activa ted condit i on.

    Remedia l act ion Sel ect a mat ch ing cha rge r for the bat ter y. Take hel p of the dea ler

    or the manu factu rer of the battery in identif i cati on of the charge r ratin g to ensure

    its suitabi l ity for the purpose.

    Main tain records for the charge and disc harge s. Data -logg ers are avai la ble now,

    which can log data and later on down load to computer fi les. Or else, manual record

    of the charge / discharge and other parameters of the battery be maintained and act

    based on the observati on.

    Equal ising charge In the previ ous paragraph, the char ging input s menti oned can be

    call ed as servi ce charge, which is provided in between discharg es. Equalisi ng char ge

    is basically an extended charge at a low current after the service charge, provided to

    bring all the cells in a battery to an equal condition of charge. Batteries should be

    equal ised based on the differenc e noted in speci f ic gravity in the cel ls afte r

    charging . A new battery is expected to work with equalisation done once a month

    and the frequency will increase with age of the battery and may be required to be

    equalised once a week at the later stage.v) Overcharging During the charging process , the posit ive plate support of the

    battery gets corroded. This is an unintended reaction but can not be avoided

    intr insi c of the lead acid battery system. Only exce ssive , unne cess ary corrosio n

    process can be avoided by monitori ng the char ging proces s. Use of regulat ed

    chargers wil l be beneficial.

    Remedi al acti on Manual or automatic monitorin g of the char ging proce ss and

    termination has to be done. For lead acid battery, specific gravity of the electrolyte

    is the best indicator for monitoring the charge as it has an almost linear relationship

    with extent of charge.Charging shall have to be terminated when there is no further

    increase in specific gravity ie all the sulphates in the plate is released back inthe electrolyte. Automatic chargers have microprocessors, which calculate the

    derivative of the battery voltage with time and stops the charging process when the

    increase is found to be zero or insignificant. These chargers are known to have dv/dt

    function to terminate charge.

    Note: The maint enanc e of lead acid batter y being a special i zed job ,user s are

    advis ed to avai l servic e from the expe rt. Manufac ture rs and thei r deale rs offer

    servi ce package in form of 'Annua l Maintenance Contra ct ', which may be availe d to

    get bett er life out of the batt ery.

  • 8/7/2019 Exide industrial


    Chapter 3:

    Prep arin g a batte ry for service:

    A. The dry charged batter ies are suppl ied charged and in dry condit ion without any

    elec troly te in the cel ls. (On request , batte ries f i l le d with elec troly te and ready to

    use can be sup pli ed) . Each cell is cl osed by a transport cap , if suppl ied in dry

    condi t ion during the storage to prote ct the nega tive plate from oxidatio n. Store the

    cel ls or the batt ery in a coo l and dry place pro tec ted from mois tur e , rai n and snow.

    Do not sto re more than two years . It is imp ort ant not to remove the caps.

    B. The battery instal lat i on and the chargin g equip ment should be inspe cted to

    ensure that they are in good mechanical condition. All cables must be connected to

    ensure a good contact , taking care that the polarity is correct .All threaded

    connectors in the battery must be checked and tightened in order to ensure a

    rel i able contac t. The t ight enin g torque shall be 25 +/- 2 Nm (New ton meter) .

    If the batteries are of welded connector version , the welding of the connectors

    shall be done in a safe place away from inflammable items and never in thebatte ry charging floor.

    C. If the cell s are suppl ied loose , the batte ry has to be ass emb led in bat ter y cra te

    as per layout instr ucti ons from the customer .The fi l l ing acid shal l have to compl y

    to the specif i cati on given below.

    The maximum limits of impurities in battery grade sulphuric acid and water are as

    fol lows.

    M a t t e r B a t t e r y G r a d e w a t e r B a t t e r y G r a d e 2 S O 4

    Suspended matter




    Total dissolved solid

    Electrical conductivity at

    27 2oC( micro- mho / cm)



    0.1 ppm

    1 ppm

    0.1 ppm

    2 ppm

    5 max.

    6 7.5


    14 ppm

    7 ppm



    Not applicable

    Not applicable

  • 8/7/2019 Exide industrial


    Nominal specific gravity to be obtained after charge is 1.290 at 30 deg C and the

    fil l in g acid gravi ty shall be 20 to 30 uni t les s tha t is 1.2 60 to 1.2 70 at 30 deg C. The

    temperature of the fil l ing acid shall be within 15 to 30 deg C.Tempera ture correc tion factor for di lut e sulphuric acid .

    Specific gravity at 30 deg C = Sp gravity at 'T' deg C + (T - 30) X 0.0007

    B. Elec trol yte Level Remove the transp ort caps and fi l l the cel l s with the speci f ied

    acid until the stepped level in the plug basket is reached. Acid resistant fi l l ing

    equipment to be used. Transport caps are not to be used with the cells during

    charging and during the service of the battery . Once removed from the cells thetransp ort cap shal l be destr oyed to preven t inad vertent usage which can lead to

    bursting of cell and cause accident and damage. The transport caps are to be

    replaced by vent plugs as shown in the picture below or watering plugs.

    C. Rest per iod After f i l l ing the cel ls the battery should stand for a per iod of 4

    hours for impregnation of the plate s and separ ators . During the rest period chec k

    the cell polarity with a multi-meter and compare with that on the cell l id. If the

    multi-meter reads reverse voltage, take out the cell and replace with a fresh cell

    and report the defect to the manufacturer. Check the tightness of the fasteners.Place the vent plugs with level indicators. Fil l in to the level shown in the picture.

    Conne ct the end termina l socket on the batteri es correct ly to the charge r socket to

    avoid reverse chargi ng. The tempe ratur e, voltage and speci f ic gravity shall be

    reco rded for al l the cel ls during the commissi oning char ge at an hourly interva l.

    D. Commi ssion ing: The firs t char ge of the batte ry has to be done ful l y and as far

    as possi ble without interruption s. The temperatu re of the elec trol yte must not

    exc eed 55 deg C, and if it doe s the cha rgi ng has to be stopped. Resume charge

    after the temperature comes down by 5 deg C. The completion of the charging isindicated by free gassing in all the cells and three consecutive hourly reading of

    volta ge and speci f ic gravity showing no change. The reco rd for cel l voltage specif i c

    gravity and temperature for all the cells have to be recorded and preserved.

    The battery can be charg ed at cons tant curren t with the curr ent maintai ned

    betwee n 6 to 10 per cen t of the batte ry amp ere hou r til l the end condit ion s are


    E l e c t r o l y t e L e v e l

  • 8/7/2019 Exide industrial


    The bat ter y can als o be cha rged wit h a con stant vol tage con stant cur ren t type

    char ger .The battery shall be start ed in a const ant poten tial chargin g mode the

    voltage set at 2.4 volt per cell with an initial l imit current setting of 16 percent of

    batte ry ampere-h our. The char ging switch es over to constan t curr ent when the

    voltage reaches 2.4 volt and the current maintained at 6 percent of Battery Ah. The

    voltage picks up to 2.65 minimum for all the cells and then set at constant potential

    of 2.65 volt per cell ti l l the current tapers down to 3 percent of Battery Ah. This

    step can be controlled through timer setting of 3 to 4 hours .The important points to

    note is that all the cells reaches the end of charge condition.

    E. Electrolyte level and specif ic gravity adjustment. The specif ic gravity of al l the

    cel ls are likel y to come betwe en +/- 0.010 Kg / L. Allow the batt ery to coo l down

    and check the electro lyte level and adjust to the level mention ed. If the Specif ic

    gravity of the elec troly te is found to be higher than the specif ic atio n, withdraw

    some quantity of electrolyte and top up with battery grade water.

    F. Spi l led acid must be careful ly neutral ized with neutral iz ing agent and disposed

    off accordi ng to the prevalen t regulati on in the countr y of use. Neutral iz ing agent

    should not go into the cells.

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    Check l ist for regular chec ks for lead acid tractio n battery:

    Batte ry voltage & Ah rating:

    Batte ry seri al no:

    Date of instal lat ion:

    Check Point Check date

    1) Ba tte ry end te rminal connec tion t ightness

    2 ) Connec t ions f ree f r om sul pha ti on

    3) Top lea d con nec tor s or bol t on con nec tor s

    protected with anti-sulphuric grease

    4) Equal lev el of ele ctr oly te in all the cel ls

    5) Speci f ic gravity before putti ng on charg e

    6) Speci f ic gravity after charg e

    7) Temperat ure at the end of the cha rge in pil ot cel ls

    9) Date of equalis i ng charge

    Note: Non-adh eren ce to these battery maintena nce instruct ions null i f i es the warran ty.