evil saints. innocent devils

Evil Saints, Innocent Devils WALID S. SABA A preview of “Evil Saints, Innocent Devils” Copyright (c) 2014, Walid S. Saba

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Page 1: Evil Saints. Innocent Devils

Evil Saints, Innocent Devils


A preview of “Evil Saints, Innocent Devils” Copyright (c) 2014, Walid S. Saba

Page 2: Evil Saints. Innocent Devils


Page 3: Evil Saints. Innocent Devils
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She came from a small Mexican village She is now a dancer A showgirl, if you like Am I a bad girl, she playfully asked Yes, without uttering a word, I replied Why, she wondered Because you believe you are, I said She just smiled And she was bad no more Only sinful

Sadness is the vino of life At first it is hard and bitter But as time goes by Bitterness gives to sweetness And you realize You have been an excellent wine maker

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A Dream

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Tell me, Why do I want you, And then I want someone new? Tell me, Why do I need you, And then Without you I can do? Tell me, Why do I love you, And then My love is not true? Tell me, Why do I crave you, And then I yearn for another stew? Tell me, Tell me anew Tell me, What shall I do?

What shall I do?

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Remember our kingdom? Even the Gods have not been to Such a blissful place Remember the territory we once ruled? Where new feelings were invented? Where new sensations were discovered? Where you live a thousand years In a single day? All but one territory in our kingdom Remained elusive The heart of my majestic queen It was always near me But I could never really touch it

A kingdom without a queen

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Like a little boy, Waiting to unwrap his gift, I feel when you call for me Like a proud eagle, Soaring in the endless sky, I feel when you hold me Like an emperor, Alexander and Caesar would envy, I feel when you embrace me Like a God, In need of nothing, I feel when you love me Summon me, And let me celebrate Hold me, And let me flaunt my wings Embrace me, And let Zeus be enraged with jealousy Love me, And give birth to another God

Summon me

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You poor soul, When a Man said ‘love your enemy’ He did not mean ‘have enemies, and love them’ But live your life so that You have no enemies, To love!

There is no such thing as Looking for love in all the wrong places For how can there be a wrong place When there aren’t any right places My dear, Love is nowhere And everywhere

I often want the loud to be silent And the silent one to speak

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A centrist, In the fight of good vs. evil? A moderate, In the fight against injustice? You coward You hypocrite Be wary of me I am a radical An extremist I harbor a militant soul Watch me come after you I am on a mission to expose you I will be a militant in my fight I aim to demolish you To finish your kind The radical, the militant, the extremist Is who I am Watch out for me, or take a stand … A militant one!

A radical, is who I am

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I desperately needed someone To save me from myself And there she was Staring, and curious I looked lonely, Said lady Braga Like an ill child, She treated me She treated me well We started another festival Ignited a new fire And we danced And I was better But the fire has long subsided Braga! I am ill, Again

I was on my way to nowhere Tired, I unsaddled Its Porto, I was told O my! This is where I was going Without even knowing Every stone here deserves attention Castles are old, Just like I was told The Port is ancient, The beer is always cold And everyone here smiles, All worries are put on hold How can I join this festival, When I foolishly think too much of life You do not grieve near the fire dance You dance, aimlessly You rejoice while you have the chance This fire does not last forever


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Before He took her, The Son of Man, An old child, A weak man, And a drifter Was a hypocrite and a sinner And before she consumed him, Miriam of Mijdel A whole woman, And a royal legend, Was lost and condemned But then he soaked his hands In her suffering And healed his lips with her wounded chest And she dried her tears With his virgin flesh And her thirst was quenched When she swallowed from The abundance of his innocence And they were both holy And they were both pure They were finally The children of love

Children of God

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Back to being a ‘nothing’

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A New Plan

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I have little respect for a man Who believes he is less than another And all the respect for a man Who knows that no other man is lesser

The difference between need and want Is the difference Between love and hate Between life and death Between good and evil

Needs are finite But wants belong to the infinite So if you seek your needs You might attain them But you will never attain your wants

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Copyright (C) Walid Saba, 2014 Evil Saints, Innocent Devils

A drifter in life, I obtained a PhD in Computer Science in 1999. I have over 18 years of experience in IT (the American Institutes for Research, AT&T Bell Labs, Metlife, Nortel, IBM, Cognos), and 7 years in academia. I have more than 30 publications including an award wining paper that I received at KI-2008 I love philosophy, the arts, poetry, music and living life


A PREVIEW Evil Saints, Innocent Devils