
Who would be the audience for your media product? How did you attract/address your audience?

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Who would be the audience for your media product? How did you attract/address your audience?

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My target audience is based around males and females, mainly focusing on the age range rather than the gender. The target audience seems to mainly be around the teen to young adults range. This is because is the popular and up to date artists that are always on the front cover because they are relatable into the target audience's life as they have probably listened to at least one of the artists songs before. The social class my magazine aims for the audience to be would be D (working class), C2 (skilled working class) and C1 (lower middle class). This is because these are the type of people that are in with all the new trends stereotypically and are more into top chart music which is what the magazine presents their front covers as being towards.

To the left are some magazines that fit the target audience that I am going for. These magazine also all check all the boxes in terms of meeting all of the criteria above that I am looking for specifically for who I want my target audience to be. This is important because if I know that a magazine is similar to mine I can look at what they are doing to pull in that audience


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I think my magazine intents to attracts a lot of Aspirers. This mainly comes from the fact that the magazine is very current and up to date and is a trending magazine. so aspirers read this seeking for new trends, up to date artists and the latest fashion and my magazine provides that. I also think that some Explorer/Individualists would fit into the target audience as they are the people always looking for different things to what they are used to.

The images to the left are some examples of current trends that are in at the moment. These shoes and clothes are worn by the artists that would be featuring in my magazine. This is where the aspirers will be drawn in because they will see the current trending clothing and want to read about the artists and what there music is like purely based on the fact that they have good style


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Mainly YAKS (Young, Adventurous, keen and single) would read this magazine as my magazine is catered towards the teen/young adult age that are up to into trending and up to date fashion/music. also as it is very specific in the contents it puts forward and makes a bold statement of that on its front covers then pulling in the adventurous people looking for new things.

The album covers shown are the types of iconography that I will feature in my magazine. This is because these current new albums are the sorts of music that young adventurous and keen people would stereotypically listen to so using this for example within some of the medium sized articles or in the top charts section will pull in the audience as they want to find out more about these new trending music choices


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The combination of both the shot types and costume I selected for the magazine both Contribute to the same idea. This idea being that for example I used a combination of both mid-shots and close ups to complement the costume being worn by the model. The reason For this is because my target audience want more than just information about music. They also want the visuals that people stereotypically associate with music. In this case Its the outfit. This is because the aspirers look at what the models are wearing and because they relate the outfit to the music they want to have what the models have as well as want the music content within the magazine.

Shot types and costume

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My models conform with the stereotype which is what people imagine typical street wear to look like. This is because I wanted the aspirers and YAKS to look at these models and see that actually they are wearing the same types of clothing that I could be wearing and therefore make it relatable for a reader as is this respect they are able to have the same things.

The models themselves also conform with the stereotypical look of a model for a hip hop/rap magazine. I did this because I wanted the audience to be able to relate to the magazine in a sense that the models could look like a friend or a person that they know. However I still wanted to covert against some of the stereotypes in order to pull in the correct audience that I set out to get. I did this throughout the design process of my magazine pages and all of the iconography in it.

Conforming and subverting with the stereotypes

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Attracting the audience

I made a decision to keep my cover lines simple and minimalistic. The idea was to have the one main key word big and then a sense carrying on from the keyword to briefly explain the article. I decided to do this to covert against the stereotype that in order to pull in the audience everything needs to be over the top. In my opinion all this shows the audience is that there desperate for you to read the articles. However if you uses this approach it not only goes along with my genre by playing the cool and reserved look. But is also shows the audience that the magazine is already so well established that in some ways its not bothered if you read it or not. That’s what pulls in the audience because there thinking this must be good if its not bothered. This works perfectly for drawing in the readers as it not only makes people want to read it but it also conforms with my genre and subverts from the typical strategy of drawing in the reader

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Marketing Campaign

I wanted to use a form of social media to do this. I decided that I was going to use YouTube. This is because not only is it a free platform. It draws in millions od daily views alone. If done correctly I can not only target my audience but at the same time get the exposure I need to perhaps catch the attention of a publishing company and it could all start from there.

This is a great idea because YouTube is seen by everybody, there isn't really a person who doesn't know about it and what it does therefore making it almost perfect.

The only reason I say almost because the only one problem with using YouTube is that if you don’t get the exposure you need and do what you want to do correctly it can get swallowed up with all of the other million videos that are already on there. That’s why its key that everything is perfect before you make that final decision on weather to upload the campaign to it