exercitii pres. simple, cont, past, language, vocab

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  • 8/12/2019 Exercitii Pres. Simple, Cont, Past, Language, Vocab


    1. Fill in the correct form of the verb in the past simple.

    1. I _______ a great book last week. (read)

    2. _______ Adam ______ the jacket that he _______ at the party? (find / leave)

    3. Why _______ you__________ for me at the bar yesterday evening? (not wait)

    4. I _________ for over an hour, but you never __________ up! (wait / show)

    5. My friends _________ to New Delhi via Mumbai a week ago. (fly)

    6. Teresa ___________ the last train, _______________? (catch)

    7. The sunset _________ beautiful last night. (be)

    8. _______ they _________ the clients deadline yesterday? (meet)

    9. When _____ he ___________ from med school? (graduate)

    10.Ella ___________ to get a hold of you, but you ________ home. (try/not be)

    2. Ask for the bold part of the sentence.

    1. She pushed her bike.

    2. She carried a bag.

    3. We waited in the park.

    4. The policeman arrested the thief.

    5. Weate fish.

    6. She watched the match last night.

    7. She asked her friend because she did not know what to do.

    8. Iopened the door.

    9. The teacher checked our homework.

    10.Cindyhad a dog.

    3. Ask for the bold part of the sentence.

    1. Julia likes pop-music.

    2. Maria comes from Spain.

    3. They play in the garden.

    4. Rickrides his bike.

    5. I go to the cinema on Saturdays.

    6. We go to Mallorca because it is warm there.

    7. Joe repairs his bike.

    8. Robin drives his car carefully.

    9. Peter runs with his dog every day.

    10.Eric goes to Italy for a holiday.

    4. Ask for the information in the bold part of the sentence.

    1. Ashley is going to a restaurant.

    2. Garethis reading the paper.

    3. Stacey is playing in the garden.

    4. Sheis wearing a red dress.

    5. Britney is doing her homework.

    6. Mandy is leaving at nine.

  • 8/12/2019 Exercitii Pres. Simple, Cont, Past, Language, Vocab


    7. Joe is repairing his bike.

    8. Amandais going out with Dan.

    9. They are meeting at two o'clock.

    10.Sandy is looking for Phil.


    6. Select the best response.

    1. John had an accident last night.a. I'm sorry to hear that.

    b. That's terrific!

    c. He must be proud of it.

    2. Their plane should be here in no time.

    a. Let's wait for them at the main lobby.

    b. Let's come back tomorrow.

    c. Let's see if they're at the lobby.

    3. Can you tell me how to get to the post office?

    a. It's in aisle C next to the dairy products.

    b. Sorry, my office is not here.

    c. Go to the end of this corridor and turn left.

  • 8/12/2019 Exercitii Pres. Simple, Cont, Past, Language, Vocab


    4. Give me a call when you get back from your trip.

    a. I'm sorry to hear that.

    b. I'll surely do that.

    c. Why should you call me?

    5. If you have 10 marbles and you take five away, then you add three to that number, how many

    marbles do you have?

    a. None is left.

    b. Eight, of course.

    c. That's easy. I have 18.

    6. Q: How would you like your steak?

    A: Rare.

    a. The customer never eats steak.

    b. The customer doesn't want his steak well-done.

    c. The customer rarely orders steak in a restaurant.

    7. The game ended in a tie.

    a. What a bargain!

    b. Who bought the tie?

    c. How come?

    8. What did Mary do when her father gave her the stuffed animal?

    a. She cuddled it.

    b. She called the animal protection department.

    c. She phoned the police.9. Kate can speak three foreign languages.

    a. She must be tired.

    b. She must be a talented girl.

    c. She surely knows the ropes.

    10.Bill flunked the exams.

    a. He must be really upset.

    b. It should get better soon.

    c. He must have studied a lot.

    11.We'd like some vanilla ice-cream, please.

    a. What flavor would you like?

    b. Rare or well done?c. Sorry, we ran out of vanilla.

    12.My TV isn't working.

    a. We've already called a repairman. He should be here soon.

    b. OK. I'll call you later.

    c. Why don't you watch something else?

    7. Read the text:

    Tornadoes in Kansas

    Kansas is known for many things -- wheat, sunflowers ... and tornadoes! What famous story set in Kansas

    features a tornado?

    The Wonderful Wizard of Oz,by L. Frank Baum, tells the story of Dorothy, who gets caught in a Kansas torna

    and lands in the imaginary land of Oz. This story has been dramatized on stage and film. You might have see

    the movie version, which stars Judy Garland as Dorothy.

    Tornadoes are storms with rapidly rotating winds that form a funnel cloud. Also known as "twisters," they

    extend downward from the huge clouds of a severe thunderstorm. The winds that rotate within a tornado

    usually reach a speed of almost 300 miles per hour! A tornado often sweeps through an area quickly, but it

    cause considerable destruction. There have been a number of remarkable reports of tornadoes. In one

    instance, a schoolhouse was demolished while the 85 students originally inside it were carried more than 40

    feet with none killed. There was also a case of five railway coaches, each weighing 70 tons, lifted from their


  • 8/12/2019 Exercitii Pres. Simple, Cont, Past, Language, Vocab


    1. What is Kansas known for?

    a. wheat b. potatoes c. sunflowers d. a and c

    2. How fast do the winds rotate within a tornado?

    a. 85 miles per hour b. 400 miles per hour c. 300 miles per hour d. 70 miles per hour

    3. Tornadoes are also known as

    a. thunderstorms b. typhoons c. tempests d. twisters

    4. Which of the following statements is true?

    A. Eighty-students died when a tornado struck their schoolhouse.

    B. A tornado lifted five heavy railroad coaches from their tracks.

    8. Put each of the following words or phrases in the correct gap. Check the next page for


    tag, label, cashier, bargain, receipt, exchange, take back, try on, fit, advice, shop assistant,

    credit card, check, select, cash, refund, size, sale

    If you want to go shopping there are a number of things you have to consider. If you would like to find

    a _____ you should make sure to go to a _____. The only problem with a sale is that it is sometimes

    hard to _____ something once you buy it. Many stores also refuse to give a _____ on anything you

    have bought. If you are looking for clothes, make sure to _____, check the _____ to make sure that it

    is a good _____. Another good idea is to look at the _____ and _____ to see instructions for washing,

    etc. It's always a good idea to also ask the _____ for _____. Finally, when you go to the _____ you

    can usually pay by _____ or _____ if you don't have the _____. Never forget to get the _____!

    9. Choose the right word from the list to fill in the gaps. Go to the next page to check your


    fast food, cookbook, recipe, dish, menu, take-away, bill, ingredients, service, wait person,

    tip, dessert, bar, lounge, restaurant, order

    I really hate _____. I prefer to go to a good _____ that serves everything, including the _____, using

    the best _____. Sometimes, I like to _____ something that I have tried at home. First, I look up the

    _____ in the _____ and then I cook the _____. Next, I go to the restaurant, and when the _____

    comes to my table I ask for the _____ and order what I have already cooked at home! Sometimes, I

    like to go out for a _____. You can have a drink in either a _____ or a _____, which are usually nicer.

    At the end of the evening, it's time to ask for the _____ and, usually, if the _____ has been good, it'sa good idea to leave a 15%-20% tip.