executive summary example

Client Name Phillipe Dupuy Screened by Marta Trainer(s) Mark Branch Mayfair Goals To lose weight, increase fitness level and tone up. Relevant medical history Implications Knee: Left Medial Meniscus Arthroscopy 2 years ago. Shoulder Dislocation: N/A Lower back: Disc compression Level 4 and 5 Liaise with trainer regarding weight bearing exercises. No repetitive flexion or extension exercises. Foot / Ankle Foot posture in standing: Left foot presented with flat feet, right moderate with normal arches. Knee No issues after Arthroscopy. Mild diminishing of muscle (VMO) on the medial side. Hip Tight hip flexor however moderate range of movement in both hips. Lower back Tight mid spine , weak back muscle and weak gluts (quadratus lumborum) Upper back N/A good posture, however tight upper traps (upper shoulder muscle tightness) : desk based tightness in the main. Shoulder Full range of movement: Shoulder surgery noted however no restrictions. Physiotherapist’s comments Phillipe is motivated to achieve his fitness goals and to work on his independent running goals. PHYSIOTHERAPY SCREENING EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Executive Summary Example

Client Name Phillipe Dupuy

Screened by Marta

Trainer(s) Mark

Branch Mayfair

GoalsTo lose weight, increase fitness level and tone up.

Relevant medical history Implications

Knee: Left Medial Meniscus Arthroscopy 2 years ago.

Shoulder Dislocation: N/A

Lower back: Disc compression Level 4 and 5

Liaise with trainer regarding weight bearing exercises.

No repetitive flexion or extension exercises.

Foot / Ankle Foot posture in standing: Left foot presented with flat feet, right moderate with normal arches.

Knee No issues after Arthroscopy. Mild diminishing of muscle (VMO) on the medial side.

Hip Tight hip flexor however moderate range of movement in both hips.

Lower back Tight mid spine , weak back muscle and weak gluts (quadratus lumborum)

Upper backN/A good posture, however tight upper traps (upper shoulder muscle tightness) : desk based tightness in the main.

Shoulder Full range of movement: Shoulder surgery noted however no restrictions.

Physiotherapist’s comments

Phillipe is motivated to achieve his fitness goals and to work on his independent running goals.I am happy with Phillipe on the physiotherapy front. Phillipe has three past injuries and has undergone some rehabilitation for these issues and is aware of his limits regarding exercise.On observation his injured left knee muscle is slightly diminished and Phillipe is also presenting with a left flat foot which is causing him to roll in from the knees when squatting.It is very important to include some quad (VMO) glut exercises to stabilize and strengthen these two weaker areas.

Phillipe presents with no pain and I am happy for him to start his fitness training program.


Page 2: Executive Summary Example

I will liaise with the trainers regarding specific strengthening exercises mainly for stability around the medial left knee hip, ankle and glut as well as working on his other fitness goals.

Liaise with trainers regarding quad strengthening and squat pattern.Recommendations: No lunges, single leg or plyometric.Plan: Continue to liaise with trainers regarding training. Bring Phillipe back in three months and review left knee and left foot.

Trainers’ comments

I will adhere to Marta’s advice on the avoidance of lunges, single leg work and plyometric training.

Training emphasis:

1. VMO work through the use of heel elevated goblet squats / barbell squats. Light load due to the back disc compression with more of a focus on time under tension.

2. Isometric work to develop muscular endurance in the legs will be part of your ski training.3. Hamstrings work to provide knee and hip stability, particularly focusing on the weaker left
