excise invoice number generation very nice whitepaper all setups defined.doc

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  • 8/20/2019 Excise Invoice Number Generation very nice whitepaper All setups defined.doc




    Financials for India

    Excise Invoice Number Generation

    Options And etups

    Prepared by Author: Naveen Kumar Vaddadi – FCA SupportCreation Date: 28-Mar-09Lat !pdated: 29-Ma"-09

    Contro# Num$er: %&0%Verion: %&02Cop"ri'ht (C) %99* +ra,#e Corporation

     A## i'ht eerved.rodu,t Dei'n and Ar,hite,ture

    Excise Invoice Number Generation White Paper Ver 1.02 1

  • 8/20/2019 Excise Invoice Number Generation very nice whitepaper All setups defined.doc


    Table of Content


    De/inin' 1,ie nvoi,e Num$er 3eneration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"2.Introduction......................................................................................................................................

    +r'ani4ation Stru,ture under Centra# 1,ie A,t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!."r#ani$ation structure "vervie%.............................................................................................. &

    Summar" +r'ani4ation tru,ture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#. Setup 'hec()ist *or Excise Invoice Generation....................................................................+&. ,ethods o* Generatin# Excise Invoice...................................................................................-

    &.1. Excise Invoice #eneration at E' 'ode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$

    *&%&a Setup re5uired at +r'ani4ation Additiona# n/ormation&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%

    *&%&$ Settin' up Mater +r'ani4ation 6ith Lo,ation&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!&&

    *&%&, Set up at Chi#d +r'ani4ation 6ith Nu## #o,ation&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!&'*&%&d Set up at Chi#d +r'ani4ation 6ith #o,ation&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    *&%&e 7ond e'iter Setup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!&%

    &.2. Excise invoice #eneration *or one unit /t inventory or#ani$ation )eve)!!!!!!!!!!!&%

    *&2&a& Set up at +r'ani4ation 6ith Nu## #o,ation&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!&(

    *&2&$ Setup at +r'ani4ation 6ith #o,ation&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)"

    *&2&, 7ond e'iter Setup&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)'&.! avin# common excise invoice number *or some order types and di**erent *or

    some order types!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)'

    &. "ther %ays o* #eneratin# excise invoice number !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)%

    *&&a& 3% Manua# ntr" Form!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)%

    *&&$ 32A Manua# ntr" Form!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)(*&&,& .re .rinted 1,ie nvoi,e Num$er!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*+

    *&&d& 1,ie nvoi,e num$er /or eturn o Vendor rana,tion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*&+.'oncurrent Pro#rams Pertainin# to Excise..........................................................................!2-. 3hin#s need to be ta(en care at year4end...........................................................................!5 /dditiona) sources.................................................................................................................... .!

    Excise Invoice Number Generation White Paper Ver 1.02 2

  • 8/20/2019 Excise Invoice Number Generation very nice whitepaper All setups defined.doc



    De/inin' 1,ie nvoi,e Num$er 3eneration

    hi /eature ,an $e ued to automate the 1,ie nvoi,e do,ument e5uen,e 'eneration&

    • ;ou ,an etup a do,ument e5uen,e /or the ,om$ination o/ rana,tion "pe<

    +rder=nvoi,e "pe and e'iter "pe&

    • ;ou ,an de/ine an a#pha=numeri, va#ue 6hi,h 6ou#d $e pre/i1ed to the num$er erie

    'enerated /or ea,h e1,ie invoi,e& he etup 6ou#d $e retri,ted to the +rder=nvoi,e"pe /or 6hi,h it i ,reated&

    • For a## other 1,ie nvoi,e 6hi,h are ,reated uin' +rder=nvoi,e "pe /or 6hi,h

    etup ha not $een made< the "tem ue the de/au#t num$er erie& hi 6ou#d $ea numeri, erie< tartin' 6ith %< in,remented $" one& he e5uen,e 6ou#d $edi//erent /or ea,h +r'ani4ation=#o,ation and the nature o/ ,#earan,e& >ithin theor'ani4ation< the e5uen,e 6ou#d $e di//erent /or the Dometi, ,#earan,e and1port C#earan,e&

    • 7e/ore de/inin' the uer de/ina$#e pre/i1e and e1,ie invoi,e num$er< etup needto $e done in de/ine 7ond re'iter 6here the uer need to ao,iate an +rder t"pe/or a## trana,tion +rder Mana'ement modu#e and rana,tion our,e /or a##trana,tion /rom A,,ount e,eiva$#e modu#e& he +rder t"pe and trana,tionour,e 6i## $e ao,iated 6ith di//erent t"pe o/ e1,ie remova# (#i?e dometi, 6ithe1,ie< 7ond< 1port 6ith e1,ie et,&)& +n#" a/ter ao,iatin' an +rder t"pe=rana,tion our,e 6ith an e1,ie re#ated trana,tion t"pe< uer hou#d de/inethe uer de/ina$#e pre/i1e and e1,ie invoi,e num$er in thi re'ion&

    he ,urrent >hite .aper ,over variou method o/ 'eneratin' the e1,ie invoi,e num$er<and etup re5uired /or the ame& Apart /rom thi@ tep that need to $e ta?en ,are at the"ear-end have a#o $een ,overed&


    +r'ani4ation Stru,ture under Centra# 1,ie A,t

    Centra# 1,ie i a /edera# ta1 ,ontro##ed $" the Centra# 1,ie Department and i on#"app#i,a$#e /or an e1,ie-re'itered manu/a,turer or an e1,ie-re'itered dea#er& A Centra#

    1,ie e'itration i re5uired /or ea,h ph"i,a# #o,ation (#i,ened premie)&

    1,ie re'itration i a#6a" $aed on a ph"i,a# #o,ation& he 1,ie Department 6i##identi/" ea,h ph"i,a# #o,ation 6ith a uni5ue 1,ie Contro# Code Num$er (CC Num$er)&For the purpoe o/ ta1 reportin'< the /o##o6in' in/ormation need to $e re,orded&

    a,h e1,ie-re'itered #o,ation 6i## $e reponi$#e /or ,omp#"in' 6ith e1,ie re'u#ation andneed to maintain eparate et o/ e1,ie re#ated re,ord& a1 ett#ement< ta1 ,redit tra,?in'<ta1 pa"ment et,

    Excise Invoice Number Generation White Paper Ver 1.02 !

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    % %& CC Num$er (1,ie Contro# Code Num$er)

    2 2& "pe o/ re'itration (manu/a,turer=%t ta'e dea#er or 2nd ta'e dea#er)

    & Name and addre o/ the 1,ie an'e +//i,e that ha uridi,tion over the re'iteredph"i,a# premie

    & Name and addre o/ the 1,ie Diviiona# +//i,e that ha uridi,tion over there'itered ph"i,a# premie

    * *& Name and addre o/ the 1,ie Commiionarate that ha uridi,tion over there'itered ph"i,a# premie

    !."r#ani$ation structure "vervie%.

    7e#o6 e1amp#e 6i## he#p u in undertandin' variou method o/ 'eneration o/ e1,ieinvoi,e num$er&

    Viion ndia Limited ha mu#tip#e manu/a,turin' /a,i#itie #o,ated at di//erent p#a,e& A## theeunit are re'itered under Centra# 1,ie&


    Summar" +r'ani4ation tru,ture

    Excise Invoice Number Generation White Paper Ver 1.02

    Vision India 6imited

    Video System "71 /udio System "72

    'o)or 3e)evisions4I"1



    ,u)ti '8 ,P ! Systems I"&

  • 8/20/2019 Excise Invoice Number Generation very nice whitepaper All setups defined.doc


    "r#ani$ation 6ocation E' 'ode 'ommissionerate 8ivision :an#e

    +%< +2< + B"dera$ad CC%2VNK+A B"dera$ad %V B"dera$ad

    +* B"dera$ad CC%2VNK+A B"dera$ad V B"dera$ad

    Note:Fo##o6in' are the detai# o/ the Manu/a,turin' Lo,ation and the ,orrepondin' 1,iee'itration detai#:

    %%& nventor" +r'ani4ation %

  • 8/20/2019 Excise Invoice Number Generation very nice whitepaper All setups defined.doc


    1,ie nvoi,e 3eneration /or Manu/a,turin'=radin' !nit:-

    %& 1,ie nvoi,e 'eneration at C Code2& 1,ie invoi,e 'eneration /or one unit (At nventor" +r'ani4ation #eve#)& Bavin' ,ommon e1,ie invoi,e num$er /or um order t"pe and di//erent /or 

    ome order t"pe&

    &.1. Excise Invoice #eneration at E' 'ode

    Conider the 1amp#e o/ Viion ndia Video S"tem< 6hi,h ha three manu/a,turin' unit<t6o o/ #o,ated in the ame .h"i,a# Lo,ation& he Co#or e#eviion diviion< DVD=VCD andVC=VC. unit are #o,ated at B"dera$ad under ame Commiionarate&

     A three or'ani4ation (i&e&< Co#or e#eviion diviion< DVD=VCD and VC=VC.) arede/ined 6ithin the ame e1,ie re'itered premie< /or havin' ,ommon e1,ie invoi,enum$er 'eneration< etup a dumm" or'ani4ation a Mater +r' i&e&  Co#or e#eviionDiviion +%EDumm" a the Mater +r'ani4ation /or the 1,ie entit" #o,ated at B"dera$ad&

    >hi#e< ,hooe Co#or e#eviion Diviion< DVD=VCD and the VC=VC. Diviion a the ,hi#dor'ani4ation&

    +r'ani4ation< 6hi,h i de/ined< a dumm" inventor" or'ani4ation< need to $e ,reated aMater +r'ani4ation and enure no trana,tion are done in thi& hi i to enure that theMater +r'ani4ation i ued on#" /or reportin' purpoe and no trana,tion are done at thereportin' entit" #eve# i&e&< Dumm" +r' #eve#& Bo6ever i/ or'ani4ation doent 6ant to havereportin' or'ani4ation then there i no need to de/ine dumm" or'ani4ation@ e1itin'or'ani4ation and #o,ation ite#/ ,an $e mar?ed a Mater&

    *&%&a Setup re5uired at +r'ani4ation Additiona# n/ormation&

    Excise Invoice Number Generation White Paper Ver 1.02 +

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    Fo##o6in' are the tep to ,omp#ete the Additiona# +r'ani4ation n/ormation /or Viion Co#or e#eviion< DVD=VCD and VC=VC. unit:

    *&%&a Setup at Mater +r'ani4ation 6ith Nu## Lo,ation&

    Navi#ation India 6oca) Inventory Setup "r#ani$ations /dditiona) In*ormation

    Excise Invoice Number Generation White Paper Ver 1.02

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    *&%&$ Settin' up Mater +r'ani4ation 6ith Lo,ation&

    Excise Invoice Number Generation White Paper Ver 1.02

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     Navi,ation- India .ocal Inventor/ etup Or,ani0ation Additional Information

    Excise Invoice Number Generation White Paper Ver 1.02

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    Note: hin' that need to $e ta?en ,are at Mater or'ani4ation (Dumm")&

    nure the Setup done /or 1,ie 'eneration at +r'ani4ation Nu## #o,ation /#o6 to

    +r'ani4ation and #o,ation ,om$ination< i/ it ha not /#o6n then the ame etup needto $e done manua##"&

    nure Fie#d .re/i1 and Start num$er are ame /or or'ani4ation nu## #o,ation a

    6e## a or'ani4ation #o,ation& Set up on 1,ie 3eneration /orm i optiona#< i/ no etup i done on thi /orm< then

    1,ie nvoi,e 6i## $e 'enerated $aed on 3.% /or Dometi, I 3.2 /or 1port 7e/ore doin' etup in the 1,ie 3eneration /orm< appropriate etup need to $e

    done in the De/ine 7ond re'iter /orm /or the order t"pe&

    +rder t"pe de/ined in +N rana,tion t"pe in +rder Mana'ement (+M) modu#e a6e## a trana,tion t"pe de/ined at e,eiva$#e (A) modu#e 6i## 'et de/au#ted in the7ond re'iter /orm a 6e## a in +rder=nvoi,e t"pe /ie#d in or'ani4ation additiona#in/ormation /orm&

    *&%&, Set up at Chi#d +r'ani4ation 6ith Nu## #o,ation&

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    7e#o6 etup need to $e done at the ,hi#d or'ani4ation< imi#ar etup need to $e done/or a## other ,hi#d or'ani4ation ao,iated 6ith the dumm" mater or'ani4ation&

    Note: -nure the etup done at the ,hi#d or'ani4ation /or ta1 ,a#endar and e1,ie 'eneration ta$i ame a Mater +r'ani4ation

  • 8/20/2019 Excise Invoice Number Generation very nice whitepaper All setups defined.doc


    a1 Ca#endar e5uired C#i,? C#i,?in' on thi /orm 6i## open ;earde/inition /orm a 6e## a e1,ieinvoi,e e5uen,e de/inition /orm<the etup on thi /orm hou#d $eame a de/ined at the dumm"or'ani4ation #eve#&

    *&%&d Set up at Chi#d +r'ani4ation 6ith #o,ation&

    Note: - nure the etup e1itin' at Mater or'ani4ation have /#o6n to the ta1 ,a#endar and

    e1,ie 'eneration ta$&

    Same etup need to $e per/ormed /or a## other Chi#d or'ani4ation.

    Excise Invoice Number Generation White Paper Ver 1.02 1!

    4 8ummy

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    *&%&e 7ond e'iter Setup

    Navi'ation: ndia Lo,a# e,eiva$#e: Setup: e'iter: De/ine 7ond e'iter 

    Excise Invoice Number Generation White Paper Ver 1.02

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    &.2. Excise invoice #eneration *or one unit /t inventory or#ani$ation )eve)

     Coniderin' the ame 1amp#e o/ Viion ndia Video S"tem& No6 6e 6i## ee ho6 tode/ine a etup /or the or'ani4ation 6here e1,ie invoi,e num$er re5uired at inventor"or'ani4ation #eve#

    *&2&a& Set up at +r'ani4ation 6ith Nu## #o,ation&

    Excise Invoice Number Generation White Paper Ver 1.02

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    Excise Invoice Number Generation White Paper Ver 1.02

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    rana,tion t"pe I it ue

    3ransaction 3ype ,eanin#

    nvoi,e +n e#e,tin' thi option in ,om$ination 6ith the nvoi,e"pe< the 1,ie nvoi,e num$er 6ou#d $e $aed on thede/inition pe,i/ied /or thi re,ord in +r'ani4ation additiona#in/ormation /orm

    +rder +n e#e,tin' thi option in ,om$ination 6ith the +rder"pe< the 1,ie nvoi,e num$er i 'enerated&

    eturn o Vendor -(V)

    he do,ument e5uen,e de/ined here 6ou#d $e app#i,a$#eto e1,ie invoi,e num$er 'enerated /or a eturn toVendor rana,tion&

    eturn Materia# Authori4ation – (MA)

    Not App#i,a$#e

    Dometi, he do,ument e5uen,e de/ined here 6ou#d $e app#i,a$#eto e1,ie invoi,e num$er 'enerated /or a Dometi,trana,tion hi 6ou#d $e app#i,a$#e to a## the+rder=nvoi,e "pe that are on the De/ine 7ond e'iter

    etup /orm.1port +n e#e,tin' thi option in ,om$ination 6ith the +rder

    "pe< the 1,ie nvoi,e num$er i 'enerated /or 1porttrana,tion&

    Dometi, 1port he do,ument e5uen,e de/ined here 6ou#d $e app#i,a$#eto e1,ie invoi,e num$er 'enerated /or an 1portrana,tion&

    hi 6ou#d $e app#i,a$#e to a## the +rder=nvoi,e "pe thatare on theDe/ine 7ond e'iter: Choen /or the +r'ani4ation=Lo,ation 6ith the e'iter "pe a HDometi, 6ith 1port

     And hi +rder "pe i not ,hoen in the 1,ie ,reation in+r'ani4ation additiona# in/ormation ndia Lo,a#i4ation,reen /or the +r'ani4ation< Lo,ation&

    +rder=nvoi,e "pe 7aed on option e#e,ted in rana,tion t"pe Fie#d the L+V6i## $e havin' re#evant va#ue< e&'& on e#e,tin' +rder inrana,tion t"pe Fie#d< the +rder t"pe 6i## dip#a"&

    e'iter Code Va#ue 6hat o ever appearin' on the 7ond re'iter /orm/or re'iter t"pe 6i## dip#a"ed here< uer need to enure

    that the va#ue pi,?ed up in e1,ie 'eneration ,reen a6e## $ond re'iter ,reen hou#d $e ame&

    Excise Invoice Number Generation White Paper Ver 1.02 1-

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    mportant Note: -

    1,ie nvoi,e 3eneration happen /or ,om$ination o/ rana,tion "pe and

    +rder=nvoi,e "pe&  A$ove etup i optiona#: / nothin' i $een de/ined on 1,ie nvoi,e

    3eneration S,reen< then auto 'enerated "tem num$er 6i## $e a##otted tothe 1,ie nvoi,e a tipu#ated under u#e *2 A o/ the Centra# 1,ie u#e(one e5uen,e /or dometi, trana,tion and another /or e1port i&e&< in thiDe/au#t e5uen,e the tart num$er 6i## $e on#" numeri, % 6ithout havin' an"pre/i1)

    Excise Invoice Number Generation White Paper Ver 1.02 15

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    *&2&$ Setup at +r'ani4ation 6ith #o,ation&

    *&2&, 7ond e'iter Setup&

    Excise Invoice Number Generation White Paper Ver 1.02

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    Navi'ation: ndia Lo,a# +rder Mana'ement : Setup : e'iter : De/ine 7ond e'iter 

    &.! avin# common excise invoice number *or some order types and di**erent *orsome order types

    / +r'ani4ation i havin' * order t"pe out o/ 6hi,h /our ma" $e havin' ,ommonpre/i1e or e5uen,e /or 1,ie nvoi,e and remainin' one order t"pe ma" $e havin'di//erent e5uen,e& For a,hievin' thi< the /o##o6in' etup are re5uired at the or'ani4ationadditiona# in/ormation #eve#&

    *&&a Set up at +r'ani4ation 6ith #o,ation&

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    Excise Invoice Number Generation White Paper Ver 1.02

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    &. "ther %ays o* #eneratin# excise invoice number 

    5.4.a. RG1 Manual Entry Form5.4.b. Pre Printe E!"i#e In$oi"e Number#5.4.". E!"i#e In$oi"e number %or RT& Tran#a"tion5.4.. E!"i#e In$oi"e number %or Return To &enor Tran#a"tion

    *&&a& 3% Manua# ntr" Form

    Na$i'ation( ndia Lo,a# nventor": rana,tion: 3 e'iter: RG1 Re'i#ter Entry mportant /ie#d that need to $e entered:

    Excise Invoice Number Generation White Paper Ver 1.02

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    *&&$ 32A Manua# ntr" Form

    Na$i'ation( ndia Lo,a# nventor": rana,tion: 3 e'iter RG)* Re'i#ter Entry

    mportant /ie#d that need to $e entered:

    *&&,& .re .rinted 1,ie nvoi,e Num$er

    Excise Invoice Number Generation White Paper Ver 1.02

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    ;ou ,an enter "our pre printed e1,ie invoi,e num$er a'aint ea,h de#iver"& Su,h num$er,an $e a#pha numeri, in nature& t i a#o poi$#e that a de#iver" ma" $e printed on morethan one pre printed invoi,e& For u,h ,ae< option ha $een provided to enter /rom and tonum$er o that the ame i re,orded in the "tem /or /uture re/eren,e&

    Inia Lo"al Orer Mana'ement( S+i,,in'( 

    S+i, Con-rm Lo"ali/e0

      mportant /ie#d that need to $e entered:

    *&&d& 1,ie nvoi,e num$er /or eturn o Vendor rana,tion

    Excise Invoice Number Generation White Paper Ver 1.02

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    Im,ortant -el# t+at nee to be entere( 

    &Con,urrent .ro'ram .ertainin' to 1,ie

     A& ndia 1,ie nvoi,e 3eneration ,on,urrent

    ndia – 1,ie nvoi,e 3eneration – hi i a mandator" ,on,urrent pro'ram (i/ "ou areuin' e1,ie t"pe o/ #o,a#i4ation ta1e)< 6hi,h $aed on the De#iver" id (optiona#) reu#t in'eneration o/ 1,ie nvoi,e num$er a'aint the de#iver" and a#o hit the e1,ie re'iter&hi ha to $e ,hedu#ed to run a/ter nventor" inter/a,e and +rder Mana'ement nter/a,eand prior to Auto invoi,e& hi report doe not 'enerate an" printa$#e output&


    Excise Invoice Number Generation White Paper Ver 1.02

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     %) hi ,on,urrent need to $e etup a in,ompati$#e 6ith it e#/& / the ame i not doneand mu#tip#e uer run it 6ith $#an? De#iver"Eid< it 6ou#d reu#t in ?ippin' 1,ie invoi,enum$er or a#ternative#" hittin' the 1,ie re'iter mu#tip#e time /or the ame de#iver"&

    .2) hi ,on,urrent hou#d $e ,hedu#ed 6ith $#an? De#iver" id< 6hi,h 6ou#d pi,? andpro,e a## avai#a$#e de#iverie& hi i to $e run 6ith De#iver"Eid /or pe,i/i, ,ae< 6herede$u' #o' i re5uired /or an" iue $ein' reported&

    ) n ,ae the uer run it 6ith de#iver"Eid a a part o/ the pro,e< then the ,on,urrentneed to $e ,hedu#ed to run at #eat on,e a da" 6ithout De#iver"Eid to enure that an"re,ord ?ipped 'et 1,ie nvoi,e num$er /or the ame da"& Fai#ure to do thi 6i## reu#t ine5uen,in' iue 6hen ,ompared to e1,ie invoi,e date&

    ) he ,on,urrent 6i## pro,e on#" thoe de#iverie that are +M inter/a,ed and nventor"inter/a,ed&

    *) hi ,on,urrent i /or 'eneratin' e1,ie invoi,e num$er and a,,ountin' thereo/& hi inot e1pe,ted to 'enerate an" output&

    ) hi ,on,urrent need to $e run prior to Autoinvoi,e import i/ "ou e1pe,t to ee the 1,ieinvoi,e num$er in A Lo,a#i4ation ta$#e&

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    7& ndia – 1,ie Dut" e,a#,u#ation: -

    hi i an optiona# ,on,urrent pro'ram that ena$#e "ou to re,a#,u#ate 1,ie Dut" atta,hedto unhipped order< i/ there i a ,han'e in the aea$#e va#ue o/ item& 1,ie dut"re,a#,u#ation i done /or thoe unhipped order that ati/" the input ,riteria& hi reportdoe not 'enerate an" printa$#e output& ;ou ,an ue thi pro'ram to re,a#,u#ate the 1,ie

    dut" and a## dependent ta1e on +pen Sa#e +rder& he e1,ie dut" i re,a#,u#ated tore/#e,t the #atet Aea$#e .ri,e app#i,a$#e to the item in,#uded in the trana,tionrepe,tive#"& !in' thi /eature< "ou ,an e#iminate manua# e//ort re5uired to update a## +penSa#e +rder to re/#e,t ,han'e in Aea$#e .ri,e&

    C& ndia eturn to vendor report: -

    hi report 6i## 'ive e1,ie invoi,e num$er /or the eturn to vendor trana,tion

    D&ndia – mportin' 1,ie=VA nvoi,e Num$er in A

    hi ,on,urrent 6i## popu#ate e1,ie and vat invoi,e num$er in A 6or?$en,h&

    & ndia - Commer,ia# nvoi,e /or +M eport –

    hi eport 'ive "ou the ,ommer,ia# nvoi,e 6ith 1,ie nvoi,e Num$er< 1,ie Detai#/or a Sa#e order a'aint ea,h de#iver"&

    F& ndia – Fore,at 1,ie Amount in 3 e'iter –

    3ive the Fore,at /or CNVA and .LA .a"ment /or a 'iven +r'ani4ation< Lo,ationCom$ination /rom a o/ date to entered date

    3& ndia – 1,ie=VA nvoi,e emp#ate

     A temp#ate ha $een 'iven to print the 1,ie and VA invoi,e&

    & hin' need to $e ta?en ,are at "ear-end&

    +n ,#i,?in' the +pen Ne1t "ear option on the +r'ani4ation additiona# in/ormation

    ,reen< the etup done at the e1,ie 'eneration /orm diappear& o avoid et upiue p#eae /o##o6 the tep out#ined $e#o6:

    o a?e ,reen hot o/ the 1,ie 3eneration etup $e/ore ,#i,?in' on open

    ne1t "ear $utton on or'ani4ation additiona# in/ormation /orm& Do ne6 etupa/ter openin' ne1t "ear re/eren,in' the ,reenhot ,aptured ear#ier&

    Excise Invoice Number Generation White Paper Ver 1.02 2-

  • 8/20/2019 Excise Invoice Number Generation very nice whitepaper All setups defined.doc


    o nure the $utton H+pen Ne1t ;ear i ,#i,?ed on#" a/ter %t Mar,h

    trana,tion have $een ,omp#eted&o t i hi'h#" re,ommended to /irt do the etup in tet and then mi'rate the

    o#ution to produ,tion to avoid an" etup iue&

    nure the "ear i opened on#" a/ter doin' 3 ,ono#idation< "tem 6i## not a##o6

    3 ,ono#idation to $e per/ormed in previou /in "ear on,e ne6 /in "ear i opened& 

    8 Additiona# our,e&

    .#eae re/er to the /o##o6in' Meta#in? Note /or additiona# detai#:

    Note **&%: +ra,#e Finan,ia# /or ndia >e$ ,at on 1,ie and Cutom

    Note  %29&%: Do,umentation repoitor" /or

    +ra,#e Finan,ia# /or ndia mp#ementation 3uide  +ra,#e Finan,ia# /or ndia - ndia Lo,a#i4ation N0%0 !M

    Note  0%9&%: Bo6 to 3et Latet ndia Lo,a#i4ation .at,h et = /un,tiona#it"&
