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Industry Research - Loft Insulation Industry

November 2010 Sitting – Advanced Case Study

Produced 19 October 2010

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Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3

UK Loft Insulation Industry .................................................................................................... 4

1. Introduction – Loft Insulation ............................................................................................. 4 1.1 Major Types ........................................................................................................................................ 6

1.2 Major Benefits ..................................................................................................................................... 7

1.3 Savings................................................................................................................................................. 7

1.4 Loft Insulation Grants.......................................................................................................................... 8

1.5 Insulation Market Structure* ............................................................................................................ 12

1.6 Market Size – UK Loft Insulation ....................................................................................................... 13

1.7 Major Players in the market ............................................................................................................. 15

Rockwool Limited ................................................................................................................................................ 15

Knauf Insulation .................................................................................................................................................. 17

Kingspan Insulation ............................................................................................................................................. 19

Superglass Insulation .......................................................................................................................................... 21

Excel Industries Limited ...................................................................................................................................... 21

1.8 Impact of Recession* ........................................................................................................................ 23

2. Global Insulation Market ................................................................................................. 24 2.1 Europe Insulation Market ................................................................................................................. 24

2.2 North America Insulation Market ..................................................................................................... 25

2.3 China and South East Asia Insulation Market ................................................................................... 26

2.4 Russian Insulation Market................................................................................................................. 26

3. Regulations and Industry Bodies ...................................................................................... 27 3.1 National Insulation Association (NIA) ............................................................................................... 28

3.2 British Board of Agrément (BBA) ...................................................................................................... 29

4. Mergers and Takeovers .................................................................................................... 30

5. Demographics* ................................................................................................................ 31

6. Marketing ........................................................................................................................ 32

7. Technology ...................................................................................................................... 33

8. New Products .................................................................................................................. 35

9. Suppliers ......................................................................................................................... 39

10. Corporate Social Responsibility ...................................................................................... 41

11. Ethics ............................................................................................................................. 43

12. General News Articles .................................................................................................... 46

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Students sitting the Advanced Case Study are required to demonstrate an understanding of the

case industry, but how do you demonstrate this knowledge in your exam report? The answer is

to insert short, crisp industry examples that support and bring to life the points you are making

in your report. This is where our real world examples can help. We produce industry research

which you can learn and then add into your report in your own words.

You should look to include at least 4 examples in your report, and ideally aim for between 5 and

8 if time allows.

Remember it is important to use examples well to support the arguments you are making in the

exam, rather than just name drop.

You should also appreciate that as well as learning specific examples you need to gain a general

understanding of the industry so that you do not give unrealistic recommendations on exam

day. Our report helps you out here also.

To quote the Advance information:

In order to be successful, you will need to:

Demonstrate your knowledge of the case material and make use of your research

Carry out relevant analysis of the problems and your proposed solutions

Apply your judgment on the basis of the analysis that you have carried out

Draw conclusions from your analysis and judgment and develop them into practical commercial recommendations.

Good luck, and if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us at:

[email protected]

All the best, The StudyStar Team

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UK Loft Insulation Industry

1. Introduction – Loft Insulation

In the United Kingdom (UK), it is important to keep a house warm during the cold

season/winter and cut down on the cost of heating. Most of the heat in a house is lost through

the roof, walls, etc. and is therefore necessary to provide insulation.

Figure 1: Loss of Heat

Source: http://www.insulationgrants.co.uk

Loft insulation is an important and effective method to save energy, money, and keep the

indoors warm. Consuming less energy reduces the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions which are

one of the major contributors to climate change.

Loft insulation is a layer of insulation placed between the roof of the house and the rooms

generating the heat. It can be applied either to the roof of the house or the loft floor; thicker

the loft insulation, the warmer the house. Loft insulation is effective up to 40 years.1

1 http://www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/Home-improvements-and-products/Home-insulation-glazing/Loft-


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According to the National Insulation Association (NIA), it is estimated that 15 million lofts would

require insulation in the future. It states that if everyone in the UK installed 270mm of loft

insulation, they could save around £520 million and nearly three million tonnes of CO2 every

year. NAI recommends carrying out loft insulation by professionally trained and experienced

NAI members in order to avoid any technical risks.2

Figure 2: Loft Insulation (1)

Source: http://www.loftcavityinsulation.co.uk/loft-insulation

2 http://www.nationalinsulationassociation.org.uk/media-and-


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Figure 3: Loft Insulation (2)

Source: http://www.loftcavityinsulation.co.uk/loft-insulation

1.1 Major Types

The three major types of British Standard loft insulating materials include:

Mineral wool (glass or rock)

Blown mineral wool (glass or rock)

Blow cellulose

There are also other insulation materials which are used for loft insulation:

Polyurethane (PU)

Polyisocyanurate (PIR)

Expanded polystyrene(EPS)

Extruded polystyrene (XPS)

Cellulose fibre

Sheep’s wool

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In the UK, most people receive large government grants that cover the cost of insulating their

house, only when they use certain loft insulating materials.3

1.2 Major Benefits

The major benefits of loft insulation include:

Reduction of gas and electricity bills

Reduction of the carbon footprint

Keeping the house warm during winter

Preventing internal condensation

Improving the energy efficiency rating of a house4

1.3 Savings

Table 1: Annual Savings

Measure Annual Saving

(£/Year) Installed Cost (£) Installed Payback

Loft Insulation (0 – 270mm) Around £145 Around £250 Around 2 years

Loft Insulation (50 – 270mm) Around £40 Around £250 Around 6 years

Source: http://www.nationalinsulationassociation.org.uk/householder/index.php?page=loft-insulation

3 http://www.nationalinsulationassociation.org.uk/

4 http://www.loftinsulationgrants.org.uk/loft/insulation/Why-insulate.aspx

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1.4 Loft Insulation Grants

Partial Insulation Grants up to 70%

Insulation grants are available for all house owners and private tenants. These grants cover up

to 70% of the cost of having insulation, professionally installed. The percentage of grant funding

however, depends on the type of property, how it is heated, the number of bedrooms, the

size/area to be insulated, and whether there is any existing insulation in the loft. All the house

owners and private tenants receive around 50% of the insulation cost and sometimes, higher.

Hundred Percent Free Insulation Grants

Full insulation grants are available to anyone who is aged 70 and above and receiving certain

benefits, tax credits, or allowances.

Qualifying Criteria for Free Loft Insulation

Anyone aged 70 and above

OR anyone in receipt of one of the following benefits:

Attendance allowance

Income support

Council tax benefit (1)

Disability living allowance

Disabled persons tax credit

Housing benefit

Child tax credit (2)

Working tax credit (2)

Income-based jobseekers allowance

War disablement pension (3)

Pension credit (4)

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(1) Single person's discount and student exemption do not qualify

(2) Gross combined household income must be under £16,040, excluding benefits

(3) Should include mobility supplement or constant attendance allowance

(4) State pension does not qualify. It must be a top up

Insulation Grant Criteria

Should have an own house or stay in a rented house in the UK

If privately rented, the landlord's permission is compulsory

Must be living in the property at the time of the survey/installation

The insulation must not be for a new build project

Loft and cavity wall insulation must be fitted by approved installers

Lofts must have under 4" of existing insulation5

Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT)

The Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT) scheme was introduced to reduce the CO2

emissions which are the one of the major contributors to climate change. This scheme came

into effect on April 2008, and it obliges the energy companies to take steps to ensure that the

amount of CO2 emissions from houses is reduced. CERT will be in effect for three years with the

target of making an annual net saving of 4.2 million tonnes of CO2 by the end of the


5 http://www.cheapinsulation.co.uk/insulation_grants.html

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According to this scheme, electricity and gas suppliers will be obliged to promote:

Improving energy efficiency by loft and wall insulation

Increasing the amount of energy generated from renewable technologies such as wind

turbines, solar panels, and ground source heat pumps6

The CERT scheme is funded by the UK Energy suppliers like British Gas, Npower, E.ON,

ScottishPower, and Scottish and Southern Energy. The cost to suppliers of achieving the CERT

(from April 2008 to December 2012) is estimated to be £5.5 billion. Taking into account the

costs, the CERT has a positive Net Present Value (NPV) to society of approximately £17 billion.7

The five big energy companies fund the house insulation, as well as allocate the installers for

the insulation work. Households can approach these installers directly for claiming the grant for

cavity wall insulation or loft insulation. The council and housing association tenants should,

however contact their housing provider directly in order to apply.8

The important point to be noted is, in the UK, mineral or glass wool is the only material offered

for loft insulation, under the various government grant and discount schemes.

Funding Extended to 2012

In June 2010, it was announced that The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) had

voted to extend CERT funding until December 2012, subject to parliamentary approval.9



7 http://www.decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/what_we_do/consumers/saving_energy/cert/cert.aspx

8 http://ezinearticles.com/?UK-Home-Insulation-Grants---Where-the-Funding-Comes-From&id=4721103

9 http://www.insulationgrants.info/news/an-introduction-to-home-insulation-grants/

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The government estimates that six million households will be able to benefit by the end of 2011

and aims to insulate all homes in UK by 2020.10

Under the newly restructured government obligation on energy companies (CERT), extended

from March 2011 until December 2012:

Sixty-eight percent of energy suppliers’ work should be met through professionally

installed loft, cavity, and solid wall insulation. With Do It Yourself (DIY) insulation added,

more than 80% of the scheme will be focused on insulation. Previously, just 60% was

met through professional and DIY work

Fifteen percent of the homes helped, will be the lowest income households that are

more at risk of fuel poverty

Energy companies will now be stopped from promoting compact fluorescent lamps in

order to prioritise insulation, further to the total ban on light bulb mail-outs11



11 http://www.decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/news/pn10_075/pn10_075.aspx

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1.5 Insulation Market Structure*

Figure 4: Insulation Market Structure

* Expanded Polystyrene Scrap (EPS)

** Rigid Polyurethane (PUR)

*** Extruded Polystyrene (XPS)

*Insulation Market Structure - Analysts View

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1.6 Market Size – UK Loft Insulation

Figure 5: Market size – UK Building Insulation

Source: http://www.amaresearch.co.uk/PR_Building_Insulation.pdf

As per AMA research, in 2007 the market size is £755 million and there is a steady growth till

2007 in the UK building insulation market. But due to recession, the market size declined to

£725 million in 2008. Between 2007 and 2008 the loft insulation industry fell down by 4%, due

to low construction activities and other factors, and this trend would be continued till 2009.

Between 2009 and 2010, the market size will remain the same and the total market size is

estimated to be £650 million.

AMA research estimates that between 2010 and 2011, the market size is to grow by 5.4% and

reach £685 million. By 2013, the market size of the industry is estimated to be £760 million.

Major factors contribute for the growth of industry include introduction of CERT programme,

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free grants for the people aged 70 or above, awareness among the people about the energy

efficiency and advantages etc. 12

Out of the total building insulation market, loft insulation share would be from 21% to 23%

during the period 2007 to 2012. So, if an average percentage is taken to estimate the market

size, the UK loft insulation industry would be £143 million.13



13 http://www.mbdltd.co.uk/Press-Release/Building-Products.htm

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1.7 Major Players in the market

Rockwool Limited

Established in 1937, Rockwool is the one of the major companies manufacturing stone wool

products and ranks 2nd in the insulation market. The company is located in Bridgend, South

Wales and is the UK’s leading supplier of mineral wool for thermal, fire, and acoustic

protection. The product provides pleasant indoor environments by keeping out the freezing

cold and also keeps the indoor temperature cool, when it is hot outside. One important

property of the company’s stone wool product is its ability to withstand temperatures of more

than 1000°C.

The company operates 22 factories in 3 continents and has a good network of sales offices,

distributors, and partners that enable the products to reach all over the world. Of the total

company sales, 82% are contributed by insulation products and the remaining 18% by its

systems division.14


Stone wool

Glass wool

Systems division



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Key Facts – 2009

Table 2: Key Facts

Description Details

Total Employees 7,843

Sales/Revenue £1,313.4 Million

Profit after Minority Interests £37.8 Million

Source: http://www.rockwool.com/investor/key+figures

Recent News

Rockwool Launches RockPrime Loft Insulation

7 June 2010

Due to the increase in the demand for faster and effective installation, Rockwool launched a

new approach to insulate the loft area of houses, i.e. by launching Rockprime. Rockprime is a

mechanically installed blown loft insulation that offers high quality and makes the loft

installation faster for the loft area within old and new houses.

The major advantage of Rockprime is that it doesn’t have any wastage and the leftover material

can be used for insulating another house. Further, it has no settlement after installation, will

provide acoustic benefits, and will not be displaced by air movement. Rockprime is British

Standards Institution (BSI) Kitemarked and approved by both by the Energy Savings Trust, as

well as The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (OFGEM).15

Rockwool Receives Occupational Health and Safety Certification

3 June 2010

Rockwool secured accreditation for its Occupational Health and Safety Management System

(OHSMS). The BS OHSAS 18001:2007 certification is an internationally recognized assessment



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specification for occupational health and safety management systems, developed through a

collaboration of leading trade bodies, international standards, and certification bodies.

The certification recognizes the company’s commitment in creating a safe and healthy working

environment for its employees, both at its manufacturing facilities located in Bridgend Wales

and commercial premises in London.16

Knauf Insulation

Knauf Insulation was founded in 1932 and is a family-owned multi-manufacturer of building

materials and construction systems. It is the UK’s leading insulation company with 30 years

experience in the insulation industry. The company has more than 150 production plants in

over 40 countries. It is the UK’s only manufacturer of glass mineral wool, rock mineral wool, and

extruded polystyrene insulation products giving an unrivalled range for building, process and

appliance insulation, as well as fabrication products.


Glass wool

Rock wool

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)

Extruded Polyethylene (XPE)

Extruded Polystyrene

Wood wool17



17 http://www.knaufinsulation.co.uk/

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Key Facts – 2008

Table 3: Key Facts

Description Details

Total Employees 5000

Sales/Revenue £181.9 Million

Net Profit £5.9 Million

Source: OneSource

Recent News

New Manufacturing Facility

30 June 2010

In May 2010, Knauf Insulation opened a new manufacturing plant in Lannemezan that helps the

company meet the higher demand of their new mineral wool product with ECOSE® technology.

Over €130 million were invested for the plant and employs more than 135 people. This plant is

one of the most innovative with respect to the mitigation of environmental impacts and has

been constructed to produce glass mineral wool with the company’s new bio-based binder

ECOSE® technology.18

Knauf Insulation Receives Eurofins Gold Standard for Indoor Air

12 April 2010

Knauf Insulation is the world’s first company to receive the Eurofins Indoor Air Comfort Gold

standard. This award is given for the company’s new mineral products made with ECOSE®

technology. The product has met all the defined requirements of Eurofin’s Indoor Air Comfort

Gold Standard and is therefore certificated as an outstanding material according to the VOC

(Volatile Organic Compounds) Indoor Air Quality emissions regulations.19



19 http://www.knaufinsulation.com/en/node/1487

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Mineral wool with ECOSE® technology wins the Global Insulation “product of the year” award


30 November 2009

Mineral wool with ECOSE® technology was voted as the best product by the delegates of

4th Global Insulation Conference and Exhibition held in Prague. The technology is the result of

the company’s 5 years intensive research and testing, and provides Knauf customers with

innovative products which also meet the growing market demand for more sustainable

construction materials.20

Kingspan Insulation

The Kingspan Group was formed in 1970 and Kingpspan Insulation is a member company of the

Group. The company manufactures the Kingpsan Kooltherm K-range and Therma range of

products. Its products are chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)-free and Hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC)-

free and have zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP).

Kingspan Insulation has manufacturing locations in the UK, Ireland, and the Netherlands.


Rigid urethane

Rigid phenolic

Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) Foam21



21 http://www.insulation.kingspan.com/uk/intro.htm

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Key Facts – 2009

Table 4: Key Facts

Description Details

Total Employees 5,049

Sales/Revenue £990 Million

Net Profit Before Tax £49.9 Million

Source: OneSource

Recent News

Kingspan Kooltherm for the World’s Tallest Modern Timber Residence

30 September 2010

A nine storey residential building in Hackney, said to be the world’s tallest modern timber

residence, has been insulated with the Kingspan Kooltherm product. Contributing to the

London’s 10% carbon emissions reduction target, is Kingspan’s Kooltherm K15 Rainscreen

Board installed beneath the cladding to insulate the building’s walls.22

Building Research Establishment (BRE) Rating for Kingspan Kooldut Product

16 September 2010

KoolDuct panels produced at the Permbridge manufacturing plant achieved the BRE Green

Guide 2008 Summary A rating. The A rating was awarded by BRE Global, after assessing the

environmental impacts of the company’s product across its entire life cycle. BRE awards a rating

to various companies on a scale from E up to A+.23



23 http://www.insulation.kingspan.com/uk/pdf/news_koolduct_a_rating.pdf

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Superglass Insulation

Superglass is an independent manufacturer of mineral wool insulation in the UK and

manufacturers thermal and acoustic mineral wool products for the construction industry. The

company’s products are manufactured from mineral wool (Man-made Vitreous Fibres: MMVF)

that are designed to provide excellent thermal and insulation properties. Superglass products

are available in the form of rolls, slabs or batts, and come in different thicknesses and sizes.


Thermal mineral wool

Acoustic mineral wool24

Key Facts – 2009

Table 5: Key Facts

Description Details

Total Employees 206

Sales/Revenue £39.3 Million

Net Loss £0.2 Million

Source: OneSource

Excel Industries Limited

Excel Industries Limited is one of the major manufacturers in the UK, of specialty fibre for

varied industrial and construction applications and a range of British Board of Agrément (BBA)

approved sustainable building products. Excel building solutions is the UK’s leading supplier of

innovative building solutions and building products manufactured from recycled materials.



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The company develops products specifically for the DIF loft insulation market and is supplied in

convenient bags. In houses, in order to upgrade the existing loft insulation, as per the

regulations, the company’s product can be simply installed over the old and existing materials.

The company’s distributors are located across the country and is therefore convenient for

customers to purchase the product.


Wood-based cellulose fibre.25

Key Facts – FY2009

Table 6: Key Facts (UK)

Description Details

Total Employees 57

Sales/Revenue £8.8 Million

Net Loss £0.5 Million

Source: OneSource



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1.8 Impact of Recession*

The insulation market experienced a healthy growth till 2007. By the end of that year the

impact of the “credit crunch” began to affect the UK economy and the insulation market. Major

companies in the insulation industry like Rockwool faced negative sales due to a decrease in

construction activities in various countries. Further, companies were also impacted by an

increase in raw material costs, etc.

Companies like Superglass and Kingspan were affected due to slow growth of the housing

sector in UK. As a result, company sales decreased in the last few years. Rockwool sales

decreased by 18.5% in 2009 compared to 2008 as a result of the recession and low demand for

its major product, stone wool.

Long-term Perspective

At present, there is a sign of recovery in the construction industry in the UK. Further, due to the

government grants for insulation products and the introduction of a new program, CERT, the

installation of insulation products is expected to increase in future. Other possible contributing

factors which might help increase the sales of the insulation products include an increase in the

awareness of energy efficiency among people and free grants provided by the government for

people aged 70 and above.

*Impact of Recession - Analyst View

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2. Global Insulation Market

The global insulation market is projected to increase 4.6 percent annually and reach £22.8

billion by 2012. 26

2.1 Europe Insulation Market

The European insulation market for the year 2010 is £5.7 billion.

Major players in Glass wool include:

Saint Gobain



Players in Stone wool include:

Rockwool International

Paroc, Knauf and

Saint Gobain





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Major players in Plastic foam include:

Rectical (PUR)

Kingspan (PUR)




Metechno (PUR)

Thyssen (PUR)

Others include 5% of the total market size.

2.2 North America Insulation Market

The market size of North America Insulation market is £4.8 billion.

Major players in Glass wool include:

Owens Corning

Saint Gobain

John – Manville


Players in Plastic foam wool include:

Owens – Corning (EPS & XPS)

John – Manville (EPS & XPS)





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Major players in Stone wool include:

Rockwool Internation A/S (PUR)



Others include 15-20% of the total market size.

2.3 China and South East Asia Insulation Market

For the year 2010, The China and south East Asia insulation market is £1.92 billion. Plastic foam

product has a dominant share with 72%, while glass and stone wool combined together

constitute 20% and others has a share of 8%. Major manufacturers of Stone wool include

Shanghai New Building Materials Mineral Wool Factory, Shanghai Buildings Material Group etc.

With respect to glass wool, major manufactures include Isover Guan Factory, Owens Corning

Factory, and Owens Corning Tianjin.

2.4 Russian Insulation Market

The Russian insulation market for the year 2010 is £0.6 billion. Stone wool is having the major

share with 45%, glass wool with 26% and plastic foam with 29% market.27




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3. Regulations and Industry Bodies

Due to the focus by the government and businesses on reducing energy loss and being more

environmental friendly, loft insulation has gained importance. The UK Government issues

approved building regulations to dictate and guide house builders on how to construct units to

an energy-efficient standard.

Building Regulations

Parts L1 and L2 of the UK Building Regulations deal with the conservation of fuel and power,

and dealing with insulation, both cavity and loft. These regulations came into effect in April 6,

2006 and every house builder is bound by law to adhere to these rules and regulations.28


The recommended depth for loft insulation should be 270mm for glass wool, 250mm for rock

wool, and 220mm for cellulose.29

Insulation Material

There are no regulations with regard to the usage of insulation material. The main materials

used by NIA installers are blown mineral wool (glass or rock wool), blown cellulose (recycled

newspaper), and mineral wool (glass or rock wool).

New vs. Existing Building

All new buildings in the UK have to follow the UK Building Regulations set by the government.



29 http://www.nationalinsulationassociation.org.uk/householder/index.php?page=loft-insulation

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The UK Government also states that any modifications to the existing building must comply

with the present building regulations and this applies to loft insulation and so an extension may

have better loft insulation than the rest of the house.30

3.1 National Insulation Association (NIA)

The National Insulation Association (NIA) is a non-profit organisation that represents 90% of the

industry in the UK. Members of the association include manufacturers and installers of the

cavity wall, loft, and solid wall insulation. As per the association, all members work to the

highest standards of the BBA or equivalent regulatory level.

If there is any problem with the service rendered by its members that include manufacturers

and installers, NIA will invite the complaint and initially direct it to the member company

involved, to provide it with an opportunity to rectify the situation directly and provide customer


The NIA reports regularly (on a monthly basis) on the level of complaints received. These

reports are assessed by the management and council that determine whether the complaints

procedure is effective, or if any further training or action needs to be taken.31

NIA also conducts various training programs for its members with respect to the development

of service. It also conducts yearly conferences to share industry knowledge and the upcoming


NIA also encourages people to have their houses insulated. It publishes various articles and

keeps updating information on the UK grants which are available for the house owners and




31 http://www.nationalinsulationassociation.org.uk/householder/index.php?page=complaints-procedure

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3.2 British Board of Agrément (BBA)

The British Board of Agrément (BBA) is a UKAS ISO*: 17020 accredited organization, which is

accredited to provide inspection services to the construction industry. BBA’s accreditation

scope includes the installation of cavity wall and loft insulation, windows, doors, etc.

The BBA has over 40 years experience in providing independent and unbiased information on

products and their installation.32

BBA inspection teams cover various inspection activities including inspections of BBA approved

installers and installers operating under client managed schemes, to surveillance visits carried

out on behalf of the Government endorsed Competent Person and TrustMark schemes.

The BBA approved scheme for the installers of loft insulation has been developed with input

from energy industry stakeholders to ensure that the loft insulation is installed professionally to

meet the required standards and deliver the anticipated energy and CO2 savings to


BBA inspectors conduct quality inspections based on the volume of installations completed

annually, work in progress and post-completion. These inspectors cover UK.33

* UKAS - United Kingdom Accreditation Service

* ISO - International Organization for Standardization



33 http://www.bbacerts.co.uk/inspection/loft_insulation_scheme.aspx

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4. Mergers and Takeovers

Due to a steady growth in the insulation industry, some major mergers and takeovers have

taken place, with an aim of expanding operations into other countries.

On July 6, 2010 Rockwell group acquired CSR’s (an Australian Company) Asian stone wool

insulation business for AUD 128 million. The acquisition provided an opportunity for the

company to further expand upon its existing operations in South East Asia and establish a

bridgehead in China.34

In December 2009, Kingspan insulation acquired the Australia Company, Air-Cell Innovations, as

part of their expansion program in insulation technology. The newly formed company, Kingpsan

Insulation Pty* is expected to help the company introduce the products in the Australian


* Proprietary Limited Company



35 http://www.koolduct.kingspan.com/koolduct/pdf/air_cell_acquisition.pdf

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5. Demographics*

The purchase of the loft insulation products depends on various demographic factors that

include age, income level, social class, level of education, etc.

People aged between 30 and 60 are expected to be more interested in installing loft insulation

products compared to other age groups possibly due to an increased awareness of the various

schemes introduced by the government. The major purchasing decisions are made by people

who fall under this age group. Government grants for people aged 70 and above will also draw

interest as they are eligible for obtaining a full grant.

Income levels of people are also considered a major factor influencing the purchase of loft

insulation. Middle-income families would be more concerned towards reducing their house

energy bill. Further, they would be more interested to utilise the government grants for the

installation of lofts.

The level of education also plays a major role in the purchase of loft insulation products.

Although the government provides grants for energy efficiency schemes, most of the people

are not aware of these schemes and its importance. The government has therefore decided to

create an increased awareness by promoting door-to-door campaigns to explain the

importance of insulating houses.

* Demographics - Analysts Views

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6. Marketing

Marketing plays a key role in the success of a product. Major players like Rockwool, Knauf

Insulation, and Kingspan promote various marketing activities to help increase sales of their


The Think Tank, a company based in the UK has created various marketing campaigns for

Kingspan Insulation. The Kingpsan Insulation Website is designed in a way to attract, as well as

retain existing customers.

IAS B2B, a marketing company has developed a marketing campaign for the brand building of

Kingspan’s new brand, Kingspan Benchmark. The campaign will run across the trade media and

the brand has already implemented a social media strategy using blogs and a Twitter feed.36

Rockwool conducted a new advertising campaign, “Stop Local Warming” in Copenhagen in

December 2009. The main aim of the company was to show that excessive usage of energy is

one of the major contributors to climate change and insulation is the possible solution. The

company was able to change the common perception of the Danes with this campaign. The

campaign mainly appeared in home magazines and newspapers.37










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7. Technology

Companies in the insulating industry invest in Research and Development (R&D) activities in

order to introduce new products. Competition in the industry has led to companies developing

more interest in differentiating their products from competitors.

Recently, the brick manufacturing industry developed a new product (brick filled with mineral

wool) which not only met the thermal transmittance values but also exceeded it. An added

advantage of this brick is that it improves sound insulation. Grenzebach Maschinenbau GmBH,

a German company has developed a new brick filling station which can be integrated into

existing production lines.38

A major leader in the insulation industry, Knauf Insulation, has developed a new form of

mineral wool, with ECOSE® technology. It is a formaldehyde-free binder technology, based on

rapid renewable materials instead of petro-based chemicals. It reduces the embodied energy

and delivers superior environment sustainability. ECOSE® technology is used to create a strong

binder that not only bonds mineral wool insulation strands, but also many other materials.

Benefits of ECOSE® technology:

Based on rapidly renewable resource

Bio-based formulation which does not contain phenol, formaldehyde, or acrylics

Reduced impact on environment through lower embodied energy in the binder

Lower process emission inside the plants

Reduced manufacturing emissions to the environment

Improved Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in product-application

Lower investment in emission abatement equipment

Easier manufacturing permitting



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No artificial colours or dye added39

Another company, Hemp Technology has announced the launch of Breathe™, an innovative

new natural fibre insulation. Produced from UK grown hemp and flax, Breathe™ offers a

renewable and low-carbon means of insulating lofts, walls, and floors. With a thermal

conductivity of 0.039 W/mK, Breathe™ performs better than many fibre products. This boosts

thermal comfort by reducing overheating in summer and damping internal temperature


The hemp fibres can absorb and release moisture without damage or the loss of all important

thermal performance. With a tolerance of condensation, it is ideal for use in breathable wall

construction, making it a key material in constructing healthy houses. This is bolstered by the

fact that it is entirely non-toxic and non-irritant.41



40 http://www.industrytoday.co.uk/Construction/hemp-technology-launches-new-hemp-insulation-/0667

41 http://www.hemcore.co.uk/resources.htm

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8. New Products

Kingspan Solar, part of Kingspan Renewables Limited, a division of Kingspan Group is involved in

the development of environmental friendly solutions to generate hot water and home heating.

The company designs flat plate solar thermal panels that suit the UK climate. This product is

suitable for “in-roof” and “on-roof” installation, which makes it suitable for both new and

existing properties.

Figure 6: “In-roof” Solar Panel

Source: http://www.kingspansolar.com/kingspansolar/marvel-in-roof.html

Kingspan also manufactures Aeromax Air Source Heat Pumps, which are designed specifically

for UK climate. The product is easy to install and extracts useful heat from temperatures as low

as -15°C. It can provide hot water at 65°C without supplementing the heating backup. This

product helps in reducing the carbon footprints and current bills.42



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A new scheme has been introduced by the UK government as part of the energy efficiency


Feed-in Tariff Scheme (FITs)

The Feed-in Tariff Scheme (FIT) was introduced in April 1, 2010. This scheme is available in

Great Britain and is not applicable to Northern Ireland (scheme is under review). It guarantees a

minimum payment for all electricity generated by the system, as well as a separate payment for

the electricity exported to grid.

As per the scheme, after installing the microgeneration technology product, households will

experience a reduction in their electricity bill. Further, energy suppliers make the payments to

the householders and communities who generate their own electricity from renewable or low

carbon sources such as solar electricity panels or wind turbine. If the householder obtains a

loan for installing the product, it will be deducted month-wise.

The scheme covers the following electricity-generation technologies, up to an installation of

5 Mega Watts.

Solar electricity (roof mounted or stand alone)

Wind turbine (building mounted or free standing)


Anaerobic digestion

Micro Combined Heat and Power (micro CHP; limited to a pilot at this stage)

The tariff and benefits depend on the installation period.43




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Feed-in Tariff Process

Figure 7: Feed-in Tariff Process

Source: http://www.ofgem.gov.uk/Sustainability/Environment/fits/rfitls/Pages/rfitls.aspx

Licensed Feed-in Time Suppliers

British Gas


EDF Energy




Garsington Energy

Good Energy


Opus Energy

Scottish and Southern Energy

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Scottish Power

Smartest Energy


Utility Warehouse

Winnington Networks

The tariff levels for various technologies installed between 15th July 2009 and 31st March 2012

have been fixed and will be reviewed again in 2013.44

As per Npower, there is a record number of inquires on solar panel installation and

homeowners are interested in this scheme. According to the company, there have been record

installations after the introduction of the scheme. In one month, the company has installed 55

solar panels and also responded to 200 requests for information on installation. As per the

scheme, house owners who generate their own electricity through accredited solar technology

will receive 41.3p for every unit of electricity they generate. According to the government, it

estimates that a household can generate an income of upto £960 a year by using solar panels.

These types of schemes are also used in France, Germany, and Spain.45



45 http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/apr/30/homeowners-feed-in-tariffs

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9. Suppliers

To manufacture a product, raw materials are necessary. The suppliers play a major role in

providing quality raw materials, essential to produce or manufacture a quality finished product.

In order to manufacture a quality product, companies will request their suppliers to follow

guidelines and thus ensure they run their business ethically.

Rockwool Insulation sources its materials only from those suppliers who comply with all

international, national, and local laws and standards relating to employment, environmental,

purchasing, and manufacturing practices. Further, the company insists its suppliers to ensure

that the working practices regarding their employees, trade union recognition, etc. comply with

the national and international accepted standards. As per the code of conduct, the company

requires its supplier to comply with the environmental standards and regulations relevant to its


Knauf Insulation manages its process to comply with ISO 9001 and 14001 standards for quality,

environment, health, and safety. The company expects the same levels of adherence to

standards from all its suppliers.47

As per Kingspan's policy, wherever possible, all the principle suppliers should be accredited to

BS EN ISO 9001 /14001 and OHSAS* 18001, which cover quality, health, and safety and

environmental management for several key facilities. Although, this is not compulsory, it aims

*Occupational Health & Safety Managements System (OHSAS)



47 http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:XPI6AqUg8b4J:www.knaufinsulation.co.uk/pdf/Brochure-





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to have preference to accredited suppliers. Kingspan also works with the supply chain on

important issues such as site waste, trailing methods to dispose, and recycle packaging more

effectively such as launching a pallet return service to certain sites.48

In the company, supplier surveys and reviews are being conducted with individual suppliers

whenever there is an issue. Once in three years, quality assessment questionnaire is sent to the

suppliers. Supplier sustainability’ consultation and feedback exercise has been undertaken to

identify expectations and important issues completed.49



49 http://www.insulation.kingspan.com/uk/pdf/Sustainability%20&%20Responsibility%20Report%202009.pdf

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10. Corporate Social Responsibility

Rockwool has established the Rockwool Foundation, which is a non-profit organization that

works with the objective of supporting scientific and humanitarian goals, and contributing to

the improvement of the environment and the general development of society. The company

established Article 13, a consultancy that helps companies to operate in a manner that

produces a positive impact on the society.50

The company also engages various communities and works closely with local schools and

councils. The manufacturing facility is surrounded by woodland and a natural reserve. The

Rockwool Woodland for Learning Trust welcomes children from nearby schools to spend time

on outdoor nature projects, linking into their curricular requirements. The company recently

undertook a scheme providing free loft insulation for the company’s employees and their

friends and families. The company also provides financial support to both local and national


The company has received many awards for its commitment to improve the environmental

performance like:

Wales environment Awards Team Winner

Overall Winner Wales Environment Award

Short listed for “EDF Energy Environmental Award”51



51 http://www.rockwool.co.uk/sustainability/corporate+and+social+responsibility/engaging+with+communities

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As part of CSR, Knauf Insulation supports people in the town, where the manufacturing unit is

located and solves any problems. As part of contributing to a sustainable future, in the last 2

years, the company has improved its packaging that has resulted in a decrease of the carbon

footprint of their transport, by 20%. Further, the company reduced glass mineral wool waste

levels by 15% over the past three years.52

Kingspan recognises the importance of conducting its business in a socially responsible manner.

It adopts its sustainability policy and is being implemented across the group.

Striving for sustainability in all its business products and operations is the company’s corporate

and personal responsibility. It aims to adopt and apply best practice sustainability principles by

ensuring environmental, social and economic parameters.53



53 http://www.kingspan.com/kingspangroup/ourresponsibilities/our_approach/

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11. Ethics

At Kingspan Insulation a Health and Management system is in operation, which has been

certified to OHSAS 18001 at the Pembridge site since 2005. All work related injuries are

recorded, however minor, via the company’s intranet. A detailed log of each event is

maintained, and accidents are followed up by a full risk assessment and corrective action by the

responsible manager. The welfare of affected staff is monitored to ensure their fitness for


Figure 8: Rate of Injury and Accidents Avoided

Source: http://www.ofgem.gov.uk/Sustainability/Environment/fits/rfitls/Pages/rfitls.aspx



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'Double-counting' of loft insulations undermines carbon dioxide savings

Observer 14 Feb 201055

Tens of thousands fewer home lofts have been insulated under the government's £2.8bn

energy efficiency programme than companies such as British Gas have claimed, the Observer

has learnt. Experts claim that double-counting means that up to 9.8m tonnes of carbon dioxide

that the scheme is supposed to have saved is "illusory".

Energy companies have also saved millions because subsidising loft installation is one of the

cheapest and most effective ways to meet their obligations under the carbon emissions

reduction target (Cert) scheme. Ofgem, which oversees the scheme, introduced new guidelines

last year [2009] in an attempt to close the loophole, but these are largely left to the energy

companies to administer.

Under the four-year Cert scheme, which began in April 2008, companies subsidise energy-

efficiency measures to reduce customers' consumption of electricity and gas, for example by

sending households energy-saving lightbulbs. Approximately a third of the spending has gone

on insulating home lofts. According to Ofgem, just over a million homes had been fitted with

loft insulation by professionals up to the end of September. But Ofgem also admitted that a

further 38m square metres (covering approximately 969,000 homes) were insulated on a "DIY

basis" by the end of December. This is calculated by the sale of cheap rolls of insulation

material, subsidised by energy companies, to homeowners by retailers.

But several industry sources confirmed that many professional installers have bought

subsidised material from retailers, which are only supposed to be sold to homeowners. This

means that where professionals have installed subsidised materials, energy companies are

counting one address as having been insulated twice; once under the DIY category, once by




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‘Free’ solar panels not such a great deal Installing your own panels could save you £10k

Which? Article 30 September 2010

Free solar panel offers are all the rage at the moment, with several companies, including British

Gas, offering consumers the opportunity to ‘rent out’ their roofs in exchange for free electricity.

What they’re not so upfront about is that the companies stand to benefit far more from the

arrangement than householders.

New research by Which? has found consumers could save as much as £10,500 over the next 25

years by buying their own solar photovoltaic (PV) system instead of signing up to a scheme

offering ‘free’ solar panels.

The consumer champion found that even in the sunniest far South West of the country, ‘rent-a-

roofers’ would only save a maximum of £412 a year off their electricity bill. The company

supplying the solar panels, on the other hand, would get £1,313 from the government’s feed-in-

tariff (FIT), an incentive scheme that gives money for renewable energy.

Which? experts calculated that even if consumers took out a Which? Best Rate loan to cover

the £19,000 that a solar panel system would cost, they would still be thousands of pounds

better off in the long run as they would receive the lucrative FIT income for themselve

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12. General News Articles

UK retailers in talks to join government's 'green deal'

Guardian 6 Oct 2010

Tesco, B&Q and M&S among companies that could sell loft insulation and home energy

improvements as part of the coalition's flagship energy efficiency programme.

Some of the UK's biggest and best-known retailers are in talks with ministers about the

opportunity to sell loft insulation and other home energy improvements under the

government's "green deal". Tesco, the country's dominant supermarket, home improvement

chain B&Q, and high-street stalwart M&S are among the companies which could end up

marketing the coalition's flagship programme to encourage home energy efficiency

improvements alongside frozen food, pots of paint or underwear.

Ministers believe that around 14m of the country's 27m homes could be fitted with energy

saving measures in the next decade, along with offices and other buildings owned by small and

medium-sized companies. The scheme is projected to create between 200,000 and 250,000


It has emerged that ministers are considering how to persuade most of the country's 27m

homeowners to take part in the flagship scheme - which could lead to incentives such as a

rebate on council tax or stamp duty.

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