~ex. l 11.9/ lo!? ot « 3 » myflf..f.fs.ets.kz/f/1919/auction-16-09-2015-five-13.pdf · onnatbl,...

N!! l 11.9/ lo!? 3aHBKa Ha npoee,qeH11e AyK4110Ha N!l13 OT «_3_» MYflf..f. 2015 ro,q. CornacHO npaBWlaM Topro0m1 AO «ToeapHafl 611p>Ka «ETC» npoc11M paCCMOTpeTb HaCTOflLI.(YIO 3af1Bl<Y Ha nPOBeAeH11e A C •VKl\110Ha B eKl..11111 TOProBJ111 cne4t1aJ111311POBaHHblMl1 TOBaPaM11: KoA 5PoKePa 3aKa3Yl1Ka: FIVE non Hoe Ha11MeHOBaH11e 3aK83411K8 c yKa3aHl1eM peKBl1311TOB: Tiim 8YKL1110Ha: (OAH03TanHbliii 111111 .Qayx3ranHb1iil nsm'1AHeBHbliii ayKL\110H ABVX3TanHbliii) noT ayK4110Ha: Toaap, ero Ha11MeHOBaH11e, KOill1YeCTBO, accoprnMeHT, K84eCTB€HHble CpoK 11 ycnoa11H nocTaBKl1 cornacHo np11no>KeH11H NQ1 K AaHHoiii xapaKTep11cT11K11, ycnoe11s:i nocTaBKl1, nopRAOK 3aRBKe. onnaTbl, 11Hb1e ycno011H, KOTOpble 3aKa31.!111K YcnoaviH onnaTbl: cornacHo AOroeopa, np11no)KeH11e N!!2 C4111TaeT CVllleCTBeHHblMlll: nep110A npoaeAeHVJfl AYKL.1110Ha, AHeiil: 5 pa601.111x AHeiii HanpaeneHl!le AyK41110Ha (Ha no0b1weH11e 1111111 Ha noHllllKeHllle Ha noHvi>KeHl!le) Kom14ecrao ToproablX cecc11iii, a re4eH1-1e 1 KOTOPblX MO>KeT AI111TbCfl AVK4110H: Crnproaafl L(eHa noTa*, TeHre: nor N!!1 - 3anaCHble 48CTlll Ha TeX Hl1KY CATERPILLAR - 42 737 200,00 reHre, 6e3 y4ern H.QC Pa3Mep rapaHT11iiiHoro o6ecne4eHl1R B 0, 1 % OT crapToeoiii ueHbl no nory npo4eHTaX OT CTaPTOBOiii 4eHbl noTa, %: Keam1cp11Ka1..1110HHb1e Tpe6oaaH11fl , KOTOpblM I. .QoKyMeHTbl, noATBep>KAa10U1We npaaocnoco6HocTb: AOil>KeH COOTBeTCTBOBaTb npeTeHAeHT Ha 1. Ycrns. y4acrne a AyK4110He: 2. Ca11Aere11bcrao* WJ111 cnpaaKa 0 rDCYA8P CTBeHHOiii per11cTpa41111 (nepeper11cTpa4w11) 10p11,1J,11YeCKOro n114a c yKa3aH11eM 5V1H. B cny4ae, ecn11 10p11p,11<iecKoe Ill11.\0 ocyLI.(eCTBnfleT p,eflTenbHOCTb Ha ocH00aH11lll T11no0oro ycTasa, YTBep>KAeHHoro B ycraHOBI1€HHOM rpa)l{A8HCKl1M 3aKOHOAaTeJ1bCTBOM Pecny6n11K11 Ka3axcTaH n opf!P,Ke, TO npep,CTaBJ1f!eTCfl 3aflBJ1€Hl1e 0 rocyp,apCTBeHHOiil perVJCTpa4vi111 . 3. Bb1n11cKa 113 y1.1pep,11TeJ1bHblX p,oKyMeHTOB (B cny<iae, ecn11 ycTaB He cop,ep>K11T CBeAeHl1fl 06 Y4PeAl1TeJ1flX 111IlVl COCTaae y1.1peA11reneiil), cop,ep>KaLI.(aH CB€AeHl1H 06 y4peA11Tene 11J111 cocrase y4 peg11Teneiil n1160 HOT8p118IlbHO 3aCBl1,IJ,eTeJ1bCTBOB8HH8R Bblnl1CK8 113 peecTpa .qep>KaTen eiii aK411iil, Bb1A8HH8H He paHee 0,IJ,HOro MeCHL\a, npeAW eCTBYIOlllero p,aTe n0Aa1.111 3aHBKl1 Ha yr..iacrne B ayKl\L-IOHe. 4. Komm peweHlll.A 111/1111111 Bbtnl1CKa l/13 npOTOK Ona o6LI.(ero co6paH11H y4acrn11Kos 11/11nL-1 111Horo opra Ha s cooraercTaL-1111 c yCTasoM, o H83Ha4eH1111 Ha p,on>KHOCTb nepaoro pyKOBOA11Ten.A a uenHx nOATBep}!{AeHL-1.A nonH0Mo1.111iil nepeoro PYKOBOP,11TeJ1R npeT eHp,eHra Ha yr..iacrne a ayK4woHe. np11Me4aH11e: * Ce11p,eTenb CTBO o rocyAapc1aeHHoill (y4eTHoill) per11cTpa411111 (nepeper11crpa411L-1) IOPl1Alll<iecK oro IlL-11.\8 (cp11nl!lana, npeACT8Bl1TeJ1bCTBa) , BblA8HHOe AO BBeAeHl1R 8 p,ei'.1CTBl1e 3 aKOHa Pecny61111K11 Ka3axcTaH OT 24 .qeKa6pR 2012 roAa «0 s HeceH1111 113MeHe HVJill 11 AOno11HeH11iil B H eKOTOpble 38KOHOP,aT eJ1bHble 8KTbl Pecny6n111K11 Ka3axcTaH no sonpocaM rocyp,apcrseHHOill perncTpa41111 10Pl1AL-1<iecK11x Ill11.\ 11 y4eTHOill per11 cTpa1.-11111 cjmn11ano0 L-1 npeACTa011renbCTB» , flBnfleTCH Aeiil cra11r enbHblM AO npe KpaLI.(eH11.A .qeme11bHOC T11 IOP11At.14ecKoro n114a. 11. .QoKvMeHTbt , noATBep)l(,Qa101.J..111e nnaTe)Kecnoco6Hocrb:

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~ex. N!! l 11.9/ lo!?

3aHBKa Ha npoee,qeH11e AyK4110Ha N!l13

OT «_3_» MYflf..f. 2015 ro,q.

CornacHO npaBWlaM Topro0m1 AO «ToeapHafl 611p>Ka «ETC» npoc11M paCCMOTpeTb HaCTOflLI.(YIO 3af1Bl<Y Ha nPOBeAeH11e A C •VKl\110Ha B eKl..11111 TOProBJ111 cne4t1aJ111311POBaHHblMl1 TOBaPaM11:

KoA 5PoKePa 3aKa3Yl1Ka: FIVE non Hoe Ha11MeHOBaH11e 3aK83411K8 c yKa3aHl1eM peKBl1311TOB:

Tiim 8YKL1110Ha: (OAH03TanHbliii 111111 .Qayx3ranHb1iil nsm'1AHeBHbliii ayKL\110H ABVX3TanHbliii) noT ayK4110Ha: Toaap, ero Ha11MeHOBaH11e, KOill1YeCTBO, accoprnMeHT, K84eCTB€HHble CpoK 11 ycnoa11H nocTaBKl1 cornacHo np11no>KeH11H NQ1 K AaHHoiii xapaKTep11cT11K11, ycnoe11s:i nocTaBKl1, nopRAOK 3aRBKe. onnaTbl, 11Hb1e ycno011H, KOTOpble 3aKa31.!111K YcnoaviH onnaTbl: cornacHo AOroeopa, np11no)KeH11e N!!2 C4111TaeT CVllleCTBeHHblMlll: nep110A npoaeAeHVJfl AYKL.1110Ha, AHeiil: 5 pa601.111x AHeiii HanpaeneHl!le AyK41110Ha (Ha no0b1weH11e 1111111 Ha noHllllKeHllle Ha noHvi>KeHl!le) Kom14ecrao ToproablX cecc11iii, a re4eH1-1e 1 KOTOPblX MO>KeT AI111TbCfl AVK4110H: Crnproaafl L(eHa noTa*, TeHre: nor N!!1 - 3anaCHble 48CTlll Ha TeXHl1KY CATERPILLAR - 42 737

200,00 reHre, 6e3 y4ern H.QC Pa3Mep rapaHT11iiiHoro o6ecne4eHl1R B 0, 1 % OT crapToeoiii ueHbl no nory npo4eHTaX OT CTaPTOBOiii 4eHbl noTa, %: Keam1cp11Ka1..1110HHb1e Tpe6oaaH11fl, KOTOpblM I. .QoKyMeHTbl, noATBep>KAa10U1We npaaocnoco6HocTb: AOil>KeH COOTBeTCTBOBaTb npeTeHAeHT Ha 1. Ycrns. y4acrne a AyK4110He: 2. Ca11Aere11bcrao* WJ111 cnpaaKa 0 rDCYA8PCTBeHHOiii

per11cTpa41111 (nepeper11cTpa4w11) 10p11,1J,11YeCKOro n114a c yKa3aH11eM 5V1H. B cny4ae, ecn11 10p11p,11<iecKoe Ill11.\0 ocyLI.(eCTBnfleT p,eflTenbHOCTb Ha ocH00aH11lll T11no0oro ycTasa, YTBep>KAeHHoro B ycraHOBI1€HHOM rpa)l{A8HCKl1M 3aKOHOAaTeJ1bCTBOM Pecny6n11K11 Ka3axcTaH nopf!P,Ke, TO npep,CTaBJ1f!eTCfl 3aflBJ1€Hl1e 0 rocyp,apCTBeHHOiil perVJCTpa4vi111.

3. Bb1n11cKa 113 y1.1pep,11TeJ1bHblX p,oKyMeHTOB (B cny<iae, ecn11 ycTaB He cop,ep>K11T CBeAeHl1fl 06 Y4PeAl1TeJ1flX 111IlVl COCTaae y1.1peA11reneiil), cop,ep>KaLI.(aH CB€AeHl1H 06 y4peA11Tene 11J111 cocrase y4 peg11Teneiil n1160 HOT8p118IlbHO 3aCBl1,IJ,eTeJ1bCTBOB8HH8R Bblnl1CK8 113 peecTpa .qep>KaTeneiii aK411iil, Bb1A8HH8H He paHee 0,IJ,HOro MeCHL\a, npeAWeCTBYIOlllero p,aTe n0Aa1.111 3aHBKl1 Ha yr..iacrne B ayKl\L-IOHe.

4. Komm peweHlll.A 111/1111111 Bbtnl1CKa l/13 npOTOKOna o6LI.(ero co6paH11H y4acrn11Kos 11/11nL-1 111Horo opraHa s cooraercTaL-1111 c yCTasoM, o H83Ha4eH1111 Ha p,on>KHOCTb nepaoro pyKOBOA11Ten.A a uenHx nOATBep}!{AeHL-1.A nonH0Mo1.111iil nepeoro PYKOBOP,11TeJ1R npeTeHp,eHra Ha yr..iacrne a ayK4woHe.

np11Me4aH11e: * Ce11p,eTenbCTBO o rocyAapc1aeHHoill (y4eTHoill) per11cTpa411111

(nepeper11crpa411L-1) IOPl1Alll<iecKoro IlL-11.\8 (cp11nl!lana, npeACT8Bl1TeJ1bCTBa), BblA8HHOe AO BBeAeHl1R 8 p,ei'.1CTBl1e 3aKOHa Pecny61111K11 Ka3axcTaH OT 24 .qeKa6pR 2012 roAa «0 sHeceH1111 113MeHeHVJill 11 AOno11HeH11iil B HeKOTOpble 38KOHOP,aTeJ1bHble 8KTbl Pecny6n111K11 Ka3axcTaH no sonpocaM rocyp,apcrseHHOill perncTpa41111 10Pl1AL-1<iecK11x Ill11.\ 11 y4eTHOill per11cTpa1.-11111 cjmn11ano0 L-1 npeACTa011renbCTB», flBnfleTCH Aeiilcra11r enbHblM AO npeKpaLI.(eH11.A .qeme11bHOCT11 IOP11At.14ecKoro n114a.

11. .QoKvMeHTbt, noATBep)l(,Qa101.J..111e nnaTe)Kecnoco6Hocrb:



noAnlllCb m1ua, ynOI1HOM04eHHOro Ill ne4aTb 3aKaJ411tKa:

1. Op1o1r11Han cnpaeKH 6aHKa HnH Q>1o1n1o1ana 6aHKa c noAnMCblO H ne4aTblO, B KOTOpOM 06cnyitc1o1eaeTCl'I npeTeHAeHT Ha Y4aCTMe B ayKUHOHe, 06 OTCYTCTBHH npocpo4eHHOH JaAOJ1JKeHHOCTl4 no eceM BMAaM 061'1JaTenbCTB npeTeHAeHTa Ha Y4aCTHe B ayKUHOHe, P.Jll'lll.lei1cl'I 6onee Tpex Mecs:1uee, npeAwecrayio~x AaTe Bb1Aa4H cnpaeKH, nepeA 6aHKOM 11n11 Q>111111anoM 6aHKa cornacHo THnoeoMy nnaHy C4eroe 6yxranTepcKoro Y4eTa e 6aHKax eroporo ypoeHR 11 11n0Te4Hb1X opraH113aUl-11'1X; yreep>K,1:1eHHOMY npaeneH11eM Hau110HanbHOro 6aHKa Pecny6n11K11 KaJaxcraH (e CflY4ae ecn11 npeTeHAeHT Ha Y4acrne B ayKU110He RBn!'leTCR Kn11eHTOM HeCKOflbKl1X 6aHKOB eroporo ypOBHS'I 11n111 Q>1o1n11anoe, a TaK JKe lllHOCTpaHHOro 6aHKa, AaHHaR cnpaeKa npeACTaem1eTCl'I OT Ka>K,lloro 113 TaKl/IX 6aHKOB). CnpaeKa AOfl>KHa 6b1Tb BbtAaHa He paHee OAHOro MeCl'IUa. npeAWeCTBYIOll.lero AaTe noAa411 3aSlBKl1 Ha Y4acrne e ayKUl-10He.

2. Op111r11Han cnpaeK11 ycraHoeneHHoi1 Q>opMbt cooreeTCTeyiou.iero Hanorqeoro opraHa 06 orcyrcTe1111 Hanoroeoi1 3aAOn>KeHHOCTl1 Ill 3aAOn>KeHHOCTl1 no o6!'13aTenbHblM neHCl10HHblM BJHOcaM, o61'13aTenbHblM npoQ>ecCHOHanbHblM neHCl10HHblM B3HOCaM "' cou1i1anbHblM OT41/1CneHHRM 6onee 4eM Ja Tp11 Mecs:1ua (3a 11cKn104eHHeM cnY4aee, KOrAa cpoK ynnaTbl OTCp04eH B COOTBeTCTBHlll c JaKOHOAarenbCTBOM Pecny6nl!IKH KaJaxcraH o Hanorax 111 APYrHX o6!'1JarenbHbtX nnaTeJKax e 6toA>Ker) n1160 o Ha111i141111 Hanoroeoi1 3aAOI1>KeHHOCTl1 111 3aAOI1lKeHHOCTl1 no 061'13aTenbHblM neHCl10HHblM B3HOCaM, o6si3aTeI1bHblM npoQ>ecc1110Ha!lbHblM neHClllOHHblM B3HOcaM "' cou11a!lbHblM OT411CneHllll'IM, BbtAaHHOi1 He paHee OAHOfO MeCl'IUa, npeAWeCTBYIOll.lero AaTe BCKpbtTl11'1 KOHBeproe c KOHKypCHblMlll

• 3aRBKaMl1. Ill. n111CbMeHHOe nOATBepJKAeHl1e npeTeHAeHTa Ha Y4aCrne B

ayKU110He 0 AOCTOBepHOCTl1 npeAOCTaeneHHOi1 lllHqJOpMaUlllH Ill cornac111'1 c Q>opMoi1 AOroeopa nocraeK111 (no ¢opMe cornacHo np11110JKeH1110 N!! 3 K HaCTORll.lei1 3a!'IBKe) .

IV Han114111e He MeHee 25% (no KOI1114eCTBY n0311Ullli1 OT o6u.iero cn11cKa) JanacHbtX 4acTei1 Ha cKnaAax nocraeu.i1i1Ka Ha Tepp11rop1111i1 Pecny61111K11 Ka3axCTaH. noKynaTe!lb 11MeeT npaeo, no CBOeMy YCMOTpeHHIO, npoeecrn lllHcneKUl1IO CKnaAOB noreHUHa!lbHOro nocraeu.i11Ka Ha npeAMeT Han11411s:1 JanacHbtX 4acTei1.

V Horap11anbHO 3aeepeHHbte Kon111i1 cepT11¢11KaToe npOlllCXOJKAeHl1S'I 1111111 n11CbMO-rapaHT11Sl noTeHU118IlbHOro nocraeu.i1o1Ka o npeAocraeneH1111 HOTap11anbHO 3aeepeHHbtX Kon111i1 cepT11¢11Karoe npo111cxoJKAeH11tl'I np111 np11eMKe roeap.

VI noATBep>K,1:1eH111e OT npeTeHAeHTa 0 npeAOCTaeneHf/1111 rapaHTHH Ha nocTaen!'leMbti1 Toeap cpoKoM Ha 12 (p,eeHaAUaTb) Mecs:1uee.

B ueHy noTeHu11anbHoro noCTaeu.i111Ka AOillKHbt 6btTb eKnto4eHbt ece pacxOAbl, KpOMe HAC. np11 3aKnto4eHl1111 AOroeopa AaHHbli1 Hanor 6yAeT BKJ1I04eH.

noTeHu11a11bHbti1 no6eA11tTe11b AOnlKeH npeAocrae111rb: 1) Aerop113oeaHHOe nHCbMO or npo11JBOA11tTenl'I A!ll'I A11!1epoe, a

TaK>Ke npoAeM0Hcrp11poeaTb HanH4He aerop1113oeaHHoro AOCTyna e c11creMy C*rpillar SIS WEB nyreM npeAocraem1tMR CWS nornHa nocralii.!11Ka.

2) Ceprn¢11KaT o npol-1cXoJKAeH1111 roeapa, BbtAaHHbtH roproeo­npoMbtwneHHOi1 nanaroi1zaHbt-np0113BOA11TeJ1R TOBapa (OB).

Bee JaRBKH npf!AOCTaBnAIOTCA a CK ·KCflMRx Ha aneKTpoHHO-t<~<PPoaoM HOCMTene

N• n/ n





























Hal-1MeHosaH'1e napT HOMep

noTN•1 3anaCHble 4acrn Ha TeXH"KY CATERPILLAR

o-ring I ynnoTHl!ITenbHOe KOflbJ..\O/for cat d 1 DI, 7 40b/consumables/cat d 1DI,7 40b element assy I neps"4Hbl" cp"nbTp/primary for cat 777d/consumable/cat 777d element assy I BTOP"""b'" cjJ•nbTp/secondary for cat 777d/consumable/cat 777d

filter I cp"nbTp KOHA"l.J"OHepa/conditioner for cat 785c,993k,d9r/consumable/cat 785c,993k,d9r

filter I cjJ"nbTp TpaHCM"cc""//consumable/cp"nbTp TP8HCMlt1CCl!ll.1

filter steering I cj:mnbTp///

element assy I cjJ•nbTp MacnRHbl"/oil filter for cat 7 40b/consumable/

element: filter/for cat 993k,d1 OVconsumables/cat 993k,d1 DI

scheduled oil sample I aHan"a sos//sos analyse consumables/aHan1.1a sos Id & axle oil I Maeno AnR 6opTOBblX nepeAa4 " Mocrns/208 liter drum// filter I cp"nbTp/engine oil for cat 16m,d9r/consumable/MOTOPHoe Maeno, cat 16m,d9r element assy I mApasn"YecK"" cjJ•nbTp/hydraulic for cat 785c/consumable/cat 785c filter assy I rnnn•sHbl" cjJ•nbTp/fuel for cat 777d,785c,993k,d1 OVconsumable/rnnn•so An" cat 777d,785c,993k,d1 Ot filter I cp"nbTp/for cat 16m/consumable/cat 16m

element assy I mApasn•Yec••" cjJ•nbTp/hydraulic filter for cat 785c/consumable/cat 785c 1 r-0778 I element assy I MacnRHbl" cjmnbTp/oil filter for cat 785c/consumable/cat 785c filter assy I cjJ•nbTp rnnn•BHbl"/engine oil for cat 7 40b/consumable/ element assy I B03AYWHbl" cjJ•nbTp/air filter for cat d1 OVconsumables/cat d1 DI filter assy oil I cjJ•nbTp s c6ope/filter as-oil/consumable/rh1r1nbTD oxna}l{,lJ,eH1t1fl Macna aa.Qttei:1 oc1i1 element assy I cjJ•nbTp/oil filter for cat 993k/consumables/cat 993k element assy I cjJ•nbTp/filter for cat d10Vconsumables/cat d10t element assy I cjJ•nbTp/p for cat 785c/consumable/cat 785c

filter I cjJ•nbTp/lube for cat 777d,785c/consumable/cMa3Ka AnR cat 777d,785c kit: air dryer I peMHa6op AnR B03Ayxoocyw•rnnR/refill for cat 777d/consumable/Aon•sKa AnR cat 777d a-ring I ynnoTHl.1TenbHOe 1<onb40/for cat 777d/consumable/cat 777d a-ring I ynnoTH1t1renbHoe 1<onb40/for cat 785c,d9r/consumable/cat 785c,d9r filter assy I cjJ•nbTp/for cat d9r/consumable/cat d9r

filter I cjJ•nbTp/for cat 740b/consumable/

filter I cp"nbTp/water separator & fuel for cat 16m,993k/consumable/oTAen"Tenb BOAbl OT rnnn"sa, cat 16m,993k

















1 R-1808













EA. H3M.






















































CyMMa, Bb1,qeneHHafl ,QJlfl

aaKyna B TeHre, 6ea yyern HAC

5 212,56

42 785,02

29 770,24

25 076,00


12 145,89

54 027,96

153 543,60


245 943,80

35 443,92

6 097,06

268 468,95

10 137,38

24 970,82

84 064,86

83 485,78

6 420,70

39 568,22

106 752,30

12 142,34

134 633,76

142 941,36

24 646,21


28 451,50

6 002,00

53 311,58

62 178,10

30 filter element-oil-trans I cjl"nb TPYJOL4"" aneMeHT(Knn)/filter

337-5270 WT. 6 74 392,38 element-oil-trans/consumable/rnaHCM"cc"oHHbl" cb"nbTD

31 343-4464 / element-xsmn/aneMeHT 343-4464 WT. 4 21 617,84

32 343-4465 I element-xsmn/aneMeHT 343-4465 WT. 9 57 215,70

33 filter I TpaHCM"cc"OHHbl" cjl"nbTp/oil transmission for cat

344-0004 WT. 2 30 762,58 993k/consumablesiTPaHCM"cc"oHHoe Maeno AflH cat 993k

34 filter primary air I nepBlll4Hbliil B03AYWHbliil cjl"flbTp 346-6687 WT. 1 12 362,07 gsc//consumable/nepB"4Hbl" B03AYWHbl" cb"nbTD ABC filter I rngpasn"YecK"" cjl"nb Tp/hydraulic pilot system for

35 cat 993k/consumables/rngpaan"YecKaH Clt1CT8Ma 348-7515 WT. 2 23 436,22 vnpaane""" gnH cat 993k

36 filter I cjl"nbTp/brake for cat 993k/consumables/rnpM03 gnH

350-1331 WT. 2 68 932,66 cat 993k

37 element water separator I BOAOOTA8I1Lt1T8Ilb

361-9554 WT. 1 4 129,00 ronnt11BHb1V.//consumable/eoAODTAen111renb ronn1i1BHbliil

38 primary air filter I neps"YHbl" soagywHbl" cjl"nbTp/primary

396-2123 WT. 4 94 246,56 air filter/consumable/neo01t14Hbliil B03AVWHbliil c:bL-1nbrn 39 tdto sae50w I TpaHCM"cc"OHHOe Macno/205 liter drum// 3E-9478 WT. 12 2 080 574,40

40 cat engine oil 15w40 in drum 3E-9840 WT. 41 6 705 181,82

41 o-ring I ynnOTHeH"e/for cat 740b/consumable/ 3J-1907 WT. 6 1 040,28

42 gasket I npoKnagKa/for cat 785c/consumable/cat 785c 4K-1557 WT. 6 6 905,82

43 element kiV3neMeHT 4P-7384 WT. 6 20 874,60

44 filter steering I cjl"nbTp/// 4T-6788 WT. 1 3 889,54

45 o-ring I ynnOTHlr1T8IlbHOe KOflbl\O/for cat

5F-0149 WT. 5 4 841,80 777d,785c/consumable/gnH cat 777d,785c

46 o-ring I ynnoTHlllT8IlbHOe Konb40/for cat

5F-6222 WT. 3 4 924,83 993k,d1 OUconsumables/cat 993k,d1 Ot

47 a-ring I ynnoTHlllT8IlbHOe KOflbl\O/for cat

5H-6733 WT. 5 6 889,20 993k,d1 Ot,d9r/consumables/cat 993k,d1 Ot,d9r

48 screen assy I aKpaH B c6ope/for cat 785clconsumable/cat

6E-1473 WT. 2 66 634,40 785c

49 element assy I cjl"nbTpifor cat d10Uconsumables/cat d10t 61-2505 WT. 2 29 932,54

50 element assy I cjl"nbTp/for cat d10Uconsumables/cat d10t 61-2506 WT. 2 26 542,36

51 seal I ynnorHeHL.1e/for cat d 1 Ot,d9r/consumables/cat

6L-9965 WT. 1 1 571,51 d10t,d9r

52 seal I ynnoTHeH"e/for cat d 1 ot,d9r/consumables/cat

6V-1196 WT. 1 3 537,75 d1ot,d9r

53 seal I ynnoTHeH"e/// 6V-3319 WT. 7 29 835,75

54 seal I ynnoTHeH"e/// 6V-3835 WT. 7 37 206,82

55 seal I ynnoTHeH"e/for cat 740b/power train/ 70-1195 WT. 4 3 460,28

56 o-ring I ynnoTHlttT8J1bHOe KOilbU,O/for cat

7F-2122 WT. 2 1 693,26 993k,740b/consumables/cat 993k,740b

57 filter oil assy I cjl"nbTp

7W-2326 WT. 1 2 033,74 Macns:1Hb1iil/enaine/consumable/¢i111nbrp Macnf!Hbliil

58 filter I soagywHbl" cjl"nbTp/air for cat 777d/consumable/caT

8C-9657 WT. 1 6 614,38 77711

59 gasket I npoKnagKaifor cat 777d/consumable/cat 777d 8H-2778 WT. 3 1 759,65

60 seal I ynnorneH"e/for cat 785clconsumable/gnH cat 785c 8T-6444 WT. 7 8 934,73

61 breather I canyH/for cat 777 d, 785c/consumable/cat

9C-4937 WT. 1 3 925,10 777d,785c

62 element assy I ronn"BHbli< cjl"nbTp/fuel filter for cat

9M-2342 WT. 3 6 330,33 777d,785c/consumable/cat 777d,785c

63 6g-7803 I vent as/// 6G-7803 WT. 3 147171,03

333-1189 I seal-o-ring I ynnoTHlllT8IlbH06

64 KOnb40/secondary air filter/consumable/srop"4Hbl" 333-1189 WT. 4 39 627,24 803,QVWHbliil rnvulbTD

65 tdto sae30w I TpaHCM"cc"oHHOe Macno/tdto sae30w I

9X-6466 WT. 4 622 744,20 TD8HCMlllCClllOHHOe Maeno!/

66 seal o-ring/ ynnorneH"e/seal o-ring/ ynnoTHeH"e// 4P-7383 WT. 6 2 832,54

filter as-water sep & fuel/ cjJ•nbTp TOnflVIBHblH

67 cenaparop/filter as-water sep & fuel/ cjJ•nbTp Tonn•BHbl'1 438-5385 WT. 12 106 472,64 cenaoaToo//

68 seal a-ring/ ynnorneH•e/seal a-ring/ ynnorneH•e// 161-8068 WT. 2 8 949,74

69 tdto sae10w I TpaHcM•cc•oHHoe Macno/tdto sae10w I

103-2528 WT. 1 169110,63 T08HCMl.1CC\.10HHOe Maeno//

70 fuel filter secondary/ cjJ•nbTp TOnn•BHb1'1 TOHK.OY. 1R-0749 WT. 1 3 679,78

71 engine oil 15w40 I MOTOpHoe Maeno (s 6oYKax)/1000 liter

3E-9838 WT. 12 9 008 582,28 ibc//

72 elc coolant I aHrncjJp•3/1000 liter ibc// 205-6614 WT. 4 2 333 595,00

73 hyd oil hydo 1 Ow/ rngpasn•YeCKoe Macno/1000 liter ibc// 309-6937 WT. 8 6 606 290,72

74 tdto sae50w I TpaHcM•cc•oHHOe Macno/205 liter drum// 3E-9478 WT. 20 3 467 623,20

75 tdto sae30w I TpaHCM•cc•oHHOe Macno/1000 liter ibc// 7X-7611 WT. 4 3 147 440,04

76 4 seasons grease (cat ultra 5 moly grease nlgi 1) I cMa3Ka

161-0971 WT. 7 3 635 452,31 secHa-oceHb/181 kn drum//

77 edge: cutting I pelK)'111aH KpoMKa/for cat 16m r9h grader

4T-2236 WT. 24 1 909 234,56 net//

78 nut I ra'1Ka/for cat 16m r9h grader get// 2J-3506 WT. 408 97 834,32

79 bolt/ 6om/for cat 16m r9h grader get// 5F-8933 WT. 168 120 232,56

80 bolt-plow (3/4-1Ox2.75-in) I 6om KpenneHt.1H H0)!{8

5J-4771 WT. 240 125 328,96 rne'1gena cat 16m

V1roro:, 42 737 200,00 TeHre, 6e3 yyera HAG

CpoK nocraBKLit: 25 KaneHAapHblX AHeH, nocne no,Qn1t1caH1.1s:i ,Qorosopa

Ycnoa1o1s:1 1.1 MecTo nocTaBKH: DDP Mecropo>Kp,eHvie 6oswaKonb, HaXOAfl~eecfl s 25 KM OT nocenKa Topr-Ky,QyK, 42 KM or nocenKa W1t1,Qeprbr, 80 KM or r. 3K1r16acry3, nasno,QapcKoi'.1: 06nacr111, PK (Aanee- «nyHKT nocrasKV!») s coorsercr01i11t1 c V1HKOTEPMC 2010


nPEAM5YJ1A: INTRODUCTION: HoMeP Aoroeopa: r;;;~;,i PA Number: r;z:;,;;;1 Aara ecivnneHMll Jloroeopa e c11ny: IGmEJiw%1 PA Effective Date: 1.r"';'''c:i-"H'"' Aara 11cre'leH11l! cpoKa Ael1cre11fl ll.oroeopa: 1 'i?i::i!c/Br.!d PA Expiry Date: ,, 9,~l!:j~r' croMMOCTb Aoroeopa (He .r:1onJKHa npeeb1warbl: Total PA Value (not to exceed): FiitiTI'r2/J, VAT exclusive r;li.ilwiiril. He BKJl 1-0'lafl HAC Ba111<>ra: Currencv: EL0iJ@):\;;.1 JlMl.(O noJ<YnaTe1ll11 ynonHOMO'leHHOe ,qaBaTb yKa3aHml: n~~j~!Er1rrr~1;f1

Purchaser nominated person to issue Instructions: r81i'~:t·T1

Cocrae Aoroeopa nocraeK11: Purchase Agreement content: 1. Aorosop nocraeK11; 1. Purchase Agreement; 2. 051!\llle nono)l(eHlllR Ill YcnOBlllR; 2. General Terms & Conditions; 3. Oco6b!e nono)l(eHlllR Ill YcnOBlllR; 3. Special Terms & Conditions; 4. 3aKa3bl Ha 3aKyn. 4. Purchase Orders. 5. np1moJKeH11e N21 «<!>OpMa paCYera MeCTHOro COAepJKaHlllR B 5. Appendix N2 1 ' Local Content Form'

rosapax» «nOKYnATEJlbll «BUYER»

TOO '"' --· ·--- - -· a legal ' IOPlllA114eCKOe n111.10, 3aperncrp11poeaHHOe 11 ,QeMCTBYtoU,\ee B COOTBeTCTBl111 entity duly incorporated and existing under the laws of the Republic of c 3aKOHO,QarenbCTBOM Pecny6n11K11 Ka3axcraH, s n114e ,Q1i1peKTopa r-Ha Kazakhstan, represented by , Director, acting under the

' ,Qei:icrsytou.iero Ha ocHosaH1111 ycrasa, Charter,

... - .. - - ----Pecny6n11Ka Ka3axcraH Almaty, Kazakhstan, 050020.

TenecjJoH: Phone: C!>aKc: Fax: 3neKTpOHHbll1 a,Qpec: acmasumb caooeHuR Email: insert details

6V1H: BIN:

PHH: TRN:: 6aHKOBCK11epeKBl1311Tbl: Bankinq Details:

-· -- -- -- ·- . .. . '

- -- . - .. - . - ·· - - - - .

«nOCTABlll~K» «SUPPLIER» [1kiff'.1@f;t;;i!t/if}, topll.Qll4ecKoe 111140, aaperncrp11posaHHoe 11 Aeiilcreytolljee.s rnifE!'&f'iJ, a legal entity duly incorporated and existing under the laws of the coorsercre~11 c aaKoHo,Qarenbcr~g~ Fecny6n11K1-1 Ka3axcraH, a n114e fi,{i;;\tt], Republic of Kazakhstan, represented by [ ], acting under the [!f'i}isi.;:;";:n. ,QeMCTBYIOLl.lero Ha OCHOBaHllllll [(../) 'j/;.fl. [BcraeKTb aApec nocraeutHKa] [Insert Suppliers Address]

TenecjJoH: ecmaeumb cae0eHu11 Phone: insert details <l>aKc: ecmasumb ceooeHuR Fax: insert details 3neKTDOHHbliil a,apec: acmaaumb csooeHUR Email: insert details 5V1H: BIN: PHH: TRN: Cs11.11erenbcr00 o nocraHoeKe Ha Y'!eT no H,QC N2 VAT Certificate No. 6aHKOBCKl1e peKBl1311Tbl: BankinQ Details:

,Qanee COBMeGTHO KMeHyeMble «CTOpOHbl», a 11H,Ql1811,QyanbHO - «CropoHa» hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties" and individually as the 11n11 KaK yKa3aHO Bbl We, Ha OCHOBaHl111 611p)l(eeoiil c.11enK11 "Party" or as indicated above have entered into this Purchase Agreement N2 OT (( )) - 2015r. 3aKnto41-1n11 (hereinafter, the "Agreement") on the basis of the exchange transaction HaCTORU,\lliil Aoroeop noCTaBKll (Aanee no TeKCTY «Aoroeop») 0 N2 __ dated· . 2015, as follows: -Hl1)1(ecne.QyKJU\eM:


1.1 B cooreercre1111 c nono)!(eH11.RM11 11 ycnos11RMt.1 HacrORlJ.lero Aoroeopa 1.1. Upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement and Purchase Orders 11 3aKa3os Ha 3aKyn, nocrastJ.111K o6R3yeTC.R ocyU\eCTBlllTb nocrasKy the Supplier undertakes to Supply the Goods to Buyer to the Point of Delivery

Tosapoe noeynaremo B Mecro nocraBKl1, B Aary nocTaBKl111 3a L!eHy. and on the Date for Delivery for the Price.

1.2 nocraBU\11K 06113aH TU.\arenbHO npoaep11Tb ace AOKYMSHTbl 1-1 npo4yl0 1.2 The Supplier is taken to have carefully examined all documents and other 11HtPOPM841-1IO, npeAOCTaBneHHble noeynareneM no nocraBKe Tosapos, a information furnished by Buyer relating to the Supply of the Goods and to ra10Ke see ycnoa11A, p11cK11, Henpe.QBl1ABHHb1e 11 npo411e o6croRrenbcrsa, have fully satisfied itself of all conditions, risks, contingencies and other KOTOpb!e MOryT noBnl1ATb Ha nocrasey TosapoB, BKill04aR ycnOBl1A B Mecre circumstances which might affect the supply of the Goods including conditions nocrasK11, 11 yyecrb aro s L!eHe. at the Point of Delivery, and to have made due allowance for these in the



noKYnarenb/ Buyer

A11peKTop/ Director

(no.Qm1cb I signature) M.n. /Seal


[position] / C!>l-10 [AomKHOCTb] (n0An11cb I signature) Name

M.n. tseal



1. 1 «,[J.aTa nocraBKH» - A8T8, YK838HH8fl B COOTB8TCTBYIOU\8M 3aKa3e Ha 1.1 "Date for Delivery" means the date specified in the relevant Purchase 3aKVn, s KoronvKJ T osaob1 gonmHb1 6btTb nocrasneHbl s Mecro nocrasK\.1; Order on which the Goods shall be delivered at the Point of Deliverv; 1.2 «Aara <l>aKTHlleCKoK nocraeKH» - gara, Korga T osapbl ¢aKn11..1eCK"1 1.2 "Date of Delivery" means the date when the Goods were delivered at ,QOCT8BilBHbl B Mecro nocT88K\.1, VK838HHOB B 38K838 Ha 38KVn; the Point of Deliverv soecifted in the relevant Purchase Order; 1.3. «Aoroeop» 03H848BT H8CTOflll.\\.1~ Aoroaop nocrasK1o1 MeJKAy 1.3. "Agreement" means this Agreement entered into between the Buyer and , noeynareneM \.1 nocraaw.1o1KoM, BKfll04810lJ.llt1~ a ce6f! s nopfl,QKe np1o1op11rera the Supplier, which consists with the following documents, in order of priority: CilB,QYIOll.\lt1B HBOTbBMflBMblB ,QOK}'MBHTbl: i) Purchase Agreement; i) Aoroaop nocraaK"; ii) Purchase Order; ii) 3aKa3 Ha 3aKyn; iii) Special Terms and Conditions of Purchase Agreement; iii) Oco6b1e nonomeH\.1s:i \.1 ycnos1o1s:1 ,Qorosopa nocrasK1t1; iv) General Terms and Conditions of Purchase Agreement. iv) 06Ll!\.1B nonomeH\.1fl \.1 ycnoB\.1fl ,Qoroaopa nocraBK\.1. v) Appendix N•1 "Local Content form" vl no\.1JlO>K.8H\.18 N21 «<PDDMa 08C48T8 KaaaxCTaHCKOro CO,QBD>K8Hlt15l)) 1.4 «3aKa3 Ha 3aKYn» - 3aKa3, B KOTOpOM yKa3blBalOTC5l om1caH\.18, 1.4 "Purchase Order" means an order specifying the description, quantity, KOfl\.14ecrso, 4eHbl 111 ycnosYJH nocraBK\.1 T osapos no Hacro11u.ieMy }J.orosopy pricing and delivery terms of the Goods to be supplied under this Agreement r<t>ooMa 1 K HaCTO"WeMv Aoroeonv\; rForm 1 to this Aareementl. 1.5 «MHKOTepMC 2010» 03Ha4aeT ~HKOTepMC 2010, npaa"na MTn All" 1.5 "lncoterms 2010" means the lncoterms 2010, the ICC Rules for use of \.1CnOflb30B8H\.15l roprOBb!X repM\.1HOB B Hal\J.10HaflbHOill \.1 M8>KAYH8POAHOill domestic and international trade terms, published by the International roprosne, ony6n\.1KOBaHHb!8 MeJKAyHapOAHOM roprosoiil nanaroill, Chamber of Commerce, ICC publication No 715E; nv6n"Kau"" MTn N• 715E; 1.6 «Mecro nocraBK\.1» - MSCTO, yKa3aHH08 B 3aKa3e Ha 3aKyn; 1.6 "Point of Delivery" means the delivery location specified in the Purchase

Order; 1.7 «nOCT3BK3» - 065l38T8flbCTBO nacTaBU,\\.1K8, BKflf048IOU,\8e \.13fOTOBfl8H\.1e 1.7 "Delivery" means the Supplier obligation including manufacturing or \.1fl\.1 381<yn Tosapa B 4en5lX era AaflbHeillweiil pean\.13al\\.1J.1 naKynarenlO (KaK procurement of the Goods with intenl of further selling to the Buyer (as OTO onpeAeneHo B COOTBeTCTBYIOweM 3aKa3e Ha 3aKyn), TpaHcnoprnpoaey, identified in the relevanl Purchase Order}, transportation and physical delivery cp\.13\.148CKYIO AOCT8BKY Tosapa noKynarenlO Ha ycnOB\.1flX nocTaBK\.1, of the Goods under delivery conditions specified by the Purchase Order, onpeAeneHHblX 3aKa3oM Ha 3aeyn, ynaKOBKY Toaapa, norpy3ey-pa3rpy3ey insurance and storage of the Goods in transit before it handed over to the T osapa, crpaxosaH\.1e, xpaHeH\.1e T osapa s nyr\.1 AOCT8BK\.1 AO era nepeAa4\.1 Buyer, physical handover of the Goods to the Buyer. n0Kyna1en10, "'"'"4eceyl0 nepeAa4y T oaapa noKynarenlO. Pacw"peH"e Delivery obligations are expanded or reduced in extent specified by the \.1fl\.1 yMeHbW8H\.1e 06fl38TeflbCTB no nacraBKe onpeAenfleTCH 3aKa30M Ha Purchase Order. 3aKyn. 1.8 «Toeapbl» - ace rosapbl, YK838HHb!e B Ae1an"x nocraBK\.1 1.8 "Goods" includes all goods described in the Details of the relevant COOTB8TCTBYIOU,\8f0 3aKa3a Ha 3aeyn, see PYKOBOACTBa no np\.1MeHeH\.1IO, Purchase Order, all manuals, spare parts and operating instructions needed aanaCHble Y8CT\.1 \.1 \.1HCTPYKl.\\.1\.1 no 3KcnnyaT8L\\.1\.1, KOTOpbl8 He06XOA\.1Mbl by the Buyer for the proper use of the Goods, and all other things which can n0Kynaren10 wm Ha,Qfle}l{au.iero 1-1cnonbaosaH\.15l T osapos, a TalOl<e see reasonably be inferred from the description of the Goods in the Details. APY™e seu.i1-1, Koropb!e no nor1-1Ke seu.ieill ADfl)l{Hbl 6b1Tb nocraeneHbl sMecre C TOB8POM, KOTODb!e YK838Hbl 8 ileT8flHX nOCT8BK\.1. 1.9 «I.le Ha» - o6U,\8H CT0\.1MOCTb T oaapos, nocrasns:ieMb!X 8 COOTBeTCTB\.1\.1 c 1.9 "Price' means the total cost of the Goods which shall be delivered 38K838M\.1 Ha 3aKVn, VK83b1Ba8M8fl B 38K838X Ha 3aKvn. accordino to the Purchase Orders and soecified in the Purchase Orders. 1.10 «4aCbl nocTaBK\.1» - 48Cbl, YK838HHbl8 B 38K838 H8 3at<yn, B T84eH\.18 1.10 "Delivery Hours" means the hours specified in the Purchase Order KOTOpblX Tosapb! MOryT 6b1TbAOCT8BneHb! nocT8BU,\\.1KOM B MeCTO nocT8BK\.1. during which the Goods can be delivered by the Supplier to the Point of

Deliverv. 2. OcMorp, OTKnOHeHHe" 06ecne1.JeHHe Ka1.Jecrea Toeapoe 2. Inspection, rejection and quality assurance

2.1 nacrasu.i11K o6H3yercH npOBOA\.1Tb 11cnb1TaH\.1e T osapos caMocros:irenbHO 2. 1 The Supplier must test the Goods at its own cost to ensure compliance 11 aa cs oil! c4e1, c 4enb1D 06ecneL1eH\.1s:J coorsercrs1i15l T osapoe ycnoB\.1flM with this Agreement. llorOBODa. 2.2 noeynarenb MO}l{eT a n106oe speMfl nocen1Tb Mecro 1-13rorosneH1-1s:i 2.2 Buyer may at any time enter the premises where the Goods are Tosaoos c uenhlO ocMoroa, nooseoK\.11-1n1-111cnb1TaH\.1fl Tosaooa. manufactured to inspect, examine or test the Goods. 2.3. nocrnaw"' o6"3aH CO.Qeil!CTBOB8Tb noKynaTemO B npo4ecce 2.3. The Supplier shall provide assistance to the Buyer in course of inspection, npOB8,Q8H\.1H OCMOTpa, nposepK\.1 lilflltl \.1CnblT8Hli15l Tosapa, 8Kfll048H, HO He check or testing of the Goods including but not limited to granting the orpaH\.14\.1B8s:!Cb, npe,QOCTaBns:!Tb noeyna1en10 AOCTyn K M8CT8M Buyer access to the Goods manufacturing and/or fabrication sites, 1i13rorosneH\.1H 1-1/1-1n1-1 c6opK14 T osapa, ADKYMBHTaM 1.-1n1-1 cseAeH\.1flM Ha T asap, documentation and information about the Goods and provide immediate He3aMSAfl\.1TenbHO orae48Tb Ha ace sonoocb1 naKvnarens:i. resoonse to the Buver ouestions. 2.4 0CM0Tp, npoaepKa """ 1o1cnb1T8H\.1e T osapos noKynaTeneM He 2.4 No inspection, examination or testing by Buyer relieves the Supplier al ocao60JKAae1 nocrasu.i1-1Ka OT BblnOnHeH\.1fl CB0\.1X 065l38T8flbCTB B its obligations under the Agreement. COOTBSTCTB\.11.-1 c }J.oroeopoM.

2.5 np" 06HapyJKeH"" AecjJeKTa "n" HecoorneTCTB"" Toaapoa ycnOBM"M 2.5 If the inspection confirms that the Goods are defective or otherwise ir Aoroeopa " ("n") 3aKa3a Ha 3a.yn B XOAe npoeep'"· noeynaTenb MOJKeT breach of the Agreement and/or Purchase Order, Buyer may deliver to the HanpaB\.1Tb nocT8BU,\\.1KY yae,QOMfl8Hlo18 c rpe60B8Hl.-1eM ycrpaHl.-lTb T8KOill Supplier a notice requiring the defect or breach to be remedied within the .QecpeKT 111n1.-1 Hecoorsercra111e a pa3yMHblill cpoK, yKa3aHHblill s yse.QoMneH\.114, reasonable time identified in the notice and the Supplier must comply with tha 8 nocT8Bl41.-1K Ofis:!3Y8TCfl Bb!nOflH\.1Tb yCflOB\.1fl, \.13flO>KeHHble 8 yse,QOMflSH\.1\.1. notice.

2.6 B cny48e He ycrpaHeH"" nocraslljHKOM gecpeKTa """ npo4ero ttecooraercra1-1fl Toaapos e cpoK, yKaaaHHbl~ e yeeA0Mnett1111i1, a COOTBBTCTBl-1\.1 C nyHKTOM 2.4, noKyn8T8flb, M0)!(8T paCTOpfHyTb 38K83 Ha 3aKvn, HanoaaHa nHCbMeHHoe vaegoMneHHe nocraBLUHKV. 2.7 nocraBLl.ll'1K o6H3yercfl o6ecne4li1Tb COOTBSTCTBl•\8 i.13fOT8Bfl!il888MOfO

Tosapa rpe6oeaH!i1flM, npeAbflBrmeMbtM K KaYecrey Toaapoe, 1-1anomeHHblM B 3aKa3e Ha 3aeyn. B cny4ae OTCyTCTBH• TaKHX Tpe6oaaHHOi, Toaapbl A0fl)!{Hbl COOT88TCTBOB8Tb rpe6oeaHli1flM CT8HA8PTOB, nplilM8HH8MbtX K

TaKOMy rnny T oaapoa.


3.1 CTOHMOCTb 3a egHHH~Y Toaapa, yKa3aHHa• B 3aKa3e Ha 3aeyn, """"ere• cjJl1KCltlpOB8HHO~ l'1 He nognew:1i1r lt13M8H8Hli1!0 B CBs:l3li1 c poCTOM l'1 nap,eH\.18M ~eH Ha roeapb!, 1'1fllo1 KOne6aHlr18M B8fllOTHOfO Kypca.

3.2 noKynarenb np0\.13BOA1'1T onnary 38 Toeap B COOTB8TCTBl'11'1 c ycnOBi.1flMl'1 onnaTbl, VK838HHb!Ml1 B COOTB8TCTBVIOW.8M 3aK838 Ha 3aKYn. 3.3 EcnVJ He yKa3aHo VJHoe B 3a1<a3e Ha 3ai<yn, WeHa BKfll04aeT CTOl.1MOCTb To0apa, see Hanorn 1.1 c6opb1, raMo}l{eHHble nnaTe}l{l.1, s TOM 41.1cne Hanor Ha A06asneHHYIO cro1.1Mocrb, nog.ne}l{all\l.18 onnare s CBf!3l.1 c nocra01<01'1 1.1 gocTas1<01'1 T osapos, pacxogb1 no nocTaBKe T osapa no1<ynaTenio, era ceprncpHKa~"" a Pecny6nHKe Ka3axcraH cornacHO nyHKTY 4.10 e), a raKJKe l.1Hble pacxogb!, CBf!38HHble c nocTaBKOl1 To0apa no H8CTOf!ll.\eMy Aorosopy.

3.4 nocraBll.\l.1K nogTsep»<.Qaer nonyYeH1.1e scex ao3MO}l{Hb!X csegeH\.111 VJ acex gpyrnx gaHHblX, Heo6xoA•MblX An• onpegeneH"" L\eHbr. ljeHa He nog.ne}l{VJT l.13MeHeHVJIO HVJ no K8KVJM npl.14l.1HaM, KpoMe cny4aee cornacosaHVJf! Ta1<oro li13MeHeHVJf! WeHbl B n1i1cbMBHHol1 ¢opMe 3a nogn1i1cb10 ynonHOM04eHHOfO npegCT8BVJTBnf! noKynaTeOf!.

3.5 noeynaTeOb l.1Me8T npaBO 38MeHl.1Tb KOflli14eCTBO, Ka48CTBO l.1flli1 HaVJMeHoBaH\.1e Tosapos, AaTy nocTas1<1i1 1i1nVJ npo4VJ1'1 acneKT nocTaBKl.-1 T osapos, Hanpa01.10 n1i1cbMeHHoe ysegoMneHVJe nocTaBLl\VJKY, nogn1-1caHHOe ynonHOM04eHHblM npegcTaBVJTeneM noeynarenf!. WeHa 6ygeT VJ3MeHeHa B npegenax pa3yMHol1 cyMMb!, onpegeneHHol1 noeynaTeneM no ra1<01'13aMeHe.

3.6 B cnyYae pa3HornacVJs:i no cYeTy, BblCTaaneHHDMY nocTaBLl\VJKOM, noKynaTBflb ysegOMflf!BT noCT8Bll.\l.1K8 0 B03Hli1KHOB8HVJVJ p83HOfnaC\.1f!, Onnara TaKoro CYera 6ygeT np1i1ocraH00neHa go yperyn1o1po0aHVJH pa3Hornac1o1H. CpoK onnarbt TaKoro CYeTa H84Hercf! c gaTbl yKa3aHHol1 Ha VJ3M8HBHHOM C4eTe nVJ60 c A8Tbl' Korga CTano HCHO, 4TO C48T f!Bnf!eTCf! npaBVJnbHblM. np1i1 STOM noeynaTenb He 6ygeT HBCTVJ 0TB8TCTB8HHOCTb 3a npocpo4ey ocyu.iecr0neH1i1f! nnare}l{a no cnopHblM CYeTaM.

3.7 noeynaTenb anpase He onna4VJBaTb nocTaaneHHble To0apb1, He COOTBeTCTBYIOLl\\.18 Tpe6yeMblM cne41o1cfJ\.1Ka4VJf!M \.1nl.1 He OTBe4alOLl\\.18 Tpe60BaHVJf!M noKynaTenf!.

3.8 noKynaTenb 11MeeT npaao ygep>KaTb 1.13 cyMMbt, nog.ne»<all\el1 onnaTe nocT8BLl\li1KY B COOTBeTCTBl.11.1 c 3aKa30M Ha 3aKyn, cyMMy wrpacfJHblX C8HK4111'1, nog.ne>K8ll.\YIO np1i1MeHeHVJIO K nocraBLl\VJKy.

3.9 Bee nnaTe>K1.1 ocyu.iecrsnHIOTCf! nyTeM nepe4VJCneH1.1s:t Ha 6aHKOBCKVJCi cYeT, yKa3aHHbll1 ronbKO B Aorosope.

3.10 noKynarenb MO>KeT OCy[\eCTBl.1Tb B nOflb3Y nocT8Bll.\VlK8 8B8HC08bll'1 nnaTB>K a pa3Mepe 11 cpoKVJ, yKa3aHHble B 3aKa3e Ha 3aKyn, npt.1 ycnos1i11-1 nonyYeHVJs:t noKynareneM 6aHKOBcKol1 rapaHT\.11.-1 s Ka4eCTBe o6ecne4eHl.1H a0aHcosoro nnaTe>Ka, VJ nonyYeHVJf! noKynareneM npas\.1nbHO ocbooMneHHOfO C4eTa Ha asaHCOBbll'1 nnaTe»<. 3.11 nio6af! 6aHKOBCK8f! rapaHTlo1f!, npegOCT8Bflf!eM8f! B COOTBeTCTBl.1VJ C HaCTOHLl\lilM AoroaopoM, gon>KHa 6b!Tb BblnYll.\eHa DAHVJM VJ3 cnegy10ll.\l.1X cpHHaHCOBblX y4pe>KgeHHOi: «AT<!> 6aHK (IOHHKpeAHT)», «6aHK WeHrpKpegVJT», «HapogHb!l1 6aHK Ka3axcTaHa)), «Ka3KOMMep46aHK)), i< C6ep6aHK», « C\.1T116aHK Ka3axcTaH», «HSBC 5aHK Ka3axcTaH», VJn\.1 gpyr1.1M tjJVJH8HCOBb!M y4pe>K,QeH1.1eM, nVJCbMeHHO cornacosaHHblM c noKynaTeneM. Ecnl.1 B TOT \.1flVJ 11HOl°1 MOMeHT noKynarenb C04TeT pel1TVJHf cfJVJHaHCOBOfO V40e>K,QeH\.1f!, BbtnVCT\.1BWefO f8D8HTl.1IO, He,QOCT8TOYHblM, nocraBWVJK 6vgeT

2.6 If the Supplier does not remedy the defect or other breach within the time identified in the notice given under clause 2.4, Buyer may, by notice in writing addressed to the Supplier, terminate the Purchase Order.

2.7 The Supplier must ensure that the Goods are manufactured in accordance with any specific quality assurance requirements set out in the Purchase Order. Where none are specified, the Goods must comply with the best standards applicable to goods of that type.

3 Price

3.1 The unit rates of the Goods specified in the Purchase Orders are fixed and will not be subject to adjustment for rise and fall, or exchange rate variations.

3.2 Buyer pays for the supplied Goods according to the payment terms specified in the relevant Purchase Order.

3.3 Unless stated otherwise in the Purchase Order the Price includes the price of the Goods, all taxes and fees, customs duties, including value added tax which are payable in relation to the supply and delivery of the Goods, costs for Delivery of the Goods to the Buyer, certification of the Goods in the Republic of Kazakhstan as per the clause 4.10 e) and other costs related to the Delivery of the Goods hereunder.

3.4 The Supplier acknowledges receipt of all and any information and any other data required to identify the Price. The Price will not be varied for any reason except where expressly agreed in writing, signed by an authorised representative of Buyer.

3.5 Buyer may, by notice in writing addressed to the Supplier and signed by an authorised representative of Buyer, vary the quantity or quality or description of the Goods, the Date for Delivery or any aspect of the supply of the Goods. The Price will be altered by a reasonable amount determined by Buyer for that variation.

3.6 In the event of a dispute with regards to invoice issued by the Supplier, the Buyer shall notify the Supplier of the dispute. The payment of such invoice shall be suspended until resolution of such dispute. The payment term of such invoice shall start to run from the date indicated in the amended invoice or from the date when it became clear that the invoice was correct. Buyer shall not be liable for any delays in payment against any disputable invoice.

3.7 The Buyer reserves the right to withhold payment for any Goods supplied which do not meet the required specifications or the Buyers requirements.

3.8 Buyer may deduct from any amount owing to the Supplier under the Purchase Order, including any part payment of the Price, any amount which Buyer asserts is or may become payable by the Supplier to Buyer including amounts by way of penalties.

3.9 All payments will be on a bank account specified in this Agreement only.

3.10 Buyer may pay the Supplier an advance payment in amount and term' as noted in the Purchase Order, subject to the receipt by the Buyer ol the bank guarantee as advance payment security and a correct advance payment invoice from Supplier.

3.11 Any bank guarantee provided pursuant to this Agreement shall be issued by one of the following financial institutions: ATF Bani (Unicredit), Centercredit Bank, Halyk Bank, Kazkommertsbank Sberbank, Citibank Kazakhstan, HSBC Kazakhslan, unless otherwise accepted by Buyer in writing. If at any time Buyer decides that the ratin[ of the issuing financial institution becomes insufficient for the Buyer Contractor shall replace the same within ten (10) days with an equivalen instrument.

Ofifl3aH 3aMSH(llTb TalCYIO rapaHT(lllO B TS4eH11e ,QSCHT(ll (10) ,QHeti 3K8(11Bafl8HTHb1M Q.l(llHaHCOBblM \1HCTnVMSHTOM, 4 Cpo•• • nocraeKa 4 Time and Delivery

4.1 nocraBLljHK o6HayercH ocylljecrsnHTb AOcrasKy T osapos noKYnaremo s 4.1 The Supplier must deliver the Goods to Buyer at the Point of Delivery on Mecro nocraBK(ll, B Aary nocTaBK\1 (I\ B T848H(ll8 4acos nocraBK\1. the Date for Delivery during the Delivery Hours.

4.2 nrncynarenb He 06fl3aH np(llH(llMaTb ToBapbl, ,QOCTasneHHb!e paHbWe 4.2 Buyer is not obliged to accept the Goods delivered before the Date for AaTbl nocTaBK(ll. ECfl(I\ noKynarenb He np(llH(llMaeT Toaapbl, AOCTasneHHb!e Delivery. If Buyer does not accept early delivery of the Goods, the paHbwe AaTbl nocTaBK(ll, TO nocraBLl.\(l\K o6Hayercfl aa caoi::i c4eT o6ecne4(11Tb Supplier must, at ils cost hold the Goods in store until the Date for xpaHeH•e T osapos Ha CKnaAe AD /jarb1 nocraBKH. Delivery.

4.3 B cny4ae, ecn• nocraBL!j•K menaer nocraBHTb Tosap AO /jarb1 4.3 Provided the Supplier desires to deliver the Goods before the Date for nocTaBK(ll, OH ,Qon>KeH n(llCbMeHHO cornacoaarb c noKynaTeneM ,QaTy Delivery, it shall receive the written approval from the Buyer for the early AOCp04HOl1 nocTaaK(ll Tosapa. np• 3TOM, noKynaTSflb He 06H3aH Date for Delivery. However, the Buyer shall not be under any obligation cornacOBblBaTb ,QOCD04HVIO nocTaBKV' to annrove the earlv Deliverv. 4.4 nocraBLl.\(l\K 06.RayercR HeaaMBAf111TBnbHO, nocne Toro KaK eMy crano 4.4 The Supplier must notify Buyer immediately upon the Supplier becoming (113BeCTHO o HeB03MO)!{HOCT(ll nocraaK(ll T oaapoa a Aary nocraBKt-1, yse,QOM(l!Tb aware that it will not be able to deliver the Goods on the Date for noKYnarenH 06 3TOM. Delivery.

4.5 AaTa nocraBK\1 M0)!{8T 6b1Tb npOAfl8Ha noKynareneM TOflbKO B TOM 4.5 The Date for Delivery may only be extended by Buyer to the extent that cny4ae, ecn11 nocraaKa T osapa nocraBLl.\lilKOM 38ASP>K(l1BaeTc.R a peaynb rare the Supplier is delayed by an acl, omission or default of Buyer. ,Qec:icrs1i1R, 6ea,Qec:icTB(llH 11n(ll xanaTHOCT(ll nrncynarenR.

4.6 /jara nocraBKH npogneaaercH Ha paayMHbl" cpoK c y4eroM npM4MHbl 4.6 The period of an extension to the Date for Delivery will be a reasonable aagepmK• (II COOTBBTCTBYIOLl.\(llX Mep, npli1HflTblX nocTaBLl.\(l\KOM AflH time, having regard to the cause of the delay and the steps the Supplier ycrpaHBH(llfl nocne,QCTB(llti 38ABP)f{Kl1. could reasonably have taken to mitigate the effect of the delay.

4.7 CTO(llMOCTb nepeB03K(l1 Toeapoe AO Mecra nocrasK(ll, a ratoKe ynaKOBK(ll 4.7 The cost of carriage of the Goods to the Point of Delivery, and all "norpy304HO-paarpy3D4HblX pa6or, BKfll04eHa B L\eHy. packing, loading and unloading is included in the Price and must be

borne by the Supplier.

4.8 B cny4ae nocTaSK(ll Toaapoa noa)f{e Aarb! nocTaSK(ll, YTO .RBn.ReTcfl 4.8 If the Goods are not delivered to the Point of Delivery by the Date for HapyweH11eM ycnos(lli::i 3aKa3a Ha 3aKyn co CTOPOHb! nocrasll.\1>1Ka, Delivery, then the Supplier will be in breach of the Purchase Order and noKynarenb, 6e3 ylljep6a CBOMX APYrHX npaa, MMeeT npaBO OTMeHMTb 3aKa3 Buyer may, without prejudice to its other rights, cancel the Purchase Ha 3aKyn (I\ OTKa3aTbCH OT np(l18MK(ll (I\ onnaTbl T oaapa. Order and refuse to accept and pay for the Goods.

4.9 nocraBLl.\(l\K o6HayeTc.R abmonHt.1Tb ece Tpe6osatt(l\fl noKynaTen.R no 4.9 The Supplier must comply with all safety requirements of Buyer relating T8XHl1K8 6eaonaCHOCTl-1 K8C8TSflbHO ,Q8J1CTS(llJ1 nocraBLl.\li1K8 B M8CT8 to the Suppliers conduct at the Point of Delivery. nocrasK(ll.

4.10 nocTaBLl.\(l\K 06.Raatt nepe,QaTb n0Kynaren1a aMecTe c nocrasnHeMblM 4.10 Along with the supplied Goods, the Supplier shall provide to the Buyer T oaaooM OPMrHHaflbl cneAVIOWHX AOKVMeHTOB: the oric inals of the followino documents:

(a) paCXOAHYIO HaKnagHylO "'""" aKT npMeMa-nepeAa4M Toaapa; (a) Goods Delivery Note and/or Goods Acceptance Certificate;

(b) c4er-cpaKTypy, ocpopMneHHbl" B COOTBerCTB(llt.1 c Tpe6osaH(llHMt-1 (b) tax invoice, executed according to the legislation of the Republic aaKOHOAaTenbCTBa Pecny6nl1K(I\ KaaaxcraH;

of Kazakhstan;

(c) rapattr(llJ1Hb1e ,QOKyMBHTb! Ha T asap - Bbl,QalOTCfl s B\.1,Qe r apaHr1-1l1ttoro (c) Warranty documentation for the Goods - shall be in the form of TanoHa c ne4aTbl-O nocraBLl.\"1Ka (I\ aanontteHHbJe Ha np(llo6peraeMblt1 Warranty Certificate stamped and issued for the supplied Goods. T asap. B ocranbHb!X cny4a.Rx Ha T asap pacnpocrpattHeTcH rapaHT(llfl Otherwise the Goods shall be under manufacturers warranty. 3aBO,Qa~t.13fOTOBl1T8flH.

(d) ecn(ll nocTaSU\lo1K HsnHeTc.R KaaaxcraHCKlo1M npo(l\aso,Q1o1TeneM T osapa - (d) if the Supplier is a Kazakhstan producer of the Goods: the Horap1-1anbHO aasepeHHYl-0 KOn(lll-0 cepn'1cjJ11Kara o npo1o1cxo>KAeH(ll(I\ notarized copy of the certificate of origin for domestic circulation Toaapa AflH aHyrpeHHero o6palljeHMH, noArsepmgaiolljero that confirms the Goods originated in the Republic of Kazakhstan npo•cxomgeH•e Ha reppMrop•• Pecny6n••• KaaaxcraH.

(e) Ecn1o1 nocrasn.ReMbll1 Tosap sxO,Q(llT s nepeYeHb npo,QyK41in1 (I\ ycnyr, (e) If the Goods being delivered is in the list of products and services no,Q118)1{8Ll.\11X o6.RaarenbHol1 cepr1-1cjJ(llKa4111o1 cornactto nocraHoaneH\.1IO subject to required certification according to the RoK Government npaBMTeflbCTBa PK No 367 OT 20.04.05r., BHe 3aBMCMMOCTM OT HanM4HH Decree No 367 dated 20.04.05, whether the Goods quality (l\fl(I\ OTCYTCTS(l\fl yKa38H(llfl s 3aKa3e Ha 3aKyn ycnQS(l\fl 0 K848CTSe condition is specified in the Purchase Order conditions or not, the T osapa, nocrasU\l.1K o6H3aH npe,QocTaB(llTb O,Q\.1H \.13 H1-1mecne,Qy10ll.\l-1X Supplier shall provide one of the following documents for the AOKyMeHTOB Ha nocrasnRBMb1l1 Tosap: Goods being delivered:

i) cepr1-1cjJ1o1KaT COOTB8TCTS(llfl, Bb!,QaHHbll1 aKKp8,Qt.1TOBaHHb1M fOP(l\A\148CK(llM i) Certificale of Conformance issued by a certified legal entity from the n1-140M Pecny6n11K(ll KaaaxcraH; 11n1-1 Republic of Kazakhstan; or

ii) ,QeKilapa41o1fl 0 COOTBeTCTBl'11'1, 3aperncrp1o1pOB8HH8fl 8KKpB.Q1'1TOB8HHb1M ii) Declaration of Conformity registered by a certified legal entity from the 10pl1.Q114ee1n1M n1140M Peeny6n1o1K1o1 KaaaxeraH; 1o1n1i1 Republic of Kazakhstan; or

iii) eepTl1Qll1K8Tbl COOTBeTCTBli1fl i.1HOCTp8HHblX roey.Qapers, 1'1Jl\11 npOTOKOJlbl iii) foreign Certificates of Conformity, or Product Test Records, or Conformity 1i1enblT8H1'1J1 npOAYK4HH, """ 3H8Klo1 eOOTB8TCTB\.1fl, np\.13H8HHble Marks recognized by a certified legal entity from the Republic of Kazakhstan. a1<Kpe.Q\.1TosaHHblM iop1-1.Q1-14eeK1i1M n1r140M Pecny6nl1Kli1 Ka3axcraH.

4.11. EcnH np0Aase4 He nepeAaer """ OTK83blS88TCfl nepeAaTb 4.11 Should the Buyer fail to provide to the Buyer any documents listed in the norynarerno AOK'fMeHTbl, yKaJaHHble B nyHKTe 4.10., noKynarenb Bnpase clause 4.10, the Buyer shall have the right to assign a reasonable deadline to H83H84li1Tb BMY pa3yMHbll1 epoK ,QJlfl li1X nepe,Qa4l1, HO He npeBblWBIOLl\1111 3 provide, but not more than 3 (three) calendar days. (rpex) KaneHAapHblX AHe•.

4.12. B cny4ae, ecnH AOKyMeHTbl, yKa3aHHble s nyHKTe 4.10, He nepeAaHbl 4.12 If the documents listed in the clause 4.10 are failed by the Supplier to npoAaB40M B CpOK, yKaJaHHbl" B nyHKTe 4.11. noKynarenb Bnpase provide in due time mentioned in the clause 4.11, the Buyer shall have the OTK838Tbefl OT nD\1HflTl1fl T oaaoa. riaht to reiect acceotance of the Goods.

4.13 B cny4aHx nocraBKH Toeapa Ha ecex ycnoeHHX ~HKOrepMc 2010, 4.13 If the Goods are delivered under all lncoterms 2010 conditions 3a 1i1eK11104eH1-1eM DDP, nocraBLl\1-'IK, s re4eH1r1e 48 4acos c MOMeHra excluding DDP, the Supplier shall notify the Buyer by e-mail about the cjlaKTH4eCKO" orrpyJKH Toeapa, nyreM Hanpaanett11fl coo6Ll\eH1i1fl no shipment of Goods (ASN) within 48 hours after the actual shipment. The sneKTpOHHO" no4re, o6HJaH coo6LljHTb noKynarerno 06 orrp)'3Ke Tosapa notification should have the following information: (ASN). Coo6LljeHHe AOfllKHO COAep>KaTb cneAYIOLljHe AOKYMeHTbl:

(i) rexH1o11.1ecKoe on1i1eaH11e Tosapa; (i) Technical Datasheet; (ii) 11Haol1c Ha T asap; (ii) Invoice; (iii) }KeJle3HO·,QOp0}KHYIO H8KJ18AHYIO; (iii) Railway consignment note (iv) nnaH norpy3Kl1; (iv) Loading plan (v) nnaH pa3Tpy3KH; (v) Unloading plan (vi) rpaH31'1THble .QeKilapa41i11r1; (vi) Transit Declarations (vii) no.Qpo6Hb1\1 ynaKOB04Hbll1 n1i1er Ha T osap. (vii) Detailed Packing List.

4.14 npH orcyrcTBHH npereH'"" no accoprnMeHry " KOflH4ecrsy Toeapa e 4.14 Provided there are no complaints with regard to assortment and coorsercrs1o111 e ycnos1o1f!Mli1 HaeTOflll\ero Aorosopa, CropoHbt no.Qn11eb1Ba10T quantity of the Goods subject to the terms and provisions hereof, the Parties aKT npHeMa-nepega4H Toeapa B re4eHHe 1 (OAHOro) pa604ero AHH co AHH shall execute respective Goods Acceptance Certificate within one (1) nocrasK11 Toaapa a Mecro noerasK1o1. working day upon Goods arrival to the Delivery Point.

4.15 B cny4ae HecooraereTBl1fl Toaapa KOMOI18KTHOCH1, KOJlli14eCTBy, 4.15 In the event of nonconformity of Goods in terms of completeness, aecopTli!MeHry, K848CTBY 11Jlli1 lo1Hb!M napaMerpaM, npe,QyeMOTpeHHb!M B quantity, assortment, quality or any other parameters set out in the 3aKa3e Ha 3aeyn lo1 Aoroaope, noKynareneM eocraBJlflBTCfl aKT 06 Purchase Order and Agreement, the Buyer shall execute a deficiency 06Hapy>t<eHHblX HB,QOCT8TKax e YK838Hl18M nepe4Hfl He,QoeraTKOB (.1 epoKa report which shall list the deficiencies and the lime period for their ycrpaHeHHH He,QOCT8TKOB, " nocraslljHK ttecer OTBeTCTBBHHOCTb B remediation, and the Supplier shall be liable in accordance with the coorsercra111i1 e ycnos1i1f!M11 ttaeTOflll\8ro Aoroeopa. terms and conditions of this Agreement.

4.16 B cny4ae ecnH so apeMH sKcnnyara4HH T oeapa o6HapymarcH cKpblTble 4.16 In the event any hidden defects are found during use of the Goods, H8,QOCT8TKli1, KOTOpbl8 He 6b1Jl\1 o6Hapy>t<8Hbl CropOH8Mlo1 np1o1 npli18MK8 which have not been detected by the Parties in the course of Toaapa, noKynarenb COCT8BJlfleT a KT 06 o6Hapy>KeHHblX eKpblTblX acceptance, the Buyer shall solely draw up a corresponding Hidden He,QoerarKax B O,QHOCTOpOHHBM nop5!,QK8, a paCXO,Qbl no yrpaHBHl1!0 ,Q8HHblX Defects Report and costs incurred to eliminate such hidden defects shall tte.QoerarKoa onna41r1sa10rcfl 1o1n11 aoaMell\a10rCfl nocraBLl\lo1KOM. CpoK11 no be paid or compensated by Supplier. The time frames for elimination of ycrpaHBHl--1.IO noeraBLl\lo1KOM CKpblTblX H8,QOeTaTKOB ycraH8BJ11188!0Tefl no hidden defects shall be set upon agreement by both Parties. All and eornaeosatt1o110 Cropott. np1i1 sroM see He.QoeraTKl-1 Tosapa .QOn>KHbl 6b1Tb every defect of the Goods shall be eliminated using Suppliers resources VCTP8H8Hbl CV1Il8M\.1 lo1 38 C48T noeraBll.llo1K8. and at Suppliers cost. 4.17 EcnH o6HapymHTCH Hegocra4a a nocraeKe Toeapa, nocraelljHK AOn>KeH e 4.17 In the event of short delivery. the Supplier shall within twenty (20) Te4eHHe 20 (Aeag4arn) pa604HX AHeil c AaTbl coorsercrsyiolljero rpe6oeaHHH business days upon receipt of a respective Buyers claim and at Buyers norynarenH no YCMOTpeHHIO noK)'narenH: discretion:

(a} nocras1o1rb He.Qoera10ll\ee Kon1-11.1ecrao Toaapa nonHoeTblO aa eaol1 (a) Deliver at the Suppliers own expense and using Suppliers cYeT V1 CB0li1Mlo1 e1i1naM11 (BKill048fl see paexo,Qb! no rpaHenoprl1pOBKe); resources (including all transportation costs) those items missing; or

""" (b) BoJaparnrb noKynarenio cyMMY npoHJaegeHHoil HM onnarb1 Ja (b) Repay to the Buyer the amount of payment for the Goods pro rata Tosap nponopl\1--1.0HanbHO KOI1\.14ecray He.Qocra10ll.\8ro Toeapa. the quantity of the missing items of the Goods.

5. rpacjJHK flOCTaBKH 5. Delivery Program

5.1 EcnH a 3aKaJe Ha 3aK)'n npegycMorpeHo o6HJarenbcreo nocraelljHKa o 5.1 If requested in the Purchase Order, the Supplier must, within seven npe.Qocraanett1-11o1 rpa¢1i11<a nocras1<1o1, nocraBU\lilK o6fl3yercfl npe.Qocraa1i1rb days of a written request by Buyer, provide Buyer with a program which noK}'narenlO rpa¢1o1K nocraBKl-1 c YK838Hlo18M OCHOBHblX cpOKOB lo13rOTOBJleHl1fl identifies all major milestones in the manufacture and delivery of the 1i1 nocrasKVJ T osapoa a re1..1ett1i1e eeM11 .QHel1 c MDMettra nony1..1eH11fl Goods. n11cbMeHHoro 3anpoca noKynarens:i.

5.2 npe.Qocrasnett1o1e rpacjl1o1Ka nocraa1<1-1 He ocso6o>K.Qaer nocraBLl\t-1Ka or 5.2 The supply of a program does not relive the Supplier from the 06.113arenbcraa ocyll\ecranett11.R noeraaK11 Toaapa e ,Qary nocraaK\.1. obligation to deliver the Goods on the Date for Delivery.

6. PHCK c11y"lal1Hoi1 rn6enH "npaeo co6CTBeHHOCTH 6 Risk and Title

6.1 PYlCK cny4aiiiHoiii r1i16enY1 1i1 npaao co6cr0eHHOCT1t1 Ha T asap nepexo,q1i1r or 6.1 Risk and property and title in the Goods will pass to Buyer on the nocT8Bll\\.1K8 K noKynarenlO C MOM8HT8 npYleMa T OBapa nmcynareneM Ha execution of the Goods Delivery Note and/or Goods Acceptance OCHOB8H\.1i.1 paCXOAHOiii H8Kfla,QHOiii 1o1fl.1ru.1 aKTa np\.1eMa-nepeA84li1 T oeapa. Certificate.

6.2 nocraBll\i.1K o6Hayercs:i 3acrpaxoaarb T osapbl or acex p1-1cKoa norep1r1, 6.2 The Supplier must insure the Goods against all risks of loss, damage nospe>K,AeHJ.1H Yl yxy.QW8Hli1H KaYecraa Ha nonttylO cyMMY aaMeHbl AO and depreciation for the full replacement value until delivery of the MOM8HT8 nOCT8BKlr1 T oaapos a Meer a nacraBKltl 1-1 np1o1HHT1t1i::1 T osapa Goods to the Point of Delivery and acceptance by the Buyer. noKynareneM.

6.3 nocras111"' 06fl38H B03M8CH1Tb naKynarenlO see AOKyM8HT8IlbHO 6.3 The Supplier indemnifies Buyer against any proved costs, damages or no,QTB8p>K,Q8HHb18 38Tp8Tbl, y6blTK\t1 """ paCXOAbl, notteceHHble expenses suffered or incurred by Buyer as a consequence of any act or noKynareneM B p83YflbT8T8 ge!1CTBlo1fl lr1Jll'1 683,Q811CTB1r1i:I nocraBtl\\.1K8, era omission by the Supplier, its contractors, employees or agents J1DAPHA411KOB, COTPYAHMKOB """ are HT OB (BKnl04aH nocrasKy (including supply of defective Goods). HeKaYecrseHHbrx Tosapos).

7. Bo3apar Toeapoe 7 Return of Goods

7.1 EcnM a re4eHMe 14 (4eTblPH8A4arM) pa6o4•x AHeH nocne nocraeK• 7.1 If, within 14 (fourteen) working days of delivery, it is apparent to Buyer Toaapa noKynarenb o6Hap)'JKMT, 4TO Toaap """ KOMnneKTyJOUjaH AeTanb that the Goods or any part of the Goods are not in accordance with the Tosapa He coo1se1crsyer ycnos1.1HM Aorosopa 1.1/1.1n1.1 3aKa3a Ha 3aKyn, 10 Agreement and/or Purchase Order, Buyer may return those Goods to noKynarenb anpaae aepHyrb TaKOH Tosap nocTaBUjM<y. the Supplier.

7.2 8 Cfly4ae OCYU\eCTBJleHi.1H noKynaTeJleM CB011X npas B COOTBeTCTBl-11-1 C 7.2 If Buyer exercises its power under clause 7.1, the Supplier, within 10 nyHKTOM 7.1, nocraBU\l-1K, B re4eH11e 10 KaJleHAapHb!X AH6~ c MOMeHTa calendar days from the date of receipt of Buyers written request, must nonyYeH1.1s:r n1.1cbMeHHoro 1pe6osaH1.1H n0Kynare11s:r, 06s:r3yercs:r so3Mec11.11b pay Buyer: noeynarenlO: {a) any amounts paid by Buyer for the Goods so returned; and

(a) cyMMy, onna4eHHYJO no<ynareneM 3a raKoH ao3pa111eHHblH Tosap; {b) any costs incurred or losses suffered by Buyer in connection with a 1a10Ke the delivery or return of those Goods. (b) 3arparb1 """ norep•, notteceHHble noeynaTe11eM B CBs:t3i.1 C nocraaKo~ 1.1n1.1 so3spa10M raKoro T osapa.

8. rapaHm• "05ecne4eH•H 8 Warranties and Securities

8.1 nocras111•K rapaHTMpyer, 4TO Toaapb1 6yAyr: 8.1 The Supplier warrants that the Goods will: (a) npi.1 A0CT8BKe, HOBblMl-1, Bb1COKOKa4eCTBeHHblMi.1, OTBe48IOU\l.1M\1 (a) at delivery, be new, of merchantable quality and without any

rpe6oaaHMHM c5bJTa, "5e3 Ae¢eKToB" nospeJKAeH•H,; defects and damages; (b) T04HO COOTBeTCTBOBaTb Hai.1MeHOBaHi.110, YK83aHHDMY B 3aKa3e Ha

3aKyn; (b) comply precisely with the description in the Purchase Order; (c) COOTBeTCTBOB8Tb np1.1MeHi.1MblM MO.Q8Ils:IM """ T8XHi.14BCKl.1M

1pe6oaaH1.1s:rM; (c) comply with any relevant patterns or specifications; (d) np1.1rOAHb!Ml.1 Af!s:I l.1Cn011b30B8Hi.1s:t B 4e11s:rx, 38s:IBI18HHbtX nocraBU\l.1KY (d) be fit for the purpose made known to the Supplier by Buyer or, if

noeynaTeJ18M \.1111.1, B cny4ae OTCYTCTBl.1s:t TaKi.1X 3as:tBI18HHblX 4ene~, none was made known to the Supplier, fit for the purpose for which np1.1rOAHblMl.1 Afls:I 1.1cno11b3088Hi.1s:t 8 48IlHX, B KOTOPblX o6bl4HO goods of that kind are ordinarily used; 1i1cnOilb3YIOTCH TOBapbl TaKOro Tl1na;

(e) COOTB8TCTBOBaTb rapaHTl1~HblM cpoKaM """ rapaHT\.1~Hb!M (e) comply with any other warranties or guarantees contained in the o6s:r38T611bCTB8M, COA8p)f{aU\\.1MCs:t B 3aK838 Ha 3aeyn 11Ill1 06b!4HO Purchase Order or ordinarily supplied by a supplier and/or npeAocrasns:reMb!M nocraBU\l-1KOM 11/11n111-13roroa11re11eM Toaapoa; manufacturer of the Goods;

ID COOTBeTCTBOBaTb aceM np•MeHMMblM CTaHAapraM rocT, CHMn " ID comply with all applicable standards of GOSTs, SNIPs and T exH11Yec1<11M yc11os11s:rM Pecny6n1o11<11 Ka3axcraH; Technical Conditions of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

(g) COOTB8TCTBOB8Tb n0110)f{8Hi.1s:IM npl1M8Ht.1MOfO 38KOHDA8T8IlbCTBa; a (g) comply with the provisions of any legislation applicable to them; 1a10Ke and

(h) CB060AHbl OT npas rpeTb•X ""4· He COCTOHTb 8 cnope """ nOA (h) at delivery, be free from all charges, liens, encumbrances and apecroM. B npornsHOM cny4ae nocraaUjMK yperynMpyer see disputes. Otheiwise, Supplier shall settle all material or non-npeT8H3i.1t.1 t.1 i.1CKl1 11MYU\8CTB6HHOro 11/1-111\.1 HBlilMYU\eCTBeHHOro material claims and lawsuits by itself and at its own expense. xapaKrepa caMOCTOs:tTeJlbHO \.1 3a CBO~ C4eT.

8.2 lapaH11-111, yKa3aHHble s nyHKTe 8.1, s:ranHIOTcs:r AOno11H11renbHblM\.1 K 8.2 The warranties in clause 8.1 are in addition to any warranties which are rapaHH1s:IM, KOTOpble noApa3yMeaatoTCH B rapaHT11li1 nocT8BU\i.1Ka 11Ill1 MOryT or may be implied under applicable sate of goods legislation and any nOAP83yMeBaTbCs:t B COOTBeTCTBl1\.1 c 3aKOHaMi.1, npli1M8H11MblM\.1 K Kynne- other legislation applicable to the Goods. npoAa)f{e roaapoa 1-1 APYfli1Mli1 3aKOH8Mi.1, np1-1MeH11MblMi.1 K ToaapaM.

8.3 nocraBU\li1K rapaHTli1pyer, 4TO o6nCIAaeT He06XOA11MblMli1 H8BblK8M\.1, 8.3 The Supplier warrants that ii has the necessary skills, resources and pecypcaM1-1 1-1 onb!TOM AflH roro, 1.uo6b1 ycnewHo nocraa1-1Tb T oaapb1 a experience to successfully supply the Goods in accordance with this coorae1cra1-11i1 c Hacros:tll.\\.1M AoroaopoM 11 3aKa3aM1-1 Ha 3aKyn. Agreement and the Purchase Orders.

8.4 nocras111•• rapaHTMpyer, 4TO BilCIAeeT BCeM!-1 npasaMt.1 Ha 8.4 The Supplier warrants that it has all intellectual property rights (including l1HTe11neKTyanbHYIO co6CTB8HHOCTb {BKfll04aH nareHTbl, TOB8pHble 3H8K\1 1-1 any patents, trade marks and copyright) necessary to supply Goods in aaropcKoe npaao) He06XOAl.1MblM\1 Afls:t nocraBK!-1 Toaapoa B COOTBeTCTB\111 c accordance with the Purchase Orders and indemnifies Buyer against 3aKa3aM\.1 Ha 3aKyn, 1-1 06i:13yerci:i B03Mecr1-1Tb nor,ynarenlO ace norep1-1, any !ass, cost, damage or expense incurred by Buyer as a consequence oacXOAbl, v111eo6 \.1fli.1 3aToaTb1, noHeCeHHbl8 noKvnareneM B oe3VIlbTaTe

rpe6osaH"" rperbero n"4a, yrnep>KAa!Olljero, "ffO y Hero eCTb npaso of any claim by a third party that it has any intellectual property right in 1o1HrenneKTyanbHO~ co6crseHHocn1 Ha Tosapbl. the Goods.

8.5 nocT8Bll,\lo1K rapaHTlolpyeT naKYn8T8IllO, 4TO OH f!Bilfl8TCfl 38KOHHblM 1o1 8.5 The Supplier warrants to Buyer that it is the legal and beneficial owner 8At1HCT88HHblM anageilbL\BM Toaapos, noCT8Bilfl8MblX 8 COOTBBTCTBl-111 c of the Goods supplied by it under this Agreement and the Purchase ,QoroaopoM 1-1 3aKa3aM1i1 Ha 3aKyn. Orders.

8.6 EcJH1 lilHOe He ycraHOBJ18HO B COOTB8TCTBYIOL1.\BM 38K838 H8 3aeyn, 8.6 Unless otherwise specified in the relevant Purchase Order, the Supplier nocraa1.41o1K rapattn1pyer KaYecrso, 4enoCTHOCTb, pa6orocnoco6ttocrb warrants the quality, completeness and operability of the delivered nocrasneHHoro Tosapa B reYeH"e 12 (ABeHaA4am) Mec"4es co AH" Goods within 12 (twelve) months from the date of Goods Delivery Note np"eMK" Tosapa noKynareneM no paCXOAHO" HaKn<JAHO" («rapaHrniiHblii signing by the Parties ("Warranty Period") and shall eliminate at its cpoK») 1o1 o6.~l3yercf! a cpoK, yKaJaHHb1i1 tt11)!{e, 6eJB03MB3AHO ycrpaHf!Tb own costs all defects appeared during Goods use. Defect correction AecjJeKTbl, B03H"'w"e B npo4ecce sKcnnyara4"" Tosapa. CpoK ycrpaHeH"" period shall not exceed 10 calendar days from the date of Buyers claim, getjJeKTOB nocT8Bll.\lilKOM HB AOI1)1{8H npe8b1W8Tb 10wH1 K8IlBH,Q8pHblX ,QH€i1 otherwise the Supplier shall be liable to pay penalties as set forth by C MOMBHT8 nonyt.tBHlllfl npeTBH3t.11-1 OT noeynaTBilfl, B npOH1BHOM cnr-1ae K clause 13.1 of this Agreement. nocTaBllj"KY np-MeH"!OTCH CaHK4""' npeAYCMOTpeHHble nyHKTOM 13.1. llorosooa. 8.7 B cny4ae ecn11 nocraBL41r1K s reYeH1r1e cpoKa, yKaaaHHoro s Ae¢eKTHOM 8.7 Should Supplier fail to rectify the defects appeared during Goods use aKTe, nogn1-1caHHOM CropoHaM11, He ycrpaH11T gecfJeKTbl, soatt11Kw11e s within the term specified in the Deficiency Report signed by the Parties, npo4ecce 0Kcnnyara4"" Tosapa, noKYnarenb 6e3 ylljeMneH"" CBO"X npas the Buyer may, without prejudice to its warranty rights, eliminate such no rapattr1.111 Mom er ycrpatt1r1Tb raK1r1e AecfJeKTb! aa caol1 c4er. B sroM cny4ae defects at Buyers cost and expense. In this case, the Supplier shall pay nocT8Bll1"' np"H"Maer Ha ce6H o6HsarenbCTBO B Te4eH"e 10 (AeCHrn) to Buyer the expenses arising in connection with the elimination of such K8n8H.Q8pHblX AHBl1 G ,Q8Tbl BblCT8BJ18Hl.-1s:I noKynareneM COOTBBTCTBYIOll\BfO defects within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of issue of the C1-1era, BblnI18H1Tb noKynarenlO CTOlo1MOCTb aarpar, cssrnaHHb!X c appropriate tax invoice by the Buyer. vcrpaHeH"eM T8K"X AedleKTOB. 8.8 B cnyYa"x nocras'" Tosapa Ha ycnos""x DDP (~HKorepMc 2010), 8.8 In case the Supply is on DDP terms (lncoterms 2010), the Supplier nocraBL41i1K rapattn1pyer, 1.110 nocraarmeMbll'1 n0Kynaren1a no ttacrosu4eMy guarantees, that the Goods supplied under this PO (in case it is made IJorosopy Tosap, ecn" OH npo"aseAeH aa npeAenaM" Pecny6n"'" outside of the Republic of Kazakhstan) is properly cleared through KaaaxcraH, H8Afl8}!(8ll\\.1M o6paaoM o¢opMnett a raMO)f{BHHb1x oprattax 11 a customs. The Supplier also guarantees, that all taxes and customs OTHOW8H~U1 Hero ynna48Hbl see T8MQ)f{8HHb!8 nnare}!{\1 " ttanon1, duties were paid upon import, otherwise the Supplier shall be sole liable sa1-1MaeMbte no aaKottogarenbCTBY Pecny6n11K1t1 KaaaxcraH np1'1 11Mnopre, a for all of the abovementioned expenses. npor1i1sttoM cny4ae, nacras1.41-1K np11tt11Maer see Bb1weyKaaaHHb1e pacxogb1 Ha cefa

9. HeKalfec1seHttb1e Toeapb1 9.Defective Goods

9.1 ECillil, B Jll060i1 MOMeHT B T848Hlt11i1 lapaHn1i1Horo CpOKa noKynaTBJlb 9.1 If, at any time during the Warranty Period, the Buyer discovers that the o6Hapy>Klt1T, 4TO Tosapbl He COOTBBTCTBYIOT ycnOBlilflM, rpe60B8Hl1flM 1i1/1o1n1i1 Goods do not comply with any conditions, requirements and/or rapaHn1HM, yKa38HHblM a nyHKTe 8.1, 111n11 l.i!Hb!M APYrMM ycnom1f!M warranties given under clause 8.1, or any other requirement of the IJorosopa, noKYnarenb "Meer npaBO (6e3 OrpaH"4eH"" KaKOro-n"6o Apyroro Agreement, Buyer may (without limiting any other right available to it): npeAocrasneHHoro eMy npasa):

(a) ycrpaH-Tb He-cnpaBHOCTb TosapoB caMocromenbHO "n" c (•) Rectify defects in the Goods independently or have the Goods noMOlljblO rperbMX ""4· a noHeceHHb1e pacxOAbl, norep", ylljep6 " rectified by the third parties and the cost, loss, damage and 38Tp8Tbl noKynarenH Jl0Afl8}!{8T B03M8ll\8H\.1!0 nocT8Bll\l.1KOM expense suffered or incurred by Buyer shall be repayable by the noKynarenta; \.1Jllt1 Supplier to the Buyer: or (b) HanpaBl1Tb nocraBll\1'1KY ysegOMJlBHl-18 B COOTB8TCTB~H1 c nyHKTOM (b) deliver to the Supplier a notice under clause 9.2. 9.2.

9.2 nocT8Bll.l\.1K 06fl38H, B COOTBBTCTB\.1\.1 C Tpe60B8H\.1f1Mi.1 noicynaTBJlfl, 9.2 The Supplier must, if Buyer so requires by notice in writing, at the cost yKa3aHHblMlil a era m1cbMBHHOM yseAOMneH1.1111, caMoCToHrenbHO 14 aa csoi1 of the Supplier, either: CYST, Bbln0f1Hl4Tb OAHD 1-13 CflSAY!OlJ.llilX ABi1CTBl1i1: l•I remove the Goods, rectify the defects and/or damages and return

(a) Bb1searn Tosapb1, "cnpas"Tb AecjJeKTbl 1i1/\.1n1r1 noape>K,D.eHlilfl 1-1 the Goods to Buyer: or BepHyTb Tosapbl noKynarenio; """ (b) replace the Goods; or (b) saMeH"Tb Tosapb1; "n" tel return the cost of the Goods. (c) BepHyTb CTO"MOCTb TosapoB.

10. Kottcfl1o1,qeH1"i.tanbHOcTb 10 Confidentiality

10.1 HacTOHll1"" Aorosop " 3aKa3bl Ha 3aKyn AOn>KHbl paccMarp"BaTbC" KaK 10.1 The Agreement and the Purchase Orders must be treated as confidential KOH¢1t1A8H4\.18JlbH8fl lt1HcjJOpM84\.1fl, He Jl0Afl8}!{8ll\8s:I pacKpblH1IO rpeTblilM and must not be disclosed to any third party or used for advertisement, display fl\.148M \.1Jlli1 1.-1cn0Jlb3088Hlr1IO B L\eflHX peKnaMb!, geMOHCTpa41i11i1 ltlflltl or publication without the prior written consent of Buyer. ny6n1i1Ka41i111 6e3 npe,Qsap11renbHOro n1o1cbMeHHoro cornac11s::i noKynarenH.

11. 4epre>KVI VI VIHCrpyMeHTbl 11 Drawings and Tools

11.1 Bee \.1HcrpyMeHrb1, o6pa34b1, Marep1.-1anb1, 4eprem1.-1, rexH1.-14eCK1t1e 11.1 All tools, patterns, materials, drawings, specifications and other data yCnOB\.1H \.1 np04\.16 ,QaHHbl8, npe,QOCTaBfleHHble noKynareneM B CBH3ltl C provided by Buyer in connection with the Purchase Order: 3aKaaoM Ha 3aKyn:

(a) OCT8IOTC" C06CTBeHHOCTblO noKynaren"; (d) remain the property of Buyer: (b) ,QOfl>KHbl lt!CnDnb30BaTbCH ltlCKfll04lt!TenbHO B L\8flHX 3aKa3a Ha 3aKyn; I•) must be used solely for the purpose of the Purchase Order:

(c) He AOfl>KHbl nepegaBaTbCs:l li1flli1 pacKpblBaTbCs:l rpeTblilM fll-11..\aM, 3a IQ must not be passed to or divulged to any third party except with 1i1cKJ1104eH1i1eM cny4aee n1i1cbM8HHoro cornac1i1s:i noKynarens:i; a ralOKe the express consent of Buyer in writing; and (d) AOnJ<Hbl 6bnb so3spa111eHbl nocras111"KOM noKYnarerno nocne 191 must be returned by the Supplier to Buyer on completion of the BbmOnHeH1i1s:i 3aKa3a Ha 3aKyn. Purchase Order.

11.2 flio6oe OTKnOHeH"e """ "'MeHeH"e cne4"cp"Ka4""· """ 4epreJ<eii 11.2 Any deviations from or modification to specifications or drawings is gon>KHO 6b!Tb cornacoeaHo c noKynareneM s n1i1cbM8HHOM s1i1ge. Ecn1i1 subject to the Buyers written approval. If the Supplier detects any nocrns111"' H8XOAli1T 0Wli16Kli1, H8COOTB8TCTBli1s:l """ H8T04HOCTli1 B omission, inconsistency or inaccuracy in such specifications or cne41i1¢1i1Ka41i1flX 1i1n1i1 48pT8>K8X, 1i1n1i1 np1i1 He06XOAli1MOCTli1 li1X li13MeH8Hli1s:l, drawings, or finds that any modification should be made, the Supplier nocrasu.i.1i1K 06f!38H He3aM8Aflli1T8flbHO ysegOMli1Tb noKynaT8flfl B shall notify the Buyer in writing forthwith. Drawings supplied by the Buyer n1i1CbM8HHOM s1i1ge. Yeprem1i1, npegocrasneHHble noeynareneM nocrasu.i.1i1Ky, in connection with the Agreement shall be maintained in confidence by gonmHbl cogep}!{8TbCfi B KOHcfJ"AeH4"anbHOCT", " nocras111•K, 6e3 the Supplier and shall not, without the Buyers prior written consent, be npegeap1i1renbHoro nli1CbM8HHOfO cornac1i1f! noKYnarenR, He snpase either disclosed to any third party or used by the Supplier except in nepegasaTb li1X Tp8Tbli1M n1i14aM li1flli1 nDflb30B8TbCs:l li1M\1 B "1HblX 4enflX, Kp0M8 cases stipulated for the pertormance of this Agreement. ueneii, noeAVCMOTPeHHblX no• •cnonHeHMM vcnosMii HaCTORUlero llorosooa. 11.3 no npOCb6e noKYnarenR nocraBUjMK 06R3yeTCR npeAOCTaBMTb 4epTeJ<M 11.3 The Supplier shall, when requested by the Buyer, provide to the Buyer "1 reXH"148CK"18 gaHHble AJlfi "1X cornacosaH"1s:i noKynareneM "1/"1n"1 gnfl drawings and the technical data for approval and/or record purposes. 4ene'1 y4era. n106oe raKoe cornacosaH"1e He nogpa3yMesaer, 4TO Any such approval shall not imply that the Buyer has checked or is noeynarenb nposep"1n "1n"1 Hecer orsercrseHHDCTb 3a npas"1nbHOCTb responsible for the accuracy of any drawings or technical data other than 48pTe>Ke~ (.1flli1 T8XHi.148CK"1X gaHHblX, KpOMe rex, KOTOpble npegcrasneHbl those that were supplied by the Buyer. C8Mli1M noKVnaT8fl8M.

12. Pacrop>KeHne " npHocraHosneHHe 12 Termination and Suspention

12.1 B gononHeH"1e K npasaM, npegOCT8Bflfi8MblM B COOTB8TCTB\.1\ll c 12.1 In addition to the rights under this Agreement and the Purchase Order, tiorosopoM " 3aKa3oM Ha 3aKyn, CrnpoHbl MMeior npaso pacrnprnyrb the Parties have the rights of termination available to them under the H8CTOflLl.\li1'1,QOrOBOp 1i1/(.1fl(.1 38K83 H8 3aKyn B C00TB8TCT8(.1(.1 C rpa}!{,Q8HCKli1M Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. KoAeKcoM Pecny6nMKM Ka3axcraH.

12.2 noKynarenb li1M88T npaso np1i10CT8HOB\.1Tb BCIO nOCT8BKY Tosapos B 12.2 Buyer may suspend all of part of the supply of the Goods at any time for nio6oi1 MOM8HT, B T848Hli18 nio6oro npOMeJ<YTKa Bp8M8Hli1 nyreM any period of time by notice in writing to the Supplier. The Supplier must HanpasneHlilH nocT8BLl.\li1KY fl"1CbM8HHOfO ysegOMfl8Hli1fl. nocrasu.i.i.·IK 06H38H comply with the notice and recommence supply when notified by Buyer. Bbln0flHli1Tb rpe60B8H\.1s:l, yKa3aHHb18 B TaKOM ysegoMneH(.1(.1 (.1 B0306HOBl-1Tb The Supplier will not be entitled to any additional payment arising as a nocrasKY nocne nonyYeH1i1H COOTB8TCTBY!OLl.\efO YB8AOMfl8Hl-1s:l OT result of the suspension. nrncynarens:i. nocraau.i.1i1K He "1Meer npaao rpe6oaaTb gononH1.-1renbHY10 nnary, 803Hl-1K8JOLl.\Y!O B pe3yflbT8Te np"10CT8HOBKli1.

12.3 noKYnarenb MOJ<eT pacrnprHyTb /10rosop " (MnM) COOTBeTCTBYIOU1Mii 12.3 Buyer may terminate this Agreement and/or the relevant Purchase 38K83 Ha 3aKyn B n1060~ MOM8HT, HanpaB"1B nocTaBLl.\1.-lKY npegsap1.-1renbH08 Order at any time by giving 15 (fifteen) days prior notice in writing to the yseAOMneHMe s nMCbMeHHOii cjJopMe 3a 15 (nRTH8A4aTb) AHeii AO Supplier. Subject to any rights Buyer may have of set off or deduction, npegnonaraeMo'1 garb1 pacropmeH1-1H. C y1.JeroM scex npas noKynarens:i Ha on termination of the Agreement and/or the relevant Purchase Order for 38481 BCTp81.!Hb!X rpe60B8H\.1i1 1-lfl(.1 8bl4eT, 8Al.-1HCTB8HHblM 06fl38TeflbCTBOM any reason, Buyers only obligation will be to pay the Supplier for Goods noKynarenR npM pacTOpJ<eHMM /1orosopa M (MnM) COOTBeTCTBYIOUjero 3aKa3a which have been delivered and accepted in accordance with the Ha 3aKYn no n1a60'1 npW.Jl-1H8, flBflfleTCs:l 06f!3aT8flbCTBO onnaT\.1Tb Purchase Order prior to the date of termination. nocraBLl.\\.1KY 3a Tosapb1, nocrasneHHble "1 np\.1Hf!Tbte noicynareneM s COOTB8TCTB\.1\ll c 3aK830M Ha 3aeyn AO A8Tb1 pacrop>K8H(.1s:l ,Qorosopa 1-1/1-1n11 3aKa3a Ha 3aKvn.

12.4 noKYnarenb MMeer npaso, 6e3 co6nioAeHMR nyHKTa 12.3. Bb!Ule, 12.4 Notwithstanding the Clause 12.3 hereof the Buyer may terminate this AOCp04HO pacroprHyrb HaCTORUjMH /1orosop "'""" 3aKa3 Ha 3aKyn Agreement and\or Purchase Order (subject to 3 days prior notification to the (n1·1CbM8HHO ysegOMlrlB 06 3TOM nocT8Bll.\11K8 38 3 KaneHgapHblX AHs:l AO AHs:! Supplier) in case of: pacrnpJ<eHMR) s cnyYaRx:

(i) 38AepJ<KM nocrnBUjMKOM cpoKos nocrasKM T osapa, npeAycMorpeHHblX (i) Suppliers delay in delivering the Goods within terms and conditions of the

ycnos"RMM 3aK83a Ha 3aKyn, 6onee YeM Ha 15 (nRTH8A4aTb) KaneHAapHblX Purchase Order, for more than 15 (fifteen) calendar days due to reasons no·

AH8'1 no npl11.!ll\H8M, H8 38B"1Cfill.\"1M OT noKynarenfl; dependent on the Buyer;

(iQ Heco6n10AeHMR nocTaBUj"KOM rpe6osaH"" K Ka4eCTBY Tosapa; (ii) Suppliers unobservance of the requirements to the quality of the Goods;

(iii) He ycrpaH8Hli1fl nocT8BLl.\11KOM H8AOCT8TKOB, o6Hapy>K8HHblX B K81.J8CTB8 (iii) Suppliers failure to eliminate defects in the Good's quality. Tosapa;

(iv) HapyweHMR nocT8BLl.\lr!KOM l-1HblX 06fl38T8flbCTB no H8CTOfiLl.\8MY (iv) Suppliers breach of any other obligations under this Agreement andlo tiorosopy "'""" 3aKa3y Ha 3aKyn; Purchase Order.

(v) HapyweHMR nocrnsUjMKOM nyHKTa 4.10 (e) sb1we (ecn• ycnosMR AaHHoro (v) Suppliers breach of the Clause 4.10 (e) above (if conditions of !his Clause

nVHKT8 nDli1M8H"1Mbl K TIOCT8Bflfl8MOMV Tosanv\, are applicable !he Goods being delivered).

13. OreercreeHHOCTb 13 Liabilities and Delay Penalties

13.1. Ecn" "Hoe He npeAyCMOTpeHO B COOTBeTCTBYIOUjeM 3aKa3e Ha 3aKyn, 13.1. Unless otherwise specified in the relevant Purchase Order, if Supplier aa HapyweH"le cpoKos nocrasK\.1 Tosapa nrncynarenb enpaee np1o1.MBH\.1Tb K fails to deliver the Goods by the Date for Delivery stipulated in an appropriate nacraBLll\.1KY wrpacjJHb!B C8HK411lil B BJ.1,QB H8Ylt\Cfl8H\.1H neHtil (B B\.1A8 npHMblX Purchase Order, the Supplier will be liable to the Buyer for delay penalties (by nnare>Kel1 \.1/11n1-1Bb14era113 cro1.-1Mocn1 napn11i1 Toeapa, ocyL1lecrenHeMb!X no direct payment and/or offset from the cost of the Goods, at Buyers sole nDflHOMY YCMOTp8Hl-1IO nrn<yn8T8flfl} B p83M8p8 0,5 °/n OT CT0\.1MOCTl.1 option) for the amount of 0,5% of the cost of the lot of Goods in default for HeceoeepeMeHHO nocraeneHHDl1 napnn1 Toaapa aa K8}!{,[lb11'1 ABHb npocpo4Kl1 each day of delay until the Date of Delivery but not more than 50% of the go Aarb1 <PaKn1Yec1<0C1 nocrae1<1t1, HD He 6onee 50°/o or LteHbl. Price.

13.2. 8 cnyYae nocraBKJ.1 H8K8'-18CTB8HHOro, HBKOMnneKTHOfO T oeapa, 13.2. In case of delivery of poor-quality, incomplete delivery, delivery at a Toeapa c Hegocra1.1el1 \.1n1-1 c HapyweH11eM accopn1Mettra, naKynarenb deficit or with violation of assortment, the Buyer shall be entitled to demand enpaee norpe6oearb or nocraBLl.\1'1Ka npo1o1asecn1 aaMetty ABQJBKTHoro, from the Supplier a replacement of defective, inconsistent or inappropriate ttecooreercrey10ll.(ero Tosapa 1.1(11ru1) era Yacr11, yKoMnneKTosarb, n1.160 Goods and( or) their part, complement or deliver the remainder of Goods. The gonoCT8811Tb Tosap. nocT8Bll.\11K 065l38H DCYU\6CTB!.1Tb T8Kl1e geHCTBl-15! Supplier shall pertorm such actions by its own forces and at its own expense CBOl1Mlo1 Cl1fl8Ml111 38 CBOH CYeT B Te4eHlo16 10 (A6C5lTb) KaneHgapHblX AHeH within 10 (ten) days of receipt of the corresponding demand from the Buyer, nocne nonyYeH\.15! COOTBeTCTBYIOU\ero Tpe60B8Hi.15l OT noKynaTen5l, B otherwise the Supplier shall be liable to pay penalties as set forth by clause npOTlo1BHOM cnyYae K nocTaBUjMKY np11MeH5llOTC5l C8HK4\.11o1, 13.1. hereof. npeAyCMOTpeHHble B nymrre 13.1. BblWe.

13.3. nocT8Bll.\\.1K He HeCeT OTBeTCTBeHHOCTb 38 He11cnpaBHOCTlo1, 803H\.1KWl1e 13.3. The Supplier shall not be liable for the defects risen due to non-1-13-aa Heco6n10geH1o15l noeynaTeneM npas11n sKcnnyaTa41o11-1 T osapa. observance of the operation instructions.

13.4. Ynnara wrpacpHblX caHK4""· a raKJKe B03MelljeH"e y6blTKOB He 13.4. Payment of penalties as well as reimbursement of losses does not oceo6om,QaeT CropoHbl OT 1o1cnonHeH115l o65l3aTenbCTB no HaCT05lli\eMy release Parties from execution of obligations under this Agreement. ):1orosopy.

« 13.5 3a HapyweH"e cpoKos onnarb1 aa T asap nocras111"' snpase np"MeH"Tb « 13.5 If Buyer fails the payment terms for Goods by the Date for Payment K noeynaTenlO wrpatjJHble C8HK41111 B B11Ae H8Yl1CneHlo15l neHt.1 (B B11A6 np5!Mb1X

nnaTe)l{e~ 11/1o1n1o1 Bb14era 1-13 CTOl-1MOCTl-1 napT1o11o1 T osapa, ocyll.\eCTBnHeMblX no stipulated in an appropriate Purchase Order, the Buyer will be liable to the

nonHDMY YCMOTP9H"IO nocrasllj"Ka) B pa3Mepe 0, 1 % OT cyMMbl noAOeJ<alljeii Suppfler for delay penalties (by direct payment and/or offset from the cost of the

onnaTe 3a Kffil<AblH geHb npocpoYK\.1 go AaTb! ¢laKTw-1ecKoH OnnaTb!, HO He Goods, at Buyers sole option) for the amount ofO, 1% of the payment amount

6onee 5o/o OT LteHbl». in default for each day of delay until the Date of Payment but not more than 5% of the Pricei>.

14. np11MeHKMOe np3BO 11 fl3b1K 14.Governing Law and Language

14.1 HacTOHUj"" ):1orosop TDnKYeTCH " peryn"pyerCH B COOTBeTCTB"" c 14.1 This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with and governed by 3aKOHDAaTenbCTBOM Pecny6n11K\.1 Ka3axcraH. the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

14.2 HacTOHll\\.1~ Aorosop cocTasneH Ha pyccKOM 1o1 aHrn1-1~cKoM 5l3b!Kax, s 14.2 This Agreement is executed in quadruplicate in Russian and English YeTb1pex 3K3eMnn5lpax, 1-1Me10U\\.1X og11Ha1<00y1a 10p1-1g1-14ecey1a c11ny, 1-13 languages, with each copy having the equal legal effect; two copies are KOTOpblX gea 3K3eMnnHpa nepega10TC5l noeynaTen1a, OA\.1H - nocTaBll\\.1Ky, 1-1 provided to the Buyer, one copy to the Supplier, and another one to broker. OA"H - 6poKepy. Bepc"" AOrosopa Ha pyccKOM H3b1Ke npesan"pyer. The Russian language shall be the governing language.

14.3 B cny4ae npornsope4"ii ycnos"ii ~HKOTepMc 2010, ycnos""" 14.3 In case of any discrepancy between the terms and conditions of H8CTOHll\8fO ):1orosopa, ycnos"" ):1orosopa "Meior npe"MylljecTBeHHYIO lncoterms 2010 and this Agreement, the terms and condilions of the c"ny. Agreement shall prevail.

15. PaapeweHKe cnopoe 15. Dispute Resolution

15 .. 1 B cnyYae ecn1-1 KaKo~-n1-160 cnop Bb!TeKaeT 1-13 HaCTOHli\ero ,Qorosopa 15.1 In the event of any dispute as may arise out of this Agreement or in "1fl\.1 B03H11Kaer 8 CBH311 c eonpocaM\.1 \.1fl\.1 A85lT8flbHOCTb\O, CB5l38HHb!M\.1 c connection with any issue or action with respect to the provisions hereof, ycnos\.15lM\.1 HaCTOHll..\ero ,Qorosopa, ogHa 113 CTopoH MO)l{eT Hanpas1o1rb either Party may send a notification to the other party specifying the essence Apyroii CropoHe yaeAOMneH"e, B KOTOpOM KOHKperna"pyeTCH CYTb cnopa of dispute or discrepancy, the following provisions shall apply: 11fl\.1 pa3H0ffl8Clo15l, 11 B 3TOM cnyyae 6ygyT np\.1M8H5lTbC5l H\.1)1{8YK838HHbl8 nono)l{eH\.15!: (h) CropoHbl np1i1no*ar ace yc1-1n1i1H Afl5l paapeweH\.1H nt06b1X cnopos (i) The parties shall make every effort to settle all the disputes and

1o1 oaaHornac1-1~ nvreM neoerosooos a TeYeH11e ogHoro MecHua. discreoancies bv neootiations within one month. (ii) B cny4ae, ecn" nocne BblnonHeH"" Aeiicrs""· yKaaaHHb1x s nymrre 15.1 (ii) Failing any resolution through the procedure specified in Clause 15.1 (i), {i)1 peweH\.1e He Ha~geHO, n1a60~ cnop, npoT\.1BopeY\.1e 1i1n1-1 npereH3\.15l, any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of, or in connection with, this sb1TeKa10ll.\l-16 \.13 11n1-1 soaH11Ka10ll\\.1e s CB5l3\.1 c HaCT05lll.\\.1M AorosopoM Agreement shall be referred to and finally resolved by the Kazakhstani (BKfllOl.{85l Jl!06b!e BOnpOCbl B OTHOW6H\.11o1 CYll\6CTB088H\.1H, cpoKa ge~CTB\.15! International Arbitration Court in accordance with its rules. 1-1n11 pacTop>KeHl-151 ,Qorosopa), gon>KHbl Hanpasn5lTbC5l 11 OKOHYaTenbHO paapewarbcH KaaaxcraHcK"M MeJ<AyHapOAHblM Ap6"rpaJ<HblM CyAOM s COOTBeTCTB\.1\.1 c era npas11naM1-1.

3aceAaHl15l ap6"rpaJ<Horo CYAa AOflJ<Hbl npoBOA\.1TbC5l B r.AnMaTbl. The seat of the arbitration shall be Almaty. The arbitration shall consist of Ap6"rpaJ<Hblii CYA AOnJ<eH COCTOHTb "' roex (3) ap6"TPOB. B Te4eH"e ""'" three (3) arbitrators. DurinQ five (5) business days from the acceptance of the

(5) pa6o4"XAHe" CAaTbl np"H"rn" "CKa CyAOM, K<lll<AaH CropoHa Ha3Ha4aer claim by KIAC each Party can appoint the arbitrator and vice-arbitrator from no OAHOMY ap6"rpy " aaMecrnremo ap6"rpa "' ""cna 4neHoB CYAa. the existing members of KIAC. The chairman and vice-chairman can be npeAC8A8T8J1b lo1 38M8Crt.·1T8Ilb npegcegaTBilfl H83H848IOTCfl COBM8CTHblM appointed by the joint decision of the selected arbitrators. If the Parties failed peweH"eM "'6paHHblX ap6"rpos. Ecn" CrnpOHbl He Ha3Ha"""" ap6"rpos B to appoint its arbitrators within the above time, then they shall be appointed T848Hlo18 YK838HHOro apeM8Hlt1, TO COCT8B ap611rpos H83H8Y88TCs:l CygoM B by KIAC according to its rules. COOTB8TCTB\1ltl c era npa8\1J18Mltl.

Ap61o1rpa}l{Hb1e pa361o1parenbcrsa gornKHbl npoaog11TbCH Ha pyccKOM fl3b!Ke. The language of the arbitration shall be Russian.

Jlio6oe peweH111e, BbtHeceHHoe Ap61o1rp8}1{Hb1M CygoM a cooraercra1.-11o1 c Any award under this Article shall be binding on the Parties. By submitting HacrOHll.\Bii Crarher:t, flans:iercH 10p1o1g1o14ec1<1i1 o6s:iaarenbHhlM AflH CropoH. the dispute to arbitration under the rules, the Parties undertake to carry out nepeAaBaH cnop Ha paapeweH"e B COOTBBTCTB\.11-1 c npaa1-1naM11 any award without delay and shall be deemed to have waived their right to Ap6"rpaJKHoro CYAa, CTOpOHbl 6epyr Ha ce6H 06H38T8J1bCTBO any form of recourse insofar as such waiver can validly be made. H838M8Afll-1TenhHO Bb!nDJ1H\.1Tb n106oe peweH1t1e, np1o1 3TOM, CropoHbl

OTK83blB8IOTCfl OT CBOl'IX npaa H8 Jll06ot1 B11A o6p8ll.\8Hlo1fl B cyg AHA 06>KanOB8Hlilfl ap61itTp8)f{HQfO pewBHlilfl, B T8KOt1 Mepe, B K8KOt1 J10.Q06Hbl'1

OTK83 OT noaa MD>KeT 6bnb noasoMeDHO ocvmecrsneH.


16.1. B cnyYae ttacTynneH\.1.R nocne 38KllJ04eH1-1H CTopoHaM\.1 HaCTO.Rll\ero 16. 1. In the event of occurrence of force majeur circumstances, the date of Aorosopa o6cTOHTenbCTB, np1-1 KOTOpblX o6beKn1BHO Heao3MO>KHO Afl.R performance for this Agreement extends proportionately to the duration of CTopoHbl \.1cnonHl-1Tb ttaCTOflll.!1-1~ Aorosop no H838Bl-1Cflll\l-1M OT ee sont.1 such circumstances, but not more than 45 (forty five) days. Alternatively, np1-14"1H8M (o6cTosnenbCTBa ¢opc-Ma>Kop), cpoK 1-1cnonHett1-1H o6H3aTenbCTB either Party shall have the right to terminate the Agreement having notified no H8CTOHll\8MY ,Qorosopy OTOAB"1:r88TCfl copa3M8pHO speMeHt.1, B T848H\.18 the other Party in advance and in a written form. Kornporo raK"e o6cromenbcTBa Ae•crnyior, HO He 6onee 45 (copoKa nHrn) AHe•. B npornBHOM cny4ae mo6aH "' CropoH "Meer npaao pacrnprnyrb Aorosop, npeABap"renbHO n"CbMeHHO yaeAOM"B 06 OTOM Apyryio CropoHy.

16.2. AoKyMeHTaM", noATBepJKAalOUj"M" cpaKT csepweH"" o6cromenbcTB 16.2. Documents to confirm the fact of occurrence for such circumstances are ¢opC-M8>KOp, HBfi.RIOTC.R COOTBSTCTBYIOll.!1-18 AOKYMBHTbl {cnpaBK"1, 8KTbl \.-1 the relevant documents (acts, certificates, references, etc.) issued by T.n.), BblA8HHbl8 ynonHOM048HHb!M Ha TO rocygapCTB8HHblM opraHOM \.1n\.1 authorized and relevant state body or organization of the Republic of opraH"1:3a4"1:e~ Pecny6n\.1K"1 Ka3axcTaH, rge o6cTOf!TenbcTsa ¢opc-Ma)!{opa Kazakhstan, where force majeur took place. The Party affected by force l-1Men\.1 MBCTO. CTopoHa, \.1CnonHeH"1IO o6H38T8fibCTB KOTOpo~ npen.RTCTBYIOT majeur circumstances shall submit such documents to the other Party within 06CTOHT8fibCTB8 cpopc-MaJKopa, o6f!3aHa B T848H"18 10 (AeCHrn) 10 (ten) calendar days of outbreak and cease of the abovementioned KaneHA8PHb1X AH8~ c MOM8HTa csepwett\.1fl TaKl-1X o6CTOHT8nbCTB circumstances. Untimely notification on the occurrence of force majeur npeAOCTaB\.1Tb TaK\.1e ADKyMeHTbl APYrO~ CTopoHe. HecaoeapeMeHHoe circumstances denies the Parties right to invoke any force majeur yaegoMneHt.18 o HacrynneHt.1\.1 o6cTOHTenbcTs ¢opc-Ma)!{opa n\.1waeT circumstance as a basis for release from liability to fulfill commitments under CTopoHy npasa CCb!naTbCfl Ha nJ06oe o6CTOHT8fibCTBO cjJopc-Ma>Kop K8K Ha the Agreement. OCHOB8Hl-18, OCB060>KAalOll\88 OT OTB8TCTB8HHOCH1 38 He"1:cnonHeH\.1e CB0\.1X o6H3arenbCTB no ,Qorosopy.


17. 1. KaJKAaH CropoHa (AaHHbl" repM"H An" 4ene• HaCTOHlll"X nonoJKeH"" 17. 1. Each Party, (which for the purposes of these anti-bribery provisions shall BKJlJOYaer scex pa6orH\.1KOB, arettros, npegcras11rene~, acjJcjJ\.1n\.1posaHHb!X include all of the employees, agents, representatives, affiliates and any n1-14 Ka}!<.Qo~ "13 CropoH, a TatoKe APYrl1X n114, np11sneKa8MblX 11M\.1 \.1n\.1 person employed by or acting on behalf of each Party) agrees that it will not, A8~CTBYIOll\11X OT 11X \.1M8H\.1) cornawaerc.R, YTO OHa He 6yABT B CBfl3\.1 c in connection with this Agreement, bribe, or attempt to bribe (which shall rnsapaM" (pa6oraM", ycnyraM"), nocrasnHeMblM" (0Kaab1BaeMb1M") no include without limitation, any offer of any form of payment, gift or other form ttacro.Rll\BMY ,Qorosopy, Aasarb 11n\.1 nb1rarbc.R gasarb B3f!TK\.1 (BKllJOYaH, 6e3 of inducement, reward or advantage (whether of money or anything of value)) orp8H\.1Y8H\.1fl, nJ06b!8 cjJopMbl onnaTbl, nogapKl1 "1 npOYt.18 \.1MYll\8CTB8HHb18 the other Party, or any of the other Party's employees, agents, representatives Bbtrogb1, B03Harpa>K,QeH"1:H \.1 nbfOTbl (s Bl-1Ae ABHer \.1n\.1 n106b1x 4eHHocre~) or persons employed by or acting on behalf of the other Party, any public or APYro• CropoHe, ee pa6oTH\.1KaM, arettraM, npeACT8B\.1T8flHM, government officials or employees, public international organizations, political norett41-1anbHblM KJl\.18HTaM, acjJcjJ\.1n\.1posaHHblM nm._\aM, a TatoKe Apyr1-1M parties, or private individuals or other entities ("Relevant Party"). n\.14aM, npi.isneKaeMblM Apyro~ CTopoHo~ \.1n"1 ge~crsy10ll\\.1M OT ee \.1MBH\.1, rocyAapCTB8HHblM cny}l(all\1-lM, M8>KnpaB\.1TenbCTB8HHblM opraH1-13a411f!M, non\.1T\.1Y8CK\.1M napr\.1.RM, YaCTHb!M n"4aM " np04\.1M cropottaM («Boene4eHHble CTOpOHbl»).

17.2. KaJKAaH CropoHa 3aHBnHeT " rapattrnpyer Apyro• Cropotte, 4TO AO 17.2. Each Party represents and warrants to the other Party that it has not, MOMBHTa noAn\.1C8H\.1fl H8CTOHll\8rD ,Qorosopa OHa H8 gaaana B3HTKY \.1 He prior to the date of this Agreement, bribed or attempted to bribe any Relevant nb1ranacb Aasarb B3HTK\.1 BosneYeHHblM CropottaM c 4enb10 ycraHosneH\.1.R Party in order to secure and/or retain any business from the other Party in \.1/\.1n\.1 npOAfl8H\.1fl K8K\.1X-n\.160 AenOBblX OTHOWBHl-1~ c gpyro~ CropOHO~ B conneclion with this Agreement. CBH311 c H8CT0Hll.!i.1M ,QorosopOM.

17.3. Ka>KA.afl GropoHa np\.13Haer \.1 cornawaercH c TeM, YTO oHa 03H8KOM\.1naCb c 3aKoHaM\.1 npOT\.18 B3HT04H\.14eCTBa \.1 OTMb!BaH\.1H geHer scex CTpaH, B KOTOpblX OHa y4pe}l{,QeHa lt!Jl\.1 3aper\.1crp1-1posaHa \.1 B KOTOpblX OHa OCYll.\eCTBJlHeT CBOIO A8HT8IlbHOCTb, 1-16ygeT co6n10gaTb yKa3aHHbl8 38KOHbl.

17.4. KaJKAaH CTOpoHa comawaeTcH c TeM, 4TO oHa He 6ygeT coaepwaTb" He gonycT\.1T co csoero segoMa cosepweH\.1H KaK\.1x-n1i160 gei1crs1-1i1, KOTOpb!e np1i1segyr K HapyweH1t110 gpyrol1 GTopoHol1 np1i1MeH1t1MblX 38KOHOB npor1i1s B3HT04Hltl4eCTBa \.1Illtl OTMblB8Hl.-1H geHer.

17.5. CropoH~ cornawalOTCH c TeM, 4TO HX 6yxramepcKaH AOKyMeHTa4HH AOil>KHa TOYHO orpamarb ace nnaTe>K\.1, ocyll.iecrsnHeMble no HaCTOHLI_\eMy Aorosopy.

17.6. Ecn\.1 DAHOl1 \.13 GropoH cTaHeT 1i13secrHo o cfJaKT1t14eCKOM 1i1n1.-1 npegnonom1i1renbHOM HapyweH\.1ltl elO KaKoro-n1i160 \.13 HaCTDHll.\ltlX nono>KeH\.111 0 npOTltlBOA811CTBltl\.1 B3HT04Hltl48CTBy Iii KOppynt_\ltlV!, OHa AOI1>KH8 H8Me,QJ18HHO nocT8B\.1Tb 06 STOM B \.13B8CTHOCTb gpyrylO GropoHy V! OK838Tb el1 cogel1cre1-1e s paccnegosaHV!\.1, nposog\.1MOMy no gaHHOMY geny.

17.7. CrnpoHbl comawalOTCH paapa6oraTb A"" cao•x COTPYAHHKOB " cnegosarb nonHrnKaM " npo4egypaM no 6opb6e c KOppyn4HeH, He06XOAlr!MblM ,QJlfl npegOTBP8ll.\8H\.1H QJaKTOB 83HT04H\.148CTBa lt!Jl\.1 nonblTOK A84V! B3HTOK. 17 .8. K8JKAaH CTopoHa o6HayeTcH o6ecne4HTb sbmonHeHHe csoHMH nogpHA4V!K8MV!, KOHcynbTaHTaM\.1, areHTaM\.1 \.1 gpyr1-1M\.1 Il\.1L\8MV!, npegocrasnHIO~HM• ycnyrn OT ee HMeHH no HacrnH~eMy Aorosopy, npo4egyp no npegorspall.\8H\.1IO QJaKTos s3HT04H\.14ecTsa \.1Il\.1 nonb!TOK gaY\.1 B3HTOK.

17.9. GTopoHbl cornawaiorcH, 4TO s gononH8H\.1e K npasaM Ha pacrop>K8H\.1e (oTK83 OT vicnonHeHV!H), npegycMorpeHHblM gpyrnM\.1 nono>KeH\.1HM\.1 HaCTOHll.\ero Aorosopa, He Hapywaioll.\aH GropoHa J.1Meer npaso HeMe,QileHHO paCTOPrHYTb (OTK838TbCH OT \.1CnOilH8HltlH) HaCTOHll.\\.111 Aoroeops cny4ae HapyweH\.1H gpyrol1 GTopoHo\1 H8CTOflll.\\.1X nono>KeH\.111 o npOT\.1BOA81'1CTB\.1V! 83f!T04H\.148CTBY \.1 KOppyn4111i1, \.1 np\.1 3TOM gpyraf! GropoHa He snpase rpe6osaTb KaK\.1e-n1o1.60 gononHviTenbHb1e nnaTe>K\.1 s paMKax H8CTOHll.\ero Aorosopa, KpoMe nnaremei1, He css:i3aHHb1X c HapyweH\.1eM HaCT0Hll.\\.1X nOilO>K8H\.111 0 npOT\.1BOgel1cTB\.11-1 B3flT04H\.148CTBY \.1

Koppyn4HH, aa Tosapb1 (pa6oTbl, ycnyr•), HagneJKa~HM o6paaoM nocTasneHHble (BblnOJlHeHHble, DKa3aHHb1e) no HaCTOflll.\BMY Aorosopy AO era pacrop>KeH\.1H.

17.10. K8JKAaH CrnpoHa ocso6oJKAaeTcH OT o6HaarenbCTB no OCYll.\eCTBI18HltllO KaKOrO-Jlltl60 nnare>Ka, KOTOpbli1 MO>K8T npltl4lt!TaTbCH gpyrol1 GTopoHe no HaCTOflll.\BMY Aorosopy, ecn1i1 ra1<oi1 nnaTe>K CBfl38H c HapyweHltleM gpyro\1 CTOPOHOl1 HaCT0flU,\\.1X nono>KBHJ.111 0 npOT\.1BOA8i1CTB\.1\.1 B3HT04H\.148CTBY \.1 KOppynt.\\.1\.1,


18.1 nocT8BU,\ltlK H8C8T OTBeTCTB8HHOCTb V! AOJl}!{eH csoeepeMeHHO BbmnaY\.1B8Tb see Hanor\.1, HanaraeMb!e Ha nocTaBU,\\.1Ka \.1Il\.1 era corpygHltlKOB s OTHoweH\.11it HaCTOflll.\Bro Aorosopa. B cnyyae ecn\.1 a COOTB8TCT8lit\.1 c 38KOHOgarenbCTBOM Pecny6nlr!K\.1 Ka3aXCT8H noKynaTeJlb 06H38H ygep>Kltl88Tb K8Klite-TO H8Jl0f\.1, TO noKynaT8Jlb Bbl4t..1T88T COOTB8TCTBVIOU1\.18 Hanor\.1 [..13 UeHbl, n0\.14\.1T8IOWei1cfl nocraBWt..1KV.

18.2 nocras~HK o6HaaH oTpaJKaTb see o6opOTbl no pean•aa4•• Tosapos noKynaTenio s csoe\1 Hanoroeo\1 OT4eTHOCTltl no HAG. B cnyyae ecn\.1 np1i1 scTp84Hol1 nposepKe nocraBll.\l.-1Ka Hanorosb!M\.1 opraHaM\.1 6yger ycTaHosneH cpaKT coKpbtT\.1H \.1M o6opoTos no pean1i13a41it\.1 s agpec noKYnaTenH, nocras~HK 06H3aH no Tpe6osaHHIO noKynaTenH B 1,5-KpaTHOM pa3Mepe soaMeCTt..1Tb eMy cyMMbl HAG, 11CKnl048HHble \.13 so3spaTa s cooTsercTB\.1\.1 c nyHKT8M\.1 5, 6, 9 cTaTb\.1 635 Hanorosoro KogeKca \.1 nogn\.1C8Tb npltl STOM COOTB8TCTBYIOli.\t11'1 aKT csepK\.1 B38\.1MOpaC48TOB, np\.1 STOM, OCHOB8H\.18M, CB\.1A8T8IlbCTBYIOU,\8M 0 He1t1cnonH8H\.1\1 nocTaBU,\\.1KOM cso1-1x 06s:i3arenbCTB no geKI1ap\.1posaH\.1IO cyMM HAG, cny}!{aT aKTbl BCTP84Hb1X nooaeooK H8JlOfOBblX ooraHOB.

17.3. Each Party acknowledges and agrees that it is familiar with and will abide by the anti-bribery and anti-money laundering laws in all the countries in which it is incorporated or established and in which it does business under this Agreement.

17.4. Each Party agrees that it will not take or knowingly permit any action to be taken that would cause the other Party to be in violation of any applicable anti-bribery or anti-money laundering Jaws.

17.5. The Parties agree that their books, records and all accounts shall accurately reflect any and all payments in respect of transactions under this Agreement.

17.6. If one of the Parties discovers that it has or may have violated any of the provisions in these anti-bribery provisions, it shall immediately notify the other Party and cooperate with any investigations by the other Party into such matters.

17.7. The Parties covenant with each other to establish and at all times maintain and implement such anti-bribery policies and procedures for its own employees as may be required and are designed to prevent bribery or attempted briberv takino place. 17.8. Each Party covenants with other Party to oblige its contractors, consultants, agents and other persons who provide services for on its behalf in connection with this Agreement to maintain and implement such anti­bribery policies and procedures as may be required and are designed to prevent bribery or attempted bribery taking place.

17.9. The Parties agree that in addition to the termination (withdrawal) rights set out elsewhere in this Agreement, the non-breaching Party may immediately terminate (withdraw from) this Agreement in the event of a breach of these anti-bribery clauses by the other Party, in which case the other Party shall forteit any claims to additional payments due under this Agreement, other than payments for services previously rendered under this Agreement prior to its termination and which are not affected by the breaches of the anti-bribery provisions of this Agreement.

17.10. Each Party agrees that the other Party shall not be required to make any payments under this PO that might otherwise be due if such payments are related to a transaction in connection with which the other Party has breached these anti-bribery provisions.

18. Taxes

18.1 Supplier is liable for, and shall pay on a timely basis, all taxes of any kind or nature imposed against Supplier or its employees relating to this Agreement. In the event that Buyer is required by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to withhold taxes, Buyer shall deduct the relevant taxes from the Price due to the Supplier.

18.2 Supplier shall represent all turnovers of Goods sold to the Buyer in its VAT-related-tax reporting. Should the tax authorities reveal a concealment ol turnovers on sales by the Supplier in relation to the Buyer, the Supplier shall reimburse to the Buyer the VAT amounts that were excluded from the return in accordance with Clauses 5, 6, & 9 Article 635 of the RoK Tax CodE multiplied by 1.5 and shall sign a respective reciprocal settlemen' reconciliation certificate. Furthermore, the evidence of the failure to perforrr by Supplier its obligations on declaring the VAT amounts shall be the cross· audit certificates performed by the tax authorities.

19. Miscellaneous

19.1 Ccb1nKa Ha: 19.1 A reference to: (a) cnosa B eg\.1HCTBeHHOM Yl!\Cne BIUll0489T MHO>KBCTBBHHOe, \.1 (a) words in the singular include the plural and vice versa; Hao6opor: (b) any gender includes the other genders; (b) rno6oii pog BKnl04aer see gpyrne pogb1; (c) any legislation includes laws, decrees and subordinate legislation (c) 3aKoHogarenbcrso BKnl04aer 38KOHbl, yKa3b! \.1 nDA38KOHHble aKTbl. under it.

19.2. Bee gononHBHli1fl 1o1 np1o1no>KeH\.1R K ,Qoroeopy gei:1cra1o1renbHbl n1i1wb np1r1 19.2. All changes and attachments to this Agreement shall be made in in ycnoe1i11i1, 4TO OHl-1 coeepweHbl 8 n1'1CbM8HHO~ cjlopMe, nogn1-1caHb1 writing and signed by authorized representatives and affixed with the seal of ynonHOM04BHHb1Mi..1 Ha TO JU148M"1 \.1 CKpenneHbl 0848THMl-1 o60\.1X CropoH. both Parties.

19.3 noKynarenb enpaae nepegarb ace 111n\.1 11acrb cso1r1x npae \.1 19.3 Buyer may assign all or part of its rights and obligations under this 06H38T8IlbCTB no H8CTDfll1.\BMY ,Qoroaopy K8KOM-n1-160 Tp8Tb8~ cropoHe 6ea Agreement to any third party. Buyer shall promptly notify Supplier in the event COfJ18C!i1H nocT8Bl1.\l--IK8. noKynaTBilb 06.A38H H838M8AJ1\.1T8IlbH0 YB8,QOMlr1Tb it assigns hereunder. nocraBUH1K8 B CI1V488 T8KOi::i neoe,Q81.Jlt1.

19.4. nocraBU,.\\.1K He anpase nepegaaarb cso1i1npasa1i1/1.i1n1-1 06.Aaarenbcrsa 19.4. Supplier shall not assign any of its rights and obligations under this no HaCTO.Rll.\eMy Aorosopy rpeTbl-lM Ill-1l\8M 6e3 n1-1cbMeHHoro cornac1o1.R Ha ro Agreement to any third party without Buyers prior written approval. noKynarenH.

19.5. C MOMeHra nogn"ca""" gorosopa see npegblAYUJ"e ycTHb1e """ 19.5. After the date of execution of this Agreement, all previous verbal and n1-1cbMeHHb1e AOrosopeHHocn1 CropoH s orHoweH1-11-1 nono>KeH1-1l11-1 ycnos1-1l1 written agreements of the Parties in respect of the terms and conditions of this HaCTO.Rll.\ero Aorosopa rep.RIOT CBOIO c1o1ny. Agreement become invalid.

19.6. ¢laKClo1Ml-1IlbHb!e Kon1-11-1 Aorosopa, np1-1no>KeH1-1l1 1-1 AOnonHeH1o1l1 K 19.6. Any wire copies of this Agreement, as well as its attachments, change l:\orosopy, 3aKa3os Ha 3aKYn "MelOT '°P"A"4ecKylO c"ny np" ycnos""· ecn" orders and Purchase Orders are legally binding provided that the Party CropoHa, Hanpaa1o1awa.R no cjlaKcy K8KOl1~n1o160 "' BbJWeH83B8HHblX foiwarding any of the above documents via fax submits the original document goKyMeHTOB, s re4eH"e nocnegy10UJ"X 3 (rpex) AHeii Hanpas"na op"rnHan to the other Party within a next 3 (three) days. COOTBeTCTBVIOW.ero A0KVMeHT8 Anvrol1 CTOPOHe. 19.7. gorosop, a raKJKe B3a"MOOTHOWeH"H CropoH, He yperyn"posaHHble 19.7. The Agreement and Parties relationships, which are not covered by the ycnOBl-1.RMl-1 l:\orosopa, pernaMeHTl-1PYIOTCfl geiiCTBYIOUJ"M terms and conditions of this Agreement, are governed by the effective aaKOHOAarenbCTBOM Pecny6n1-1K1o1 Ka3axcraH. legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


1. HacTOfllJ..\lile Oco6b1e nonolKeH1o1H 1o1 Ycr10a1o1H BHOCHT cneAYIOl1!"1e "13MeHeH11R 1. These Special Terms and Conditions shall supplement and/or modify the Wlilfllil AOnOnHeHlilfl 8 «06ll!lo1e nonolKeH"1f! H YcnoBl1fl)J Jloroaopa noCTaBKH: 'General Terms and Condition" of the Purchase Agreement:

[3AECb 0Pl1BOA1i1TC1J B KAYECTBE npt.11t1EpA] [EXAMPLE ON HOW TO FILL OUT] 1.1. nyHKT _ CTaTbl<l _ V13MeHlffb V1 V13fl0~(V1Tb B CfleAYIOlJ..\e~ peAaK4mr 1.1. Clause - of the Article - shall be amended as follows:

i;f ln. ''I I". 1.2. CTaTblO - AOnonHf.1Tb nyrllCTOM - B CfleAYIOlJ..\ei1 peAaKL\VIW 12 .. Article - shall be added with Clause - as follows: «[ ]n. ·r r. 1.3. nyHIIT _ CTaTbl\ _yAam!Tb. 1.3. Clause _ of Article - shall be deleted.

2. Bee repMviHbl, vicnonbJyeMbre 11 He onpe.QeneHHbre orAenbHO s Oco6b1x 2. All terms used, but not defined, in this Special Terms and Conditions of nonolKeHl1SlX Iii YcnOBlo1SlX, 11MelOT TO JKe 3Ha4eH11e, 4TO l-1 B 06t1111x Purchase Agreement shall have the respective meanings set forth in the nono>KeHMSlX 11 YcnOBMRX Lloroeooa. General Terms and Conditions of Purchase Agreement. 3. Bee l-13MeHeHHble nonolKeH11R, yKaaaHHble B H8CTORlJ..\l-1X Oco6b1x 3. All of the amended provisions set forth in this Special Terms and nonolKeH1o1Rx 11 Ycnosvisix Aorosopa noc1aaK11, C41'1TalOTCH BKnlO'lBHHblMf.1 s Conditions of the Purchase Agreement shall be deemed to be incorporated Aoroaop nocraaK11 11 RBnR!OTCR 4acrbt0 Aorosopa nocraaK11, 11 Aorosop in, and made a part of, the Purchase Agreement, and the Purchase nocraBKl-1, c 1-1JMeHeH11RM"1, yKaaattHblMH s HaCTORlJ..\lilX Occ6b1x nonolKeH11six 1o1 Agreement, as amended by this Special Terms and Conditions, shall be Ycnos1o1Hx, AOnlKeH Y1o1rarbCH, nOHWMarbCH 1o1 ronKosarbcR KaK OAHO e.QviHoe read, taken and construed as one and the same agreement between the cornaweHMe Me)!(AV CTODOHaMl1. Parties. Buyer/ noK}lnarenb Supplier I nocrae11.111K

Signature/ noAn11Cb: Signature/ noAnlilcb:

Name/¢V10: Name/¢V10:

Tftle/AonlKHOCTb Director I A11peKTop Title/AonlKHOCTb

Purchase Order # ______ _

Oate/Aata: _______ _

I To the Purchase Agreement # dated

lntroduction/npeaM6yna Parties/ CropoHbl I Buyer

I Supplier

1. The Supplier agrees to supply and deliver the Goods to Buyer in accordance with this Purchase Order.

2. This Purchase Order is one of the parts of the Purchase Agreement and supersedes all other communications and negotiations (whether oral or written) between the Supplier and Buyer in relation to the Goods and constitutes the entire aoreement between the Parties.

3. The Purchase Order number must be shown on all tax invoices and documents relatinQ to the deliverv of the Goods.

4. Purchase Order shall have the effect of Agreement upon its signing by the Parties. Facsimile copy shall be deemed valid until the original Purchase Order copy is not received. Purchase Order has determined term - till full performance of obliaations bv the Parties.

3aKa3 Ha 3at<yn

Order Number:

K Aoroaopy nocraaK11 N! OT


I nocras11111K

1. nocraBLl.lllK cornaceH ocyLl.leCTBllTb nocTaBKY II AOCTaBKY Tosapa noeynaremo B COOTBeTCTBllll C HaCTOllll.1"1M 3aKa30IA Ha 3aKYn.

2. HaCTOllll.1"1i1 3aKa3 Ha 3aKYn llBrtlleTCll OAHOi1 1-13 COCTaBHblX 1.1ac1ei1 Aoroeopa nocrae1G1, 3aMeHHeT see npeAblA~11e AOroaopeHHocni "1 cornaueH11si (ycTHble 1-1n11 nHCbMeHHble) MeJKAy nocraBLl.IMKOM i.t noKYnareneM OTHOC"1renbHO Toeapoa 11 OJHa'laer nonHoe cornaCl1e MeJKAy CropoHaM11.

3. HoMep 3aKaJa Ha 3aicyn yKa3b10aercsi Ha ecex C4erax-<j>aKTypax 1-1 AOKVMeHrax, Kaca10L1.111xcsi nocra0K11 T oeapoe. 4. 3aKa3 Ha 3aKyn 11Meer c11ny Aoroeopa c MOMeHra noAn11caH11ll 06e11MM C10poHaM11. C!>aKCllM"1nbHasi Kon11si C4"1Taercsi Aei1cr011renbHOi1 AO MOMeHra nony4eH11H op11r11Hana 3aKa3a Ha 3aKYn. CpoK Aei1crn11si 3aKa3a Ha 3aKyn onpeAeneH - ,QO nonHoro 1o1cnonHeH11H o6H3arenbCTB CropoHaM11.

Details Aeram1 nocraaK11

# Description of Goods I Ha11MeH0BaH11e Toaapa Item UOM/ Unit Rate excluding Unit Total Price I Quan E,1p13 VATI CrollMOCTb 3a CyMMa tity I Mepe e,q., He BKJlK>'laR K·BO HHl'I HAC

Price (excluding VAT) ILJeHa, He BKlllO'laH HAC:


Price (including VAT) fLlena, a1<111011;m H,llC:

Point of Delivery/ Mecro nocraBKll: Bozshakol site 25 km north east from Tort- Date for Delivery/ Aara nocraBKH: 25 KaneH,qapHb Kuduk village and 42 km north west from AHeiii, nocn Shyderty village, Ekibastuz city, Pavlodar noAn1t1caH1t1fl oblast, Republic of Kazakhstan I Aoroeopa naenoAapcKaR o6nacrb, r.3K1116aCTY3, e 25 KM Ha ceeepo-socrnK or nocenKa Topr-KyAyK, 42 KM Ha cesepo-Jana,q or nocenKa WHA9PTbl

Other delivery instructions I npo'111e DDP Bozshakol site I DDP Mecropo>K,qett1-1e Delivery Hours/ 4aCbl nocraBKl.I Between/Me)l\l\y: yKa3aHllll o nocraeKe: 603W3KOJlb 09.00

Early and partial delivery is allowed I And/ 11: 18.00 ,QocpolJHaR II lJaCTlllJHaR nocraeKa pa3pewaercll

QA requirements I Tpe6oaaHHR K As per terms of General and Special Terms Contact/ KoHTaKTHoe 1muo: Yuliya Galiyeva Ka'lecray: & Conditions I CornacHo ycnoe1-1M 061411x 1-1 I01111ll r an11esa

Oco6blX nonolKeHllM 11 Ycnosmli Other documents which are part of N/A Program required/ Tpe6yerCH rpacjJHK: N/A the Purchase Order/ npo'llle AOK}'MeHTbl, S1em1io11111ecsi 'laCTblO 3aKa3a Ha 3aKYn: Payment terms/ Ycnoa11si onnaTbl 100% L(ettbl Toeapa on11alJ1-1saercR no lj)aKTy Warranty Period (if different from Article As per terms

nocrasK111 Tosapa B relJeH1-1e 15 8.6 of General Terms & Conditions)/ General Terms (nRTHaA4ani) KaneH.QapHblX AHeM c AaTbl rapaHTllHHblH cpoK (ecnu OH Conditions np11eMKll Tosapa noKynareneM Ha omnuqaemcn om cpoKa, yKB3BHHOZo a CornacHo ycnos11i: OCHOB8Hll"1 paCXOAHOM H8KJ13AHOM/100% of nyHKme 8.6 0611.lUX nono>KeilUU u 06Ll.\11x nonolKeH~ the cost of Goods shall be paid up on delivery Ycnosuu) 1-1 Yc110e1-1M within 15 (fifteen) calendar days from signing of the Qoods delivery note.

Rate of Delay Penalties (if different As per terms of General Terms & Conditions from Article 13.1 of General Terms & I CornaCHO YCJ10B"1RM 06Ll.\"1X nonolKeHHM 1-1

Conditions)/ Ycnos1-1~

Pa3Mep neH11 3a npocpOYKY nocraBKll (ecnu oHa omnu'laemcn om pa3Mepa neHu, yKa3aHHOM e nyHKme 13. 1 061.J.lU)( nono)l(eHuiJ u Ycnosuul Buyer/ noeynarenb Supplier I nocraBIJ.lllK

Signature/ noAn"1Cb: Signature/ no.Qn"1Cb:

Name/<Pl'IO: Name/<l>l'IO:

Title/,QonlKHOCTb Director I .Q1-1peKTop Title/,QomKHOCTb


TOO « __ >>, s n114e A11P81ITOpa _. __ ., aas:ians:ier, 4TO ADHR MBCTHoro COABP>K8Hl1fl a roaapax, nocraans:ieMblX no ycnoa11f!M HaCTOflll.\BfO ,Qoroaopa, cocrasns:ier 0 %.

,QonH M8CTH0f0 COA8P)l{8Hl15l Ha nocraanH8Mbl8 TOB8pb1 6blfl8 paCC411T8H8 cornacHO EA11HO~ MBTOA11K\1 pac1..1era opraHl-138411flMl1 MBCTHOfO

COAep"'a""" np• aaKynKe rosapos, pa6or" ycnyr, yrnep>KAeHHoii nocraHosneH•eM npas•renbcrsa No 964 or 20.09.10r. no """'ecneAYJOLl\eii ¢opMyne:

• KCr = 100% xL(CT; x K;)I S


rAe: n - 06U\ee Kon1-11.1ecrao tta11Mettoaatt1r1~ roaapoa, nocraanReMblX nocraBU\l-1KOM a 4ens:ix 1.-1cnontteH1.1R ,qoroaopa Ha nocraaKy roaapoa; i - nopHAKOBbl~ HOMep roaapa, nocraanHBMOro nOCT8Bll.lltlKOM B l\BilRX \rlCnonHeHl1R ADfOBOpa Ha noCT8BKY roaapoa; CTi - cro11Mocrb i-oro roaapa; Ki-,QOI15! MBCTHOfO CO,Q8p}f{8Hl1R B roaape, YK838HH8A B cepn1cfJ111<are a npOl1CXO>KA8Hl111 roaapa QJopMbl <tCT-KZ»; Ki= 0, B cny4ae OTCYTCTBl-1.A cepr1-1QJ1-1Kara 0 npo1-1CXO>K,QBHl-1i.1 TOBapa QJopMbl «CT-KZJl, (ecn1-1 \.1HOe He ycraHOBfl8HO nyHKTaMJ.17, 8 E,QlilHDH

Mero,q1-1K1-1 pacYera opraH1-1aa41-1.AMl-1 MecrHoro co,qep}f{aH1-1H np1-1 aaeynKe rosapos, pa6or 1-1 ycnyr); s -06lJ1a" CTO•MOCTb AOrDBOpa.

---------- no,qn1-1cb

Aara, _____ _