exercise programming activities for improving posture ... › acucustom › sitename › dam › 085...

Strength training for older adults with obesity Help older adults stick with exercise Boost vitality with more frequent exercise Activities for improving posture and stability Exercise programming for Alzheimer’s patients HUMAN KINETICS The Information Leader in Physical Activity & Health HUMAN KINETICS 2012 ACTIVE AGING

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Strength training for older adults with obesity

Help older adults stick with exercise

Boost vitality with more frequent


Activities for improving posture and stability

Exercise programming for Alzheimer’s patients

HUMAN KINETICSThe Information Leader in Physical Activity & Health



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• FallProof!DesigningBalanceandMobilityProgramswithDebraRose

• BendingtheAgingCurve:APeriodizedPrescriptionforImprovedAgingwith Joseph Signorile

• UseItorLoseIt:TheImportanceofStrengthTraining for Seniors with Wayne Westcott

• PilatesTraining:Pre-andPost-Rehabilitationfor Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty with BethKaplanek

• BestPractices:GettingOlderAdultsMoving

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Strength training older adults with obesity byThomasR.Baechle,EdD,andWayneWestcott,PhD

It is easy to understand why many senior men and women are debilitated by obesity—nonexercising adults lose over 5 pounds (2.3 kg) of muscle and add about 15 pounds (6.8 kg) of fat each decade, bringing about an increase in body fat that may be 50 percent greater than the increase in bodyweight. Thus, older clients may come to you with simply too much fat and too little muscle, which makes every one of their physical tasks more strenuous, almost as if they are driving a semitrailer truck with a motor scooter engine. Fortunately, sensible strength training can remediate this situation.

Equipment ConsiderationsBecauseoftheweightandsizeoftheirbodies,obesepeoplehave difficulty moving, including getting up, getting down, and engaging in all types of ambulatory activities. In choosing equipment, then, obese adults typically prefer upright or recumbent stationary cycles that support their weight instead of treadmills and stair-climbing machines that do not. Therefore, for your overweight clients, try to include machine exercises that can accommodate their larger frames and that are structurally sturdy enough to support their weight (plus that of the load or weight that they are using). Avoid exercises such as the machine hip/leg press because of the challenges it presents in getting into position to perform the exercise as well as simply getting into and out of the machine.

Read this complete excerpt from Fitness Professional’s Guide to Strength Training for Older Adults, Second Edition, online.

Age-appropriate guidelines for strength training Bringthebenefitsofstrengthtrainingto seniors—regardless of their fitness levels—with Fitness Professional’s Guide to Strength Training Older Adults, Second Edition. This resource contains the information and tools you need to educate, motivate, and assist older adults in committing to and benefiting from individualizedstrengthtrainingprograms.

Fitness Professional’s Guide to Strength Training Older Adults, Second EditionThomasR.Baechle,EdD,CSCS,*D;NSCA-CPT,*D,andWayneL.Westcott,PhD,CSCS©2010•Paperback•344ppPrint: ISBN978-0-7360-7581-7•$34.00($36.95CDN,£25.95UK,€31.10EURO)E-book:ISBN978-0-7360-9051-3•$19.00($20.95CDN,£16.50UK,€19.80EURO)

Lead safe and effective exercise classes for older adults Physical Activity Instruction of Older Adults presents the competency-based objectives that fitness instructors should know to lead safe and effective physical activity programs for older adults with diverse functional capabilities. It is the first book to detail the knowledge and skills associated with the training modules in the International Curriculum Guidelines for Preparing Physical Activity Instructors of Older Adults.

Physical Activity Instruction of Older AdultsC.JessieJones,PhD,andDebraJ.Rose,PhD©2005•Hardback•424ppISBN978-0-7360-4513-1•$73.00($78.95CDN,£49.99UK,€60.00EURO)

Strength Training Past 50, Second EditionWayneL.Westcott,PhD,CSCS,and ThomasR.Baechle,EdD,CSCS,*D;NSCA-CPT,*D©2007•Paperback•264ppISBN978-0-7360-6771-3•$17.95($18.95CDN, £11.99UK,€14.40EURO)

Senior Fitness Test ManualRobertaE.Rikli,PhD,andC.JessieJones,PhD©2001•Paperback•176ppISBN978-0-7360-3356-5•$39.00($41.95CDN, £25.99UK,€31.20EURO)Senior Fitness Test DVD also available. See website for details.

Action Plan for Health Series

Visit www.HumanKinetics.com/SpecialAgingConditions.



New edition available November 2012

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Translate fitness gains into a better quality of life

Bending the Aging Curve provides a multifaceted periodizedtrainingprogramspecifically for older adults. You will learn to use tests to diagnose your clients’ needs and then prescribe training cycles with the appropriate mix of work, active recovery, and skill practicetomaximizefunctional improvements. You’ll find training strategies

for improving body composition, flexibility, bone density, muscular strength and power, and cardiovascular fitness as well as unique translationalexercisesthatsimulateeverydayactivities.TheDVDincluded with the book offers videos of the translational exercises and four video case studies.

Bending the Aging Curve: The Complete Exercise Guide for Older AdultsJosephF.Signorile,PhD©2011•PaperbackwithDVD•328ppISBN978-0-7360-7445-2•$44.00($47.95CDN,£32.95UK,€39.50EURO)

Watch a video case study with sample exercises online!

Maximize functional ability and promote well-being Exercise and Wellness for Older Adults, Second Edition, features an age-neutral focusonmaximizingfunctionalabilityfor older adults with 120 land-based and 72water-basedprogrammingoptions.Itoffers techniques for creating programs in both senior living and community-based environments. It also provides strategies for integrating the six dimensions of wellness into programs.

Exercise and Wellness for Older Adults: Practical Programming Strategies, Second Edition KayA.VanNorman©2010•Paperback•176ppPrint:ISBN978-0-7360-5768-4•$42.00($44.95CDN,£28.99UK,€34.80EURO)E-book:ISBN978-0-7360-8714-8•$23.00($24.95CDN,£19.99UK,€24.00EURO)

Help older adults achieve optimal health and fitness Fitness After 50 addresses the inherent challenges that older adults often encounter in their quest to become and remain physically active. Readers will learn how to select activities that meet their abilities and lifestyles, even in the face of health conditions like arthritis and heart disease.

Fitness After 50WalterH.Ettinger,MD,BrendaS.Wright,PhD,andStevenN.Blair,PhD©2006•Paperback•256ppISBN978-0-7360-4413-4•$19.95($21.95CDN,£12.99UK,€15.60EURO)

Active Living Every Day Program

Help older adults make a move to a more active life Despitethewell-documentedbenefits,itcanbedifficulttoconvincepeopleto add more physicalactivitytotheirlives.ActiveLivingEveryDay(ALED)isastep-by-stepbehaviorchange program that helps individuals overcome their barriers to physical activity. Participantscreatetheirownplansbasedontheirlifestyleandpersonalpreferences,focusing on moderate-intensity activities like short walks that can be easily added to their daily routines. They’ll even learn how everyday activities, such as housework and gardening, can count toward their activity goals.



For more information, visit www.HumanKinetics.com/ppALED or contact program specialist Michelle Maloney at [email protected] or 800-747-4457ext2522.ThoseoutsideoftheU.S.shouldcalltheappropriatephonenumberlistedinthebackofthisbrochure.

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Activities for improving posture and stabilityby Sue Scott, MS

We all know how to straighten our posture when we want to get a whiff of some wonderful smell, whether it’s perfume, an oceanbreeze,orcinnamonbuns.Thesenseofsmellisoneofthekeenest senses. For this activity, it’s the smells of fresh-brewed morningcoffeethatparticipantswanttofind.SmelltheCoffeeisa fun, quick, and easy activity that marries deep breathing and a natural back-lengthening movement. It will help participants lift into tall, ribs-lifted posture, with abdominals braced and head and shoulders retracted and aligned. This combination enhances postureandcorestability.Useitforthosetimesatthebeginningof class when you look out at your participants and they don’t seem quite ready for exercise. Maybe they’re slumping and not yet smiling...it’sasiftheyneedawake-upcall.SmelltheCoffeecancometotherescueandwhiskawaythosedoldrums.Prettysoon,participants may start liking this activity better than actual coffee!

Benefits »

• Helpsparticipantsachievetallsittingposture. • Usesmemorablecuestoevokeaningrained sequence for tall sitting. • Beginspostureexercisesinafun,easy,andsocial waywithawarmandfuzzyfeel.

Read this complete excerpt from ABLE Bodies Balance Training online.

Reduce fall risk in older adults The second edition of FallProof! is a must for anyone in the field developing balance and mobility programs for at-riskolderadults.Byexploringthereasons underlying falls, readers gain the knowledge to offer comprehensive assessment and programming. The bound-inDVDshowshowtoadministerkey screening and assessment tests and demonstrates selected exercise progressions.

FallProof! A Comprehensive Balance and Mobility Training Program, Second EditionDebraJ.Rose,PhD©2010•HardbackwithDVD•328ppISBN978-0-7360-6747-8•$65.00($69.95CDN,£49.99UK,€60.00EURO)

Watch a sample FallProof! session in action online!

Motivate older adults with customizable balance programs ABLE Bodies Balance Training offers an activity-based program to improve balance and mobility for both fit and frail older adults. This practical guide provides more than 130 balance and mobility exercises that enhance older adults’ abilities to maintain balance in completing their everyday tasks. The program can be used in group orindividualsettingsandcustomizedaccording to level of experience.

ABLE Bodies Balance Training Sue Scott, MS ©2008•Paperback•464pp Print:ISBN978-0-7360-6468-2•$52.00($55.95CDN,£35.99UK,€43.20EURO) E-Book:ISBN978-0-7360-8592-2•$29.00($30.95CDN,£23.99UK,€28.80EURO)

Help older adults regain functional fitness Functional Fitness for Older Adults is an illustrated guide for activity professionals working with adults over the age of 65. It includes a variety of 20- to 30-minute activity programs designed to improve upper- and lower-body strength, balance, range of motion, and functional performance.

Functional Fitness for Older AdultsPatriciaA.Brill,PhD©2004•Paperback•144ppISBN978-0-7360-4656-5•$39.00($41.95CDN,£25.99UK,€31.20EURO)

Exercise for Frail EldersElizabethBest-Martini,MS,and KimA.Botenhagen-DiGenova,MA©2003•Paperback•240ppISBN978-0-7360-3687-0•$42.00($44.95CDN, £28.99UK,€34.80EURO)



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Confidence and positive attitude help older adults stick with exercisebyLyndaB.Ransdell,PhD,MaryK.Dinger,PhD, JenniferHuberty,PhD,andKimH.Miller,PhD

As with other populations, self-efficacy, or the confidence a person has to perform an activity, is one of the strongest determinants of physical activity for older adults. Interventions should help older adults build their confidence through mastery of the physical activity. This can be achieved by beginning the intervention at a low intensity and gradually increasing the intensity over time. This gradual increase is especially important for frail older adults. Improvements in fitness and or health that result from physical activity will also enhance self-efficacy.

To promote long-term adherence to physical activity, interventions need to be designed so older adults move from a supervised, or center-based, setting to the home, where they can use self-regulation skills to make physical activity part of their lifestyle.Behavioralcounselingisonemethodthatcanbeusedto help older adults transition from center-based to home-based activity. Through counseling, older adults can develop a plan of action for making physical activity a part of their daily routine.

Having a positive attitude toward physical activity is another factor influencing older adult participation. If the activity is positive and enjoyable, older adults will be more likely to continue to exercise. For those who have had a negative attitude toward physical activity, strategies such as providing positive images depicting the activity with role models who may have similar limitations can be used to entice older adults to participate.

Read this complete excerpt from Developing Effective Physical Activity Programs online.

Managing Physical Activity for Older Adults Series TheManagingPhysicalActivityProgramsforOlderAdultsseriesofonline courses empowers health and fitness practitioners to design, implement, and manage physical activity programs for older adults, the fastest-growing population in the health and fitness industry. The practical information presented in this series can be used in designing new programs or improving existing programs in a variety of settings.

Managing Physical Activity Programs for Older Adults: Facilities and EquipmentHuman Kinetics©2010•OnlinecourseISBN978-0-7360-7585-5•$34.00 ($36.95CDN,£26.99UK,€32.40EURO)

Managing Physical Activity Programs for Older Adults: MarketingHuman Kinetics©2010•OnlinecourseISBN978-0-7360-7584-8•$34.00 ($36.95CDN,£26.99UK,€32.40EURO)

Managing Physical Activity Programs for Older Adults Series: ProgrammingHuman Kinetics©2008•OnlinecourseISBN978-0-7360-7582-4•$34.00 ($36.95CDN,£26.99UK,€32.40EURO)

Managing Physical Activity Programs for Older Adults Series: StaffingHuman Kinetics©2008•OnlinecourseISBN978-0-7360-7583-1•$34.00 ($36.95CDN,£23.95UK,€28.70EURO)

Key information on exercise, fitness, and health ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health includes step-by-step instructions for increasing strength, flexibility, balance, and cardiorespiratory fitness. Sample programs for every age group and fitness level are provided along with recommendations for people with special health and medical conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis.

ACSM’s Complete Guide to Fitness & Health AmericanCollegeofSportsMedicineBarbaraA.Bushman,PhD,Editor©2011•Paperback•408ppPrint:ISBN978-0-7360-9337-8•$21.95($23.95CDN,£15.99UK,€19.20EURO)E-book:ISBN978-1-4504-1140-0•$21.95($21.95CDN,£13.99UK,€16.80EURO)Developing Effective Physical Activity Programs

LyndaB.Ransdell,PhD,FACSM,MaryK.Dinger,PhD,FACSM,JenniferHuberty,PhD,andKimH.Miller,PhD©2009•Paperback•216ppISBN978-0-7360-6693-8•$36.00($38.95CDN, £25.95UK,€31.10EURO)

ACE 0.2 CECs, ACSM 1.5 CECs, canfitpro 4.0 CECs, COPS-KT 1.2 CECs, CPTN 4.O CECs

ACSM 1.5 CECs, canfitpro 4.0 CECs, CPTN 4.O CECs

ACSM 1.5 CECs, canfitpro 4.0 CECs, CPTN 4.O CECs

ACE 0.2 CECs, ACSM 1.5 CECs, canfitpro 4.0 CECs, CPTN 4.O CECs


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Assist patients with cancer recovery through targeted exercise prescriptionEvidence has shown that physical activity has numerous health benefits for cancer patients and survivors. More clinicians and oncologists are recommending exercise as a strategy for reducing the side effects of treatment, speeding recovery, and improving overall quality of life. With ACSM’s Guide to Exercise and Cancer Survivorship, health and fitness professionals can provide safe exercise programs to help cancer survivors improve their health, take proactive steps toward preventing recurrences, and enhance their quality of life. Throughout the text, readers will find quick-reference Take-Home Messages that highlight key information and how it can be applied inpractice.Chaptersalsoinclude

reproducible forms and questionnaires to facilitate the implementation of an exercise program with a new client or patient

In addition, ACSM’s Guide to Exercise and Cancer Survivorship discusses all of the job taskanalysispointstestedintheACSM/ACSCertifiedCancerExerciseTrainer(CET)exam,making this the most complete resource availableforthosestudyingtoattainCETcertification. Each chapter begins with a list of theCETexampointsdiscussedinthatchapter.

ACSM’s Guide to Exercise and Cancer Survivorship AmericanCollegeofSportsMedicineMelindaL.Irwin,PhD,Editor©2012•Hardback•208ppPrint:ISBN978-0-7360-9564-8•$59.00($63.95CDN,£38.99UK,€46.80EURO)E-book:ISBN978-1-4504-2875-0•$44.00($47.95CDN,£25.99UK,€31.20EURO)

ACSM/ACS Certified Cancer Exercise Trainer Specialty Certification Exam Preparation CourseAmericanCollegeofSportsMedicine©2012•OnlinecourseWith text:ISBN978-1-4504-3155-2•$99.00($106.95CDN,£72.99UK,€87.60EURO)Without text:ISBN978-1-4504-3156-9•$59.00($63.95CDN,£47.99UK,€57.60EURO)

Restore knee or hip function through Pilates

Pilates for Hip and Knee Syndromes and ArthroplastiesintroducesPilatesas a safe fitness and rehabilitation tool. It provides foundational guidelines and protocols—with specific modifications—fortheuseofPilatesinincreasingcorestrength, balance, and flexibility and restoring function and range of motion with pre- and postoperative knee and hip syndromes and arthroplasties.

Pilates for Hip and Knee Syndrome and Arthoplasties with Web Resource BethA.Kaplanek,RN,BSN,BrettLevine,MS,MD,andWilliamL.Jaffe,MD©2011•Paperback•384ppPrint:ISBN978-0-7360-9224-1•$44.00($47.95CDN,£29.99UK,€36.00EURO)E-book:ISBN978-1-4504-1109-7•$33.00($35.95CDN,£26.99UK,€32.40EURO)

Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation for Active Older AdultsKevinP.Speer,MD,Editor©2005•Hardback•248ppISBN978-0-7360-4031-0•$79.00($84.95CDN,£52.99UK,€63.60EURO)

Physical Activity and Obesity, Second EditionClaudeBouchard,PhD,andPeterT.Katzmarzyk,PhD,Editors©2010•Hardback•432ppISBN978-0-7360-7635-7•$79.00($84.95CDN, £59.50UK,€71.40EURO)

Obesity: Etiology, Assessment, Treatment, and PreventionRossE.Andersen,PhD,Editor©2003•Hardback•312ppISBN978-0-7360-0328-5•$79.00($84.95CDN,£53.95UK,€64.70EURO)

Physical Activity and Health, Second EditionClaudeBouchard,PhD,StevenN.Blair,PED,and WilliamL.Haskell,PhD,Editors©2012•Hardback•456ppISBN978-0-7360-9541-9•$84.00($90.95CDN, £54.99UK,€66.00EURO)




PilatesTraining:Pre-andPost-RehabilitationforTotalHipandKnee Arthroplasty

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Exercise programming for Alzheimer’s patientsbyJamesH.Rimmer,PhD,andDonaldL.Smith,MS,RCEP


• tominimizeproblemsarisingfromthedecliningphysicalandmental health of the participant

• torecognizebehavioralchangesthatmaycausetheclienttobecome agitated with the exercise program or the exercise setting

• tosupportcaregivers’willingnesstocontinuebringingtheperson to the exercise program as the disease progresses

DuringtheearlystagesofAD,mostclientsshouldbeable to participate in some form of physical activity. One of the most common problems associated with exercise programming for adults withADismemoryloss.Clientsmayforgettocometotheexercisesession or may find that they have forgotten how to perform certain activities.Depressionisalsoquitecommonduringtheearlystageof the disease and may result in the client’s withdrawal from the program. The cornerstones of an exercise program for this population are consistency, patience, and enjoyment. The exercise leader must constantly provide verbal encouragement and support to maintain the client’sinterestintheprogram.Duringtheearlystagesofexercisetraining, simple repetitive exercises like walking, riding a stationary bike, or lifting a certain amount of weight on various exercise machines will be easier than more complex routines.

Read this complete excerpt from ACSM’s Exercise Management for Persons with Chronic Diseases and Disabilities, Third Edition, online.

Current research and recommendations for 49 chronic conditionsNowinitsthirdedition,ACSM’s Exercise Management for Persons With Chronic Diseases and Disabilities offers the latest research and applications for integrating exercise into the treatment of49chronicdiseasesanddisabilities.Within the text, diseases and disorders areorganizedintosevensections:cardiovasculardiseases;pulmonarydiseases;metabolicdiseases;

immunologicalandhematologicaldisorders;orthopedicdiseasesanddisabilities;neuromusculardisorders;andcognitive,psychological,andsensory disorders. For each condition, training and response to exercise, management of medications, and recommendations and special considerations of exercise testing and programming are discussed.

ACSM’s Exercise Management for Persons With Chronic Diseases and Disabilities, Third Edition AmericanCollegeofSportsMedicineJ.LarryDurstine,PhD,FACSM,GeoffreyE.Moore,MD,FACSM,PatriciaL.Painter,PhD,FACSM,andScottO.Roberts,PhD,FACSM,Editors©2009•Hardback•456ppPrint:ISBN978-0-7360-7433-9•$72.00($77.95CDN,£52.99UK,€63.60EURO)E-book:ISBN978-0-7360-8466-6•$40.00($42.95CDN,£35.99UK,€43.20EURO)

Exercise Management for Chronic Conditions Series EachcourseintheExerciseManagementforChronicConditionsseriesexplains the pathology, diagnosis, and pathophysiology of common chronic conditions and the role of exercise in managing them. Exercise prescription, possible risks associated with exercise, and the response of common medications to exercise are also covered.

These courses can be purchased with or without the course text, Clinical Exercise Physiology, Second Edition.

Exercise Management for Cardiovascular ConditionsCentreforPhysicalActivityinAgeingDianneLittlechildandRobertBarnard©2012•OnlinecourseWith text:ISBN978-1-4504-3397-6•$149.00($160.95CDN,£109.99UK,€132.00EURO)Without text:ISBN978-1-4504-3398-3•$69.00($74.95CDN,£56.99UK,€68.40EURO)

Exercise Management for Metabolic ConditionsCentreforPhysicalActivityinAgeingDianneLittlechildandRobertBarnard©2012•OnlinecourseWith text:ISBN978-1-4504-3400-3•$149.00($160.95CDN,£109.99UK,€132.00EURO)Without text:ISBN978-1-4504-3401-0•$69.00($74.95CDN,£56.99UK,€68.40EURO)

Physical Activity and Type 2 Diabetes: Therapeutic Effects and Mechanisms of ActionJohnA.Hawley,PhD,andJuleenR.Zierath,PhD,Editors©2008•Hardback•232ppISBN978-0-7360-6479-8•$80.00($85.95CDN, £54.95UK,€65.90EURO)

Health Professionals’ Guide to Physical Management of Parkinson’s Disease MiriamP.Boelen,PT©2009•Hardback•320ppISBN978-0-7360-7492-6•$61.00($65.95CDN, £40.99UK,€49.20EURO)


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Apply the science of exercise physiology to promote healthy aging

Physiology of Exercise and Healthy Aging applies the science of exercise physiology to an analysis of the aging process and identifies the positive effects that regular exercise and physical activity have not only on longevity but also on delaying specific diseases, decreasing morbidity, and increasing quality of life. Information is presented in the context

of three groups found in the aging and health spectrum: average aging individuals, frail elderly, and master athletes.

Physiology of Exercise and Healthy AgingAlbertW.Taylor,PhD,DSc,andMichelJ.Johnson,PhD©2008•Hardback•304ppISBN978-0-7360-5838-4•$76.00($81.95CDN,£49.99UK,€60.00EURO)

Understand the aging process and its effects on all areas of life

Physical Dimensions of Aging, Second Edition, provides an introduction to aging, to the field of gerontology, and to the research process for studying individual differences. The text describes the physical changes in structure, capacity, and endurance, as well as the factors related to motor coordination, motor control, and skill learning for older

adults.Physical–psychosocialrelationships,includinghealth,exercise,and cognitive function as well as health-related expectations of quality of life for older adults, are also covered.

Physical Dimensions of Aging, Second EditionWaneenW.Spirduso,EdD,KarenL.Francis,PhD,andPriscillaG.MacRae,PhD©2005•Hardback•384ppISBN978-0-7360-3315-2•$82.00($88.95CDN,£52.99UK,€63.60EURO)

Innovative research on measurement in aging and physical activity

Basedonthe10thMeasurementandEvaluation Symposium, “Measurement IssuesandChallengesinAgingResearch,”Measurement Issues in Aging and Physical Activity considers research from experts around the world relating to the latest questions, challenges, and techniques in aging and measurement. The reference addresses a range of topics in aging

research, including issues from the fields of kinesiology, biology, physiology, technology, urban planning, measurement, and statistics.Measurement Issues in Aging and Physical Activity WeimoZhu,PhD,andWojtekChodzko-Zajko,PhD,Editors©2006•Hardback•208ppISBN978-0-7360-5364-8•$59.00($63.95CDN,£42.99UK,€51.60EURO)

International perspectives on critical issues of aging and leisure Leisure and Aging: Theory and Practice provides a balanced perspective of current knowledge as it presents cutting-edge research from the fields of both gerontology and leisure studies. The text explores theories in leisure and aging;bridgesthegapbetweenresearchand application, arming professionals withtoolstonavigatediversecultures;and offers insight into delivery of leisure services in older adult communities and long-term care environments.

Leisure and Aging: Theory and PracticeHeatherGibson,PhD,andJeromeSingleton,PhD,CTRS,Editors©2012•Hardback•280ppPrint:ISBN978-0-7360-9463-4•$59.00($63.95CDN,£39.99UK,€48.00EURO)E-book:ISBN978-1-4504-2136-2•$33.00($35.95CDN,£26.99UK,€32.40EURO)Ancillaries available online.

Aging, Exercise, and Cognition SeriesThis series presents advanced research and key issues for understanding and researching the links between exercise, aging, and cognition. The three volumes demonstrate the beneficial effects of regular physical activity on cognitive functioning and general health during aging.The books in this series may also be purchased as a package. ISBN978-0-7360-9393-4•$122.00($131.95CDN,£88.95UK,€106.70EURO)

Enhancing Cognitive Functioning and Brain Plasticity WojtekChodzko-Zajko,PhD, ArthurKramer,PhD,and LeonardW.Poon,PhD©2009•Hardback•248ppISBN978-0-7360-5791-2•$49.00($52.95CDN,£35.95UK,€43.10EURO)

Exercise and Its Mediating Effects on Cognition WaneenW.Spirduso,PhD, LeonardW.Poon,PhD,and WojtekChodzko-Zajko,PhD,Editors©2008•Hardback•296ppISBN978-0-7360-5786-8•$49.00($52.95CDN,£35.95UK,€43.10EURO)

Active Living, Cognitive Functioning, and Aging LeonardW.Poon,PhD,WojtekChodzko-Zajko,PhD,PhillipD.Tomporowski,PhD©2006•Hardback•264ppISBN978-0-7360-5785-1•$49.00($52.95CDN,£34.95UK,€41.90EURO)


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Broad coverage of kinesiology with a unique focus on review articles

Examine the effects of physical activity on the aging process The Journal of Aging and Physical Activity (JAPA) provides researchers and practitioners with up-to-date scientific information that can be directly applied to practice. JAPA focuses on the aging process and the role of physical activity in promoting health and preventing or

delaying the onset of disability. It specifically publishes articles that examine the development, implementation, and evaluation of physical activity programs.

The Journal of Aging and Physical Activity is the official journal of theInternationalCoalitionforAgingandPhysicalActivity. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity JenniferL.Etnier,PhD,Editor Frequency: Quarterly (January, April, July, October) Current Volume: 20 (2012) Print and online format ISBN:978-0-7360-5214-6

Visit www.JAPA-Journal.com for pricing and submission guidelines.

Explore the influence of physical activity on all aspects of health Journal of Physical Activity & Health (JPAH) publishes original research and review papers examining the relationship between physical activity and all aspects of health, studying physical activity as an exposure as well as an outcome. JPAH also invites papers that examine

behavioral, community, and environmental interventions that may affect physical activity on an individual and population basis.

The Journal of Physical Activity & Health is the official journal of the InternationalSocietyforPhysicalActivityandHealth.

Journal of Physical Activity & Health LorettaDiPietro,PhD, and HaroldW.KohlIII,PhD,Editors Frequency: 8 issues/year (January, February, March, May, July, August, September, November) Current Volume:9(2012) Print and online format ISBN:978-0-7360-5135-4

Visit www.JPAH-Journal.com for pricing and submission guidelines.

Boost vitality with more frequent exerciseA commonly mentioned barrier to implementing more vigorous exercise programs for older adults is the belief that only extremely motivated patients will comply with a more time-consuming program. However, a study recently published in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity found that participants in ahigh-calorieexpenditure(HCE)exerciseprogramactually grew to like exercise more than those who took part in a standard exercise program.

ParticipantsintheHCEprogramwereaskedtoexercise more frequently than those in the standard program (at least 5 days per week rather than 3) and to increase the length of each session by approximately20minutes(45-60minutesvs.25-40minutes).Bothgroupsalsotookpartinbehavioralweight-loss program. At the end of 5 months, the HCEgrouphadlostmorethantwiceasmuchweightas those in the standard group, greatly reduced their

cardiometabolic risk factors, and reported improved vitality and mood. What’s more, participants saw improvements regardless of their level of physical function when they entered the program, showing that older adults of varying abilities can be successful in a rigorous exercise program.

Noticeableweightlosshelpedparticipantstoenjoyexercise more so they stuck with the program. As they exercised more, they noticed improved mood, less pain, and better general health and physical functioning. Most health care practitioners, when counselingpatients,emphasizetheimportanceofweight loss from a cardiometabolic perspective. Health care professionals may want to counsel patients that weight loss will not only lower cardiovascular risk but also improve quality of life.

Read the complete article summary from the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity online.

Kinesiology Review (KR) provides a forum for discussion and analysis of kinesiology research and its applications. Although many journals publish reviews on select topics, KR stands alone in its focus on scholarly reviews from any and all of the kinesiology subdisciplines. This rigorously peer-reviewed online quarterly journal will serve the interests of those in all areas of study related to health and physical activity, including movement and exercise science, sport and exercise psychology, sports medicine, sport history, sociology of sport and physical activity, physical education pedagogy, athletic training, sport

management, and physical and occupational therapy.

Kinesiology Review is the official journal of the NationalAcademyofKinesiologyandtheAmericanKinesiology Association.

Kinesiology Review JaneE.Clark,PhD,Editor Frequency: Quarterly(February,May,August,November) Current Volume: 1 (2012) Online format ISBN:978-1-4504-2388-5

Visit www.KR-Journal.com for pricing and submission guidelines.


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A celebration of diversity and inclusion The 8th World Congress on Active Ageing will be held in Glasgow, Scotland, from August 13th to 17th 2012.

Every four years, the scientific community from around the world gathers together in this international scientific congress to exchange the latest research findings and clinical developments in the area of Ageing andPhysicalActivity.Italsointroducesleadingedgemethodsondeveloping,implementing,andevaluating

physical activity programmes for older adults. The 2012 event is targeted towards researchers, practitioners, organisations, and for the first time, older adults and the general public who are interested in promoting active and healthy lifestyles for older adults.

Key one day congress themes will focus on active ageing in the prevention and self management of the conditions associated with old age:• Cognitivefunctioninganddementia• Neurologicalandmusculoskeletalconditions• Falls,fracturesandbonehealth• Cardiovascularandrespiratoryconditions

These themes will be complimented by a series of conferences strands which will include:• Theimpactofthebuiltandnaturalenvironmentandtechnologyuponphysicalactivityparticipation• Trainingandinstructioninexerciseleadershipandsafeandeffectiveprogramming• Motivationtotakeupandadheretophysicalactivityandexercise• Measurementofphysicalactivityandexerciseoutcomes• Activeageingandhealthpromotion

Visit www.WCAA2012.com for more information.

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