examples of coasts under threat

Celeste Using examples, explain how and why some coasts are under threat from economic development. (10 marks) Jurassic Coast: Studland: Tourist pressures Destroying maram grass and threatening endangered species: o Spiny seahorse o Dartford warbler o All 6 UK reptiles Swanage: Tourist pressures Economic growth in town center, near to sea Under threat at coastal squeeze may take place leading to pollutants and waste being released into the sea Putting pressure on natural wildlife Coastal urbanization has already taken place but not very largely, if more developments relocate here there could be increased pressure on the land, like in Bournemouth Dibden Bay: Preposition to build a container port at Dibden Bay by the ABP Increased docking space and making Southampton a large port city Past Example: o October 1 st 1989 – ships spilt 20 tons of crude oil into water o 800 birds affected o Salt marshes badly affected o Fawley oil refinery: Effluent, changing the natural temperature of the water If nitrate levels continue to increase eutrophication will occue Small amounts of mercury now in water Surrounding salt marsh reduced Threats:

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Post on 02-Jun-2017




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Page 1: Examples of Coasts Under Threat


Using examples, explain how and why some coasts are under threat from economic development. (10 marks)

Jurassic Coast:Studland:

Tourist pressures Destroying maram grass and threatening endangered species:

o Spiny seahorseo Dartford warblero All 6 UK reptiles

Swanage: Tourist pressures Economic growth in town center, near to sea Under threat at coastal squeeze may take place leading to pollutants and

waste being released into the sea Putting pressure on natural wildlife Coastal urbanization has already taken place but not very largely, if more

developments relocate here there could be increased pressure on the land, like in Bournemouth

Dibden Bay: Preposition to build a container port at Dibden Bay by the ABP Increased docking space and making Southampton a large port city Past Example:

o October 1st 1989 – ships spilt 20 tons of crude oil into watero 800 birds affectedo Salt marshes badly affectedo Fawley oil refinery:

Effluent, changing the natural temperature of the water If nitrate levels continue to increase eutrophication will occue Small amounts of mercury now in water Surrounding salt marsh reduced

Threats:o Increased traffic and pollutiono Predicted that 0.25% increase in deaths of people living on the A326o Noise and light pollutiono Danger to Lapwings and endangered invertebrateo Close to New forest national park, can release pollutants hereo ABP will destroy the habitats and pollute the waterwayso

Severn Barrage: £30bn barrage project over across the Severn Will generate 5% of UK’s energy if built Threats:

o Harm local wildlifeo Alteration of tides which causes a high stress environment for wildlifeo Increased flood risk

Page 2: Examples of Coasts Under Threat


o Interrupts a complex dynamic equilibrium systemo Deposition of silt will cause competition from new specieso Will destroy the area for birds to stop off when they migrate

Fish Farming: $56 billion industry globally Provides one-third of the fish people consume Threats:

o Competition for space due to lack of space for cageso Pollutiono Escaped farm fish – can then interrupt ecosystem of watero Parasites and diseases which can be passed on to the wild fisho Use of wild-caught fish for fish feed – leading to a decrease in wild fish

specieso Use of wild-caught fish for farming – leading to a decrease in wild fish

specieso Conflict with predators, e.g. seabirds, seals and starfisho Decreases marine biodiversity

Shrimp farmingo Threats:

Clearance of land in e.g. Sri Lanka and Vietnam Clearance of mangroves – leads to increase hazard risk