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Siân Roberts Candidate Number: 8050 Tae Kwon Do National Study

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Page 1: Exemplar - National study

Siân Roberts

Candidate Number: 8050

Tae Kwon Do

National Study

Page 2: Exemplar - National study

Siân Roberts

Candidate Number: 8050

Entering and progressing through Tae Kwon Do

There are two ways one can enter Taekwondo, either by joining an International Taekwondo

Federation (ITF) style school (See appendix one), or by joining a World Taekwondo Federation (WTF)

(See appendix two). Only WTF Taekwondo is in the Olympics and it is full contact, in which points are

also awarded for knock outs, whereas ITF style Taekwondo emphasises control and technique. In

order to fully progress in Tae Kwon Do to an Olympic level joining a WTF school would be more


In order to progress fully you need to be extremely dedicated as it requires travelling around

England as the national teams and squad training for both Taekwondo Association of Great Britain

(TAGB) (See appendix three) and British Taekwondo Control Board (BTCB) (See appendix four) are

based in the North of England and the Midlands, and the BTCB is based in Manchester. The UK

National Taekwondo Centre of Excellence is based at Loughborough University, Loughborough,

Leicestershire and hold the BTCB's British Championships each year.

Role of the national governing body

The BTCB is the national governing body for WTF Taekwondo and is responsible for all types of

WTF/Olympic style Taekwondo in the UK, this includes selecting National teams for the European

and World championships, and the Olympic Games. The WTF outlines the rules and regulations.

The TAGB is the biggest national governing body in the UK for ITF style Taekwondo. They oversee

competitions within the TAGB gradings and black belt gradings, however the TAGB follow the ITF

style, rules and regulations but they are not a member of the ITF, but is the founding member of

Taekwondo International of which there are 61 countries that are members. (See appendix five)

The TAGB and the BTCB are the main governing bodies in the UK for ITF and WTF Taekwondo; there

are over 15 national governing bodies in the UK for ITF and WTF Taekwondo. Many of these are

members of the British Taekwondo Council, which is recognised by the Sports Council as the overall

governing body for Taekwondo in the United Kingdom. (See appendix six)

Talent Identification

Talent identification can occur at many local and regional competitions. Over the past year UK Sport

launched a talent transfer campaign Talent 2012 Fighting Chance(See appendix seven); for students

with a kicking base martial arts background to apply to transfer their skills to WTF Taekwondo. This

gave ITF students the opportunity to take part. Fighting Chance gave the opportunity to recognise

world class martial artists that would be suitable for transferring their skills, in the hope of being in

the 2012 Olympics and becoming a full time, paid, professional athlete. Former TAGB fighter Aaron

Cook previously took part in a talent transfer scheme, now current world junior champion and

narrowly missing out on a medal in the 2008 Olympics.

The BTCB also run residential camps called the England Junior Development Programme which are

subsidised by Sport England. These camps aim to provide junior athletes with the best possible

chance to transfer into the senior Great Britain Taekwondo Academy. To overall create a junior

pathway in taekwondo in order to achieve long term success for Great Britain at major

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Candidate Number: 8050

competitions. However there is criteria that needs to be met in order to be considered for the

opportunity. (See appendix eight)

Taekwondo at a national level

Both the BTCB and the TAGB have national Taekwondo squads. Anybody with a full set of sparring

gear and a valid TAGB licence can turn up to the TAGB squad training however the training is

challenging and a good standard of Taekwondo would have to be met, though it does offer the

chance to train with some of the best semi-contact fighters in the TAGB and the world.

The BTCB selects a national team to participate in the WTF European and World championships and

for the Olympic Games.

Funding and sponsorship

The BTCB has many partners which provide funding and sponsorship for the BTCB and its national

team, including the World Taekwondo Federation, The European Taekwondo Union, Sport

Taekwondo UK LTD, The British Olympic Association, UK Sport, Sport England, The English Institute

of Sport, Adidas and Korea Tourism Organization. This funding ensures that the BTCB national team

that competes in the European and World Championships and the Olympic Games have world class

coaches, appropriate facilities, sports science and medicine support. (See appendix nine) And British

Taekwondo are also announcing a major sponsorship opportunity leading up to the 2012 Olympics.

The TAGB being ITF style does not get as much funding as the BTCB, as it is WTF and the only style

currently accepted by the Olympics, though they get funding from the fees students pay such as

licence fees, grading fees, equipment, courses and tournaments. They have also had campaign-

specific sponsorship in the past from Nestle, Thomas Cook, Nationwide and Disney. (See appendix



Taekwondo is open to both genders, however in competition men and women compete separately

against their own sex. Competitions are also split by weight, height, grade and age as this provides a

fair match. In Taekwondo there is equal opportunity for both genders.

Taekwondo for the disabled

Para-Taekwondo does exist, though it hasn’t been around for very long; in 2009 and 2010 the WTF

hosted the first and second World Para-Taekwondo championships in Azerbaijan and St Petersburg,

Russia. Taekwondo has yet to be added to the Paralympics, however, The International Paralympics

Committee (IPC) hosted a meeting in December 2010 to discuss whether to include Taekwondo in

the list of the 2016 Paralympics however they decided against it.

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Candidate Number: 8050

Critical analysis

In my opinion it is currently very difficult for a student to be noticed, as there is not as much

provision for talent identification as in other sports. And when starting Taekwondo you are not told

that starting in an ITF Taekwondo school you are unable to compete in the larger events if you wish

so. In my opinion the Olympics should be open to both styles of Taekwondo, giving both ITF and WTF

students equal opportunity to progress.

Word Count: 981 excluding titles, appendices and references








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Siân Roberts

Candidate Number: 8050


Appendix One – International Taekwondo Federation

Appendix Two – World Taekwondo Federation

Appendix Three - Taekwondo Association of Great Britain

Appendix Four – British Taekwondo Control Board

Appendix Five – Taekwondo International

Appendix Six – British Taekwondo Council

Appendix Seven – Talent 2012 Fighting Chance

Appendix Eight – The England Junior Development Programme

Appendix Nine – BTCB partnerships and sponsorships

Appendix Ten – TAGB Campaign specific sponsorship and health and fitness promotions

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Candidate Number: 8050

Appendix One

International Taekwondo Federation.


The International Taekwondo Federation was established in 1966 at that time only 9 countries were

involved since then ITF Taekwondo is taught in almost every country in the world. The ITF is a

separate organisation to the TAGB however the TAGB practise the ITF style of Taekwondo and

therefore have to follow its rules and regulations.

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Candidate Number: 8050

Appendix Two

World Taekwondo Federation.


The World Taekwondo Federation was established in 1973. The Association now has unions in 5

regions, The African Taekwondo Union, The Asian Taekwondo Union, The European Taekwondo

Union, The Oceania Taekwondo Union and The Pan America Taekwondo Union. Which then have

separate governing bodies in most countries which are part of the WTF and their corresponding


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Candidate Number: 8050

Appendix Three

Taekwondo Association of Great Britain


The TAGB was formed in 1983 and has since become one of the founding members of the British

Taekwondo Council. It is now one of the largest martial arts organisations in the world with over 600

clubs in the UK and over 25,000 members. The TAGB played a leading role in the reunification of

British Taekwondo into one governing body so that they would all be recognised by the UK sports

council under one main national governing body.

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Candidate Number: 8050

Appendix Four

British Taekwondo Control Board


The BTCB was established in 1982 and is the governing body for WTF Taekwondo in the UK. The

BTCB is a member of the WTF, The British Olympic Association, The European Taekwondo Union and

recognised by UK sport. It is responsible for all aspects of WTF Taekwondo in the UK. This includes

selecting national teams to compete in the European Championships, World Championships and

Olympic games. Being part of the WTF it therefore follows the rules and regulations of the WTF

Taekwondo style.

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Candidate Number: 8050

Appendix Five


Taekwondo International have 61 countries that are members these are;

Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Costa Rica,

Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ireland, Finland, France, Gambia,

Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia,

Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zeeland, Nigeria, Norway,

Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Russia, Sierra Leone,

Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Ukraine, United Kingdom,

USA, Venezuela.

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Candidate Number: 8050

Appendix Six

British Taekwondo Council


The aim of the British Taekwondo Council was so that all governing bodies could be recognised in

the UK sports council under one main national governing body for the UK.

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Appendix Seven

Talent 2012 Fighting Chance




UK Sport launched a talent identification program recently, with the hope of identifying world class

martial artists that would be able to transfer their skills to WTF Taekwondo with the aim of bringing

home a medal in the 2012 Olympic Games. Also offering the ultimate goal of a chance to become a

full time paid professional athlete.

There were several regulations that were needed in order to apply and then several stages for the

applicants, these included;

- Aged 16+ - Lightening reactions and decision making

-Male or Female - Desire and determination for success

- All weight categories - UK passport holder or eligible for a UK passport

- Excellent skill level

- Current success at a national level

in a kicking orientated combat sport

The first stage of application was a online form in which details were given about current and past

success and why they thought they should be in the 2012 Olympic Taekwondo squad. 1000 people

applied and 200 made it through to the talent identification days held around the UK.

The second stage, which was a talent identification day, involved many different assessments. These

included leg strength, flexibility, fitness and power tests and finally a combat test in which applicants

fought a 3x3minute WTF fight in front of the Great Britain WTF Coach and Sarah Stevenson, Olympic

bronze medallist.

The third stage involved a second identification day. During this day pad work and more sparring

were assessed. There were around 40 people who made it through to this stage, many were TAGB


The next stage is an 8 day residential boot camp at the WTF UK headquarters in Manchester, to be

held in May. After this stage there will be a second residential trip to Korea for a few weeks before

places as a professional athlete are offered to successful candidates. Three TAGB fighters made it

through to this stage

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Appendix Eight

The England Junior Development Programme

See website for full details and criteria


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Appendix Nine

BTCB Partnerships and sponsorships

See full list at: http://www.britishtaekwondo.org.uk/british-taekwondo-control-board-partners.html

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Appendix Ten

TAGB Health and fitness promotions


In the last few years the TAGB has been involved with health and fitness promotions with companies

such as Nestle, Nationwide Building Society, Sainsbury's, Asda, Cardinal Securities, Disneyland and

Rotary International.


In 2007 the TAGB was involved in the Sainsbury's Active kids vouchers, where children could collect

the vouchers for their school, for every £10 spent in store a voucher would be awarded and

additional vouchers would be give for spending money on items marked as healthy such as fresh

fruit and vegetables. The school were then able to exchange these vouchers for coaching for

activities they probably never had the chance to do before, such as a trained taekwondo coach

coming to their school to teach them.