excalibur pnj

EXCALIBUR CAPTAIN BRITAIN...................................................3 CERISE.................................................................. 5 MEGGAN.................................................................. 6 NIGHTCRAWLER.........................................................7 PHOENIX.................................................................8 Shadowcat......................................................... 10 After the apparent death of the X-Men in the "Fall of the Mutants," Shadowcat and Nightcrawler, both convalescing on Muir Island, along with Captain Britain and his lover Meggan, rescued Rachel Summers (Phoenix) from Mojo's Warwolves upon her return to our dimension. Realizing the need to preserve Xavier's vision of human/mutant coexistence, they formed Excalibur as the European extension of the dream. After battling the Warwolves and the Crazy Gang, the team embarked (unintentionally) on the "Cross-Time Caper" through many alternate dimensions, thanks to the robotic Widget. Finally returning home, Excalibur faced the Warwolves, teamed up with the Avengers to keep Dr. Doom from conquering Limbo, and took the Technet in after their leader, Gatecrasher, abandoned them. Meggan and Rachel took a leave of absence after Brian was taken into the custody of the Otherworld Corps for his altercation with Kurt. Alone with the Technet, Kurt forged them into an effective force capable of dealing with a superpowered threat detected by F.I.6, a British covert organization. Kylun, a mutant boy sent into another dimension by Widget, returned as a great warrior pursuing his nemesis Necrom, the very threat F.I.6's espers had warned of. Feron, a descendant and namesake of the first being to commune with the Phoenix Force sought Rachel out in order to claim his "birthright," the Phoenix, from her. When he could not, he stayed with Excalibur and added his magical abilities to their already powerful group. An alien named Cerise also joined Excalibur and quickly became close with Nightcrawler. Upon the return of the rest of the team, Necrom attacked and Excalibur, aided by Roma, the Celestial Guardian, halted the Cosmic Convergence, a plan set in motion by Merlin to gain control of ultimate power. The team then learned that their entire existence up to that point had been part of a great plan set up by Merlin and Roma, including the Cross-Time Caper and a dream-state meeting with Merlin himself, in order to train them to aid (in Merlin's case) or stop (in Roma's case) the Convergence.

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Captain Brittain


3Captain Britain






After the apparent death of the X-Men in the "Fall of the Mutants," Shadowcat and Nightcrawler, both convalescing on Muir Island, along with Captain Britain and his lover Meggan, rescued Rachel Summers (Phoenix) from Mojo's Warwolves upon her return to our dimension. Realizing the need to preserve Xavier's vision of human/mutant coexistence, they formed Excalibur as the European extension of the dream. After battling the Warwolves and the Crazy Gang, the team embarked (unintentionally) on the "Cross-Time Caper" through many alternate dimensions, thanks to the robotic Widget.

Finally returning home, Excalibur faced the Warwolves, teamed up with the Avengers to keep Dr. Doom from conquering Limbo, and took the Technet in after their leader, Gatecrasher, abandoned them. Meggan and Rachel took a leave of absence after Brian was taken into the custody of the Otherworld Corps for his altercation with Kurt. Alone with the Technet, Kurt forged them into an effective force capable of dealing with a superpowered threat detected by F.I.6, a British covert organization. Kylun, a mutant boy sent into another dimension by Widget, returned as a great warrior pursuing his nemesis Necrom, the very threat F.I.6's espers had warned of. Feron, a descendant and namesake of the first being to commune with the Phoenix Force sought Rachel out in order to claim his "birthright," the Phoenix, from her. When he could not, he stayed with Excalibur and added his magical abilities to their already powerful group. An alien named Cerise also joined Excalibur and quickly became close with Nightcrawler. Upon the return of the rest of the team, Necrom attacked and Excalibur, aided by Roma, the Celestial Guardian, halted the Cosmic Convergence, a plan set in motion by Merlin to gain control of ultimate power. The team then learned that their entire existence up to that point had been part of a great plan set up by Merlin and Roma, including the Cross-Time Caper and a dream-state meeting with Merlin himself, in order to train them to aid (in Merlin's case) or stop (in Roma's case) the Convergence.

Immediately after, Rachel, wounded in her cosmic-scale battle with Necrom, left Earth with the Phoenix force to heal. Excalibur met the X-Men for the first time since their return to "life" and then were captured by the Resource Control Executive, led by Nigel Orpington-Smythe. Along the way, Kurt and Cerise confessed their love for each other. After the team foiled the R.C.X's plans, Phoenix returned and at the urging of Widget/Kate Pryde transported Excalibur to the alternate timeline of "Days of Future Past" where she was born. The team defeated Master Mold and the Sentinels and journeyed back to our time, taking up residence in Braddock Manor following the destruction of their lighthouse in the Cosmic Convergence.

Along the way, Captain Britain was lost in the timestream and Meggan retreated into catatonia in her grief. Kylun went to find his parents and Cerise was arrested by the Shi'ar for crimes against the Empire. When Colossus was injured and joined Magneto's Acolytes, Kitty tricked him into coming down to Muir for treatment. Excalibur moved to Muir to help Moira MacTaggert with her research into the Legacy Virus and to become a figurative scalpel, removing problems before they become disasters.

When Brian began to use Rachel's time-travel abilities to attempt to return to the present, Rachel switched places with him (with Amanda Sefton's help) in the timestream and was thrown into the far future where she fought Apocalypse as the Mother Askani. Meggan came out of her catatonia and Brian returned as Britanic, with visions of the future rampaging through his head. Excalibur became embroiled in the Phalanx Covenant and gained the company of the techno-organic Douglock, who was soon followed by Wolfsbane. Pete Wisdom accompanied Excalibur on a mission to Genosha. He then quit his job at Black Air and also joined the team, and became Kitty's boyfriend on a mission into a Black Air facility. Shortly thereafter, Colossus came back and attacked Wisdom in a fit of jealousy and rage. Peter stayed with the team and aided them in their defeat of Black Air and the Hellfire Club. Brian returned to being Captain Britain, but seemed to be torn between being a hero and being a scientist. In the aftermath of Onslaught, Excalibur faced a world even more scared and hateful of mutants than ever before. Captain Britain's final battle came against the Dragons of the Crimson Dawn, ancient beings who sought to use Brian's power to open a gateway to their shadow realm and transform Earth. Expending the last of his power, Brian defeated the Dragons, but lost his abilities, apparently for good. Though engaged to Meggan, he set off to heal and to try and cope with his loss. Excalibur continued to fight for the dream, in the hope that it will someday become a reality. Kitty took a leave to help S.H.I.E.L.D in a crisis, and then returned to face the Nightmare and the Bamfs, who had kidnapped Lockheed. Kitty and Pete broke up, and Wisdom left. Moira secluded herself in her lab, vowing not to come out until she found a cure for the Legacy Virus, and she was joined by Rahne, who leapt into the lab as it sealed. They were soon let out by Douglock, who remembered that Zero had given him the cure months before. The team then helped Sabra defeat Legion's personalities in Israel and went in search of Professor X, who had been captured during Operation: Zero Tolerance. After months away, Brian finally returned and set a wedding date only one week hence. The team was preoccupied with parties and shopping, most notably for Meggan's dress. After a little tension regarding Meggan's feelings for Colossus, the wedding proceeded without a hitch on Otherworld. However, the joy was sobered by Kurt, Kitty, and Peter's announcement that they were going to rejoin the X-Men and continue to look for Professor Xavier. Excalibur disbanded, but like the sword of ancient legend, may yet rise again to defend Britain in her hour of need.

Captain Britain

Real name: Brian Braddock Occupation: Monarch of Otherworld, Omniversal protector

Identity: Secret

Legal Status: Citizen of the United Kingdom with no criminal record

Place of Birth: Braddock Manor, England

Marital Status: Married

Known Relatives: James (father, deceased); Elizabeth (mother, deceased); James Jr (Jamie, brother); Elizabeth (Betsy, sister) ; Meggan (Wife).Group affiliation: Excalibur Base of operations: Otherworld Height: 69 Weight: 226 lbs. Eye color: Blue Hair color: Blond


Endurance: MONSTROUS Reason: GOOD Intuition:INCREDIBLE Psyche: EXCELLENT


245 Karma:

70 Resources:EXCELLENT Popularity:30

Known Powers:

Flight: Sh-X Personal Force Field: Captain Brittain has a force field closely over his skin, this gives him Rm protection even vs. psionic attacks. He has used the forcefield for a ranged blunt attack of Rm damage as a power stunt once. So it still costs karma to perform this stunt. Precognition Flashes: Am, but no control over them. After the Demon under London affair this power may have vanished. Limitations: Capt. Britains powers are strongly tied to the land of Britain (and its extradimensional counterparts). When away from the isles, his Fighting, Agility, Strength, and Endurance (though not his Health) drop by 1 rank each day until a minimum of Typical (6) is reached. Additionally, the use of his Flight power requires an Endurance FEAT to perform.Alcoholism: He must make a Psyche FEAT roll to avoid a drink if the opportunity presents itself.

Talents: British Folklore & History, Physics, Engineering, Pilot

History: Brian Braddock was the older twin brother of Elizabeth (later, Psylocke) and younger sibling to elder brother, Jamie. Brian grew up a quiet, reserved child, and studied science and chemistry. He was a student assistant at Darkmoor Research Center when the psychotic criminal called the Reaver attacked the facility to steal its secrets. Attempting to escape, Brian ran his motorcycle off a cliff and lay near death. In a vision, the spirits of the god-wizard Merlin and the goddess Roma appeared to the fledgling scientist, and bade him choose one of the mystical objects before him: the Amulet of Right or the Sword of Might. Selecting the amulet, he found himself bombarded by mystical energy that granted him superhuman strength and stamina. The patron spirits decreed that Brian would be Britain's champion, and gifted him with a mystical star-sceptre to enhance his fighting skills. Captain Britain fought crime and injustice in England for some time, and even teamed-up with American heroes, like Captain America and Spider-Man, for other adventures. At one point, Brian felt an undue amount of stress, and jumped from a plane into the Atlantic Ocean. Merlin saved him once again, and sent Cappa, with new sidekick Jackdaw, into the past to fight alongside the Black Knight in the Medieval crusades. Captain Britain fought alongside some of the world's greatest heroes, overcoming a bout with depression to gain a new perspective on the mantle he had been handed.

Through Merlin's tutelage, Brian learned the truth about his family's extra-dimensional origins. He learned of his metaphysical connection to the land and people of Otherworld -- a glorious kingdom positioned at the nexus of reality, where science and sorcery exist as one. To safeguard the infinite realities from evil, Merlin had founded an elite cadre of heroes, the Captain Britain Corps. No greater force for good existed in the Omniverse, and no greater hero bore the Corps' legendary standard than Brian's father, Sir James Braddock. Scientist, warrior, philosopher, strategist -- these attributes made Sir James the ideal candidate to embark upon the sacred mission that would shape the future: the quest to sire a savior; to father a king. A genetically compatible mate -- Brian's mother, Elizabeth -- was selected from our Earth, 616.

Thanks to Merlin's revelations, Brian achieved a kind of spiritual peace most human beings never experience in a lifetime. But Captain Britain's services were required elsewhere, so Brian was remade in another image more suited to the challenges ahead. Merlin transformed Captain Britain's amulet and sceptre into a lattice of mystical "micro-circuitry," duplicating all the properties of the reluctant hero's former weaponry. With his elfin partner, Jackdaw, Captain Britain fought to save an alternate reality from the world-warping madness that was Sir James Jaspers. When his adventures in the past were over, Merlin sent him back to the future, but instead, Brian was clothed in his new Captain Britain costume and was transported into an alternate reality - a post-apocalyptic reality ruled by the reality-warping Mad Jim Jaspers. Captain Britain tried to save the world, alongside Opal Luna Saturnyne, but failed. He escaped the world with Saturnyne, and witness the Omniversal Majestrix destory that same world before sending Brian back home. At this point he knew he was operating as a part of a league of Captain Britain dimensional analogues, although he refused to follow their guidelines here and at every other opportunity. He failed. He died. But even in death, there was no escaping destiny. Merlin resurrected Brian once more -- for there were evils to fight, lives to change, alliances to forge and traditions to upholdOnce at home, he soon confronted our dimension's version of Jaspers as well as a remnant of the destroyed dimension, the hero-killing Fury. Brian contined to adventure as Captain Britian, and soon encountered Meggan, his future fiancee. Many duties were forced on Brian, especially being a national symbol, and he later quit the role of Captain Britain, escaping to a lighthouse with the recently-transformed Meggan. During this time, his sister Betsy took on the mantle of Captain Britain, andseverly injured by Brian's archemeny, Slaymaster. Upon hearing this, Brian returned to his heroic identity and killed Slaymaster in retaliation. He continued to adventure as Captain Britain, but only as an independant operator. Brian, however, began to have a drinking problem.

Later, Meggan drew Captain Britain into association with the heroes who would soon form the team Excalibur. Although reluctant at first, Brian joined the team and adventured with them for a long tenure. Excalibur was soon revealed as being manipuated, in a ploy by Merlin to collapse all the omiverse into one plane of reality.

After experiencing still another alternate reality beyond any one man's salvation, Brian adopted the name Britanic. He renewed his pursuit of science and engineering, and set about rebuilding his life on Earth. But it was a temporary respite from the chaos. To save the world from the ancient evil of the Dragons of the Crimson Dawn, Brian sacrificed his superhuman powers. Captain Britain the hero died yet again, leaving only Brian Braddock the man to pick up the pieces and carry on. Ultimately, England's wayward champion returned to Excalibur to fulfill his dream of marrying Meggan, but the team disbanded following the ceremony.

In the wake of Excalibur's dissolution, Brain and Meggan at last were afforded the opportunity to lead "normal" lives. But their peace was shattered when Brian learned that a seemingly insane Roma had decimated Otherworld in a quest to dominate all reality. The Captain Britain Corps rallied to repel Roma's hordes, but even its greatest heroes proved no match for the monsters and their malevolent mistress. Leading a small squad of warriors, Captain Britain rescued Roma from the thrall of the rogue android called Mastermind, a hyper-sentient techno-organic super-computer created by Brian's father. Reclaiming the Sword of Might, Captain Britain united the talismans of power. Brian had finally unleashed his divine spark and fulfilled his destiny as the true monarch of Otherworld and protector of the Omniverse.

Captain Britains First Incarnation




Reason :GOOD



Health : 130

Karma : 60

Resources : GOOD

Popularity : 50

Powers: Braddock believed that his power was derived from a set of mystic artifacts given to him by Merlin. These artifacts the star-sceptre and the amulet of right gave him the following powers: Flight: GD

Force Field: RM

Storage: The star scepter and Capt. Britains uniform are mystically stored within the amulet of right.

Talents: Student, British Folklore

Captain Britain (Interim Version)Fighting :INCREDIBLE Agility :REMARKABLE


Endurance :AMAZING

Reason :GOOD



Health : 150

Karma : 70

Resources : EXCELLENT

Popularity : 100

Powers:Brian Braddock believed his powers were derived from his costume, a suit of mystic circuitry. The suit (apparently) gave him the following powers:

Strength Boost: Increases Strength to Incredible but Health remains unchanged.Flight: Shift X Force Field: EXLimitations: Capt. Britain depends upon his suit for his powers. Unless he has it, he receives no benefits. Also, Brian became an alcoholic during this period in his life.

Talents: British folklore, History, Physics




110 Karma:

70 Resources:TYPICAL Popularity:5

Known Powers:

Generate coherent light energy: Cerise can generate and manipulate this energy with Mn ability, she has created the following effects:

Energy Blasts: Mn damage, 5 areas

Solid Light manipulation: carry up to 6 persons in solid light containers or

create Mn strength restraints. She can also create various other forms of

solid light.

Flight: Rm

Wrist Sensor: Am sensor array with various energy and life force detection.

Battle Armor: Body Armor: Rm vs. physical, In vs. Energy

Strength, Endurance and Intuition +1 CS (health increase)

Self Sustenance: air-supply, can survive in deep space

Invulnerability to heat/cold: Un

Talents: Navigation



GOOD Agility:


GOOD Endurance:


POOR Intuition:




100 Karma:

84 Resources:

GOOD Popularity:


Known Powers:

Changeling: Un, her physical ranks can shift up to 4 ranks, but health remains unchanged. She can gain up to Am physical abilities.

Flight: Ex

Animal Communication: Un

Elemantalist: Un, this power recently surfaced. It allows her to control the elemental forces with Un ability. Communicate with elemental forces: Un

Elemental Sense: This allows her to feel disturbances in Earth bio-magnetic field with Am ability.

Electricity Control: Am, linked with the elements she can also control and communicate with electricity.

Empathy: Un

Talents: In recall of TV events


Meggan was born near what legend claims to be the site of an ancient British fortress that was a place of dark sorcery. It was in part because of this legend that Meggan's parents, who were gypsies, believed her to be a demon when she was born. The infant Meggan was covered with fur and resembled an animal. In actuality, Meggan was a mutant with the power to alter her shape, and she had taken this fur-covered form instinctively as a response to the bitterly cold weather at the time of her birth.

Unaware of her shape-changing powers, Meggan retained her furry form as she grew into adolescence and regarded herself as a freak. She eventually met the costumed champion, Captain Britain, and went to live with him and his sister, Betsy, at their ancestral home, Braddock Manor.

The time finally came when Meggan realized she could alter her physical appearance, whereupon she first assumed the form she normally uses today, that of a beautiful young woman with long blonde hair. After making this transformation, her relationship with Captain Britain changed considerably, for they soon became lovers.

Like Captain Britain, Meggan is a founding member of Excalibur, a team of superhuman champions based in the United Kingdom.


Kurt Wagner

Fighting: REMARKABLE Agility: AMAZING Strength: GOOD Endurance: REMARKABLE Reason: GOOD Intuition: EXCELLENTPsyche: EXCELLENT


120 Karma:

50 Resources:GOOD Popularity:5


Teleportation: Am ability to teleport up to 3 miles. This produces a loud "BAMF" and the smell of sulfur. Nightcrawler can perform the following power stunts:

Exceed normal range by 2 miles. He must make a End FEAT or be confused for 1-10 rounds.

Teleport 1 or 2 passengers. Passengers must make an End FEAT or be knocked out for 1-10 rounds.

Teleport part of an object (usually non-organic), causing Am damage on the object (and a possible kill result).

Tripple normal attacks by teleporting multiple times.

When attempting to hit Nightcrawler the attacker must have initiative or succeed in a Mn Int. FEAT, otherwise Nightcrawler will have teleported away.

Prehensile Tail: Use as additional arm, an extra attack with Gd fighting.

Wall-Crawling: Am, 3 areas/turn. He cannot adhere to frictionless or slippery surfaces.

Talents: Leadership, First Aid, Electronics, Mechanical Repair, Piloting, Martial Arts B, Tumbling, Acrobatics, Weapon Specialist: Sword

History: Kurt Wagner was born a mutant, blue furred, yellow eyed, and fanged. He was found, abandoned as a babe, by a woman named Margali Szardos, who took him in and raised him as her own child. He grew up in the circus, part of the trapeze act as his incredible agility made him one of the best for the job, and fell in love with Margali's daughter, Amanda Sefton. It was also here at the circus, that he took on the name of Nightcrawler, his stage name. At some point, Kurt left the circus, and it was in Germany that Professor Xavier found him, about to be beaten to death by an angry mob who thought he was a demon. Proffesor X saved him that night, offering him a chance to help the world by becoming part of his new team of X-Men. Kurt agreed, and went off on a mission to rescue the original X-Men along with Storm, Wolverine, Colossus, Banshee, Sunfire and Thunderbird. After they succeeded, Kurt decided to stay as part of the new team.

A swashbuckling comedian at heart, Kurt became fast friends with the rest of the team, his personality bolstered the spirit of his teammates, and he developed a particularly tight bond with Wolverine and Kitty. Still, his appearance remained an obstacle, terrifying most humans on sight, and so, an image inducer was developed for him so that he could appear as a normal human while in public. Though he loathed the fact that people could not accept his appearance, accept him, as he was, he still uses it today to avoid conflict. Kurt saw many things while he was part of the X-Men, the least of which was not the Beyonder, a God-like being that shook Kurt's very faith in his own God. It took him some time, and the wisdom of his teammates to reconcile with his faith, but eventually he did. He also met an evil mutant named Mystique, who resembled him almost exactly in appearance. Wondering if they might be related, he asked her how they could resemble each other so much. She gave him no answer though, and he was left wondering for several years. Brave and noble, Kurt fought many battles alongside the X-Men; his friends and family, and he might have remained with them always, if not for fate.

During what would become known as the Mutant Massacre, Kurt was gravely injured by the Marauder known as Riptide. Caught in the hurricane force winds the mutant created, Kurt was nearly sliced to pieces by the projectiles released within the gale. He spent some time in a coma, and the X-Men feared for his very life. But with time, Kurt recovered, and reawoke only to find that the X-Men had died during the Fall of the Mutants. Having no way of knowing that his friends had been returned to life by the Goddess Roma, Kurt remained on Muir Isle with Kitty (Shadowcat) during the remainder of his recovery. His teleportation power was just beginning to return when he joined up with Shadowcat, Phoenix II, Captain Britain and Meggan to form the Britain based team, Excalibur.

Captain Britain led the team in name, but it was Nightcrawler who led, in truth, and eventually, he taught the headstrong hero how a leader should conduct himself. Some time later, the X-Men returned to public view, and Kurt reunited with his old family, albeit for a brief visit. He had come to feel that his place was now with Excalibur, and did not return to the team. Shortly following, Kurt received a call from Forge, instructing him to come back to America on a matter of utmost importance. He met up with Rogue, and soon found himself pulled into a chain of events which led to the discovery of his origin. Mystique had given birth to him, but much as the angry mob had chased Kurt for his appearance, they now chased the mother and her newborn child. Throwing him over the falls in order to save her own life, Mystique left him to die. But being a mutant, Kurt survived the fall and was found by Margali Szardos. With this revelation also came the realization that the mutant-hater, Graydon Creed, was his half-brother, and Rogue, having been raised by Mystique, his foster sister. Kurt returned to Excalibur to reconcile with this new information, and had it out with his foster mother, Margali, angry that she had never told him the truth of his birth mother. But Kurt had little time to dwell on these things, as Excalibur found itself being drawn into battle after battle.

With the disappearance of Captain Britain, Nightcrawler found himself again the leader of the team, in name as well as truth. When the Captain finally returned and wed Meggan, and Excalibur disbanded, Nightcrawler decided to return home to his original team, the X-Men. Now back with his old friends, he fights for the Professors dream as he ever has.


Rachel Summers

Fighting: GOOD Agility:



90 Karma:

115 Resources:POOR Popularity:0 Known Powers:

Telekinesis: Mn

Force fields: Am, 1 area radius

Kinetic Bolt: Am

Flight: Ex Telepathy: Am

Mental invisibilty: Am

Mental bolts: Am stunning, 3 areas

Mutant Detection: Am Phoenix Force: (when used a flaming bird image is conjured which inflict Ty heat damage when the powers are used at max rank.) Rachel has yet to reach complete mastery, the phoenix powers are all at -1CS (except flight). Absorbtion:CL1000, any form of energy

Elemental Conversion: CL1000

Flight: Un, CL1000 in space

Force Field: CL1000 vs. physical and energy

Gateway: instant teleportation to anywhere in the universe

Kinetic Bolt: up to CL1000

Regeneration: Un

Self-Sustenance: CL1000

Telekinetics: Un

Telepathy: Un

Weather Control: Un

Talents: Acrobatics, Martial Arts C, E

History: Rachels story is perhaps the most tragic of all. Born in an alternate timeline as the Daughter of Phoenix (Jean Grey) and Cyclops, a world where Phoenix did not die, it held more turmoil than most. Mutants were hunted and killed here, and eventually Rachels own family and most of her friends succumbed to the forces against them. Even her love, Franklin Richards, was killed by the Sentinels which hunted mutants without mercy here. She and Franklin were part of a small rebellion against the hunters, and after his death, she fell into the hands of an evil man named Ahab. Ahab was known as "Master of the Hounds", the Hounds being mutants which he had subverted to his cause for the sole purpose of hunting down others of their kind to be killed. Rachel especially excelled at her task because of her telepathic ability which she inherited from her mother, and was able to track mutants better than any other. She was responsible for the deaths of many, and became Ahab's most prized Hound. Marked forever as one of them by the black scars upon her face, she never came to terms with the consequences of her actions during this time, with all the death she had caused. She eventually escaped Ahab, and was sent through time with the help of her lifelong friend Katherine Pryde (Shadowcat). She arrived in the X-Mens world alone, bereft and guilt ridden.

It took quite sometime for the team to come to terms with her origin, Cyclops finding it hardest of all. In a sense, she was his daughter as true as if she had been conceived in this world. Her telepathic and telekinetic power closely echoed that of her mothers, but she had none of the Phoenix power that her mother had possessed. In an attempt to learn more about the fate of this worlds Phoenix, she traveled to Jean's parents home and found the crystal which contained a bit of this worlds Phoenix's essence. This had been a gift from the Shi'ar to forever keep a part of Jean with those who had loved her. Rachel broke the crystal and claimed the Phoenix power within. Her powers considerably increased, she returned to the team with name "Phoenix" and a costume with the fiery cosmic creatures likeness emblazoned upon it. Cyclops took this hardest of all, the reminder of Jean almost too much to bear, and most of the team disapproved. Still, she kept the name and costume, and fought by the X-Mens side for several months.

During one particular battle, she encountered the woman known as Spiral, who danced her off to parts unknown. No one knew what had become of her. She was simply gone. Many months passed before she appeared to this worlds Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat) in a dream. Having been trapped in the Wildways by Mojo, she finally managed to escape with Kitty's help. The two joined up with Captain Britain, Meggan and Nightcrawler shortly thereafter, to form a new, Britain based team, called Excalibur. Unfortunately for Rachel, there were many who sought to destroy or use the bearer of the Phoenix power, most notably the Omniversal Majestrix; Opal Luna Saturnyne, and the eater of worlds, Galactus. Trouble continued to plague her wherever she went, and she unable to find the happiness she sought in this life, despite her attempts. Finally Rachel found her place, not in this world, but in yet another, when she traded places in the timestream with Captain Britain, effectively releasing him from its hold. She spent some time drifting through space, and finally arrived in another alternate timeline, where Apocalypse ruled. When the Phoenix power left her, she took up the name Mother Aska'ni, and led a clan in rebellion against Apolcalypse, ruler of the world. She became a much hailed wisewoman in that world, and Apocalypses most formidable opponent in that world. She had one of her disciples travel to the X-Mens world briefly to claim her "brother" Nathan Christopher, son of Cyclops and Madelyne Pryor, who was infected the Techno-Organic virus. She had him brought back to her world where they could stop the virus from progressing any further. She raised him to become the man who would be called Cable in our world. She died peacefully, of old age, and her title has been passed from one generation to the next.

Other distinguishing features: Branded by her masters in her native reality with a pattern of tattoos to mark her as a "hound," ordinarily she uses her superhuman powers to conceal her tattoos, even when she is asleep or unconscious. Phoenix II manifested her energies at times in the form of an enormous fiery, hawk-like bird shape that appears about her body.


Kitty Pryde

Fighting: REMARKABLE Agility: GOOD Strength: TYPICAL Endurance: REMARKABLE Reason: REMARKABLE Intuition: EXCELLENT Psyche: EXCELLENT

Health: 76 Karma: 70 Resources: GOOD Popularity: 2

Known Powers:

Phasing: Am ability with the following power stunts:

Pass through force fields on a power FEAT.

Walk on air as if solid ground

Disrupt electrical equipment with Am ability. Sentient equipment must make an End FEAT or be knocked out for 1-10 rounds and suffer loss of 40 health. Render objects or people out of phase while maintaining contact.

Wielding out of phase objects that solidify when released and inflict material strength damage on the edged column.

Automatic phase out in danger. A red psyche FEAT will keep her in normal state.

When out of phase Kitty can only be harmed by multi- dimensional, psionic, magical or other out of phase attacks.

Astral Sight: Kitty can see others in astral forms

Limitation: Nearsighted, she wears contacts.

Talents: Electronics, Computer Hardware Design, Software Design, Resist Domination, Russian, Martial Arts A, B, C, D, E, Ninja Training.

Contacts: X-Men, SHIELD


Kitty Pryde began suffering from terrible headaches at the age of 13 and a half, and strange things began happening to her. She would fall asleep in her bed upstairs, only to awake on the living room floor downstairs. Her mutant phasing ability was beginning to manifest, though she did not know it, a power which would allow her to walk through walls and walk on air. At the same time, her parents were trying to choose a new school for their genius daughter, Emma Frosts (The White Queen) Institution and Professor Xaviers School for Gifted Youngsters being their top two choices. The White Queen wanted Kitty for her school, and also the X-Men out of the way, and so, proceeded to attack them as they were getting to know Kitty. Kitty escaped, and followed the White Queen after she carried off the subdued X-Men. Showing a great deal of spunk, and potential of her phasing power, which was just manifesting, freed them so that they could save themselves. She didn't join the school right away however. It wasn't until after the death of Phoenix and the departure of Cyclops that she came to be with the team.

As the neophyte X-Man "Sprite", Kitty had much to learn, and learn she did as all the X-men do. The hard way. Her first couple of adventures were not so bad, and she was beginning to develop quite a relationship with Colossus when the team encountered an alien race called the Brood. This was Kitty's first real brush with death as she and all the X-Men were implanted with Brood eggs which would hatch and kill their host. During this adventure, she met an alien creature, a small purple dragon who helped defend her. After the Brood had been dealt with and the team returned to earth, she found that the little dragon had followed her home, stowing away on the ship. She named him Lockheed and they became fast friends, and have remained so ever since. Shortly following that, she was kidnapped by the spirit of Wolverines former mentor, Ogun. Ogun possessed Kitty with the hopes of returning to mortality, and might have succeeded if not for Wolverines interference. Ogun taught her the deadly arts of being a ninja through his possession, talents which she still retains today. She and Wolverine grew very close, and developed a strong bond of friendship which still holds true today. She also had a strong friendship with Colossus' younger sister, Illyana (Magik).

Time passed, and Kitty proved herself time and time again, both alone and with the team, going through several different names and costumes before finally deciding on "Shadowcat" and the blue costume she wore for so long. She and Colossus became estranged when he fell in love with an alien woman during the Secret Wars. She was 15 when her first serious injury occurred during the Mutant Massacre when she was hit by one of the Marauders magical spears. She phased and it passed through her, but it left her in an intangible state, permanently. After a time, it became evident that she was dissipating into nothingness, her very molecules drifting apart due to her inability to become solid again. Only through a truce and union of the scientific minds and efforts of Reed Richards and Dr. Doom was she able to become solid again. It took her some time to fully recover the use of her mutant ability, and while she was recovering on Muir Isle came the news that the X-Men were killed in Dallas during the Fall of the Mutants. With nowhere else to go and her "family" (the X-Men) dead, she joined with Nightcrawler, Captain Britain, Meggan and Phoenix (II) to form a new, Britain based team, called Excalibur.

She proved her mettle time and time again with the new team, going from one adventure to the next, until finally, the Soulsword, which had been possessed by her now dead friend Illyana (Magik) showed up on her doorstep. Kitty was the only one who could wield the weapon, and this came to the attention of Dr. Doom, who came calling to collect his price for saving her life over a year ago. Kitty refused to give it to him, and after a trip through Limbo, finally surrendered the sword to Nightcrawlers girlfriend, Amanda Sefton, who gave it into the care of her mother Margali Szardos, a powerful sorceress. Eventually, she became aware of the X-Mens continued existence, and was reunited with them briefly several times. She remains with Excalibur still, however, and recently found new love with a man named Pete Wisdom. Ironically, at the same time they were coming together, Colossus returned to Earth and joined up with the team. Kitty and Pete have now parted ways, but only time will tell if the spark between Kitty and Colossus will be rekindled.

With the disbandment of Excalibur, Kitty has returned home to original team, the X-Men, along with Colossus and Nightcrawler. Still a spunky teenage girl, she has been through much in the last three years of her life, but she keeps her spirits up and continues to fight to keep the world safe from harm.


TYPE: Mystical RealmENVIROMENT: Earth-likeUSUAL MEANS OF ACCESS: Magic/Time Travel

DOMINANT LIFEFORM: The Tuatha Da Danaan (Celtic Gods); Amergin, the natives of Camelot (Askalan, Gafael, Owein, king Arthur Pendragon, Weyland), Iron Ogre, Merlyn, Lady of the Lake, Sir Benedict of the Falls, Roma, Strider, , along with some dragons (Ashtoroth, Kharad Dur, Malcolm Drake, Sarafand), elves (Buckthorn, Moondog, Sundog), faeries, giants (Gargantua, Gog, Maegog), goblins (Bogweed, Gagol, Groglin, Hornwort), leprechauns (Irish elves), and similar beings; it possibly the point of origin of the members of theTroll associatesSaturnyne frequently resides with the Starlight Citadel, although she is not native to Otherworld.see also Features for other natives to related/connected realmsFEATURES: Otherworld actually consists of the cosmology of the Celtic Gods, especially the island of Avalon, the home of the gods, although some references use the name Avalon as the name for all the worlds in this dimension. These other worlds include: Momur (also spelled Magh Mor or called Tir Na Bog) which is ruled by Midir and is home for numerous elfin-like creatures. In myth, this realm was considered underground, but this may be because some portals to it from Earth were located there.Tir fo Thuinn, the under-sea home of Leir, the god of sea and storm (presumably the same Leir who is god of lightning and the spear).Tir inna mBan,a land of paradise populated by beautiful women who abducted mortals to be their husbands.Tir tairngiri, the Land Of Promise, ruled by Leir's son, Manannan where Bran the Second retired millennia ago.Annfwn, the Land of the Dead ruled by Arawn (also known as Donn), son of Mider. The Briton Lord Pwyll ruled here in Arawn's stead in Prehistoric times.Tir nam Beo, the land of the living set apart from Annfwn as a paradise for certain worthy souls favored by the Celtic Gods.It is also intimately associated with:the Dark Realm of the Fomor the Netherworld of Necromon (Doomwraiths, , Nightshade, White Rider of Death, Wolfsbane); Note: The Starlight Citadel is the base of Brian Braddock, and formerly Roma and Merlyn. It exists within Otherworld on top of a small floating island.There is some indication that time runs more quickly in Otherworld than on Earth. When Oisin, the son of Finn, returned home after three weeks in Momur, he discovered three centuries had passed in his absence. Back in Ireland, he turned into an old man over night before dying. When Bran the Second left Tir inna mBan after one year, his crew realized they were returning home after over three thousand years. The one man who set foot on Eire (Ancient Ireland) immediately turned to dust. Bran and his crew returned to Otherworld where they presumably became the Walkers. (This Bran is not to be confused with Bran the Blessed, the son of Leir and brother of Branwen)FIRST APPEARANCE: Fantastic Four I#54 (September, 1966)HISTORY: (Excalibur I#50(fb))-Merlyn came to Otherworld and established his base the Starlight Citadel, from which he created what would become the Captain Britain Corps to patrol the Multiverse.(Captain Britain Summer Special 1980/4-text)-Originally, there were twelve Walkers: Men of power who perceived the old paths, or "ley lines," connecting the points of magic from long before the dawn of time. The Walkers passed their knowledge onto those men wise enough to understand, many of whom became the druids. The Walkers also created routes from Earth to the realm known as Otherworld, usually by way of underground tunnels, allowing the inhabitants of both worlds to mingle together.However, six of the twelve Walkers were corrupted by the forces of darkness. They created false paths which led men to madness and death, usually via black magic. People became mistrustful of the old way, mainly because of these six evil Walkers. Witches were burned, creatures of Otherworld like faeries, elves, trolls, and dragons were shunned and scorned. The old paths were discarded, and a rift appeared between the two worlds. The remaining six Walkers, the noble or Proud Walkers, gradually withdrew from Earth, returning to Otherworld. The evil Walkers came to dwell in the Netherworld bordering on Otherworld. ??-After the fall of Camelot in the 6th Century, Merlin/Merlyn moved the body of Arthur Pendragon to Avalon. Camelot and many of its survivors were apparently relocated to Otherworld.

(F4#54(fb))-Around the 12th Century, Prestor John traveled to Avalon, where he marveled at its wonders. He was given the Evil Eye and the Chair of Survival. Avalon apparently vanished from the site of men soon after, having been destroyed by the forces it once utilized.

(Captain Britain I#1+2(fb))-Merlyn and Roma granted the Amulet of Right to Brian Braddock, transforming him into Captain Britain. They similarly gave the Sword of Might to Joshua Stragg, who became the Reaver.(CB#33-37)-Captain Britain was brought to Otherworld by Merlyn for a conflict involving Nykonn.BTS-The Black Knight (Dane Whitman in the body of Eobar Garrington) was brought to Avalon, as an ally of Amergin, the High Priest of Avalon.(Avengers I #225-226) Escaping the Dark Realm to which they were exiled, The Fomore invaded Otherworld and ravaged the land, possibly forcing the Celtic Gods out. The wizard Amergin brings the Black Knight's allies, the Avengers, through time to fight the Fomore and force them out. The Celtic Gods return to Avalon afterwards.(Hulk Comic (Marvel UK)#1, 3-21-BTS, 22-30, 43-55, 57-63)-In the modern era, Necromon, the leader of Netherworld, sought to overrun Otherworld. He realized that the forces of Camelot would rally against him, and so he sought to eliminate some of their greatest warriors. He erased the memory of Captain Britain, and sent his Mordred, one of the evil walkers to eliminate the current Black Knight. The Knight located the amnesiac Captain Britain, and the two were assisted against the Trolls of Netherworld by Vortigen, one of the Proud Walkers. Vortigen helped Braddock regain his memory, and led the two in a quest to Otherworld. In the course of the journey, losses occurred on both sides, but ultimately the Proud Walkers were gathered to fight against their surviving evil brethren. The forces of Necromon were defeated and the evil Walkers were either slain or incapacitated. Camelot was destroyed by the death-throws of Necromon, but Vortigen brought everyone to his castle to build a new Camelot. Presumably the Proud Walkers either dwell there, or have separated and returned to their homes.(Marvel Super-Heroes (UK)#377, 383; Daredevils (UK)#1, 2, 9, 10; [Mighty World of Marvel#8], 9, 11-13)-Merlyn and Roma manipulated Captain Britain into struggle with Mad Jim Jaspers and the Fury, which escalated out of control, resulting in the seeming death of Merlyn. The funeral took place in Otherworld, after which Roma took over as ruler.(Captain Britain II#4)-Roma observed Captain Britain's struggle against Sidney Crumb, an innocent man mutated into a monster by a toxin released from the corpse of the Fury.(Captain America#305, 306)-Modred the Mystic attempted to force Merlyn to reveal himself from Otherworld. Merlyn refused, and waited until Captains Britain and America overpowered Modred to appear, and he took Modred into custody.(Thor I #386-387) The Asgardian god Thor pursues a griffin-like creature into Avalon where it kills a Danaan family. The Celtic Gods Leir and Caber rehash old feuds with him before coming to terms and joining to kill the beast.(Marvel Comics Presents#22/4)-A race of wolf people calling themselves the Tuatha De Danan brought Wolfsbane (Rahne Sinclair) to their realm in Avalon, and attempted to force her to stay with them. She escaped back to Muir Isle.(Marvel Comics Presents #30/4) The Fomore once gain invade Avalon as Leir matches them in battle against the wishes of The Dagda. The Dagda, however, manipulates a swarm of insects to force a stalemate between the two forces.(Excalibur I#43-BTS, 44-50)-Roma observed as Captain Britain and Excalibur battled Necrom (not Necromon) to defend Otherworld. At the conclusion of the struggle, Merlyn revealed that he was still alive.(Fantastic Four III#6-BTS, 7, 8)-Roma had the Fantastic Four brought to the Starlight Citadel, where they debated the need to terminate Franklin Richards, due to his potential threat to the Multiverse.(Heroes for Hire #2, 8)-The Lady of the Lake granted the Sword of Light, Shield of Night, some armor, and the flying steed Strider to Dane Whitman, the Black Knight.(Excalibur#125)-Roma and Merlyn observed the wedding of Brian Braddock and Meggan.(Excalibur II#1-4)-Mastermind (the robot) enslaved Roma and took over Otherworld, until he was defeated by the combined efforts of Roma and Excalibur. Following the battle, Roma gave Captain Britain the sword Excalibre and proclaimed him to be the new King of Otherworld.