executive principal - tony clark - benalla college · willow plex. mentioned in her farewell speech...

A MESSAGE FROM OUR PRINCIPAL COLLEGE VISION BENALLA P-12 COLLEGE ENSURES THAT EVERY CHILD LEARNS AND IS PREPARED FOR THE FUTURE THROUGH A COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING, HIGH EXPECTATIONS AND POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS IN A SAFE AND INCLUSIVE ENVIRONMENT . Year 12 Celebration Day Wednesday last week was the final day for our 2019 Year 12 students. This day marks a significant milestone in their lives as they complete formal compulsory schooling. It is important to recognise this and celebrate appropriately. This groups of students are to be congratulated for the respect they showed the school and the staff in the way they celebrated. Too often there are tales of damage and mayhem as Year 12 students across the state take the opportunity to ‘muck up’. This was not the case for our students. They dressed up and looked amazing, they entered and left the school in an orderly manner, they had morning tea and lunch with staff, and they enjoyed the water fight and water slide on the oval. This behaviour sets a standard for future groups, and shows very clearly that students can celebrate this day and have fun without causing a disturbance and leaving a bad taste in the mouths of school staff and the community. Well done Year 12s. Good luck with exams, for those taking them, and we look forward to seeing you all at graduation. Staffing There have been a number of staffing changes for next year due to a variety of reasons. I will announce these specifically in the coming weeks. We are currently in the process of advertising teaching jobs for next year and filling those. Rest assured we are working hard to make sure we have the best possible staff in every class. When our final staffing appointments are made we will be able to notify parents and students of their grades for 2020. I appreciate your patience in this regard. Senior Exams Year 12 students start their exams this Wednesday. They are being held in the Weary Dunlop Education Centre at the Faithfull Campus. Good luck to all those students sitting exams. Continued….. TERM 4 DATES, MON 7 TH OCTOBER- FRI 20 TH DECEMBER DATES TO REMEMBER MON 28 TH OCTOBER Hume Intermediate Girls Basketball Yr 9 Outdoor Ed- Reef Hills Excursion MON 28 TH -THURS 31 ST OCT P-2 Swimming Program TUES 29 TH OCTOBER Yr 9 Outdoor Ed- Reef Hills Excursion Yr 5 & 6- 1pm Concert rehearsal 7pm- Yr 5 & 6 Concert Benalla Town Hall WED 30 TH OCTOBER Benalla Festival Visual Art Workshop 5.30pm- Yr 9 Information Session THURS 31 ST OCTOBER Taekwondo Session- Select Yr 8 & 9 students FRI 1 ST NOVEMBER Yrs 3-6- Cricket Carnival STUDENT FREE DAY Monday 4 th November Benalla P-12 College Executive Principal - Tony Clark Monday 28th October, 2019 Edition #31 Our College Values Respect Responsibility High Expectations Integrity

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Page 1: Executive Principal - Tony Clark - Benalla College · Willow Plex. mentioned in her farewell speech at the assembly last week that she had been shortlisted for a generous scholarship



BENALLA P-12 COLLEGE ENSURES THAT EVERY CHILD LEARNS AND IS PREPARED FOR THE FUTURE THROUGH A COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING, HIGH EXPECTATIONS AND POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS IN A SAFE AND INCLUSIVE ENVIRONMENT. Year 12 Celebration Day Wednesday last week was the final day for our 2019 Year 12 students. This day marks a significant milestone in their lives as they complete formal compulsory schooling. It is important to recognise this and celebrate appropriately. This groups of students are to be congratulated for the respect they showed the school and the staff in the way they celebrated. Too often there are tales of damage and mayhem as Year 12 students across the state take the opportunity to ‘muck up’. This was not the case for our students. They dressed up and looked amazing, they entered and left the school in an orderly manner, they had morning tea and lunch with staff, and they enjoyed the water fight and water slide on the oval. This behaviour sets a standard for future groups, and shows very clearly that students can celebrate this day and have fun without causing a disturbance and leaving a bad taste in the mouths of school staff and the community. Well done Year 12s. Good luck with exams, for those taking them, and we look forward to seeing you all at graduation. Staffing There have been a number of staffing changes for next year due to a variety of reasons. I will announce these specifically in the coming weeks. We are currently in the process of advertising teaching jobs for next year and filling those. Rest assured we are working hard to make sure we have the best possible staff in every class. When our final staffing appointments are made we will be able to notify parents and students of their grades for 2020. I appreciate your patience in this regard. Senior Exams Year 12 students start their exams this Wednesday. They are being held in the Weary Dunlop Education Centre at the Faithfull Campus. Good luck to all those students sitting exams.


DATES TO REMEMBER MON 28TH OCTOBER Hume Intermediate Girls Basketball Yr 9 Outdoor Ed- Reef Hills Excursion MON 28TH-THURS 31ST OCT P-2 Swimming Program TUES 29TH OCTOBER Yr 9 Outdoor Ed- Reef Hills Excursion Yr 5 & 6- 1pm Concert rehearsal 7pm- Yr 5 & 6 Concert Benalla Town Hall WED 30TH OCTOBER Benalla Festival Visual Art Workshop 5.30pm- Yr 9 Information Session THURS 31ST OCTOBER Taekwondo Session- Select Yr 8 & 9 students FRI 1ST NOVEMBER Yrs 3-6- Cricket Carnival


Monday 4th November

Benalla P-12 College Executive Principal - Tony Clark

Monday 28th October, 2019 Edition #31

Our College Values Respect Responsibility High Expectations Integrity

Page 2: Executive Principal - Tony Clark - Benalla College · Willow Plex. mentioned in her farewell speech at the assembly last week that she had been shortlisted for a generous scholarship

PRINCIPALS MESSAGE CONTINUED…….. Congratulations and Well Done College Captain Willow Plex mentioned in her farewell speech at the assembly last week that she had been shortlisted for a generous scholarship at Melbourne University for next year. Even better news, Willow was told she was successful in obtaining this scholarship, which will make a huge difference to her ability to pursue tertiary education. Well done Willow. Well done to Waller Street Year 4 student Thomas Still for taking out the ‘Wow Work’ award last week. Thomas wrote an outstanding science report based on the incursion students took part in the previous week. His handwriting was exceptional and the detail in his report was very ‘wow-worthy’. Also congratulations to the six Year 8 students who have been selected to attend the China program with the School for Student Leadership in Term Two next year. Oliver Hall, Alice O’Brien, Kyle Termorshuizen, Jasmine Blyss, Nicole Patterson and Ella Willett will all travel to China for 4 weeks and participate in a leadership program there. An amazing opportunity. Well done to all the Year 10 students who took part in our inaugural work experience week. From what I have heard, many students enjoyed their time in their workplaces and learned important lessons about the world of work. Well done to Careers staff Kellie Cairncross and Molly Craig for organising the program, and thankyou to all the local employers who gave our students an opportunity. Uniform Review Thankyou to all the parents and students who took the time to fill out our uniform survey. We had a good level of response and the feedback was quite varied. There was no clear direction to change anything and there is certainly no intention of changing color schemes. What is required is some clarification and reducing certain options to make it easier for everyone. There was feedback also about quality of items and cost and we will look at this to ensure we are offering uniform that is value for money. School Council will discuss the survey results tonight and decide on the next step in the process. Tony Clark Executive Principal ATTENDANCE

Going to school every day is the most important part of your child’s education. Students learn new things at school every day – missing school puts them behind. If you are having trouble getting your child/ ren to school every day, please pop in to see one of our student wellbeing team members: If you are having trouble getting your child/ ren to school every day, please pop in to see one of our student wellbeing team: Avon St/Clarke St Campus -Scott Greig 5762 1646 Waller St Campus -Bron Greig 5762 2600 Years 7-9, Faithfull St Campus -Lou McCloskey 5761 2777 Years 10-12, Faithfull St Campus -Craig Carley 5761 2777 We would love to support and work together with you to get your child back on track attending every day.

Email: [email protected] Web: www.benallap12.vic.edu.au

Avon St Waller St Faithfull St Faithfull St Yrs F-4 Yrs F-4 Yrs 5-6 Hub Yrs 7-12 P: 035762 1646 P: 035762 2600 P: 035761 2752 P: 035761 2777 Attendance Hotline Attendance Hotline Attendance hotline Attendance Hotline 035762 1646 035762 2600 035761 2747 035761 2747

Email: [email protected] Web: www.benallap12.vic.edu.au

Avon St Waller St Faithfull St Faithfull St Yrs F-4 Yrs F-4 Yrs 5-6 Hub Yrs 7-12 P: 035762 1646 P: 035762 2600 P: 035761 2752 P: 035761 2777 Attendance Hotline Attendance Hotline Attendance hotline Attendance Hotline 035762 1646 035762 2600 035761 2747 035761 2747

Email: [email protected] Web: www.benallap12.vic.edu.au

Avon St Waller St Faithfull St Faithfull St Yrs F-4 Yrs F-4 Yrs 5-6 Hub Yrs 7-12 P: 035762 1646 P: 035762 2600 P: 035761 2752 P: 035761 2777 Attendance Hotline Attendance Hotline Attendance hotline Attendance Hotline 035762 1646 035762 2600 035761 2747 035761 2747

Email: [email protected] Web: www.benallap12.vic.edu.au

Avon St Waller St Faithfull St Faithfull St Yrs F-4 Yrs F-4 Yrs 5-6 Hub Yrs 7-12 P: 035762 1646 P: 035762 2600 P: 035761 2752 P: 035761 2777 Attendance Hotline Attendance Hotline Attendance hotline Attendance Hotline 035762 1646 035762 2600 035761 2747 035761 2747

Page 3: Executive Principal - Tony Clark - Benalla College · Willow Plex. mentioned in her farewell speech at the assembly last week that she had been shortlisted for a generous scholarship


Congratulations Bonnie, Will, Nuceya, Sebastian and Imogen GOLDEN SHOVEL AWARDS

Golden Shovel Award winners for this week are Kristy and Nuceya.


TERM 4 CAMPUS LEADERS Congratulations to our Term 4 Avon Street Campus leaders. Pictured with Mrs Treacy are Angus, Amali, Nuceya and Damon YR 1/2 MARKET FRESH Students from 1 & 2 learnt about Fresh fruit & vegetables when the Team from Market Fresh visited.

They wrote the below letter of thanks. Dear Teesha and Carol, Thank you for coming to Benalla, we loved your delicious fruit and vegetables! We appreciated that you set it all up for us to taste, eat and enjoy. We learnt about the growing and storage of the fresh foods from Market Fresh in Melbourne. We need fruit and vegetables to be healthy and for our bodies to grow. Thank you Years 1/2 Challman, Smith, McNaughton/Hartridge at Avon Campus, Benalla P-12 College.

Page 4: Executive Principal - Tony Clark - Benalla College · Willow Plex. mentioned in her farewell speech at the assembly last week that she had been shortlisted for a generous scholarship


The F-2 Students of the Week were: L-R: Trae, Noah, Kaylee, Bella, Jett & Blaike The Year 3/4 Students of the Week were: L-R: Liam, Kobie, Imogen & Amy HANDS ON SCIENCE

On thursday the 17Th October a woman named Angela White came to our school to tell us about how to change the world. Angela had a bag of crystals we had to put water inside the bag, and when we did, the crystals started growing. After that the crystal became fragile. Angela told us about the 3 type of rocks, they were; Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary. There was a box of rocks that we had to sort out which is which. After that, we had to get 2 sugar cubes between 2 people. We had to drop tiny drops of water onto the cubes after a lot of drops of water, the sugar starts melting. After that we had to put vinegar inside a bag with eggshells inside. The vinegar creates a sort of acid rain with the eggshell. After that, we had to put chalk in a container with sand. Every time you shook it hard it would start to change colour. If the chalk is blue, the sand would turn blue or green. The Hands on Science incursion was so interesting it could win an award! My favourite thing was the chalk because of the sand changing colours! I loved it and I hope we get to do it again.-Tom


Mr Clark's WOW Work Award was presented to Thomas Still from Year 3/4. GOLDEN SHOVEL AWARDS

The Golden Shovel recipients were: L-R: Lacey, Jackson, Liam, Kobie, Charli, Hailey, Chantay & Oliver

Page 5: Executive Principal - Tony Clark - Benalla College · Willow Plex. mentioned in her farewell speech at the assembly last week that she had been shortlisted for a generous scholarship


At the Benalla Show on the weekend our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program entered many exhibits into the farm and home produce and horticultural sections of this year’s Benalla Show. Every exhibit entered in the show has been either produced, grown or cared for by our Waller St and Avon St Year 3/4 students. The students and Amanda have put in a fantastic amount of time and effort into getting the plants, fruits and eggs ready for the show and are immensely proud of their results as can be seen below. Show results First prize Collection of Vegetables grown by students at a school 8 First places 5 Second places Fruit Aggregate Winner Champion Exhibit 5/6 HUB NEWS ARTIST AND AUTHOR VISIT Students in 6C recently enjoyed a visit and presentation by local artist Tim Bowtell and author Kylie Pitts. Tim has created the extraordinary silo artworks at St James and murals for the Wall to Wall festival. He shared the fascinating art making process he follows to create these works, from early drawings and tonal paintings to the act of painting many metres high up a silo from a scissor lift. Students viewed a stop motion film showing the entire silo painting process. Kylie is the author of the children’s book “I’m OK”, illustrated by Tim, which presents a positive message for children and adults alike about acceptance and wellbeing. Kylie also shared all the thinking and steps involved in creating and publishing a picture story book. This artist and author visit formed part of the student’s participation in the Rotary Community Award project. “I was amazed how detailed the silo art is and how Tim uses grids to paint such a large picture” Justin Eriha “It was unique to have the chance to meet someone who is an artist. I’m surprised how well he can paint with a spray can” Ella Brennan

Page 6: Executive Principal - Tony Clark - Benalla College · Willow Plex. mentioned in her farewell speech at the assembly last week that she had been shortlisted for a generous scholarship






2020 YEAR 9 INFORMATION SESSION Come and explore our Year 9 Future Makers Camp, Careers Program, Young Leaders to China Leadership Program and a range of opportunities offered exclusively to our Year 9 students. 2020 Year 9 Information Session When: Wednesday, 30th of October, 2019 Time: 5:30 PM-6:10 PM Venue: Year 9 Centre, Faithfull Street Campus, Benalla P-12 College THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY

Students in Year 9 participated in The Good, The Bad and The Ugly program last week. Students had four guest speakers come to talk about Sexual Health, Consent and the Law, Respecting Diversity and Healthy Relationships.

Page 7: Executive Principal - Tony Clark - Benalla College · Willow Plex. mentioned in her farewell speech at the assembly last week that she had been shortlisted for a generous scholarship

FAITHFULL ST CAMPUS NEWS YEAR 12 CELEBRATION DAY Wednesday October 23 was our Year 12s last day at school – and what a great day it was. All students dressed up and participated in a fashion parade for the year 7 to 11 students. The costumes were fantastic. This was followed by a morning tea provided by staff and the opening of the time capsule. Students had many laughs at the messages they had written to themselves 6 years ago. Then the highlight of the day was the staff versus student water fight. It was the start of a new tradition to have a fun day with staff and we were so proud of how well the students conducted themselves. Jo Martin Senior Sub School Leader

Page 8: Executive Principal - Tony Clark - Benalla College · Willow Plex. mentioned in her farewell speech at the assembly last week that she had been shortlisted for a generous scholarship

2020 SPORT& REC TRAINEESHIP FAITHFULL ST CAMPUS NEWS DR & NURSE SERVICE The Dr & Nurse service is available every Tuesday from 9am-12.30pm. To make an appointment, just call or text 0427 752 398. Alternatively, you can arrange an appointment by contacting Craig Carley or by attending the surgery during the walk in sessions from 10.30am -11.15am.

PARENT & RELATIONSHIP EDUCATION PROGRAMS TUNING INTO KIDS- EMOTIONALLY INTELLIGENT PARENTING (2-10 YEARS) Venue: Pangerang Community House, 38 Ovens St, Wangaratta Date: Fri 8th Nov- 6th Dec Time: 10am-12pm Call: 03 57 23 2000 to book your place. POSITIVE PARENTING TELEPHONE SERVICE Venue: Free call telephone service Date: ongoing Time: day & evening appointments Phone: 1800 880 660 AFTER SCHOOL CARE NEWS

UPCOMING ACTIVITIES To view the activities and afternoon tea menu, click on the following link: https://benallap12.vic.edu.au HOW TO BOOK: Bookings can be made by contacting: Waller Street Campus: 57622600 or Mob 0407 715 660 Avon Street Campus: 5762 1646 or Mob 0428 014 133 Care is available at Waller Street Campus only on the 4th November (pupil free day). Could parents please let staff know asap if they need care.

Torah having fun on the play equipment

Page 9: Executive Principal - Tony Clark - Benalla College · Willow Plex. mentioned in her farewell speech at the assembly last week that she had been shortlisted for a generous scholarship


Page 10: Executive Principal - Tony Clark - Benalla College · Willow Plex. mentioned in her farewell speech at the assembly last week that she had been shortlisted for a generous scholarship
Page 11: Executive Principal - Tony Clark - Benalla College · Willow Plex. mentioned in her farewell speech at the assembly last week that she had been shortlisted for a generous scholarship
Page 12: Executive Principal - Tony Clark - Benalla College · Willow Plex. mentioned in her farewell speech at the assembly last week that she had been shortlisted for a generous scholarship

We're a Parenting Ideas


insights Strengthening kids’ self- esteem in a digital world by Martine Oglethorpe

How do we develop and nurture our child’s self-esteem in a world where the likes, comments and followers are often seen as the social currency for popularity, confidence and self-worth?

While young people live out much of their social lives online, there are certain elements of this world that can have a negative impact on the social and emotional wellbeing of young people, particularly if that person’s self-esteem is already fragile.

The very connected, very visible and public nature of social media ensures that many of the challenges faced by young people previously are now magnified and felt more deeply when played out online. We need to give young people the confidence, skills and perspective to ensure that they can reduce the negative impacts, and instead learn to thrive both online and in real life. What are some of the things we can do to help nurture that self-esteem and prepare them for the challenges of a very public social media?


Make sure they are confident in their own abilities to problem solve themselves. Let them to do things that may result in failure but allows them to pick themselves up. Let them know that mistakes are OK, as long as we learn something from them.


Feeling part of a community can be an invaluable element to fostering self-worth. Encourage kids to have interests away from the screens, such as belonging to teams, clubs and groups where their achievements and efforts can be recognised and celebrated.


Giving kids the opportunity to help others, such as coaching a junior team, helping out with training or helping people less fortunate are great ways to build self-worth. Developing empathy for others helps kids to realise that the world is a much larger place than their social media feeds.


It is easy to spend time with our kids when they are young. We can take them to the park, play games, read them books. As they get older and we are not so cool to hang out with, it becomes trickier. But we need to look for times to spend just being together, whether that’s watching a movie they like, playing a game, or grabbing a milkshake

Page 13: Executive Principal - Tony Clark - Benalla College · Willow Plex. mentioned in her farewell speech at the assembly last week that she had been shortlisted for a generous scholarship

We're a Parenting Ideas


on the way home from sports training. Find things they like to do. Even just sitting on their bed at night and letting them know you are there can be beneficial.


Having regular moments of connection that are part of their everyday can be critical in providing stability and security. Connecting as a family with a nightly meal has been proven to be an effective way to give kids the comfort of knowing they have a place that is familiar and safe and unconditional. Or look for other rituals to provide this security.


Talk to them about the things you see online, let them know you have an understanding, learn about it and be sure to look at things from their perspective. Use teachable moments to highlight when things go wrong and be sure that you remain relevant to their world so that they know you are there should something go wrong.

While we cannot always be there to follow everywhere they go online and be up to date on every single site or app they visit, we can do a lot in terms of instilling good values, building that self-esteem and ensuring that they have a positive sense of self that transfers from the real world to wherever they find themselves online.


ABOUT THE WEBINAR This webinar will look at how we can best equip our young people to thrive both online and in real life as they grow up immersed in online spaces.

WHEN Wednesday 30 October 2019 8:00pm – 9:00pm AEDT.

PRICE This webinar is $37 per person to attend, and is free of charge to families at schools that have a membership.


1. Click this link: https://www.parentingideas.com.au/parent-resources/parent-webinars/webinar-strengthening- kids-self-esteem-in-a-digital-world 2. Click ‘Add to cart’ 3. Click ‘View cart’ 4. Enter the voucher code DIGITAL and click ‘Apply Coupon’ (valid until 30 November 2019). Your discount of $37 will be applied. 5. Click ‘Proceed to checkout’ 6. Fill in your account details. These details are used to login to your account and access your parenting material 7. Click ‘Place Order’

digital world. Contact details: [email protected], themodernparent.net,