evolution of information technology session i 09:30 - 10:15 dr deepak b phatak, iit bombay

EVOLUTION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Session I 09:30 - 10:15 Dr Deepak B Phatak, IIT Bombay

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    Dr Deepak B Phatak, IIT Bombay

    Evolution Of IT

  • SESSION OVERVIEWDefinition of ITTechnology That Permits Us To Capture, Validate, Store, Retrieve, Analyse, Present, Disseminate, And Archieve InformationGrowth Of Modern IT

    Evolution Of IT

  • FIVE DECADES OF COMPUTER EVOLUTIONThe Dark AgesThe Early Electronic EraThe Middle AgesProliferation of the IT CultureThe Current ScenarioWhat does the Future hold

    Evolution Of IT

  • PRE-HISTORIC COMPUTERSMechanical ComputersElectro-Mechanical MachinesThe Early Electronic Era

    Evolution Of IT

  • MECHANICAL COMPUTERSWilhelm Schickhard 1623 Blaise Pascal 1642 Gottfried Liebniz 1671Charles BabbageDifference Engine 1823Analytical Engine 1834

    Evolution Of IT

  • Mechanical/Electro-mechanicalArithmometre, Charles Thoma 1820Comptometer, D.E. Felt 1885Puched-Card Tabulating MachineHervnan Hollerith (Census Data) 1890 Comparing Tabulating Recording Company 1911Renamed IBM 1924.

    Evolution Of IT

  • Mechanical/Electro-mechanicalMechanical Computer Z1 by Konrad Zuse 1938Design of General Purpose ComputerHoward Aiken 1937Harvard Mark I 1939 - 1944

    Evolution Of IT

  • ELECTRONIC COMPUTERSInformation Transmission at Speed of Light (3,00,000 km/s)Triode Vacuum Tube Lee De Forest 1906Attempts by Atanasoft in Late 1930s

    Evolution Of IT

  • ELECTRONIC COMPUTERSENIAC built John W. Mauchly & J. Presper Eckert 30 tons, over 18,000 Vacuum TubesCalculation of Ballistics tables3 ms for one addition

    Evolution Of IT

  • STORED PROGRAM ELECTRONIC COMPUTERS John Von Neumann (1903 - 1957)Consultant to ENIAC ProjectProposed EDVAC 1945EDVAC completed in 1951

    Evolution Of IT

  • STORED PROGRAM ELECTRONIC COMPUTERSManchester MARK I Williams & Kilburn 1946First stored Program 21 June 1948 (GC tootills diary) 3.5 million operations to calculate highest factor of an integer.1,30,000 numbers tested, 52 Min.

    Evolution Of IT

  • 1945 - 1955Software in Machine LanguageAssembly Languages EvolveWork Begins on Higher Level Languages.

    Evolution Of IT

  • 1956 - 1965FORTRAN Invented in 1956COBOL Defined & Released in 1960Algol Developed in Europe3GL Programming Becomes The Backbone of Application SoftwareOperating Systems Begin Maturing

    Evolution Of IT

  • 1956 - 1965 (Contd.) Hardware Generations evolveTransistors Deployed in Second Generation MachinesEarly Integrated Circuits Mark Third Generation beginning.

    Evolution Of IT

  • 1966 - 1975VLSI, 4th Generation HardwareBirth of the Microprocessor Intel 1972Main-Frame Centric Computing Becomes Main StayDirect Access Storage Devices.

    Evolution Of IT

  • 1966 - 1975 (Contd.)Software Crisis RecognizedS/W Maintenance Receives AttentionCODASYL Defines First Data Base Management System

    Evolution Of IT

  • 1966 - 1975Codds work on RDBMS released IBM System REarly work on UNIX and C

    Evolution Of IT

  • 1976 - 1985RDBMS gains Acceptance UNIX Replaces proprietary O.S. Software Engineering Methodologies Mature and get adoptedEmergence of Standards

    Evolution Of IT

  • 1976 - 1985 (Contd.)Electronics Goes Sub MicronProcessor Does One Million Instructions Per Second (MIPS)Winchester Technology for DisksSemiconductor Memory Used

    Evolution Of IT

  • 1986 - 1995Microsoft emerges as the main PC Software CompanyClient - Server Computing maturesObject Technologies Gain acceptanceRDBMS products standardization, SQL, SQL-2, Draft SQL3

    Evolution Of IT

  • 1986 - 1995 (Contd.)DSS, Data Warehousing DefinedOn Line Analytical ProcessingNotions of Data Mining EmergeRapid Growth of InternetWorld Wide Web (WWW)Intranets for Corporate Computing

    Evolution Of IT

  • 1986 - 1995 (Contd.)Transaction Processing better understood.Evoluation of SMP and MPP architecturesDigital announces one BIPS processor

    Evolution Of IT

  • 1986 - 1995 (Contd.)Serious work begins on Embedded SystemsLANs and WANs Gain MomentumNetwork Computer Emerges

    Evolution Of IT

  • CURRENT SCENARIOBroad spectrum of ResourcesVery Large (24 x 7) OLTP ServersDistributed Computing is the NormEmbedded Systems are EvolvingSmart CardsIntelligent Appliances

    Evolution Of IT

  • CURRENT SCENARIOMassive Data WarehousesPackaged Software Gains CurrencyMake V/s Buy DecisionMedia Independent Data FormatsFlexible Delivery Mechanisms

    Evolution Of IT

  • THE EMERGING FUTUREInternet Outlets in all BuildingsInformation BonanzaAnywhere, Anytime, Any formIntelligent Appliances EverywhereSoftware Crisis will DeepenChange Management ??

    Evolution Of IT

    Evolution of Information TechnologyInformation Technology (IT) is not a new element in human activities. Any Technology that permits data and information to be captured, validated, stored, retrieved, analysed, presented, disseminated and archived is indeed ITThe first use of pictures drawn in caves by early humans exemplifies human endeavors to store (preserve) and convey information to others. Spoken language and specially the development of written scripts gave rise to what we may term Paper Technologies.Although we regularly use books, ledgers, pens, typewriters, printing machines, etc.; and in more recent times, appliances like Phone, Fax, audio and video devices, etc., we somehow associate the term IT only when Computers of some kind are involved. Just to keep the records straight, I have used the term Modern IT. In our discussions today, we shall use the term IT to mean the composite technology that attempts to use computers and communications for processing information where ever possible, in conjunction with paper technologies where ever required.


    Dr Phatak, IIT BombayEvolution of Information TechnologyDr Phatak, IIT Bombay