exam digital marketing

Question 5 Social media : it is a kind of online media where people can open any conversation. These conversation can be delivered to any person who access to the page. However, readers can change the content of the conversation. Scoial commerce: it is related to social media. it supports social interaction and user contributions, to assist in the online buying and selling of products and services. Tweet : is the message of status on Twitter. It is taxtbased post, allows up to 140 characters. It is publised on the home page (profile) of Twitter

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Examdigital marketing


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Question  5    

-­‐ Social  media  :  it  is  a  kind  of  online  media  where  people  can  open  any  conversation.  These  conversation  can  be  delivered  to  any  person  who  access  to  the  page.  However,  readers  can  change  the  content  of  the  conversation.      

   -­‐ Scoial  commerce:  it  is  related  to  social  media.  it  supports  social  

interaction  and  user  contributions,  to  assist  in  the  online  buying  and  selling  of  products  and  services.  


-­‐ Tweet  :  is  the  message  of  status  on  Twitter.  It  is  taxt-­‐based  post,  allows  up  to  140  characters.  It  is  publised  on  the  home  page    (profile)  of  Twitter  

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-­‐ Rzte  parity  :  if  a  hotel  sells  rooms  via  different  online  booking  such  as  booking.com,  hotels.com,  etc.,  rates  must  be  mostly  same  for  all  of  the  sites.    



-­‐ Location  based  services:  this  is  a  function  of  mobile  phone.  It  helps  people  can  know  some  geographical  positions  that  they  want.  For  example,  if  I  am  on  the  street  and  I  want  to  find  the  nearest  KFC  around,  I  can  search  on  iphone  with  google  map.  

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     Question  3      Key  elements  of  online  brand  

-­‐ Do  not    speak  as  a  press  released,  i  twill  make  the  reader  get  bored.    -­‐ Share  small  things  (pictures)  on  the  page.  Do  not  think  about  «  big  »  

things.  People  are  interested  in  something  that  they  can  find  in  their  daily  life.    

-­‐ Read  feed  back  ,  comments  on  each  page.  Answer  as  much  as  possible  -­‐ Reply  to  customer  by  @name  on  twitter.  These  comments  will  be  

appeared  on  their  page.    -­‐ Like  and  retwit    content  will  be  shared  to  more  people.  -­‐ Private  email  on  each  page  :  we  can  discuss  and  question  about  products.  -­‐ Dont  buy  user  views  :  let  people  speak  about  the  products.      

 Example  1  :  Hotel  Lutetia  Paris    On  facebook,  it  publishes  a  lot  of  up  to  date  photo  so  people  can  easily  follow.    

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   They  annswer  almost  the  posts  and  comments  of  clients.  So  they  really  build  freindly  contacts  with  readers/clients  through  their  replies.  

     Example  2  :    Le  Meurice  Paris    Answer  to  readers’  comments.  Like  comments  of  readers.    

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       Put  a  lot  of  interesting  pictures.    

       Question  1  :    The  most  important  resolution  that  has  impact  on  the  hotel  is  Regularly  post  new  content.    

• Why  do  you  feel  this  particular  Resolution  is  most  important  –  for  what  types  of  hotels  

 This  is  important  because  readers  can  follow  what  is  going  on  with  the  hotels/or  the  business  which  they  want  to  get  information  about.  It  is  easily  understandable.    For  instance,  we  want  to  book  a  hotel  A  for  honeymoon.  We  get  

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on  the  facebook  to  find  more  information  and  comments  about  the  hotel  because  we  want  to  make  sure  that  we  must  have  a  nice  stay.  When  we  find  the  facebook  page  of  the  hotel  has  the  lastest  news  of  some  months  or  some  years  ago,  we  definitely  will  set  the  hotel  asde.    People  get  on  the  internet  because  they  want  to  find  information  that  they  can  not  approach  physically  or  they  want  to  see  how  other  people  discuss  about  something.    Therefore,  update  the  new  content  is  very  important.  People  can  know  how  the  business  is.      This  resolution  is  firstly  necessary  for  grand  hotels  or  luxury  hotels.  Clients  of  these  hotels  want  to  have  a  lot  of  information  about  expensive  services  that  they  use.  Therefore,  updating  new  content  helps  readers  know  how  the  business  is,  which  success  that  they  have  gained  in  the  market.        

• What  additional  actions  would  give  that  Resolution  even  greater  impact  –  drive  more  impressive  results  

Except  posting  new  content,  and  monitoring  reader’s  online  view  times,    there  are  some  additional  actions  that  should  be  taken  into  account.  

-­‐ The  contents  must  be  clear,  easy  for  people  to  follow.    The  feeds  (articles  from  some  online  news  papers)  can  be  posted  but  it  is  better  that  the  managers  write  some  ideas,  thoughts  about  the  feeds.  It  will  make  the  readers  feel  close  to  the  conversations.  

-­‐ Updated  photos  and  video  would  be  good.  Readers  are  often  impressive  about  these  first  and  then  they  will  read  articles.    

-­‐ Post  the  attractive  promotions  at  the  time  there  are  the  most  people  get  online.  

 • Research  3  examples  of  hotels  (or  other  businesses)  that  are  successfully  

executing  this  Resolution  online    

3  hotels  that  are  successfully  executing  this  Resolution:    Hotel  Lutetcia,  Hotel  Le  Meurice,  Hotel  Concorde  la  Fayette.    

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   Hotel  Lutetica:  The  lastest  news  is  updated  today  for  2  times.      

 Hotel  Le  Meurice  had  new  content  feed  yesterday.      

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   Hotel  Concorde  La  Fayette:  Update  new  feed  today.      

   Heighten  “like”  or  post  comment  “like/thank  you”  to  encourage  readers      Question  2    

• What  role  does  technology  play  in  a  hotel's  internet  strategy  success?    -­‐ It  make  clients  and  the  hotels  go  on  pages  through  internet  and  discuss  

what  the  hotels  should  do  to  improve  the  business.    -­‐ Through  technology,  hotels  can  sell  rooms  online.  -­‐ Clients  can  feel  being  well  treated  by  replies  of  the  hotels  on  their  

comments  through  facebook,  twitter:  For  example,  “like”  ,  “retweet”    

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-­‐ Technology:  create  quiz,  votes  for  clients  à  hotels  can  figure  out  different  demands,  segments,  etc.    

 • If  you  are  an  independent,  limited  budget  hotel  (or  business)  what  steps  

would  you  take  to  compete  effectively  online?    

As  a  small  hotel  with  limited  budget,  I  think  that  it  is  better  if  we  can  use  as  many  free  social  media  page  as  possible.  We  have  to  maximize  the  benefits  of  free  social  page,  especially  facebook,  twitter.  Person  who  is  responsible  for  this  task  must  update  the  news  everyday  on  each  page.    There  are  some  main  steps  that  can  make  the  hotel  have  effective  competition  online  Steps    Example/  action    Update  news  of  the  hotel  on  the  pages  everyday    Get  closed  to  clients  through  conversation    Opened  questions  for  readers      Trivia    Promotion        Customer  the  page  

 Decorate  restaurant,  reception      “like”  (facebook),  “retweet”  (twitter)  on  readers’comments.    “we  are  decorating  the  reception,  which  style  do  you  like”    Quiz  about  some  facts/news  of  the  hotel.    Discount  rate  for  people  who  visit  the  page  the  most,  etc.    Fresh  content,  not  deliver  “press  released”  

   • Research  2  hotels  or  businesses  that  are  creatively  reaching  customers,  

without  expending  large  resources  –  as  the  large  chains  are  capable  of  doing.  

 The  first  business  that  I’ve  know  is  a  bakery  in  my  country  (Vietnam)  .It  is  a  small  family  business  so  it  really  does  not  have  big  capital  and  budget  for  advertising  on  television  or  newspaper.  The  owner  is  very  young.  It  is  quite  new.  It  was  just  opened  last  year  but  the  success  it  gains  through  advertising  on  Internet  is  amazing.    

Ø Have  a  big  amount  of  readers  after  just  nearly  2  years  opening.  Not  buying  viewers.    

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Ø Update  photos  and  news  everyday,  or  many  times  a  day.  


Ø Reply  to  readers  frequently    

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Ø Post  recruitment      


Or  we  can  have  Boulangerie  de  Grenoble  which  is  a  small  bakery  too.  it  begins  to  use  facebook  within  limited  budget.  


Reply  to  customers  

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Update  feeds    

Question 4

From the Build Your Own Brand video series – choose any 2 online tools that were mentioned:

• Include a text link to each tool

Email ( gmail) www.gmail.com

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• Describe how a hotel could use these tools to effectively engage their customers

-Email: Email seems to be more useful and attractive to some people more than facebook and twitter. When we get into some page and we want to receive their information, we can put our email address and send it to the providers. For the hotels, it is every important because they mostly with emails. For instance, selling rooms on the OTA, the hotel will receive the reservation details by email, clients demand reservation through telephone à the hotels still have to ask confirmation by email, working with partners requires emails, etc. If the hotel generate the information well, emails can be the best for their job because they can receive what they want in details.

- Blogspot: blog is never out of date even if there are facebook and twitter now. Blogging helps the hotels get deeper in the contents that they want to share to readers. This is also a good way to advertise the hotel. The hotels only need to spend time on blogging and they can get the audience participate to discuss with them.

• What actions would be needed to put the tools in place, in a hotel?

-­‐ Emails: the hotels must create more than one (but not many) email addresses. If the hotel have a lot of email addresses, people do not know which one they can contact. By this way, they can generate and arrange information in order. To avoid spam, the hotels must select carefully what information that they want to receive. It can make email better than facebook or twitter if the information can be received and arranged in order.

-­‐ Blogspot: The hotel must hire some people who are responsible for blogging. They must understand the hotels clearly so that they can create discussion on blogspot. Blogging needs deep information. Therefore, it should be very careful when blogging. The discussions must not bring to hard arguments among bloggers and readers. The task of the hotel are to show up the services, and to analyse the facts around their products.

• How could the selected tools be utilized across channels

These tools may be used through many different digital marketing media channels, such as:

Ø Cell  phone    :  nowadays,  through  smartphones  (or  some  normal  mobile  phones)  user  scan  go  online  and  access  email  directly.  More  than  that,  in  smartphones,  there  is  pushed  emails  that  allows  users  to  send/receive  emails.  For  Blogs,  blogs  also  create  version  for  mobile  phones,  people  can  compose  blogs,  post  comments  everywhere.  They  just  need  3G  or  wifi.    

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Ø Really  Simple  Syndication  (RSS)  feeds:  On  blog,  people  can  post  RSS  feeds  of  any  newspapers  which  they  want  to  receive  updated  news  and  information.    

Ø Video  E-­‐mails:  this  is  a  new  function  of  email.  People  can  record  a  short  video  and  send  it  via  email.  It  helps  receivers  get  exact  contents  and  feel  closers  in  conversations  with  senders.  

Ø Websites  :  almost  the  website  put  email  addresses  in  contact  information.  By  this  way,  people  can  click  on  given  addresses  and  send  it  directly  to  the  business.  People  who  use  blogs  can  post/advertise  their  articles  by  simply  post  their  link  or  connect  with  other  websites  such  as  facebook,  twitter.  

• What problems would the use of the selected tools solve

-­‐ Email: Email helps delivering information quickly among users. It is private among them so users can compose anything they want. Unlike mails, emails can help people reply/forward/resend the older emails. For instance, when we reply to the older emails, receiver can see what was written in the last ones. It is easy for people to follow conversations. Email also helps business being contacted anyway, anywhere. When a business find something good for its products/services, it can leave email address and it will receive more information from that company.

-­‐ -­‐ Blogspot: Small business want to advertise their products but using media and

newspaper costs a lot of money. It can use blogspot to advertise freely. Information delivered to readers/clients are clear, deep, attractive. It also help business understand the segmentations and also what customers think about the products and market.

• What problems would the selected tools create

-­‐ Email: Firstly, emails can create spams. The business can receive tons of information that they do not want. And most of them can bring virus to the account and also computers/ systems. However, this problem can be avoided by selecting carefully which kind of information the business want to receive.

-­‐ Blogspot. The arguments among bloggers on particular subjects can make the business become disaster. Blog is where people can explain their opinion freely. Therefore, any mistake on blogs can bring bad influence on the business in real life.

• Why did you selected these specific tools

These tools are used everyday in life. Email becomes necessary for any business. Nowadays, without emails, the business can not survive. It deliver contents quickly and privately. Blogspot is a kind of advertisement without paying money. Plus, it can help readers get into the details of products and services easily. People who are interested in the products can find blog useful because they can

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exchange opinions. The other ones can find a lot of information of the products without or before approaching them so that they can have more confidence of using it.