exchangewhen asks t1i o1...mens tan vici wide captor 248 wore 300 sizes 6 to 11 and many other goods...

r i rwrrC 0tF tTIS 4tj Keep Cool I Is to give tbo proper attention to your clothing Wo can furn- ish ¬ you tho uecessflri6rvnl a small cost JMMEB tfTOfcKING FAI mark U lc Osehc > I JndleV hfo tOfI arc r- Lllo Uicbclicu rlblcd iO Etbhck ur tin JC Y1 arpaV Genuine Laic II lo4ljFnJiHo In new dcsIgo lcRuii or iVns fur 60ct pair 3 < 1 Fine panzo blaikor tnL Jles bole forSSiHs pair Silk Mated pliiii IT ln psUlgli hone fur 6100 pair Mick or Vol KM pair fur ttliltcus Hi ilbtuifa ltlstk bwc nI sizes from 5 to 9 i 15cls pear tr scanilcM IMo Onisbcd tart black hole s ass 5 to i S b 25cts pair fur flue irnixirscil liole llnl t rtbb l11Iml fur chllilicn lifanta pace sox in white blue and pink S5ct sirJ w Infanta aesmloa not nil colurs fur J5cmm pair- We carry a full Ilk of fauuy f lumery nod bellcvn we can bo uf ser r yico to you on any thing you want lu this lion FOR MEN ONLY Wens teat color tix black or tan lOcls pair JIalliruta undtrnur nil size well nlthl1 I l fur 25cls Fine Kgyptlan urilerivear all due the usual 50o quality fur Sic 48ct fur fast colored penal shirts SOcls fcr will made I llocn botom while akin uuaundrlcd linen Pique and Govert Cloth Skirts yNicely Onlthel for SOc 75c sod JlOO beeper than you can buy t J tbe male Ills for I We have a full line ot ladles talor mado sulli ranging ID price from 080 to 2500 We can give you just what you want for traveling or street wear Full liDO of light weight jackets and capea fur foul evenings We Are Agents for the STANDARD PATTERNS Call and get a fashion sheet T White Lace Lawns For Shirt Waists and Yokes four new designs at 20c yard New lines cf all over Isco Yoking fur bock card A floe sheer white loon So Inches wide for lOclsyard Kino pull bleach silk tried test for 18cts Our lace nod embroidery stock is complete It will save you money to tea these a DONT FAIL TO SEE Oar Carpets Mattings Window Shades and Lace Curtains F Slaughter Sa1eON SHOES SUMMER Childs black or tan strap 680I I Wero 75c Sizes 6 to 8 Misses and childrens tan strap 76c Woro 126 Sizes 8 12 to 2 Misses and childrens Dongola strap 60c Were 7Bo Sizes 13 to 2 Biases and childrens Southern tie 08c Wore 1 26 Sizes 8 12 to 2 Womons black Oxfords 78o Wore 100 Sizes 2 12 to 8 Womon3 black two button Fedora 080 Wero 1 25 and 160 Sizes 2 I 12 to 8 Womens Dongola Juliet coin and 0 S too 08c Were 125 Sizes 212 1 to 8 liens Black Dongola Prince Albert 1 48 c Wore 2 00 Sizes 0 to 11 Mens tan vici wide captor 248 Wore 300 Sizes 6 to 11 And many other goods in cut sale not men v tonod None of the above go out on ap- t s pro val except at regular prlco 1mis Rudy Phillips t p og Minzesheimer Plumbin 104 North Fittti CompanyTelePhODO o 362 Solicits your patronago Wo thoroughly guar autos all our work We employ experienced workmen and will do your work in a san ita ry scientific manner at the lowest prices no n You Drink Beer Whv otDrinkthe Best I 1w o ObertS Has This Reputation Ills Absolutely Pure Delimed on Sfcod Notice TELEPHONE 101 PADUCAH BOTTLING COI = p 1aBTtG OIL Tenth Madison J J i I i > ply l 1 J iLf tP saasewAa09ra JTS tftt e euri- mroaml vr4s Igasy rr14tUor Igrl rw eari Matrr suscRIPTlow riI- IIt is rte- eru miller wY Rr er THK DAILY SDH ererrlerM weft to- gmid r I petyrlran U- Tn RaLY Son DM jMrfcr gall poti ptd 1 Afaie to ICwrdnoh It r eta Sraeea I Tmurnwa In SATUHDAY JULY 14 IDOO REPUBLICAN TICKET For rrculilen- tUlLLIAtl MKIMKY or Ohio Fun Vice ln tden- lTIlKOCOItB COOSKVKLT Of New York The health of the city should ba the grit couiMentlon of the aathorltles The tax flyers of this city are called on to routriknto 119000 yearly but this first eonslileration of health seem to bo overlooked In the scramble of the councilmen In their efforts to pat some of their relatives In once and keep them there and others overlook this important matter In their desire to j nee as economists and reformers nursing a forlron hope of being mayor soot day Could the city get rid of these two leeches on her rilite nee t1I > I the first and paramount tone the san- itary condition of our city health of r her people and the providing of ways and means for their enjoyment Such Important matter as the sprinkling of r our streets seems never to have enteredI I the heads of our ambitious fathers They would prefer to swallow the dirt ami filth Ihatlis dally ground Jnto drat and Inhaled by our people result Ing in sickness than to abandon for a i single minute that forlorn hope of boo coming mayor or of taken chances of t that favorite relative not holding onto that sinecure job III Is a duty every Kentnckutn owes himself to watch those trials at George¬ town As tho Louisville Dispatch re- marks Not one word of testimony i not one ruling of the court should I escape popular scrutiny While Ken tacky owes It to herself to wire out t the stain of Qoebcls murder by the punishment of his murderer It Is none the less her duty to protect the Inno cent Tho wreaking of party ten gaenco Is not Justice The punishment t of an Innocent man to advance pdt san purposes would bo a blacker crime than Iho murder of Oocblo since It would bo base prostitution of the ma- chinery of law and Justice Towers I ant all other persons accused are en titled to a fair trial not because they- are Republicans but because they are citltcns of Kentucky with all the rights of other citizens Anythingt short of a fair trial will be much more than injustice to thcso Individuals I I It will bo a menace to the right of all 1I citizens and it rerlpns blow to the sta bllity of the social order in Kentucky Watch those trials and be able to Judge I for yourself In a two leader brimful of fire and 1 argument the Louisville CourierJour nal Friday rallied the Ooebelitcs for todays precinct conventions But the OJ killed all It said Ins few words Just Iwo lines whenltdeclarediIt Is the living and not the dead that now concerns the people of Kentucky Thats itl It Is not the deal 1 political king Goebel nor the load Democratic party but the living the Issues and Interests of today which concern the people and of which the people are concerned The propel know these things too and theyll govern them- selves accordingly Tho dead past will 1e left burled Mr 0 J and that this may be the caw the gang will be piled in on its king In November for the ieople bare enough of the whole Job lot of thugs and thieves The Tale of Two Cilliof Eddy ville has changed hands Mr JL Smith who made it ono of the bet I weeklies In this end of the state edit ing it with care and thought has soldI out to the Martins its former owners and W W Martin again becomes I editor If the newold owners will I change Ibo name of the paper end keep It np to its present standard they will merit literal patronage Bryan and Btevensou will be form allr uotlnatof their nomination at Indlaapolis on Wednesday August 8 The speeches of notification will be mado by the Hon Same D Richard son of Tennessee and Governor Charles S Thomas of Colorado Circuit Judge Morrow in a decision at Somerset holds that the Kentucky vagrancy law I is unconstitutional lie says that III Is In conflict with Ibo thin teenth amendment to tho Federal eon stitution If the Ashland district with Black burn Trimble and Chlnn to back Goo bclisiu cant be male to cohere where oh where Is the stronghold of the pcebelital Judge Cantrell was a gallant sol her and augurs for goal were plenti ful when ho was elevated to the bench i but all the merit of his We and beauty of his character havo boon blurred and blotted out by his candy under the guidance of Cincinnati Tom Campbell There is no discounting cf Iho vim and vinegar baK of the lie tjuuj u mlnifnf rracUble There la po better eJitwl psret jet jh State While its columns always contain what I is variable what Is instructive and last ut not least what 1 Is newm It Is ty tha state and the country have n J ore Posts and fewer papers like s6nj lt contemporaries Tho Democrats an already claim log bite earth for Bryan and Sloven son Just as an iniircatlon of those claims It can 00alol cxGor Stone of Missouri after declaring Kentucky safely democratic added 1 csusldcr Illinois Minnesota Indiana Wiscon sin Michigan Ohio and New York the debatable states Ibis year Had not the llepnbllcans Just as well quit now as later An old tax payer was complaining yesterday about the largo number of hows on Broadway street work of that city engineer being time kcciier and having an assistant mud of the number of orders on ono stone being given out to the employes Tho man not only cited these facts but he seem ed110 know what ho was talking about and as ho talked ho very significantly held his nose Is this lllttle street lob so rotten as thief The Oocbelltes are howling bean Powers forced the date to order the presence of his wllneeea and to stand the expense The gang fear this will oeDre the accused freedom UI Is not the expense they care for leaving roll tech the suspects of their liberty the gang want their lives no matter how Innocent they may la- The enlightened American by en vironment heredity and education I U proven the greatest man of all the ages The exigency arises and ho arises to meet It From the plow to commanding the smiles has been common with us since Putnam From the railsplitting woodsman the canal boatman to the presidency the leader of all the law givers of the world since Lincoln tat 1 Garflcld lresl dents generals diplomats explorers literati an all around oThe op portnnlty comes ant theres your man No other form and grade of clvlllza lion has shown Itself so adapted to the advancement of the human man as has that of America I tbe blest The Democtntio pity of 80 years ago was ono of Ideas It Is now nparty of opposition In short It Is deliber- ately and of choice lighting on the ode fcnslve and has no idea except how best to combos theta of others and corral the placan The Son Ise newspaper It 1s no nuns personal organ It U an organ for no set nor ring nor combine It prints all the news within Its limits tions and sluts to voice the troths II Is received and experienced by the public hence It Is the widest rend paper in Western Kentucky Adver risen sal readers will please make a note of this and act accorldngly IRAilROAD CIIANGES Several Consolidations are Talked ofIlli nols Central Effected I The following from an exchange Inv dlcates several probable railroad I changes Samuel W Fonlyco has resigned the prcladency of the Kansas City South can formerly the Kansas City Pitts burg sod Gulf roll l and his successor will bo Stuart R Knott recently elected vice president of the Alton The change In the heal of the road 1 Is said to indicate two things the further consolidation of the Harrimsn roads and a complete reorganization of the Kansas City Southern for the pur pose of getting rid of all the men who tear the John W Gates stamp Colo net Fonlyco was elected president of the road on April 1 at a meeting held In St Louis and his selection was largely duo to Gates who became 1m I pressed with the manner in which ho had handled the ylem while he was receiver Later Gates became obnox toes to the financial Interests in Now York through which the road was be- ing financed suit It I Is said that he was asked to step out of the directory of the reL Mr Harriman also came to the conclusion according to wellIn formed men that ho could not afford to retain in the service of the coi- npry anyone to whom Gates might dictate On the other hand It Is stated that Colonel Fordycos selection as president was only a temporary one and was so understood at the time The scleclton of Mr Knott would In pleat that the general offices of the company lire going to bo moved to Chicago or1 least that the presl Iellloffico will not be In Kansas City Only a few days ago Mr Knott resigned as vice president of the Plant System to accept Ibo vice presidency of the Chicago and Alton with head- quarters In Chicago and it I Is likely that both offices will be run here Although President Fclton of the Alton denied the rumor that ho was soon to be made chairman of the band of the consolidated Hartman systems tho selection of Knott as president of Ibo Kansas City Southern would Indl ante otherwise The plan Is said to bo to bring the Kansas City Southern Ibo Alton the Illinois Central such their western connections wider one management or toanl of control l lwith headquarters In New York That Mr Harriman Is contemplating Tome move In the western railroad gamo there temp to be little doubt Mr Knott whose resignation from the Pleat Sys tern will take effect on July 16y went with that company let January His railroad career prior to that time was ltogether with the LonlYlIIo hnj Nashville tout He went with tjjnt road on Jan 11868 as assistant to tho president and on Jan 1 1888 bo was mado traffic mugger and on Oct 7 1891 he t tecame vice resident t eW M o PEKCY SULLIVAN Noted Insurance Swindler to be liken Ig Miuiufppl ndAihnlU When Percy 11 Bnlllvan the bogus Insnranco wan lea finished hit term oflmprlaonmrnt at Jacksboro Tan where ho la now In jail ho will bo servedI with extradition warrants from Mississippi and Arkansas to answer to new charges Snlllnn did n bogus business thronghout Kentucky unit Tennessee claiming to represent the Urltlsh American Exchsngo associa tion This company U said to have no legal Mlnteneo whatever In 1895 It was registered lit London with an authorltcd capital of 100000 but not a farthing of his stock wan ever paid up The register of Joint stock comi ulci on July 3 18JJ dissolved the ccrporattion for falling to make any report I n INDUSTRIAL CENSUS numerator Oscar link Will Begin It Nest Monday Tho industrial census of Fadncah wllll liegin Monday Mr Oscar Hank who was appointed enumerator some time ago I Is to take It for the city Me tropolis 111 such MayfleM Ky A report from every Industry will bo secured and forwarded to headquarters put The Best Prescription for Malaria Collie and Fever I is a bottle cf DROVES TASTELESS CHILL TON 10 It Is simply Iron and quinine in a tasteless forma No eorono pay Price SOc Kullawii New College KUTTAWA Ky July itAt a meeting of the directors of the new West Kentucky Training school to bo located here the contract for erecting the building was awarded to Eugene Young of Princeton Ky The build rIll when completed sal furnished will cost 8000 Work on Iho structure will bo commenced at once and will bo completed by September IS so that the fall term of school will begin Octo her L- Theblood 1 Is strained and nrifled by the kidneys No hope of health while the kidneys are wrong FOLEYS KIDNEY CURE Will sake healthy ktndeya ami pure bloat Nothing else Just as good t IL Wlnstcad To Succeed the Albin Company KUTTAWA Ky Jnly UTho shops of tho Albin company In the branch prison at Eddyvllle havo been closed for some time The company U making arrangements to move to give plane to another gem which will lease and work about fifty convicts at 40 cents per tiny If you aro sick d laver runt dont know what ills you Its ten to one your kidneys are out of order FO LEYS KIDNEY CURE will bring health and energy I a It Winatwl 4 e Harriet in rcpt MAYFIELI Ky July ILDr R W Reynolds the dentist a popular young man of this city was married to Miss Lllllo Haupt at Batesville Ark Tho brides home I Is at Hot Springs They will reside hero WOMENS RIGHTS Many women suffer all sorts ofw calldo female weaknesses simply because their kidneys are out of order such they havo a right to know FO LEYS KIDNEY CURE I is Just what I Is needed by most ailing women S IL Wiustcad Hart at Mayfield MAYFIELD Ky July UlIln Richard Pryor near the city sustained a broken erne as the result of a fall She was otherwise Injured and Is In a critical condition ANY advertised dealer I Is authorised to guarantee BANNER SALVE for I tatter eczema piles cuts scalds burns ulcers and soy open or OLD SORES Winatcad Base Ball New York It Brooklyn I St Louis 0 Cincinnati I Philadelphia it 1iltsburg 8 Use Allens Foot kase in Your Gloves A lady writes i I shako Allens FootEase Into my gloves and rub A little on my hands It saves my gloves by absorbing perspiration hi- da most dainty toilet powder Wo Invite the attention of physicians and nurses to the absolute purity of Al lens FootEase Dr W O Abbott editor of the Chicago Cltnlo says It la a grand preparation I 11 am using It constantly In my practice All drug and shoo stores sell It 25c Sample sent FREE Address Allen a Olin sted Lo Roy N Y Power of attorney to J D Moo quot was Sloth from W D McGeheo of Fulton today In the county court hero Safety I MOTHERS I FRIEND lh ea hinimedlIs guard for expect ant mothers It helps them thro the earl without morns- kkaess and as the critical hour approaches It relates sod relieves the overstrained muscles Labor Is shortened and robbed of nearly all pain Safe delivery is assured and lb ClaOSlJ rlst aor IId Dreams itroo 1offssir1fNanAcIlYain I f I trrrrawrvee Observations l l I teat Random i i- CecClCOCIecOCecNH Yelser perk Is not n lonnlKiiff plain this summer much to the delimit of tho xaople who reside In the neighbor pool Tho principal reasou for this I Is that all the Iron benches that formerly adorned It have been rcnulntnl ami placed111I Oak drown and Yciesr i irk Is thins cnnvtrtcil Into n plane to look at but hot to enjoy III any other way Another thing nnnotleeil heretofore Is that not a single I Ice cream supper has been given In tho pork this summer The absence of the hcnchca is probably accountable for that abjo but wliat bertha cause tho grass has been saveiL a s President McKlnleys greatmt fat If not his only one I Is to always wear in his buttonhole a pink carnation and II Is his custom whenever he travels to always present tho en gamer of his train with tbo carnation How ho Inca this Is thus explained by an exchangeWhen president alights from his private coach at the station he walk- up Ibo platform until ho reaches the huge machine 1roui tho cab window leans the engineer his sooty face beam lug hesitant ciiieetant Tho tree dent stop Just an Instant that the action nay not attract the slightest attention and hands the pink tower Into tho grimy hands with a very low I sincerely thank you for your skill and my safety It Is done as quietly as other mm hand their newspapers up Into the engine as they loss No other public official or crowned bell lies this l pretty custom Tho presidents carnations grow In the White House conservatory and are Sire McKlnleys ehlefest iirlde One Is always 1 laid by hlsdrrsssnlt for din nor and ono bj his frock eat Hu the morning In strange cities his secre lacy attends to It and In somo hotels where the custom I Is known Ibo pro- prietor expresses his goalmorning and goodnight by this flower sent to Ibo prrsldcntlsl suite Now and then young women knowing how the president treasures his carnation have asked him for It when be has iten especially mllalln his iniso of noose thing they have done Next week hero pomiwa to bo a still greater exodus of mMents who deals to sap the heat of summer at the neighboring springs although many will by that time have retumxl homo The summer resorts all report goal crowils with ever growing pros pects of better ones ALMOST LYNCH EU Graves County Man Gels into Serious Troubles Sturgis 8TUKCIIS Ky July Ittlello went ran high hero List night over the report of all attempted criminal assault on a llttlo girl the daughter of John Newman a taker The child was found In a drunken state In a Urge mud wkllow tack of the town mod brought hero by two women who discovered her A lease was formed headed by J C Wilson deputy constable to etch the miscreant who jirovcd to ta one Ambrose Hatchcll of Orates county who was found In the Holeman tarn several miles from town I to acknow ledges haying give the girl two drinks of whiskey but dente tho inure sort ous charge He Is In tho lockup await ing examining trial A lynching was narrowly averted by some of the coolcrhuadcd citizens Notice W F Cowlcsvs Sir Carrlo Clyde Ac Mn Admiralty Whereas a libel was Sleet In the district court of the United States at Paducah Ky on Juno M 1DOO by W F Cowlcs against the steamer Carrlo Clyde her engines tackel apparel furniture etc and owners therocf alleging In substance that said Unit and owners are Justly Indebted to him In the sum of tl 1839 and that same pas sorer Iiocii JooM and ho prays pro teas against said steamer Carrie Clyde as aforesaid and that said steamer may bo condemns and sold to lay the said claim with root and CXJKUSCS Now therefore In pursuance to the motion under seal of said court to ino directed I do hereby give public no tie to all persons claiming the said steamer Cord Clyde or In any way Interested therein that they In and appear before the district court of tho United States In the city of 11 Drab Ky on or before the lith day of August 1VOO at 10 a m that day then and there to Interpose their clAim and to mako their allegations In that behalf A D JAMES U 8 M K D By SL W J RUE Deputy CAMPBELL S CAMPBELL Proctors for Llbelant OJ10 Excursion lo Evinsville On Sunday July 15 the Illinois Central railroad company will run a siecisl train to Evnnsvllo leaving Pa dncah at 7 So m and rctnrnlng leST lug Evansvlllo about 1030 p in Fare for tho round trip 1160- I td I J T DONOVAN Agent rsr Ono sorrel cell 4 years old gentle iuil good driver lJ I WILL j p SANDERd Jest out tile noeat F O l lan T1fth a trtet i BAD COMPLEXIONS Dry Thin and Falling Hair and Red Rough Hands Prevented by- e H N CUTICURA SOAP j MILLIONS use CuTictnx SOAr exclusively for preferring purifying null beautifying the skin for cleaning lam scalp of crusts acaicp and dandruff anil the stopping of tailing halt for softcnlnfr whiten log and soothing reel rough inch torn hands In the form of baths for nnnoyiug Irritations Inflammations sod dialings or too tree or olTenslvo pcrsplrallou In tho fort of washes for ulceratlvo weak nesses and tor many anatlro antiseptic purposes which readily nag gnat themselves to women and especially to mothers and for all Uio purposes of the toilet bath and nursery No amount of pcnusslon can luilueo thoso who have onco used It to use any other especially for preserving unit purifying tho akin scalp and hair of Infanta and chile ilren CiTicriu SoAr combines delicate emollient Irrlrdt- rom CCTICCUA the great skin cure with the purest of cleansing Ingro dlciNs and the most refreshing of flower adore No other nwfionfii soap ever compounded U to bo compared with It for preserving purl ¬ tying and beautifying tho skin scalp halt and bards No other tore sign orlomratlc bud soap I however expensive la to be compared with It for all the purposes of tho toilet bAth Dllt11l11ntrlnilioom blues In OXB K ur at Ova Hues I 11 TwitrnvL Lens the near skin noel complexion soap near toilet and near baby soap In the world Completo External and Internal Treatmnt for Ivory Humor StiSjSSISK I 1lt twM 1 Ri m Ib aSKS VvJ u muntiuertusa ude us- I lr 11 l O1 I WE NOW BEGIN OUR CLEARING SALE of all SUMMER GOODS AT SAORIFIOING PRIOES We will let prices talk during this tale and wilt try to make It to everybodys Interest to buy goods from us If you have wanls In Dry Goods such as Lawns Dimities White Good Percales Calicoes Domestics Shirtings limbioldcrles rac Muslin Underwear Hosiery ladles Waists Readymade Skirts Ta- ble Linens Towels Crashes lied Spreads Umbrellas Handkerchiefs Ians DeUs or ether notions give us the opportunity to save you money MILLILERY llvervthlng In millinery aid ribbons will be hither reduced In price for this sale 8L1ITIW NEWS Nowberen tIe will van buy such goal den for the lot towing price A GUHAT SKMtANNtlAL CM1ARINO 8AU101 SLIPPERS FOR tr A PAIR llommers for y3e extremely KOOoI ester Oxfords for f18y a pair Face hundtel rain or the best Oxford tlesthst were ever pet on the market for this priceh 15 a pair If you ever neats pair of shoes for mea women or children you can own them I here for less than Ihsn they see worth TO MIIN Mens skirts collars ties suspender overalls Jumpers sad clothing will be sell low enough to Induce you to trade with u- sE B HKRBOUR NCRIII THIRD STREET a the of fresh but the best goes is his so he goeu to for his and iresh a > r TENTH AND 118 I I WorkRepairing Your All 218 Oourt u M Corner Nlulb nml Trimble I csn furnish you with staple and CEO CKIIIKS Fresh Siesta and promptly Just telephone me your order ting No 430 Flue Cigars and obscco anti the bell or Wblikloi and Wines Givo mj a call It II Ninth and Trimble Henry MammenJr The Father of Large Family Knows importance firstclass groceries Nothing motto Lallys groceries moats P F LHLL Y TRIMBLE TELEPHONE AW GREIF New OUR Coons ARE THE BEST OUR THE LOWEST Horseshoein Guaranteed Street Look What You SaveB- Y TRADING WITH GALLAGHER Vegetables UAUAGIIKIt PARRY BOOKBINDliR Thoroughly ulpped Bookmsk log plant You need sent noth ¬ log out ot town Patent Flat OptBlng Blots r L aditLS i WrI0STC0HPLETEBUGGYTACTORYo i EARTH I PRICE MFGC1S Vania fancy A WRITt FOR PRICESAhoCATALOLUC

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Post on 08-Aug-2020




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Page 1: exchangeWhen aSKS t1I O1...Mens tan vici wide captor 248 Wore 300 Sizes 6 to 11 And many other goods in cut sale not men v tonod None of the above go out on ap-t s proval except at

ri rwrrC 0tFtTIS4tj

Keep CoolIIs to give tbo proper attention

to your clothing Wo can furn-ish


you tho uecessflri6rvnl asmall cost

JMMEB tfTOfcKINGFAI mark U lc Osehc > I JndleV hfo tOfIarc r-

Lllo Uicbclicu rlblcd iOEtbhck ur tin JC Y1 arpaVGenuine Laic II lo4ljFnJiHo In new dcsIgo lcRuii or iVns fur60ct pair 3 < 1

Fine panzo blaikor tnL Jles bole forSSiHs pairSilk Mated pliiii IT ln psUlgli hone fur 6100 pair Mick or Vol

KM pair fur ttliltcus Hi ilbtuifaltlstk bwc nI sizes from 5to 9 i15cls pear tr scanilcM IMo Onisbcd tart black hole s ass 5 to iSb25cts pair fur flue irnixirscil liole llnl t rtbb l11Iml fur chllilicnlifanta pace sox in white blue and pink S5ct sirJw Infanta aesmloa not nil colurs fur J5cmm pair-

We carry a full Ilk of fauuyf lumery nod bellcvn we can bo uf serryico to you on any thing you want lu this lion

FOR MEN ONLYWens teat color tix black or tan lOcls pairJIalliruta undtrnur nil size well nlthl1I l fur 25clsFine Kgyptlan urilerivear all due the usual 50o quality fur Sic48ct fur fast colored penal shirtsSOcls fcr will made I llocn botom while akin uuaundrlcd

linen Pique and Govert Cloth SkirtsyNicely Onlthel for SOc 75c sod JlOO beeper than you can buy

t J tbe male Ills for IWe have a full line ot ladles talor mado sulli ranging ID pricefrom 080 to 2500We can give you just what you want for traveling or street wearFull liDO of light weight jackets and capea fur foul evenings

We Are Agents for the STANDARDPATTERNS Call and get a fashion sheet

T White Lace LawnsFor Shirt Waists and Yokesfour new designs at 20c yard

New lines cf all over Isco Yoking fur bock cardA floe sheer white loon So Inches wide for lOclsyardKino pull bleach silk tried test for 18ctsOur lace nod embroidery stock is complete It will save you moneyto tea these


DONT FAIL TO SEEOar Carpets Mattings Window Shades and Lace Curtains

F Slaughter Sa1eONSHOES


Childs black or tan strap 680II

Wero 75c Sizes 6 to 8

Misses and childrens tan strap 76cWoro 126 Sizes 8 12 to 2

Misses and childrens Dongola strap 60cWere 7Bo Sizes 13 to 2

Biases and childrens Southern tie 08cWore 1 26 Sizes 8 12 to 2

Womons black Oxfords 78oWore 100 Sizes 2 12 to 8

Womon3 black two button Fedora 080Wero 1 25 and 160 Sizes 2 I12 to 8

Womens Dongola Juliet coin and 0 S too 08cWere 125 Sizes 2121 to 8

liens Black Dongola Prince Albert 1 48c

Wore 2 00 Sizes 0 to 11

Mens tan vici wide captor 248Wore 300 Sizes 6 to 11

And many other goods in cut sale not menv tonod None of the above go out on ap-

t s pro val except at regular prlco

1mis Rudy Phillipst


Minzesheimer Plumbin

104 North Fittti CompanyTelePhODOo 362

Solicits your patronago Wo thoroughly guarautos all our work We employ experiencedworkmen and will do your work in a san itary scientific manner at the lowest prices


n You Drink Beer Whv otDrinkthe Best


o ObertS Has This Reputation

Ills Absolutely Pure

Delimed on Sfcod Notice



J iI

i> ply

l 1 JiLf

tPsaasewAa09raJTS tftt e euri-

mroamlvr4s Igasy rr14tUor

Igrl rw eariMatrrsuscRIPTlowriI-IIt isrte- erumiller wY Rr er


ererrlerM weft to-


Ipetyrlran U-Tn RaLY Son

DM jMrfcr gall poti ptd 1Afaie to ICwrdnoh Itr

eta Sraeea I TmurnwaIn



For rrculilen-tUlLLIAtl MKIMKY

or Ohio

Fun Vice ln tden-lTIlKOCOItB COOSKVKLT

Of New York

The health of the city should ba thegrit couiMentlon of the aathorltlesThe tax flyers of this city are calledon to routriknto 119000 yearly butthis first eonslileration of health seemto bo overlooked In the scramble of

the councilmen In their efforts to patsome of their relatives In once andkeep them there and others overlook

this important matter In their desire toj nee as economists and reformersnursing a forlron hope of being mayorsoot day Could the city get rid of

these two leeches on her rilite neet1I >

Ithe first and paramount tone the san-

itary condition of our city health ofr

her people and the providing of waysand means for their enjoyment SuchImportant matter as the sprinkling ofr

our streets seems never to have enteredII

the heads of our ambitious fathersThey would prefer to swallow thedirt ami filth Ihatlis dally ground Jntodrat and Inhaled by our people resultIng in sickness than to abandon for ai

single minute that forlorn hope of boo

coming mayor or of taken chances oft

that favorite relative not holding ontothat sinecure job

IIIIs a duty every Kentnckutn oweshimself to watch those trials at George¬

town As tho Louisville Dispatch re-

marks Not one word of testimony i

not one ruling of the court shouldI

escape popular scrutiny While Kentacky owes It to herself to wire outtthe stain of Qoebcls murder by thepunishment of his murderer It Is none

the less her duty to protect the Innocent Tho wreaking of party tengaenco Is not Justice The punishmentt

of an Innocent man to advance pdtsan purposes would bo a blacker crimethan Iho murder of Oocblo since Itwould bo base prostitution of the ma-

chinery of law and Justice TowersI

ant all other persons accused are entitled to a fair trial not because they-

are Republicans but because they arecitltcns of Kentucky with all therights of other citizens Anything t

short of a fair trial will be much morethan injustice to thcso Individuals II

It will bo a menace to the right of all1I

citizens and it rerlpns blow to the stabllity of the social order in KentuckyWatch those trials and be able to JudgeI

for yourself

In a two leader brimful of fire and1

argument the Louisville CourierJournal Friday rallied the Ooebelitcs fortodays precinct conventions But the

OJ killed all It said Ins few wordsJust Iwo lines whenltdeclarediIt

Is the living and not the dead thatnow concerns the people of KentuckyThats itl It Is not the deal 1politicalking Goebel nor the load Democraticparty but the living the Issues andInterests of today which concern thepeople and of which the people areconcerned The propel know thesethings too and theyll govern them-

selves accordingly Tho dead pastwill 1e left burled Mr 0 J and thatthis may be the caw the gang will be

piled in on its king In November forthe ieople bare enough of the whole

Job lot of thugs and thieves

The Tale of Two Cilliof Eddyville has changed hands Mr J LSmith who made it ono of the betI

weeklies In this end of the state editing it with care and thought has sold I

out to the Martins its former ownersand W W Martin again becomes I

editor If the newold owners willIchange Ibo name of the paper endkeep It np to its present standardthey will merit literal patronage

Bryan and Btevensou will be formallr uotlnatof their nomination atIndlaapolis on Wednesday August 8The speeches of notification will be

mado by the Hon Same D Richardson of Tennessee and GovernorCharles S Thomas of Colorado

Circuit Judge Morrow in a decisionat Somerset holds that the Kentuckyvagrancy law Iis unconstitutional liesays that IIIIs In conflict with Ibo thinteenth amendment to tho Federal eon


If the Ashland district with Blackburn Trimble and Chlnn to back Goo

bclisiu cant be male to coherewhere oh where Is the stronghold of

the pcebelitalJudge Cantrell was a gallant sol

her and augurs for goal were plentiful when ho was elevated to the bench i

but all the merit of his We and beauty

of his character havo boon blurredand blotted out by his candy underthe guidance of Cincinnati Tom


There is no discounting cfIho vim and vinegar baK of the

lietjuuj umlnifnf rracUble There la pobetter eJitwl psret jet jh State Whileits columns always contain what Iisvariable what Is instructive and lastut not least what 1Is newm It Is

ty tha state and the country haven J ore Posts and fewer papers likes6nj lt contemporaries

Tho Democrats an already claimlog bite earth for Bryan and Slovenson Just as an iniircatlon of those

claims It can 00alol cxGor Stoneof Missouri after declaring Kentuckysafely democratic added 1 csusldcrIllinois Minnesota Indiana Wiscon

sin Michigan Ohio and New Yorkthe debatable states Ibis year Hadnot the llepnbllcans Just as well quitnow as later

An old tax payer was complainingyesterday about the largo number of

hows on Broadway street work of

that city engineer being time kcciierand having an assistant mud of thenumber of orders on ono stone beinggiven out to the employes Tho mannot only cited these facts but he seem

ed110 know what ho was talking aboutand as ho talked ho very significantlyheld his nose Is this lllttle street lobso rotten as thief

The Oocbelltes are howling beanPowers forced the date to order thepresence of his wllneeea and to standthe expense The gang fear this willoeDre the accused freedom UIIs not

the expense they care for leaving rolltech the suspects of their liberty thegang want their lives no matter how

Innocent they may la-

The enlightened American by en

vironment heredity and education IU

proven the greatest man of all theages The exigency arises and ho

arises to meet It From the plow tocommanding the smiles has been

common with us since Putnam Fromthe railsplitting woodsman the canalboatman to the presidency the leaderof all the law givers of the worldsince Lincoln tat1 Garflcld lresldents generals diplomats explorersliterati an all around oThe opportnnlty comes ant theres your manNo other form and grade of clvlllzalion has shown Itself so adapted tothe advancement of the human manas has that of AmericaI tbe blest

The Democtntio pity of 80 yearsago was ono of Ideas It Is now npartyof opposition In short It Is deliber-

ately and of choice lighting on the odefcnslve and has no idea except how

best to combos theta of others andcorral the placan

The Son Ise newspaper It 1s no

nuns personal organ It U an organfor no set nor ring nor combine Itprints all the news within Its limitstions and sluts to voice the troths IIIs received and experienced by thepublic hence It Is the widest rend

paper in Western Kentucky Adverrisen sal readers will please make anote of this and act accorldngly


Several Consolidations are Talked ofIllinols Central Effected I

The following from an exchange Inv

dlcates several probable railroadI

changesSamuel W Fonlyco has resigned the

prcladency of the Kansas City Southcan formerly the Kansas City Pittsburg sod Gulf rolll and his successor

will bo Stuart R Knott recentlyelected vice president of the Alton

The change In the heal of the road1

Is said to indicate two things thefurther consolidation of the Harrimsnroads and a complete reorganization of

the Kansas City Southern for the purpose of getting rid of all the men whotear the John W Gates stamp Colo

net Fonlyco was elected president of

the road on April 1 at a meeting heldIn St Louis and his selection waslargely duo to Gates who became 1m

Ipressed with the manner in which ho

had handled the ylem while he was

receiver Later Gates became obnoxtoes to the financial Interests in Now

York through which the road was be-ing financed suit It IIs said that he wasasked to step out of the directory of

the reL Mr Harriman also came tothe conclusion according to wellInformed men that ho could not afford

to retain in the service of the coi-npry anyone to whom Gates mightdictate On the other hand It Is

stated that Colonel Fordycos selectionas president was only a temporary one

and was so understood at the timeThe scleclton of Mr Knott would Inpleat that the general offices of thecompany lire going to bo moved toChicago or1 least that the preslIellloffico will not be In KansasCity Only a few days ago Mr Knottresigned as vice president of the PlantSystem to accept Ibo vice presidencyof the Chicago and Alton with head-quarters In Chicago and it IIs likelythat both offices will be run here

Although President Fclton of theAlton denied the rumor that ho wassoon to be made chairman of thebandof the consolidated Hartman systemstho selection of Knott as president ofIbo Kansas City Southern would Indl

ante otherwise The plan Is said tobo to bring the Kansas City SouthernIbo Alton the Illinois Central such

their western connections wider onemanagement or toanl of controlllwithheadquarters In New York That Mr

Harriman Is contemplating Tome moveIn the western railroad gamo theretemp to be little doubt Mr Knottwhose resignation from the Pleat Systern will take effect on July 16y wentwith that company let January Hisrailroad career prior to that time wasltogether with the LonlYlIIo hnjNashville tout He went with tjjntroad on Jan 11868 as assistant totho president and on Jan 1 1888 bowas mado traffic mugger and on Oct7 1891 he ttecame vice resident

t eW




Noted Insurance Swindler to be liken Ig

Miuiufppl ndAihnlU

When Percy 11 Bnlllvan the bogusInsnranco wan lea finished hit termoflmprlaonmrnt at Jacksboro Tanwhere ho la now In jail ho will boservedI with extradition warrants fromMississippi and Arkansas to answer tonew charges Snlllnn did n bogus

business thronghout Kentucky unit

Tennessee claiming to represent theUrltlsh American Exchsngo associa

tion This company U said to haveno legal Mlnteneo whatever In 1895

It was registered lit London with anauthorltcd capital of 100000 but

not a farthing of his stock wan everpaid up The register of Joint stock

comi ulci on July 3 18JJ dissolvedthe ccrporattion for falling to make


numerator Oscar link Will Begin It

Nestt Monday

Tho industrial census of Fadncahwllllliegin Monday Mr Oscar Hank

who was appointed enumerator some

time ago IIs to take It for the city Metropolis 111 such MayfleM Ky A

report from every Industry will bo

secured and forwarded to headquartersputThe Best Prescription for Malaria

Collie and Fever Iis a bottle cfDROVES TASTELESS CHILL TON

10 It Is simply Iron and quinine ina tasteless forma No eorono pay

Price SOc

Kullawii New CollegeKUTTAWA Ky July itAt a

meeting of the directors of the new

West Kentucky Training school to bo

located here the contract for erectingthe building was awarded to EugeneYoung of Princeton Ky The buildrIll when completed sal furnishedwill cost 8000 Work on Iho structurewill bo commenced at once and willbo completed by September IS so thatthe fall term of school will begin Octoher L-

Theblood 1Is strained and nrifled by

the kidneys No hope of health whilethe kidneys are wrong FOLEYSKIDNEY CURE Will sake healthyktndeya ami pure bloat Nothing else

Just as good

t IL Wlnstcad

To Succeed the Albin CompanyKUTTAWA Ky Jnly UTho

shops of tho Albin company In thebranch prison at Eddyvllle havo beenclosed for some time The companyU making arrangements to move togive plane to another gem which willlease and work about fifty convicts at40 cents per tiny

If you aro sick dlaver runt dontknow what ills you Its ten to one

your kidneys are out of order FO

LEYS KIDNEY CURE will bringhealth and energy I

a It Winatwl4 e

Harriet in rcptMAYFIELI Ky July ILDr R

W Reynolds the dentist a popularyoung man of this city was marriedto Miss Lllllo Haupt at BatesvilleArk Tho brides home IIs at HotSprings They will reside hero


Many women suffer all sorts ofwcalldo female weaknesses simplybecause their kidneys are out of ordersuch they havo a right to know FOLEYS KIDNEY CURE Iis Just whatIIs needed by most ailing women

S IL Wiustcad

Hart at Mayfield

MAYFIELD Ky July UlIlnRichard Pryor near the city sustaineda broken erne as the result of a fallShe was otherwise Injured and IIs In acritical condition

ANY advertised dealer IIs authorisedto guarantee BANNER SALVE for I

tatter eczema piles cuts scaldsburns ulcers and soy open or OLD


Base BallNew York It Brooklyn I

St Louis 0 Cincinnati I

Philadelphia it 1iltsburg 8

Use Allens Foot kase in Your Gloves

A lady writes i I shako AllensFootEase Into my gloves and rub A

little on my hands It saves mygloves by absorbing perspiration hi-

d a most dainty toilet powder Wo

Invite the attention of physicians andnurses to the absolute purity of Allens FootEase Dr W O Abbotteditor of the Chicago Cltnlo says Itla a grand preparation I11 am using Itconstantly In my practice All drugand shoo stores sell It 25c Sample

sent FREE Address Allen a Olinsted Lo Roy N Y

Power of attorney to J D Moo

quot was Sloth from W D McGeheoof Fulton today In the county courthero

Safety I


FRIEND lh ea

hinimedlIsguard for expectant mothers Ithelps them throthe earlwithout morns-kkaess and as

the critical hour approaches It relatessod relieves the overstrained musclesLabor Is shortened and robbed of nearlyall pain Safe delivery is assured andlb ClaOSlJ rlst aor IId Dreams

itroo 1offssir1fNanAcIlYainI f



Observationsl lI teat Random ii-CecClCOCIecOCecNH

Yelser perk Is not n lonnlKiiff plainthis summer much to the delimit oftho xaople who reside In the neighborpool Tho principal reasou for this IIsthat all the Iron benches that formerlyadorned It have been rcnulntnl amiplaced111I Oak drown and Yciesr i irkIs thins cnnvtrtcil Into n plane to lookat but hot to enjoy III any other wayAnother thing nnnotleeil heretofore IIs

that not a single IIce cream supper hasbeen given In tho pork this summerThe absence of the hcnchca is probablyaccountable for that abjo but wliatbertha cause tho grass has been

saveiLa s

President McKlnleys greatmt fatIf not his only one IIs to always wearin his buttonhole a pink carnationand II Is his custom whenever he

travels to always present tho engamer of his train with tbo carnationHow ho Inca this Is thus explained by


president alights from hisprivate coach at the station he walk-

up Ibo platform until ho reaches thehuge machine 1roui tho cab windowleans the engineer his sooty face beamlug hesitant ciiieetant Tho treedent stop Just an Instant that theaction nay not attract the slightestattention and hands the pink towerInto tho grimy hands with a very low

I sincerely thank you for your skilland my safety

It Is done as quietly as other mmhand their newspapers up Into theengine as they loss No other publicofficial or crowned belllies this lprettycustom

Tho presidents carnations grow In

the White House conservatory and areSire McKlnleys ehlefest iirlde OneIs always1 laid by hlsdrrsssnlt for dinnor and ono bj his frock eat Hu themorning In strange cities his secrelacy attends to It and In somo hotelswhere the custom IIs known Ibo pro-

prietor expresses his goalmorningand goodnight by this flower sentto Ibo prrsldcntlsl suite Now andthen young women knowing how thepresident treasures his carnation haveasked him for It when be has itenespecially mllalln his iniso of noosething they have done

Next week hero pomiwa to bo astill greater exodus of mMents whodeals to sap the heat of summer atthe neighboring springs althoughmany will by that time have retumxlhomo The summer resorts all reportgoal crowils with ever growing prospects of better ones


Graves County Man Gels into Serious

Troubles Sturgis

8TUKCIIS Ky July Ittlellowent ran high hero List night overthe report of all attempted criminalassault on a llttlo girl the daughterof John Newman a taker The childwas found In a drunken state In aUrge mud wkllow tack of the townmod brought hero by two women whodiscovered her

A lease was formed headed by JC Wilson deputy constable to etchthe miscreant who jirovcd to ta oneAmbrose Hatchcll of Orates countywho was found In the Holeman tarnseveral miles from town I to acknowledges haying give the girl two drinksof whiskey but dente tho inure sort

ous charge He Is In tho lockup awaiting examining trial

A lynching was narrowly avertedby some of the coolcrhuadcd citizens


W F Cowlcsvs

Sir Carrlo Clyde AcMn Admiralty

Whereas a libel was Sleet In thedistrict court of the United States atPaducah Ky on Juno M 1DOO by W

F Cowlcs against the steamer CarrloClyde her engines tackel apparelfurniture etc and owners therocfalleging In substance that said Unit

and owners are Justly Indebted to himIn the sum of tl 1839 and that samepas sorer Iiocii JooM and ho prays proteas against said steamer Carrie Clyde

as aforesaid and that said steamermay bo condemns and sold to lay thesaid claim with root and CXJKUSCS

Now therefore In pursuance to themotion under seal of said court to inodirected I do hereby give public no

tie to all persons claiming the saidsteamer Cord Clyde or In any wayInterested therein that they In andappear before the district court of thoUnited States In the city of 11 Drab

Ky on or before the lith day ofAugust 1VOO at 10 a m that daythen and there to Interpose theirclAim and to mako their allegationsIn that behalf



Proctors for Llbelant OJ10

Excursion lo Evinsville

On Sunday July 15 the IllinoisCentral railroad company will run asiecisl train to Evnnsvllo leaving Padncah at 7 So m and rctnrnlng leST

lug Evansvlllo about 1030 p in Farefor tho round trip 1160-


rsrOno sorrel cell 4 years old gentle

iuil good driverlJ I WILL j

p SANDERdJest out tile

noeat F O l lanT1fth a trtet i


Dry Thin and Falling Hairand Red Rough Hands

Prevented by-eH



MILLIONS use CuTictnx SOAr exclusively for preferring purifyingnull beautifying the skin for cleaning lam scalp of crusts acaicpand dandruff anil the stopping of tailing halt for softcnlnfr whitenlog and soothing reel rough inch torn hands In the form of baths fornnnoyiug Irritations Inflammations sod dialings or too tree orolTenslvo pcrsplrallou In tho fort of washes for ulceratlvo weaknesses and tor many anatlro antiseptic purposes which readily naggnat themselves to women and especially to mothers and for all Uio

purposes of the toilet bath and nursery No amount of pcnussloncan luilueo thoso who have onco used It to use any other especially forpreserving unit purifying tho akin scalp and hair of Infanta and chile

ilren CiTicriu SoAr combines delicate emollient Irrlrdt-rom CCTICCUA the great skin cure with the purest of cleansing IngrodlciNs and the most refreshing of flower adore No other nwfionfiisoap ever compounded U to bo compared with It for preserving purl ¬

tying and beautifying tho skin scalp halt and bards No other toresign orlomratlc bud soapI however expensive la to be compared withIt for all the purposes of tho toilet bAth Dllt11l11ntrlnilioomblues In OXB K ur at Ova Hues I11 TwitrnvL Lens the nearskin noel complexion soap near toilet and near baby soap In the world

Completo External and Internal Treatmnt for Ivory HumorStiSjSSISKI

1lt twM 1 Ri mIb aSKSVvJ u muntiuertusa ude us-


lr11l O1 I




We will let prices talk during this tale and wilt try to make It to

everybodys Interest to buy goods from usIf you have wanls In Dry Goods such as Lawns Dimities White

Good Percales Calicoes Domestics Shirtings limbioldcrles racMuslin Underwear Hosiery ladles Waists Readymade Skirts Ta-

ble Linens Towels Crashes lied Spreads Umbrellas HandkerchiefsIans DeUs or ether notions give us the opportunity to save you money

MILLILERYllvervthlng In millinery aid ribbons will be hither

reduced In price for this sale 8L1ITIW NEWSNowberen tIe will van buy such goal den for the lottowing price A GUHAT SKMtANNtlAL CM1ARINO8AU101 SLIPPERS FOR tr A PAIR llommers for y3eextremely KOOoI ester Oxfords for f18y a pair Facehundtel rain or the best Oxford tlesthst were ever pet onthe market for this priceh 15 a pair If you ever neatspair of shoes for mea women or children you can ownthemI here for less than Ihsn they see worth

TO MIIN Mens skirts collars ties suspenderoveralls Jumpers sad clothing will be sell low enough toInduce you to trade with u-



theof fresh but thebest goes is his so he goeu tofor his and iresh

a >r





All 218 Oourtu

MCorner Nlulb nml Trimble I csn furnish you with staple and CEOCKIIIKS Fresh Siesta and promptly Just telephone me yourorder ting No 430 Flue Cigars and obscco anti the bell or Wblikloiand Wines Givo mj a call

It II Ninth and Trimble



The Father of

Large Family

Knows importancefirstclass groceries Nothing

motto Lallysgroceries moats




HorseshoeinGuaranteed Street

Look What You SaveB-Y TRADING WITH




BOOKBINDliRThoroughly ulpped Bookmsklog plant You need sent noth¬

log out ot town

Patent Flat OptBlng Blots r




