evidence 7: as a product is exported to a country


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Page 2: EVIDENCE 7: As a product is exported to a country
Page 3: EVIDENCE 7: As a product is exported to a country


It is a term that includes all parameters you the infusion of coffee. It is an overall assessment of coffee and is often measured with reference to a table of flavors or what is known as the "wheel of coffee flavors.“

AcidityHeartburn is the clear and dry taste that gives life to the coffee cup. What it is perceived acidity not necessarily the pH of coffee, but is considered to be the result of the acids present in coffee

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The regustThe aftertaste is the sensation you feel after swallowing the coffee. The tasters assess the permanence of taste, or the time it takes from initial aromatic sensation inside the throat until the feeling ceases.

BodyThe body weight is the best coffee you can feel letting the coffee rests on the tongue and then spray the tongue to the palate. The body ranges from fine to smooth and strong and then it is a result of the fatty content of coffee. Browns semi-dark and dark roasts have stronger bodies less roasted coffees, but conversely have less acidity.

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To RomeThe aroma of coffee is the product of a complex mixture of volatile compounds in the infusion. They have identified nearly 800 compounds that may affect the aroma, including sulfur compounds.

Bitterness Coffee bitterness, astringency and acidity are all affected

by the roasting process and different levels of hydrocolloids, caffeine and a variety of acids. At low levels, help hide the bitterness and acidity adds another dimension in favor of the infusion. However, at high levels, bitter compounds can dominate the other components in the coffee resulting in some desired effect.

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Colombia currently exports about 560,000 tons a year, which account for approximately 85% of its production. The main

international stock trading of this product is New York.Unroasted coffee decaffeinated (0901110000), corresponding to green decaffeinated coffee, strongly represents 99.64% of total exports. However it is worth mentioning that there are

two other products: (0901120000) unroasted coffee decaffeinated, and (0901212000) Roasted coffee,

decaffeinated, ground.

United States, Germany and Japan are the main buyers of green coffee with a share of 64% in the total exports from Colombia, followed in importance by Canada, Belgium and

Luxembourg, Holland (Netherlands), France, Sweden, Spain , Italy and the UK.

In relation to exports from the other two products, the main buyers of unroasted coffee, decaffeinated are the US (74%) and Spain (22%); the roasted coffee, decaffeinated, ground are France (40%) and the US (17%). Exports to France and

Spain have important positive growth rates.

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Page 8: EVIDENCE 7: As a product is exported to a country


Not all countries follow the same protocol to allow the entry of food through its borders. It is therefore important to know in advance the foreign markets or to those who want to direct our production to not go from window to window. However, the small business owner who starts the process of internationalization of the SME end acquainted with a few documents are essential in delivering the goods:

Single Administrative Document (SAD):It is a document that is always required in the office of exit. The DUA is simply a documented statement of the characteristics of the operation. Although you can directly submit the exporter it is often that manages a customs agent.

Temporary Import. ATA carnet:In signatory countries of the Convention on Temporary Admission (Istanbul Convention) the ATA carnet necessary. (Admission temporaire - Temporary Admission) for trade in various goods. It's kind of merchandise passport that allows the entrepreneur to save paperwork and collateral or other security deposits in the customs of the signatory countries of the Convention. However each country determines which products may benefit from this document can be obtained from the corresponding Chamber of Commerce.

Certificate of origin:It is with the sanitary and phytosanitary (food, mainly meat product) a document that you will need for almost all countries outside the European Union who want to send their merchandise. The certificate of origin shall be processed in the chamber of commerce. The others in the health delegations of the Government. You can find more information on General Health Branch agreements and border controls.

Export license:It is necessary to export products that have limitations in the country, both qualitative and quantitative (weapons, toxic materials). It comes in the port of embarkation and commercial and financial terms stated by operators are detailed.

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ROUTESDESTINATION ESTIMATED TIME (days)Cartagena – Costa Este Estados Unidos 4-8

Cartagena – Costa Oeste Estados Unidos 12-15

Cartagena – Europa Norte 13-15Buenaventura – Costa Este Estados Unidos 8-10

Buenaventura – Costa Oeste Estados Unidos 12-15

Buenaventura – Europa Norte 17-19Buenaventura – Japón 28-32

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