evs in kocani


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Post on 02-Mar-2016




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Resume3 Who we are Tereza Šamšulová

4 As we derive weeks Tereza Šamšulová

6 Ramadan Esra Pehlivan

8 Saw machine Tatjana Stamenkovska

10 Are you coming or not? Zinaida Cinac

14 Sports Melih Kurt

16 Vine plants Fazilet Erdem

18 Roma party Tatjana Stamenkovska


Page 3

Who are we? We are young, we are in the range of 18 to 30 and we are EVS volunteers. We come in different cor-

ners of Europe, as well as Russia or Turkey. Pro-ject themes are different, eg youth work, envi-ronmental protection, development aid, or theater. Hosts us youth organizations or youth hostels. Our EDS last for different lengths of time. From short to long term (2-12 months). You ask if you need some special ability? No. Just know a little English understood. Even you will not need to break the piggy bank with

savings. 90% is paid by the grant.Volunteer activities should lead to the volun-teers in the host organization learned some-thing and develop their skills. There should be routine and not overly responsi-

ble.How do we start? At the beginning it is necessary to choose a your na-cional organiza-tion that is ac-credited for sending volun-teers EDS (the sending organization). Its mission is to help you prepare for voluntary service and be in contact with you during your stay abroad. The sending organization, refer to the EDS data-

base on www.evsdatabase.eu.

Our organization Association Pavel Satev Ko-cani is an organization, which currently hosts over 20 volunteers from Turkey, Moldova, Esto-nia, France and Czech. We focus on teaching the mother tongue of our volunteers. Further-more, we hear in our EVS radio http://myradi-ostream.com/evsradio, which is broadcast live.

EVS volutneers

Kdo jsme? Jsme mladí, je nám v rozmezí od 18 do 30 a jsme dobrovolníky Evrop-ské dobrovolné služby. Pocházíme u

různých koutů Evropy, ale také Ruska nebo Turecka. Témata projektů jsou různá, např. práce s mládeží, ochrana životního prostředí, rozvojová pomoc, nebo divadlo. Hostí nás nez-iskové organizace nebo domovy mládeže. Naše EDS trvají různě dlouho dobu. Od krátko-dobé až po dlouhodobou (2-12měsíců). Ptáš se, zda potřebuješ nějakou speciální schopno-st? Ne. Stačí umět jen trochu domluvit an-glicky. Dokonce ani nebudeš potřebovat roz-bíjet prasátko s úsporami. 90% je placeno z

grantu. Činnost dobrovolníka by měla vést k tomu,

aby se dobrovolník v hosti telské organizaci něco naučil a rozvinul své schopnosti. Neměla by být rutinní a ani přehnaně

zodpovědná.Jak tedy začít? Na začátku je třeba vybrat si národní organizaci, která je akredi-tována pro vysílání dobrovolníků EDS (tzv. vy-sílající organizaci). Jejím

úkolem je pomoci vám s přípravou na dobro-volnou službu a být s vámi v kontaktu během vašeho pobytu v zahraničí. Vysílající organizaci si vyhledejte ve veřejné Databázi EDS na www.


Naše organizace Asociace Pavel Satev Kočani je organizací, která v současné době hostí před 20 dobrovolníků z Turecka, Moldávie, Estons-ka, Francie či Česka. Zaměřujeme se na výuku jazyků, které vyučují naši dobrovolníci. Dále je nás slyšet v našem EVS rádiu http://myradios-

tream.com/evsradio, které je vysíláno živě.

EVS dobrovolníci

As we derive weeksby Tereza Šamšulová

Young people who brought a brave decision in their life, for leaving our old style of life and accepting the chalenge called „volunteering“ in a foreign country. Our new experience in life, called volun-teerizam is represent by the „New Youn Moon“. To us was given the chance for teambuilding and es-

tablishment of new friendships. Here are all of ours expectations, contribution and concerns to the pro-gram.

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„Volunteers with the alternate, leaving old, checking in new. New Moon was necessary to start teambuilding. They were written, all expectations, our contributions to the program and concerns. „ Our expectations included slogans like to learn something new, gain new experiences and learn more about the culture in Macedonia. Our deposits have power and work with young people. A concern? Never eat pork, culture shock and the fear of it that we wont learn anything new. All continued to play the molecule. With the introduction of new projects with us Blagoj in-tends. Unfortunately, the event was discontinued early because it started to rain. Beautiful summer rain. In the afternoon we all gathered on the field behind the school and what we tried to have her disability.

We created a makeshift glasses from plastic cups with whom we played football. The game we brought down many local children who improved football this much fun. Overall, we enjoyed a day full of laughter and fun. On Friday, in the city there was no running water, so we looked it up and we went to the pool.

The following week was again in project summaries. We got a sewing machine for our pro-ject. The machine is over a hundred years old, but is splendid. Thanks to the kind and helpful people we were able to put into operation this machine and we can start to sew. We split the program on our ra-dio. So we can listen online at http://myradiostream. com/evsradio. Weeks go by and our projects receive direc-tion. Our existing project as bags. Nothing is free, so

we went in groups to local factories for the produc-tion of textiles. Factories were great, some were sit-ting hundreds of women and men as a sewing ma-chine and sew blouses, shirts or leggings. We always explain who we are and what our project and we organized the residues we have to sew bags for lo-cal residents. All groups were very successful, and our office is slowly starting to look exactly like in the factories, all the residues. The penultimate week of July again began teaching languages. So who would like to learn Turkish, has the opportunity every day between 18:00 and 20:00 at a local school, which now sits empty because children have vacation. And we also have learning Czech. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Between 17:00 and 19:00 in our EVS Of-fice.

Jak nám plynou týdnyby Tereza Šamšulová

Dobrovolníci se tu střídají, odjíždějí staří, přijížděné noví. Nový měsíc bylo nutno začít teambuildingem. Byly sepsány, všechny

očekávání, naše vklady do programu a obavy. Mezi naše očekávání patřilo hesla jako naučit se něco nového, získat nové zkušenosti nebo naučit se něco víc o kultuře v Makedonii. Naše vklady byly síla a práce s mladými lidmi. A obavy? Nikdy nesníst

vepřové maso, kulturní šok a obava z toho, že se nic nového neučíme. Vše pokračovala hrou na moleku-ly. Představením nových projektů, které s námi Blagoj zamýšlí. Bohužel akce byla ukončena předčasně, protože začalo pršet. Krásný letní deštík. Odpoledne jsme se všichni sešli na hřišti za

školou a vyzkoušeli jsme si jaké to ji mít postižení. Vytvořili jsme si provizorní brýle z plastových kelímků, s kterými jsme hráli fotbal. Ke hře jsme strhli mnoho místních dětí, které tento vylepšený fotbal moc bavil. Celkově jsme si užili den plný smí-chu a zábavy. V pátek v celém městě netekla voda,

tak jsme ji vyhledali my a šli jsme na koupaliště.Následující týden byl opět ve shrnutí projektů. Dostali jsme také šicí stroj pro náš projekt. Stroj je přes sto let starý, ale je nádherný. Díky hodným a ochotným lidem se nám povedlo tento stroj zpro-voznit a můžeme začít šít. Rozdělili jsme si program v našem rádiu . Takže nás můžete poslouchat online

na http://myradiostream.com/evsradio. Týdny plynou a naše projekty dostávají směr. Nás stávající projekt jsou tašky. Nic není zadarmo a tak jsme se po skupinkách vydali do místních továren na výrobu textilu. Továrny byly velké, v některých seděly i stovky žen a mužů za šicími stroji a šili halenky, košile nebo legíny. Vždy jsme vysvětlili kdo jsme a jaký je náš projekt a pořádali jsme o zbyt-

ky látek, abychom z nich mohli ušít tašky pro místní obyvatele. Všechny skupiny byly velmi úspěšné a v naší kanceláři to pomalu začíná vypadat přesně jako

v továrnách, všude jsou zbytky látek. Předposlední týden v červenci opět začala výuka jazyků. Takže kdo by se chtěl naučit turecky, tak má možnost každý den od 18:00 a od 20:00 v místní škole, která teď zeje prázdnotou, protože děti mají prázdniny. A také máme výuku češtiny. Každé pondělí, středu a pátek. Od 17:00 a od 19:00 v naší

EVS kanceláři.

Page 5

Ramadanby Esra Pehlivan

Ramazan Orucu İslâm’ın şartlarından biridir. Allah Resûlü (S.A.V.) şöyle buyurmuştur: “İslam beş şey üz-erine bina olunmuştur. Bunlar, Allah’tan başka ilah olmadığına ve Muhammed’in O’nun Resûlü olduğuna şehâdet etmek, namaz kılmak, zekat vermek, Ramazan Orucunu tutmak, Beyt’i (kâbeyi)


Resûlullah (S.A.V.): “Oruç, yememek ve içmemek değildir. Ancak oruç, hayırsız ve fâhiş sözden oruç tutmaktır. Biri sana sövdüğü veya cahilce davrandığı zaman ‘ben oruçluyum, ben oruçluyum’ de” buyurmuştur (Sahihtir, İbni Huzeyme). Oruç ibadetinin temel hedefi insanları takvaya eriştirmektir. Bu bizzat Kur’an-ı Kerim’de “ Ey iman edenler! Allah’a karşı gelmekten sakınmanız için oruç, sizden öncekilere farz kılındığı gibi, size de farz kılındı (Bakara, 2/183) şeklinde ifade edilmektedir. Oruç ibadeti kanaatkarlığımızı güçlendirir. Açlık çeken insan yoksulun, muhtacın durumunu anlar ve kanaat etmenin önemini daha iyi kavrar. Artık israf edemez olur. Allah Resulü’nün “Kanaat bitmeyen bir hazinedir (Beyhakî, “Zühd”, 2/88)” sözü, müminin kulaklarında yankılanır. Nimetin eskisinden daha çok kadrini bilen insan, Allah’a olan şükrünü artırır. Oruç ibadeti, insana iftar ve sahur ile, kılınan teravih namazlarıyla, diğer ibadetlerle hayata çekidüzen verme imkânı tanır. Ramazan orucu kimlere farzdır? Akıllı, ergenlik çağına ulaşmış ve oruç tutmasına en-gel bir mazereti olmayan her Müslümanın Ramazan orucunu tutması farzdır. Yolculuk,Hamilelik ve çocuk emzirme Hastalık,Zor ve meşakkatli işlerde çalışmak,Yaşlılık Mazeretlerine sahip kimselerin Ramazanda oruç tutmakla yükümlü olmayıp daha sonra kaza etmelerine veya yerine fidye vermelerine ruhsat tanınmıştır. Oruç tutma zamanı tan yerinin ağarması (fecr-i sadık) ile başlar, güneşin batmasına kadar devam eder. Oruca başlamaya imsak, orucu açmaya ise iftar denir.

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Iftar our volunteers

Iftar in the world

Page 7

History of the sewing machine Singer

by Tatjana Stamenkovska

How it nice singing ...

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Today the small town Kocani what is located in the Eastern Part of Macedonia with around 36000 inhabitants and just 64 km

from the Bulgarian border is home to over 20 vol-unteers from all parts of Europe and Turkey thanks to the association “Pavel Satev”, as their host or-ganization providing them to work on various volunteering projects and on this way to build bridge of understanding between the young

people in Europe. But the very begin-nings of the volonterizam in this town happened around 150 years ago, when the young sower Milan Guto af-ter finishing his sowing training experience, bought his first sowing machine from the brand “Singer” and opened his own small sow-

ing workshop.At that time Kocani num-bered just 5000 inhabitants, most of them poor farmers what couldn’t provide themselves to pay for sow-ing new clothes. Milan Guto was the first volun-teer in Kocani what offered his time and services to this people to manufac-tured them new clothes for free. On this way he helped to many people, and with his good deeds stayed in the memories of Kocani people as their first volun-

teer. When his today in-heritors found out for work of the “Pavel Satev” associa-tion, and that the today vol-unteers from all over the world are following Milan Guto footprints what he left many years ago, they decid-ed to contribute his sowing machine to the association, to be motivation to the young volunteers in future.

Денес малиот град Кочани кој се наоѓа во источниот дел на Кочани со околу 36000 население и на само 64 км од Бугарската

граница е дом на повеќе од 20 волонтери од сите делови на Европа и Турција благодарение на асоцијацијата Павел Шатев, како нивна домаќин организација, која им овозможува да работат на различни проекти од волонтерски карактер и на тој начин да градат мост на

разбирање помеѓу младите луѓе во Европа. Но првите почетоци на волонтеризмот во Кочани се случија пред околу 150 години, кога младиот шивач Милан Гуто по завршувањето на шивачката пракса ја купи својата прва машина за шиење од марката Сингер и отвори своја мала

шивачка работилница.Во тоа време Кочани имаше само околу 5000 жители, најголемиот дел

сиромашни земјоделци кои не можеа да си дозволат да го платат шиење на нови алишта. Милан Гуто беше првиот волонтер во Кочани

кој им го понуди на овие луѓе неговото време и услуги да им сошие безплатно нови алишта. На овој начин тој им има помогнато на многу луѓе и со неговите добри дела остана во сеќавањата на луѓето од Кочани како

нивниот прв волонтер. Кога денешните негови наследници дознаа за работата на асоцијацијата Павел Шатев, и дека денешните волонтери од целиот свет ѓи следат стапките на Милан Гуто кој тој ѓи остави многу години одамна, тие решија да ја подарат неговата Машина за Шиење на асоцијацијата, да биде мотивација на младите волонтери за во


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Step Up:

by Zinaida Cinac





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The day I arrived to Macedonia I found out that in few days in Prilep (a city in the South of the country, known as “the city under Marko’s Towers”) there is going to be a beer festival, the biggest one on Balkans, and the guest of this year is Goran Bregović. I’m used to listen to his

music when I was a child and it was such a surprise for me that I decided to go there without any doubts. So, it was the first step up to explore the country. We were five people from five different countries traveling together: Blagoj ( ‘вистински македонски маж’ that means a real Macedonian man) and his team of volunteers: Tereza (Czech republic), Esra (Turkey), Asta (Lithuania) and me (Republic of Moldova). Our trip started early in the morning. It was Saturday. First we decided to go to Ohrid, a very beautiful city on Lake Ohrid. It is also notable for once having had 365 churches, one for each day of the year. It took us almost four hours to get to Ohrid. We needed to find a place to stay, because according to plan that Blagoj suggested and all of us accepted, we were going to spend a night there. The interesting thing is that it was enough to get out of the car near the bus station of the city and just wait for couple of minutes. People started coming to us asking if we are looking for accommodation. Everyone was trying to convince us that his flat is the best one. It was so funny to watch them and understand nothing! Because none of us, I mean ladies, spoke Macedonian! After Blagoj made a deal with one of the landowners, we went to see his flat.


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We were walking around the city, we saw that famous lake that looked gorgeous and we decided to swim in it but suddenly our plans were broken by unexpected rain.

After lunch we went to our place to have siesta! Everyone was so tired that we slept until evening. Later we went out for a short walk because in the morning we were supposed to go to Prilep, so, we went to bed pretty early. In the morning Blagoj had a new plan! He suggested us to go to see Struga, ‘Town on a River’. Of course we liked the idea and here we are! We arrived there in less than half an hour, had breakfast and walked a little bit. The weather was so hot that we decided to swim in that river, called Drim River. But the way we did it will always stay in my mind! We jumped from the bridge into that river! It was scary! Funny! Incredible! I can’t explain what I was feeling during that time we were sitting on that bridge trying to decide when to jump! Asta was waiting for me to be ready but I think it took me a while so, she just asked me: Are you coming or not? And I said YES! One, two, three! And the river is taking us away! Its water was so warm and so fast! The rest of our friends where taking pictures and videos of us jumping from the bridge. Thank you guys, Tereza, Blagoj and Esra! I will watch it again and again! So, this jump was my second step up! It helped me to fight my fear of altitude! And it gave me one more unforgettable memory! You try it once, you like it, and I do it again to get that crazy taste of life! Here is the video of our jump from the bridge! And also a picture of three of us, me, Blagoj and Asta jumping into the river.

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We enjoyed our time for couple of hours and then went to Prilep, to beer festival, which was supposed to be our main destination!

The concert was great! Balkans! Goran Bregović! Dancing! And my last step up was done to the stage, I wanted to enjoy the concert from there and went through the huge crowd. And there I saw one of my Macedonian friends whom I met a year before in Turkey on a folk festival. He was standing right in front of the stage. Such a surprise for both of us!

So, if you are on a bridge above a river and somebody asks you: ’Are you coming or not?’ say YES! And don’t be afraid of making a step up!

Greetings from Kočani! Sincerely yours, Zinaida Celac

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Sport is my life...

Sport is my hobby...

Sport is my free time...

by Melih Kurt

Page 14

Merhaba ben Melih. Koçani’de Avrupa Gönüllü Hizmeti projeleri için bulunmaktayım. İlgi alanım basketbol ve basketbol oynamayı çok seviyorum. Çünkü oynarken başka bir dünyada olduğumu düşünüyorum ve adeta zaman duruyor . Buradaki koordinatörüm aracılığıyla bana verilen görevlerden bir tanesi Koçani’de basketbol oynayan gruplarla kaynaşmak ve onlarla aktivite yapmaktı . Bende bunu bas-ketbolla ilgilenerek değerlendirdim ve on-larla kaynaştım. burada gerçekten basket-bola büyük ilgi var. Şaşırdığım bir nokta kırk ve kırk yaş üstü oyuncu sayısı hiçte az değil . Onlar gerçekten muazzam oynuyor-lar. Gençlerde fena değil. Onlarla oyun oynamak gerçekten çok keyifliydi . Dostluğumuzu ilerletmiş vaziyetteyim . Be-

raber sadece basketbol değil farklı aktivitel-erde yapıyoruz . Mesela havuza gitmiştik geçen hafta ondan önce bi kafede oturup muhabbet etmiştik . Dediğim gibi burada ki basketbol potansiyeli hayli yüksek . Bu konuya duyarlı olmaları beni de mutlu edi-yor . Amacım daha fazla arkadaş edinmek ve bir turnuva düzenlemek. Araştırmalarım devam ediyor . Buna sevineceklerine emin-im . Koçani’ye gelirsek ; Koçani küçük ve çok az gelişmiş bir yer . Makedonya’nın en küçük şehirlerinden biri . Belediye pek spo-ra önem vermese de halk kendi çabalarını kullanarak bu eksikliklerini tamamlıyor. Benim Koçani’de yani Makedonya’da bas-ketbol deneyimlerim ve gözlemlerim bu ka-dar . Makedonlarla da oynamak gerçekten ayrı bir keyif.

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De asma bitkisinde ki gözlemlerim

by Fazilet Erdem

Bir ziraat mühendisi olarak ilgimi ilk çeken bitkiler oluyor tabi. Koçani’de hemen hemen her bahçede asma var ve hepsinde gözlemlediğim tek belirti var. Yapraklarında kabarmalar ve daha sonra kabarık yerlerin kızarması. Merak ettim ve biraz araştırma yaptıktan sonra birkaç bilgi edindim. Anladığım

kadarıyla koçani’de zirai ilaç ve gübreleme popüler değil. Bu insan sağlığı için çok güzel bir uygulama fakat ilaçlar ve gübreler doğru zaman ve doğru şekilde kullanıldığı takdirde zararı aza iner. En güzeli doğal hayat, doğal yaşam. Doğayı sev ki o da seni sevsin ve beslesin.

Öncelikle yaprak altlarında gördüğüm yumurtalar ve yumurtalarından çıkmış olan yavru böcekler dikkatimi çekti. Latince ismi Nezera viridula (Pis kokulu yeşil böcek) kendisi zararlı bir böcektir ve anneler-ini evin birkaç yerinde gördüm pis koku yayarlar. Asma yaprağının altını kullanıyor yumurtalarını bırakmak için ve bu fotoğrafı Koçani de yaşadığım evimin balkonundan çektim. Yumurta dizilimler her zaman şahanedir ve hepsinin farklı yapısı vardır. Bu fotoğraf da 15 yumurta ve bu yumurtalardan çıkmış olan minik böcekler bulunuyor. Pis kokulu yeşil böcek domates, biber de zararlıdır ve asma bitkisini kendisine ev olarak kullanabilir.

Birde yaprak uyuzu (bağ uyuzu) var tüm yapraklara yayılan. Üzümlerin kalitesini düşürüyor ve yapılarını bozuyor. Latince ismi Vitis vinifera. Bağ uyuzu bir hastalıktır ve akar türüdür. Yaprağı emerek zarar verir. Sadece asma bitkisinde zararlıdır. Bu durumu kontrol altına almak için “ kükürt uygulaması “ yapılmalıdır.

Lütfen Doğayı sevin ve koruyun

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Vine plants that are my observations

by Fazilet Erdem

Firstly, it was the plant that attracted my attention as an agricultural engineer as expected. There are vine plants in almost every garden in Kočani, and all of them have got the same symptoms of the same diseas: budding and after it reddening on fluffy parts of the leaves. I was curious about this

situation and, after some researching, i got some information. As I understand, using pesticides and fertilizers is not popular in Kočani . This is a very nice application to human health, when it is the right time and the right way, but when using drugs and loss of fertilizers is minimized. The best way is the natural world, if you love and feed the nature, the nature always love and feed you.

First of all I have ever seen beneath leaf insects, eggs and fry eggs that had caught my attention. It Latin name is Nezera viridula (green stinking bug) is an insect pest itself and emit a foul odor mother. I saw a few places in the house using gold grape leaves to lay their eggs, and I took this photograph where I stayed in Kočani. Their shape looks fantastic and all of them are always different from the structure of the egg sequences. These photographs shows us 15 eggs and the little incets that exit from their eggs. Foul-smelling green insect is harmful for tomatoes and peppers and can use vine as its home.

In addition to that, leaf mange (scabies bond) is spreading all the leaves. This causes that lower the quality of the grapes and ruint the structure of the leaves.. The Latin name of the Vitis vinifera. Bond is a type of mange mite is a disease. It damages by sucking and just harmful for hanging plant. To take con-trol of this situation, “sulfur application” should be made.

Please love and protect nature

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Roma partyby Tatjana Stamenkovska

The roma commu-nity from Kocani, on the 16/06/2013 organized a roma

party event. At the beginning their idea was to gather just the members of the community. Soon this idea was extended, and they decided to invite the turkish volunteers and the mem-bers of the Association Pavel Satev, who gladly ex- cept the invitation.

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The party started around 15:00 in a big house yard near the center. The opening was made by DJ Seven who was playing a mix of Roma, Turkish and Macedonian songs.

Romani orgaizacija tari Kocani kerga romani zabava kate sikavjam amari muzika, tradicija em kultura.Amare misafirija sine EVS volonterija tari Turcija, ola ne samo so sine clenja ko kelibe tuku ola sine aktivna ko sikavibe ko amare bijavngere tradicionalna adetija. Amen sijam roma i mangas te zapencaras amari tradicija i kultura i te sikavas lengeri tradicija i kultura za posukar druzima em kontaktirima te steknina o amalipe od avere taneste so razno manusenca.” “The Roma people community from Kocani organized Roma Party event, on

which we presented our music, tradition and culture. Our special guest were the Turkish EVS volunteers, who not only have join the party, but as well they active participated in the presentation of our traditional customs”. We Roma people want to introduce the world with our culture as well to be introduced with differ-ent cultures so to be able to understand and became friends with people from all around the world.

Soon a lot of people joined the party, and many of bystanders who accidentally were close by came to dance between the cheerful crowd.

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At the end of the party one girl of the volunteers was dressed up in a traditional Roma clothes. She was wearing silky white pajama with silk white shirt all decorated with thread of sterling silver. On her head they put red scarf what was decorated with golden coins.

After that all the girls painted their hands with “k’na“ , as part of their tradi-tional wedding customs.

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Around 20:00 the party ended, leaving behind many photos and memories to the participants. This was excellent example of multicultural gathering at one place.

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Thank you for reading.

The magazine was created in cooperation with

EVS volunteers and coordinators Association Pavel Satev Kocani

[email protected]

Association Pavel Satev KocaniKarl Marks 64Kočani 2300Madeconia