executive summary v2


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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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_Status Quo / What you told us in the briefing

Our interpretion of the briefing

What challenges is adidas facing

Strategic insight (consumer, brand)


Our proposed solution

How this solution fulfills business objectives

How this solution transitions over time

How we will measure success

Overview about our approach to this project

How we plan to do it

Who will do it

What will it cost

Why are we the right partner for adidas for this project

What next? Contact

_seamless discovery, play, customization and shopping

adidas.com becomes a rich productized experience that captures the inherent connections between adidas brands, content, products and teen life. It creates the context often needed to inspire purchase and subtly introduces products into branded content. It weaves the disparate brand experiences together into a coherent whole.

_adidas “one-site” platform project:

a vision for a more

profitable future and a plan of how

get there

_the RFP:

create a holistic, non-fragmented, customer experience that showcases the best of adidas’ brand, commerce, and personalization under one roof – the sum will be greater than the parts. This experience will drive customer satisfaction as measured by dramatic increases in sales, brand affinity, and engagement.

_brand vision for adidas

_a branded house, not a house of brands

one house, many distinct but interconnected rooms

develop an experience that leverages and unites all Adidas content

merge brand, shop, and customization content in a way that creates a nto a natural interconnected journey holistic, cross-platform consumer experience that is richer, more relevant, more engagement, and more valuable

_digital natives

born with a mobile phone in their pocket, a computer in their lap, and an average of 3000 marketing messages in front of them on a daily basis

a fractured experience is their way of life – bouncing from site to site, online to offline,brand to brand – is status quo

getting their friends’ attention is just as important as getting theirs.

they like to talk back. They want to tell you what they think and how you can make it better. Let them.

if you can create the context – tell them a story, create a world, connect them to their network – you can create the engagement

_this is how they like to browse

_this is how they like to play

_this is how they like to communicate

_this is how they like to shop


browse journey



i am here to buy

i am here to look







shop journey



you told us there was element of being ‘stuck in the mud’ infiltrating the adidas brand. heritage and history are important, but nostalgia isn’t the best sales tool to market to 14-19-year olds.

your heritage shouldn’t be a ball and chain round the adidas brand. embrace your history but revitalise your approach to enhance and expand the customer experience. adidas does not have a stale background. it has a rich and prestigious foundation that can be built upon in a fresh, postmodern and stylistic way.

re-use and re-expression is everywhere in the mash-ups and interactions of today’s ugc generation. it lends an air of authority and tradition to products and brands and enriches audiences’ understanding of them.

adidas is no stranger to re-invention: the innovation cycle itself – used to create better equipment, clothes, technologies – is based upon consistent and regular improvements to what already exists.

don’t reinvent the wheel. pimp it up

consistent actions across brands (social influence)

connected actions through common audiences within brands (behaviour)

innovative ideas that can be leveraged brand to brand (tactical)

Efficiency, effectiveness and insight encouraging longer, deeper cross-site journeys and user engagement

_leveraging the network effect

_leverage the power of the aggregate to build richer more relevant audience experiences

shared learning

common behavior

common social behavior

cross brand behaviors analysisbehavioral and

attitudinal clusters

multi- channel dashboard

_futurevisit 1

visit 2

visit 3

browse +


_creative strategy

_insert the adidas brand into the web with confidence and commitment, balanced by an honest respect for the surrounding pages


_the strategy takes inspiration from intervention architecture

_intervention architecture

“a creative way to breathe new life into an existing historic context, while reinventing an economic and social value”

_at its core the strategy is a team of insertable page elements that drive consistency


_the structure is a perfect balance of two models

_house of brands _branded house

_it meets the challenge of being the most personal sports brand by providing a big canvas for adidas to tell big stories

_the master brand plays a network role, making the experience coherent while freeing up the main stage for Performance, Originals and Style to beas great as they can be on any given day


_through these stories adidas can be the most relevant brand in every street and field around the world

_and by being re-usable off-platform, the elements give adidas the opportunity to insert itself into the wider culture of the web, following the brand heritage of being an authentic part of social history

_the impression we want to create is that adidas is the most personally relevant brand on the web


_creative vision achieves business goals

Engagement: User journeys expanded through navigation layers that merge disparate experiences.

Sales: Paths to purchase shortened through a fusion of brand and commerce content.

USP: Natural and desirable presentation of relevant and contextual content to encourage repeat visits.

Flexibility:Site structures and organization able to incorporate and leverage historical content as well as introduce new content.

Efficiency: Solution enables ease of development through standardized templates, common infrastructure and integrated sites.

_experience structure

_nike VS adidas


Strong on personalisation

Choose your local site first time you visit

Customisation link is available everywhere

Popular topics and current events are promoted well

Strong on navigation

Consistent navigation design

Streamlined purchase path, starting at the home page

Weak on circular journeys

Hard to reverse out of a sub-site

Little promotion across sub-sites


header featured info

shopby lines

chooseyour location

customiseby lines

browseby sites



shop by lines





shop by





Strong on diversity

Lots to doExperimental layoutsStrongly branded experiences

Weak on navigation

Unstructured purchase path, often starting deep into the experienceLinks bump the user out to external sites

_experience design


Ensure the site is easy to use and navigate (and is seen to be so)

Allow people to find relevant information easily, but also take horizontal journeys around unrelated content to explore the full breadth of the adidas brand

Start by giving people the opportunity to self-select the journey that is most relevant to them

Make it easy to shop from anywhere, puttingthe start of the purchase path within a swipe of the mouse

Bring customisation to the top of the experience

experience layers

welcome to adidas

design your own/shop


products productsdesign your own


more like this

who’s wearing it


buy whats on the page

get more info

what’s going on